Jamila L. Kwarteng PhD
Jamila L. Kwarteng PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Institute for Health and Equity
Division of Community Health
Department of Institute for Health and Equity
Division of Community Health
Curative Care Network |
1000 N 92 St |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
2002 Bachelor of Science, Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL |
2007 Master of Science, University of Michigan-Flint, Flint, MI |
2014 PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI |
09/01/2015 - 06/29/2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin |
06/30/2017 - 09/30/2019 Instructor/Fellow, Institute for Health & Equity, Epidemiology, Medical College of Wisconsin |
10/01/2019 - Present Assistant Professor, Institute for Health & Equity, Community Health, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2008 - 2014 Rackham Merit Fellowship, University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School |
2009 - 2014 Initiative for Maximizing Student Development, University of Michigan |
2010 Richard Janz Memorial Fund-Award for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Michigan |
2011 - 2013 Conference Travel Grant, University of Michigan |
2013 Dissertation Writing Institute Fellow, University of Michigan |
2006 - 2016 American Public Health Association (Member) |
2017 - 2022 American Association for Cancer Research (Associate Member) |
06/2018 Health Equity Leadership Institute (, The University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine & Public (Selected Scholar) |
06/2018 Transdisciplinary Research in Energetics and Cancer Training Workshop, Yale University School of Public Health (Selected Scholar) |
Ad-Hoc Reviewer |
2015 - Present Journal of Public Health |
2016 - Present Health Education & Behavior |
02/2019 - Present
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education |
2015 - 2016 Cancer Center Advisory Board Prevention and Health Communities Workgroup, Medical College of Wisconsin |
RESEARCH GRANTS/AWARDS/CONTRACTS/PROJECTS: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Regional |
Kwarteng, JL; Banerjee, A; Bruce, M; Stolley, MR, Assessing the level of readiness of faith-based organizations to engage in cancer prevention and control activities, CTSI Milwaukee Regional Research Forum, Milwaukee, WI, 10/24/2022 - Present |
Local |
Racial/ethnic inequities in health: Contrasting social, cultural and biological explanations, Social Epidemiology (Graduate Course), A. Simanek (Assistant Professor), University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, 09/22/2016 |
Measuring social disparities in cancer, Cancer Epidemiology (Graduate Course), E. Velie (Professor), University of Milwaukee, 11/10/2016 |
Biological mechanisms by which social factors get under the skin to cause health inequities: Cardiometabolic function, Social Epidemiology (Graduate Course), A. Simanek (Assistant Professor), University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, 11/10/2016 |
Kwarteng JL, Cusatis, R, Population Health For First Year Medical Students, Medical College of Wisconsin, 04/25/2018 |
Kwarteng, JL, The role of self efficacy, social support, and the perceived environment in a weight-loss intervention for African American Breast Cancer Survivors, Center for Healthy Communities and Research Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, 09/10/2018 |
Thao, Mai See, Jones, Naya, Mikell, Martin, Kwarteng, Jamila L., Reflections on Transdisciplinary Community Medicine: Fellow Perspectives., Center for Healthy Communities & Research, Grand Rounds., Medical College of Wisconsin, 09/09/2019 |
Maldonado, Jacobson, and Kwarteng, Improving Diversity In Clinical Research
& Clinical Trials Panel Discussion, BUILDING A HEALTHIER COMMUNITY
Professional Development Webinar Series, Virtual, 09/14/2021 - Present |
Grant, B; Qureshi, F; Kwarteng, JL, Connecting Healthy Eating & Active Living to
Help Others Reduce their Cancer Risk, American Cancer Society, Milwaukee, WI, 06/01/2022 - Present |
International |
Kwarteng, Grant, Qureshi, Stolley, Kamaraju, Pathways to Cancer Prevention: Educating the CHW workforce in cancer screening referrals and prevention education, 2022 International Cancer Education Conference, College Park, MD, 10/12/2022 - 10/14/2022 |
Jerraco Johnson, Ailton Coleman, Ahondju Holmes, Jamila Kwarteng, Dulcie Kermah, Marino Bruce, & Bettina Beech, The association between adult physical activity and number of and age of children present in the household: A secondary analysis using NHANES, North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Toronto CA, 06/01/2023 - 06/03/2023 |
National |
Kwarteng (Harris), Parker, Cowdery, Transforming needs assessment data into a culturally appropriate physical activity intervention, American Public Health Association 134th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 11/2006 |
Kwarteng (Harris), Parker, Cowdery, Ethnic differences in lifestyle and screening behaviors among adults living in Flint, Michigan, American Public Health Association 135th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 11/2007 |
Schulz, Zenk, Mentz, Kwarteng, Wilson, Do observed neighborhood conditions contribute to racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in physical activity: Findings from a multilevel analysis in a multiethnic urban community, American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 11/2010 |
Kwarteng, Schulz, Mentz, White, Perceived discrimination and obesity among African American women in Detroit: Social support and neighborhood characteristics as effect modifiers, American Public Health Association 139th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 11/2011 |
Kwarteng, Schulz, Mentz, White, Stress and central adiposity: Does cumulative stress contribute to elevated risk of obesity among women of Detroit?, American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 10/2012 |
Kwarteng, Schulz, Mentz, Gaines, Do perceptions of neighborhood safety modify the effectiveness of an intervention to promote physical activity, a major correlate of obesity?, American Public Health Association 141st Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 10/2013 |
Schulz, Mentz, Kwarteng, Israel, Sand, Gamboa, Opperman, Reyes, Rowe, Do disparities in neighborhood characteristics modify the effectiveness of a walking group intervention to promote physical activity in Detroit: Implications for reducing health inequities, American Public Health Association 142nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11/2014 |
Mentz, Richardson, Kwarteng, Stokes, Schulz, de Majo, Urban race-based residential segregation and health equity: Variations by geographic scale selection and implication for policy making, American Public Health Association 143rd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/2015 |
Kwarteng, Nuru-Jeter, Dominguez, Malcoe, Carnegie, Velie, Measuring life course discrimination and the contribution of racism and sexism in a population-based sample of young non-Hispanic Black and White women, American Public Health Association 144th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 11/2016 |
Kwarteng, Beyer, Stolley, Do environmental factors moderate effects of a weight loss intervention for African American Breast Cancer Survivors?, AACR Special Conference Obesity and Cancer: Mechanisms underlying etiology and outcomes, Austin, TX, 01/2018 |
Barry, Meurer, Kwarteng, Brusky, Morzinski, Resident Research Curriculum, The Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine, Chicago, IL, 10/2018 |
Kwarteng, Grant, Young, Stolley, THE AFRICAN AMERICAN CANCER SURVIVOR NETWORK STUDY: THE ROLE OF SOCIAL SUPPORT AND SOCIAL NETWORKING*Cancelled due to COVID, 13th Health Disparities Conference, New Orleans, LA, 03/26/2020 - 03/27/2020 |
Kwarteng, Grant, Young, Stolley, The African American Cancer Survivor Network study: Utilizing social support and social networks to address unmet needs and challenges of African American cancer survivors, AACR Virtual Conference on The Science of Cancer Health, 10/02/2020 - 10/04/2020 |
Bikomeye, Kwarteng, Social isolation and Cancer mortality among African American women in the United States: A systematic Review, Society of Behavioral Medicine's 2021 Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, Virtual, 04/12/2021 - 04/16/2021 |
Bikomeye, Balza, Kwarteng, Beyer, Beyer, The Impact of greenspace or nature-based interventions on cardiovascular health or cancer related outcomes: A systematic Review, In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Session, Society of Behavioral Medicine., Baltimore, MD, 04/06/2022 - 04/09/2022 |
Kwarteng, Pinsoneault, Prado, Contreras, Sheean, Aboagye, Tovar, Kamaraju, Stolley, Adapting an evidence-based cancer survivor lifestyle program for cancer prevention and control in African American and Hispanic/Latino communities., American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, IL, 06/03/2022 - 06/07/2022 |
Contreras, Kwarteng, Pinsoneault, Prado, Aboagye, Visotcky, Wasserman, Donlevy, Sheean, Tovar, Vidaver, Stolley, Adaptation of a Cancer Prevention Wellness Program for Hispanic Community Members, 15th AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities, Philadelphia, 09/16/2022 - 09/19/2022 |
Riegel, Kwarteng, Pinsoneault, Prado, Contreras, Aboagye, Wasserman, Donlevy, Visotcky, Sheean, Tovar, Jensik, Vidaver, Stolley, Partnering with an Urban Public Recreation System to Implement Total Wellness, a Cancer Prevention Intervention, 15th AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities, Philadelphia, PA, 09/16/2022 - 09/19/2022 |
Marcus, Topitzes, Pathak, Cho, Hirko, Houang, Kwarteng, Hamilton, Velie, Association of childhood socioeconomic position and race with adverse childhood experiences in a population-based sample of women, APHA 2022 Annual Meeting and Expo, Boston, MA, 11/06/2022 - 11/09/2022 |
Bikomeye, Awoyinka, Kwarteng, Beyer, Beyer, Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes among Cancer Survivors in the United States: A Systematic Review, In Proceedings of EPI|Lifestyle Scientific Sessions 2023, American Heart Association., Boston, MA, 02/28/2023 - 03/03/2023 |
Regional |
Kwarteng, Matthews, Stolley, Stressful-life events among African-American Breast Cancer Survivors and its influence on weight loss during a behavioral intervention, Wisconsin Public Health Association, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 05/2019 |
Local |
Kwarteng, Schulz, Mentz, White, Perceived discrimination and obesity: Neighborhood racial composition, everyday unfair treatment, and central adiposity, Centennial Symposium: Rackham Graduate Students in the World, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 02/2012 |
Kwarteng, Beyer, Stolley, Do perceived environmental factors influence the effects of a weight loss intervention for African American Breast Cancer Survivors?, 27th Annual Department of Family Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, 06/2018 |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
07/01/2021 - 07/01/2024 Member, Professional Enrichment Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin |
09/08/2022 - Present Member, YWCA-Collaborative Workgroup-Milwaukee, Cancer Center |
01/01/2023 - Present Member, Community Engagement Advisory Council, MCW Office of Community Engagement |
Graduate Student Education |
06/2015 - 08/2015 Eastern Michigan University, Course Instructor, Health Education for Diverse Populations |
Graduate Students |
PhD Committees |
2019 - Present Jean Bikomeye, Greenspace and CardioOncology: Disentangling Disparities and Links between Exposure and Outcomes in the United States., MCW |
2021 - Present Iwalola Awoyinka, Social Connection, Allostatic Load, and Quality of Life in African American Prostate Cancer Survivors, MCW |
Undergraduate Students |
06/2020 - 08/2020 Nadia Tabit, Summer Research Mentorship, MCW Student-Centered Pipeline to Advance Research in Cancer Careers (SPARCC) |
06/2021 - 08/2021 Crystal Egbo, Summer Research Mentorship, MCW Cancer Center Summer Cancer Disparities Internship |
06/2022 - 08/2022 Elizabeth Schilling, Summer Research Mentorship, MCW Student-Centered Pipeline to Advance Research in Cancer Careers (SPARCC) |
06/2022 - 08/2022 Gia Moore, Summer Research Mentorship, MCW Cancer Center Summer Cancer Disparities Internship |
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. Kwarteng JL, Schulz AJ, Mentz GB, Zenk SN, Opperman AA. Associations between observed neighborhood characteristics and physical activity: findings from a multiethnic urban community. J Public Health (Oxf). 2014 Sep;36(3):358-67. PMCID: PMC4181423 |
