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George MacKinnon PhD
Founding Dean, Professor
Department of School of Pharmacy Administration
Division of Administration

Health Research Center
8701 Watertown Plank Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226

03/2004 - 12/2004 Associate Medical Director, Global Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Global Pharmaceutical Research & Development, Abbott Laboratories Inc
03/2004 - 05/2006 Director, Global Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Global Pharmaceutical Research & Development, Abbott Laboratories Inc

1997 Nominated for the Albert B. Prescott/Glaxo National Leadership Award, Phi Delta Chi
05/1998 Achievement Award for Community Service, UpJohn
2004 Nominated for Lyman Research Award, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
12/2020 Appointed to the Editorial Board, Wisconsin Medical Journal (WMJ)
2020 - Present Distinguished Scholar Fellow, National Academies of Practice (NAP)

2009 - Present Northern Illinois Society of Hospital Pharmacists (NISHP) (Member)
2015 - Present Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (Member)

2006 - 2008 InetCEtm an Internet continuing education publication, Founding Editor
Editorial Board
2020 - Present Wisconsin Medical Journal
Journal Review
1999 - Present Pharmacy Times Reviewer
2020 - Present Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (JAPhA)
2020 - Present American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE)
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
2002 - 2006 Pharmacy Practice News, Expert Panel Commentator in Technology

1991 - 1996 Professional Affairs Division, Illinois Council of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ICHP)
1991 - 1993 Board member, Illinois Council of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ICHP)
1992 Nominations Committee, Illinois Council of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ICHP)
1992 - 1993 President, Metro East Society of Hospital Pharmacists (MESHP)
1996 - 1998 Ad-hoc Committee on Reimbursement for Cognitive Services, Illinois Council of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ICHP)
1997 Educational Affairs Division, Illinois Council of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ICHP)
2007 - 2008 Professional Competencies Panel, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
2013 - 2014 Developing the Pharmacy Benefits University, Pharmacy Outcomes Specialists
2015 - Present Board Member, Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin
2016 - Present Board Member, Vivent Health formerly AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (ARCW)
2019 - Present Executive Committee, Vivent Health formerly AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (ARCW)
2019 - Present Quality Assurance, Vivent Health formerly AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (ARCW)
2020 - Present Member, PSW Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team, Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin

1990 - Present Reviewer, Midyear and Annual papers, American Society of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ASHP)
1993 Invited Participant, Invitational Conference on Implementing Pharmaceutical Care, American Society of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ASHP)
1993 - 1998 INS Representative, Chicago College of Pharmacy, American Society of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ASHP)
06/1994 Educational Programming Associate, Annual Meeting, American Society of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ASHP)
07/1994 Member, Focus Group on Computer Assisted Instruction, American Society of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ASHP)
1994 Participant, Center for the Advancement of Pharmaceutical Education (CAPE), American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
1994 - Present Member, Ambulatory Practice and Research Network (PRN), American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)
03/1995 Coordinator, Educational Program for the Annual Meeting, American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA)
12/1995 Educational Programming Associate, Midyear Meeting, American Society of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ASHP)
1995 - 1996 Member, Task Force: Experiential Experiences, Entry-Level PharmD Education, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
06/1996 Educational Programming Associate, Annual Meeting, American Society of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ASHP)
1996 - 1998 Faculty Diplomat, Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP)
1998 - 1999 Member, Committee on the Internet for Continuing Professional Education Section, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
12/1999 Educational Programming Associate, Midyear Meeting, American Society of Healthsystems Pharmacists (ASHP)
2002 Reviewer, Innovations in Teaching Competition, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
2004 - 2009 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)
2011 - Present Reviewer, Accreditation Site Team, Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE)
2011 Member, AACP Dean's Development Task Force, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
2012 - 2013 Member, Task Force Patient-Centered Medical Home/Accountable Care Organizations, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
2012 - 2013 Chair, Payment Policy Work Group, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
2012 - 2013 Member, Annual Meeting Planning Committee, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
2013 - 2014 Member, Dean’s Task Force on Professional Identity Formation, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
2016 - 2018 Member, Professional Affairs Committee, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
2020 - Present Member, Policy Advisory Task Force, AACP
2020 - Present Chair, Strategic Engagement Committee, AACP

