Medical College of Wisconsin
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Heather A. Himburg PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology

MACC Fund Research Center
8701 Watertown Plank Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226

01/01/2021 - Present Secondary Appointment, Biomedical Engineering, Medical College of Wisconsin

2022 - 2023 Top Reviewers, ASTRO Red Journal
- 2024 JW Osborne Award, Radiation Research Society

2018 - Present Radiation Research Society (Member)
10/01/2022 - Present American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) (Member)

Editorial Board
09/04/2024 - Present Associate Editor, International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
Radiation Research

03/01/2021 - 01/01/2022 Lung Cancer Clinical Leader Search Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin

02/2021 Reviewer, Pilot Project Review, Centers for Medical Countermeasures against Radiation
04/2021 Reviewer, 2021 The Bosarge Family Foundation-Waun Ki Hong Scholar Award for Regenerative Cancer Medicine, American Association for Cancer Research
06/23/2022 - 06/24/2022 Reviewer, Cancer Diagnostics and Treatments SBIR/STTR Study Section, NIH
03/23/2023 - 03/24/2024 Reviewer, Cancer Diagnostics and Treatments (CDT-13) SBIR/STTR study section, NIH
06/12/2023 - 06/13/2024 Reviewer, Radiation Therapeutics and Biology (RTB) Study Section, NIH
2024 - 2028 Member, Radiation Therapeutics and Biology Study Section (RTB), National Institutes of Health, Center for Scientific Review

Peer Review
Development of a minimally invasive biomarker assay to detect delayed radiation injury
NIAID (University of Arkansas)
Role & Effort:
Subcontract PI
Marjan Boerma
02/01/2020 - 01/31/2025
Direct Funds:
$396,648 (Total Award)
Determining the role of the SDF-1/CXCR4 pathway and its intersection with chronic stress to establish novel precision approaches to head and neck cancer management
NIH Dental and Craniofacial Research
Role & Effort:
Joseph Zenga
04/01/2023 - 03/31/2025
Direct Funds:
$200,000 (year)
Mitigation of Multi-organ Delayed Effects of Acute Radiation Exposure (DEARE) with ACE-inhibitor Lisinopril
Role & Effort:
Heather Himburg
07/01/2023 - 06/30/2026
Direct Funds:
$650,000 (per year)
CardioWatch: an omics-based prediction assay for cardiac late effects of acute radiation exposure
Role & Effort:
Subcontract PI
John Tyburski, Nelson Scientific Laboratories
08/01/2023 - 07/30/2025
Direct Funds:
$92,949 (per year)
Sex-differences in ACE2 Regulate Normal Tissue Toxicity During Gastrointestinal Acute Radiation Syndrome
Role & Effort:
Heather Himburg
06/2024 - 05/2027
Direct Funds:
$350,000 (per year)
Peer Review
Mitigator Efficacies after Realistic Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) Exposures: MERIE
Role & Effort:
Project 2 PI
David Brenner, Columbia University
02/01/2025 - 01/31/2030
Direct Funds:
$375,000 (per year)
Peer Review
Dkk1 Mediates Hematopoietic Stem Cell Regeneration Following Radiation Injury
NIAID CMCR Pilot Project
Role & Effort:
2016 - 2018
Direct Funds:
$150,000 (per year)
Dkk1-Endothelial Cell Treatment for the Mitigation of Hematopoietic Radiation Injury
Role & Effort:
Heather Himburg
2018 - 2023
Direct Funds:
$350,000 (per year)
Antibody–mediated inhibition of PTP-Sigma for Hematopoietic Regeneration
University of California Center For Accelerated Innovation
Role & Effort:
Co-PI on subcontract
Heather Himburg, Peter Bowers
2018 - 2020
Direct Funds:
$200,000 (per year)
Mechanism of radiation induced endovascular injury and mitigation via the Notch DII4 pathway.
