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Gilbert C. White MD
Department of Medicine
Division of Hematology and Oncology - Medicine

Clinical Cancer Center
9200 W Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226

1962 - 1966 AB, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
1966 - 1971 MD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
1968 - 1971 MS, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

1971 - 1973 Medical Internship, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
1972 - 1973 Medical Resident, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
1973 - 1974 Medical Resident, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.
1974 - 1976 N.I.H. Postdoctoral Fellow (NRSA), University of North Carolina, N.C., Division of Hematology, Chapel Hill

1976 - 1977 Instructor, Department of Medicine
1977 - 1982 Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina
1978 - 1988 Member, Dental Research Center, Chapel Hill, N.C.
1980 - 1982 Associate Director, Comprehensive Hemophilia Diagnostic/Treatment Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.
1982 - 1989 Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina
1988 - 1998 Associate Director, Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.
1989 - 1999 Professor, Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina
1992 - 2004 Director, Comprehensive Hemophilia Diagnostic and Treatment Center
1993 - 2004 Professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina
1998 - 2004 Director, Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis, University of North Carolina
1999 - 2004 John C. Parker Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology
2004 - Present Adjunct Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Chapel Hill, N.C.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Chapel Hill, N.C.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.

2004 - Present Executive Vice President for Research, Director, Blood Research Institute
2004 - Present Professor of Medicine, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology & Toxicology
2008 - Present Adjunct Professor, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
2008 - Present Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences, Marquette University
2009 - Present Adjunct Professor of Physics & Chemistry and Electrical Engineering
Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Milwaukee, WI
Associate Dean for Research - BRI, Medical College of Wisconsin
Richard and Sara Aster Chair of Medical Research, BloodCenter for Wisconsin

Cameron Scholar, University of North Carolina, 1962-1966
Harold R. Roberts Medal, International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 2011
Philip M. Blatt Teaching Award, University of North Carolina, 1989
Best Doctors in America, 1995-present
Murray N. Thelin Award (Researcher of the Year Award), National Hemophilia Foundation, 1996
Investigator Recognition Award, International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 1997
Arthur L. Bloom Lecture, British Society of Hematology, 2000
Special Recognition Award, AHA Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 2002
Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, 2005
Who's Who in Medicine 2006-present
America's Top Physicians 2009
Kenneth M. Brinkhous Award (Physician of the Year Award), Nat'l Hemophilia Foundation, 2007
MSTP Invited lecture, University of North Carolina, 2009 (declined due to schedule)
Member, National Heart Lung and Blood Advisory Council 2011-2014
Armand J. Quick Lecture, Medical College of Wisconsin, 1988

1985 - 1988 Assistant Editor, Blood
Editorial Board
7 - Present 001)
1980 - 1981 Consultant, Burroughs-Wellcome Prostacyclin Clinical Trials 1980-1988 Consultant, Fayetteville VA Hospital
1982 - Present PPG, Boston
1982 - Present Reviewer (ad hoc), NHLBI Specialized Centers of Research
1982 - Present PPG, New York
1982 - Present Member (ad hoc), NHLBI Research Review Committee B
1983 - Present Member (ad hoc), NHLBI Research Manpower Review Committee
1983 - Present Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel to evaluate applications for Megakaryocytopoiesis and Thrombocytopoiesis RFA
1984 - Present PPG, Boston
1985 - 1994 Editorial Board, Blood
1985 - Present Member (ad hoc), NHLBI Clinical Trials Review Committee
1986 - Present SCOR in Thrombosis Arteriosclerosis SCOR, Iowa
1987 - 1988 Consultant, Organon-Teknika
1987 - Present PPG, Philadelphia
1988 - Present PPG, La Jolla
1988 - Present PPG Supplement, Milwaukee
1990 - Present PPG, Philadelphia
1991 - 1993 Member, NHLBI Clinical Sciences Study Section I
1992 - Present PPG, Houston
1992 - Present Consultant, Genetics Institute
1992 - Present PPG, Iowa City
1993 - 1995 Consultant, Blood Products Advisory Committee, Food & Drug Admin 1998-2000 Consultant, Chiron Corporation
1993 - Present PPG, La Jolla
1993 - 1999 Editorial Board, Experimental Biology and Medicine
1993 - 1996 Veterans Administration, Merit Review Board for Hematology
1994 - Present SCOR in Ischemic Heart Disease, Cleveland
1995 - Present Chair, Special Emphasis Panel to evaluate Coagulation, Platelets and Thrombosis in Sickle Cell Disease Pathophysiology RFA
1995 - Present Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel to evaluate applications for Community and Cohort Surveillance Program - Central Hemostasis Laboratory RFA
1997 - Present PPG, Pennsylvania
1997 - Present National Science Foundation, Grant Review (ad hoc)
1998 - Present American Heart Association, Thrombosis Study Committee (ad hoc)
1998 - 2000 Consultant, Gene Therapy Incorporated
1998 - 2000 2002 Reviewer (ad hoc), Hematology Study Section I
1999 - 2003 Associate Editor, Thrombosis and Haemostasis
1999 - 2003 Member, Program Project Review Committee, NHLBI
2001 - Present NIH Hematology IRG Study Section Boundaries Team
2002 - Present Chair, Scientific Advisory Board, Entegrion
2002 - Present Chair, NIH Working Group on Clinical Research Areas for New SCCOR in Hemostasis and Thrombosis
2003 - 2009 Associate Editor, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
2003 - 2005 Consultant, Inspire Pharmaceuticals
2004 - Present Chair, Special Emphasis Panel to evaluate applications for inflammation and Thrombosis RFA (RFA-HL-04-005)
2005 - Present Chair, Special Emphasis Panel to evaluate applications for Improved
2005 - Present Chair, Special Emphasis Panel to evaluate applications for Specialized
2005 - 2008 Board of Directors, GTI Inc
2005 - Present Board of Directors, BloodCenter of Wisconsin
2005 - Present Board of Directors, BloodCenter Research Foundation
2005 - Present Board of Directors, Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation
2005 - Present Consultant, Talecris Pharmaceuticals
2006 - Present Scientific Advisory Board, Asklepios
2007 - Present Scientific Advisory Board, Aurora Healthcare System
2007 - Present Member, Special Emphasis Panel to evaluate applications for Pediatric
2007 - Present Member, Special Emphasis Panel to evaluate Conference Grants R13
2007 - Present Scientific Advisory Board, Stem Cell Products, Inc
2007 - Present Scientific Advisory Board, Invitrox
2007 - 2008 Consultant, Nektar Therapeutics
2007 - 2008 Consultant, Catalyst
2008 - 2013 Member, NHLBI Gene Therapy Resource Program Scientific Review
2009 - Present Board of Directors, National Hemophilia Foundation
2009 - Present Consultant, Archemix
2010 - Present Board of Directors, Leukemia-Lymphoma Society, Wisconsin Chapter 2012-2014 Board of Representatives, National Leukemia-Lymphoma Society
2011 - 2014 Member, National Heart, Lung and Blood Advisory Council 2013-2015 Member, National Institutes of Health Council of Councils
Consultants/Advisory Committees/Boards:
(ZHL1 CSR-L (M2)
Transfusion Medicine Academic Career Award (K07) RFA (RFA -HL-
Thrombotic Diseases RFA (RFA -HL-04-016)
Centers of Clinically Oriented Research (SCCOR) in Hemostatic and
Therapy for Hemophilia and Hereditary Bleeding Disorders RFA
Grant Review Committees:
National Institutes of Health:

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. White, II, G.C., Jacobson, R.J., Binder, R.A., Linke, R.P. and Glenner, G.G., Immunoglobulin D Myeloma and Amyloidosis. Immunochemical and Structural Studies on Bence-Jones and Amyloid Fibrillar Proteins, Blood 46:713-722, 1975.
2. Lundblad, R.L. White, II, G.C., Webster, W.P. and Kingdon, H.S., The Hemostatic Mechanism: Mechanistic, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Considerations, N.C. Dental J. 58:18-21, 1975.
3. Workman, E.F., White, II, G.C. and Lundblad, R.L., Platelet-thrombin Interactions as Assessed by Affinity Chromatography, Thrombos. Res. 9:491-503, 1976.
4. White, II, G.C., Roberts, H.R., Kingdon, H.S. and Lundblad, R.L., Prothrombin Complex Concentrates: Potentially Thrombogenic Materials and Clues to the Mechanism of in vivo Thrombosis, Blood 49:159-170, 1977.
5. Workman, E.F., White, II, G.C. and Lundblad, R.L., High Affinity Binding of Thrombin to Platelets. Inhibition by Tetranitromethane and Heparin. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 75:925-932, 1977.
6. Workman, E.F., White, II, G.C. and Lundblad, R.L., Structure-function Relationships in the Interaction of Alpha-thrombin with Blood Platelets, J. Biol. Chem. 252:7118-7123, 1977.
7. Blatt, P.M., White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W. and Roberts, H.R., Treatment of Anti-Factor VIII Antibodies, Thrombos. Haemostas. 38:514-523, 1977.
8. White, II, G.C. Workman, E. F. and Lundblad, R.L., Platelet-thrombin Interactions. The Platelet as a Substrate for Thrombin, in Chemistry and Biology of Thrombin, eds. Lundblad, R.L., Mann, K.G. and Fenton, J.W., Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, pp. 479-498, 1977.
9. Workman, E.F., White, II, G.C. and Lundblad, R.L., Chemical Modification of Thrombin: Effect on Binding to Platelets, in Chemistry and Biology of Thrombin, eds. Lundblad, R.L., Mann, K.G. and Fenton, J.W., Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, pp. 499-505, 1977.
10. White, II, G.C. and Roberts, H.R., Platelet Function Tests, Bull. Lab. Med. 26:1-7, 1977.
11. White, II, G.C., Workman, E. F. and Lundblad, R. L., Thrombin Binding to Thrombasthenic Platelets. Studies on the Identity of the Platelet Receptor for Thrombin, J. Lab. Clin. Med. 91:76-83, 1978.
12. Blatt, P.M., White, II, G.C., Goldsmith, J.C. and Roberts, H.R., Antithrombin III Transfusions in Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, Lancet 1:1212, 1978 (letter).
13. White, II, G.C., Kociba, G.J. and Kingdon, H.S., Factor IX Activator of Normal and Factor XI Deficient Serum, Thrombos. Res. 12:1195-1200, 1978.
14. White, II, G.C., Workman, E.F., Holahan, J.R. and Lundblad, R.L., Alterations in Platelet Membrane Structure and Function during Storage at Ambient Temperature, in The Blood Platelet in Transfusion Therapy, eds. Jamieson, G.A. and Greenwalt, T., A.R. Liss, Inc., New York, pp. 113-118, 1978.
15. Perkin, R.F., White, II, G.C. and Webster, W.P., Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia: Report of two Oral Surgical Cases Utilizing a New Microfibrillar Collagen Prepartion and EACA for Hemostasis, Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 47:36-39, 1979.
16. White, II, G.C., Workman, E.F. and Lundblad, R.L., The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Platelet Membrane Structure and Response to Thrombin, Transfusion 19:411-419, 1979.
17. White, II, G.C., Lundblad, R.L. and Kingdon, H.S., Prothrombin Complex Concentrates. Physical and Chemical Properties and Clinical Uses, Current Topics in Hematol. 2:203-244, 1979.
18. White, II, G.C., Aminocaproic Acid in Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Platelet Disorders, J. Am. Med. Assoc. 242:1083, 1979.
19. Hassell, T.M., White, II, G.C., Jewson, L.G. and Peele, III, L.C., Valproic Acid: A New Antiepileptic Drug with Potential Side Effects of Dental Concern, J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 99:983-987, 1979.
20. White, II, G.C., Blatt, P.M., McMillan, C.W., Webster, W.P., Lesesne, H.R. and Roberts, H.R., Medical Complications of Hemophilia, South. Med. J. 73:155-560, 1980.
21. White, II, G.C. and Raynor, S.T., The Effects of Trifluoperazine, an Inhibitor of Calmodulin, on Platelet Function, Thrombos. Res. 18:279-284, 1980.
22. Kingdon, H.S., White, II, G.C., Blatt, P.M., Roberts, H.R. and Lundblad, R.L., In Vitro and In Vivo Assays of Thrombogenic Enzymes in Prothrombin Complex Concentrates, in Treatment of Bleeding Disorders, eds. Mammen, E.F., Barnhart, M.I., Lusher, J. and Walsh, P., PJD Publications, Westbury, NY, pp.229-245, 1980.
23. Lundblad, R.L., Nissen, L. W., Roberts, H.R., White, II, G.C., Blatt, P.M. and Kingdon, H.S., Factors Affecting the Thrombogenic Properties of Prothrombin Complex Concentrates, in Treatment of Bleeding Disorders, eds. Mammen, E.F., Barnhart, M.I., Lusher, J. and Walsh, P., PJD Publications, Westbury, NY, pp. 247-266, 1980.
24. Blatt, P.M., Taylor, R.L., White, II, G.C., Zeitler, K.D., McMillan, C.W., Kingdon, H.S., Gabriel, D.A. and Roberts, H.R., The Treatment of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, Bull. Lab. Med. 47:1-4, 1980.
