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Hongwei Yu MD
Department of Anesthesiology
Division of Research

Medical Education Building
8701 Watertown Plank Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. (Published in Chinese)
2. Wang Y, Yu H, Yan S et al: A study of memory function in patients with diabetes mellitus. Chinese Journal of Diabetes, 1995; 3:219.
3. Ho Y, Fan H, Yu H, et al: Study on the significance of cTnT and CK-MB in animal model with lighted myocardial infarction. (English Summary) Chinese Journal of Interventive Cardiology, 1996; 3(4): 176.
4. Wang Y, Yu H, Yan S, et al: Significance of PBMC IL-6 changes in Graves' disease. (English Summary) Chinese Journal of Immunology, 1996; 12: 59.
5. Wang Y, Yu H. Serum levels of sex hormones in obese male subjects and insulin resistance (review). Foreign Medical Sciences on Endocrinology, 1996; 16(2): 90
6. Wang Y, Yu H: Intra-thyroid cytokines expression in autoimmune thyroititis (review). Foreign Medical Sciences on Endocrinology, 1996; 16(1): 21
7. Yu H, Feng P. Progress of diagnostic criteria on childhood growth hormone deficiency (review). Foreign Medical Sciences on Endocrinology, 1996;16 (4):175
8. 7 Pang J, Fan H, Yu H, et al. Significance of serum troponin T changes in unstable angina. Journal of Clinical Cardiology, 1997;13(1):15.
9. Yu H, Yang J, Zhang SJ, et al. Significance of IGF-I measurement in evaluation of children growth retardation. Chinese J Endocrin. Metab. 1999; 36:238.
10. Zhao W, Yu H, Wang Y, et al. Therapeutic effects of Limethason on Graves' disease. New Drug and Clinical Remedies 1996;15 (6):337
11. Yu H, Wang Y: Early insulin secretion phase to L-arginine stimulation and significance in young adult diabetic patients. Chinese Journal of Diabetes. 1998; 23:176-189.
12. Yu H, Feng P. MK-677, an orally active nonpeptidyl growth hormone secretagogue (review). Foreign Medical Sciences on Endocrinology, 1997; 17(3):123
13. Yu H, Feng P. 10 years experience of recombinant human growth hormone treatment in GH deficient children (review). Foreign Medical Sciences on Endocrinology; 1998; 21(3): 134.
14. Yu H, Miao Z, Meng J, et al. Significance of cardiac specific troponin T measurement in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Tianjing Medical Journal, 1996; 24:134.
15. Zhang M, Wang Z, Yu H, et al. Observation of effects of arginine loading test on pancreatic islet function in patients with hypertension. Tianjin Medical Journal, 1997; 25:195.
16. Wang Y, Yu H. Insulin secretion changes following arginine stimulation in hypertensive patients with or without obesity. Tianjin Medical Journal, 1997; 25:268.
17. Yu H, He T, Ding RS, et al. Correlation between troponin T release and estimation infarct in acute myocardial infarction. Chinese Journal of Cardiology. 1997; 25(5): 383.
18. Yu H, Zhang M, Zhao W, et al: Insulin, C-peptide and glucagon response to arginine stimulation in nondiabetic subjects and its significance. China Medical Abstracts, Internal Medicine, 1995;12:54.
19. Miao Z, Yu H, Fan H, et al: Significance of serum troponin T changes in acute myocardial infarction. (Chinese with English Summary). Chinese Journal of Cardiology, 1995; 23:36
20. (Published in English)
21. Cai J, Yu H and Lee H: Development changes of protein kinase C and Gsα in hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamster hearts. J Lab Clin Med, 1993; 122:533-541. PMID: 8228571.
22. Lee H, Cai J, and Yu H: Effect of PKC on cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate dependent phosphodiesterase in hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamster hearts. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 1994; 270:1171-1176. PMID: 7932168.
23. Yu H, Zhao W, Xu Q et al: Evaluation of serum troponin T measurement in acute myocardial infarction. Chinese Medical Journal, 1995; 108:501. PMID: 7555267.