Role & Effort:
01/01/2021 - 11/30/2022
Direct Funds:
$350,000 (per year)
BDNF conditioning of the tissue-specific vascular niches for mitigation of multi-organ radiation injury
NIAID Administrative Supplement
Role & Effort:
03/01/2021 - 02/28/2022
Direct Funds:
$64,102 (Total Award)
Alpha Beta Ratio and DNA Repair in Oral Cancer Stem Cells
Research Affairs Council, MCW
Role & Effort:
Musaddiq Awan
07/01/2021 - 06/30/2022
Direct Funds:
A patient-specific humanized murine model for oral cancer: Combining autologous hematopoietic stem cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Center for Immunology, MCW
Role & Effort:
Joseph Zenga
08/01/2021 - 06/30/2022
Direct Funds:
Investigating the SDF-1/CXCR4 Pathway in Clinical Head and Neck Cancer and Humanized Patient-Derived Xenografts
Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center
Role & Effort:
Joseph Zenga
07/2022 - 06/2024
Direct Funds:
CMCR Pilot Study: Mitigation of Multi-Organ Radiation Injury with ACE2 Agonist Diminazene Aceturate
Role & Effort:
Heather Himburg
08/01/2022 - 07/31/2024
Direct Funds:
Non-Peer Review
Antibody –mediated inhibition of PTP-Sigma for hematopoietic regeneration
UC CAI NHLBI Stimulus Grant
Role & Effort:
Co-PI on subcontract
Heather Himburg, Peter Bowers
Direct Funds:
Development of a minimally invasive biomarker assay to detect delayed radiation injury
NIAID (University of Arkansas-Supplement)
Role & Effort:
Subcontract PI
Marjan Boerma
02/01/2021 - 01/31/2022
Direct Funds:
Myelo0001 and Neulasta combination therapy for H-ARS
Myelo Therapeutics GmbH
Role & Effort:
Subcontract PI
Dirk Pleimes
03/01/2021 - 01/31/2022
Direct Funds:
$45,992 (Total Award)
Evaluation of Myelo001 for Mitigation of H-ARS in Pediatric and Adult Wistar Rats
Role & Effort:
SubContract PI
Dirk Pleimes, Myelo Therapeutics GmbH
03/01/2021 - 01/31/2022
Direct Funds:
$64,102 (Total Award)
Dose Reduction Factor (DRF) study for Myelo001 polypharmacy in WAG/RijCmcr rats.
Myelo Therapeutics GmbH
Role & Effort:
Sub-contract PI
Dirk Pleimes
03/15/2022 - 01/03/2023
Direct Funds:
Myelo Therapeutics Mechanism of Action Studies
Role & Effort:
Subcontract PI
Dirk Pleimes
08/29/2022 - 04/28/2023
Direct Funds:
MyeloTherapeutics: DEARE Study
Role & Effort:
Subcontract PI
Dirk Pleimes
09/01/2022 - 04/30/2023
Direct Funds:
Animal Model and MCM Efficacy Testing
SRI International
Role & Effort:
02/2023 - 01/2024
Direct Funds:
$227,018 (per year)

Dkk1-Endothelial Progenitor Cell Treatment for the Mitigation of Hematopoietic Radiation Injury, Cellular Therapies for Treatment of Radiation Injuries (U01) RFA-AI-17-001 Annual Meeting, Virtual NIAID Radiation/Nuclear Countermeasures Program (RNCP), 12/18/2020
Mechanism of Radiation–Induced Endovascular Injury and Mitigation: Role of Dll4/Notch, U01 Annual Investigator Meeting, Virtual NIAIDRadiation/Nuclear Countermeasures Program (RNCP), 01/28/2021
The role of ACE/ACE2 signaling in mediating sex-related differences in late radiosensitivity following partial body irradiation in WAG/RijCmcr rats, 2022 Sex Differences in Radiation Research Workshop, Virtual NIH NIAID/NIH ORWH/BARDA/FDAA Meeting, 04/26/2022 - 04/27/2022
Targeting the Renin Angiotensin System for Mitigation, Radiation-Induced Multi-Organ Injury Workshop, NIH/NIAID Virtual Workshop, 06/07/2022 - 06/08/2022
Heather Himburg, Pediatric and Geriatric Rats MCMs & Natural History, Understudied Populations in Radiation Exposure Research: Needs, Challenges, and Mitigation Strategies, Grand Hall, 5601 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852, 04/10/2024 - 04/11/2024
Marjan Boerma, Amrita Cheema, Heather Himburg, Development of a minimally invasive biomarker assay to detect delayed radiation injury, U01 Annual Investigator Meeting Radiation Biodosimetry Novel Assays and Devices, 5601 Fishers Lane, Rm 1D13, Rockville, MD 20852, 06/27/2024
CardioWatch – Rodent Studies, CardioWatch – SBIR Phase II Annual Project Meeting, Fishers Lane, Rockville MD 20852, 06/28/2024
