Medical College of Wisconsin
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Guang-Pei Chen PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology

Froedtert Specialty Clinics
9200 W Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/1983 - 06/1988 B.S., Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing
09/1988 - 12/1993 Ph.D., Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing

03/2005 - 09/2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Radiation Oncology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

01/01/2018 - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

10/2006 - 12/2017 Staff Physicist, Department of Radiation Oncology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
01/2014 - Present Clinical Director of Medical Physics, Department of Radiation Oncology

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Radiology
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
Gamma Knife
University of Pittsburgh
Gamma Knife

07/1988 Outstanding Graduates Award, Tsinghua University, China
05/1995 Sciences and Technology Progress Award (First Prize) , State Education Commission of China
09/1999 Outstanding Young Investigator Scientific Paper Award (Second Prize), Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
03/2004 Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize, Chinese Academy of Science
03/2004 Beijing Science and Technology Award (First Prize), Beijing Municipal Government

05/23/2005 - Present American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
06/13/2011 - Present American College of Radiology (ACR)
07/01/2011 - Present American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)

Journal Review
03/2006 - 06/2006 Reviewer, Medical Physics
04/2006 - 05/2006 Associate Editor, Medical Physics
09/2007 - 10/2007 Reviewer, Medical Physics
10/2008 - 11/2008 Reviewer, Radiotherapy and Oncology
03/2009 - 04/2009 Reviewer, Medical Physics
08/2009 - 12/2009 Associate Editor, Medical Physics
11/2009 - 03/2010 Reviewer, Medical Physics
01/2011 - 03/2011 Reviewer, Medical Physics
04/2012 Associate Editor, Medical Physics
03/2013 - 04/2013 Reviewer, Medical Physics
03/2014 Reviewer, Practical Radiation Oncology
12/2014 Reviewer, Medical Physics
07/2016 Reviewer, Medical Physics
06/2018 Reviewer, Acta Oncologica
03/2019 - 04/2019 Reviewer, Practical Radiation Oncology
10/2019 - 12/2019 Reviewer, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics
04/2020 - 05/2020 Reviewer, Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics
05/2020 - 06/2020 Reviewer: Medical Physics
06/2020 Reviewer, International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology
06/2020 - 07/2020 Reviewer, Medical Physics
07/2020 - 08/2020 Reviewer, Medical Physics
07/2020 - 08/2020 Reviewer, Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics
09/2020 - 10/2020 Reviewer, Medical Physics
04/2021 - 07/2021 Reviewer, Medical Physics
04/2021 - 06/2021 Reviewer, Practical Radiation Oncology
07/2021 - 09/2021 Associate Editor, Medical Physics
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
02/2012 - 03/2012 Invited abstract reviewer, American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting
02/2017 - 03/2017 Invited abstract reviewer, American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting

04/2012 - 04/2015 Committee Member, North Central Chapter, American Association of Physicists in Medicine
04/2013 - 04/2014 President, North Central Chapter, American Association of Physicists in Medicine
05/2020 - Present Physics co-chair, BR007: A Phase III Clinical Trial evaluating De-escalation of Breast Radiation for Conservative Treatment of Stage I, Hormone Sensitive, HER2-Negative, Oncotype Recurrence Score Less than or Equal to 18: The DEBRA Trial, NRG
07/2020 - Present Member, Medical Physics Subcommittee, NRG

Non-Peer Review
Development of an Adaptive Radiation Therapy Software Suite. The goal of this project is to develop a suite of software tools for adaptive radiation therapy planning.