25. White, II, G.C., Calcium-dependent Proteins in Platelets. Response of Calcium-Activated Protease in Normal and Thrombasthenic Platelets to Aggregating Agents, Biochim. Biophys, Acta 631:130-138, 1980.
26. Holahan, J.R. and White, II, G.C., Heterogeneity of Membrane Surface Proteins in Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia, Blood 57:174-181, 1981.
27. White, II, G.C., Heparin-Neutralizing Proteins, in The Chemistry and Biology of Heparin, eds. Lundblad, R.L., Brown, W.V., Mann, K.G. and Roberts, H.R., Elsevier/North Holland, NY, pp. 377-384, 1081.
28. White, II, G.C. and Marouf, A.A., Clinical Studies with Platelet Factor 4 and Other Platelet-Derived Heparin-neutralizing Proteins, in The Chemistry and Biology of Heparin, eds. Lundblad, R.L., Brown, W.V., Mann, K.G. and Roberts, H.R., Elsevier/North Holland, NY, pp. 385-392, 1981.
29. Blatt, P.M., Taylor, R.L., White, II, G.C., Zeitler, K.D., McMillan, C.W., Kingdon, H.S., Gabriel, D.A. and Roberts, H.R., The Treatment of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, in The Chemistry and Biology of Heparin, eds. Lundblad, R.L., Brown, W.V., Mann, K.G. and Roberts, H.R., Elsevier/North Holland, NY, pp. 497-502, 1981.
30. White, II, G.C., Blatt, P.M., McMillan, C.W. and Roberts, H.R., The Use of Analgesics and Antiinflammatory Drugs in the Hemophilias, in Hemophilia - Key Issues, eds. Seligshon, U., Rimon, A. and Horoszowski, H., Castle House Publishers, London, pp. 231-238, 1981.
31. White, II, G.C., Lundblad, R.L. and Griffith, M.J., Structure-Function Relations in Platelet-Thrombin Reactions. Inhibition of Platelet-Thrombin Interactions by Lysine Modification, J. Biol. Chem. 256:1763-1766, 1981.
32. White, II, G.C. and Marouf, A.A., Platelet Factor 4 Levels in Patients with Acute and Chronic Coronary Artery Disease, J. Lab. Clin. Med. 97:369-381, 1981.
33. Lundblad, R.L., White, II, G.C., Roberts, H.R. and Kingdon, H.S. Biochemical Considerations Regarding the Thrombogenicity of Prothrombin Complex Concentrates, in Perspectives in Hemostasis, eds. Fareed, J., Messmore, H.L., Fenton, J.W. and Brinkhous, K.M., Pergamon Press, NY, pp. 281-289, 1981.
34. Blatt, P.M., White, II, G.C. and Kingdon, H.S., Use of Prothrombin Complex Concentrates in Acquired Coagulopathies, in Acquired Bleeding Disorders in Children. Abnormalities of Hemostasis, eds. Lusher, J.M. and Barnhart, M.I., Masson Publishing Co., NY, pp. 127-134, 1981.
35. White, II, G.C., Levine S.N. and Steiner, A.L., Platelet Calcium-Dependent Proteins. Identification and Localization of the Calcium-Dependent Regulator, Calmodulin, in Platelets, Am. J. Hematol. 10:359-367, 1981.
36. White, II, G.C. and Raynor, S.T., The Effect of Phenothiazine and Non-Penothiazine Inhibitors of Calmodulin on Platelet Calcium Fluxes, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 104:1066-1072, 1982.
37. Cooper, H.A., Bennett, W.P., White, II, G.C. and Wagner, R.H., Hydrolysis of Human Platelet Membrane Glycoproteins with a Serratia Marcescens Metalloprotease: Effect on Response to Thrombin and von Willebrand Factor, Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. 79:1433-1437, 1982.
38. Kupper, C.A., White, II, G.C. and Burnham, S.J., Streptokinase Therapy for Deep Vein Thrombosis: The Role of Noninvasive Testing, Bruit 6:17-24, 1982.
39. Blatt, P.M., White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W., Webster, W.P., Kingdon, H.S., Zeitler, K.D., Taylor, R.E., Braunstein, K.M. and Roberts, H.R., The Treatment of Hemorrhage in Hemophiliacs with Anti-Factor VIII Antibodies, in Standardization of Coagulation Assays: An Overview, ed. Triplett, D.A., College of American Pathologists, Skokie, IL, pp. 305-312, 1982.
40. Lesesne, H.R., Blatt, P.M., Taylor, R.E., White, II, G.C. and Johnson, G., Cirrhosis, Variceal Bleeding, and Distal Splenorenal Shunt in Hemophilia A, South. Med. J. 75:1067-1068, 1982.
41. Roberts, H.R., White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W., Braunstein, K.M. and Blatt, P.M., Current approaches to the treatment of patients with anti-factor VIII antibodies. in Activated Prothrombin Complex Concentrates: Managing Hemophilia with Factor VIII Inhibitors, eds. Mariani, G., Russo, M.A. and Mandelli, F., Praeger Publishers, New York, pp. 39-44, 1982.
42. White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W., Blatt, P.M. and Roberts, H.R., Factor VIII Inhibitors: An Overview, Am. J. Hematol. 13:335-342, 1982.
43. White, II, G.C., Zeitler, K.D., Lesesne, H.R., McMillan, C.W., Warren, M.S., Roberts, H.R. and Blatt, P.M., Chronic Hepatitis in Patients with Hemophilia A: Histologic Studies in Patients with Intermittently Abnormal Liver Function Tests, Blood 60:1259-1262, 1982.
44. Griffith, M.J., Carraway, T., White, II, G.C. and Dombrose, F.A., Heparin Cofactor Activities in a Family with Hereditary Antithrombin III Deficiency: Evidence for a Second Heparin Cofactor in Human Plasma, Blood 61:111-118, 1982.
45. Orlando, R.C. and White, II, G.C., Colonoscopic Polypectomy in Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia, Gastrointest. Endoscopy 29:33-34, 1982.
46. White, II, G.C. and Lesesne, H.R., Hemophilia, Hepatitis, and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Ann. Int. Med. 96:403-404, 1983.
47. White, II, G.C., Intrauterine Fetal Death, J. Am. Med. Assoc. 249:2092-2093, 1983.
48. Carrell, N.A., Holahan, J.R., White, II, G.C. and McDonagh, J., High Resolution Electrophoretic Analysis of Human Fibrinogen and Its Crosslinked Intermediates, Thrombos. Haemostas. 49:47-50, 1983.
49. White, II, G.C., Taylor, R.L., Blatt, P.M. and Roberts, H.R., Treatment of a High Titer Anti-Factor VIII Antibody by Continuous Factor VIII Administration: Report of a Case, Blood 62:141-145, 1983.
50. McMillan, C.W., Greene, W.B., Blatt, P.M., White, II, G.C. and Roberts, H.R., the Management of Musculoskeletal Problems in Hemophilia, in American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Instructional Course Lectures, Volume 32, pp. 210-216, 1983.
51. Lusher, J.M., Blatt, P.M., Penner, J.A., Aledort, L.M., Levine, P.H. White, II, G.C., Warrier, A.I. and Whitehurst, D.A., Autoplex vs. Proplex: A Controlled, Double-Blind Study of effectiveness in Acute Hemarthroses in Hemophiliacs with Inhibitors to Factor VIII, Blood 62:1135-1138, 1983.
52. Blatt, P.M., White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W. and Webster, W.P., Failure of Activated Prothrombin Complex Concentrates in a Hemophiliac With an Anti-Factor VIII Antibody, J. Am. Med. Assoc. 251:67, 1984.
53. Gallo, R.C., Salahuddin, S.Z., Popovic, M., Shearer, G.M., Kaplan, M., Haynes, B.F., Palker, T.J., Redfield, R., Oleske, J., Safai, B., White, II, G. C., Foster, P. and Markham, P.D., Frequent Detection and Isolation of Cytopathic Retroviruses (HTLV-III) from Patients with AIDS and at Risk for AIDS, Science 224:500-503, 1984.
54. Knupp, C.L. and White, II, G.C., The Effect of Platelet Inhibitors on Glycoprotein V Hydrolysis by Thrombin, Thrombos. Res. 34:225:231, 1984.
55. White, II, G.C., Scarborough, D.E. and Brinkhous, K.M., Morphological Study of Early Phases of Platelet Adhesion to Foreign Surface: Effect of Calcium, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 416:351-362, 1984.
56. White, II, G.C., Effect of 1-0-Alkyl-2-Acetyl-sn-Glyceryl-3-Phosphorylcholine on Calcium Fluxes by Human Platelet Microsomes, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 120:474-480, 1984.
57. Hughes, T.A., Gwynne, J.T., Switzer, B.R., Herbst, C. and White, II, G.C., Effects of Caloric Restriction and Weight Loss on Glycemic Control, Insulin Release and Resistance, and Atherosclerotic Risk in Obese Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Am. J. Med. 77:7-17, 1984.
58. Lundblad, R.L., Jenzano, J.W., Straight, D.L. and White, II, G.C., Structure and Function of Thrombin, in The Thrombin, Volume 1, ed. Machovich, R.L., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 23-33, 1984.
59. White, II, G.C., Knupp, C.L. and Lundblad, R.L., The Interaction of Thrombin with Platelets, in The Thrombin, Volume 2, ed. Machovich, R.L., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 25-41, 1984.
60. Knupp, C.L. and White, II, G.C., Effect of Active Site-Modified Thrombin on the Hydrolysis of Glycoprotein V by Native Thrombin, Blood 65:578-583, 1984.
61. White, II, G.C. and Knupp, C.L., Glycoprotein V Hydrolysis by Thrombin. Lack of Correlation with Secretion. Thrombos. Res. 38:641-648, 1985.
62. Fischer, T.H., Campbell, K.P. and White, II, G.C., Evidence that Platelet and Skeletal Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca++-ATPase Are Structurally Distinct, J. Biol. Chem. 260:8996-9001, 1985.
63. Saviteer, S.M., White, II, G.C., Cohen, M.S. and Jason, J., HTLV-III Exposure during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, New Eng. J. Med. 313:1606-1607, 1985.
64. Friedman, M., Madden, M., Saunders, D.S., Gammon, K., White, II, G.C. and Kwock, L., Ozone Inhibits Prostacyclin Synthesis in Pulmonary Endothelium, Prostaglandins 30:1069-1083, 1985.
65. White, II, G.C., Matthews, T.J., Weinhold, K.J., Haynes, B.F., Cromartie, H.L., McMillan, C.W. and Bolognesi, D.P., HTLV-III Seroconversion Associated with Heat-Treated Factor VIII Concentrate, Lancet 1:611-612, 1986.
66. Sultan, Y., White, II, G.C., Aronstam, A., Besser, C., Brackmann, H.H., Brochier, G., Gormsen, J., Mariani, G., Roberts, H.R., Scarabin, Y., Scharrer, I. and Scheibel, E., Hemophilic patients with an inhibitor to factor VIII treated with high dose factor VIII concentrate. Results of a collaborative study for the evaluation of factor VIII inhibitor titer, recovery and half life of infused factor VIII, Nouv. Rev. Franc. d'Hematol. 28:85-90, 1986.
67. White, II, G.C. and Levin, J., Disorders of Blood Coagulation. in Textbook of Internal Medicine, ed. Stein, J.H., Little, Brown, and Company, Boston, MA, pp. 1009-1022, 1987.
68. White, II, G.C. and Lapetina, E.G., Agonists and Receptors. Thrombin, in Platelet Metabolism and Function. Volume 2, ed. Holmsen, H., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 3-18, 1987.
69. Carr, M.E., White, II, G.C. and Gabriel, D.A., Platelet factor 4 enhances fibrin fiber polymerization. Thrombos. Res. 45:539-543, 1987.
70. White, II, G.C., Colman, R.W., Hirsh, J., Marder, V.J. and Salzman, E.W., Approach to the Bleeding Patient. in Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice. Second edition. eds. Colman, R.W., Hirsh, J., Marder, V.J. and Salzman, E.W., J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, pp. 1048-1060, 1987.
71. Palker, T.J., Matthews, T.J., Clark, M.E., Cianciolo, G.J., Randall, R.R., Langlois, A.J., White, II, G.C., Safai, B., Snyderman, R., Bolognesi, D.P. and Haynes, B.F., A conserved region at the COOH terminus of human immunodeficiency virus gp120 envelope protein contains an immunodominant epitope. Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. 84:2479-2483, 1987.
72. Miller, D.T., Etzal, R. A., McFarland, J. G., Aster, R.H. and White, II, G.C., Prolonged neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenic purpura associated with anti-Bak(a): two cases in siblings. Am. J. Perinat. 4:55-58, 1987.
73. Fischer, T.H., Campbell, K.P. and White, II, G.C., An investigation of the functional similarities between the sarcoplasmic reticulum and platelet Ca2+-ATPases with the inhibitors Quercetin and Calmidozolium. Biochemistry 26:8024-8030, 1987.
74. Fischer, T.H. and White, II, G.C., Partial purification and characterization of thrombolamban, a 22,000 dalton cAMP-dependent protein kinase substrate in platelets. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 149:700-706, 1987.