Repurposing ACE Inhibitors for the Treatment of Delayed Effects of Acute Radiation Exposure (DEARE), Radiation Injury Treatment Network (RITN), Alexandria, VA, 07/09/2024 - 07/10/2024
Repurposing ACE inhibitors for the treatment of delayed effects of acute radiation exposure (DEARE), Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, 09/15/2024 - 09/18/2024
JW Osborne Award Lecture: Development of medical countermeasures for multi-organ radiation injury, Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, 09/15/2024 - 09/18/2024
Medical Countermeasures for Mitigation of Multi-Organ Radiation Injury, Avioli Musculoskeletal Research Seminar Series, Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, 05/2024
BDNF Signaling Promotes Hematopoietic Recovery Following Radiation Injury, CVC ATVB Virtual Fall 2020 Signature Program Meeting, MCW, 09/28/2020
Pleiotrophin Signaling Regulates Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Pathogenesis, CVC Cardio-Oncology Affinity Group Virtual Meeting, MCW, 11/05/2020
Medical Countermeasures for Multi-Organ Radiation-Induced Injuries, Cancer Center Seminar Series - Discovery & Developmental Therapeutics Research Program, MCW, 01/15/2021
Mechanism of Radiation–Induced Endovascular Injury and Mitigation: Role of Dll4/Notch, CVC ATVB Virtual Signature Program Meeting, MCW, 01/25/2021
Update on NIAID Radiation and Nuclear Countermeasures Program Projects, Radiation Oncology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, 03/17/2021
Heather Himburg, Sarah Kerns, From the Bench to Bedside: Careers in Oncology, MCW Cancer Center'sCareers in Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research Symposium, Medical College of Wisconsin, 09/30/2023
Dynamic response to radiotherapy: Single-cell transcriptomic response in patients enrolled on the hypofractionated preoperative radiation for head and neck cancer (HyPR-HN) trial, MCW Radiation Oncology Ground Rounds, Virtual, 01/31/2024
Heather Himburg, Development of Medical Countermeasures for Multi-Organ Radiation-Induced Injuries, MCW Physiology Department Seminar, 11/10/2024

Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2021 - Present Resident Education Committee, Radiation Oncology
04/2022 - Present member, ROCKET Leadership committee, Radiation Oncology

Resident and Fellow Education
10/01/2021 - Present Radiation Biology Course Director

Undergraduate Students
06/01/2021 - 08/05/2021 Eric Yang, Diversity Summer Health-related Education Program (DSHREP), Medical College of Wisconsin, Presentation at Summer Programs Symposium MCW medical class 2023
06/2022 - 08/2022 Angelique Compton, Diversity Summer Health-Related Research Experience, Medical College of Wisconsin, Presentation at DSHREP meeting
09/2022 - Present Rachel Kuehn, UWM/MCW Cancer Center Undergraduate Program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Awarded UWM/CC Summer Scholarship
Graduate Students
PhD Students Advised
01/12/2024 - Present Austen Nissen, Medical College of Wisconsin, Oral presentation at MCW CC Trainee Symposium
Postdoctoral Researchers
01/05/2021 - Present Guru Prasad Sharma, Research Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Awarded Radiation Research Travel Award Oct 2021 Meeting Awarded Radiation Research Society Editor's Award 2022

09/2023 - 05/2024 Volunteer faculty advisor to the DSHA High School Students Modeling A Research Topic (SMART) Team

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Himburg HA, Grzybowski DM, Hazel AL, LaMack JA, Li XM, Friedman MH. Spatial comparison between wall shear stress measures and porcine arterial endothelial permeability. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2004 May;286(5):H1916-22.
2. LaMack JA, Himburg HA, Li XM, Friedman MH. Interaction of wall shear stress magnitude and gradient in the prediction of arterial macromolecular permeability. Ann Biomed Eng. 2005 Apr;33(4):457-64.
3. Lamack JA, Himburg HA, Friedman MH. Effect of hypercholesterolemia on transendothelial EBD-albumin permeability and lipid accumulation in porcine iliac arteries. Atherosclerosis. 2006 Feb;184(2):255-63.