Manteia Med
Role & Effort:
Allen Li
01/01/2019 - 12/30/2022

CHEN GP, Comprehensive Performance Tests of the First Clinical Real-Time Motion Tracking and Compensation System Using MLC and Jaws, Accuray, Accuray, Webinar, 05/21/2020
CHEN GP, Synchrony: Real-Time Motion Tracking and Compensation System Using MLC and Jaws, Above & Beyond China Summit, China, 08/14/2021
CHEN GP, Schultz C, Li XA, Development of an Integrated Software Platform for Treatment Documentation and Outcome Analysis for IGRT Documentation and Outcome Analysis for IGRT, AAPM Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 07/25/2006
CHEN GP, Li XA, Development of a Secondary MU Calculation Tool for an integrated MR-LINAC, AAPM Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, 07/20/2014
CHEN GP, Shukla M, The choice of Treatment for a Mesothelioma Case, AERO Summit 17, Chicago, IL, 04/08/2017
CHEN GP, Li XA, Secondary 3D Dose Verification for Online Adaptive Radiotherapy with MR-Linac, AAPM Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, 07/29/2018
CHEN GP, Lim S, Kainz K, Li XA, Radixact CTrue IR Software upgrade, AAPM AERO Academy, Nashville, TN, 07/31/2018
CHEN GP, Tai A, Keiper T, Lim S, Li XA, Synchrony: Tumor Tracking with Radixact, AAPM AERO Academy, San Antonio, TX, 07/15/2019 - 07/16/2019
CHEN GP, Quality Assurance for Synchrony® with Radixact®, AERO SUMMIT 2019, Chicago, IL, 11/10/2019
CHEN GP, A Dosimetric Planning Study on RTOG 1005 for Breast Cancer, Radiation Oncology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, 02/15/2012
CHEN GP, Development and Performance of a Software Tool for Quality Assurance of Online Replanning with a Conventional Linac or MR-Linac, Radiation Oncology Department Research Meeting, Medical College of Wisconsin, 06/13/2018
CHEN GP, Secondary 3D Dose Verification for Online Adaptive Radiotherapy with MR-Linac, Physics Research Meeting Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 11/27/2018
CHEN GP, Quality Assurance for Online Adaptive Radiotherapy with MR-Linac, Radiation Oncology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, 11/28/2018
CHEN GP, Tracking with Synchrony on Radixact, Radiation Oncology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, 11/20/2019

01/2014 - Present Physics co-chair, Patient Safety and Quality Committee, Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2014 - Present Committee Member, Department OPS Committee, Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2016 - Present Committee Member, STIRC Gamma Knife Subcommittee, Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2018 - Present Committee Member, STIRC TBI Subcommittee, Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin
11/2018 - Present Subcommittee member, STIRC Subcommittee on Nomenclature Standardization, Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2020 - Present Committee Member, Subcommittee on Radixact Synchrony, Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Student Education
10/25/2007 Treatment with Particles-Proton Therapy (therapy students)
11/01/2007 Pion Therapy and Heavy Ion Therapy (therapy students)
11/08/2007 Treatment with Particles-Neutron Therapy (therapy students)
11/15/2007 Beam Geometry (therapy students)
Resident and Fellow Education
06/02/2009 Treatment Planning Conference - 4 Field Breast
2013 - Present Fundamentals of Linear Accelerators
2013 - Present Linear Accelerator Quality Assurance
Postdoctoral Fellow Education
2013 - Present Treatment machine QA
2017 - 2020 Collisional and radiative stopping power
2017 - 2020 Electron PDD Characteristics
2017 - Present Tomotherapy/Radixact QA
2017 - Present Electron Interactions with Matter
2017 - Present Introduction to Tomotherapy/Radixact
2017 - 2020 Commissioning of Wedge Fields-PDD and Profiles.
2017 - Present Bremsstrahlung Radiation
Continuing Medical Education
10/09/2019 Introduction to Synchrony: How to Track Tumor with MLCs and Jaws (dosimetrists, therapists, and nurses)
02/20/2020 Morning QA for Synchrony (therapists)
08/12/2021 Tomotherapy patient data restore and transfer (therapy students)

Clinical/Research Fellows
07/2008 - 06/2009 Cheng Peng, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published article: Characterizing interfraction variations and their dosimetric impacts in prostate cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys . 2011 Mar 1;79(3):909-14. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2010.05.008.
07/2008 - 06/2009 Cheng Peng, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published article: Validation of an online replanning technique for prostate adaptive radiotherapy . Phys Med Biol. 2011 Jun 21;56(12):3659-68. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/56/12/013
07/2008 - 06/2009 Cheng Peng, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 51st Annual Meeting, July 2009. Dosimetric QA tests of an online replanning technique for prostate adaptive radiotherapy.
08/2008 - 07/2009 Bin Hu, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 51st Annual Meeting, July 2009. Improvement of IMRT plan quality with non-isocentric beam arrangement for head and neck cancers.
10/2008 - 07/2009 Kai Wang, MD, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: ASTRO 51st Annual Meeting, November 2009. Independent interfraction motion of regional lymph nodes and breast targets in image-guided radiotherapy of breast cancer
01/2010 - 07/2010 Xiao Hu, MS, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 52nd Annual Meeting, July 2010. Planning study for cone beam therapy.
01/2010 - 07/2010 Phil Prior, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 52nd Annual Meeting, July 2010. Development of a database and software tools for outcome analysis of breast cancer radiotherapy.
07/2010 - 12/2010 Bin Hu, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, The trainee received training on TomoTherapy machine quality assurance and was able to work independently after the rotation. The trainee is now a medical physics faculty at Thomas Jefferson University.
07/2010 - 07/2011 Yuwen Chang, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 53rd Annual Meeting, July 2011. Published in Medical Physics, 38(9): 5104-5118, 2011, A planning and delivery study of a rotational IMRT technique with burst delivery.