Peer Review
An Interprofessional Education-Pediatrics Through Aging (IPEPA)
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Role & Effort:
Academic Pharmacy Partner
Direct Funds:
Creation of an Academic Concentration: Clinical Services Community Pharmacy: Educate students and pharmacists on medication therapy management (MTM) services for advanced practice pharmacy experiences
NACDS Foundation Pharmacy Partners Program
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Non-Peer Review
Comparison of EMERPHEDtm (Ephedrine Sulfate) Injection with Current Concentrated Ephedrine Products in Simulated Clinical Settings
Nexus Pharmaceuticals
Role & Effort:
- 12/2020
Direct Funds:

“Maintaining the Five “Ps” in a Pandemic” 8 vo CONGERSO NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS QUÍMICO BIOLÓGICAS, Virtual, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico, - 10/19/2020
Competency Driven/Patient Focused: A Call to Action in Global Pharmacy Education, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Mexico, - 10/22/2018
Identification of Ambulatory Practice Environments Supportive of Pharmaceutical Care, ASHP Midyear Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 12/1995
“Urgent Call for Primary Care Pharmacist Practitioners: Academic and Clinical Partnerships With Physician Organizations”, AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 07/2019
“Concept for Embedded Primary Care Pharmacist Practitioners (PCPPs): Addressing Quadruple Aim through Value-Proposition!”, APhA Annual Meeting (recorded talk due to COVID-19), Washington DC, 03/2020
Education: Current and Future Directions, AMA-ASHP Pharmacogenomics Virtual Summit (Series #6), Virtual, - 03/18/2021
“Rapid-Action Response for Education (RARE) for COVID-19 Immunization”, Virtual, California Northstate University, Elk Grove, CA, - 01/16/2021
“School of Pharmacy Case Study at Weekly COVID-19 Webinar Planning Meeting”, Virtual American Pharmacists Association, - 01/16/2021
Pharmacists on the Frontlines of the Pandemic and Health Care, Central Association of Advisors for the Health Professions Conference, Virtual, - 04/15/2021
Critical Pathways, Our Lady of the Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago, IL, 02/1996
The Power of Academic-Practice Partnerships Between Medicine and Pharmacy”, Medical College of Wisconsin Midwest Teachers Retreat, Milwaukee, WI, 11/2019

Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - 2008 Professional Competencies Panel, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
2013 - 2014 Pharmacy Outcomes Specialists Developing the Pharmacy Benefits University
2015 - Present Board Member, Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin
2016 - Present Steering Committee, Training Grant: MCW Academic Fellowship Primary Care Research
2016 - Present Board Member, Vivent Health formerly AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (ARCW)
2017 - Present Executive Committee, Training Grant, MCW Cardiovascular Center,
2017 - Present Internal Advisory Board Member, MCW Genomic Science and Precision Medicine Center
2019 - Present Executive Committee and Quality Assurance Committee (Chair), Vivent Health formerly AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (ARCW)

Pharmacy Student Education
1988 - 1990 University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy Administration Courses
1990 - 1993 Saint Louis College of Pharmacy, Therapeutics-PharmD (PP 4001-4002, 5001-5002): Hepatic Disorders, Alcohol Withdrawal, Drugs in Pregnancy/Contraception, Immunology
1991 - 1993 Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Family Practice Residency Program, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacotherapeutics, and Pharmacoeconomics
1993 - 1998 Chicago College of Pharmacy Midwestern University, Applied Pharmaceutical Care II and III (PHARM 482 and 483)
1993 - 1998 Chicago College of Pharmacy Midwestern University, OTC I (PHARM 382)
1993 - 1998 Chicago College of Pharmacy Midwestern University, Pharmacotherapeutics (PHARM 492)
1993 - 1998 Chicago College of Pharmacy Midwestern University, Pharmacy Outcomes, 3 credits (PHARM 581)
1993 - 1998 Chicago College of Pharmacy Midwestern University, Professional Practice Experience (PHARM 582-585)
1993 - 1998 Chicago College of Pharmacy Midwestern University, Professional Practice Colloquia (PHARM 580)
1993 - 1998 Chicago College of Pharmacy Midwestern University, Drug Literature Evaluation (PHARM 471)
1993 - 1998 Chicago College of Pharmacy Midwestern University, Biotechnology Module (PHARM 565 G), elective
1998 - 1990 University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy, Lecturer, Hospital Pharmacy Administration Courses
1998 - 2000 College of Pharmacy Glendale Midwestern Univeristy, Introduction to Professional Practice, 2 credits (PPRA 591-593)
1998 - 1999 College of Pharmacy Glendale Midwestern University, Health Care Systems, 3 credits (PPRA 571)
1999 - 2003 College of Pharmacy Glendale Midwestern University, Pharmacy Law (PPRA 524)
1999 - 2000 College of Pharmacy Glendale Midwestern University, Integrated Sequence (PHID 583, 594, 685, 688, 690, 787)
2000 College of Pharmacy Glendale Midwestern University, Current Topics in Health Care, 1.5 credits (elective)
2000 - 2003 College of Pharmacy Glendale Midwestern University, Health Economics and Outcomes Assessment, 3 credits (PPRA 677)
2000 College of Pharmacy Glendale Midwestern University, Behavioral Medicine/Ethics, 2 credits (PPRA 665)
2011 - 2015 College of Pharmacy Roosevelt University Chicago, Colloquia Introduction to the Pharmacy Profession (PHAR 500)
2017 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, various courses, labs, symposia, grand rounds
Community/Lay Public
1999 - 2006 Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management, Executive Education, In Executive Education program to healthcare executives, pharmacists, and pharmaceutical executives and researchers.