75. Palker, T.J., Matthews, T.J., Clark, M.E., Cianciolo, G.J., Randall, R.R., Langlois, A.J., White, II, G.C., Safai, B., Snyderman, R., Bolognesi, D.P. and Haynes, B.F., Mapping of immunogenic and immunodominant epitopes of human immunodeficiency virus GP120 with ENV-encoded synthetic peptides. in Human Retroviruses, Cancer and AIDS: Approaches to Prevention and Therapy, UCLA Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology, New Series, vol. 71, ed. Bolognesi, D.P., Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, pp. 161-174, 1987.
76. Macik, B.G., Gabriel, D.A., White, II, G.C., High, K.A. and Roberts, H.R., The use of high dose intravenous gammaglobulin in acquired von Willebrand's disease. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 112:143-146, 1988.
77. Smiley, L., White, II, G.C., Becherer, P., Macik, G., Matthews, T.J., Weinhold, K.J., McMillan, C.W. and Bolognesi, D.P., Transmission of human immunodeficiency virus to sexual partners of hemophiliacs. Am. J. Hematol. 28:27-32, 1988.
78. Newman, P.J., Gorski, J., White, II, G.C., Gidwitz, S., Cretney, C.J. and Aster, R.H., Enzymatic amplificiation of platelet-specific messenger RNA using the polymerase chain reaction. J. Clin. Invest.82:739-743, 1988.
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135. O'Brien, T.R., Diamondstone, L., Fried, M.W., Aledort, L.M., Eichinger, S., Eyster, M.E., Hilgartner, M.W., White, II, G.C., Di Biscceglie, A., Goedert, J.J. and the Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study. Idiopathic CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia in HIV seronegative men with hemophilia and sex partners of HIV seropositive men. Am. J. Hematol. 49:201-206, 1995.
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141. Peterson, S.N., Trabalzini, L., Brtva, T.R., Fischer, T.H., Altschuler, D.L., Martelli, P., Lapetina, E.G., Der, C.J. and White, II, G.C., Identification of a novel ralGDS-like protein as a candidate effector for ras and rap1. J. Biol. Chem. 271:29903-29908, 1996. []
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147. Lyman, S., Gilmore, A., Burridge, K., Gidwitz, S and White, II, G.C., Integrin-mediated activation of focal adhesion kinase is independent of focal adhesion formation or integrin activation. Studies with activated and inhibitory 3 cytoplasmic domain mutants. J. Biol. Chem. 272:22538-22547, 1997. []
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149. Thomas, J.W., Ellis, B., Boerner, R.J., Knight, W.B., White, II, G.C. and Schaller, M.D., SH2 and SH3-mediated interactions between FAK and Src. J. Biol. Chem. 273:577-583, 1998. []
150. Smith, S.V., Liles, D.K., White, II, G.C., and Brecher, M.E., Successful treatment of transient acquired factor X deficiency by plasmapheresis with concomitant intravenous immunoglobulin and steroid therapy. Am. J. Hematol. 57:245-252, 1998.
151. White, II, G.C., Shapiro, A., Ragni, M., Garzone, P., Goodfellow, J., Tubridy, K. and Courter, S., Clinical Evaluation of recombinant factor IX. Semin. Hematol. 35 (Suppl.1):33-38, 1998.
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153. White, II, G.C., Duffy, C.M. and Fischer, T.H., Rap1b association with the platelet cytoskeleton occurs in the absence of glycoproteins IIb/IIIa. Thrombos. Haemostas. 79:832-836, 1998.
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157. Michael, N.L., Nelson, J.A.E., KewalRamani, V.N., Chang, G., O'Brien, S.J., Mascola J.R., Volsky, B., Louder, M., White, II, G.C., Littman, D.R., Swanstrom, R. and O'Brien, T.R., Exclusive and persistent use of the entry co-receptor CXCR4 by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 from a subject homozygous for CCR5 32. J. Virol. 72:6040-6047, 1998. []
158. White, II, G.C., Specific aspects of factor VIII concentrates in the treatment of haemophilia A. in Molecular Biology and Immunology in Haemophilia A. ed. Brackmann, H.-H., Die Medizinische Vrlagsgesellschaft Umweit & Medizin, Frankfurt, pp. 39-47, 1998.
159. White, II, G.C., Disorders of blood coagulation. in Internal Medicine, Fifth Edition, eds. Stein, J.H., Eisenberg, J., Hutton, J.J., Kohler, P.O., O'Rourke, R.A., Reynolds, H.Y., Samuels, M.A., Sande, M.A., Trier, J.S. and Zvaifler, N.J., Moseby-Year Book, St. Louis, pp. 617-630, 1998
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162. Wilcox, D.A., Olsen, J.C., Ishizawa, L., Griffith, M. and White, II, G.C., Utilization of the platelet PlA alloantigens to detect megakaryocyte-targeted synthesis of the integrin 3-subunit in retrovirus transduced human hematopoietic cells. Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. 96:9654-9659, 1999. []
163. White, II, G.C., Conclusion. Haemophilia 5(suppl.3):51, 1999
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165. Gidwitz, S., Lyman, S. and White, II, G.C., Expression and function of calcium binding domain chimeras of the integrins IIb and 5. J. Biol. Chem.275:6680-6688, 2000. []
166. White, II, G.C., Platelet physiology and function. Blood Coag. Fibrinol. 11 (Suppl.1):S53, 2000
167. Wilcox, D.A., Olsen, J.C., Ishizawa, L., Bray, P.F., French, D.L., Steeber, D.A., Bell, W.R., Griffith, M. and White, II, G.C., Megakaryocyte-targeted synthesis of the integrin 3-subunit results in the phenotypic correction of Glanzmann's thrombasthenia (plenary paper). Blood 95:3645-3652, 2000. []
168. White, II, G.C. and Roberts, H.R., Gene therapy for hemophilia. A step closer to reality. Mol.Therapeutics 1:207-208, 2000.
169. White, II, G.C. and Warren, M., Seventeen year's experience with Autoplex/Autoplex-T: Evaluation of patients with severe hemophilia A and factor VIII inhibitors at a major hemophilia center. Haemophilia 6:508-512, 2000.
170. Roberts, H.R. and White, II, G.C., Inherited disorders of prothrombin conversion. in Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Fourth edition, eds. Colman, R.W., Hirsh, J., Marder, V.J., Clowes, A.W. and George, J.N., Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, New York, pp. 839-853, 2000.
171. Fischer, T.H., Merricks, E.P., Russell, K.E., Raymer, R.A., White, II, G.C., Bode, A.P., Nichols, T.C. and Read, M.S., Intracellular function in rehydrated lyophilized platelets. Brit. J. Haemat. 111:167-174, 2000.
172. Ewenstein, B.M., Hoots, W.K., Lusher, J.M., DiMichele, D., White, II, G.C., Adelman, B. and Nadeau, K., Inhibition of CD40 ligand (CD154) in the treatment of factor VIII inhibitors. Haematologica 85 (suppl. 10):35-39, 2000.
173. White, II, G.C., Greenwood, R., Escobar, M. and Frelinger, J.A., Immunological tolerance. A clinical perspective. Haematologica 85 (suppl. 10):113-116, 2000.
174. Lundblad, R.L., Kingdon, H.S., Mann, K.G. and White, II, G.C. Issues with the assay of factor VIII in plasma and factor VIII concentrates: A brief review and comments. Thrombos. Haemostas. 84:942-948, 2000.
175. White, II, G.C. and Montgomery, R.R., Clinical aspects of and therapy for von Willebrand's disease. in Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition, eds. Hoffman, R., Benz, Jr., E.J., Shattil, S.J., Furie, B., and Cohen, H.J., Churchill-Livingstone Inc., New York, pp. 1725-1736, 2000.
176. Seligsohn, U. and White, II, G.C., Inherited deficiencies of blood coagulation factors II, V, VII, XI, XIII and the combined defiencies of factors V and VIII and the vitamin K-dependent factors. in Williams' Hematology, Sixth Edition, eds. Beutler, E., Lichtman, M.A., Coller, B.S., Kipps, T.J. and Seligsohn, U., McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, pp. 1617-1638, 2001.
177. Heindel, S.W., Mill, M., Fried, E.B., Valley, R.D., White, II, G.C. and Norfleet, E.A., Fatal thrombosis associated with a hemi-fontan procedure, heparin-protamine reversal, and aprotinin. Anesthesia 94:369-371, 2001.
178. Salkowitz, J.R., Purvis, S.F., Meyerson, H., Zimmerman, P., O'Brien, T.R., Aledort, L.M., Eyster, M.E., Hilgartner, M., Kessler, C., Konkle, B.A., White, II, G.C., Goedert, J.J., and Lederman, M.M., Characterization of high risk HIV-1 seronegative hemophiliacs. Clin. Immunol. 98:200-211, 2001.
179. White, II, G.C., Rosendaal, F., Aledort, L.M., Lusher, J.M., Rothschild, C., and Ingerslev, J., Definitions in hemophilia. Recommendation of the scientific subcommittee on factor VIII and factor IX. Thrombos. Haemostas. 85:560, 2001.
180. Read, M., Nichols, T., White, II, G.C., Wagner, R.H. and Roberts, H.R., Obituary. Kenneth M. Brinkhous. Thrombos. Haemostas. 85:X, 2001.
181. White, II, G.C. and Roberts, H.R., Kenneth M. Brinkhous: Investigator, teacher, administrator, and gene therapist. Mol. Ther. 3:420-422, 2001.
182. Roberts, H.R., White, II, G.C., Wagner, R.H., Nichols, T.C. and Read, M.S. In memorium: Kenneth M. Brinkhous (1908-2000). Thrombos. Res. 102:385-386, 2001.
183. Astermark, J., Berntorp, E., White, II, G.C., Kroner, B.L. and the MIBS group. The Malmo International Brother Study (MIBS) - Further support for genetic predisposition to inhibitor development. Haemophilia 7:267-272, 2001 []
184. White, II, G.C., Gene therapy in hemophilia: Clinical trials update. Thrombos. Haemostas. 86:172-177, 2001.
185. Warshauer, D.M., Lee, J.K.T., Mauro, M.A. and White, II, G.C., Acute superior mesenteric vein thrombosis with radiologically occult cause: A retrospective study of 43 cases. Am J Roentgenol. 177:837-841, 2001
186. Roth, D.A., Kessler, C.M., Pasi, J., White, II, G.C., Rup, B., Courter, S.B. and Tubridy, K. Human recombinant factor IX: Safety and efficacy studies in hemophilia B patients previously treated with plasma-derived factor IX concentrates. Blood 98:3600-3606, 2001. []
187. Jackson, C.M., White, II, G.C., Barrowcliffe, T., Esnouf, M.P., Jespersen, J., Kluft, C. and Lenahan, J. A reference system approach to future standardization of laboratory tests for hemostasis. A position paper of the Joint Committee of the IFCC Scientific Division and the ISTH Scientific and Standardization Committee. Thrombos. Haemostas. 87:165-169, 2002
188. Ragni, M.V., Pasi, K.J., White, II, G.C., Giangrande, P., Courter, S.V., Tubridy, K. and the Recombinant Factor IX Study Group. Use of recombinant factor IX in subjects with hemophilia B undergoing surgery. Haemophilia 8:91-97, 2002 []
189. Bertoni, A., Tadokoro, S., Eto, K., Pampori, N., Parise, L.V., White, II, G.C. and Shattil, S.J., Rap1b modulates inside-out signaling to integrin IIb3. J. Biol. Chem. 277:25715-25721, 2002 []
190. Goedert, J.J., Eyster, M.E., Lederman, M.M., Mandalaki, T., de Moerloose, P., White, II, G.C., Angiolillo, A.L., Luban, N.L.C., Sherman, K.E., Manco-Johnson, M., Preiss, L., Leissinger, C., Kessler, C.M., Cohen, A.R., DiMichele, D., Hilgartner, M.W., Aledort, L.M., Kroner, B.L., Hatzakis, A. and the Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study. End stage liver disease in persons with hemophilia and transfusion-associated infections. Blood 100:1584-1589, 2002 [].
191. Wilcox, D.A. and White, II, G.C., Gene therapy for platelet disorders. Chapter 61 in Platelets. Ed. Michelson, A.D., Academic Press, New York, pp. 927-937, 2002.
192. Monahan, P.E. and White, II, G.C., Hemophilia gene therapy: Update. Current Opin Hematol. 9:430-436, 2002
193. Fried, M.W., Peter, J., Hoots, W.K., Gaglio, P.J., Talbut, D., Davis, P.C., Key, N.S., White, II, G.C., Lindblad, L., Rickles, F.R., and Abshire, T.C. Hepatitis C in adults and adolescents with hemophilia. A randomized, controlled trial of interferon alpha-2b and ribavirin. Hepatology 36:967-972, 2002.
194. Rick, M.E., Moll, S., Taylor, M.A., Krizek, D.M., White, II, G.C. and Aronson, D.L., Clinical use of a rapid collagen-binding assay for von Willebrand factor cleaving protease in patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Thrombos. Haemostas. 88:598-604, 2002.