24. Yu H, Cai J and Lee H: Cyclic AMP-dependent phosphodiesterase isozyme specific potentiation by PKC in hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamster hearts. Molecular Pharmacology 1996;50:549-555. PMID: 8794893.
26. Yu H, Tint GS, Salen G, Patel SB. Detection of a common mutation in the RSH or Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome by a PCR-RFLP assay. Am J Med Genet. 2000; 90:347-350. PMID: 10710236.
27. Wang L, Yu H, Yan S, et al. Association of CTLA-4 gene polymorphism with type-1 diabetes mellitus and autoimmune thyroid diseases in Chinese Han population. Chinese J. Endocrino. Metab. 2001; 17(4): 228-231.
28. Moebius F, Fitzky B, Xu G, Waage H, Asaoka H, Maeda N, Kluckman K, Hiller S, Yu H, Batta AkK, Shefer S, Chen T, Salen S, Sulik K, Ness GC, Glossmann H, Patel SB and Tint GS. 7-Dehydrocholesterol-dependent proteolysis of HMG-CoA reductase suppresses sterol biosynthesis in a mouse model of Smith-Lemli- Opitz/RSH syndrome. J. Clin. Invest. 2001;108: 905-915. PMCID: PMC200927.
29. Lee MH, Lu K, Hazard S, Yu H, Shulenin S, Hidaka H, Kojima H, Allikmets R, Sakuma N, Pegoraro R, Srivastava A, Salen G, Dean M and Patel SB. Identification of a gene, ABCG5 important in the regulation of dietary cholesterol absorption. Nature Genetics. 2001, 27:79-83. PMCID: PMC1350991.
30. Lu K, Lee M-H, Yu H, Zhou Y, Sandell SA, Salen G and Patel SB. Molecular cloning, genomic organization, genetic variations and characterization of murine sterolin genes Abcg5 and Abcg8. J. Lipid Res. 2002; 43: 565-578. PMCID: PMC1815568.
31. Yu H, Pandit B, Klett E, Lee, M-H, Lu, K, Helou K, Ikeda I, Egashira N , Sato N, Klein R, Batta A, Salen S, and Patel S. B. The rat STSL locus: characterization, chromosomal assignment, genetic variations in sitosterolemic hypertensive rats. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 2003;3:4 (3June2003). PMCID: PMC165443.
32. Patel SB, Klett E, Anh G, Yu H, Chen J, Pandit B, Lee MH, Salen G. Sitosterolemia; of mice and man. International congress series. 2004; 1262: 300-304.31.
33. Yu H, Wessels A, Chen J, Phelps AL, Oatis III J, Tint GS and Patel SB. Late gestational lung hypoplasia in a mouse model of the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. BMC Developmental Biology. 2004, 4:1. PMCID: PMC341451.
34. EL Klett, K Lu , A Kosters , E Vink , MH Lee , M Altenburg , S Shefer , AK Batta , H Yu , J Chen , R Klein , N Looije , R Oude-Elferink , AK Groen , N Maeda , G Salen and SB Patel SB. A mouse model of sitosterolemia: absence of Abcg8/sterolin-2 results in failure to secrete biliary cholesterol. BMC Medicine. 2004, 2:5. PMCID: PMC394351.
35. Yu H, Wessels A, Tint GC and Patel SB. Partial rescue of neonatal lethality of Dhcr7 null mice by a nestin promoter-driven DHCR7 transgene expression. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 2005; 156(1): 46-60. PMID: 15862627.
36. Yu H and Patel SB. Recent insights on the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Clin Genet. 2005; 68(5):383-91. PMCID: PMC1350989.
37. Chen J, Batta A, Zheng S, Fitzgibbon WR, Ullian ME, Yu H, Tso P, Salen G and Patel SB. The missense mutation in Abcg5 gene in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) segregates with phytosterolemia but not hypertension. BMC Genet. 2005; 18;6:40. PMCID: PMC1190168.
38. Tint GS, Yu H (first two authors contribute equally), Shang Q, Xu G and Patel SB. The use of the Dhcr7 knockout mouse to accurately determine the origin of fetal sterols. J Lipid Res.2006; 47(7): 1535-41. PMCID: PMC1488821.
39. Yu H, Li M, Tint GS, Cai Y, Chen J, Xu G, and Patel SB. Selective reconstitution of liver cholesterol biosynthesis promotes lung maturation but does not prevent neonatal lethality in Dhcr7 null mice. BMC Developmental Biology. 2007; 7:27. PMCID: PMC1855921.
40. Solca C, Pandit B, Yu H, Tint GS, Patel SB. Loss of apolipoprotein E exacerbates the neonatal lethality of the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome mouse. Mol Genet Metab. 2007; 91(1): 7-14. PMCID: PMC1852500.
41. Yu H*, Wakim B, Li M, Halligan B and Patel SB. A tube-gel digestion combined with mass spectrometry for relatively quantifying lipid raft proteins in neonatal mouse brain. Proteome Science. 2007; 5:17. PMCID: PMC2045652. *corresponding author
42. Fischer G, Kostic S, Nakai S, Park F, Sapunar D, Yu H, and Hogan Q. Direct Injection into the Dorsal Root Ganglion: Technical, Behavioral, and Histological Observations. J Neurosci Methods,;199(1):43-55. PMCID: PMC3742008.
43. Yu H, Fischer G, Jia G, Reiser J, Park F, Hogan QH. Lentiviral gene transfer into the dorsal root ganglion of adult rats. Mol Pain. 2011;7(1):63. PMCID: PMC3179738.
44. Tang Q, Bangaru MLY, Kostic S, Pan B, Wu HE, Koopmeiners AS, Yu H, Fischer G, McCallum JB, Kwok WM, Hudmon A, Hogan QH. Ca2+-dependent Regulation of Ca2+ Currents in Rat Primary Afferent Neurons: Role of CaMKII and the Effect of Injury. J Neurosci, 2012; 32(34): 11737-11749. PMCID: PMC3723336.
45. Yu H*, Fischer G, Ferhatovic F, Fan F, Light AR, Weihrauch D, Sapunar D, Nakai H, Park F, Hogan QH. Intraganglionic AAV6 results in efficient and long-term gene transfer to peripheral sensory nervous system in adult rats. PLoS One. 2013;8(4):e61266. PMCID: PMC3628918. *corresponding author
46. Fischer G, Pan B, Vilceanu D, Hogan QH, and Yu H*. Sustained relief of traumatic neuropathic pain by AAV-targeted expression of CBD3 peptide in rat dorsal root ganglion. Gene Therapy. 2014; 21(1):44-51. PMCID: PMC3881029. *corresponding author
47. Tint GS, Pan L, Shang Q, Sharpe LJ, Brown AJ, Li M, Yu H. Desmosterol in Brain Is Elevated because DHCR24 Needs REST for Robust Expression but REST Is Poorly Expressed. Dev Neurosci. 2014;36:132-42. PMCID: PMC4106903.
48. Kostic S, Pan B, Guo Y, Yu H, Sapunar D, Kwok WM, Hudmon A, Wu HE, Hogan QH. Regulation of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Currents by Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase II in Resting Sensory Neurons. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2014. pii: S1044-7431(14)00077-3. PMCID: PMC4187344.
49. Pan B, Yu H, Park J, Yu YP, Luo ZD, Hogan QH. Painful nerve injury upregulates thrombospondin-4 expression in dorsal root ganglia. J Neurosci Res. 2015; 93(3): 443-53. PMCID: PMC4293337.
50. Yu H*, Fischer G, Ebert AD, Bai XW and Hogan QH. Analgesia for neuropathic pain by dorsal root ganglion transplantation of genetically engineered mesenchymal stem cells: initial results. Mol Pain. 2015; 11 (1): 5. PMCID: PMC4331376. *corresponding author
51. Bangaru MLY, Meng J, Kaiser DJ, Yu H, Fischer G, Hogan QH, Hudmon A. Differential expression of CaMKII isoforms and overall kinase activity in rat dorsal root ganglia after injury. Neuroscience. 2015; 300: 116-127. PMCID: PMC4485599.
52. Yu H, Pan B, Weyer A, Wu HE, Meng J, Fischer G, Vilceanu D, Light AR, Stucky C, Rice FL, Hudmon A, Hogan QH. CaMKII controls whether touch is painful. J. Neurosci., 2015; 35(42):14086 -14102. PMID: 26490852
53. Book Chapter:
54. Yu H*, Fischer G, Hogan QH. AAV-mediated Gene Transfer to Dorsal Root Ganglion. In Gene Therapy for Neurological Disorders. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1382:251-61. PMID: 26611592. *corresponding author
56. Cai J, Yu H, Lee H: Regulation of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic Monophosphate in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathic Hamster Hearts. Plenary Session, American Federation of Clinical Research, Midwest Section, Chicago, November 1991
57. Lee H, Yu H, Cai J: "Cross-talk" between cyclic AMP and protein kinase C pathways in hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamster hearts. 1992 Biophysical Society meeting. Biophys J, 1992;6:A35.
58. Cai J, Yu H, Lee H: Development changes of PKC in normal and hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamseter hearts. Circulation (Suppl I, 1992;86:196). 64th Scientific Sessions, American Heart Association, New Orleans, November 1992.
59. Lee H, Cai J, Yu H. Effect of protein kinase C on cAMP regulation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamster hearts. 65th Scientific Sessions, American Heart Association, Atlanta, November 1993. Circulation (Suppl I) 1992;86:1838
60. Cai J, Yu H, Lee H: Protein kinase C potentiates adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate-dependent-phosphodiesterase in hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamster hearts. Plenary Session, American Federation of Clinical Research, Midwest Section, Chicago, November 1992. Clinical Research 1992;40:748
61. Cai J, Yu H, Lee H: Development changes of signal transducers in hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamster hearts. Plenary Session, American Federation of Clinical Research, Midwest Section, Chicago, November 1992. Clinical Research, 1992; 40:702
62. Yu H, Arango A, Bercu B, et al. Characterization of GH Secretory Ability of GH Deficient Children: Response To MK-677. 1998 Growth Hormone & IGF Research Meeting 1998;8(4): 332). San Francisco, California
64. Yu H, Pandit B, Klett E, Lee, M-H, Lu, K, Helou K, Ikeda I, Egashira N , Sato N, Klein R, Batta A, Salen S, and Patel S. B. The rat STSL locus: characterization, chromosomal assignment, genetic variations in sitosterolemic hypertensive rats. 4th Annual Conference on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. May 8-10, 2003. Washington, DC
65. Yu H, Li M, Tint GS, Cai Y, Chen J, Xu G, and Patel SB. Selective reconstitution of liver cholesterol biosynthesis promotes lung maturation but does not prevent neonatal lethality in Dhcr7 null mice. 2006 Annual Metting of American Society of Human Genetics, New Orleans, October 9-13, 2006.
66. Li M, Wakim B, Halligan B, Patel SB, and Yu H. Quantitative proteomic comparison of detergent-free and detergent-resistant membranes from neonatal mouse brain. 22nd Annual Symposium of The Protein Society, July 19-23, 2008. San Diego, California.
67. Yu H, Li M, Wakim B, and GC Tint. Brain Raft-Proteomics in Genetic Cholesterol Biosynthesis Disorders. The 2009 SLO Family and Medical conference. June 26-28, 2009 in Boston.
68. Yu H, Fischer G, Reiser J, Park F, and Hogan Q. Differential neurotropism of lentivector-mediated gene transfer to adult rat DRG. 2011 Society of Neuroscience 41th annual meeting, Washington DC, Nov 12-16, 2011.
69. Fischer G, Fan F, Nakai H, Park F, Hogan Q, and Yu H. AAV6 provides efficient and sustained gene transfer to the peripheral nociceptive system superior to AAV8 in adult rat. 2012 Society of Neuroscience 42th annual meeting, New Orleans, Oct 13-17, 2012.
70. Yu H, Fischer G, and Hogan Q. Targeted inhibition of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in primary afferent neurons results in mechanical hypersensitivity in rat. 2012 Society of Neuroscience 42th annual meeting, New Orleans, Oct 13-17, 2012.
71. Fischer G, Pan B, Vilceanu D, Hogan Q, and Yu H. Sustained relief of traumatic neuropathic pain by AAV-targeted expression of CBD3 peptide in rat dorsal root ganglion. 2013 Society of Neuroscience 43th annual meeting, San Diego, Nov 9-13, 2013.
72. Yu H, Fischer G, Ebert AD, Bai XW and Hogan QH. DRG transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells in adult rat: potential and challenge for targeted cell therapy for neuropathic pain. 2014 Society of Neuroscience 44th annual meeting, Washington DC, Nov 15-19, 2014.
73. Yu H, Fischer G, Hogan QH. Efficient neuronal but limited glia transduction by AAVshH10 in dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord of adult rats. 2015 ASGCT 18TH ANNUAL MEETING, New Orleans, May 13-16, 2015. MOLECULAR THERAPY 23, S218-S218
74. Liu Z, Wang F, Fischer G, Hogan QH, and Yu H. Peripheral nerve injury promotes loss of nociceptive neuron-specific Gαi-interacting protein (GINIP) in neuropathic pain rat. 2015 Society of Neuroscience 45th annual meeting, Chicago, Oct 17-21, 2015.
Peer Reviewed Educational Products
1. Lee HC, Cai JJ, Yu H. Effect of protein kinase C on cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate-dependent phosphodiesterase in hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamster hearts. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1994 Sep;270(3):1171-6.
2. Kostic S, Pan B, Guo Y, Yu H, Sapunar D, Kwok WM, Hudmon A, Wu HE, Hogan QH. Regulation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) currents by Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in resting sensory neurons. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2014 Sep;62:10-8. PMCID: PMC4187344
3. Fischer G, Pan B, Vilceanu D, Hogan QH, Yu H. Sustained relief of neuropathic pain by AAV-targeted expression of CBD3 peptide in rat dorsal root ganglion. Gene Ther. 2014 Jan;21(1):44-51. PMCID: PMC3881029
4. Yu H, Fischer G, Ferhatovic L, Fan F, Light AR, Weihrauch D, Sapunar D, Nakai H, Park F, Hogan QH. Intraganglionic AAV6 results in efficient and long-term gene transfer to peripheral sensory nervous system in adult rats. PLoS One. 2013;8(4):e61266. PMCID: PMC3628918
5. Tang Q, Bangaru ML, Kostic S, Pan B, Wu HE, Koopmeiners AS, Yu H, Fischer GJ, McCallum JB, Kwok WM, Hudmon A, Hogan QH. Ca²⁺-dependent regulation of Ca²⁺ currents in rat primary afferent neurons: role of CaMKII and the effect of injury. J Neurosci. 2012 Aug 22;32(34):11737-49. PMCID: PMC3723336
6. Yu H, Fischer G, Jia G, Reiser J, Park F, Hogan QH. Lentiviral gene transfer into the dorsal root ganglion of adult rats. Mol Pain. 2011 Aug 23;7:63. PMCID: PMC3179738
7. Fischer G, Kostic S, Nakai H, Park F, Sapunar D, Yu H, Hogan Q. Direct injection into the dorsal root ganglion: technical, behavioral, and histological observations. J Neurosci Methods. 2011 Jul 15;199(1):43-55. PMCID: PMC3742008
8. Tint GS, Pan L, Shang Q, Sharpe LJ, Brown AJ, Li M, Yu H. Desmosterol in brain is elevated because DHCR24 needs REST for Robust Expression but REST is poorly expressed. Dev Neurosci. 2014;36(2):132-42. PMCID: PMC4106903
9. Cai JJ, Yu H, Lee HC. Developmental changes of protein kinase C and Gs alpha in hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamster hearts. J Lab Clin Med. 1993 Nov;122(5):533-41.
10. Yu H, Cai JJ, Lee HC. Cyclic AMP-dependent phosphodiesterase isozyme-specific potentiation by protein kinase C in hypertrophic cardiomyopathic hamster hearts. Mol Pharmacol. 1996 Sep;50(3):549-55.
11. Yu H, Fischer G, Hogan QH. AAV-Mediated Gene Transfer to Dorsal Root Ganglion. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1382:251-61. PMCID: PMC5459312
12. Liu Z, Wang F, Fischer G, Hogan QH, Yu H. Peripheral nerve injury induces loss of nociceptive neuron-specific Gαi-interacting protein in neuropathic pain rat. Mol Pain. 2016;12. PMCID: PMC4956147
13. Yu H, Pan B, Weyer A, Wu HE, Meng J, Fischer G, Vilceanu D, Light AR, Stucky C, Rice FL, Hudmon A, Hogan Q. CaMKII Controls Whether Touch Is Painful. J Neurosci. 2015 Oct 21;35(42):14086-102. PMCID: PMC4683679
14. Fischer G, Pan B, Vilceanu D, Hogan QH, Yu H. Sustained relief of neuropathic pain by AAV-targeted expression of CBD3 peptide in rat dorsal root ganglion. Gene Ther. 2014 Jan;21(1):44-51. PMCID: PMC3881029
15. Wang F, Xiang H, Fischer G, Liu Z, Dupont MJ, Hogan QH, Yu H. HMG-CoA synthase isoenzymes 1 and 2 localize to satellite glial cells in dorsal root ganglia and are differentially regulated by peripheral nerve injury. Brain Res. 2016 Dec 01;1652:62-70. PMCID: PMC5441544
16. Pan B, Yu H, Fischer GJ, Kramer JM, Hogan QH. Dorsal Root Ganglionic Field Stimulation Relieves Spontaneous and Induced Neuropathic Pain in Rats. J Pain. 2016 Dec;17(12):1349-1358.
17. Yu H, Shin SM, Xiang H, Chao D, Cai Y, Xu H, Khanna R, Pan B, Hogan QH. AAV-encoded Ca<sub>V</sub>2.2 peptide aptamer CBD3A6K for primary sensory neuron-targeted treatment of established neuropathic pain. Gene Ther. 2019 Aug;26(7-8):308-323. PMCID: PMC6707887
18. Yu H, Shin SM, Wang F, Xu H, Xiang H, Cai Y, Itson-Zoske B, Hogan QH. Transmembrane protein 100 is expressed in neurons and glia of dorsal root ganglia and is reduced after painful nerve injury. Pain Rep. 2019;4(1):e703. PMCID: PMC6370145
19. Xiang H, Xu H, Fan F, Shin SM, Hogan QH, Yu H. Glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter determines transgene expression in satellite glial cells following intraganglionic adeno-associated virus delivery in adult rats. J Neurosci Res. 2018 Mar;96(3):436-448. PMCID: PMC5766685
20. Xiang H, Liu Z, Wang F, Xu H, Roberts C, Fischer G, Stucky C, Caron D, Pan B, Hogan Q, Yu H. Primary sensory neuron-specific interference of TRPV1 signaling by AAV-encoded TRPV1 peptide aptamer attenuates neuropathic pain. Mol Pain. 2017;13:1744806917717040. PMCID: PMC5486490
21. Fischer G, Wang F, Xiang H, Bai X, Yu H, Hogan QH. Inhibition of neuropathic hyperalgesia by intrathecal bone marrow stromal cells is associated with alteration of multiple soluble factors in cerebrospinal fluid. Exp Brain Res. 2017 Sep;235(9):2627-2638. PMCID: PMC6688185
22. Bangaru ML, Meng J, Kaiser DJ, Yu H, Fischer G, Hogan QH, Hudmon A. Differential expression of CaMKII isoforms and overall kinase activity in rat dorsal root ganglia after injury. Neuroscience. 2015 Aug 06;300:116-27. PMCID: PMC4485599
23. Yu H, Fischer G, Ebert AD, Wu HE, Bai X, Hogan QH. Analgesia for neuropathic pain by dorsal root ganglion transplantation of genetically engineered mesenchymal stem cells: initial results. Mol Pain. 2015 Feb 12;11:5. PMCID: PMC4331376
24. Yu H, Fischer G, Ferhatovic L, Fan F, Light AR. Erratum: Intraganglionic AAV6 results in efficient and long-term gene transfer to peripheral sensory nervous system in adult rats (PLoS ONE (2013) 8:4 (e61266)) PLoS ONE. 10 February 2015;10(2).
25. Pan B, Yu H, Park J, Yu YP, Luo ZD, Hogan QH. Painful nerve injury upregulates thrombospondin-4 expression in dorsal root ganglia. J Neurosci Res. 2015 Mar;93(3):443-53. PMCID: PMC4293337
26. Yu H, Patel SB. Erratum: Recent insights into the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (Clinical Genetics (2005) vol. 68 (383-391)) Clinical Genetics. December 2005;68(6):570.
27. Patel SB, Klett EL, Anh GS, Yu H, Chen J, Pandit B, Lee MH, Salen G. Sitosterolemia; of mice and man International Congress Series. 1 May 2004;1262(C):300-304.
28. Yu H, Lee MH, Starch L, Elias ER, Irons M, Salen G, Patel SB, Tint GS. Spectrum of Δ7-dehydrocholesterol reductase mutations in patients with the Smith-Lemli-Opitz (RSH) syndrome (Human Molecular Genetics (2000) vol.9 (1385-1391)) Human Molecular Genetics. 2000;9(12):1903.
29. La Montanara P, Hervera A, Baltussen LL, Hutson TH, Palmisano I, De Virgiliis F, Kong G, Chadwick J, Gao Y, Bartus K, Majid QA, Gorgoraptis N, Wong K, Downs J, Pizzorusso T, Ultanir SK, Leonard H, Yu H, Millar DS, Istvan N, Mazarakis ND, Di Giovanni S. Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5 is required for pain signaling in human sensory neurons and mouse models. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Jul 08;12(551). PMCID: PMC7116442
30. Shin SM, Cai Y, Itson-Zoske B, Qiu C, Hao X, Xiang H, Hogan QH, Yu H. Enhanced T-type calcium channel 3.2 activity in sensory neurons contributes to neuropathic-like pain of monosodium iodoacetate-induced knee osteoarthritis. Mol Pain. 2020;16:1744806920963807. PMCID: PMC7570798
31. La Montanara P, Hervera A, Baltussen LL, Hutson TH, Palmisano I, De Virgiliis F, Kong G, Chadwick J, Gao Y, Bartus K, Majid QA, Gorgoraptis N, Wong K, Downs J, Pizzorusso T, Ultanir SK, Leonard H, Yu H, Millar DS, Istvan N, Mazarakis ND, Di Giovanni S. Cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5 is required for pain signaling in human sensory neurons and mouse models. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Jul 08;12(551). PMCID: PMC7116442
32. Shin SM, Itson-Zoske B, Cai Y, Qiu C, Pan B, Stucky CL, Hogan QH, Yu H. Satellite glial cells in sensory ganglia express functional transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 that is sensitized in neuropathic and inflammatory pain. Mol Pain. 2020;16:1744806920925425. PMCID: PMC7268132
33. Shin SM, Wang F, Qiu C, Itson-Zoske B, Hogan QH, Yu H. Sigma-1 receptor activity in primary sensory neurons is a critical driver of neuropathic pain. Gene Ther. 2022 Feb;29(1-2):1-15. PMCID: PMC7671947
34. Wang S, Lv W, Zhang H, Liu Y, Li L, Jefferson JR, Guo Y, Li M, Gao W, Fang X, Paul IA, Rajkowska G, Shaffery JP, Mosley TH, Hu X, Liu R, Wang Y, Yu H, Roman RJ, Fan F. Aging exacerbates impairments of cerebral blood flow autoregulation and cognition in diabetic rats. Geroscience. 2020 Oct;42(5):1387-1410. PMCID: PMC7525432
35. Jiao F, Varghese K, Wang S, Liu Y, Yu H, Booz GW, Roman RJ, Liu R, Fan F. Recent Insights Into the Protective Mechanisms of Paeoniflorin in Neurological, Cardiovascular, and Renal Diseases. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2021 Jun 01;77(6):728-734. PMCID: PMC8169546
36. Liu Y, Zhang H, Wang S, Guo Y, Fang X, Zheng B, Gao W, Yu H, Chen Z, Roman RJ, Fan F. Reduced pericyte and tight junction coverage in old diabetic rats are associated with hyperglycemia-induced cerebrovascular pericyte dysfunction. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2021 Feb 01;320(2):H549-H562. PMCID: PMC8082790
37. Shin SM, Moehring F, Itson-Zoske B, Fan F, Stucky CL, Hogan QH, Yu H. Piezo2 mechanosensitive ion channel is located to sensory neurons and nonneuronal cells in rat peripheral sensory pathway: implications in pain. Pain. 2021 Nov 01;162(11):2750-2768. PMCID: PMC8526381
38. Wang S, Jiao F, Border JJ, Fang X, Crumpler RF, Liu Y, Zhang H, Jefferson J, Guo Y, Elliott PS, Thomas KN, Strong LB, Urvina AH, Zheng B, Rijal A, Smith SV, Yu H, Roman RJ, Fan F. Luseogliflozin, a sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor, reverses cerebrovascular dysfunction and cognitive impairments in 18-mo-old diabetic animals. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2022 Feb 01;322(2):H246-H259. PMCID: PMC8759958
39. Itson-Zoske B, Shin SM, Xu H, Qiu C, Fan F, Hogan QH, Yu H. Selective block of sensory neuronal T-type/Cav3.2 activity mitigates neuropathic pain behavior in a rat model of osteoarthritis pain. Arthritis Res Ther. 2022 Jul 16;24(1):168. PMCID: PMC9287929
40. Shin SM, Lauzadis J, Itson-Zoske B, Cai Y, Fan F, Natarajan GK, Kwok WM, Puopolo M, Hogan QH, Yu H. Targeting intrinsically disordered regions facilitates discovery of calcium channels 3.2 inhibitory peptides for adeno-associated virus-mediated peripheral analgesia. Pain. 2022 Dec 01;163(12):2466-2484. PMCID: PMC9562599
41. Fang X, Tang C, Zhang H, Border JJ, Liu Y, Shin SM, Yu H, Roman RJ, Fan F. Longitudinal characterization of cerebral hemodynamics in the TgF344-AD rat model of Alzheimer’s disease GeroScience. 2023.
42. Shin SM, Itson-Zoske B, Fan F, Gani U, Rahman M, Hogan QH, Yu H. Peripheral sensory neurons and non-neuronal cells express functional Piezo1 channels. Mol Pain. 2023;19:17448069231174315. PMCID: PMC10240879
43. Tang C, Zhang H, Border JJ, Liu Y, Fang X, Jefferson JR, Gregory A, Johnson C, Lee TJ, Bai S, Sharma A, Shin SM, Yu H, Roman RJ, Fan F. Impact of knockout of dual-specificity protein phosphatase 5 on structural and mechanical properties of rat middle cerebral arteries: implications for vascular aging. Geroscience. 2024 Jun;46(3):3135-3147. PMCID: PMC11009215
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