Educational Programs
2002 - 2003 Assisted in the development of Cardiology and Infectious Disease Pharmacy Practice Residency Programs, College of Pharmacy- Glendale

03/31/1993 "Current Therapies for Treatment of AIDS and HIV Infected Patients": sponsored by St. Elizabeth's Hospital Department of Pharmacy and the Saint Louis College of Pharmacy, Belleville, IL. Educational grant of $3,500 provided by Pfizer/Roerig. {4 hours C.E.-ACPE, C.M.E.-AMA} Coordinator and Speaker.
04/22/1993 "Communication Skills in Pharmaceutical Care": a Roadshow sponsored by ICHP to affiliate chapters, presented to the Metro East Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Belleville, IL. Educational grant provided by ICHP. {4 hours C.E.-ACPE} Roadshow Coordinator and Speaker.
04/17/1994 "A Preceptor Training Program for Pharmacists": sponsored by the Chicago College of Pharmacy presented on campus, Downers Grove, IL. {3 hours C.E.-ACPE} Educational Coordinator and Speaker. ACPE #694-074-95-001.
04/17/1994 "Preceptor Training Program": sponsored by the Chicago College of Pharmacy presented on campus, Downers Grove, IL. {5 hours C.E.-ACPE} Educational Coordinator and Speaker.
06/07/1994 "Meeting New JCAHO Standards: Medication Use Monitoring": an Educational Program presented at the Annual American Society of Hospital Pharmacists (ASHP) Meeting, Reno, NV. Educational grant of $3,000 provided by ASHP. {3 hours C.E.-ACPE} ASHP Educational Programming Associate and Speaker. ACPE #608-204-94-110
10/09/1994 "Interdisciplinary Preceptor Training Program: Mentoring in Health Professions Education": co- sponsored by the Chicago College of Pharmacy and the Illinois Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) presented on campus, Downers Grove, IL. Educational grant of $2,000 provided by AHEC. {5 hours C.E.-ACPE} Co- Educational Coordinator and Speaker.
1994 Mac Kinnon III GE. (CE) Management of community acquired pneumonias. CE PRN, July 1994;16.
03/19/1995 "Compliance Enhancement of Anti-infective Therapy, The Pharmacist's Role": an Educational Program presented at the Annual American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA) Meeting, Orlando, FL. Educational grant of $23,000 provided by Pfizer, Inc. {2 hours C.E.-ACPE} for the symposium and publication of the proceedings.Educational Coordinator and Speaker. ACPE #694-074-95-003.
03/21/1995 "JCAHO Agenda for Change: DUE, MUI's, PBES, TQM, CI - What Does It All Mean?": an Educational Program presented at the Annual American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA) Meeting, Orlando, FL. Educational grant of $1,000 provided by APhA. {2 hours C.E.-ACPE} APhA Educational Coordinator and Speaker. ACPE #680-202-95-403
06/08/1995 "Developing Pharmacy Practice Models in Ambulatory Care" presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (ASHP) Meeting, San Diego, CA. Educational grant of $3,210 provided by ASHP. {3 hours C.E.-ACPE} ASHP Educational Programming Associate and Speaker. ACPE #680-204-96
12/07/1995 "Establishing Pharmacy Practice Models in Ambulatory Care" presented at the Midyear Meeting of the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (ASHP) Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Educational grant of $3,100 provided by ASHP. {3 hours C.E.- ACPE} ASHP Educational Programming Associate and Speaker. ACPE #680-204-95- 241
12/16/1995 "A Primary Care Skills Program for Pharmacists: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Factor Modification": an Educational Program presented in Downers Grove, IL. Educational grant of $17,000 provided by Merck Human Health Division. {8 hours C.E.- ACPE} for the symposium/workshops. Educational Coordinator and Speaker. ACPE #694- 074-95-007.