195. White, II, G.C., Antenatal cell gene transfer: An immunological trojan horse? J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 1:14-15, 2003 javascript:newWindow('/links/doi/10.1046/j.1538-7836.2003.00074.x/pdf')
196. Greenwood, R., Wang, B., Midkiff, K., White, II, G.C., Lin, H.-F. and Frelinger, J., Identification of T cell epitopes in clotting factor IX and lack of tolerance in inbred mice. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 1:95-102, 2003. javascript:newWindow('/links/doi/10.1046/j.1538-7836.2003.00001.x/pdf')
197. White, II, G.C. and Gilbert, G., Coagulation factors V and VIII: Normal function and clinical disorders. in Blood. Principles and Practice of Hematology, eds. Handin, R.I., Lux, S.E. and Stossel, T.P., 2nd edition, J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, pp. 1195-1223, 2003.
198. Roberts, H.R. and White, II, G.C., The biology of haemostasis and thrombosis. in Volume 3 of Oxford Textbook of Medicine, editors Warrell, D.A., Cox, T.M., Firth, J.D. and Benz, E.J., Fourth edition, Oxford University Press, pp. 726-741, 2003.
199. White, II, G.C., Roberts, H.R. and Marder, V.J., Evaluation of the patient with a bleeding diathesis. in Volume 3 of Oxford Textbook of Medicine, editors Warrell, D.A., Cox, T.M., Firth, J.D. and Benz, E.J., Fourth edition, Oxford University Press, pp. 741-748, 2003.
200. Hoots, W.K., Leissinger, C., Stabler, S., Schwartz, B.A., White, II, G.C., Dasani, H., Massion, C., Negrier, C., Schindel, F., and Schulman, S., Continuous infusion intravenous infusion of a plasma-derived factor IX concentrate (Mononine) in hemophilia B. Haemophilia 9:164-172, 2003. [javascript:newWindow('/links/doi/10.1046/j.1365-2516.2003.00721.x/pdf')]
201. Zhang, B., Cunningham, M.A., Nichols, W.C., Bernat, J.A., Seligsohn, U., Pipe, S.W., McVey, J.H., Schulte-Overberg, U., de Bosch, N.B., Ruiz-Saez, A., White, II, G.C., Tuddenham, E.G.D., Kaufman, R.J. and Ginsberg, D., Bleeding due to disruption of a cargo-specific ER-to-golgi transport complex. Nature Genetics 34:220-225, 2003
202. Fischer, T.H., Brittain, J., Trabalzini, L., Banes, A.J., White, II, G.C., Smith, C.J. and Nichols, T.C. The ras binding domain of ral-GDS-like protein 2 as a ras inhibitor in smooth muscle cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 305:934-940, 2003.
203. Powell, J.S., Ragni, M.V., White, II, G.C., Lusher, J., Hillman-Wiseman, C., Moon, T., Cole, V., Ramanathan-Girish, S., Roehl, H., Sajjadi, N., Jolly, D, and Hurst, D., Phase I trial of FVIII gene transfer for severe hemophilia A using a retroviral construct administered by peripheral intravenous infusion. Blood 102:2038-2045, 2003.
204. White, II, G.C., The partial thromboplastin time: Defining an era in coagulation. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 1:2267-2270, 2003.
205. Wilcox, D.A. and White, II, G.C., Gene therapy for platelet disorders. Studies with Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 1:2300-2311, 2003.
206. Wilcox, D.A., Shi, Q., Nurden, P., Haberichter, S.L., Rosenberg, J.B., Johnson, B.D., Nurden, A.T., White, II, G.C. and Montgomery, R.R., Induction of megakaryocytes to synthesize and store a releasable pool of human factor VIII. J. Thrombos. Haemost.1:2477-2489, 2003.
207. Libby, E. and White, II, G.C., Cranial pseudotumor in hemophilia. Haemophilia 10:186-188, 2004.
208. Gidwitz, S., Temple, B. and White, II, G.C., Mutations in and near the second calcium binding domain of integrin IIb affect the structure and function of integrin IIb3. Biochem. J. 379:449-459, 2004.
209. Soucie, J.M., Cianfrini, C., Janco, R.L.. Kulkarni, R., Hambleton, J., Evatt, B., Forsyth, A., Geraghty, S., Hoots, K., Abshire, T., Curtis, R., Forsberg, A., Huszti, H., Wagner, M., and White, II, G.C., Joint range of motion loss among young males with hemophilia: Prevalence and risk factors. Blood 103:2467-2473, 2004 (Charles C. Shepard Science Award as the outstanding peer-reviewed paper published by the CDC/ATSDR).
210. Moll, S.M., Lindley, C., Pescatore, S., Morrison, D., Tsuruta, K., Mohri, M., Serada, M., Sata, M., Shimizu, H., Yamada, K. and White, II, G.C., Phase I study of a novel recombinant human soluble thrombomodulin, ART-123. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 2:1745-1751, 2004
211. Roberts, H.R., White, II, G.C. and Monroe, D.M., The use of recombinant VIIa in the treatment of bleeding disorders. Blood 104:3858-3864, 2004.
212. White, II, G.C. and Sadler, J.E., von Willebrand disease: Clinical aspects and therapy. in Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice, eds. Hoffman, R., Benz, Jr., E.J., Shattil, S.J., Furie, B., and Cohen, H.J., Churchill-Livingstone Inc., 4th edition, New York, pp. 2121-2136, 2005.
213. Moll, S. and White, II, G.C., Thrombotic vascular disease. in Principles of Molecular Cardiology, editors: Runge, M.S. and Patterson, C., Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp. 451-471, 2005.
214. 214: Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., Smyth, S.S., Schoenwaelder, S.M., Fischer, T.H. and White, II, G.C. Rap1b is required for normal platelet function in mice. J. Clin. Invest. 115:680-687, 2005.
215. Kessler, C.M., Gill, J.C., White, II, G.C., Shapiro, A.D., Arkin, S., Roth, D.A., Meng, X. and Lusher, J.M., B-domain deleted recombinant factor VIII preparations are bioequivalent to a monoclonal antibody purified plasma derived factor VIII concentrate. A randomized, three-way crossover study. Haemophilia 11:84-91, 2005.
216. Parameswaran, R., Shapiro, A.D., Gill, J.C., Kessler, C.M. and the HTRS Registry Investigators. Dose-effect and efficacy of rFVIIa in the treatment of hemophilia patients with inhibitors: Analysis of the Hemophilia and Thrombosis Research Society Registry. Haemophilia 11:100-106, 2005.
217. White, II, G.C. and Samulski, R.J., Gene therapy: Introduction and overview. In Textbook of Hemophilia, eds. Lee, C., Berntorp, E. and Hoots, W.K., Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, pp. 241-246, 2005.
218. White, II, G.C. and Monahan, P.E., Gene therapy for hemophilia A. in Textbook of Hemophilia, eds. Lee, C., Berntorp, E. and Hoots, W.K., Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, pp. 253-255, 2005.
219. White, II, G.C. and Roberts, H.R., Gene therapy for hemophilia. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 3:1312, 2005.
220. Astermark, J., Oldenberg, J., Escobar, M.E., White, II, G.C., Berntorp, E. and the MIBS study Group. The Malmö International Brother Study (MIBS). Genetic defects and inhibitor development in siblings with severe hemophilia A. Haematologica 90:924-930, 2005.
221. White, II, G.C., Kempton, C.L., Grimsley, A., Nielsen, B. and Roberts, H.R., Cellular immune responses in hemophilia. Why do inhibitors develop in some but not all hemophiliacs? J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 3: 1676-1681, 2005.
222. Fang, J., Hodivala-Dilke, K., Johnson, B.D., Hynes, R.O., White, II, G.C. and Wilcox, D.A., Therapeutic expression of the platelet-specific integrin, IIb3 in a murine model for Glanzmann Thrombasthenia. Blood 106:2671-1679, 2005. (cover article)
223. Lundblad, R.L. and White, II, G.C., The interaction of thrombin with blood platelets, Platelets 7:373-385, 2005
224. White, II, G.C., Cellular immune mechanisms leading to the development of inhibitors in hemophilia. in From Care to Coaching. Changing Perspectives for Haemophilia Patients and Physicians. Eds. Mauser-Bunschoten, E.P., van den Berg, H.M., Smit, C., and de Knecht-van Eekelen, A., Utrecht, Van Creveldkliniek, pp. 102-113, 2005.
225. Roberts, H.R., Escobar, M.E., and White, II, G.C., Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B. in Williams Hematology. 7th Edition. Eds. Lichtman, M.A., Beutler, E., Kipps, T.J., Seligsohn, U., Kaushansky, K. and Prchal, J.T., McGraw-Hill Medical, Chicago, pp. 1867-1886, 2006.
226. White, II, G.C. and Roberts, H.R., New Approaches for the Therapy of Bleeding Disorders, Including Gene Therapy. in Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice, eds. Colman, R.W., Marder, V.J., Clowes, A.W., George, J.N. and Goldhaber, S.Z., Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Inc., 5th edition, Philadelphia, pp.1205-1217, 2005..
227. White, II, G.C., Introduction. Sems. Hemat. 43 (suppl.1):S1-S2, 2006
228. White, II, G.C., Congenital and acquired platelet disorders: Current dilemmas and treatment strategies. Sems. Hemat. 43 (suppl.1):S37-S41, 2006
229. White, II, GC. Parachutes and prophylaxis: They both work! J. Thromb. Haemost. 4:1226-1227, 2006
230. Moll, S. and White, II, G.C., Coagulation disorders. in Principles of Molecular Cardiology, editors: Runge, M.S. and Patterson, C., Humana Press Inc, Totowa, NJ, pp. 871-882, 2007.
231. Wilcox, D.A. and White, II, G.C., Gene Therapy for Platelet Disorders. In Platelets, ed. Michelson, A.D., Academic Press, 2nd Edition, New York, pp. 1313-1325, 2007
232. White, II, G.C. and Rompietti, R., Platelet secretion: Indiscriminate spewing forth or highly orchestrated event? J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 5:2006-2008, 2007
233. Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., Kraus, A.E., Gale, D., White, II, G.C. and van Sluys, J., Defective angiogenesis, endothelial migration, proliferation, and MAPK signaling in rap1b-deficient mice (commentary paper). Blood 111:2647-2656, 2008.
234. Chen, Y., Yu, M., Podd, A., Wen, R., Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., White, II, G.C. and Wang, D., A critical role of rap1b in B cell trafficking and marginal zone B cell development. Blood 111:4627-4636, 2008
235. 235 Chu, H., Awasthi, A., White, II, G.C., Chrzanowski-Wodnicka, M. and Malarkannan, S., Rap1b-regulates B cell development, homing, and T cell-dependent humoral immunity, J. Immunol. 181:3373-3383, 2008
236. Ferro, E., Magrini, D., Guazzi, P., Fischer, T.H., Pistolesi, S., Pogni, R., White, II, G.C. and Trabalzini, L., G-protein binding features and regulation of the RalGDS family member, RGL2. Biochem. J. 415:145-154, 2008
237. White, II, G.C., Prediction of inhibitors in hemophilia. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 6:2045-2047, 2008.
238. White, II, GC. Current status of thrombolytics - the need for better, especially safer, agents. Thrombos Res. 122 (suppl 3):S1-2, 2008.
239. Kempton, C.L. and White, II, G.C. How we treat a hemophilia A patient with a factor VIII inhibitor. Blood 113:11-17, 2009.
240. Wang, Z., Holly, S.P., Larson, M.K., Lui, J., Yuan, W., Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., White, II, G.C. and Parise, L.V., Rap1b is critical for GPVI- but not ADP receptor-mediated 21 activation. J. Thrombos. Haemostas 7:693-700, 2009
241. Carbo, C., Duerschmied, D., George, T., Hattori, H., Sakai, J., Cifuni, S.M., White, II, G.C., Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., Luo, H.R. and Wagner, D.D. Integrin-dependent role of CalDAG-GEFI in neutrophil chemotaxis, J. Leukocyte Biol. 88:313-319, 2010
242. White, II, G.C., Hemophilia: An Amazing 35-year Journey from the Depths of HIV to the Threshold of Cure. Trans. Am. Clin. Climatol. Assoc. 121:61-75, 2010.
243. Awasthi, A., Samarakoon, A., Chu, H., Kamalakannan, R., Quilliam, L.A., Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., White, II, G.C. and Malarkannan, S. Rap1b facilitates NK cell functions via IQGAP1-mediated signalosomes. J Exp Med 207:1923-1938, 2010.
244. Zhang, G., Xiang, B., Ye, S., Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., Morris, A.J., Gartner, T.K., Whitehurst, S.W., White, II, G.C., Smyth, S. and Li, Z. Distinct roles for rap1b in platelet secretion and integrin IIb3 outside-in signaling. in revision, J Biol Chem.286:39466-39477, 2011.
245. Marder, V.J., Aird, W.C., Bennett, J.S., Schulman, S. and White, II, G.C. The field of hemostasis and thrombosis: Selected translational achievements. In Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice. Editors: Marder, V.J., Shulman, S., Aird, W., White, II, G.C. and Bennett, J.S., Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 6th edition, Philadelphia, 3-10, 2012.