07/2010 - 07/2011 Yuwen Chang, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published article: a planning and delivery study of a rotational imrt technique with burst delivery. Med Phys. 2011 Sep;38(9):5104-18. doi: 10.1118/1.3622612.
08/2010 - 07/2011 Xiao Hu, MS, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: 2011 Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, July, 2011. Static-gantry and rotational IMRT with flattening filter free versus flattening filtered beams.
01/2012 - 06/2012 Yuwen Chang, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, The trainee received training on TomoTherapy machine quality assurance and was able to work independently after the rotation. The trainee is now a medical physicist at ThedaCare Cancer Center Green Bay, Wisconsin.
07/2012 - 12/2012 Ion Moraru, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
07/2012 - 01/2014 Vern Hart, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: RSNA 99th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, December 2013. Dosimetric QA tests of an online replanning technique for prostate adaptive radiotherapy.
06/2015 - 06/2016 Ozgur Ates, PhD, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 58th Annual Meeting, July 2016. Clinical implementation of an online replanning process.
01/2016 - 06/2016 Habib Al Salah, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
01/2016 - 06/2016 Ozgur Ates, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2016 - 06/2016 Eenas Omari, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2016 - 12/2016 Jingqiao Zhang, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2017 - 06/2017 Jijo Paul, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2017 - 12/2017 Fashad Mostafaei, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2017 - 03/2018 Sanli Aydin, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Oral presentation: AAPM 60th Annual Meeting, July 2018. Secondary 3D Dose Verification for Online Adaptive Radiotherapy with MR-Linac.
07/2017 - 03/2018 Jingqiao Zhang, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Oral presentation: AAPM 60th Annual Meeting, July 2018. Secondary 3D Dose Verification for Online Adaptive Radiotherapy with MR-Linac.
01/2019 - 06/2019 Timothy Keiper, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
01/2019 - 06/2019 Tia Paultz, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
06/2019 - 06/2020 Timothy Keiper, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: The 2020 Joint AAPM|COMP Meeting, July 2020. Commissioning, Performance and QA Tests for Real-Time Motion Tracking and Correction with MLC and Jaws.
06/2019 - 06/2020 Timothy Keiper, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: ASTRO 62nd Annual Meeting, October 2020. Going ITV free: First in clinic experience with a real time motion tracking technique for lung SBRT delivery.
06/2019 - 06/2020 Timothy Keiper, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published paper: omprehensive performance tests of the first clinical real-time motion tracking and compensation system using MLC and jaws, Medical Physics 47, 2020.
06/2019 - 06/2020 JongWon Kim, Ph.D., Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, July 2020. Reconstruction of Intrafractional 3D Images From Real-Time 2D KV Radiograph and 4DCT.
06/2019 - 06/2020 Timothy Keiper, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: ASTRO 62nd Annual Meeting, October 2020. Clinical implementation of real-time motion tracking with jaws and MLC during helical tomotherapy delivery.
06/2019 - 06/2020 Timothy Keiper, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published paper: Clinical implementation of real-time motion tracking with jaws and MLC during helical tomotherapy delivery, Practical Radiation Oncology 11, 2021.
01/2020 - 06/2020 Frank Ceballos, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2020 - 06/2020 Asma Amjad, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2020 - 06/2020 JongWon Kim, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2020 - 06/2020 Ying Liang, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
03/2020 - 06/2020 Timothy Keiper, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, National data extraction project: AAPM MArkerless Lung Target Tracking CHallenge (MATCH) program.
07/2020 - 12/2020 Laura Buchanan, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
11/2020 - 03/2021 Ying Liang, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 63rd Annual Meeting, July 2021. Improving target detection for real-time markless lung tumor tracking using deep learning.
07/2021 - 12/2021 Jie Ding, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2021 - 12/2021 Edwin Quashie, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2010 - 12/2011 Eric Paulson, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2010 - 12/2011 Douglas Prah, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2010 - 06/2010 Douglas Prah, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
07/2010 - 12/2010 Shannon Holmes, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2011 - 06/2011 Eric Paulson, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
07/2011 - 12/2012 Phil Prior, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2011 - 12/2012 Feng Liu, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published article: A planning comparison of 7 irradiation options allowed in RTOG 1005 for early-stage breast cancer. Med Dosim Spring 215;40(1):21-5; doi: 10.1016/j.meddos.2014.06.007.