4. Himburg HA, Friedman MH. Correspondence of low mean shear and high harmonic content in the porcine iliac arteries. J Biomech Eng. 2006 Dec;128(6):852-6.
5. Chute JP, Muramoto GG, Salter AB, Meadows SK, Rickman DW, Chen B, Himburg HA, Chao NJ. Transplantation of vascular endothelial cells mediates the hematopoietic recovery and survival of lethally irradiated mice. Blood. 2007 Mar 15;109(6):2365-72. PMCID: PMC1852197
6. Himburg HA, Dowd SE, Friedman MH. Frequency-dependent response of the vascular endothelium to pulsatile shear stress. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2007 Jul;293(1):H645-53.
7. LaMack JA, Himburg HA, Friedman MH. Distinct profiles of endothelial gene expression in hyperpermeable regions of the porcine aortic arch and thoracic aorta. Atherosclerosis. 2007 Dec;195(2):e35-41. PMCID: PMC2683674
8. Meadows SK, Dressman HK, Muramoto GG, Himburg H, Salter A, Wei Z, Ginsburg GS, Chao NJ, Nevins JR, Chute JP. Gene expression signatures of radiation response are specific, durable and accurate in mice and humans. PLoS One. 2008 Apr 02;3(4):e1912. PMCID: PMC2271127
9. Safi R, Muramoto GG, Salter AB, Meadows S, Himburg H, Russell L, Daher P, Doan P, Leibowitz MD, Chao NJ, McDonnell DP, Chute JP. Pharmacological manipulation of the RAR/RXR signaling pathway maintains the repopulating capacity of hematopoietic stem cells in culture. Mol Endocrinol. 2009 Feb;23(2):188-201. PMCID: PMC2646618
10. Salter AB, Meadows SK, Muramoto GG, Himburg H, Doan P, Daher P, Russell L, Chen B, Chao NJ, Chute JP. Endothelial progenitor cell infusion induces hematopoietic stem cell reconstitution in vivo. Blood. 2009 Feb 26;113(9):2104-7. PMCID: PMC2651019
11. Muramoto GG, Russell JL, Safi R, Salter AB, Himburg HA, Daher P, Meadows SK, Doan P, Storms RW, Chao NJ, McDonnell DP, Chute JP. Inhibition of aldehyde dehydrogenase expands hematopoietic stem cells with radioprotective capacity. Stem Cells. 2010 Mar 31;28(3):523-34. PMCID: PMC3909217
12. Himburg HA, Muramoto GG, Daher P, Meadows SK, Russell JL, Doan P, Chi JT, Salter AB, Lento WE, Reya T, Chao NJ, Chute JP. Pleiotrophin regulates the expansion and regeneration of hematopoietic stem cells. Nat Med. 2010 Apr;16(4):475-82. PMCID: PMC3689427
13. LaMack JA, Himburg HA, Zhang J, Friedman MH. Endothelial gene expression in regions of defined shear exposure in the porcine iliac arteries. Ann Biomed Eng. 2010 Jul;38(7):2252-62.
14. Meadows SK, Dressman HK, Daher P, Himburg H, Russell JL, Doan P, Chao NJ, Lucas J, Nevins JR, Chute JP. Diagnosis of partial body radiation exposure in mice using peripheral blood gene expression profiles. PLoS One. 2010 Jul 12;5(7):e11535. PMCID: PMC2902517
15. Himburg HA, Harris JR, Ito T, Daher P, Russell JL, Quarmyne M, Doan PL, Helms K, Nakamura M, Fixsen E, Herradon G, Reya T, Chao NJ, Harroch S, Chute JP. Pleiotrophin regulates the retention and self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow vascular niche. Cell Rep. 2012 Oct 25;2(4):964-75. PMCID: PMC3696585