246. White, II, G.C., Marder, V.J., Schulman, S., Aird, W.C. and Bennett, J.S. Overview of basic coagulation and fibrinolysis. In Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice. Editors: Marder, V.J., Shulman, S., Aird, W., White, II, G.C. and Bennett, J.S., Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 6th edition, Philadelphia, 103-109, 2012.
247. White, II, G.C., Roberts, H.R. and Marder, V.J. Overview of inherited hemorrhagic disorders. In Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice. Editors: Marder, V.J., Shulman, S., Aird, W., White, II, G.C. and Bennett, J.S., Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 6th edition, Philadelphia, 641-647, 2012.
248. White, Ii, G.C., Schulman, S., Marder, V.J. Overview of therapy of bleeding disorders. In Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice. Editors: Marder, V.J., Shulman, S., Aird, W., White, II, G.C. and Bennett, J.S., Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 6th edition, Philadelphia, 903-905, 2012.
249. White, II, G.C. and Roberts, H.R. New approaches for the therapy of bleeding disorders, including gene therapy. In Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice. Editors: Marder, V.J., Shulman, S., Aird, W., White, II, G.C. and Bennett, J.S., Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 6th edition, Philadelphia, 942-854, 2012.
250. Gruppo, R.A., Thompson, A.R., Valentino, L.A., Wong, W.Y., Gomperts, E.D., Kohne, C.J., Beardsley, D.S., Negrier, C., Sobol, R.E. and White, II, G.C., A phase I study with gutted adenovirus vector (MaxAdVIII) in a patient with severe hemophilia A. in preparation.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Inhibitors to Coagulation Factors. Editors Aledort, L.M., Hoyer, L.W., Lusher, J.M., Reisner, H.M. and White, II, G.C., Plenum Press, New York, 306 pp, 1995
2. Hemophilia Care in the New Millenium. Editors Monroe, D.M., Hoffman, M., White, II, G.C., Savidge, G., Negrier, C and Hedner, U., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, New York, 182 pp, 2001
3. Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice. Editors: Marder, V.J., Shulman, S., Aird, W., White, II, G.C. and Bennett, J.S., Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 6th edition, Philadelphia, 1562 pp, 2012
1. 1A. Kingdon, H.S., Breece, G.R., White, II, G.C. and Lundblad, R.L., Effects of Antithrombin III on Thrombogenic Enzymes in Factor IX Concentrates: Implications Regarding the Regulatory Role of Antithrombin III, Clin. Res. 24:74A, 1975.
2. 2A. Lundblad, R.L., White, II, G.C., Roberts, H.R. and Kingdon, H.S., Antithrombin III and Thrombogenicity of Prothrombin Complex Concentrates, 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Dallas, TX, Dec. 6-9, Abstr. #356, p. 167, 1975.
3. 3A. Kingdon, H.S., White, II, G.C., Lundblad, R.L. and Roberts, H.R., Generation of Thrombogenic Enzymes in Prothrombin Complex Concentrates by Contact with DEAE-Cellulose or with Calcium or Strontium Ions, 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Dallas, TX, Dec. 6-0, Atstr. #350, P. 169, 1975.
4. 4A. White, II, G.C. Lundblad, R.L., Blatt, P.M., Kingdon, H.S. and Roberts, H.R., Effects of Deliberately Activated and Partially Activated Prothrombin Complex Concentrates on Normal Plasma and on Hemophilia A Plasma Containing an Inhibitor of Factor VIII, 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Dallas, TX, Dec. 6-9, Abstr. #363, p. 169, 1975.
5. 5A. Workman, E.F. and White, II, G.C., Platelet-Thrombin Interactions: Assessment of Thrombin Binding and Receptor Specificity by Affinity Chromatography, Fed. Proc. 35:756, 1976.
6. 6A. Kingdon, H.S., White, II, G.C. and Lundblad, R.L., Prothrombin Complex Concetrates: Thrombotic Effects in Normal Plasma and Hemostatic Effects in Plasma Containing an Inhibitor of Factor VIII, Clin. Res. 24:400A, 1976.
7. 7A. White, II, G.C. Workman, E.F. and Lundblad, R.L., Thrombin binding to Thrombasthenic Platelets. Clues to the Identity of the Platelet Receptor for Thrombin. Blood 48:1008, 1976.
8. 8A. Workman, E.F. White, II, G.C. and Lundblad, R.L., The Binding of Native and Modified Bovine Alpha-Thrombin to Human Platelets, Fed. Proc. 36:645, 1977.
9. 9A. White, II, G.C. Workman, E.F. and Lundblad, R.L., Thrombin interaction with Integral Platelet Plasma Membrane Components, Fed. Proc. 36:645, 1977.
10. 10A. White, II, G.C., Workman, E.F. and Lundblad, R.L., Effect of Storage on Platelet Membrane Structure and Response to Thrombin, 17th Congress of the International Society of Hematology, Paris, France, July 23-29, 1978.
11. 11A. Marouf, A.A., Workman, E.F. and White, II, G.C., Elevation of High Affinity Platelet Factor Four (HA-PF4) in Hypercoagulable States, Circulation 58 (Part II):II-116, 1978.
12. 12A. White, II, G.C., Lundblad, R.L. and Kingdon, H.S., Studies on the Factor IX Activator of Bovine Serum: Relationship to Plasma Factor XI, Circulation 58 (Part II):II-211, 1978.
13. 13A. White, II, G.C., Holahan, J.R. and Raynor, S.T., Effects of Thrombin and Trypsin on Platelet Ca++-Dependent Protease, Fed. Proc. 38:1410, 1979.
14. 14A. White, II, G.C., Levine, S.N. and Steiner, A.L., Activation of Soluble Guanylate Cyclase by a Platelet Supernatant Fraction, Thrombos. Haemostas. 42:13, 1979.
15. 15A. Larsen, N.E., Simons, E.R., White, II, G.C. and Lundblad, R.L., Platelet Stimulation by Tetranitromethane-Modified Alpha-Thrombin, Thrombos. Haemostas. 42:69, 1979.
16. 16A. Levine, S.N., Steiner, A.L. and White, II, G.C., Identification and Distribution of the Calcium-Dependent Regulator Protein in Human Platelet Preparations, Thrombos. Haemostas. 42:81, 1979.
17. 17A. Friedman, M. and White, II, G.C., The Effects of Heparin Pretreatment on the Development of Pulmonary Edema Following Microembolization, Physiologist 22:41, 1979.
18. 18A. Holahan, J.R. and White, II, G.C., Heterogeneity of Platelet Membrane Surface Proteins in Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia, Blood 54 (Suppl. 1):244A, 1979.
19. 19A. White, II, G.C., Inhibition by Inhibitors of Calmodulin of Calcium Uptake by a Platelet Particulate Fraction, Circulation 62 (Suppl. III):50, 1980.
20. 20A. White, II, G.C., Griffith, M.J. and Lundblad, R.L., The Interaction of Phosphopyridoxylated Thrombin with Human Platelets, Circulation 62 (Suppl. III):273, 1980.
21. 21A. White, II, G.C., Calmodulin Regulation of Calcium Fluxes in Human Platelet Microsomal Fractions, J. Supramol. Struct. Cell. Biochem. (Suppl. 5):141, 1981.
22. 22A. Roberts, H.R., Blatt, P.M. and White, II, G.C., Current Approaches to the Treatment of Patients with Anti-Factor VIII Antibodies, International Meeting on Activated Prothrombin Complex Concentrates, Rome, March 30-31, 1981.
23. 23A. Lesesne, H.R., Blatt, P.M., Taylor, R., White, II, G.C. and Johnson, G., Chronic Liver Disease, Variceal Bleeding and Distal Splenorenal shunt in Hemophilia, Gastroenterol. 80:1339, 1981.
24. 24A. Kupper, C.A., White, II, G.C. and Burnham, S.J., Streptokinase Therapy for Deep Vein Thrombosis: The Role of Noninvasive Testing, Bruit 5:20, 1981.
25. 25A. Cooper, H.A., Bennett, W.P., White, II, G.C. and Wagner, R.H., The Effect of Serratia Marcescens Protease on the Aggregation of Human Platelets by von Willebrand Factor and Thrombin, Thrombos. Haemostas. 46:99, 1981.
26. 26A. White, II, G.C., Zeitler, K.D., Lesesne, H.R., McMillan, C.W. and Blatt, P.M., Chronic Hepatitis in Patients with Hemophilia A and Intermittently Abnormal Liver Function Tests, Blood 58:228a, 1981.
27. 27A. Knupp, C.L. and White, II, G.C., Active-Site Modified Alpha-Thrombin does not Inhibit the Hydrolysis of Platelet-Associated Glycoprotein V (GPV) by Native Alpha-Thrombin, Blood 58:198a, 1981.
28. 28A. Dombrose, F.A., Callahan, J., White, II, G.C., Griffith, M.J., Williams, J. and Johnson, M., Familial Thrombophilia with a Phenotypic Variant of Antithrombin Heparin Cofactor, Blood 58:232a, 1981.
29. 29A. White, II, G.C. and Knupp, C.L., Platelet-Thrombin Interactions. The Relationship between Hydrolysis of Platelets Membrane Glycoprotein V (GPV) by Thrombin and Platelet Activation, Clin. Res. 29:865A, 1981.
30. 30A. Blatt, P.M., White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W. Webster, W.P. and Roberts, H.R., Failure of Autoplex to Produce Hemostasis in a Hemophiliac with an Anti-Factor VIII Antibody, Blood 60 (Suppl. 1):207a, 1982.
31. 31A. Fischer, T.H., Raynor, S.T. and White, II, G.C., The Effect of Phenothiazine Derivatives on Ca++-ATPase Activity in Microsomes from Human Platelets, Fed. Proc. 42:568, 1983.
32. 32A. White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W., Roberts, H.R. and Willis, P.W., Normal Incidence of Mitral Valve Prolapse in Patients with von Willebrand's Disease, Thrombos. Haemostas. 50:33, 1983.
33. 33A. White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W., Roberts, H.R., Rollins, B. and Folds, J.D., Abnormalities of T Lymphocytes in Hemophiliacs, Thrombos. Haemostas. 50:209, 1983.
34. 34A. White, II, G.C., Effect of 1-O-Alkyl-2-Acetyl-sn-Glyceryl-3-Phosphorylcholine (AGEPC) on Calcium Fluxes by Human Platelet Microsomes, Blood 62:271a, 1983.
35. 35A. McKinney, W.P., Evatt, B.L., White, II, G.C., Warren, M. and Holman, R.C., Evidence for Progressive Lymphopenia in Recipients of Factor VIII Concentrates, Blood 62:236a, 1983.
36. 36A. Griffith, M.J., Thompson, G.F., McNeely, T.B., Marbet, G.A. and White, II, G.C., Measurement of Heparin Cofactor II Levels in Human Plasma, Circulation 70(Suppl.II):II-361, 1984.
37. 37A. Haynes, B.F., White, II, G.C., Palker, T., Scearce, R., Ho, W., Hamilton, J., Foster, P., Saxinger, C., Sarngadharan, M., Robert-Guroff, M., Popovic, M. and Gallo, R.C., Clinical and Virologic Correlates of Serum Antibodies to Human T Cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) Types I, II, and III in Hemophilia, Clin. Res. 33:342a, 1985.
38. 38A. Jennings, L.K., Wang, W.C, Ashmun, R.A., White, II, G.C. and Dockter, M.E., Rapid diagnosis and classification of Glanzmann's thrombasthenia by flow cytometry, Thrombos. Hemostas. 54:9, 1985.
39. 39A. Carr, Jr, M.E., Gabriel, D.A. and White, II, G.C., Platelet factor 4 causes increased fibrin gel fiber size, Thrombos. Hemostas. 54:40, 1985.
40. 40A. Madden, M.C., Eling, T.E., White, II, G.C. and Friedman, M., Ozone (O3) inhibits cyclooxygenase activity in cultured pulmonary endothelial cells, Toxicologist 6:514A ,1986.
41. 41A. Smiley, L., White, II, G.C., Matthews, T.J., Weinhold, K.J. and Bolognesi, D.P., Natural history of HTLV-III/LAV infection in hemophiliacs. 26th Annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, New Orleans, LA., Oct. 7-10, Abstr. #1018, p. 284, 1986.
42. 42A. Palker, T.J., Matthews, T., Clark, M., Langlois, A., Cianciolo, G., White, II, G.C., Safai, B., Snyderman, R., Bolognesi, D.P. and Haynes, B.F., A conserved region at the C-terminus of human immunodeficiency virus GP120 envelope protein contains an immunodominant epitope. Fed. Proc. 46:624, 1987.
43. 43A. Reisner, H.M., Reisner, E.A., Kostyu, D.D., Lubahn, B.C., McMillan, C. and White, II, G.C., Possible association of HLA and Gm with the alloimmune response to FVIII. Thrombos. Haemostas. 58:338, 1987.
44. 44A. Smiley, L., White, II, G.C., Macik, G., Becherer, P., Weinhold, K.J., Matthews, T.J., McMillan, C.W. and Bolognesi, D., Transmission of human immunodeficiency virus from hemophiliacs to their sexual partners: Role of parenteral exposures. III International Conference on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Washington, D.C., June 1-5, 1987.