01/2012 - 12/2012 Feng Liu, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
08/2012 - 07/2014 Feng Liu, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published article: Improving CT quality with optimized image parameters for radiation treatment planning and delivery guidance. Phys. Img. Rad. Onc. 4; 6- 11; doi: 10.1016/j.phro.2017.10.003
08/2012 - 07/2014 George Noid, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published article: Improving CT quality with optimized image parameters for radiation treatment planning and delivery guidance. Phys. Img. Rad. Onc. 4; 6- 11; doi: 10.1016/j.phro.2017.10.003
08/2012 - 07/2014 Feng Liu, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 55th Annual Meeting, July 2013. Increasing soft tissue contrast by combining new CT technologies and imaging dose for radiation treatment planning and delivery guidance.
08/2012 - 07/2014 Feng Liu, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: , ASTRO 55th Annual Meeting, September, 2013. Optimizing CT acquisition for prostate cancer radiation treatment planning and delivery.
01/2013 - 12/2013 Cungeng Yang, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2013 - 06/2013 Phil Prior, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
07/2013 - 06/2016 George Noid, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published article: Reducing radiation dose and enhancing imaging quality of 4DCT for radiation therapy using iterative reconstruction algorithms. Advances in Radiation Oncology 2(3), 515-521; DOI: 10.1016/j.adro.2017.04.003.
07/2013 - 12/2014 Entesar Dalah, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2013 - 06/2016 George Noid, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 56th Annual Meeting, July, 2014. Improving CT image quality for radiation therapy using iterative reconstruction algorithms and slightly increasing imaging doses.
07/2013 - 12/2013 Feng Liu, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
01/2014 - 06/2014 Victor Chen, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
07/2014 - 06/2015 Victor Chen, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2014 - 12/2014 Slade Klawikowski, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2014 - 12/2014 Entesar Dalah, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
01/2015 - 06/2015 Cungeng Yang, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
06/2015 - 06/2016 Xinfeng Chen, PhD, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 58th Annual Meeting, July 2016, Dose effects of a 1.5T magnetic field on air-tissue and lung-tissue interfaces in MRI-guided radiotherapy.
06/2015 - 06/2016 Xinfeng Chen, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published article: Dose effects of 1.5T transverse magnetic field on tissue interfaces in MRI-guided radiotherapy. Med Phys. 2016 Aug;43(8):4797. doi: 10.1118/1.4959534.
07/2015 - 12/2015 Xinfeng Chen, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2015 - 12/2015 Slade Klawikowski, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
07/2015 - 12/2015 George Noid, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2015 - 03/2017 Cungeng Yang, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published article: Deformable MRI-CT registration for breast cancer radiation treatment planning using a sequentially applied semi-physical model regularization method. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 3, 037001; doi:10.1088/2057-1976/AA6DBA
07/2016 - 12/2016 George Noid, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
01/2018 - 06/2018 Diane Schott, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2018 - 06/2018 Xinfeng Chen, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
03/2018 - 06/2019 Sara Lim, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 61st Annual Meeting, July 2019. AAPM Clinical improvements of using iterative reconstructed MVCT for IGRT.
03/2018 - 06/2019 Sara Lim, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Oral presentation: AAPM 60th Annual Meeting, July, 2018. Clinical improvements of using iterative reconstructed MVCT for IGRT.
07/2018 - 12/2018 Sara Lim, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month special procedure (Gamma knife) rotation training medical physics residents in the daily QA as well as patient treatment procedure to ensure stereotactic radiosurgery safety.
07/2018 - 12/2018 Sara Lim, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
06/2019 - 06/2020 Sara Lim, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: ASTRO 62nd Annual Meeting, October 2020. Clinical implementation of real-time motion tracking with jaws and MLC during helical tomotherapy delivery.
06/2019 - 06/2020 Sara Lim, PhD, Research mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, July 2020. Commissioning, performance and QA tests for real-time motion tracking and correction with MLC and jaws.
06/2019 - 06/2020 Sara Lim, Ph.D, Research, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: ASTRO 62nd Annual Meeting, October 2020. Going ITV free: First in clinic experience with a real time motion tracking technique for lung SBRT delivery.
06/2019 - 06/2020 Sara Lim, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published paper: Clinical implementation of real-time motion tracking with jaws and MLC during helical tomotherapy delivery, Practical Radiation Oncology 11, 2021.
06/2019 - 06/2020 Sara Lim, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Published paper: Comprehensive performance tests of the first clinical real-time motion tracking and compensation system using MLC and jaws, Medical Physics 47, 2020.
07/2019 - 12/2019 Haidy Nasief, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2019 - 12/2019 Ying Zhang, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
07/2019 - 12/2019 Diane Schott, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
01/2020 - 06/2020 Sara Lim, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
03/2020 - 06/2020 Sara Lim, Ph.D, Research advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, National data extraction project: AAPM MArkerless Lung Target Tracking CHallenge (MATCH) program
07/2020 - 12/2020 Haidy Nasief, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Informatics rotation training physics residents in DICOM setup and data transfer.
07/2020 - 12/2020 Hassan Jassar, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
11/2020 - 03/2021 Ying Zhang, Ph.D, Research mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation: AAPM 63rd Annual Meeting, July 2021. Improving target detection for real-time markless lung tumor tracking using deep learning.
01/2021 - 06/2021 Hassan Jassar, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month Patient Delivery quality assurance (Tomotherapy/Radixact) rotation, training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in QA plan generation and delivery to ensure patient treatment safety.
01/2021 - 06/2021 Ying Zhang, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
01/2021 - 06/2021 Ying Zhang, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month informatic rotation training medical physics residents during a 6-month rotation, in DICOM setup and data transfer.
07/2021 - 12/2021 Haidy Nasief, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Served as a clinical physics training preceptor for the 6-month treatment machine (TomoTherapy/Radixact) quality assurance rotation training physics residents and physics postdoctoral fellows in the daily, monthly, and annual procedures to maintain the mechanical and radiological integrity of a megavoltage linear accelerator.
07/2016 - 09/2016 Daniel Saenz, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Orientate new staff to the clinical working environment by providing training in all aspects of our routine clinical duty, including treatment planning and plan check, weekly chart check, machine troubleshooting, daily imaging verification, special procedures, measurements etc. so they are able to work independently as quickly and safely as possible.
11/2016 - 05/2017 Yin Huang, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Orientate new staff to the clinical working environment by providing training in all aspects of our routine clinical duty, including treatment planning and plan check, weekly chart check, machine troubleshooting, daily imaging verification, special procedures, measurements etc. so they are able to work independently as quickly and safely as possible.
07/2017 - 09/2017 Victor Chen, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Orientate new staff to the clinical working environment by providing training in all aspects of our routine clinical duty, including treatment planning and plan check, weekly chart check, machine troubleshooting, daily imaging verification, special procedures, measurements etc. so they are able to work independently as quickly and safely as possible.
07/2017 - 09/2017 Slade Klawikowski, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Orientate new staff to the clinical working environment by providing training in all aspects of our routine clinical duty, including treatment planning and plan check, weekly chart check, machine troubleshooting, daily imaging verification, special procedures, measurements etc. so they are able to work independently as quickly and safely as possible.
01/2018 - 03/2018 Hualiang Zhong, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Orientate new staff to the clinical working environment by providing training in all aspects of our routine clinical duty, including treatment planning and plan check, weekly chart check, machine troubleshooting, daily imaging verification, special procedures, measurements etc. so they are able to work independently as quickly and safely as possible.
07/2018 - 09/2018 George Noid, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Orientate new staff to the clinical working environment by providing training in all aspects of our routine clinical duty, including treatment planning and plan check, weekly chart check, machine troubleshooting, daily imaging verification, special procedures, measurements etc. so they are able to work independently as quickly and safely as possible.
07/2018 - 09/2018 Xinfeng Chen, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Orientate new staff to the clinical working environment by providing training in all aspects of our routine clinical duty, including treatment planning and plan check, weekly chart check, machine troubleshooting, daily imaging verification, special procedures, measurements etc. so they are able to work independently as quickly and safely as possible.
07/2019 - 09/2019 Eenas Omari, Ph.D, Clinical mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Orientate new staff to the clinical working environment by providing training in all aspects of our routine clinical duty, including treatment planning and plan check, weekly chart check, machine troubleshooting, daily imaging verification, special procedures, measurements etc. so they are able to work independently as quickly and safely as possible.

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Ahunbay E, Chen GP, Thatcher S, Jursinic PA, White J, Albano K, Li XA, direct aperture optimization- based intensity-modulated radiotherapy for whole breast irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 67(4):1248-58 (2007).
2. Chen GP, Ahunbay E, Schultz C, Li XA, development of an inverse optimization package to plan nonuniform dose distributions based on spatially inhomogeneous radiosensitivity extracted from biological images. Med Phys. 34(4):1198-205 (2007).
3. Chen GP, Ahunbay E, Li XA, automated computer optimization for 3D treatment planning of breast irradiation. Med Phys 35(6):2253-8 (2008).
4. Ahunbay E, Peng C, Chen GP, Narayanan S, Yu C, Lawton C, Li XA, an on-line replanning scheme for interfractional variations. Med Phys. 35(8):3607-15 (2008).
5. Peng C, Ahunbay E, Chen GP, Lawton C, Li X, characterizing interfraction variations and their dosimetric impacts in prostate cancer. Int J Rad Onc Bio, Phys 79(3): 909-14(2011).