16. Doan PL, Russell JL, Himburg HA, Helms K, Harris JR, Lucas J, Holshausen KC, Meadows SK, Daher P, Jeffords LB, Chao NJ, Kirsch DG, Chute JP. Tie2(+) bone marrow endothelial cells regulate hematopoietic stem cell regeneration following radiation injury. Stem Cells. 2013 Feb;31(2):327-37. PMCID: PMC3580267
17. Doan PL, Himburg HA, Helms K, Russell JL, Fixsen E, Quarmyne M, Harris JR, Deoliviera D, Sullivan JM, Chao NJ, Kirsch DG, Chute JP. Epidermal growth factor regulates hematopoietic regeneration after radiation injury. Nat Med. 2013 Mar;19(3):295-304. PMCID: PMC3594347
18. Himburg HA, Yan X, Doan PL, Quarmyne M, Micewicz E, McBride W, Chao NJ, Slamon DJ, Chute JP. Pleiotrophin mediates hematopoietic regeneration via activation of RAS. J Clin Invest. 2014 Nov;124(11):4753-8. PMCID: PMC4347246
19. Lucas J, Dressman HK, Suchindran S, Nakamura M, Chao NJ, Himburg H, Minor K, Phillips G, Ross J, Abedi M, Terbrueggen R, Chute JP. A translatable predictor of human radiation exposure. PLoS One. 2014;9(9):e107897. PMCID: PMC4177872
20. Quarmyne M, Doan PL, Himburg HA, Yan X, Nakamura M, Zhao L, Chao NJ, Chute JP. Protein tyrosine phosphatase-σ regulates hematopoietic stem cell-repopulating capacity. J Clin Invest. 2015 Jan;125(1):177-82. PMCID: PMC4382260
21. Michelotti GA, Tucker A, Swiderska-Syn M, Machado MV, Choi SS, Kruger L, Soderblom E, Thompson JW, Mayer-Salman M, Himburg HA, Moylan CA, Guy CD, Garman KS, Premont RT, Chute JP, Diehl AM. Pleiotrophin regulates the ductular reaction by controlling the migration of cells in liver progenitor niches. Gut. 2016 Apr;65(4):683-92. PMCID: PMC4504836
22. Himburg HA, Sasine J, Yan X, Kan J, Dressman H, Chute JP. A Molecular Profile of the Endothelial Cell Response to Ionizing Radiation. Radiat Res. 2016 Aug;186(2):141-52. PMCID: PMC6016841
23. Yan X, Himburg HA, Pohl K, Quarmyne M, Tran E, Zhang Y, Fang T, Kan J, Chao NJ, Zhao L, Doan PL, Chute JP. Deletion of the Imprinted Gene Grb10 Promotes Hematopoietic Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Regeneration. Cell Rep. 2016 Nov 01;17(6):1584-1594. PMCID: PMC5963255
24. Himburg HA, Doan PL, Quarmyne M, Yan X, Sasine J, Zhao L, Hancock GV, Kan J, Pohl KA, Tran E, Chao NJ, Harris JR, Chute JP. Dickkopf-1 promotes hematopoietic regeneration via direct and niche-mediated mechanisms. Nat Med. 2017 Jan;23(1):91-99. PMCID: PMC5592969
25. Sasine JP, Himburg HA, Termini CM, Roos M, Tran E, Zhao L, Kan J, Li M, Zhang Y, de Barros SC, Rao DS, Counter CM, Chute JP. Wild-type Kras expands and exhausts hematopoietic stem cells. JCI Insight. 2018 Jun 07;3(11). PMCID: PMC6124423
26. Himburg HA, Termini CM, Schlussel L, Kan J, Li M, Zhao L, Fang T, Sasine JP, Chang VY, Chute JP. Distinct Bone Marrow Sources of Pleiotrophin Control Hematopoietic Stem Cell Maintenance and Regeneration. Cell Stem Cell. 2018 Sep 06;23(3):370-381.e5. PMCID: PMC6482945
27. Kim MM, Schlussel L, Zhao L, Himburg HA. Dickkopf-1 Treatment Stimulates Hematopoietic Regenerative Function in Infused Endothelial Progenitor Cells. Radiat Res. 2019 Jul;192(1):53-62. PMCID: PMC6668624