45. 45A. Meropol, N.J., Krause, P.R., Lederman, M.M., Levine, P.H., Eyster, M.E., White, II, G.C. and Ratnoff, O.D., Familial tendency to serious sequelae of HIV infection. III International Conference on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Washington, D.C., June 1-5, 1987.
46. 46A. Roberts, H.R., White, II, G.C., High, K. and McMillan, C.W., Ultrapure factor VIII products: The impact for the future of hemophilia care. Twelfth Annual Symposium on Blood Transfusion, Groningen, The Netherlands, October 21-23, 1987.
47. 47A. Macik, B.G., Gabriel, D.A., White, II, G.C., High, K. and Roberts, H.R., The use of high dose intravenous gammaglobulin in acquired von Willebrand syndrome. Blood 70 (Suppl.1):377a, 1987
48. 48A. White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W., High, K.A., Macik, B.G. and Roberts, H.R., Clinical trials of factor VIII prepared by recombinant DNA techniques. Symposium on Biotechnology and the Promise of Pure Factor VIII, Monte Carlo, February, 1988.
49. 49A. Roberts, H.R., High, K.A., White, II, G.C. and McMillan, C.W., Ultrapure factor VIII products: The impact for the future of hemophilia care. XVIII International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Madrid, May 26-31, 1988.
50. 50A. Becherer, P., Smiley, L., White, II, G.C., McMillan, C., Matthews, T. and Weinhold, K., Progressive i
51. mmune deterioration in HIV infected hemophiliacs. IV International Conference on AIDS, June 12-16, Stockholm, 1988.
52. 51A. Smiley, L., Becherer, P., White, II, G.C. and McMillan, C.W., CMV and HIV infection in hemophiliacs. IV International Conference on AIDS, June 12-16, Stockholm, 1988.
53. 52A. Roberts, H.R., McMillan, C.W., High, K. and White, II, G.C., Preliminary experience with factor VIII prepared by recombinant DNA techniques for the treatment of hemophilia. XXII Congress of the International Society of Hematology, August 28-September 7, Milan, 1988.
54. 53A. Roberts, H.R., White, II, G.C., High, K.A. and McMillan, C.W., Clinical trials of biosynthetic factor VIII. The XXth Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion, London, July 10-15, 1988.
55. 54A. Greene, W.B., DeGnore, L., McMillan, C.W. and White, II, G.C., Natural history and orthopedic surgery in hemophiliacs seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus, submitted to the 40th Annual Meeting of the National Hemophilia Foundation, Anaheim, CA, October 11-16, 1988.
56. 55A. Bueher, J., Weber, D.J., Meyers, A.A., Becherer, P.R., Rutala, W., Wilson, B., Smiley, M.L. and White, II, G.C., Wound infection rates in HIV positive versus negative hemophiliacs. 28th International Congress on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Los Angeles, October, 1988.
57. 56A. Goedert, J.J., Eyster, M.E., Drummond, J.E., Hilgartner, M.W., Gray, G., Cohen, A., White, II, G.C., The effect of age on HIV progression. V International Conference on AIDS, June 4-9, Montreal, 1989.
58. 57A. Becherer, P., White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W. and Lemon, S.L., Hepatitis B and HIV-1 coinfection in hemophiliacs. Vth International Conference on AIDS, June 4-9, Montreal, 1989.
59. 58A. Killinger, J.F., Rosenberg, P.S., Goedert, J.J., Aledort, L.M., Vaidya, K., Kessler, C.M., Gail, M.H., White, II, G.C., et al. Risk estimates of AIDS in hemophiliacs. V International Conference on AIDS, June 4-9, Montreal, 1989.
60. 59A. Newman, P.A., Gorski, J., White, II, G.C. and Lyman, S., PECAM-1: A new member of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily found on platelets and endothelial cells that shares structural motifs with neuronal cell adhesion molecules. Thrombos. Hemostas. 62:320, 1989.
61. 60A. Morfini, M., Messori, A., Longo, G., White, II, G.C., Gomperts, E. and Mannucci, P.M., Pharmacokinetics of recombinant FVIII compared with monoclonal antibody purified, plasma-derived FVIII. Thrombos. Hemostas. 62:198, 1989.
62. 61A. Gomperts, E., White, II, G.C., Mannucci, P.M., Roberts, H.R., Courter, S. and Lee, M., Recombinant factor VIII clinical trial: Lack of inhibitory reponse and surgical efficacy. Thrombos. Hemostas. 62:181, 1989.
63. 62A. White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W., Kingdon, H.S., Shoemaker, C.B. and the Recombinant Factor VIII Study Group, Clinical Trials with recombinant factor VIII: A status report. in Factor VIII Concentrates: Current Issues and Future Prospects. Bethesda, Md., March 9-10, 1989
64. 63A. DeGnore, L., Greene, W.B., Bynum, D.K., Dahners, L.E. and White, II, G.C., Septic arthritis in hemophiliacs seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): An emerging problem. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Annual Meeting, 1990
65. 64A. White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W., Gomperts, E., Addiego, Jr., J., Brackmann, H., Brettler, D., Gill, J., Goldsmith, J., Hoots, K., Kessler, C., Kisker, T., Laurian, Y., Lewis, B., Lusher, J., Mannucci, P., Morfini, M., Scharrer, I., Schulman, S., Lee, M., Courter, S., Kingdon, H. and Roberts, H., Safety and efficacy of human factor VIII prepared by recombinant DNA techniques. Blood 74(Suppl.1):55a, 1989.
66. 65A. Kim, H.C., McMillan, C.W., White, II, G.C., Bergman, G.E. and Saidi, P., A clinical trial with a highly purified human factor IX concentrate prepared by monoclonal antibody-conjugated immunoaffinity chromatography. Blood 74(Suppl.1):254a, 1989.
67. 66A. White, T., Lacal, J., Reep, B., Fischer, T., Lapetina, E. and White, II, G.C., Thrombolamban, the 22 kilodalton platelet substrate of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, is immunologically homologous with the ras family of GTP-binding proteins. Blood 74(suppl.1):285a, 1989.
68. 67A. Hillery, C.A., McMillan, C.W., Greene, W.G., Kingdon, H.S. and White, II, G.C., Use of recombinant DNA factor VIII by continuous intravenous infusion for orthopedic surgery. Blood 74(Suppl.1):390a, 1989.
69. 68A. Lee, M., White, II, G.C., Morfini, M., Courter, S. and Kingdon, H.S., Comparison of recombinant and monoclonally-purified AHF pharmacokinetics: The use of a two-phase linear regression model. Blood 74(Suppl.1):392a, 1989.
70. 69A. Wu, H.F., White, II, G.C. and Lundblad, R.L., Affinity chromatography of platelet membrane fractions on thrombin agarose derivatives. FASEB J. 4:A1232, 1990.
71. 70A. Lundblad, R.L., Wu, H.F., Featherstone, G.L. and White, II, G.C., Use of affinity chromatography to probe the structure of human thrombin. FASEB J. 4:A1232, 1990.
72. 71A. Lundblad, R.L., Wu, H.F., Featherstone, G.L. and White, II, G.C., Characterization of the reaction of human thrombin with a peptide chloromethylketone. FASEB J. 4:A2276, 1990.
73. 72A. Becherer, P.R., Wang, J.-G., Andes, W.A., White, II, G.C., Lesesne, H.R., Janco, R.L., Hanna, W.T., Davis, C., Johnson, C.A., Poon, M. and Lemon, S.M., Hepatitis delta virus infection in hemophiliacs. International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Houston, TX, April, 1990.
74. 73A. Becherer, P.R., Shapiro, D., Wang, J.-G., Andes, W.A., White, II, G.C., Lesesne, H.R., Janco, R.L., Hanna, W.T., Davis, C., Johnson, C.A., Poon, M. and Lemon, S.M., Hepatitis C virus infection in hemophiliacs. International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease, Houston, TX, April, 1990.
75. 74A. Killinger, J.F., Kroner, B.L., White, II, G.C., Hilgartner, M.W., Goedert, J.J., Safe sex practices of female partners of hemophilic men. submitted to the Sixth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, June 20-24, 1990
76. 75A. Weber, D.J., Becherer, P.R., Rutala, W.A., Samsa, G.P. and White, II, G.C., Rate of nosocomial infections (NI) as a function of HIV-1 status in hemophiliacs. International Nosocomial Infection Conference, Atlanta, July, 1990.
77. 76A. White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W., Courter, S., Gomperts, E. and the Recombi8nate Study Group, Safety and efficacy of antihemophilic factor (recombinant) in hemophilia A patients. XIX International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Washington, D.C., August 14-19, 1990.
78. 77A. Greene, W.B., DeGnore, L.T., White, II, G.C. and McMillan, C.W., Orthopedic surgery in hemophilia patients seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). XIX International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Washington, D.C., August 14-19, 1990.
79. 78A. Bray, G.L., Kroner, B., Kessler, C., Eyster, M.E., Ragni, M., Cohen, A.R., Sprandio, J., Hilgartner, M., Aledort, L., White, II, G.C., Andes, W.A., Lederman, M., Lechner, K. and Goedert, J.J., Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is not a cofactor for progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected hemophiliacs. Blood 76(suppl.1):484a, 1990.
80. 79A. White, II, G.C., Gomperts, E., Liu-Maruya, S. and the Recombinate Collaborative Study Group. Long-term safety and efficacy clinical trial with recombinant factor VIII. Thrombos. Haemostas. 65:705, 1991.
81. 80A. Hourdille, E., Heilmann, E., Pruvost A., Ferrer, A.M., Vezon G, Lundblad, R., White, II, G.C. and Nurden, A.T., Von Willebrand factor bound to GPIb is internalized within the platelet surface-connected canalicular system (SCCS) after subsequent proteolytic activation of the platelets by thrombin. Thrombos. Haemostas. 65:771, 1991.
82. 81A. White, II, G.C., Gomperts, E., Courter, S. and the Recombinate Study Group. Long-term safety and efficacy clinical trial with recombinant factor VIII. Transfusion 32:486, 1992.
83. 82A. Kim, H.C., White, II, G.C., McMillan, C.W., Salzman, P., Bergman, G. and Saidi, P., Monoclonal antibody purified factor IX (Mononine): Long-term experience in patients with hemophilia B. XXth International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Athens, October 12-17, 1992.
84. 83A. Newman, P.J., Weyerbusch-Bottum, S., Visentin, G.P., Gidwitz, S. and White, II, G.C., Type II Glanzmann thrombasthenia due to a destabilizing amino acid substitution in platelet membrane glycoprotein IIIa. Thrombos. Haemostas. 69:1017, 1993.
85. 84A. Gidwitz, S., Richardson, R.L., White, D.H. and White, II, G.C., Calcium binding domain chimeras of GPIIb and a5 complex with GPIIIa and are expressed on the surface of CHO cells. Thrombos. Haemostas. 69:1021, 1993.
86. 85A. Fischer, T.J., Duffy, C.M. and White, II, G.C., Rap 1B, a component of the activation-dependent cytoskeleton in platelets, associates with microfilaments in vitro. Thrombos. Haemostas. 69:1342, 1993.
87. 86A. Smith, S.V., Brecher, M.E., Delmastro, D.M., Liles, D.K. and White, II, G.C., Therapeutic plasmapheresis in acquired factor X deficiency. submitted to AABB.
88. 87A. Kim, H.C. and White, II, G.C., Long-term safety, tolerance and recovery of factor IX (human) in patients with hemophilia B. Blood 82(Suppl.1):154a, 1993.
89. 88A. Liles, D.K., White, II, G.C., Delmastro, D. and Roberts, H.R., In vitro characterization of an acquired factor X inhibitor. Blood 82(Suppl.1):596a, 1993.
90. 89A. Lusher, J.M., Kasper, C.K., White, II, G.C., Shapiro, A., Bergman, G.E. and the Mononine Study Group. Safety of high doses of a monoclonal antibody purified factor IX concentrate. XXI International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Mexico City, April 24-29, 1994.
91. 90A. White, II, G.C., Shapiro, A., Pitel, P. Bergman, G.E. and the Mononine Study Group. Safety and efficacy of monoclonal antibody purified factor IX concentrate in hemophilia B patients undergoing surgical procedures. XXI International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Mexico City, April 24-29, 1994.
92. 91A. Bray, G.L., Kazemi, M., Liu, S.-L., Courter, S., Buckwalter, C., White, II, G.C., Gomperts, E.D. and the Recombinate Study Group. Results of foreign protein antibody (Ab) ELISAs in a cohort of recombinant factor VIII (R-FVIII) treated patients. Blood 84(Suppl.1):65a, 1994.
93. 92A. Menache, D., Aronson, D.L., Darr, F., Montgomery, R.R. and the Cooperative Study Group. Rate of synthesis of factor VIII and decay of factor VIII and von Willebrand factor (vWf) in severe von Willebrand disease (vWd). Blood 84(Suppl.1):238a, 1994.