3. Sealy-Jefferson S, Slaughter-Acey J, Caldwell CH, Kwarteng J, Misra DP. Neighborhood Disadvantage and Preterm Delivery in Urban African Americans: The Moderating Role of Religious Coping. SSM Popul Health. 2016 Dec;2:656-661. PMCID: PMC5371396 |
4. Schulz AJ, Mentz GB, Kwarteng J, Israel BA, Gamboa C, Sand SL, Gaines C, Reyes AG, Rowe Z. Do Neighborhood Demographics Modify Walking Group Intervention Effectiveness in Urban Neighborhoods? Health Promot Pract. 2017 Jan;18(1):62-74. PMCID: PMC9254165 |
5. Kwarteng JL, Schulz AJ, Mentz GB, Israel BA, Perkins DW. Independent Effects of Neighborhood Poverty and Psychosocial Stress on Obesity Over Time. J Urban Health. 2017 Dec;94(6):791-802. PMCID: PMC5722729 |
6. Kwarteng JL, Schulz AJ, Mentz GB, Israel BA, Shanks TR, Perkins DW. Does Perceived Safety Modify the Effectiveness of a Walking-Group Intervention Designed to Promote Physical Activity? Am J Health Promot. 2018 Feb;32(2):423-431. PMCID: PMC6091212 |
7. Kwarteng JL, Beyer KMM, Banerjee A, Stolley MR. Facilitators of behavior change and weight loss in an intervention for African American Breast Cancer Survivors. Cancer Causes Control. 2020 Aug;31(8):737-747. PMCID: PMC11196002 |
8. Beyer KMM, Zhou Y, Laud PW, McGinley EL, Yen TWF, Jankowski C, Rademacher N, Namin S, Kwarteng J, Beltrán Ponce S, Nattinger AB. Mortgage Lending Bias and Breast Cancer Survival Among Older Women in the United States. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Sep 01;39(25):2749-2757. PMCID: PMC8407650 |
9. Kamaraju S
*, Mohan M
, Campbell G, Wright T,
Charlson J1
, Wiger W
, Kwarteng J
and Power S. Addressing the Disparities and the Factors Related to
Prolonged Inpatient Length of Stay for Solid Tumor
Oncology Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A
Narrative Review Austin Journal of Medical Oncology. Kamaraju S, Mohan M, Campbell G, Wright T, Charlson J, Wiger W, et al. Addressing the Disparities and the Factors Related to Prolonged Inpatient Length of Stay for Solid Tumor Onco. |
10. Bikomeye JC, Beyer AM, Kwarteng JL, Beyer KMM. Greenspace, Inflammation, Cardiovascular Health, and Cancer: A Review and Conceptual Framework for Greenspace in Cardio-Oncology Research. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Feb 19;19(4). PMCID: PMC8872601 |
11. Kwarteng JL, Matthews L, Banerjee A, Sharp LK, Gerber BS, Stolley MR. The association of stressful life events on weight loss efforts among African American breast cancer survivors. J Cancer Surviv. 2022 Jun;16(3):604-613. PMCID: PMC11322957 |
12. Bikomeye JC, Balza JS, Kwarteng JL, Beyer AM, Beyer KMM. The impact of greenspace or nature-based interventions on cardiovascular health or cancer-related outcomes: A systematic review of experimental studies. PLoS One. 2022;17(11):e0276517. PMCID: PMC9683573 |
13. Johnson JL, Coleman A, Kwarteng JL, Holmes AU, Kermah D, Bruce MA, Beech BM. The Association between Adult Sport, Fitness, and Recreational Physical Activity and Number and Age of Children Present in the Household: A Secondary Analysis Using NHANES. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 May 24;20(11). PMCID: PMC10253130 |
14. Bikomeye JC, Awoyinka I, Kwarteng JL, Beyer AM, Rine S, Beyer KMM. Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease-Related Outcomes Among Cancer Survivors in the United States: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Heart Lung Circ. 2024 May;33(5):576-604. PMCID: PMC11144115 |
15. Awoyinka I, Tovar M, Young S, Beyer K, Kwarteng J, Knight J, Stolley M. Examining the role of social relationships on health and health behaviors in African American men with prostate cancer: a qualitative analysis. Support Care Cancer. 2024 Feb 21;32(3):178. |
16. Kwarteng JL, White K, Nevels D, Brown S, Stolley MR. Equipping Faith-Based Communities for Cancer Support Ministry: A Pilot Study of Cancer Support Training for Members of African-American Churches in the USA. J Relig Health. 2024 Apr;63(2):1523-1537. PMCID: PMC11672192 |
17. Kwarteng E, Kwarteng J, Bansal N, Cebe M. Exploring Medical Device Manufacturing Domain Threat Modeling Methodologies: User Perspectives on Security, Privacy and Safety International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, ISMICT. 2024:22-27. |