1995 Mac Kinnon III GE. (CE) Pharmacist's guide to cholesterol management. CE PRN, May 1995;17.
04/10/1996 "Student Evaluation and Assessment: A Preceptor Training Program for Pharmacists”: sponsored by the Chicago College of Pharmacy presented on campus, Downers Grove, IL. {3 hours C.E.-ACPE} Educational Coordinator and Speaker. ACPE #074-000- 96-001-L04.
09/1996 “Clinical Pharmacology” presented at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine 49th Annual Clinical Refresher Course. {4 hours, C.M.E., C.E.-ACPE}. Program Coordinator and Moderator. Chicago, IL.
1996 "A Primary Care Skills Program for Pharmacists: Management of the Diabetic Patient": an Educational Program presented in Downers Grove, IL. Educational grant of $5,100 provided by Eli Lilly and Company. {9 hours C.E.-ACPE} for the symposium/workshops. Educational Coordinator and Speaker. ACPE #694-074-95-006.
1996 Mac Kinnon III GE. Managing patients with hypercholesterolemia. Pharmacy Times 1996;62:49-62.
1997 Mac Kinnon III GE, Chandler C. (CE) A review of agents for hypercholesterolemia., May 1997, Volume 1, Number 2.
1998 Mac Kinnon III GE. Review: Hyperlipidemia Management: Opportunity for Pharmacists in Community Practice. Pharmacy Times 1998;64:24-39.
1998 Mac Kinnon III GE, Singla D. Review: Epoetin alfa in chronic renal failure. Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) 1998;23:437-446.
12/09/1999 "Developing Collaborative Practice Agreements in Ambulatory Care" presented at the Midyear meeting of the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (ASHP) Meeting, Orlando, FL. Educational grant of $3,500 provided by ASHP. {3 hours C.E.-ACPE} ASHP Educational Programming Associate and Speaker. ACPE #680-204- 000-99-249- L04.
2002 Mac Kinnon III GE. A 2002 update: Managing Lipid Disorders. Pharmacy Times 2002;68:65-78.
05/2004 Meta-Analysis and Systematic Literature Review International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
05/2004 Quality of Life / Patient Reported Outcomes in Clinical Trails International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
05/2004 Computer-Assisted Decision Analysis Applications International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
05/2005 Modeling – Structure and Design Model International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
01/2007 Auburn University Motivational Interviewing Training Institute American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Case Management Society of America
03/13/2015 “2015 Residency Summit: Addressing the Imperative for Programmatic Expansion” attended by pharmacists from IA, IL, IN, WI. Schaumburg, IL in conjunction with ProCE. {6 hours CE-ACPE}
06/2015 Fellow, Harvard Macy Institute Program for Leading Innovation in Health Care and Education, Boston, MA
06/24/2016 Emerging Pharmacy Practice Models in Healthcare Delivery” presented at the MCW School of Pharmacy Symposium on the Milwaukee Regional Medical Campus. {4 hours, CME,CE-ACPE}. Program Coordinator and Moderator
08/10/2017 Emerging Pharmacy Practice Models: Pharmacogenomics in Precision Medicine” presented at the MCW School of Pharmacy Symposium on the Milwaukee Regional Medical Campus. {4 hours, CME, CE-ACPE}. Program Coordinator and Moderator
12/03/2017 “The Opioid Epidemic: Origins, Issues and Actions" presented at the Midyear meeting of the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (ASHP) Meeting, Orlando, FL. Educational grant of $25,000 provided by Cardinal Health and Programming in conjunction with ProCE. {2 hours CE-ACPE}
07/2018 Advanced Physical Assessment for Pharmacists Training Program Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin and Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy

1990 Mac Kinnon III GE, Pitterle ME, Boh LE. A descriptive evaluation of medication problem solving skills of institutional pharmacists via microcomputer patient simulations. ASHP Midyear, Las Vegas, December 1990.
1991 Mac Kinnon III GE, Bradley EL. Preparing for the impact of colony stimulating factors and monoclonal antibodies in a community hospital. ASHP Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, December 1991.
1991 Mac Kinnon III GE, Feigh KA. Development and evaluation of an educational metered-dose-inhaler (MDI) video tape in the inpatient setting. ASHP Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, December 1991.
1991 Mac Kinnon III GE, Wuller WR. Documentation and evaluation of pharmacy interventions through the use of a computer database program. ASHP Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, December 1991.
1991 Mac Kinnon III GE, Smith DC. Conducting a "brown bag" medication review in a family practice clinic. ASHP Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, December 1991.
1991 Wuller WR, Mac Kinnon III GE. Strategic planning in a community hospital pharmacy: a practical, staff oriented approach. ASHP Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, December 1991. Management Case Study
1991 Mac Kinnon III GE, Zenisek T. Multidisciplinary approach to increasing adverse drug reaction reporting in a community hospital. ASHP Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, December 1991.
1992 Mac Kinnon III GE, Bunnow-Dalton M. Formation of a metropolitan network of DUE/QA pharmacists. ASHP Midyear Meeting, Orlando, December 1992. Management Case Study
1992 Becker E, Coley R, Grotpeter P, Mac Kinnon III GE, Schafermeyer K. Development of a convocation series designed to enhance student professionalism. AACP Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. July 1992.
1992 Sever CM, Mac Kinnon III GE. Implementation of a criteria based anti-infective formulary without the aid of an infectious disease service. ASHP Midyear Meeting, December 1992.
1992 Mac Kinnon III GE, Smith DC. Pharmacy initiated patient medication histories in a family practice clinic. ACCP Winter Meeting, Phoenix, February 1992.
1992 Peterson MA, Mac Kinnon III GE. Biotechnology task force in a metropolitan area: collaboration between a hospital association and a pharmacy network. ASHP Midyear Meeting, Orlando, December 1992. Management Case Study
1992 Cataldo Jr R, Mac Kinnon III GE. Data-collection-form development with a computer database application for a metropolitan area DUE of a biopharmaceutical. ASHP Midyear Meeting, Orlando, December 1992.
1993 Mac Kinnon III GE, Cognata CL. DUE of intravenous aminophylline. Great Lakes Residency Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, April 1993.
1993 Mac Kinnon III GE, Bost CL. Anti-infective dosage adjustments in patients with renal insufficiency. ASHP Annual Meeting, Denver, June 1993.
1993 Mac Kinnon III GE, Frailey Jr. D. Cephalosporin use in bacterial pneumonia: a focus on outcomes. ASHP Midyear Meeting, Atlanta, December 1993.
1995 Mac Kinnon III GE, Audickas LA, Saran J. Retrospective analysis of CHD risk among patients in an internal medicine practice. ASHP Midyear Meeting, Las Vegas, December 1995.
1996 Mac Kinnon III GE. Cooperative learning in the formulary decision-making process via group projects in a required outcomes assessment course. AACP Annual, Reno, July 1996.
1996 Mac Kinnon III GE, Stanaszek MB. Identification of patient characteristics and CHD risk among patients identified from a physician internist group. ASHP Midyear Meeting, New Orleans, December 1996.
1997 Zgarrick DP, Mac Kinnon III GE. Expectations and preferences of pharmacists for non-traditional Doctor of Pharmacy Programs. AACP Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, July 1997.
1997 Chung U, Mac Kinnon III GE, Loesberg J, Syfrig N. Development of a continuing education program on the internet. AACP Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, July 1997.
1997 Zgarrick DP, Mac Kinnon III GE. Motivations and career preferences of pharmacists interested in pursuing a non-traditional Doctor of Pharmacy Degree. APhA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, March 1997 and Arizona Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Scottsdale, July 1997.
1997 Mac Kinnon III GE, Mologousis NM. Pharmacists’ use of the Internet. ASHP Midyear Meeting, Atlanta, December 1997.
1999 Mac Kinnon III GE. Preliminary results of InetCETM, an Internet-based continuing pharmaceutical education program designed for pharmacists. European Society of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP), Nice, France, March 1999.
2001 Mac Kinnon III GE, Rupp, MT. CommuniRes; Providing comprehensive training and support services for community pharmacy residency programs. AACP Annual Meeting, Toronto, July 2001.
2001 Younis WS, Singla DL, Jackson T, MacKinnon KJ, MacKinnon III GE, Field, B. An interdisciplinary approach to teaching medication adherence to pharmacy and medical students. AACP Annual Meeting, Toronto, July 2001.
2003 Peters SJ, Mac Kinnon III GE. An overview of the implementation and incorporation of introductory practice and service learning experiences into pharmacy curriculum. AACP Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, July 2003.
2003 Rupp MT, Mac Kinnon III GE. Design and implementation of a national community pharmacy residency service. International Pharmacists Federation (FIP) Annual Meeting, Sidney, Australia, September 2003.
2004 Bansback NJ, Brennan A, Mac Kinnon III GE, Pang, F. The cost-effectiveness of adalimumab (Humira) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA): A UK analysis. International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, Arlington, VA, May 2004.
2012 Lambert R, Maxwell J, Rasty, S, Mac Kinnon III GE. Highlights of interprofessional education (IPE) at Roosevelt University College of Pharmacy (RUCOP). AACP Annual Meeting, Orlando, July 2012.
2013 Aruru M, Dineley K, Mac Kinnon III GE. Group Based Assessments/Exams in Pharmacy Education. AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, July 2013.
2014 Nelson M, Mac Kinnon III GE. The Use of a Flipped-Classroom Design in Teaching a Specialty Pharmacy Elective. AACP Annual Meeting, Dallas, July 2014.
2015 Rose A, Hardman J, Mac Kinnon III GE. Identification of Leadership Strengths in the Professional Development of Doctor of Pharmacy Students. AACP Annual Meeting, Washington DC, July 2015.
2019 Stoddard A, MacKinnon III GE, Urrutia R, Taylor B, Broeckel U. An EMR-based Study to Determine Frequency, Prescribing Pattern and Characteristics of Patients Receiving Drugs with PGx Guidelines. Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC), Memphis, TN, June 2019.
2019 El-Alfy AT, Walcheske E, Spiess J, MacKinnon K, DeBisschop M, Abourashed EA, Lamberton N, Letizia M, Broadway S, Korek S, Beatty D, MacKinnon III GE. Unlocking the Power of Reflections to Implement a Longitudinal Co-curriculum in an Accelerated Pharmacy Program, AACP, Chicago, IL July 2019.
2019 MacKinnon KJ, Mac Kinnon III GE. Primary care pharmacist providers (PCPPs): preparing pharmacists to meet this opportunity. APhA Annual Meeting, Seattle, March 2019.
2019 Berstein R, MacKinnon III GE, Sorum S, E Martin, K. MacKinnon, Schellhase K. Comparison of Wisconsin Healthcare Providers and Pharmacists Attitudes Towards Vaccine Administration and Perceived Barriers, American Public Health (APHA) Annual meeting & Expo, Philadelphia, PA, November 2019.
2020 MacKinnon III GE, MacKinnon K, Sorum S, Pabian I, Martin E,Berstein R. Comparison of Wisconsin Healthcare Providers and Pharmacists Attitudes Towards Vaccine Administration and Perceived Barriers, APhA Annual meeting, Washington, DC March, 2020 (virtual presentation due to COVID-19).

1987 - 1989 Wisconsin Society of Hospital Pharmacists - Student Chapter, Founding Member, University of Wisconsin
1993 - 1997 Phi Delta Chi (Beta Xi Chapter), Founding-Co-Faculty Advisor, CCP
1993 - 1997 Chicago College of Pharmacy Student (CCP)-ICHP Chapter, Founding-Faculty Advisor, CCP

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Vos SS, Brown MM, Cardello EA, Dintzner MR, MacKinnon III GE, Maroyka EM, Mbi P, Park SK, Weaver KK, Zeeman JM, Bradley-Baker LR, Plaza CM. The Report of the 2017-2018 Professional Affairs Standing Committee: The Development of the Preceptor Self-Assessment Tool for Entrustable Professional Activities for New Graduates. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018;82, Article 7162.
2. Whalen K, Aistrope DS, Ausili J, Besinque KH, Cardello EA, Hritcko PM, MacKinnon III GE, Maroyka E, Sutton Burke E, Trent IS, Bradley-Baker LR. The Report of the 2016-2017 Professional Affairs Standing Committee: Formally Embracing and Engaging Preceptors in the Academy-The Time Has Come. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2017;81:Article S16.
3. Lin AY, Boyce EG, Brueggemire RW, Chapman T, Blaszczyk A, Robinson ET, Kirkwood C, Darbishire PL, Weber SS, MacKinnon III, GE. Report of the 2007–2008 Academic Affairs Committee. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2008;72: Article S7.
4. Anton B, Durgin E, Scharer G, Broeckel U, MacKinnon, G. Pharmacists as Champions of Pharmacogenomics: Bringing Precision Medicine into Clinical Practice. The Journal - Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin 2020; 14-22.
5. Philip C. Berce, Rebecca S. Bernstein, George E. MacKinnon, Sarah Sorum, Erica Martin, Karen J. MacKinnon, Lisa E. Rein, Kenneth G. Schellhase. Immunizations at Wisconsin Pharmacies: Results of a statewide vaccine registry analysis and pharmacist survey. Elsevier, April 17,2020.
6. Assem M, Broeckel U, MacKinnon III GE. Assessing Learners’ Attitudes Towards Pharmacogenomics Using Their Own Pharmacogenomics Testing Results. Am J Pharm Educ (e-published December 2020) April 2021, 85 (4) 8249; DOI:
7. MacKinnon III GE, Theobald J, Seckel E, MacKinnon KJ, Lamberton N, Velazquez DV. Implementation and evaluation of an interprofessional physical assessment skills workshop. JAPhA 2021.
8. Sperry AJ, Cruikshank J, Winn A, MacKinnon KJ, Gerges NZ, MacKinnon III GE, Chauhan AS. Comparison of EMERPHED™ (Ephedrine Sulfate) Injection with Current Concentrated Ephedrine Products in Simulated Clinical Settings, Pharmaceutical Science and Technology. Vol. 5, No. 1, 2021, pp. 24-36. doi: 10.11648/j.pst.20210501.14
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. MacKinnon III GE. Editor: Case Workbook: Understanding Health Outcomes and Pharmacoeconomics. Under development.
2. Anton B, Durgin E, Scharer G, Broeckel U, MacKinnon, G. Pharmacists as Champions of Pharmacogenomics: Bringing Precision Medicine into Clinical Practice. The Journal - Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin 2020; 14-22.
3. Lewsiton S, Martin E, Bernstein R, Schellhase K, MacKinnon KJ, Mac Kinnon III GE, Sorum S. Expanding Immunization Access in Wisconsin Community Pharmacies. The Journal - Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin 2018; 8-11.
4. Mac Kinnon III GE. A 2002 update: Managing Lipid Disorders. Pharmacy Times 2002;68:65-78.
5. Mac Kinnon III GE. Review: Hyperlipidemia Management: Opportunity for Pharmacists in Community Practice. Pharmacy Times 1998;64:24-39.
6. Mac Kinnon III GE, Singla D. Review: Epoetin alfa in chronic renal failure. Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) 1998;23:437-446.
7. Mac Kinnon III GE, Chandler C. (CE) A review of agents for hypercholesterolemia., May 1997, Volume 1, Number 2
8. Mac Kinnon III GE. Managing patients with hypercholesterolemia. Pharmacy Times 1996;62:49-62.
9. Mac Kinnon III GE. (CE) Pharmacist's guide to cholesterol management. CE PRN, May 1995;17.
10. Mac Kinnon III GE. (CE) Mangement of community acquired pneumonias. CE PRN, July 1994;16.
11. MacKinnon III GE. Editor: Embedded Pharmacists in Primary Care in PHARMACY. 2021
12. MacKinnon III GE, Lamberton N (Editors): Embedded Pharmacists in Primary Care. MDPI Books, June 2021. ISBN 978-3-0365-0170-3 (Hbk); ISBN 978-3-0365-0171-0 (PDF)
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Mac Kinnon III GE. Meet the Deans. The Future of Pharmacy Practice in Wisconsin. The Journal - Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin 2016; 52-3.
2. Lewsiton S, Martin E, Bernstein R, Schellhase K, MacKinnon KJ, Mac Kinnon III GE, Sorum S. Expanding Immunization Access in Wisconsin Community Pharmacies. The Journal - Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin 2018; 8-11.
Software, Software Modules
1. Pharmacy Student Activity Tracking tool (PSATtm) web-based. 2017.
2. Monthly video program broadcast via satellite to approximately 900 American Drug Stores (Osco and Sav-on) in the United States. Pharmacotherapy Update 1995-1996
3. Metered-dose-inhaler audio/visual tape. Sponsor: St. Louis College of Pharmacy 1991