94. 93A. White, II, G.C., Fischer, T.H., Crandall, R., Eads, C.E. and Duffy, C., cAMP inhibits activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway in human platelets. Thrombos.Haemostas.73:995, 1995.
95. 94A. Trabalzini, L., Peterson, S.N., Fischer, T.H., Lapetina, E.G. and White, II, G.C., Rap1b interacts with a ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator (RalGDS) homolog. Thrombos.Haemostas.73:996, 1995.
96. 95A. Lee, M., Kessler, C., White, II, G.C., Gomperts, E.D., Courter, S.G. and the Recombinate Study Group. The pharmacokinetics of recombinant factor VIII (Recombinate) under continuous infusion. Thrombos.Haemostas.73:1015, 1995.
97. 96A. White, II, G.C., Shapiro, A.D., Ragni, M.V., Courter, S.G., Tubridy, K.L., Kaye, J.A. and Kessler, C.M., A pharmacokinetic evaluation and comparison of a new recombinant human factor IX concentrate. Thrombos.Haemostas.73:1015, 1995.
98. 97A. Shapiro, A., White, II, G.C., Kim, H.C., Pitel, P., Bergman, G.E. and the Mononine Study Group. Safety and efficacy of monoclonal antibody (MAb)-purified factor IX for prophylaxis against bleeding in hemophilia B patients undergoing surgical procedures. Thrombos.Haemostas.73:1022, 1995.
99. 98A. Greene, W.B., Kelley, S.S., White, II, G.C. and Roberts, H.R., Excision of large pelvic pseudotumore, bilateral total hip arthroplasty, and periprosthetic fracture repair following suppression of high-titer inhibitor. Third Musculoskeletal Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 1995
100. 99A. White, G.C., Shapiro, A., Ragni, M., Tubridy, K. and Courter, S., Preliminary clinical phase I data of a novel recombinant human factor IX concentrate. Annual Meeting of the National Hemophilia Foundation, Philadelphia, PA, October 1995.
101. 100A. Courter, S., White, G.C., Ragni, M. and Shapiro, A., Recombinant human factor IX: Product characteristics and preliminary data. Annual Meeting of the National Hemophilia Foundation, Philadelphia, PA, October 1995.
102. 101A. Gruppo, R., Bray, G.L., Schroth, P., Gomperts, E.D., Aledort, L. and the Recombinate Study Group. Transient inhibitors in recipients of recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII): A report from the Recombinante Study of previously untreated patients (PUPs). Blood 86 (Suppl.10):193a, 1995.
103. 102A. White, II, G.C., Shapiro, A.S., Ragni, M.V., Kaye, J., Tubridy, K., McCarthy, K. and Courter, S., Phase I/II pharmacokinetics, safety and efficacy data of recombinant human factor IX in previously treated patients with hemophilia B. Blood 86 (Suppl.10):193a, 1995.
104. 103A. Ragni, M.V., Shapiro, A.S., White, II, G.C., Beebe, A., Gencarella, N. and Doherty, K., Use of recombinant factor IX in three patients with hemophilia B undergoing surgery. Blood 86 (Suppl.10):194a, 1995.
105. 104A. Eads, C.E., Crandall, R., Fischer, T.H. and White, II, G.C., Integrin-mediated signalling to focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinases are dissociable events. Blood 86 (Suppl.10):451a, 1995.
106. 105A. Lyman, S., Gilmore, A., Burridge, K.W., Gidwitz, S. and White, II, G.C., Activating and inactivating mutations of the b3 cytoplasmic tail. Blood 86 (Suppl.10):452a, 1995.
107. 106A. Liles, D.K., White, II, G.C., Kingdon, H.S. and Roberts, H.R., Lack of absorption of factor VIII from extravascular sites: Key for future gene therapy of hemophilia A. Blood 86 (Suppl.10):1001a, 1995.
108. 107A. Lyman, S., Gilmore, A., Haas, T.A., Gidwitz, S., Burridge, K.W.T., Plow, E.F. and White, II, G.C., Regulation of ligand binding affinity by 3 cytoplasmic domain mutations. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Integrins and Signaling Events in Cell Biology and Disease, Keystone, CO, January 5-11, 1996.
109. 108A. White, II, G.C., Lyman, S., Gilmore, A., Burridge, K.W.T., Gidwitz, S., Haas, T.A., and Plow, E.F., Cytoskeletal interactions of integrins. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Integrins and Signaling Events in Cell Biology and Disease, Keystone, CO, January 5-11, 1996.
110. 109A. Gidwitz, S. and White, II, G.C., The conformation of the second calcium binding domain is critical for maturation and surface expression of the IIb3 complex. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Integrins and Signaling Events in Cell Biology and Disease, Keystone, CO, January 5-11, 1996.
111. 110A. White, II, G.C., Shapiro, A., Lusher, J., Roth, D., Pasi, J., Keutzer, T., Courter, S., Tubridy, K. and the Recombinant Factor IX Study Group. Recombinant factor IX in the treatment of previously treated patients with hemophilia B. Brit. J. Haemat. 93(suppl.2):163, 1996.
112. 111A. Ragni, M., Shapiro, A., White, II, G.C., Pasi, J., Laurian, Y., Gencarella, N., Quiles, E. and Courter, S., Use of recombinant factor IX in seven patients with FIX deficiency undergoing surgery. Brit. J. Haemat. 93(suppl.2):163, 1996.
113. 112A. White, II, G.C. Recombinant human factor IX (rFIX) in previously treated and untreated patients with hemophilia B. Haemophilia 2(Suppl.1):9, 1996.
114. 113A. Hay, C.R.M., Ludlam, C.A., Colvin B.T., Hill, F.G.H., Preston, F.E., Mauser-Bunschoten, E.P., Finvandraat, K., Sultan, Y., White, II, G.C. and Kasper, C. Factor VIII inhibitors in patients with moderate severity haemophilia A. Haemophilia 2(Suppl.1):18, 1996.
115. 114A. White, II, G.C., Shapiro, A., Lusher, J., Courter, S., Tubridy, K. and the Recombinant Factor IX Study Group. Recombinant factor IX in the treatment of hemorrhage in previously treated patients with hemophilia B. Haemophilia 2(Suppl.1):64, 1996.
116. 115A. Lusher, J., Roth, D., Pasi, J., White, II, G.C., Kreutzer, T. and Courter, S., The use of rhFIX in prophylaxis. Early experience of six patients. Haemophilia 2(Suppl.1):110, 1996.
117. 116A. Ragni, M., Shapiro, A., White, II, G.C., Pasi, J., Laurian, Y., Gencarella, N., Quiles, E. and Courter, S., Use of recombinant factor IX in six patients with hemophilia B undergoing surgery. Haemophilia 2(Suppl.1):110, 1996.
118. 117A. Ragni, M., Shapiro, A., White, II, G.C., Mays, M., Sisk, R., Goodfellow, J., Gencarella, N., Courter, S. and the rFIX Study Group. Use of recombinant factor IX in 15 patients with FIX deficiency undergoing surgery. submitted to the Annual Meeting of the National Hemophilia Foundation.
119. 118A. Wilcox, D.A., Olsen, J.C. and White, II, G.C., Retrovirus mediated gene therapy for Glanzmann thrombasthenia: Tissue specific transcription and synthesis of the GPIIIa PlA2 alloantigen within cells homozygous for PlA1. Blood 88 (suppl. 1):30a, 1996.
120. 119A. White, II, G.C., Lusher, J., Shapiro, A., Tubridy, K., Courter, S. and the Recombiant Factor IX Study Group. Recombinant factor IX in the treatment of previously treated patients with hemophilia B. Blood 88 (Suppl. 1):327a, 1996.
121. 120A. Ragni, M., White, II, G.C., Pasi, J., Garzone, P. Courter, S. and the rFIX Study Group. Dose response relationship of rFIX in the surgical setting. Blood 88 (Suppl. 1):329a, 1996.
122. 121A. Hay, C.R.M., Ludlam, C.A., Colvin, B.T., Hill, F., Preston, F.E., Berntorp, E., Mauser-Bunschoten, E., Fijnvandraat, K., Kasper, C.K., Mannucci, P.M., Santagostino, E., Sultan, Y., White, II, G.C. and UKHCDO. Factor VIII inhibitors in mild-moderate hemophilia A. Blood 88 (Suppl. 1):74b, 1996.
123. 122A. White, II, G.C., Pasi, K.J., Lusher, J., Brackmann, H.H., Magill, M., Courter, S. and the rFIX Study Group. Recombinant factor IX in the treatment of previously treated patients with hemophilia B. Thrombos. Haemostas. 77 (Suppl. 1):52, 1997
124. 123A. Gruppo, R., Bray, G.L., Schroth, P., Perry, M., Gomperts, E.D. and the Recombinate Study Group. Safety and immunogenicity of recombinant factor VIII (RecombinateTM) in previously untreated patients (PUPs): A 6.5 year update. Thrombos. Haemostas. 77 (Suppl. 1):162, 1997
125. 124A. Fischer, T.H., Brittain, J.E., Trabalzini, L., Peterson, S.N., Nichols, T.C. and White, II, G.C., The ras binding domain of ral GDS-like protein-2 (RGL2) inhibits the growth factor response of A10 rat aorta smooth muscle cells. Thrombos. Haemostas. 77 (Suppl. 1):742, 1997
126. 125A. O'Brien T.R., Dean, M., White, II, G.C., Carrington, M., O'Brien, S.J. and Goedert, J.J., HIV-1 infection with a homozygous defect in the HIV-1 CCR5 coreceptor. submitted to the Retrovirus Meeting.
127. 126A. Moll, S. and White, II, G.C., Giant platelet disorder in a patient with type 2B von Willebrand's disease. Gesellschaft fuer Thrombose- und Haemostase-Forschung, Vienna, Febrary 22-26, 1997.
128. 127A. White, II, G.C. and Stabler, S., Half-life, recovery, and efficacy of continuous infusion monoclonal antibody purified factor IX in hemophilia B surgical, trauma, or severe spontaneous hemorrhage patients. Blood 90(Suppl.1):35a, 1997.
129. 128A. Wilcox, D.A., Olsen, J.C., Ishizawa, L., Bray, P.F., French, D.L., Bell, W.R., Griffith, M. and White, II, G.C., Phenotypic correction of Glanzmann's thrombasthenia following megakaryocyte-targeted synthesis of the integrin 3-subunit. Blood 90(Suppl.1):281a, 1997.
130. 129A. Astermark, J., White, II, G.C., Kroner, B. and Berntorp, E. Malmo International Brother Study (MIBS) - A survey of hemophilia brother pairs. submitted to WFH
131. 130A. Jennings, T., Dugliss, M., Callanan, N, Cheuvront, B., Lubin, I.M., Sorenson, J., and White, II, G.C., Asking patients to assist with recruiting at-risk relatives for gene testing. An invasion of privacy? Can they do it? submitted to the National Society for Genetic Counselors
132. 131A. Lubin, I.M., Pace, R.G., Jennings, T., Callanan, N., White, II, G.C., Sorenson, J. and Silverman, L.M., Hemophilia A - a strategy for detecting mutations in the fVIII gene based on analysis of the "HAMSTeRS" database. submitted to the American Society of Human Genetics
133. 132A. Nichols, W.C., Terry, V.H., Wheatley, M.A., Yang, A., Zivelin, A., Ciavarella, N., Matsushita, T., Saito, H., de Bosch, N.B., Ruiz-Saez, A., Thompson, A.R., Feinstein, D.I., White, II, G.C., Negrier, C., Aktan, M., Kaufman, R.J., Neerman-Arbez, M., Johnson, K.M., Morris, M.A., McVey, J.H., Peyvandi, F., Rossier, C., Antonarakis, S.E., Tuddenham, E.G.D., Ginsberg, D., and Seligsohn, U. ERGIC-53 mutation analysis in combined factors V and VIII deficiency: Evidence for a second gene. Blood 92(Suppl.1):474a, 1998.
134. 133A. Wilcox, D.A., Hodivala-Dilke, K.M., Hynes, R.O. and White, II, G.C. Of mice and men: Detection of a functional complex on the surface of megakaryocytes derived from retrovirus transduced bone marrow cells from 3-knockout mice. Blood 92(Suppl.1):702a, 1998.
135. 134A. White, II, G.C., Hoots, W.K., Heisel, P., Giangrande, P., Magill, M., Gencarella, N., Courter, S. and the Recombinant Factor IX Study Group. Recombinant factor IX is an effective and safe replacement therapy for previously treated patients with hemophilia B. Blood 92(Suppl.1):711a, 1998.
136. 135A. Fischer, T.H., Russell, K.E., Merricks, E.P., White, II, G.C., Nichols, T.C. and Read, M.S., Intracellular signaling capability is partially preserved in rehydrated, lyophilized platelets. Blood 92(Suppl.1):65b, 1998.
137. 136A. Pickens, E.M., Lyman, S., Burridge, K., Schaller, M.D. and White, II, G.C. RhoA(Q63L) corrects the abnormality in CHO cells expressing the mutant integrin, IIb3(F730A). Thrombos. Haemostas. 82(Suppl):23, 1999.