6. Peng C, Chen G, Ahunbay E, Wang D, Lawton C, Li XA, validation of an online replanning technique for prostate adaptive radiotherapy. Phys Med Biol 56(12):3659-68 (2011).
7. Li XA, Liu F, Tai A, Ahunbay E, Chen G, Kelly T, Lawton C, Erickson B, Development of an online adaptive solution to account for inter- and intra-fractional variations. Rad Onc 100(3): 370-4 (2011).
8. Kainz K, Chen GP, Chang YW, Prah D, Qi S, Shukla HP, Stahl J, Li XA, a planning and delivery study of a rotational imrt technique with burst delivery. Med Phys 38(9): 5104-18 (2011).
9. Kainz K, White J, Chen GP, Herman J, Li XA, simultaneous irradiation of the breast and regional lymph nodes in prone position using helical tomotherapy. Br J Radiol, 85(1018):e899-905 (2012).
10. Chen GP, Liu F, White J, Vicini FA, Freedman GM, Arthur DW, Li XA, A planning comparison of 7 irradiation options allowed in RTOG 1005 for early-stage breast cancer. Med Dosim. 40(1):21-5(2015).
11. Chen X, Prior P, Chen, GP, Schultz C, Li AX, Dose effects of 1.5T transverse magnetic field on tissue interfaces in MRI-guided radiotherapy, Med. Phys. 43(8): 4797-4802 (2016).
12. Xu S, Wu Z, Yang C, Ma L, Qu B, Chen GP, Yao W, Wang S, Liu Y, Li XA, Radiation-induced CT number changes in GTV and parotid glands during the course of radiation therapy for nasopharyngeal cancer, Br J Radiol., 89(1062): 20140819(2016).
13. Chen GP, Ahunbay E, Li XA, Development and performance of a software tool for quality assurance of online replanning with a conventional Linac or MR-Linac, Med. Phys 43:1713(2016).
14. Chen GP, Noid G, Tai A, Liu F, Lawton C, Erickson B, Li XA. Improving CT quality with optimized image parameters for radiation treatment planning and delivery guidance Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology. October 2017;4:6-11.
15. Yang C, White J, Chen GP, Li XA, Deformable MRI-CT registration for breast cancer radiation treatment planning using a sequentially applied semi-physical model regularization method, Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 3: 037001 (2017).
16. Noid G, Tai A, Chen GP, Robbins J, Li XA, Reducing Radiation Dose and Enhancing Imaging Quality of 4DCT for Radiation Therapy Using Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms, Advances in Radiation Oncology, (2017).
17. Chen X, Ahunbay E, Paulson ES, Chen G, Li XA. A daily end-to-end quality assurance workflow for MR-guided online adaptive radiation therapy on MR-Linac. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2020 Jan;21(1):205-212. PMCID: PMC6964761
18. Paulson ES, Ahunbay E, Chen X, Mickevicius NJ, Chen GP, Schultz C, Erickson B, Straza M, Hall WA, Li XA. 4D-MRI driven MR-guided online adaptive radiotherapy for abdominal stereotactic body radiation therapy on a high field MR-Linac: Implementation and initial clinical experience. Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2020 Jul;23:72-79. PMCID: PMC7256110
19. Chen GP, Tai A, Keiper TD, Lim S, Li XA. Technical Note: Comprehensive performance tests of the first clinical real-time motion tracking and compensation system using MLC and jaws. Med Phys. 2020 Jul;47(7):2814-2825. PMCID: PMC7496291
20. Chen GP, Tai A, Puckett L, Gore E, Lim S, Keiper T, Johnstone C, Shukla M, Lawton C, Li XA. Clinical Implementation and Initial Experience of Real-Time Motion Tracking With Jaws and Multileaf Collimator During Helical Tomotherapy Delivery. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2021;11(5):e486-e495.
1. Chen GP, Ahunbay E, Schultz C, Li X, design of non-uniform dose distribution based on spatially inhomogeneous radiosensitivity extracted from biological images, ASTRO,2006.
2. Morrow N, Chen GP, Tai A, and Li X, implementation of good laboratory practice standards for improving dosimetry in radiobiology lab, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2006.
3. Chen GP, Ahunbay E, and Li X, development of an inverse optimization package for non-uniform dose distribution based on spatially inhomogeneous radiosensitivity, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2006.
4. Chen GP, Schultz C, and Li X, development of an integrated software platform for treatment documentation and outcome analysis for IGRT, AAPM Annual Meeting, Oral Presentation, 2006.
5. Ahunbay E, Chen GP, Peng C, Yu CX, Narayanan S, Li X, an on-line adaptive planning strategy for inter- fraction image guidance, ASTRO, 2007.
6. Christensen J, Tai A, Chen GP, Boettger T, Khamene A, Celi J, and Li X, optimizing low-dose megavoltage fluoroscopy for 4D radiotherapy, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2007.
7. Li X, Stewart R, Semenenko V, Qi S, Chen GP, Ahunbay E, and Schultz C, a three-phase strategy for a partial implementation of biologically guided radiation therapy, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2007.
8. Chen GP, Ahunbay E, and Li X, automated computer optimization for 3D treatment planning of breast irradiation, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2007.
9. Ahunbay E, Chen GP, Peng C, Lawton C, Li X, an aperture-morphing based online adaptive scheme for prostate radiotherapy, ASTRO 2008.
10. Chen GP, Peng C, Ahunbay E, Lawton C, Li X, characterization of ineterfraction changes and their dosimetric effects for prostate radiotherapy using daily kVCT, ASTRO, 2008.
11. Ahunbay E, Chen GP, Peng C, Schultz C, and Li X, an online correction method for interfractional variations in head and neck cancer, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2008.
12. Chen GP, Ahunbay E, and Li X, a method to implement rotational IMRT with single arc, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2008.
13. Chen GP, Wang K, Li X, independent interfraction motion of regional lymph nodes and breast targets in image-guided radiotherapy of breast cancer, ASTRO, 2009.
14. Chen GP, Hu B, Qi X, Schultz C, Wang D, Li X, improvement of IMRT plan quality with non-isocentric beam arrangement for head and neck cancers, AAPM Annual Meeting,2009.
15. Kainz K, White J, Chen GP, Li X. Dosimetric comparison of helical tomotherapy with conventional techniques for simultaneous irradiation of prone breast and regional lymph nodes, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2009.
16. Peng C, Ahunbay E, Chen GP, Lawton C, Li X. Dosimetric QA tests of an online replanning technique for prostate adaptive radiotherapy, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2009.
17. Chen GP, Ahunbay E, Li X. Automatic verification of plan data transfer for online adaptive radiotherapy, ASTRO, 2010.
18. Chen GP, Hu X, Shukla H, Li X. Planning study for cone beam therapy, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2010.
19. Prior P, Chen GP, White J, Li X. Development of a database and software tools for outcome analysis of breast cancer radiotherapy, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2010.
20. Chen GP, White J, Vicini FA, Freedman GM, Li A. A dosimetric planning study for hypofractionated whole breast irradiation with concurrent boost (RTOG 1005) for early stage breast cancer, ASTRO Annual Meeting, 2011.
21. Chen GP, Hu X, Kainz K, Chang Y, Li X. Static-gantry and rotational IMRT with flattening filter free versus flattening filtered beams, Annual Meeting, 2011.
22. Kainz K, Chen GP, Chang Y, Prah D, Shukla H, Stah J, Li X, A planning and delivery study of a rotational IMRT technique with burst delivery, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2011.
23. Li XA, Ahunbay E, Peng C, Chen GP, Liu F, Lawton C, Online adaptive radiotherapy for prostate cancer: clinical implementation and initial experience, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2011.
24. Semenenko VA, Chen GP, Lawton CA, Li X, Quality of prostate IMRT plans generated using biological versus dose-volume constraints, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2011.
25. Chen GP, Li X. Development of a QA software tool for automatic verification of plan data transfer and delivery, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2012.
26. Chen GP, Tai A, Liu F, Lawton C, Li A. Optimizing CT acquisition for prostate cancer radiation treatment planning and delivery, ASTRO Annual Meeting, 2013.
27. Hart VP, Chen GP, Li A. The effect of CT image quality on deformable image registration in radiotherapy, RSNA, 2013.
28. Chen GP, Currey A, Yen T, Li X. Dosimetric assessment of a new multi-center protocol for radiotherapy of multiple ipsilateral breast cancers, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2013.
29. Chen GP, Tai A, Liu F, Shukla H, Erickson B, Li X. Increasing soft tissue contrast by combining new CT technologies and imaging dose for radiation treatment planning and delivery guidance, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2013.
30. Chen GP, Li. Development of a secondary MU calculation tool for an integrated MR-LINAC, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2014.
31. Noid G, Chen GP, Tai A, Li X, Improving CT image quality for radiation therapy using iterative reconstruction algorithms and slightly increasing imaging doses, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2014.
32. Chen GP, Currey A, Li X. Dosimetric effects of magnetic field in MRI-guided radiation therapy delivery for breast cancer, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2015.
33. Chen GP, Ahunbay E, Li X. A software tool for quality assurance of online replanning with MR-Linac, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2015.
34. Chen GP, Ahunbay E, Li XA. Automated dose accumulation and dose accuracy assessment for online or offline adaptive replanning, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2016.
35. Ates O, Ahunbay E, Chen GP, Lawton C, Li X, Clinical implementation of an online replanning process, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2016.
36. Chen X, Prior P, Chen GP, Schultz C, Allen X, Dose effects of a 1.5T magnetic field on air-tissue and lung-tissue interfaces in MRI-guided radiotherapy, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2016
37. Chen GP, Li XA. Development of a quality assurance software tool for a new tomotherapy machine, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2017.
38. Kainz K, Lim S, Chen GP, Li X, Dose volume histogram comparisons as a quality assurance metric for deformable image registration, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2018.
39. Chen GP, Li XA. Secondary 3D dose verification for online adaptive radiotherapy with MR-Linac, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2018.
40. CHEN GP, Lim S, Kainz K, Li X. Clinical improvements of using iterative reconstructed MCVT for IGRT, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2019
41. Kainz K, Lim S, CHEN GP, Li X. Increase of adaptive re-planning frequency with using automated daily dose tracking, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2019.
42. Chen GP, Tai A, Omari EA, Bedi M, Lawton CAF, Li A. Real-Time Motion Tracking and Correction During Tomotherapy for Prostate Cancer: Impact of Fiducial Migration. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Nov 01;111(3S):e539-e540.
43. Chen GP, Tai A, Lim S, Keiper T, Li XA, Commissioning, performance and QA tests for real-time motion tracking and correction with MLC and jaws, The 2020 Joint AAPM|COMP Meeting, July 12 - 16, 2020.
44. Kim J, Chen GP, Tai a, Lim S, Keiper T, Li XA, Zhong H, Reconstruction of Intrafractional 3D Images From Real-Time 2D KV Radiograph and 4DCT, The 2020 Joint AAPM|COMP Meeting, July 12 - 16, 2020.
45. Chen GP, Tai A, Puckett L, Lim S, Keiper TD, Gore E, Johnstone C, Lawton C, Li XA, Clinical implementation of real-time motion tracking with jaws and MLC during helical tomotherapy delivery, ASTRO Annual Meeting, 2020.
46. Puckett L, Chen GP, Gore E, Tai A, Johnstone C, Lim S, Keiper T, Schultz C, Li XA, Going ITV free: First in clinic experience with a real time motion tracking technique for lung SBRT delivery, ASTRO Annual Meeting, 2020.
47. Chen GP, Liang Y, Zhang Y, Li XA, Improve target detection for real-time markless lung tumor tracking using deep learning, AAPM Annual Meeting, 2021.
48. Chen GP, Tai A, Omari E, Bedi M, Lawton C, Li XA, Real-time motion tracking and correction during Tomotherapy for prostate cancer: impact of fiducial migration, ASTRO Annual Meeting, 2021.
Software, Software Modules
1. Moniqa. It is an integrated quality assurance (QA) software for plan quality, data transfer integrity and treatment consistency check. The software has multiple modules to link Monaco, RadCalc, Precision, GammaPlan and Mosaiq for treatment plan goal generation, plan quality check, independent dose verification, data transfer check, treatment verification, patient finding and report generation, etc. It has been used for each single patient by physicians, dosimetrists and physicists in radiation oncology across Froedtert health network and VA Milwaukee as well.
2. ArtQA. Used for online adaptive treatment on MR Linac to efficiently perform plan quality check, data transfer and treatment verification, and secondary dose verification with the existence of magnetic field. It has been used for all patients treated on Froedtert MR Linac since the first patient was treated on the unit.
3. FastTBI. It calculates treatment MUs quickly, and simultaneously generates the treatment fields, with block code and MLC leaf positions put in if necessary, to be imported into the record and verify system (Mosaiq) for total body irradiation (TBI) treatment. It saves at least 3-5 minutes of procedure time, or even more if MLC leaves are used, for each patient. FastTBI is currently used for all TBI patients at Froedtert hospital.
4. Orthovoltage. It calculates the treatment time and exports the necessary information into the record and verify system (Mosaiq). It has been used for treating superficial cancer patients with the Orthovoltage unit at Froedtert hospital. On average, it reduces treatment preparation time by 2-3 minutes for each patient.
5. FasTSI. It calculates monitor units (MU) and creates beam parameters automatically for 12 electron fields and setup notes for treating total skin irradiation (TSI) patients at Froedtert hospital. It works much more efficiently and reliably compared to the usual manual method.
6. ROInitialSim. It creates patient setup information at CT simulation in a standard format to be transferred for treatment plan generation. It has been used at Froedtert health network.