28. Zhang Y, Roos M, Himburg H, Termini CM, Quarmyne M, Li M, Zhao L, Kan J, Fang T, Yan X, Pohl K, Diers E, Jin Gim H, Damoiseaux R, Whitelegge J, McBride W, Jung ME, Chute JP. PTPσ inhibitors promote hematopoietic stem cell regeneration. Nat Commun. 2019 Aug 14;10(1):3667. PMCID: PMC6694155
29. Himburg HA, Roos M, Fang T, Zhang Y, Termini CM, Schlussel L, Kim M, Pang A, Kan J, Zhao L, Suh H, Sasine JP, Sapparapu G, Bowers PM, Schiller G, Chute JP. Chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells require cell-autonomous pleiotrophin signaling. J Clin Invest. 2020 Jan 02;130(1):315-328. PMCID: PMC6934217
30. Fang T, Zhang Y, Chang VY, Roos M, Termini CM, Signaevskaia L, Quarmyne M, Lin PK, Pang A, Kan J, Yan X, Javier A, Pohl K, Zhao L, Scott P, Himburg HA, Chute JP. Epidermal growth factor receptor-dependent DNA repair promotes murine and human hematopoietic regeneration. Blood. 2020 Jul 23;136(4):441-454. PMCID: PMC7378456
31. Fish BL, MacVittie TJ, Gao F, Narayanan J, Gasperetti T, Scholler D, Sheinin Y, Himburg HA, Hart B, Medhora M. Rat Models of Partial-body Irradiation with Bone Marrow-sparing (Leg-out PBI) Designed for FDA Approval of Countermeasures for Mitigation of Acute and Delayed Injuries by Radiation. Health Phys. 2021 Oct 01;121(4):419-433. PMCID: PMC8577554
32. Termini CM, Pang A, Fang T, Roos M, Chang VY, Zhang Y, Setiawan NJ, Signaevskaia L, Li M, Kim MM, Tabibi O, Lin PK, Sasine JP, Chatterjee A, Murali R, Himburg HA, Chute JP. Neuropilin 1 regulates bone marrow vascular regeneration and hematopoietic reconstitution. Nat Commun. 2021 Nov 30;12(1):6990. PMCID: PMC8635308
33. Sharma GP, Frei AC, Narayanan J, Gasperetti T, Veley D, Amjad A, Albano K, Fish BL, Himburg HA. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor promotes immune reconstitution following radiation injury via activation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. PLoS One. 2021;16(10):e0259042. PMCID: PMC8544859
34. Sharma GP, Fish BL, Frei AC, Narayanan J, Gasperetti T, Scholler D, Pierce L, Szalewski N, Blue N, Medhora M, Himburg HA. Pharmacologic ACE-Inhibition Mitigates Radiation-Induced Pneumonitis by Suppressing ACE-Expressing Lung Myeloid Cells. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022 May 01;113(1):177-191. PMCID: PMC9018504
35. Zenga J, Awan MJ, Frei A, Petrie E, Sharma GP, Shreenivas A, Shukla M, Himburg HA. Chronic stress promotes an immunologic inflammatory state and head and neck cancer growth in a humanized murine model. Head Neck. 2022 Jun;44(6):1324-1334. PMCID: PMC9081149
36. Gasperetti T, Sharma GP, Frei AC, Pierce L, Veley D, Szalewski N, Narayanan J, Fish BL, Himburg HA. Mitigation of Multi-Organ Radiation Injury with ACE2 Agonist Diminazene Aceturate. Radiat Res. 2022 Oct 01;198(4):325-335. PMCID: PMC9641750
37. Sharma GP, Himburg HA. Organ-Specific Endothelial Dysfunction Following Total Body Irradiation Exposure. Toxics. 2022 Dec 01;10(12). PMCID: PMC9781710
38. Zenga J, Awan MJ, Frei A, Shukla M, Shreenivas A, Wong SJ, Himburg HA. Autologous CD34+ stem cell humanization in head and neck cancer modeling: The translational importance of T cell maturation Oral Oncology Reports. March 2023;5.
39. Gasperetti T, Frei A, Prasad Sharma G, Pierce L, Veley D, Szalewski N, Munjal Mehta S, Fish BL, Pleimes D, Himburg HA. Delayed renal injury in survivors of hematologic acute radiation syndrome. Int J Radiat Biol. 2023;99(7):1130-1138. PMCID: PMC10313734
40. Doan PL, Frei AC, Piryani SO, Szalewski N, Fan E, Himburg HA. Cord Blood-Derived Endothelial Progenitor Cells Promote In Vivo Regeneration of Human Hematopoietic Bone Marrow. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023 Aug 01;116(5):1163-1174. PMCID: PMC11086728
41. Fish BL, Hart B, Gasperetti T, Narayanan J, Gao F, Veley D, Pierce L, Himburg HA, MacVittie T, Medhora M. IPW-5371 mitigates the delayed effects of acute radiation exposure in WAG/RijCmcr rats when started 15 days after PBI with bone marrow sparing. Int J Radiat Biol. 2023;99(7):1119-1129. PMCID: PMC10330589
42. Medhora M, Gao F, Gasperetti T, Narayanan J, Himburg H, Jacobs ER, Clough AV, Fish BL, Szabo A. Biomarkers to Predict Lethal Radiation Injury to the Rat Lung. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Mar 15;24(6). PMCID: PMC10053311
43. Bansal S, Bansal S, Fish BL, Li Y, Xu X, Fernandez JA, Griffin JH, Himburg HA, Boerma M, Medhora M, Cheema AK. Analysis of the urinary metabolic profiles in irradiated rats treated with Activated Protein C (APC), a potential mitigator of radiation toxicity. Int J Radiat Biol. 2023;99(7):1109-1118. PMCID: PMC10330346
44. Sharma GP, Frei A, Fish B, Gasperetti T, Veley D, Szalewski N, Nissen A, Himburg HA. Biological sex differences in renin angiotensin system enzymes ACE and ACE2 regulate normal tissue response to radiation injury. Front Physiol. 2023;14:1191237. PMCID: PMC10235526
45. Zenga J, Awan M, Hadi Razeghi Kondelaji M, Hansen C, Shafiee S, Frei A, Foeckler J, Kuehn R, Bruening J, Massey B, Wong S, Joshi A, Himburg HA. Photoactivated HPPH-Liposomal therapy for the treatment of HPV-Negative head and neck cancer. Oral Oncol. 2023 Sep;144:106487. PMCID: PMC10413333
46. Sharma G, Razeghi Kondelaji MH, Sharma GP, Hansen C, Parchur AK, Shafiee S, Jagtap JM, Fish B, Bergom C, Paulson E, Hall WA, Himburg HA, Joshi A. X-ray and MR Contrast Bearing Nanoparticles Enhance the Therapeutic Response of Image-Guided Radiation Therapy for Oral Cancer. Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2023;22:15330338231189593. PMCID: PMC10363893
47. Musaddiq A, Zenga J, Frei A, Shukla ME, Himburg HA. Differential Response to Radiation Fractionation in Head and Neck Cancer Patient-Derived Xenografts. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023 Oct 01;117(2S):e253.
48. Bonate R, Paulson ES, Frei A, Shukla ME, Tarima S, Wong S, Himburg HA, Zenga J, Awan MJ. Differential Response in Quantitative MRI Parameters Detected in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated with Concurrent Immunotherapy during Hypo-Fractionated MR-gRT. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023 Oct 01;117(2S):S65.
49. Kondelaji MHR, Sharma GP, Jagtap J, Shafiee S, Hansen C, Gasperetti T, Frei A, Veley D, Narayanan J, Fish BL, Parchur AK, Ibrahim EH, Medhora M, Himburg HA, Joshi A. 2<sup>nd</sup> Window NIR Imaging of Radiation Injury Mitigation Provided by Reduced Notch-Dll4 Expression on Vasculature. Mol Imaging Biol. 2024 Feb;26(1):124-137. PMCID: PMC11188939
50. Sasine JP, Kozlova NY, Valicente L, Dukov J, Tran DH, Himburg HA, Kumar S, Khorsandi S, Chan A, Grohe S, Li M, Kan J, Sehl ME, Schiller GJ, Reinhardt B, Singh BK, Ho R, Yue P, Pasquale EB, Chute JP. Inhibition of Ephrin B2 Reverse Signaling Abolishes Multiple Myeloma Pathogenesis. Cancer Res. 2024 Mar 15;84(6):919-934. PMCID: PMC10940855
51. Zenga J, Awan M, Frei A, Foeckler J, Kuehn R, Espinosa OV, Bruening J, Massey B, Wong S, Shreenivas A, Shukla M, Kasprzak J, Sun Y, Shaheduzzaman M, Chen F, Kearl T, Himburg HA. Tumor-specific T cells in head and neck cancer have rescuable functionality and can be identified through single-cell co-culture. Transl Oncol. 2024 Apr;42:101899. PMCID: PMC10851216
52. Zenga J, Awan MJ, Frei A, Massey B, Bruening J, Shukla M, Sharma GP, Shreenivas A, Wong SJ, Zimmermann MT, Mathison AJ, Himburg HA. Type I interferon signaling promotes radioresistance in head and neck cancer. Transl Cancer Res. 2024 May 31;13(5):2535-2543. PMCID: PMC11170510
53. Zenga J, Himburg HA, Wong SJ, Kearl T, Hematti P, Jin VX, Memon AA, Mathison AJ, Awan MJ. In silico identification of public neo-antigens in head and neck Cancer for T cell receptor Engineering: Targeting PI3KCA and TP53 missense mutations Oral Oncology. September 2024;156.
54. Chang VY, He Y, Grohe S, Brady MR, Chan A, Kadam RS, Fang T, Pang A, Pohl K, Tran E, Li M, Kan J, Zhang Y, Lu JJ, Sasine JP, Himburg HA, Yue P, Chute JP. Epidermal growth factor augments the self-renewal capacity of aged hematopoietic stem cells. iScience. 2024 Jul 19;27(7):110306. PMCID: PMC11269946
55. Zenga J, Himburg HA, Wong SJ, Kearl T, Hematti P, Jin VX, Memon AA, Mathison AJ, Awan MJ. In silico identification of public neo-antigens in head and neck Cancer for T cell receptor Engineering: Targeting PI3KCA and TP53 missense mutations. Oral Oncol. 2024 Sep;156:106947.
56. Hansen C, Jagtap J, Parchur A, Sharma G, Shafiee S, Sinha S, Himburg H, Joshi A. Dynamic multispectral NIR/SWIR for <i>in vivo</i> lymphovascular architectural and functional quantification. J Biomed Opt. 2024 Oct;29(10):106001. PMCID: PMC11425400
57. Wesolowski R, Fish BL, Eibl M, Bähr S, Munjal Mehta S, Czajkowski MT, Gasperetti T, Orschell CM, Asang C, Singh N, Himburg HA, Pleimes D. IEPA, a novel radiation countermeasure, alleviates acute radiation syndrome in rodents. Int J Radiat Biol. 2025;101(1):1-14. PMCID: PMC11698650
58. Espinosa OV, Awan M, Memon AA, Frei A, Foeckler J, Kuehn R, Bruening J, Massey B, Wong S, Shukla M, Kasprzak J, Joshi A, Dwinell M, Himburg HA, Zenga J. Locked Dimerized CXCL12 Exerts Radiosensitizing Effects in Head and Neck Cancer. Head Neck. 2024 Dec 26.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Himburg HA and Chute JP. M Abou-Donia, Editor. Mammalian Toxicology Chapter 15: Ionizing Radiation: Toxicologic Action. 2017 John Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester, West Sussex, UK.
2. Himburg, HA and Chute JP. Chapter XXV Bone Marrow Transplantation - Animal Models. CMCR- RADIOBIOLOGY AND METHODS PUBLIC TEXTBOOK. Feb 1, 2019.
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Friedman MH, Himburg HA, LaMack JA. Statistical hemodynamics: a tool for evaluating the effect of fluid dynamic forces on vascular biology in vivo. J Biomech Eng. 2006 Dec;128(6):965-8.
2. Chute JP, Himburg HA. Imatinib tackles lymphoma via the PDGFRβ+ pericyte. Blood. 2013 Jun 27;121(26):5107-8.
3. Himburg HA, Grzybowski DM, Hazel AL, LaMack JA, Friedman MH. Discussion: "Comparison of Statistical Methods for Assessing Spatial Correlations Between Maps of Different Arterial Properties" (Rowland, E. M., Mohamied, Y., Chooi, K. Y., Bailey, E. L., and Weinberg, P. D., 2015, ASME J. Biomech. Eng., 137(10), p. 101003): An Alternative Approach Using Segmentation Based on Local Hemodynamics. J Biomech Eng. 2016 Sep 01;138(9):0955011-2. PMCID: PMC4993249
1. Himburg HA, Lamack JA, Friedman MH. A CFD-based method to evaluate the effect of shear stress on endothelial gene expression in vivo Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference. 2005;2005:1392-1393.
2. LaMack JA, Himburg HA, Li XM, Friedman MH. Model-based shear stress gradient in realistic vascular flows and its relation to arterial macromolecular permeability American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 2003;55:89-90.
1. John P. Chute and Heather Himburg. “Pleiotrophin is a novel growth factor and self-renewal factor for hematopoietic stem cells.” Patent, December 2011