138. 137A. Wilcox, D.A., Hodivala-Dilke, K.M., Steeber, D.A., Shattil, S.J., Hynes, R.O. and White, II, G.C. Expression of a functional murine IIb-human 3 complex on the surface of megakaryocytes derived from 3-knockout mice. Thrombos. Haemostas.82(Suppl.):24, 1999.
139. 138A. Fischer, T.H. and White, II, G.C. Numerical analysis of the coagulation cascade: Minimal requirements for the modeling of feedback. Thrombos. Haemostas. 82(Suppl.):243, 1999.
140. 139A. Lyman, S., Pickens, E.M., Peterson, L., Burridge, K. and White, II, G.C. A 3 cytoplasmic domain mutation abrogates a-actinin binding resulting in defective cytoskeletal and signaling functions. Thrombos. Haemostas. 82(Suppl.):251, 1999.
141. 140A. Haas, T.A., Lyman, S., White II, G.C. and Plow, E.F. Structural analysis of a cytoskeletal binding domain in the  subunit of IIb3. Thrombos. Haemostas. 82(Suppl.):512, 1999.
142. 141A. Brown, D.L., Bray, G.L, Scharrer, I., DiMichele, D., Gruppo, R., White, II, G.C. and Gill, J. Transient inhibitors in patients with hemophilia A. Thrombos. Haemostas. 82(Suppl.):573, 1999.
143. 142A. Ewenstein, B.M., Hurst, D., Lusher, J.M., Powell, J.S., Ragni, M.V., Thompson, A.R. and White, II, G.C., Retroviral gene therapy for hemophilia A. presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Hemophilia Foundation, Dallas, November 5, 1999.
144. 143A. Hay, C., Berntorp, E., White, II, G.C., Rodriguez, D. and the Refacto Study Group. Use of B-domain deleted recombinant factor VIII (BDDrFVIII) in the surgical management of patients with hemophilia A. Blood 94 (Suppl.1):236a, 1999.
145. 144a. Wilcox, D.A., Rosenberg, J.B., White, II, G.C. and Montgomery, R.R. Factor VIII (FVIII) trafficking to megakaryocyte -granules following retroviral transduction of human CD34+ cells. Blood 94 (Suppl.1): 442a, 1999.
146. 145A. Shiraga, M., Ritchie, A., Aidoudi, S., Baron, V., Wilcox, D.A., White, II, G.C., Ybarrando, B., Murphy, G., Leavitt, A. and Shattil, S., A role for transcription factor NF-E2 in the regulation of signaling. Blood 94 (Suppl.1): a, 1999.
147. 146A. Hurst, D., Cole, V., Leibbrandt, M.E.I., Jolly, D.J., Roehl, H., Sajjardi, N., Powell, J.S., Ragni, M.V., White, II, G.C., Lusher, J., Ewenstein, B.M. and Thompson, A.R., Phase I trial of factor VIII gene transfer using a retroviral vector administered by peripheral intravenous infusion: Interim safety update. NHF Gene Therapy Workshop, Washington, 2000.
148. 147A. Schulman, S., White, II, G.C., Brackmann, H.H. and the Refacto Study Group. Safety and efficacy of an albumin-free formulated B-domain deleted recombinant factor VIII (BDDrFVIII, r-VIII SQ) in previously treated patients (PTPs). A four year update. Haemophilia 6:362, 2000
149. 148A. Soucie, J.M., Crudder, S., Evatt, B.L. and the UDC Project Investigators. Joint range of motion (ROM) limitations among young males with hemophilia in the U.S. Haemophilia 6:393, 2000.
150. 149A. Hurst, D., Cole, V., Leibbrandt, M.E.I., Jolly, D.J., Roehl, H., Sajardi, N., Powell, J.S., Ragni, M.V., White, II, G.C., Lusher, J., Ewenstein, B.M. and Thompson, A.R., Phase I trial of factor VIII gene transfer using a retroviral vector administered by peripheral intravenous infusion: Interim safety update. Presented at the XXIV International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia. Montreal, Canada, July 16-21, 2000.
151. 150A. Fang, X., Zhang, W.-W., Sobol, R.E., Gomperts, E., Thompson, A.R., Wong, W., Kohn, D., Rogers, R., Fischer, T., Nichols, T., Murthy, K.K., Cobb, E.K., Fahs, S., Montgomery, R.R., and White, II, G.C., Studies in non-human primate and hemophilic dog models of a "gutless" adenovirus vector for treatment of hemophilia A. Blood 96:428a, 2000
152. 151A. Aronson, D.L., Moll, S., Taylor, M.A., White, II, G.C., Krizek, D.M. and Rick, M.E., Experience using a modified assay for the von Willebrand factor (vWf) protease in TTP patients. 96:630a, 2000
153. 152A. Warshauer, D.M., Lee, J.K.T. and White, II, G.C., SMV-portal vein thrombosis in patients without a local cause: Clinical-imaging correlation. Submitted to the Radiological Society of North America, 2000
154. 153A. Trabalzini, L., Ferro, A., Santucci, A., Fischer, T.H., Paffetti, A., Martelli, P., and White, II, G.C., Structure-function relationships and tissue distribution of RGL2, a novel effector for ras and rap1B. Thrombos. Haemostas. Suppl. July 2001 (CD ROM), abstract P322, 2001
155. 154A. Schulman, S., Kessler, C., White, II, G.C., Tusell, J., Fraunhofer, A., Nguyen, K., Nissen, S. and the ReFacto Study Group. Routine prophylaxis treatment in previously treated patients (PTPs) with B-domain deleted recombinant factor VIII (BDD-FVIII). Thrombos. Haemostas. Suppl. July 2001 (CD ROM), abstract P1827, 2001
156. 155A. Powell, J.S., Ragni, M.V., White, II, G.C., Lusher, J., Hillman-Wiseman, C., Cole, V., Jolly, D., Ramanathan-Girish, S., Roehl, H., Lu, B., and Hurst, D., Phase I trial of FVIII gene transfer for severe hemophilia A using a retrovirus construct administered by peripheral vein infusion. Thrombos. Haemostas. Suppl. July 2001 (CD ROM), abstract OC2489, 2001
157. 156A. Fang, X., Andreason, G., Hariharan, M., Jan, H., Chen, W., Sobol, R.E., Gomperts, E., White, II, G.C., Thompson, A., Wong, W., Montgomery, R.R., Fahs, S. and Zhang, W.W., Pre-clinical efficacy and safety studies of a gutless adenovirus vector (MAXADFVIII) for treatment of hemophilia A. Thrombos. Haemostas. Suppl. July 2001 (CD ROM), abstract OC2490, 2001
158. 157A. Lusher, J., Kessler, C., White, II, G.C., Bedrosian, C.L., Magill, M., Nissen, S., Nguyen, K. and the Refacto Study Group. Routine prophylaxis treatment in previously treated patients (PTPs) with B-domain deleted recombinant factor VIII (BDDrFVIII). Blood 98:40a, 2001
159. 158A. Gidwitz, S. and White, II, G.C. Mutations in and near the second calcium binding domain of aIIb affect the assembly and function of IIb3. Blood 98:516a, 2001
160. 159A. Powell, J.S., Ragni, M.V., White, II, G.C., Lusher, J., Hillman-Wiseman, C., Cole, V., Jolly, D., Ramanathan-Girish, S., Roehl, H., Lu, B. and Hurst, D., Results from one year follow-up of a phase I trial of FVIII gene transfer for severe hemophilia A using a retroviral construct administered by peripheral intravenous infusion. Blood 98:693a, 2001
161. 160A. Bertoni, A., Tadokoro, S., Eto, K., Parise, L.V., White, II, G.C. and Shattil, S.J., The small GTPase Rap1b is a modulator of agonist-induced activation of platelet integrin IIb3. Blood 98:752a, 2001
162. 161A. White, II, G.C., Gene therapy of hemophilia. Clin Chem Lab Med 40 (Suppl):S32, 2002
163. 162A. Zhang, B., Cunningham, M.A., Nichols, W.C., Bernat, J.A., Seligsohn, U., Pipe, S.W., McVey, J.H., Schulte-Overberg, U., de Bosch, N.B., Ruiz-Saez, A., White, II, G.C., Tuddenham, E.G.D., Kaufman, R.J. and Ginsberg, D., The identification of CDF2 as a novel component of the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment and a second gene responsible for combined deficiency of factors V and VIII. Blood 100:4a, 2002.
164. 163A. Astermark, J., Oldenburg, J., White, II, G.C., DiMichele, D., Berntorp, E. and the MIBS Study Group. Genetic defects and inhibitor development in sib pairs with severe hemophilia A and B. Blood 100:128a, 2002.
165. 164A. Wilcox, D.A., Hodivala-Dilke, K.M., Johnson, B.D., Hynes, R.O. and White, II, G.C., Lineage specific correction of Glanzmann's thrombasthenia by expression of a function hybrid murine-human IIb3 integrin complex on the surface of platelets of 3 knockout mice. Blood 100:867a, 2002.
166. 165A. Wilcox, D.A., Hodivala-Dilke, K.M., Johnson, B.D., Hynes, R.O. and White, II, G.C., Therapuetic expression of a platelet specific integrin, IIb3. 6th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gene Therapy, Washington, DC, June 4-8, 2003.
167. 166A. Wilcox, D.A., Hodivala-Dilke, K.M., Johnson, B.D., Hynes, R.O. and White, II, G.C., Lineage-specific correction of a hemorrhagic disorder affecting platelets: Gene therapy for Glanzmann thrombasthenia. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. Suppl. 1, OC130, 2003
168. 167A. Wodnicka, M.B., Fischer, T.H., Cullen, J., Hilliard, E., Shattil, S.J., Brass, L.F. and White, II, G.C., Bleeding phenotype and decreased viability in rap1b knockout mice. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. Suppl. 1, OC213, 2003
169. 168A. Escobar, M. and White, II, G.C., Mutation analysis and HLA genotype in patients with inhibitors and hemophilia. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. Suppl. 1, PO665, 2003
170. 169A. Moll, S., Lindley, C., Pescatore, S., Morrison, D., Tsuruta, K., Mohri, M., Serada, M., Sata, M., Shimizu, H., Yamada, K. and White, II, G.C., Phase I study of a novel recombinant human soluble thrombomodulin, ART123. . J. Thrombos. Haemostas. Suppl. 1, OC329, 2003
171. 170A. White, II, G.C., Current concentrates. How much better can they get? J. Thrombos. Haemostas. Suppl. 1, SY78, 2003
172. 171A. Wilcox, D.A., Shi, Q., Nurden, P., Haberichter, S.L., Rosenberg, J.B., Johnson, B.D., Nurden, A.T., White, II, G.C. and Montgomery, R.R., EM localization and agonist-induced release of human factor VIII from megakaryocytes transduced with a FVIII transgene. Blood 102:87a, 2003.
173. 172A. Larson, M.K., Wang, Z., McFadden, A.W., Yuan, W., Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., White, II, G.C. and Parise, L., Evidence for rap1 induced activation of the 21 integrin in murine megakaryocytes. Blood 102:161a, 2003.
174. 173A. Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., Schoenwaelder, S. and White, II, G.C., Rap1b regulates integrin IIb3 activity and platelet function - lessons from a knockout. Blood 102:773a, 2003.
175. 174A. Borel-Derion, A., Lambert, T., Rocino, A., Rothschild, C., White, II, G.C., Recht, M., Negrier, C., Riikonen, P., Spotts, G. and Yi, S.E., Retrospective assessment of immune tolerance induction with recombinate rAHF, a highly-purified, full-length recombinant FVIII (rFVIII) in hemophilia A patients with inhibitors. World Federation of Hemophilia, 2004
176. 175A. Aledort, L.M., White, II, G.C. and Rivard, G.E., Ten-year follow-up of inhibitor induction in previously untreated patients (PUPs) on Recombinate. Blood 104 (Suppl):87b, 2004.
177. 176A. White, II, G.C., Kempton, C.L., Grimsley, A., Nielsen, B. and Roberts, H.R., Cellular immune responses in hemophilia. Why do inhibitors develop in some but not all hemophiliacs? J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 3(suppl.1):SOA03, 2005
178. 177A. Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., Kraus, A.E., McColm, J., Geisen, P., Cullen, J., Hartnett, M.E. and White, II, G.C., Rap1b is required for normal blood vessel formation in mice. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 3(Suppl. 1):PO599, 2005
179. 178A. Chrzanowska-Wodnicka, M., White, II, G.C., Kraus, A.E. and VanSluys, J., Rap1b is required for normal angiogenesis and MAPK signaling in endothelial cells. J. Thrombos. Haemostas. 5 (suppl. 2):O-M-079, 2007
180. 179A. Bergendahl, V., Fitzgerald, M., Daigh, C.A., Lewis, R.L., Chen, D., Fergus, G., Seay, N., White, II, G.C. and Thomson, J., Human embryonic stem cell derived platelets for transfusion. ATACCC2007, St. Petersburg, FL, August 14-15, 2007
181. 180A. Mirza, S.P., Rompietti, R., Halligan, B.D., White, II, G.C., Greene, A.S. and Olivier, M., Multistage fragmentation analysis for phosphopeptide identification on an ion trap mass spectrometer. Submitted to the 56th annual meeting of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry