Medical College of Wisconsin
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Jeffrey A. Kelly PhD
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

2071 N Summit Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53202

1971 - Present BA, Case Western Reserve University
1973 - Present MA, University of Kentucky, KY
1975 - Present PhD, University of Kentucky, KY

1975 - 1976 Clinical Psychology Internship, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS

1976 - 1977 Instructor of Psychiatry (Psychology), University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1977 - 1979 Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1978 - 1985 Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Mississippi, MS
1979 - 1985 Associate Professor, Psychiatry, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1985 - 1990 Professor, Psychology, University of Mississippi, MS
1985 - 1990 Professor, Psychiatry, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1990 - Present Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1995 - 2009 Professor, Epidemiology, Department of Population Health, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1976 - 1987 Director, Child and Adolescent Psychology Clinic, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1978 - 1990 Director, Student Mental Health Service, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1979 - 1983 Member, Ambulatory Service Committee, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1979 - 1983 Director of Outpatient Clinics, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1985 - 1990 Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1985 - 1990 Chief, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Division of Psychology, MS
1988 - 1990 Director, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Clinical Research, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1988 - 1990 Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Appointments and Promotion Committee, University of Mississippi Medical Center, MS
1990 - Present Director, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Center for AIDS Intervention Research, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

Issued By Issue DateExpiration
National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology
Providers in Psychology (#20093)

Number Issue DateExpiration
Clinical Psychologist
Mississippi License #165
Wisconsin License #1596

1975 - Present Outstanding Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology Universitiy of Kentucky
1981 - Present President's New Research Award, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy
1982 - 1983 Elected Secretary/Treasurer, Mississippi Psychological Associate
1984 - Present Elected Fellow in Division 12 (Clinical), American Psychological Association
1984 - Present President-Elect, Mississippi Psychological Associate
1985 - Present Elected President, Mississippi Psychological Association
1985 - Present Elected Fellow in Division 12 (Clinical), Mississippi Psychological Association
1986 - Present Past President, Mississippi Psychological Association
1986 - Present Outstanding Professional Contribution Award, Mississippi Psychological
1991 - 1992 Visiting Scholar, Southeastern Psychological Association, Committee on Equality in Professional Opportunity
1995 - Present Distinguished Service Award , Psychology in the Public Interest, Wisconsin Psychological Association
1996 - Present National Health Award, C. Everett Koop
1997 - Present istinguished Contributions Award, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1998 - Present Red Rose Award for Contributions to HIV Prevention in Wisconsin, Milwaukee AIDS Project/AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin
1999 - Present Elected Fellow, Division 44 (Society for the Study of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues),American Psychological Association
1999 - Present Elected Fellow, Division 38 (Health Psychology), American Psychological Association
2001 - Present Outstanding Alumnus Award, Department of Psychology Universitiy of Kentucky
2003 - Present 2003 Distinguished Leader in Psychology and HIV/AIDS, American Psychological Association
2004 - Present Outstanding Achievement Award for Dedication to HIV Prevention, Wisconsin AIDS Fund of the Greater Milwaukee foundation
2005 - Present Distinguished Service Award, Medical College of Wisconsin
2008 - Present Convocation Address Speaker, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Distinguished Service Award, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

1975 - 1990 Mississippi Psychological Association (Member)
1976 - Present American Psychological Association (Member)
1976 - Present Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy (Member)
1976 - 1990 Southeastern Psychological Association (Member)
1977 - 1978 Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy (Program Committee)
1977 - 1990 Sigma Xi (Member)
1978 - 1990 Association for Behavior Analysis (Member)
1978 - 1985 Southeastern Psychological Association (Program Committee)
1979 - 1990 Mississippi Psychological Association (Chairman, Scientific Affairs Committee)
1981 - 1983 Mississippi Psychological Association (Secretary-Treasurer)
1984 - Present American Psychological Association (Fellow)
1984 - Present Mississippi Psychological Association (President-Elect)
1985 - Present Mississippi Psychological Association (President)
1986 - Present Mississippi Psychological Association (Past-President)
1990 - Present Wisconsin Psychological Association (Member)

1993 - 1995 Health Psychology
1993 - 1995 Health Psychology
1993 - Present AIDS Prevention and Mental Health
1996 - Present AIDS and Behavior
2000 - Present AIDS Education and Prevention
Editorial Board
1977 - 1985 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
1982 - Present Behavior Modification
1983 - 1987 Behavior Therapy
1984 - 1988 Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
1984 - Present Journal of Family Violence
1985 - 1987 Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
1986 - 1991 Psychology of Women Quarterly
1987 - 1988 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
1987 - 1993 Clinical Psychology Review
1987 - Present Journal of the Multihandicapped
1990 - 1993 Health Psychology
1994 - Present Women’s Health: Research on Gender, Behavior and Policy
1994 - Present Journal of Gender, Culture, and Health
1994 - Present AIDS Care
1996 - 1997 American Journal of Health Behavior
1997 - Present Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research
1998 - 2002 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

2009 - 2011 Member, Computers Committee
2009 - 2011 Member, Continuing Education Committee
2011 - Present Chair, Poster Day Committee
2011 - Present Member, Datum Committee

1987 - 1988 Member, Special Study Section of AIDS, National Institute on Drug Abuse
1987 - Present Member, Ad hoc Review Group, March of Dimes Research Foundation
1987 - Present Member, Study Section on Mental Health Aspects of AIDS, National Institute of Mental Health
1988 - 1993 Member, Appointed to AIDS and Related Research Study Section, National Institutes of Health
1989 - Present Science Directory Advisory Report Reviewer, American Psychological Association
1989 Member, Health and Welfare Canada AIDS Prevention Research Advisory Committee, Federal Centre on AIDS
1989 - Present Member, AIDS Advisory Review Group, National Academy of Sciences
1989 - Present Advisory Report Reviewer, U.S. Congress Office of Technology and Assessment
1989 - Present Member, Special Advisory Committee, Work Groups on AIDS Primary Prevention
1990 - Present Chair, Advisory Committee on HIV Prevention for Urban Women, Centers for Disease Control
1991 - 1998 Chair, Steering Committee for Cooperative Agreement on Multisite Trials of Behavioral Interventions to Prevent the Continued Spread of HIV Infection, National Institute of Mental Health
1991 - Present Multisite Trial of Enhanced HIV Risk Reduction Interventions in Sexually-Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinic, Centers for Disease Control
1992 - Present Consultant, Community HIV Prevention Interventions in Developing Countries, World Health Organization
1993 - Present Senior Advisor, HIV Center for Clincial and Behavioral Studies, Columbia University
1993 Co-Chair, External Scientific Review Committee, Centers for Disease Control
1993 - 1994 Member, Mental Health, AIDS, and Immunology (MHAI), National Institute of Mental Health
1994 - Present Member, HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Consortium, National Institute of Mental Health
1994 - Present Member, International Scientific Committee, Second International Conference on Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England
1994 - Present Senior Advisory, Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, University of California, San Francisco
1994 - Present Chair, HIV Prevention Behavioral Methodology Working Group, National Institute of Mental Health
1994 Consultant, HIV Prevention Community Planning Process, Centers for Disease Control
1995 Member, AIDS Research Program Evaluation Working Group, NIH Office of AIDS, Research (OAR) Review Panel
1995 Member, NIH AIDS Research Program Evaluation Working Group, Behavioral, Social Science & Prevention Research Area Review Panel, Office of AIDS Research, National Institutes of Health
1995 - 1998 Member, (Consultant on Community-Level HIV Prevention Interventions), National AIDS Fund
1995 Consultant, HIV prevention programs, Columbus AIDS Task Force
1995 - Present Consultant, HIV prevention programs, State of Wisconsin AIDS Program
1995 - 2001 Senior Advisor to Research Center for Minority Institutions Project, Centro de Investigacion y Educacion de VIH/SIDA, University of Puerto Rico
1995 Consultant, United States Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Evaluation of HIV Prevention Effectiveness
1995 Chair, STD Branch Chief Search Committee, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta
1996 Member, Special Emphasis Review Panel, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1996 - Present Member, International Scientific Committee, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia
1996 Member, HIV prevention programs, AIDSNET
1997 Presenter, Office of Medical Applications of Research Consensus Development Conference, National Institutes of Health
1997 - Present Member, International Review Committee, 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
1997 - 2006 Senior Scientific Advisory, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS, Yale University School of Medicine
1997 - 1999 Member, Advisory Committee on HIV and STD Prevention, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
1997 - 1999 Member, National Advisory Committee on HIV and STDs, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1998 - Present Senior Scientific Advisor,, Center for HIV Intervention, Prevention, and Services, University of California
1998 - Present Editorial Advisory Board, HIV InSite, University of California
1998 - 1999 Grant Reviewer, Medical Research Council
1998 Member, Special Review Group, HIV Center Grant Applications
1998 - 1999 Chair, Special Review Group on HIV Prevention Interventions, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
1998 - 2002 Training Consultant, Behavioral and Social Science Volunteer Program, Office of AIDS, American Psychological Association
1998 - Present Member, International Scientific Committee, AIDS IMPACT: Biosychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection
1999 Member, Special Study Section on HIV Center Applications, National Institute of Mental Health
1999 Member, India-United States Workshop on Preventing the Further Spread of HIV Infection, National Institute of Mental Health International Scientific Delegation
1999 - 2002 Consultant, HIV prevention research synthesis project, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1999 Consultant, HIV treatment adherence project, University of California
2000 - 2009 Chair, Scientific Steering Committee, International Multisite HIV/STD Prevention Trial. National Institute of Mental Health
2000 - Present Member, International Scientific Advisory Board, Eighth International Conference on AIDS, Cancer, and Related Problems
2000 Reviewer, CDC Revised Guidelines for HIV Counseling, Testing, and Referral, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
2001 - Present Member, International Scientific Committee, AIDS Impact: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection
2002 - Present Member, International Scientific Committee, AIDS Impact: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection
2004 - Present Consultant, University of Miami node of the NIDA Clinical Trials, University of Miami Medical School
2004 - 2008 Member, National Advisory Mental Health Council, National Institutes of Health
2004 - Present Member, National Advisory Mental Health Council, National Institutes of Health, for the term 2004 – 2008
2004 - Present Member, International Scientific committee, AIDS Impact: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection
2004 - Present Ex-Officio, Office of AIDS Research Advisory Committee, National Institutes of Health, for the term 2004-2008.
2005 - 2008 Advisory Council Member, Office of AIDS Research, National Institutes of Health
2005 Member, Special Emphasis Review Panel for "Comprehensive International Programs for Research on AIDS", National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
2009 - Present Statistician, Immune Deficiencies/Inborn Errors Working Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR)
2009 - Present Statistician, Data Coordinating Center of the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network
2009 - Present Statistician, Clinical Trial Advisory Committee for Resource for Clinical Investigation in Blood and Marrow Transplant (RCI BMT), Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR)
2009 - Present Statistician, Non-malignant Diseases Working Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR)
2010 - Present Member, National Institutes of Health, Office of AIDS Research, Social and Behavioral HIV Prevention Research Think Tank
2010 Reviewer, W.T. Grant Foundation
06/2011 - Present Biostatistical Reviewer, National Institutes of Health Clinical and Integrative Cardiovascular Science (CICS) study section

Peer Review
Communication Technology to Disseminate Evidence-Based HIV Interventions to NGOs
NIMH R01-MH079730
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
06/2007 - 08/2012
Direct Funds:
HIV Prevention within High-Risk Social Networks
NIDA Renewal R01-DA023854
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/2007 - 06/2012
Direct Funds:
Comparison of Conditioning Regimens using Intravenous Busulfan versus Total Body Irradiation for Allogeneic Hematopoetic Stem Cell Transplantation in Hematologic Malignancies
Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Role & Effort:
03/01/2009 - 12/31/2012
Direct Funds:
Chromosomal Abnormalities as Detected by FISH R01-CA083724-09 (Fonseca)
Role & Effort:
03/01/2009 - 01/31/2014
Direct Funds:
Center for AIDS Intervention Research Core Support
NIMH Renewal P30-MH52776
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/2009 - 08/2014
Direct Funds:
Prevention of HIV Infection in High-Risk Social Networks of African American MSM
NIMH Pending Supplement to RO1-MH089128
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/2010 - 08/2015
Direct Funds:
Prevention of HIV Infection in High-Risk Social Networks of African American MSM
NIMH R01-MH089128
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/2010 - 08/2015
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
Sex Roles and Social Skills
NIMH Small Grant
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1977 - 1978
Direct Funds:
Personality Variables Associated with Pet Ownership
Ralston Purina
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1983 - Present
Direct Funds:
Stress Management Training for Medical Students
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1984 - 1986
Direct Funds:
Improving Medical Students' Attitudes and Skills with the Elderly
NFME (#53-86A)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1986 - 1988
Direct Funds:
Behavioral Training to Reduce AIDS Risk Activities
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1986 - 1994
Direct Funds:
Project Forward: Evaluation of a Program to Reduce Teen Pregnancies Among AFDC Adolescents
State of Mississippi
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1986 - 1988
Direct Funds:
Evaluation of Counseling Methods Following HIV Testing
NIMH R01-MH44149
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1988 - 1992
Direct Funds:
Community Intervention to Reduce AIDS Risk Behavior
NIMH R01-MH42908
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1988 - 1996
Direct Funds:
AIDS/HIV Prevention for Vulnerable Urban Populations
NIMH U01-MH49055
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1991 - 1997
Direct Funds:
AIDS Risk Reduction for the Chronic Mentally Ill
NIMH R01-MH49031
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1992 - 1997
Direct Funds:
Assessment and Prevention of AIDS Risk Behavior Relapse
NIMH R01-MH48286
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1992 - 1997
Direct Funds:
Center for AIDS Intervention Research (CAIR) Core Support
NIMH P30-MH52776
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1994 - 2004
Direct Funds:
AIDS/HIV Prevention for Homeless Men and Women
NIMH R01-MH52999
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1994 - 1999
Direct Funds:
Disseminating Efficacious HIV/AIDS Prevention Models to CBO’s
NIMH R01-MH54935
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1995 - 1999
Direct Funds:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Replication of An Effective Community-Level HIV Prevention
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/1996 - 09/1999
Direct Funds:
Postdoctoral Training in HIV Behavioral Research
NIMH T32-MH19985
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/1996 - 09/2000
Direct Funds:
Community-Level HIV Prevention for Vulnerable Young People
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/1996 - 09/2001
Direct Funds:
Community Intervention to Reduce AIDS Risk Behavior in Adolescents
NIMH R01-MH42908
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/1997 - 06/2000
Direct Funds:
HIV Combination Therapies, Adherence, and Transmission Risk Behavior
NIMH/OAR Supplement to R01-MH54935
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/1997 - 08/1999
Direct Funds:
Health-Related Interventions for Persons Living with HIV
NIMH U10-MH57631
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
08/1998 - 07/2003
Direct Funds:
Training and Research in HIV Prevention in Russia
Fogarty Center, NIH D43-TW01028
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/1998 - 08/2003
Direct Funds:
HIV Prevention Case Management
State of Wisconsin Contract
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
12/1998 - 12/2000
Direct Funds:
Availability of Effective HIV/AIDS Behavioral Interventions for Community-Based Organizations
CDC 0009967631
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
08/1999 - 08/2000
Direct Funds:
Training to Strengthen HIV Prevention Research Capacity in St. Petersburg, Russia
World AIDS Foundation NIH, Institut Pasteur
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/1999 - 09/2000
Direct Funds:
HIV Prevention Trial for At-Risk Young People in Russia
NIMH U10-MH61499
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/1999 - 08/2004
Direct Funds:
Pilot Testing Social Network HIV Prevention Interventions for At-Risk Groups in Russia
NIMH Supplement to R01-MH57631
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/2000 - 09/2001
Direct Funds:
BMT Clinical Research Network Data Coordinating Center UO1-HL069294-08 (Horowitz)
Role & Effort:
09/30/2001 - 07/31/2011
Direct Funds:
HIV Prevention in High-Risk Community Populations in Bulgaria and Hungary
OAR/NIMH Supplement to U10-MH57631
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/2001 - 08/2002
Direct Funds:
Internet-based Models to Enhance HIV Prevention Technology Transfer
NIMH R01-MH65172
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/2001 - 08/2006
Direct Funds:
Center for AIDS Intervention Research: International Core Supplement
NIMH P30-MH52776
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
03/2002 - 03/2004
Direct Funds:
HIV Prevention within High-Risk Social Networks in Eastern Europe
NIMH R01-MH64410
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/2002 - 06/2006
Direct Funds:
Health-Related Interventions for Persons Living with HIV
NIMH Renewal of U10 MH57631
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
08/2003 - 07/2005
Direct Funds:
Targeted Social Network HIV Prevention Intervention
NIMH R01-MH070316
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/2004 - 06/2009
Direct Funds:
Center for AIDS Intervention Research Core Support
NIMH Renewal of P30-MH52776
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/2004 - 06/2009
Direct Funds:
NIMH Multisite HIV/STD Prevention Trial
NIMH Renewal of U10-MH61499
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/2004 - 08/2007
Direct Funds:
Acute HIV Infection Exploratory Studies Initiative
NIMH Supplement to P30-MH52776
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/2005 - 07/2006
Direct Funds:
Behavioral Intervention to Reduce Novel Antipsychotic Medication Health Risks
NIMH R01-MH 078576
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/2006 - 07/2011
Direct Funds:

Reactions to the assertive and unassertive behavior of black and white models, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Toronto, 11/1981 - Present
Child abuse and neglect: Two case studies, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Toronto, 11/1981 - Present
Skills training to improve the conversational competence of retarded adolescents, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Toronto, 11/1981 - Present
Blacks' perception of assertive behavior: An empirical evaluation, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Toronto, 11/1981 - Present
Reactions to assertiveness: Corporate management's response to assertive males and females, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Toronto, 11/1981 - Present
Alternatives to aversive procedures with animals in the classroom or teaching laboratory. In E. Bernstein (Chair), Ways to minimize pain and suffering for laboratory animals, American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, 08/1984 - Present
Social skills training with developmentally disabled children: Treatment, implementation, and generalization, American Psychological Association annual Meeting, Toronto, 08/1984 - Present
Patterns and predictors of risk knowledge and risk behavior across high-, medium-, and low-AIDS prevalence cities, IV International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden, 06/1988 - Present
Community behavioral intervention to reduce high-risk patterns among gay men: Outcome evaluation, IV International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden, 06/1988 - Present
A test of AIDS risk knowledge: Scale development, validation, and norms, HIV International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden, 06/1988 - Present
Mental health providers' stigmatization toward persons with AIDS, IV International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, Sweden, 06/1988 - Present
Psychological and demographic characteristics of gay men who do or do not engage in unsafe sex, Paper presented to the V International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada, 06/1989 - Present
The impact of community-based behavioral group intervention to help persons reduce AIDS high-risk sexual behaviors, V International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada, 06/1989 - Present
Federal Centre on AIDS, Department of Health and Welfare, Canada, Ottawa, 07/1989 - Present
Federal Centre on AIDS, Province of British Columbia, and World Health Organization Global Program on AIDS, Vancouver, BC, 10/1989 - Present
Predictors of depression among persons with HIV infection, Paper presented to the VII International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, 06/1991 - Present
Producing population-wide reductions in HIV risk behavior among small-city gay men: Results of an experimental field trial in three cities, VII International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, 06/1991 - Present
Clinical and community approaches to AIDS/HIV prevention, Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Sex Research, Toronto, Canada, 08/1991 - Present
Global Programme or AIDS, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 02/1992 - Present
Outcomes of a 16-city randomized field trial of a community- level HIV risk reduction intervention, VIII International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, 06/1992 - Present
Mental health intervention to help person cope with AIDS-related bereavement, VIII International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, 07/1992 - Present
Comparison of cognitive- behavioral and social support group psychotherapies for HIV-infected persons, IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, 06/1993 - Present
Heavy alcohol use is strongly associated with continued risky sex among gay men: Risk behavior patterns and alcohol-sex attributions, IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, 06/1993 - Present
Attitudes and characteristics of gay men who remain at continued risk for contracting HIV infection, IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, 06/1993 - Present
Social diffusion models can produce population-level HIV risk behavior reduction: Field trial results and mechanisms underlying change, IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, 06/1993 - Present
Empirically-derived motivational subtypes of gay men who remain at continued high risk for HIV infection, IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, 06/1993 - Present
Risk characteristics for HIV infection among urban chronic mentally ill adults., IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, 06/1993 - Present
Effects of group behavior change intervention for high-risk women seen in urban primary health care clinics, IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, 06/1993 - Present
Behavioral interventions produce change in risk for HIV infection and STD's: Outcomes of group and community-level approaches, Tenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for STD Research, Helsinki, Finland, 08/1993 - Present
Issues in HIV prevention among women. In S.E. Hobfoll (Chair), Women's responses to AIDS, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, 08/1993 - Present
Chronic psychiatric patients’ risk for HIV/AIDS: A descriptive analysis, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, 08/1993 - Present
An assessment of sexual relationship characteristics contributing to HIV risk among male and female chronic mentally ill outpatients, II International Conference on Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England, 07/1994 - Present
HIV/AIDS prevention strategies that work, II International Conference on Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England, 07/1994 - Present
HIV risk behavior levels and psychological factors predicting continued risk among 6,000 gay men in small U.S. cities, II International Conference on Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England, 07/1994 - Present
Bisexual men remain at elevated risk for HIV infection, II International Conference on Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England, 07/1994 - Present
HIV prevention: Strategies that work. Invited plenary address, AIDS Impact:: 2nd International Conference on Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England, 07/1994 - Present
Homeless men are at elevated risk for contracting HIV infection, II International Conference on Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England, 07/1994 - Present
Behavioral, prevention, and public health research on AIDS/HIV: Where have all the interventions gone?, II International Conference on Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England, 07/1994 - Present
Outcomes of a brief behavioral intervention for chronic mentally ill outpatients at risk for HIV infection, II International Conference on Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England, 07/1994 - Present
Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom, Manchester, England, 09/1994 - Present
University of Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 03/1995 - Present
Understanding communities to develop HIV prevention, Fifth Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Winnepeg, Canada, 06/1995 - Present
Community-level HIV prevention interventions, HIV Prevention Conference, Royal Society of Medicine, London, United Kingdom, 06/1995 - Present
Innovative community interventions, Royal Society of Medicine, Conference on HIV Behavioral Interventions, London, UK, 06/1995 - Present
Royal Society of Medicine, London, United Kingdom, 06/1995 - Present
Canadian Association for HIV Research, Winnipeg, 06/1995 - Present
Understanding communities to develop HIV prevention approaches that work, Fifth International Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Canadian Association for HIV Research, Manitoba, Canada, 06/1995 - Present
HIV/AIDS prevention intervention for men who have sex with men: Results of controlled efficacy trials, XXV Interamerican Congress of Psychology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 07/1995 - Present
Some lessons learned in the United States about successful and unsuccessful approaches to HIV prevention, Seventh International Conference on AIDS, Cancer and Related Problems, St. Petersburg, Russia, 05/1996 - Present
Women living with HIV/AIDS: The dual challenges of being both a medical patient and a primary family caregiver, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
Effects of community-level behavior change intervention for women in low-income housing developments, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
Predictors of HIV/AIDS risk behavior among homeless men and women, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
Who drops out of HIV risk reduction workshops? Factors related to prevention program attrition, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
Outcomes of a randomized intervention trial to promote consistent HIV risk reduction behavior change maintenance in an ethnically-diverse cohort of gay and bisexual men, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
Implementing an HIV/AIDS risk reduction intervention for homeless amen and women., XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
Age and ethnicity in relation to HIV risk behavior levels in a diverse sample of men who have sex with men, XI Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
HIV risk among low-income women: A case for addressing gender issues in AIDS prevention interventions, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
Measurement of total sexual behavior HIV risk exposure for assessing behavioral HIV risk reduction, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
HIV/AIDS risk among severely mentally ill adults: Patterns, predictors, and gender differences in risk, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
Perceptions and use of the female condom among inner-city women, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
Cost-effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral HIV prevention intervention for gay men, IX International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, British Columbia, 07/1996 - Present
Is use of the female condom a reality? Perceptions and use of the female condom among inner-city women, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, 08/1996 - Present
Preventing HIV infection in the mentally ill, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, 08/1996 - Present
University of Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 10/1996 - Present
General Armed Forces Medical Services, India, Delhi, 09/1997 - Present
ommunity interventions to reach HIV high-risk groups, General Armed Forces Medical Services of India, Delhi, India, 09/1997 - Present
An ethnographic assessment of factors associated with HIV risk behavior among young men who have sex with men, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/1998 - Present
NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial: A randomized controlled trial of a risk reduction intervention, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/1998 - Present
Outcome of a cognitive-behavioral HIV prevention intervention tailored to the needs of seriously mentally ill adults, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland., 06/1998 - Present
AIDS treatment advances and perceived need to maintain safer sex practices among gay and bisexual men, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/1998 - Present
Predictors of high-risk sexual behavior in a sample of HIV-positive men who engage in sex with men, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/1998 - Present
Outcomes of a community-level HIV prevention intervention for women, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/1998 - Present
Behavioral, social, and relationship factors associated with HIV/AIDS risk among homeless men and women, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/1998 - Present
Rates and predictors of HIV risk behaviors among midlife and older African American women living in low-income housing developments, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/1998 - Present
Improving HIV/AIDS prevention interventions through program evaluation at the community level, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/1998 - Present
Substance use and HIV risk among low-income adolescents, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/1998 - Present
Psychiatric diagnoses and symptomatology as predictors of HIV risk behaviors in adults with serious mental illness, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland., 06/1998 - Present
Setting the stage for a family intervention: Results form focus group studies of Puerto Rican mothers and adolescent daughters, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/1998 - Present
Bridging the gap between science and service: A randomized trial of technical assistance methods to transfer research-based HIV prevention approaches to CBOs, 12th World Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland., 07/1998 - Present
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 10/1998 - Present
India Health Ministry, New Delhi, India, 01/1999 - Present
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 02/1999 - Present
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg Russia, 05/1999 - Present
Young men who have sex with men: HIV prevention needs from their perspective., AIDS Impact: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV/AIDS Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 07/1999 - Present
AIDS treatment advances and their impact on HIV primary prevention efforts, AIDS Impact: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV/AIDS Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 07/1999 - Present
Implementing an HIV/AIDS risk reduction nvention for drug using men and women, Eighth International Conference on AIDS, Cancer, and Related Problems, St. Petersburg, Russia, 05/2000 - Present
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 05/2000 - Present
Community-level HIV prevention interventions, Eighth International Conference on AIDS, Cancer, and Related Problems, St. Petersburg, Russia., 05/2000 - Present
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 05/2000 - Present
UNAIDS/World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 06/2000 - Present
The challenges of transferring effective research-based HIV behavioral and social interventions into prevention program practice, International Conference on AIDS, Durban, South Africa, 07/2000 - Present
Ukrainian State Academy of Communication, Odessa, Ukraine, 10/2000 - Present
University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, 01/2001 - Present
The prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases among students in St. Petersburg, Russia, Russian Conference on AIDS and Related Problems, St. Petersburg, Russia, 05/2001 - Present
Psychosocial factors related to sexual risk behavior among Russian adolescents, 5th International Conference, AIDS Impact: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England, 07/2001 - Present
East/West: Differences in HIV sexual risk practices between samples of men who have sex with men in Russia and in the United States, AIDS Impact: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, 5th International Conference, Brighton, England, 07/2001 - Present
Characteristics and predictors of HIV risk behaviors among IDUs in St. Petersburg, Russia, 5th International Conference, AIDS Impact: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, Brighton, England, 07/2001 - Present
Peer education interventions: Experience from the U.S.A, AIDS Impact: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, 5th International Conference, Brighton, England, 07/2001 - Present
HIV and AIDS epidemiology and prevention needs in Central and Eastern Europe, Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, 5th International Conference, Brighton, England, 07/2001 - Present
HIV risk behaviors in Roma (Gypsy) social networks in Bulgaria and Hungary, XIV International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona Spain, 07/2002 - Present
High levels of HIV risk behavior among men who have sex with men in Russia, Hungary, and Bulgaria, XIV Internationl Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, Spain, 07/2002 - Present
HIV risk behavior among male sex workers in Budapest, Hungary, XIV International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, Spain, 07/2002 - Present
Sexual practices and gender roles among Roma (Gypsies) in Central and Eastern Europe: Implications for HIV prevention, XIV International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, Spain, 07/2002 - Present
Programs, resources, and needs of HIV prevention NGOs in 23 Latin American and Caribbean countries, FORO 2003: 2nd Forum on HIV/AIDS/STIs in Latin America and the Caribbean, Havana, Cuba., 04/2003 - Present
The Global AIDS Intervention Network (GAIN) Project: Using the Internet to improve information exchange between HIV prevention researchers and NGOs, FORO 2003: 2nd Forum on HIV/AIDS/STIs in Latin America and the Caribbean, Havana, Cuba, 04/2003 - Present
Outcomes of HIV prevention interventions within high-risk social networks: Methodological and practical implications, FORO 2003: 2nd Forum on HIV/AIDS/STIs in Latin American and the Caribbean, Havana, Cuba, 04/2003 - Present
Training to strengthen HIV prevention research capacity in St. Petersburg, Russia: Identifyiing collaborators and establishing research priorities, World AIDS Foundation Seminar, Paris, 07/2003 - Present
Pasteur Institute, Paris, 07/2003 - Present
Programs, resources, needs, and barriers among HIV prevention NGOs in 78 African, Eastern European, Latin American, and Caribbean countries, international AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 07/2004 - Present
Models and designs used in outcome trials of HIV prevention interventions, U.S. Central and Eastern European Research Networking Meeting on HIV/AIDS, Bucharest, Romania., 10/2004 - Present
Institute of Virology, Bucharest, Romania, 10/2004 - Present
Stigma, AIDS, and HIV prevention in Africa: reports from community organizations providing prevention services, meeting of AIDS Impact: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV infection, Cape Town, South Africa, 04/2005 - Present
Characteristics of same risk behaviors among 1,100 students living in 22 dormitories in St. Petersburg, Russia, International Conference on AIDS, Toronto, 07/2006 - Present
HIV preventive interventions for sexual risk behavior among homosexual men in the United States, 9th Taipei International Conference on HIV/AIDS, Taipei, Taiwan, 09/2008 - Present
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, Taipei, Taiwan, 09/2008 - Present
Characteristics of effective community-based HIV prevention interventions for sexual risk reduction, Third Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference, Moscow, 10/2009 - Present
Use of the Internet to create an infrastructure for quickly transferring HIV prevention research advances to NGOs worldwide, International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
Substance use and HIV/STD risk among residents of student dormitories in St. Petersburg, Russia, XIV International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, Spain
Outcomes of a community-level intervention among adolescents in inner-city housing developments, XIV International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, Spain
Factors influencing condom use among residents of student dormitories in St. Petersburg, Russia, XIV International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, Spain
The use of overcorrection to reduce self-injurious behaviors in children, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, New York, NY, 1976 - Present
Personality characteristics, parent behaviors and cheating among college students, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1976 - Present
New directions in sex role research, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, 1977 - Present
Teaching job interviewing skills to psychiatric patients, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 1977 - Present
Interpersonal consequences of sex-typing and androgyny: A behavioral analysis, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, 1977 - Present
Social skills and explosive outbursts: An assessment package, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, 1977 - Present
A social learning approach to effective job interview skills training, meeting of Mississippi and Louisiana Psychological Associations, New Orleans, LA, 10/1978 - Present
Prediction and behavioral evaluation of client functioning in a mental health daycare program, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 1978 - Present
Improving the social appearance of retarded adolescents, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 1978 - Present
Jump Street: A behavioral program for retarded delinquent and predelinquent boys, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 03/1979 - Present
An effective procedure for training heterosocial skills with male psychiatric patients, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 03/1979 - Present
Behavioral group training of conversational skills for retarded adolescents, Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, 03/1979 - Present
Increasing current events awareness among retarded persons: TV and discussion, American Psychological Association, New York, NY, 09/1979 - Present
Social skills and psychological health, Mississippi Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Jackson, MS, 11/1979 - Present
Clinical strategies for increasing parental compliance with behavioral strategies for their children, Mississippi Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Jackson, MS, 11/1979 - Present
Small group job interview skills training for retarded adolescents, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 11/1979 - Present
Practical implementation and evaluation of social skills training in applied settings, Southeastern psychological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 1979 - Present
Reactions to assertive versus unassertive behavior: Implications forassertive training, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual meeting, Washington, DC, 03/1980 - Present
Small group behavioral job interview skills training in mental health aftercare, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 03/1980 - Present
Social skills training in clinical settings: Current progress and issues for future research, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, New York, NY, 11/1980 - Present
Subjective reactions to assertive behavior in psychiatric and nonpsychiatric patients, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, New York, NY, 11/1980 - Present
The assessment of children's social skills, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, New York, NY, 11/1980 - Present
Delivery of aftercare services within clients' home environments rather than in mental health centers, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 03/1981 - Present
Child abusers' physiological responses to stressful and nonstressful parent/child interactions, National Research Conference on Family Violence, Durham,New Hampshire, 07/1981 - Present
Social training interventions for persons adapting to community living, American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 08/1981 - Present
Social skills training to improve the conversational effectiveness of retarded adolescents, Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, 03/1982 - Present
Stress management training for nursing students, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 03/1983 - Present
Stress management for dental students: A multimodal approach, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 03/1983 - Present
Maintenance of change from stress management training: An empirical analysis, Mississippi Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Biloxi, MS, 10/1983 - Present
Stress management training and stress-reduction maintenance in nursing students, Mississippi Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Biloxi, MS, 11/1983 - Present
Stress management training for dental students: A multimodal approach, Paper presented to the World Congress of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC, 12/1983 - Present
Skills training procedures in the treatment of a child abusive mother, World Congress of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC, 12/1983 - Present
Research and treatment of child abuse and neglect: Key issues, Research and treatment in child abuse and neglect. Symposium presented to the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 11/1984 - Present
Behavior training to improve the problem solving and child care judgment skills of child neglectful parents, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 11/1984 - Present
Personality characteristics of people who own and love pets, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 03/1985 - Present
Friendships and styles of social support among men and women: Some comments and issues. In J. Worell, (Chair), Women in close friendships: Sex role and lifespan issues, American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 08/1985 - Present
Group social skills training, Mississippi Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Biloxi, MS, 10/1985 - Present
Psychology: Have we lost our social conscience?, Mississippi Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Biloxi, MS, 10/1985 - Present
Teaching effective social and problem-solving skills to emotionally maladjusted adolescents, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 11/1985 - Present
The effects of behavioral stress management training for medical students, Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 11/1985 - Present
Child abuse and neglect: Some comments and issues. In J. Lutzker, (chair), Child abuse and neglect: Treatment, research, and theory, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 11/1985 - Present
Stress management training for medical students: An empirical outcome study, Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 03/1986 - Present
AIDS prevention and risk-reduction behavior change. In J. Kelly and J.S. St. Lawrence (Chairs), Psychological aspects of AIDS, Mississippi Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Biloxi, MS, 10/1986 - Present
AIDS prevalence and epidemiology in Mississippi. In J. Kelly and J.S. St. Lawrence (Chairs), Psychological aspects of AIDS, Mississippi Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Biloxi, MS, 10/1986 - Present
Stigma and prejudice associated with AIDS and patient sexual preference, Mississippi Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Biloxi, MS, 10/1986 - Present
Department of Psychology, Kent State University, 12/1986 - Present
College of Human Development, Syracuse University, 03/1987 - Present
Department of Psychology, University of Southern Mississippi, 03/1987 - Present
Relationships between knowledge about AIDS risk and actual risk behavior in a sample of homosexual men: Some implications for prevention, III International Conference on AIDS, Washington, DC, 06/1987 - Present
Physician attitudes and stigma associated with an AIDS diagnosis, III International Conference on AIDS, Washington, DC, 06/1987 - Present
Psychological intervention for persons at-risk or affected by AIDS, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY, 09/1987 - Present
Department of Continuing Professional Education, Veteran's Administration Medical Center, Jackson, MS, 10/1987 - Present
The stigmatization of AIDS: Fear of disease and homophobic prejudice, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA, 11/1987 - Present
Behavior therapy intervention for persons affected by AIDS, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA, 11/1987 - Present
AIDS prevention: Behavioral intervention for persons at risk for AIDS, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA, 11/1987 - Present
The prevention of AIDS, Annual Meeting of the Hawaii Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI, 12/1987 - Present
Department of Psychiatry, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 02/1988 - Present
Department of Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 02/1988 - Present
Improving medical students' attitudes and skills with elderly clients, Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA, 04/1988 - Present
Improving medical students' attitudes and skills with the elderly, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA, 04/1988 - Present
Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester School of Medicine, 06/1988 - Present
Group intervention to reduce AIDS risk behaviors in gay men: Application of behavioral principles, Vermont Conference on Primary Prevention, Burlington, VT, 07/1988 - Present
Department of Psychology, University of Vermont, 07/1988 - Present
Psychologists and prevention: Counseling individuals to reduce AIDS risk, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, 08/1988 - Present
Outcome of AIDS prevention programs: What works best with whom?, Annual Meeting American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, 08/1988 - Present
Outcomes of AIDS prevention programs: What works best with whom?, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, 08/1988 - Present
Federal funding for behavioral research on AIDS. Invited panel discussion, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, 08/1988 - Present
Department of Public Health, University of Washington and Seattle/King County, 10/1988 - Present
AIDS risk knowledge and sexual risk behavior among homosexual men in high- versus low-AIDS prevalence areas, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY, 11/1988 - Present
Behavioral intervention to prevent AIDS: Current status and future directions, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY, 11/1988 - Present
Enhancing the effects of parent training for single-parent families, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY, 11/1988 - Present
Community group intervention to reduce AIDS risk behavior, Annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY, 11/1988 - Present
Psychological aspects of AIDS, Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Jackson, MS, 02/1989 - Present
Washington University, Department of Psychology and Center for Health Research, St. Louis, 03/1989 - Present
Change over time in reinforcement value of AIDS high-risk and lower-risk sexual practices, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA, 03/1989 - Present
University of California, San Francisco, CA, 05/1989 - Present
Center for Health Behavior Research, Virginia Polytechnical, Institute and University, Blacksburg, VA, 06/1989 - Present
Psychological practice in an era of AIDS: Applying established therapy techniques to a new problem, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, 08/1989 - Present
Factors influencing AIDS risk behavior reduction: Implications for primary prevention, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC, 11/1989 - Present
National Hemophilia Foundation, New York, NY, 11/1989 - Present
Changing peer norms to promote AIDS precautionary behavior: Training popular people to impact on the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of their acquaintances, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC, 11/1989 - Present
Prediction of AIDS risk behavior and risk reduction among gay men: A multiple city analysis, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC, 11/1989 - Present
University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, 01/1990 - Present
University of Miami, Department of Psychology, Miami, FL, 02/1990 - Present
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC, 03/1990 - Present
AIDS and other HIV conditions: Counseling issues and interventions, Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Conference on Social Welfare, Jackson, MS, 04/1990 - Present
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, 05/1990 - Present
Population-wide risk behavior reduction through diffusion of innovation following intervention with natural opinion leaders, Sixth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, CA, 06/1990 - Present
Factors which predict relapse to unsafe sex by gay men, VI International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, CA, 06/1990 - Present
Peer-social norm redefinition to promote AIDS risk behavior changes. In R.I. Evans (chair), AIDS prevention strategies: Conceptual-methodological considerations in development and evaluation, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, 08/1990 - Present
Community-level interventions to promote AIDS/HIV risk reduction. In E.S. Stover (Chair), Progress in NIMH-supported AIDS behavioral research, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, 08/1990 - Present
University of California, San Francisco, CA, 01/1991 - Present
Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, FL, 01/1991 - Present
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, 03/1991 - Present
Columbia University, New York, NY, 04/1991 - Present
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 04/1991 - Present
National Institute of Mental Health, Washington, DC, 04/1991 - Present
Georgia Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, 05/1991 - Present
Future directions in clinical research on child maltreatment, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, 08/1991 - Present
Paper presented to the VII International Conference on AIDS high-risk behavior, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, 08/1991 - Present
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, 10/1991 - Present
Outcome of cognitive- behavioral and support group therapies of persons with HIV infection seeking psychological assistance, Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, Panama City, FL, 11/1991 - Present
Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, FL, 02/1992 - Present
Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, FL, 02/1992 - Present
New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, 03/1992 - Present
Columbia University-New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, 03/1992 - Present
University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, LA, 04/1992 - Present
AIDS/HIV prevention for chronic mentally ill adults, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 08/1992 - Present
Training psychologists about HIV disease, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 08/1992 - Present
Community level intervention to alter population HIV/AIDS risk-taking behavior., Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 08/1992 - Present
Culturally-relevant contexts to enhance AIDS risk reduction videotapes: A community- based experiment, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 11/1992 - Present
AIDS-related risk perceptions among low-income ethnic minority women in an AIDS epicenter: A community-based survey, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 11/1992 - Present
HIV/AIDS prevention groups for high-risk inner-city women: Intervention outcomes and effect on risk behavior, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 11/1992 - Present
Producing HIV risk behavior change among gay men in small cities by community diffusion of innovation: Results of a 16-city randomized field trial, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 11/1992 - Present
Sexual sensation-seeking: Scale development and predicting AIDS risk behavior, Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA, 03/1993 - Present
Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN, 03/1993 - Present
Community-level HIV prevention using social diffusion interventions, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA, 03/1993 - Present
Predictors of HIV risk behavior among chronic mentally ill adults, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, 10/1993 - Present
Patterns of problem drinking and unsafe sexual behavior among gay men in small cities, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, 10/1993 - Present
Social diffusion: Methodological issues and problems in conducting and evaluating an AIDS/HIV risk reduction intervention, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, 10/1993 - Present
Sexual behavior and perception of AIDS risk among female patrons of gay bars in small cities, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, 10/1993 - Present
Roles for medical school psychologists in AIDS/HIV prevention, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Medical College, Washington, DC, 11/1993 - Present
Alaska Health Department AIDS/HIV Conference, Anchorage, AK, 01/1994 - Present
State and Territorial AIDS Program Directors Conference, Atlanta, GA, 01/1994 - Present
University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL, 02/1994 - Present
AIDS/HIV prevention: Contributions psychology can make to disenfranchised communities., Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, 03/1994 - Present
AIDS/HIV prevention: Strategies that work, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA, 04/1994 - Present
Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Skills training for prevention of HIV among the chronic mentally ill, Boston, MA, 04/1994 - Present
HIV risk and prevention for psychiatric patients, Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA, 05/1994 - Present
University of California, San Francisco, CA, 05/1994 - Present
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, 06/1994 - Present
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, 06/1994 - Present
The association of substance use and unsafe sex among gay men: Causal or noncausal?, Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Palm Beach, FL, 06/1994 - Present
AIDS/HIV prevention: Strategies that work, Annual Meeting of American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, Dallas, TX, 07/1994 - Present
American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, Dallas, TX, 07/1994 - Present
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 07/1994 - Present
Behavioral HIV prevention intervention for chronic mentally ill adults, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA, 08/1994 - Present
Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC, 10/1994 - Present
Mental Health HIV Research Issues Conference, NIMH, Rockville, MD, 11/1994 - Present
South Carolina Department of Health, Columbia, SC, 11/1994 - Present
HIV/AIDS risk among homeless inner-city men, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 11/1994 - Present
Patterns of alcohol consumption and problem drinking among women and men in gay bar settings, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, 11/1994 - Present
Factors related to college students’ sexual HIV risk behavior: Considerations for improving AIDS prevention programs, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Diego, CA, 11/1994 - Present
Factors predicting continued HIV risk among 6,000 gay men in small U.S. cities, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 11/1994 - Present
HIV/AIDS risk among chronic mentally ill adults, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 11/1994 - Present
Patterns of alcohol consumption and problem drinking among women and men in gay bar settings, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 11/1994 - Present
Experimental trial of a behavioral skills instruction intervention for chronic mentally ill adults, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, 11/1994 - Present
Inner-city older adult womens’ risk of HIV infection, Conference on HIV Infection in Women, Washington, DC, 02/1995 - Present
Social diffusion in the rural community: A methodology for identifying and training opinion leaders for HIV prevention, Rural AIDS Conference, St. Cloud, MN, 03/1995 - Present
Linking community-based mental health services to an NIMH AIDS research center, Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Miami, FL, 06/1995 - Present
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 07/1995 - Present
Innovative HIV prevention approaches with the chronic mentally ill, National Institute of Drug Abuse Third Science Symposium on HIV Prevention, Flagstaff, AZ, 08/1995 - Present
HIV/STD risk among men and women with chronic mental illness, Annual Meeting of the International Society of Sexually-Transmitted Disease Research, New Orleans, LA, 08/1995 - Present
Predictors of HIV risk behaviors among women living in housing developments, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA, 10/1995 - Present
Psychological and behavioral differences between recently HIV tested and nontested gay men residing in smaller US cities, annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA, 10/1995 - Present
HIV-risk characteristics of inner-city women: Are older adult women being overlooked?, annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA, 10/1995 - Present
Promoting behavioral change: Community-based interventions that work, Annual Meeting of the Association of Reproduction Health Professional, New York, NY, 11/1995 - Present
Levels of HIV risk and HIV testing patterns among women who have sex with women, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA, 11/1995 - Present
South Carolina Department of Health, Charleston, SC, 12/1995 - Present
Cornell University School of Medicine, New York, NY, 02/1996 - Present
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute, New York, NY, 02/1996 - Present
HIV risk behaviors among inner-city women: Prevention issues, Fourth International Congress of Behavioral Medicine and Health, Washington, DC, 03/1996 - Present
Outcomes of a cognitive-behavioral HIV prevention intervention for people with serious mental illness, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York, NY, 11/1996 - Present
Research dissemination in community settings: Partnership, setting goals, and measuring progress, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York, NY, 11/1996 - Present
Outcomes of a community-level HIV risk reduction intervention for inner-city women, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York, NY, 11/1996 - Present
Practicing what you preach:" HIV risk reduction behavior changes when severely mentally ill adults are taught to advocate AIDS prevention to their peers, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York, NY, 11/1996 - Present
Project Success: Implementation of a cognitive-behavioral HIV risk reduction skills intervention for adults with severe mental illness, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York, NY, 11/1996 - Present
Research dissemination in community settings: Developing partnerships, setting goals, and measuring progress, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York, NY, 11/1996 - Present
University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, 03/1997 - Present
Predictors of satisfaction with life in a community sample of persons living with HIV/AIDS, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA, 04/1997 - Present
The IMB model of AIDS preventive behavior: Does it apply to African American and white inner-city women?, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA, 04/1997 - Present
AIDS prevention programs: A spectrum of effective community behavioral approaches, National Conference on Women and HIV, Los Angeles, CA, 05/1997 - Present
Predictors of HIV risk among women ages 40 and older living in low-income housing developments, National Conference on Women and HIV, Los Angeles, CA, 05/1997 - Present
Predictors of HIV risk among women ages 40 and older living in low-income housing development, National Conference on Women and HIV, Los Angeles, CA, 05/1997 - Present
Predictors of HIV risk among women ages 40 and older living in low-income housing developments, National Conference on Women and HIV, Los Angeles, CA, 05/1997 - Present
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 09/1997 - Present
AIDS Council of Kansas City, Kansas City, MO, 10/1997 - Present
Yale University School of Public Health, New Haven, CT, 02/1998 - Present
Rocky Mountain Regional AIDS Conference, Denver, CO, 02/1998 - Present
New Jersey Department of Health/Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 02/1998 - Present
Are African American and white men who have sex with men at different risk for HIV infection?, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA, 03/1998 - Present
Disseminating effective HIV prevention interventions to public health users of HIV prevention programs, 1998 Meeting of Public Health in the 21st Century, Atlanta, GA, 05/1998 - Present
A neighborhood-based workshop program to improve mother daughter communication and reduce adolescent sexual risk behavior in a low-income Puerto Rican Community, 12th Global Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 07/1998 - Present
Division of STD Prevention, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, 07/1998 - Present
Statistical methods for analyzing sexual activity data, Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Dallas, TX, 10/1998 - Present
Assessing relationships between at-risk teens’ sexual behavior and self-efficacy, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA, 03/1999 - Present
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 03/1999 - Present
Barriers to medication adherence among persons with HIV disease, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA, 03/1999 - Present
Columbia University, New York, NY, 04/1999 - Present
University of California, San Francisco, CA, 06/1999 - Present
Science in a fishbowl: Design of an experimental HIV/STD prevention research study, NIMH the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, 08/1999 - Present
HIV prevention programs of demonstrated effectiveness for men who have sex with men, 1999 National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA, 08/1999 - Present
Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, New York, NY, 03/2000 - Present
Depression and continued risky sexual behavior among persons taking HIV combination therapy, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Nashville, TN, 04/2000 - Present
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 05/2000 - Present
HIV risk and prevention needs in Russia: Findings of research with two community populations, Presentation to the Turning Research into Practice (TRIP) Conference, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, 08/2000 - Present
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, 08/2000 - Present
How to adopt and adapt HIV prevention interventions, Veteran’s Administration Conference, New Orleans, LA, 09/2000 - Present
Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, 11/2000 - Present
Important health care issues for lesbian and bisexual women, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, 11/2000 - Present
Columbia University, New York, NY, 01/2001 - Present
Yale University, New Haven, CT, 01/2001 - Present
Columbia University, New York, NY, 03/2001 - Present
Social-cognitive determinants of HIV risk reduction behaviors among adolescents living in low-income housing: A structural equation analysis, Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA, 03/2001 - Present
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 05/2001 - Present
Current programs and barriers faced by 85 major HIV prevention nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, XIV Interntional Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, Spain, 07/2002 - Present
HIV transmission risk behavior, medication adherence, and substance use in a four-city sample of people living with HIV: Implications for prevention, 2003 National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA, 07/2003 - Present
Influence of social support, coping, and depression on HIV health status, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, 12/2005 - Present
Stigma and AIDS: Challenges faced by community organizations conducting HIV prevention programs in the United States, Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA, 2005 - Present
Design and methodological issues in the development of HIV prevention translational research and Phase IV effectiveness trials, First National Scientific Meeting, Centers for AIDS Reseearch (CFAR) Behavioral Sciences Research Network, Philadelphia, PA, 10/2006 - Present
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 10/2006 - Present
The theory of reasoned action as a model of seriously mentally ill women’s safer sex behaviors, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, 2006 - Present
Tailoring the delivery of HIV prevention interventions using modalities culturally appropriate for international populations: The example of social network approaches, Symposium presentation to the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, 08/2007 - Present
Technology transfer: New ways to disseminate information, National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA, 12/2007 - Present
Principal component analysis for interval-valued data, International Biometric Society/Eastern North American Region Spring Meeting, Washington, DC, 03/2008 - Present
Principal component analysis for interval-valued data, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Devices and Radiological Health,, Washington, DC, 07/2008 - Present
Principal component analysis for interval-valued data, Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, CO, 08/2008 - Present
Distance technologies to disseminate HIV prevention programs, 2nd Annual National Institute of Health Conference on the Science of Dissemination, Bethesda, MD, 01/2009 - Present
RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, 02/2009 - Present
Columbia University, New York, 12/2009 - Present
State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, 03/2010 - Present
University of Connecticut, Storres, CT, 04/2010 - Present
AIDS/HIV prevention at a community level: Strategies for producing population behavior change, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA
Veteran's Administration Medical Center, Department of Continuing Professional Education, Biloxi, MS
The relation of sex role categories to dimensions of parental behavior, American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1975 - Present
The training and generalization of commendatory assertiveness: A controlled single subject experiment, Midwestern Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL, 1977 - Present
Teaching dyadic conversational skills to male psychiatric patients, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/1978 - Present
Symposium presentation in J. Hollandsworth (Chair), Behavioral training for job acquisition skills, Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/1978 - Present
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1978 - Present
Social skills assessment with children: Towards an empirical definition of socially competent behavior, Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Meeting, Dearborn, MI, 05/1980 - Present
Reducing or eliminating pain to animals in the teaching setting: Why we must and how we can, Association for Behavior. Analysis Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, 05/1985 - Present
Intervention to reduce AIDS exposure risk, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/1986 - Present
Advancements in research on child abuse and neglect. In J. Lutzker, (Chair), Child abuse and neglect, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/1986 - Present
Community applications of research findings in child abuse and neglect, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/1986 - Present
Department of Psychology, Chicago Medical School, 02/1987 - Present
Effects of behavioral skills training groups for AIDS risk reduction, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL, 10/1989 - Present
Psychological characteristics which predict AIDS risk reduction among gay men: Implications for continued primary prevention, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, 10/1989 - Present
Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, OH, 12/1994 - Present
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, 12/1994 - Present
Older adult women’s knowledge of HIV and rates of HIV risk behavior, sixty-seventh annual conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, 05/1995 - Present
Predictors of HIV test seeking among gay men in smaller US cities, sixty- seventh annual conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, 05/1995 - Present
Condom use among women residing inner-city housing developments, sixty-seventh annual conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, 05/1995 - Present
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Clevelan, OH, 06/1995 - Present
HIV risk differences between inner-city gay and bisexual men, Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, 05/1996 - Present
The shape of the distribution of the summary sexual behavior HIV risk index, 1996 Joint Statistical meetings, Chicago, IL, 08/1996 - Present
Ohio Department of Health, Cleveland, OH, 10/1996 - Present
What’s working in HIV prevention?, HIV/AIDS Update Conference, Cleveland, OH, 10/1996 - Present
University of Illinois at Chicago/Rush Presbyterian Medical Center, Chicago, IL, 10/1996 - Present
Mobilizing community members to prevent HIV and AIDS: Research and applied approaches, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, 08/1997 - Present
Volunteerism and caregiving: Lesbian and bisexual women’s response to the AIDS epidemic., Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Indianapolis, IN, 11/1997 - Present
Predictors of condom use among adults with severe mental illness, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Indianapolis, IN, 11/1997 - Present
People with serious mental illness: Outcome of a targeted cognitive-behavioral HIV prevention intervention, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Indianapolis, IN, 11/1997 - Present
Cost-effectiveness of community-level HIV risk reduction intervention, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Indianapolis, IN, 11/1997 - Present
Substance use and mental illness among adult outpatients: Relationships to risk for HIV infection, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Indianapolis, IN, 11/1997 - Present
Utilizing role play responses among adults with serious mental illness as a means of training HIV- related risk reduction skills, Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Indianapolis, IN, 11/1997 - Present
Ohio Department of Health, World AIDS Day, Ohio, 12/1997 - Present
Illinois Department of Health, Springfield, IL, 11/1998 - Present
Chicago Medical School, North Chicago, IL, 02/1999 - Present
Improving the conversational skills of an extremely shy adolescent, Association for Behavior Analysis, Milwaukee, WI, 05/1982 - Present
Shy young adolescents: Social problem-solving and conversational skills training, Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 05/1983 - Present
Generalization issues in social skills training with children. Symposium presentation in F.M. Gresham (Chair), Social skills training, Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 05/1983 - Present
AIDS/HIV prevention, therapy, and mental health consultation issues, The Door County Summer Institute, Door County, WI, 08/1994 - Present
Door County Summer Institute, Door County, Wisconsin, 09/1994 - Present
Treating depression in persons who are HIV-infected, Wisconsin AIDS/HIV Program, Milwaukee, WI, 09/1994 - Present
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/1995 - Present
Resurgence of sexually transmitted diseases in men who have sex with men: Possible explanations and prevention directions, CDC National STD Prevention Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 12/2000 - Present
St. Mary’s Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 07/2003 - Present
Principal component analysis for interval-valued data, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2008 - Present
Statistics, Probability and Diagnostic Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2009 - 10/2009
Likelihood Function and Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Symbolic Data, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 12/2009 - Present
Principal component analysis for interval-valued data, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, 04/2010 - Present
Statistics, Probability and Diagnostic Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2010 - Present

Medical College of Wisconsin
1990 - 1992 Member, Clinical Research Center Review Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1990 - Present Member, Executive Committee, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1990 - 2003 Member, Administrative Committee, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1991 - 2003 Member, Faculty Review Committee, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1991 - 1993 Member, Dean's Meeting Group on Inner-City Health Care, Medical College of Wisconsin
1991 - 1995 Member, Appointments, Promotion & Tenure Committee, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1992 - 2003 Member, Research Committee, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1994 - 1996 Member, Health Policy, Institute Prevention Consortium, Medical College of Wisconsin
1995 - 1997 Member, Adolescent Health Task Force, Medical College of Wisconsin
1995 - 1996 Member, Institutional Research Strategic Plan Work Group, Medical College of Wisconsin
1997 - 2004 Director, NIH Fogarty International AIDS Prevention Research Training Program for Visiting Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows, Medical College of Wisconsin
2002 - 2003 Member, Strategic Council for Public and Community Health Initiatives, Medical College of Wisconsin
2004 - Present Senior Vice Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Member, Research Leadership Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Member, Graduate School Course Evaluation Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Member, Global Health Pathway Advisory Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - Present Member, Global Health Advisory Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin

Graduate Student Education
2009 - Present Biostatistics 4232 Statistical Models and Methods II
2010 - Present Biostatistics 4232 Statistical Models and Methods II
2010 - Present Biostatistics 4233 Statistical Models and Methods III
Continuing Medical Education
09/1990 - Present Supervision and clinical research training of psychiatry residents and clinical psychology interns in AIDS prevention and psychotherapy, and clinical research
04/1996 - Present Supervision of postdoctoral HIV prevention research fellows, NIMH National Research Service Award (NRSA) Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Program, Center for AIDS Intervention Research
09/1997 - 08/2002 Supervision and research mentorship of NIH Fogarty International AIDS Prevention Research Training Russian Visiting Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows from St. Petersburg, Russia

Continuing Medical Education
09/1976 - 08/1990 University Mississippi Medical Center, Clinical case and research supervision of predoctoral clinical psychology residents (interns) in APA-approved internship program
09/1976 - 08/1990 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Teaching annual psychology internship seminars on applied behavioral research, academic publications, and AIDS research
09/1976 - 08/1990 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Development and supervision of all clinical cases seen in an AIDS/HIV Psychology Clinic; teaching supervision of psychology residents (interns), medical students, and psychiatry residents
09/1976 - 08/1987 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Teaching and clinical supervision for all cases seen in the Child Psychology Clinic
11/1980 - 02/1990 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Co-teaching first year medical student course, “Introduction to Behavioral Science
10/2003 - Present CAIR, Teaching faculty, annual 3-day seminar, “HIV/AIDS Research Ethics” for university, medical, and institutional leaders from countries of the former Soviet Union
Community/Lay Public
09/1976 - 08/1987 University Mississippi Medical Center, Child, adolescent, and family therapy in Child and Adolescent Psychology Clinic
07/1978 - 08/1990 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Individual and group psychotherapy for medical students and other students
09/1984 - 09/1988 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Conduct of stress management groups for medical students
09/1985 - 08/1990 University Mississippi Medical Center, Individual psychotherapy with patients with AIDS and HIV conditions and their family members

Graduate Students
MS Committees
05/2009 - 05/2010 Angela Majeskie, MS, M.S. Epidemiology, Medical College of Wisconsin
04/2011 - Present Muhammad Ali, MD, Medical College of Wisconsin
PhD Committees
09/2009 - Present Changbin Guo, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2009 - Present Shuyuan Mo, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2011 - Present Franco Mendolia, Medical College of Wisconsin

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Datta S, Le-Rademacher J and Datta S. Predicting Patient Survival from Microarray Data by Accelerated Failure Time Modeling Using Partial Least Squares and LASSO, Biometrics; 63:259-271, 2007.
2. Le-Rademacher J and Billard L. Maximum Likelihood Functions and Some Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Symbolic Data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference; Vol 141, 1593-1602. 2010.
3. Soiffer RJ, Le-Rademacher J, Ho V, Kan F, Artz A, Champlin RE, Devine S, Isola L, Lazarus HM, Marks DI, Porter DL, Waller EK, Horowitz MM and Eapen M. Impact of immune modulation with anti-T cell antibodies on outcomes of reduced intensity allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for hematologic malignancies Blood (published ahead of print April 4, 2011).
4. Kamani NR, Kumar S, Hassebroek A, Eapen M, Le-Rademacher J, Casper J, Cowan M, Sánchez de Toledo J, Ferster A, Szabolcs P, Wingard JR, Horwitz E, Filipovich AH. Malignancies after hematopoietic cell transplantation for primary immune deficiencies: A report from the CIBMTR. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant (published ahead of print May 6, 2011).
5. Eapen M, Le-Rademacher J, Antin J, Champlin RE, Carreras J, Fay J, Passweg JR, Tolar J, Horowitz MM, Marsh JC, and Deeg HJ. Effect of stem cell source on outcomes after adult unrelated donor transplantation in severe aplastic anemia. Blood (accepted June 2, 2011).
6. Kelly, J.A. and Worell, L.: Parent behaviors related to masculine, feminine, and androgynous sex role orientations. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44, 843-851,1976.
7. Kelly, J.A. and Drabman, R.S.: The modification of socially-detrimental behavior. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 8, 101-104, 1977.
8. Kelly, J.A. and Worell, L.: Personality characteristics, parent behaviors and sex of subject in relation to cheating. Journal of Research in Personality, 12, 179-188, 1978.
9. Kelly, J.A. and Drabman, R.S.: Generalizing response suppression of self-injurious behavior through an over correction punishment procedure. Behavior Therapy, 8, 468- 472, 1977.
10. Kelly, J.A. and Worell, L.: Parental cognitive orientation and the development of adolescents' intellectual behavior. Developmental Psychology, 13, 282-283, 1977.
11. Kelly, J.A. Caudill, S., Hathorn, S., and O'Brien, C.G.: Undesirable sex-correlated characteristics: Implications for androgyny and adjustment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 45, 1185-1186, 1977.
12. Kelly, J.A. and Worell, L.: New formulations of sex roles and androgyny: A critical review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 45, 1101-1115, 1977.
13. McKinlay, T., Kelly, J.A., and Patterson, J.: Teaching assertive skills to a passive homosexual adolescent: An illustrative case study. Journal of Homosexuality, 3, 163-170, 1978.
14. Kelly, J.A. and Drabman, R.S.: Overcorrection: An effective procedure that failed. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 6, 38-40, 1977.
15. Kelly, J.A., Frederiksen, L.W., Fitts, H., and Phillips, J.: Training and generalization of commendatory assertiveness: A controlled single subject experiment. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 9, 17-21, 1978.
16. Kelly, J.A., Furman, W.F., Phillips, J., Hathorn, S., and Wilson, T.: Teaching conversational skills to retarded adolescents. Child Behavior Therapy, 1, 85-97, 1979.
17. McKinlay, T., Kelly, J.A., and Collum, J.M.: The multimodel treatment of conversion reactions in adolescence: A case study. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 6, 66-68, 1977.
18. Kelly, J.A., Furman, W., and Young, V.: Problems associated with typological measurement of sex roles and androgyny: New labels in search of referents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46, 1574-1576, 1978.
19. Geller, M.I., Kelly, J.A., and Traxler, T.: Behavioral treatment of an adolescent female's bulimic anorexia: Modification of immediate consequences and antecedent conditions. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 7, 138-141, 1978.
20. Kelly, J.A., O'Brien, C.G., Hosford, R., and Kinsinger, E.: Sex roles and social skills: Considerations for interpersonal adjustment. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 5, 758-766, 1981.
21. Kelly, J.A., Patterson, J., and Snowden, E.: A pragmatic approach to aftercare. Social Work in Health Care, 4, 431-443, 1979.
22. Furman, W., Geller, M.I., Simon, S., and Kelly, J.A.: The use of a behavior rehearsal procedure for teaching job interviewing skills to psychiatric inpatients. Behavior Therapy, 10, 157-167, 1979.
23. Kelly, J.A., Patterson, J., Laughlin, C., and Snowden, E.E.: Objective evaluation and prediction of improvement in mental health aftercare. Social Work in Health Care, 5, 187-204, 1979.
24. Kelly, J.A., Laughlin, C., Claiborne, M., and Patterson, J.: Group job interview training for unemployed psychiatric patients. Behavior Therapy, 10, 299-310, 1979.
25. Geller, M.I., Wildman, H., Kelly, J.A., and Laughlin, C.: Teaching assertive and commendatory social skills to an interpersonally-deficient retarded adolescent. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 9, 17-21, 1980.
26. Urey, J.R., Laughlin, C.S., and Kelly, J.A.: Teaching heterosocial conversational skills to male psychiatric patients. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 10, 323-328, 1979.
27. Kelly, J.A.: The simultaneous replication design: Use of a multiple baseline to establish experimental control in single group social skills treatment studies. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 11, 203-207, 1980.
28. Kelly, J.A., Wildman, B.G., Urey, J.R., and Thurman, C.: Group skills training to increase the conversational repertoire of retarded adolescents. Child Behavior Therapy, 1, 323-336, 1979.
29. Kelly, J.A., Urey, J.R., and Patterson, J.: Improving heterosocial conversational skills of male psychiatric patients through a small group training procedure. Behavior Therapy, 11, 179-188, 1980.
30. Kelly, J.A., Wildman, H., and Urey, J.: Gender and sex role differences in group decision-making social interactions: A behavioral analysis. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 12, 112-127, 1982.
31. Wildman, B.G., and Kelly, J.A.: Increasing the current affairs awareness of retarded adolescents through a group newswatching-discussion procedure. Child Behavior Therapy, 2, 25-36, 1980.
32. Kelly, J.A., Kern, J., Kirkley, B.G., Patterson, J.N., and Keane, T.: Reactions to assertive versus unassertive behavior: Differential effects for males and females and implications for assertive training. Behavior Therapy, 11, 670-682, 1980.
33. Wolfe, D.A., Kelly, J.A., and Drabman, R.S.: "Beat the buzzer:" A method for training an abusive mother to avoid recurrent child conflicts. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 10, 114-116, 1981.
34. Kelly, J.A.: Using puppets for behavioral rehearsal in social skills training sessions with young children. Child Behavior Therapy, 3, 61-64, 1981.
35. Keane, T.M., Wedding, D., and Kelly, J.A.: Assessing subjective responses to assertive behavior: Data from patient samples. Behavior Modification, 7, 317-330, 1983.
36. Solomon, L., Brehony, K., Rothblum, E., and Kelly, J.A.: Corporate managers' reactions to assertive social behaviors exhibited by males and females. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 4, 49-62, 1982.
37. Wolfe, D., St. Lawrence, J., Graves, K., Brehony, K., Bradlyn, A.S., and Kelly, J.A.: Intensive behavioral parent training for a child abusive mother. Behavior Therapy, 13, 438-451, 1982.
38. Crimmins, D.B., Bradlyn, A.S., St. Lawrence, J.S., and Kelly, J.A.: In-clinic training to improve the parent-child interaction skills of a neglectful mother. Child Abuse and Neglect, 8, 533-539, 1984.
39. Kelly, J.A., Wildman, B.G., and Berler, E.S.: Small group behavioral training to improve the job interview skills repertoire of retarded adolescents. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 13, 461-471, 1980.
40. St. Lawrence, J.S., Bradlyn, A.S., and Kelly, J.A.: Social skill training to enhance the interpersonal adjustment of a homosexual adult. Behavior Modification, 7, 41-55, 1983.
41. Patterson, J. and Kelly, J.A.: Providing aftercare services directly in patients' residential neighborhoods. International Journal of Partial Hospitalization, 1, 131-139, 1982.
42. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Bradlyn, A.S., Himadi, W.G., Graves, K.A., and Keane, T.M.: Interpersonal reactions to assertive and unassertive styles when handling social conflict situations. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 13, 33-40, 1982.
43. Kelly, J.A., Bradlyn, A.S., Dubbert, P.M., and St. Lawrence, J.S.: Stress management training for medical students. Journal of Medical Education, 57, 91-99, 1982.
44. Wolfe, D.A., Fairbank, J.A., Kelly, J.A., and Bradlyn, A.S.: Child abusive parents' physiological responses to stressful and nonstressful behavior in children. Behavioral Assessment, 5, 363-371, 1983.
45. Keane, T.M., St. Lawrence, J.S., Himadi, W.G., Graves, K.A., and Kelly, J.A.: Blacks' perceptions of assertive behavior: An empirical evaluation. Behavior Modification, 7, 97-111, 1983.
46. Bradlyn, A.S., Himadi, W.G., Crimmins, D.R., Christoff, K.A., Graves, K.G., and Kelly, J.A.: Conversational skills training for retarded adolescents. Behavior Therapy, 14, 314-325, 1983.
47. Kelly, J.A. and Christoff, K.A.: Job interview training for the mentally retarded: Issues and applications. Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 4, 355-367, 1983.
48. Franco, D.P., Christoff, K.A., Crimmins, D.R., and Kelly, J.A.: Social skills training for an extremely shy young adolescent: An empirical case study. Behavior Therapy, 14, 568-575, 1983.
49. Christoff, K.A., Scott, W.O.N., Kelley, M.L., Schlundt, D., Baer, G., and Kelly, J.A.: Social skills and social program solving training with shy young adolescents. Behavior Therapy, 16, 468-477, 1985.
50. Scott, W.O.N., Baer, G., Christoff, K.A., and Kelly, J.A.: The use of skills training procedures in the treatment of a child abusive parent: A systematic case study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 15, 329-336, 1984.
51. Dawson, B., de Armas, A., McGrath, M.L., and Kelly, J.A.: Cognitive problem-solving training to improve the child-care judgment of child neglectful parents. Journal of Family Violence, 1, 209-221, 1986.
52. Kelly, J.A.: Behavioral group training of social skills. (Invited article). The Behavior Therapist, 6, 93-95, 102, 1985.
53. Intrieri, R.C., Kelly, J.A., Brown, M.M., and Castilla, C.: Improving medical students' attitudes and skills with the elderly. The Gerontologist, 33 (3), 373-378, 1993.
54. Kelly, J.A. and Christoff, K.A.: Job interview training. (Invited article). Psychiatric Aspects of Mental Retardation, 4, 5-8, 1985.
55. Kelly, J.A. and St. Lawrence, J.S.: Behavioral intervention and AIDS. The Behavior Therapist, 9, 121-125, 1986.
56. Plienis, A.J., Hansen, D.J., Ford, F., Smith, S., Jr., Stark, L.J., and Kelly, J.A.: Behavioral small group training to improve the social skills of emotionally disordered adolescents. Behavior Therapy, 18, 17-32, 1987.
57. St. Lawrence, J.S., Husfeldt, B., Kelly, J.A., Hood, H.V., and Smith, S.: The stigma of AIDS: Fear of disease and prejudice toward gays. Journal of Homosexuality, 19 (3), 85-101, 1990.
58. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Smith, S., Hood, H.V., and Cook, D.: Medical student attitudes toward AIDS: Stigma associated with the disease and with patients' sexual preference. Journal of Medical Education, 62, 449-456, 1987.
59. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Hood, H.V., Smith, S., and Cook, D.J.: Stigmatization of AIDS patients by physicians. American Journal of Public Health, 77, 789-791, 1987.
60. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Hood, H.V., Smith, S., and Cook, D.J.: Nurses' attitudes toward AIDS. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 19, 78-83, 1988.
61. Kelly, J.A. and St. Lawrence, J.S.: The prevention of AIDS: Roles for behavioral intervention. (Invited article). Scandinavian Journal of Behavior Therapy, 16, 5-19, 1987.
62. Kelly, J.A. and St. Lawrence, J.S.: Some cautions about condoms in the prevention of AIDS. (Letter). The Lancet, 87, 323, 1987.
63. Prevention of the spread of AIDS: An interview with Jeffrey A. Kelly. Interview conducted by Laura J. Solomon. Journal of Primary Prevention, 8, 125-141, 1988.
64. St. Lawrence, J.S., Kelly, J.A., Hogan, I.G., Owen, A.D., and Wilson, R.A.: Psychologists' attitudes toward AIDS. Psychology and Health. 4, 357-365, 1990.
65. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Hood, H.V, and Brasfield, T.L.: An objective test of AIDS risk knowledge: Scale development, validation, and norms. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 20, 227-234, 1989.
66. St. Lawrence, J.S., Hood, H.V., Brasfield, T.L., and Kelly, J.A.: AIDS risk knowledge and risk behavior among homosexual men in high- and low-AIDS prevalence cities. Public Health Reports, 104, 391-395, 1989.
67. Kelly, J.A. and St. Lawrence, J.S.: AIDS prevention and treatment: Clinical psychology's role in the health crisis. (Invited article). Clinical Psychology Review, 8, 255-284, 1988.
68. Pfiffner, L.J., Jouriles, E.N., Brown, M.M., Etscheidt, M.A., and Kelly, J.A.: Effects of problem-solving therapy on the treatment outcome of a parent training program for single parents. Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 12, 1-12, 1990.
69. Campos, P.E., Brasfield, T.L., and Kelly, J.A.: Psychology training related to AIDS: A survey of doctoral graduate programs and predoctoral internship programs. Professional Psychology, 20, 241-220, 1989.
70. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Hood, H.V., and Brasfield, T.L.: Behavioral intervention to reduce AIDS risk activities. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57, 60-67, 1989.
71. Kelly, J.A.: Helping patients cope with AIDS and other HIV conditions. (Invited article). Comprehensive Therapy: The Journal of Continuing Medical Education, 15, 56-62, 1989.
72. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Brasfield, T.L., Lemke, A., Amidei, T., Roffman, R.E., Hood, H.V., Smith, J.E., Kilgore, H., and McNeill, C.: Psychological factors which predict AIDS high-risk and AIDS precautionary behavior. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 58, 177-120, 1990.
73. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Brasfield, T.L., Stevenson, L.Y., Diaz, Y.E., and Hauth, A.C.: AIDS risk behavior patterns among gay men in small cities. American Journal of Public Health, 80, 351, 1990.
74. Kelly, J.A., and St. Lawrence, J.S.: Caution is needed when interpreting magnitude and generalizability of changes in AIDS risk behavior. (Letter). American Journal of Public Health, 80, 416-418, 1990.
75. Kelly, J.A. and St. Lawrence, J.S.: The impact of community-based groups to help persons reduce behaviors that create risk for HIV infection. (Invited article). AIDS Care, 2, 25-36, 1990.
76. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Betts, R.A., Brasfield, T., and Hood, H.V.: A skills training group intervention model to assist persons in reducing risk behaviors for HIV infection. AIDS Education and Prevention, 2, 24-35, 1990.
77. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., and Brasfield, T.L.: Predictors of vulnerability to AIDS risk behavior relapse. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 163-166, 1991.
78. Diaz, Y.E. and Kelly, J.A.: AIDS-related training in American schools of social work. Social Work, 36, 38-42, 1991.
79. Kelly, J.A.: Models for HIV risk reduction intervention. (Invited article). Focus: A Guide to AIDS Research and Counseling, 5, 1-3, 1990.
80. Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., and St. Lawrence, J.S.: Factors influencing reduction of sexual behaviors for HIV infection. (Invited article). Annals of Sex Research, 3, 129-148.
81. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Diaz, Y.E., Stevenson, L.Y ., Hauth, A.C., Brasfield, T.L., Kalichman, S.C., Smith, J.E., and Andrew, M.E.: HIV risk behavior reduction following intervention with key opinion leaders of a population: An experimental community level analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 81, 168-171, 1991.
82. Kauth, M.R., St. Lawrence, J.S., and Kelly, J.A.: Reliability of retrospective assessments of sexual HIV risk behavior: A comparison of biweekly, three-month, and twelve-month self-reports. AIDS Education and Prevention, 3, 207-214, 1991.
83. Kelly, J.A.: Treatment planning issues for an HIV seropositive patient who does not practice "safer sex." (Invited article). Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 42, 239-240, 246, 1991.
84. Kelly, J.A., Kalichman, S.C., Kauth, M.R., Kilgore, H.G., Hood, H.V., Campos, P.E., Rao, S.M., Brasfield, T.L., and St. Lawrence, J.S.: Situational factors associated with AIDS risk behavior lapses and coping strategies used by gay men who successfully avoid lapses. American Journal of Public Health, 81, 1335-1338, 1991.
85. Kelly, J.A., Murphy, D.A., Brasfield, T.L., Koob, J.J., Bahr, G.R., Stevenson, L.Y., Morgan, M.G., and St. Lawrence, J.S.: Predictors of severity of depression among persons with HIV infection. Health Psychology, 12, 215-219, 1993.
86. Kalichman, S.C., Hunter, T.C., & Kelly, J.A.: Perceptions of AIDS risk and vulnerability among urban women: A community-based study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60, 725-732, 1992.
87. Kelly, J.A., and Murphy, D.A.: Some lessons learned about risk reduction after ten years of the AIDS epidemic. AIDS Care, 3, 249-255, 1991.
88. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J. S., Stevenson, L.Y., Hauth, A.C., Kalichman, S.C., Murphy, D. A., Brasfield, T. L., Morgan, M. G., and Koob, J. J.: Community AIDS/HIV risk reduction. The effects of endorsements by popular people in three cities. American Journal of Public Health, 82, 1483-1489, 1992.
89. Kelly, J.A.: AIDS prevention. Fact Sheet published by the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, 1992.
90. Kelly, J.A., and Murphy, D.A.: Psychological interventions for AIDS and HIV: Prevention and treatment. Invited article, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60, 576-585, 1992.
91. Kelly, J.A.: Ethics and AIDS confidentiality. The Behavior Therapist, 15, 123-124, 1992.
92. Kelly, J.A., Murphy, D.A., Roffman, R.E., Solomon, L.J., Winett, R.A., Stevenson, L.Y., Koob, J.J., Ayotte, D.R., Flynn, B.S., Desiderato, L.L., Hauth, A.C., Lemke, A.L., Lombard, D., Morgan, M.G., Norman, A.D., Sikkema, K, J., Steiners, S., and Yaffe, D.: AIDS/HIV risk behavior among gay men in small cities: Findings of a 16-city national sample. Archives of Internal Medicine, 152, 2293-2297, 1992.
93. Murphy, D.A., Bahr, G.R., Kelly, J., Bernstein, B.M., and Morgan, M.G.: A needs assessment of HIV-infected patients: Which needs are not being met and how important are they to patients? Wisconsin Medical Journal, 291-295, 1992.
94. Kelly, J.A., Murphy, D.A., Bahr, G.R., Brasfield, T.L., Davis, D.R., Hauth, A.C., Morgan, M. G., Stevenson, L. Y., and Eilers, M. K.: AIDS/HIV risk behavior among the chronic mentally ill. American Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 886-889, 1992.
95. Kelly, J.A.: AIDS prevention: Strategies that work. The AIDS Reader, 2, 135-141, 1992.
96. Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., Hunter, T.L., Murphy, D.A., and Tyler, R.: Culturally-tailored HIV/AIDS risk reduction messages targeted to African-American urban women: Impact on risk behavior and serostatus testing decisions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61, 291-295, 1993.
97. Kelly, J.A.: Psychosocial aspects of AIDS (Invited article). Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 5, 820-824, 1993.
98. Kelly, J.A., Murphy, D.A., Bahr, G.R., Kalichman, S.C., Morgan, M.G., Koob, J.J, Stevenson, L.Y., Bernstein, B.M., & Brasfield, T.L.: Outcomes of cognitive-behavioral and support group brief therapies for depressed persons diagnosed with HIV infection: Impact on adjustment and behavior. American Journal of Psychiatry, 150, 1679-1686,
99. Kelly, J.A., Murphy, D.A., Sikkema, K.J., & Kalichman, S.C.: Psychological interventions are urgently needed to prevent HIV infection: New priorities for behavioral research in the second decade of AIDS. American Psychologist, 48, 1023-1034, 1993.
100. Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., Johnson, J.R., & Bulto, M.: Factors associated with risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among chronic mentally ill adults. American Journal of Psychiatry, 151, 221-227, 1994.
101. Kelly, J.A., Murphy, D.A., Washington, C.D., Wilson, T.S., Koob, J.J., Davis, D.R., Ledezma, G., & Davantes, B.: The effects of HIV/AIDS intervention groups for high-risk women seen in urban clinics. American Journal of Public Health, 84, 1918-1922, 1994.
102. Kalichman, S.C., Adair, V., Rompa, D., Multhauf, K., Johnson, J.R., & Kelly, J.A.: Sexual sensation seeking: Scale development and predicting AIDS risk behavior. Journal of Personality Assessment, 62, 385-397, 1994.
103. Winett, R.A., Desiderato, L.L., Solomon, L.J., Perry, M., Kelly, J.A., Sikkema, K.J., Roffman, R.A., Norman, A.D., Lombard, D.N., & Lombard, T.N.: Enhancing social diffusion theory as a basis for prevention intervention: A conceptual and strategic framework. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 4, 233-245, 1995.
104. Sikkema, K.J. Koob, J.J., Cargill, V.C. Kelly, J.A., Desiderato, L.L., Roffman, R.A., Norman, A.D., Shabazz, M., Copeland, C., Winett, R.A., Steiner, A., & Lemke, A.L.: Levels and predictors of HIV/AIDS risk among women living in low-income public housing projects. Public Health Reports, 110, 707-713, 1995.
105. Intrieri, R.C., von Eye, A., & Kelly, J.A.: The Aging Semantic Differential: A confirmatory factor analysis and comparison of factor models. The Gerontologist, 35: 616-621, 1995.
106. Roffman, R.A., Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., Winett, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Sikkema, K.J., Norman, A.D., Desiderato, L.L., Perry, M.J., Lemke, A.L., Steiner, S., & Stevenson, L.Y.: Factors associated with HIV antibody testing of gay men in small cities. AIDS Care. 7, 405-413, 1995.
107. Kelly, J.A., Sikkema, K.J., Winett, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Roffman, R.A., Heckman, T.G., Stevenson, L.Y., Perry, M.J., Norman, A.D., & Desiderato, L.L.: Factors predicting HIV risk behavior among gay men in small cities: Psychological, behavioral, and demographic characteristics related to unsafe sex. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 63, 101-107, 1995.
108. Mulry, G., Kalichman, S.C., & Kelly, J.A.: Substance use and unsafe sex among gay men. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, 20, 175-184, 1994.
109. Kalichman, S.C., Sikkema, K.J., Kelly, J.A., & Bulto, M.: Use of a brief behavioral skills intervention to prevent HIV infection among chronic mentally ill adults. Psychiatric Services, 46, 275-280, 1995.
110. Perry, M.J., Solomon, L.J., Winett, R.A., Kelly,J.A., Roffman, R.A., Desiderato, L.L., Kalichman, S.C., Sikkema, K.J., Norman, A.D., Short, B., & Stevenson, L.Y.: High-risk sexual behavior and alcohol consumption among bar-going gay men. AIDS, 8, 1321-1324, 1994.
111. Heckman, T.G., Kelly, J.A., Roffman, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Winett, R.A., Stevenson, L.Y., Perry, M.J., Norman, A.D., & Desiderato, L.L.: Differences in HIV risk characteristics between bisexual and exclusively gay men. AIDS Education and Prevention, 7, 504-513, 1995.
112. Kelly, J.A. Murphy, D.A., Sikkema, K.J., Somlai, A.M., Mulry, G., Fernandez, M.I., Miller, J.G., & Stevenson, L.Y. : Predictors of high and low levels of HIV risk behavior among adults with chronic mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 46, 817-818, 1995.
113. Kelly, J.A., Heckman, T.G., Helfrich, S.E., Mence, R.L., Adair, V., & Broyles, L.: Factors contributing to HIV risk among homeless men. American Journal of Public Health, 85, 1585, 1995.
114. Kelly, J.A.: Popular opinion leaders endorse behavioral change. AIDS Health Program Exchange, 3, 5-7, 1993.
115. Kelly, J.A.: Sexually-transmitted disease prevention approaches that work: Interventions to reduce risk behavior among individuals, groups, and communities. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 21, 73-75, 1994.
116. Kalichman, S.C., Heckman, T.G., & Kelly, J.A: Sensation seeking as an explanation for the association between substance use and HIV-related risky sexual behaviors. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 25, 1141-154, 1996.
117. Kelly, J.A., Kalichman, S.C., Sikkema, K.J., & Murphy, D.A: New priorities for behavioral research on HIV prevention: A response. (Letter). American Psychologist, 49, 1094, 1996.
118. Norman, A.D., Stevenson, L.Y., Kelly, J.A., Roffman, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Winett, R.A., Perry, M.J., Steiner, S., Lemke, A., Desiderato, L.L., & Sikkema, K.J. Lesbian and bisexual women in small cities: At risk for HIV? Public Health Reports, 111, 347-352, 1996.
119. Heckman, T.G., Kelly, J.A., Sikkema, K.J., Roffman, R.A., Winett, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Stevenson, L.Y., Norman, A.D., & Perry, M.J.: Psychosocial differences between recently HIV tested and nontested gay men who reside in smaller U.S. cities. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 6, 436-440, 1995.
120. Somlai, A.M., Mulry, G., Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., Sikkema, K.J., Multhauf, K., & Davantes, B.: An empirical investigation of the relationship between spirituality, coping, and emotional distress in people living with HIV infection. Journal of Pastoral Care, 50, 181-192, 1996.
121. Kelly, J.A., & Kalichman, S.C.: Increased attention to human sexuality can improve HIV/AIDS prevention efforts: Key research issues and directions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 63, 907-918, 1995.
122. Mulry, G., Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., Ostrow, D.G., & Heckman, T.G.: Grouping gay men on dimensions reflecting sexual behavior preferences: Applications for HIV/AIDS prevention. Psychology and Health, 12, 405-415, 1997.
123. Sikkema, K.J., Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., & Koob, J. J.: Group intervention to improve coping with AIDS related bereavement: Model development and an illustrative clinical example. AIDS Care, 7, 463-475, 1995.
124. Kelly, J.A.: Advances in HIV/AIDS education and prevention. Invited article, Family Relations, 44, 345-352, 1995.
125. Heckman, T.G., Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., Stevenson, L.Y., & Galdabini, K.: Reducing barriers to care are improving quality of life for rural persons with HIV. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 37-43, 1996.
126. Sikkema, K.J., & Kelly, J.A.: Behavioral medicine applications can improve the life quality and health of person with HIV disease. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 18, 40-48, 1996.
127. Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., & Stevenson, L.Y.: Priming effects of HIV risk assessments on related perceptions and behaviors: An experimental field study. AIDS and Behavior, 1, 3-8, 1997.
128. Sikkema, K.J., Heckman, T.G., Kelly, J.A., Anderson, E.S., Winett, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Wagstaff, D.A., Roffman, R.A., Perry, M.J., Cargill, V., Crumble, D.A., Fuqua, R.W., Norman, A.D., & Mercer, M.B.: Prevalence and predictors of HIV risk behavior among women living in low-income, inner-city housing developments. American Journal of Public Health, 86, 1123-1128, 1996.
129. Heckman, T.G., Kelly, J.A., Sikkema, K.J., Cargill, V., Norman, A.D., Fuqua, R.W., Wagstaff, D.A., Solomon, L.J., Roffman, R.A., Crumble, D.A., Perry, J.M.J., Winett, R.A., Anderson, E.S., Mercer, M.B.: HIV risk characteristics of young, midlife, and older women who live in inner-city housing developments: Prevention implications. Journal of Women's Health, 4, 397-406, 1995.
130. Wagstaff, D.A., Kelly, J.A., Perry, M.J., Sikkema, K.J., Solomon, L.J., Heckman, T.G., Anderson E.S., Roffman, R.A., Cargill, V., Norman, A.D., Winett, R.A., Mercer, M.B., Crumble, D.A., Fuqua, R.W.: Multiple partners, risky partners, and HIV risk among low-income urban women. Family Planning Perspectives, 27, 241-245, 1995.
131. Heckman, T.G., Sikkema, K.J., Kelly, J.A., Fuqua, R.W., Mercer, M.B., Hoffmann, R.G., Winett, R.A., Anderson, E.S., Perry, M.J., Roffman, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Wagstaff, D.A., Cargill, V., Norman, A.D., & Crumble, D.A.: Predictors of condom use and HIV test-seeking among women living in inner-city public housing developments. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 23, 357-365, 1996.
132. Holtgrave, D.R., and Kelly, J.A.: Preventing HIV/AIDS among high-risk urban women: The cost effectiveness of a behavioral group intervention. American Journal of Public Health, 86, 1442-1445, 1996.
133. 128 Heckman, T.G., Ostrow, D.G., Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., and Wagstaff, D.A.: HIV seronegative bisexual and gay men: Behavioral, psychological, and demographic differences related to HIV risk. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality. (in press).
134. Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., Otto-Salaj, L.L., McAuliffe, T.L., Hackl, K., DiFranceisco, W., Amick, B., Heckman, T.G., Holtgrave, D.R., & Rompa, D.J. (1999). Current HIV prevention activities for women and gay men among 77 AIDS service organizations. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 5, 23-33.
135. Kelly, J.A., McAuliffe, T., Sikkema, K.J., Murphy, D.A., Somlai, A.M., Mulry, G., Miller, J.G., Stevenson, L.Y., & Fernandez, M.I.: Reduction in risk behaviors among adults with severe mental illness who learned to advocate HIV prevention. Psychiatric Services, 48, 1283-1288, 1997.
136. Kelly, J.A., & Kalichman, S.C.: Reinforcement value of unsafe sex as a predictor of HIV/AIDS risk behavior: Implications for theory and AIDS prevention efforts. Health Psychology, 17, 328-335, 1998.
137. Somlai, A.M., Heckman, T.G., Kelly, J.A., Mulry, G., & Multhauf, K.E.: The response of religious congregations to the spiritual needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. Journal of Pastoral Care, 51 (4), 415-426, Winter, 1997.
138. Otto-Salaj, L.L., Heckman, T.G., Stevenson, L.Y., & Kelly, J.A.: Patterns, predictors, and gender differences in risk. Journal of Community Mental Health, 34, 175-190, 1998.
139. 134 Hackl, K.J., Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., & Kalichman, S.C.: Women living with HIV/AIDS: The dual challenges of being a medical patient and a primary family caregiver. Health and Social Work, 22, 53-62, 1997.
140. Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., Morgan, M.G., & Rompa, D.R.: Fatalism, future outlook, current life satisfaction, and risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among gay and bisexual men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 542- 546, 1997.
141. Kalichman, S.C. Kelly, J.A., & Rompa D.: Continued high-risk sex among HIV seropositive men. Health Psychology, 16, 369-373, 1997.
142. Holtgrave, D.R., & Kelly, J.A.: The cost effectiveness of an HIV/AIDS prevention intervention for gay men. AIDS and Behavior, 1, 173-180, 1997.
143. Otto-Salaj, L.L., & Kelly, J.A.: Center for AIDS Intervention Research (CAIR) investigators study HIV prevention for persons with severe mental illness. Psychology and AIDS Exchange, Number 20, 1995.
144. Heckman, T.G., Somlai, A.M. Walker, J., Otto-Salaj, L.L., Galdabini, C.A., & Kelly, J.A.: Barriers to care among people living with HIV/AIDS in urban and rural areas. AIDS Care, 10, 365-375, 1998.
145. Heckman, T.G., Somlai, A.M., Kalichman, S.C., Franzoi, & Kelly, J.A.: Psychosocial differences between rural and urban personal living with HIV/AIDS. Journal of Rural Health, 14, 138-145, 1998
146. Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., Wagstaff, D.A., & Whitson, D.P.: Patterns, predictors, and situational contexts of HIV risk behavior among homeless men and women. Social Work, 43, 7-18, 1998.
147. Kelly, J.A.: HIV prevention in inner-city settings can work (Invited article). HIV Newsline, August, 83-86, 1996.
148. Otto-Salaj, L.L., Stevenson, L.Y., & Kelly, J.A.: Implementing cognitive-behavioral AIDS/HIV risk reduction group interventions in community mental health settings that serve people with severe mental illness. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 21, 394-404, 1998.
149. Kelly, J.A.: Research highlights at the Medical College of Wisconsin's Center for AIDS Intervention Research: Advances in HIV primary and secondary prevention. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 12, 1393-1395, 1996.
150. Heckman, T.G., Somlai, A.M., Sikkema, K.J., Kelly, J.A., & Franzoi, A.L.: Psychosocial predictors of life satisfaction among persons living with HIV infection and AIDS. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 8, 21-30, 1997.
151. Anderson, E.S., Wagstaff, D.A., Sikkema, K.J., Heckman, T.G., Kelly, J.A., Perry, M.J., Winett, R.A., Norman, A.D., Roffman, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Cargill, V., Mercer, M.B., & Crumble, D.: Information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model: Testing direct and mediated treatment effects on condom use ammong women in low-income housing. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 31, 70-79, 2006.
152. Kelly, J.A.: HIV risk reduction intervention for persons with serious mental illness. (Invited article). Clinical Psychology Review, 17, 293-309, 1997.
153. Kelly, J.A., Murphy, D.A., Sikkema, K.J., McAuliffe, T.L., Roffman, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Winett, R.A., Kalichman, S.C., & the Community HIV Prevention Research Collaborative.: Randomized controlled community-level HIV prevention intervention for sexual risk behavior among homosexual men in U.S. cities. The Lancet, 350, 1500-1505, 1997.
154. Sikkema, K.J., Heckman, T.G., & Kelly, J.A.: HIV risk behavior among inner-city American women. (Invited article). Women's Health: Research on Gender Behavior and Policy, 3, 349-366, 1997.
155. McAuliffe, T.L., & Kelly, J.A.: A summary risk index approach to the measurement of HIV exposure based on sexual behavior patterns: Index derivation, sensitivity, and research utility. (under review).
156. Pinkerton, S.D., Holtgrave, D.R., DiFranceisco, W.J., Stevenson, L.Y., & Kelly, J.A.: Cost- effectiveness of a community-level HIV risk reduction intervention. American Journal of Public Health, 88, 1239-1242, 1998.
157. DiFranceisco, W.J., Kelly, J.A., Sikkema, K.J., Somlai, A.M., Murphy, D.A., & Stevenson, L.Y.: Differences between completers and early dropouts from two HIV prevention trials: A health belief approach to understanding prevention program attrition. American Journal of Public Health, 88, 1068-1073, 1998.
158. McAuliffe, T.L., Kelly, J.A., Sikkema, K.J., Murphy, D.A., Winett, R.A., Solomon, L.J., & Roffman, R.A.: Sexual HIV risk behavior levels among young and older gay men outside of AIDS epicenters: Findings of a 16-city sample. AIDS and Behavior, 3, 111-119, 1999.¬
159. Kelly, J.A.: Group psychotherapy for persons with HIV and AIDS-related illnesses. (Invited article). International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 48, 143-162, 1998.
160. Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., McAuliffe, T.L., Gudmundson, J.L., Murphy, D.A., Sikkema, K.J., & Hackl, K.L.: Role play assessment of sexual assertiveness skill: Relationships with HIV/AIDS risk behavior. AIDS and Behavior, 2, 319-328, 1998.
161. Heckman, T.G., Kelly, J.A., & Somlai, A.M.: Predictors of continued high-risk sexual behavior in a community sample of persons living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS and Behavior, 2, 127-135, 1998.
162. Somlai, A.M. Kelly, J.A., Otto-Salaj, L.L., & Nelson, D.: "Lifepoint:" A case study in using social science community identification data to guide the implementation of a needle exchange program. AIDS Education and Prevention, 11, 187-202, 1999.
163. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Methodological overview of the NIMH Multisite HIV prevention trial for populations at risk for AIDS, 11, (Supplement 2), S1-S12, 1997.
164. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Screening recruiting, and predicting retention of participants in a multisite HIV prevention trial. AIDS, 11, (Supplement 2), S13-S20, 1997.
165. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Demographic and behavioral predictors of sexual risk in the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial. AIDS, 11, (Supplement 2), S21-S28, 1997.
166. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial: conceptual basis and procedures for the intervention. AIDS, 11, (Supplement 2), S29-S36, 1997.
167. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Endpoint and other measures in the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial: Rationale and psychometric properties. AIDS, 11, (Supplement 2), S37-S48, 1997.
168. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Quality control and quality assurance in HIV prevention research: Model from the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial. AIDS, 11, (Supplement 2), S49-S54, 1997.
169. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Definitions of adverse reactions in clinical trials of a behavioral intervention. AIDS, 11 (Supplement 2), S54-S58, 1997.
170. The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Collecting STD clinic chart data in multisite studies. AIDS, 11, (Supplement 2), S59-S63, 1997.
171. NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial: A randomized, controlled trial of a risk reduction intervention. Science, 280, 1889-1894, 1998.
172. Sikkema, K.J., Koob, J.J., Kelly, J.A., Heckman, T.G., Multhauf, K., & Galdabini, C.: Prevalence and predictors of AIDS-related bereavement among HIV-infected men and women. (under review).
173. Kelly, J.A., Hoffmann, R.G., Rompa, D., & Gray, M.: Protease inhibitor combination therapies and perceptions of gay men regarding AIDS severity and perceived need to maintain safer sex practices. AIDS, 12, F91-F95, 1998.
174. Kelly, J.A., Otto-Salaj, L.L., Sikkema, K.J., Pinkerton, S.D., & Bloom, F.R.: Implications of HIV treatment advances for behavioral research on AIDS: Protease inhibitors and new challenges in HIV secondary prevention. Health Psychology, 17, 310-319, 1998.
175. Heckman, T.G., Sikkema, K.J., Kelly, J.A., Winett, R.A., Roffman, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Cargill, V.A., Bogart, L., Anderson, E.S., Perry, M.J., Norman, A.D., Mercer, M.B., Wagstaff, D.A., & Crumble, D.A: HIV risk characteristics of midlife and older women living in low-income, inner-city housing developments. (under review).
176. Sikkema, K.J., Kelly, J.A., Winett, R.A., Solomon, L.J., Cargill, V.A., Roffman, R.A., McAuliffe, T.L., Heckman, T.G., Anderson, E.A., Wagstaff, D.A., Norman, A.D., Perry, M.J., Crumble, D.A., & Mercer, M.B.: Outcomes of a randomized, community-level HIV prevention intervention for women living in 18 low-income housing developments. American Journal of Public Health, 90, 57-63, 2000.
177. Heckman, T.G., Kelly, J.A., Bogart, L.M., Kalichman, S.C., & Rompa, D.R.: HIV risk differences between African American and white men who have sex with men. Journal of the National Medical Association, 91, 92-100, 1999.
178. Heckman, T.G., Kelly, J.A., Somlai, A.M., Kalichman, S.C., & Davantes, B.R.: High-risk sexual behavior among persons living with HIV disease in small towns and rural areas. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, 24, 29-36, 1999.
179. Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., Otto-Salaj, L.L., McAuliffe, T.M., Hackl, K., DiFranceisco, W., Amick, B., Heckman, T.G., Holtgrave, D.R., & Rompa, D.J.: Current HIV prevention activities for women and gay men among 77 AIDS service organizations. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 5, 23-33, 1999.
180. DiFranceisco, W., Kelly, J.A., Otto-Salaj L.L., McAuliffe, T.L., Somlai, A.M., Hackl, K., Heckman, T.G., Holtgrave, D.R., Rompa, D.J.: Factors influencing attitudes within AIDS service organizations toward the use of research-based HIV prevention interventions. AIDS Education and Prevention, 11, 72-86, 1999.
181. Seal, D.W., Kelly, J.A., Bloom, F.R., Stevenson, L.Y., Coley, B.I., Broyles, L., and the Medical College of Wisconsin CITY Project Research Team: HIV prevention with young men who have sex with men: What young men themselves say is needed. AIDS Care, 5-26, 2000.
182. Kelly, J.A.: HIV prevention interventions with gay or bisexual men and youth. AIDS, 14, (Supplement 2), S34-39, 2000.
183. Kelly, J.A.. Community-level interventions are needed to prevent new HIV infections. (Invited commentary). American Journal of Public Health, 89, 299-301, 1999.
184. Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., Heckman, T.G., Hackl, K., Runge, L., & Wright, C.: Life optimism, substance use, and AIDS-specific attitudes associated with HIV risk behavior among disadvantaged inner-city women. Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine, 9, 1101-1111, 2000.
185. Nina, R., Cunningham, I, Rivera, G., Sikkema, K.J., & Kelly, J.A.: Sexuality and sexual risk practices: Results from focus group studies of Puerto Rican mothers and adolescent daughters. (under review)
186. Otto-Salaj, L.L., Kelly, J.A., Stevenson, L.Y., Hoffmann, R., & Kalichman, S.C.: Outcomes of a randomized small-group HIV prevention intervention trial for people with serious mental illness. Community Mental Health Journal, 37 (2), 123-144, 2001.
187. Bogart, L.M., Kelly, J.A., Catz, S.L., & Sosman, J.M.: The impact of medical and nonmedical factors on physician decision-making for HIV/AIDS antiretroviral treatment. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology, 23, 396-404, 2000.
188. Nina, R., de Leon-Pegan, Y., Cunningham, I., Sikkema, K.J., & Kelly, J.A.: Mothers talk about their daughters' sexuality: Development of a sexual education program in a Puerto Rican community. (under review)
189. Kelly, J.A.: Some lessons learned in the United States about what works and what doesn't work in efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS. Russian Journal of HIV/AIDS and Related Problems, 3, 15-21, 1999.
190. Sikkema, K.J., Kalichman, S.C., Hoffmann, R., Koob, J.J., Kelly, J.A., & Heckman, T.G.: Coping strategies and emotional well-being among HIV-infected men and women experiencing AIDS-related bereavement. AIDS Care, 12, 613-624, 2000.
191. Bogart, L.M., Catz, S.L., Kelly, J.A., Grey-Bernhardt, M.L, Hartmann, B.R., Otto-Salaj, L.L., Hackl, K.L., Bloom, F.R.: Psychosocial issues in the era of new AIDS treatments from the perspective of persons living with HIV. Journal of Health Psychology, 5, 500-516, 2000.
192. Benotsch, E.G., Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A.: Sexual compulsivity and substance use in HIV seropositive men who have sex with men: Prevalence and predictors of high-risk behaviors. Addictive Behaviors, 24, 857-868, 1999.
193. Johnson-Masotti, A.P., Pinkerton, S.D., Kelly,J.A., Stevenson, L.Y.: Cost-effectiveness of an HIV risk reduction intervention for adults with severe mental illness. AIDS Care, 12, 321-332, 2000.
194. Kelly, J.A., Somlai, A.M., DiFranceisco, W.J., Otto-Salaj, L.L., McAuliffe, T.L., Hackl, K.L., Heckman, T.G., Holtgrave, D.R., & Rompa, D.: Bridging the gap between the science and the service of HIV prevention: Transferring effective research-based HIV prevention interventions to community AIDS service providers. American Journal of Public Health, 90, 1082-1088, 2000.
195. Kelly, J.A., Heckman, T.G., Stevenson, L.Y., Williams, P.N., Ertl, T., Hays, R.B., Leonard, N., O'Donnell, L., Terry, M.A., Sogolow, E., & Neumann, M.S.: Transfer of research-based HIV prevention interventions to community service providers: Fidelity, adaptation, and tailoring. AIDS Education and Prevention, 12 (Supplement A), 87-98, 2000.
196. Kelly, J.A., Sogolow, E., & Neumann, M.S.: Future directions and new emerging issues information exchange between HIV prevention researchers and community-based service providers. AIDS Education and Prevention, 12 (Supplement A), 126-141, 2000.
197. Adams, J., Terry, M.A., Rebchook, G., O'Donnell, L., Kelly, J.A., Leonard, N., & Neumann, M.S.: Orientation and training: Preparing agency administrators and staff to replicate an intervention. AIDS Education and Prevention, 12 (Supplement A), 75-86, 2000.
198. Kegeles, S.M., Rebchook, G.M., Hays, R.B., Terry, M.A., O'Donnell, L., Leonard, N., Kelly, J.A., & Neumann, M.S.: From science to application: The development of an intervention package. AIDS Education and Prevention, 12 (Supplement A), 62-74, 2000.
199. O'Donnell, L., Scattergood, P., Adler, M., San Doval, A., Barker, M., Kelly, J.A., Kegeles, S.M., Rebchook, G.M., Adams, J., & Neumann, M.S.: The role of technical assistance in the replication of effective HIV interventions. AIDS Education and Prevention, 12 (Supplement A), 99-114, 2000.
200. Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Rebchook, G., Adams, J., Leonard, N., Kelly, J.A., & Neumann, M.S.: Bridging research and practice: Community-researcher partnerships for replicating effective interventions. AIDS Education and Prevention, 12 (Supplement A), 49-61, 2000.
201. Catz, S.L., Kelly, J.A., Bogart, L.M., Benotsch, E.G., & McAuliffe, T.L.: Patterns, correlates, and barriers to medication adherence among persons prescribed new treatments for HIV disease. Health Psychology, 19, 124-133, 2000.
202. Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., Shaboltas, A., & Granskaya, J.: Violence against women and the impending AIDS crisis in Russia. (Comment) American Psychologist, 55, 279-280, 2000.
203. Kalichman, S.C., Kelly, J.A., Sikkema, K.J., Kozlov, A.P., Shaboltas, A., & Granskaya, J. The emerging AIDS Crisis in Russia: Review of enabling factors and prevention needs. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 11, 71-75, 2000.
204. Bogart, L.M., Catz, S.L., Kelly, J.A., & Benotsch, E.G.: Ethnicity, risk groups, and disease severity: Factors influencing physicians' judgments of adherence and treatment decisions for patients with HIV disease. Medical Decision Making, 21, 28-36, 2001.
205. Fernandez, M.I., Gay, C.L., Mattson, T.R., Bital, E., & Kelly, J.A.: (2003). HIV, sex, and social change: Applying ESI-D principles to HIV prevention research. American Journal of Community Psychology, 32, 333-344, 2003.
206. The NIMH Multisite Trial (J.A. Kelly, Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Social cognitive theory mediators of change in the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial. Health Psychology, 20, 369-376, 2001.
207. The NIMH Multisite Trial (J.A. Kelly, Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): A test of factors mediating the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and risky sexual practices among women enrolled in the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial. Women and Health, 33, 163-180, 2001.
208. The NIMH Multisite Trial (J.A. Kelly, Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Childhood sexual abuse and sexual practices among men at high risk for HIV infection. (under review).
209. The NIMH Multisite Trial (J.A. Kelly, Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Predictors of risk for HIV among persons with mental health problems. (under review)
210. The NIMH Multisite Trial (J.A. Kelly, Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Predictors of sexual behavior patterns over one year among persons at high risk for HIV. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31, 165-176, 2002.
211. Kelly, J.A.: Behavioral change and disease prevention: Medical College of Wisconsin research demonstrates the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS risk reduction interventions. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 99, 41-43, 2000.
212. Solomon, L.J., Heckman, T.G., Roffman, R.A., Sikkema, K.J., Kelly, J.A., Winette, R.A., Cargill, V.A., Anderson, E.A., Crumble, D.A., Mercer, M.B., Norman, A.D., Perry, M.J., & Wagstaff, D.A.: Shifts in stages of change for condom use among women living in low-income, inner-city housing developments. (under review)
213. The NIMH Multisite Trial: (J.A. Kelly, Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.). HIV prevention with persons with mental health problems. Psychology, Health, and Medicine, in press.
214. Sikkema, K.J., Kochman, A., DiFranceisco, W., Kelly, J.A., & Hoffmann, R.: AIDS-related grief and coping with loss among HIV-positive men and women. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 26, 165-181, 2003.
215. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., & Issayev, D.D.: AIDS knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Russia: Results of a population-based, random-digit telephone survey in St. Petersburg. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 12, 50-57, 2001.
216. Kelly, J.A., & Kalichman, S.C.: Behavioral research in HIV/AIDS primary and secondary prevention: Recent advances and new directions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70, 626-639, 2002.
217. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., Kukharsky, A.A., Borodkina, O.I., Granskaya, J.V., Dyatlov, R.V., McAuliffe, T.L., & Kozlov, A.P.: Predictors of HIV risk behavior among Russian men who have sex with men: An emerging epidemic. AIDS, 15, 407-412, 2001.
218. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A.: AIDS in Russia: Sexual risk behavior in vulnerable populations, prevention needs, and prevention opportunities. Wisconsin HIV/AIDS Update, Fall Issue, 21-24, 2000.
219. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Tiunov., D.V., & Kelly, J.A.: Risk factors for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents in St. Petersburg, Russia: Behavioral, social, and relationship factors. Family Planning Perspectives, 14, 63-76, 2000.
220. Kelly, J.A., Amirkhanian, Y.A., McAuliffe, T.L., Granskaya, J.V., Borodkina, O.I., Dyatlov, R.V., Kukharsky, A., & Kozlov, A.P.: HIV risk characteristics and prevention needs in a community sample of bisexual men in St. Petersburg, Russia. AIDS Care, 14, 63-76, 2002
221. Suarez, T.P., Smith, M.D., Pinkerton, S.D., Stevenson, L.Y., Ertl, T., & Kelly, J.A.: Relationships matter: Serostatus, insertive, and receptive anal intercourse practices, partner exclusivity, and condom use in HIV seroconcordant and serodiscordant male couples. Journal of Homosexuality, in press.
222. 217 Suarez, T.P., Kelly, J.A., Pinkerton,S.D., Stevenson, L.Y., Hayat, M., Smith, M.D., & Ertl, T.: The influence of a partner's HIV serostatus and viral load on perceptions of sexual risk behavior in a community sample of gay and bisexual men. JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 28, 471-477, 2001.
223. Otto-Salaj, L.L., Hoffmann, R., G., Stevenson, L.Y., Kelly, J.A. & Kalichman, S.C.: The relationship of psychiatric diagnoses and symptoms to HIV risk behaviors in adults with serious mental illness. (under review)
224. Kelly, J.A., Amirkhanian, Y.A., McAuliffe, T.L., Dyatlov, R.V., Granskaya, J.V., Borodkina, O.I, Kukharsky, A.A., & Kozlov, A.P.: HIV risk behavior and risk-related characteristics of young Russian men who exchange sex for money or valuables from other men. AIDS Education and Prevention, 13, 175-188, 2001.
225. Anderson, E.S., Brondino, M.J., Winett, R.A., Sikkema, K.J., Heckman, T.G., Graves, K.D., & Kelly, J.A.: Social cognitive determinants of HIV risk reduction skills and condom use among adolescents living in low-income housing: A structural analysis. (under review)
226. Csepe, P., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., McAuliffe, T.L., & Macsonaki, L.: HIV risk behavior among gay and bisexual men in Budapest, Hungary. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 13, 192-200, 2002.
227. Kelly, J.A., & Amirkhanian, Y.A.: The newest epidemic: A review of HIV/AIDS in Central and Eastern Europe. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 14, 361-371, 2003.
228. Kabakchieva, E., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., McAuliffe, T.L., & Vassileva, S.: High levels of sexual HIV/STD risk behavior among Roma (Gypsy) men in Bulgaria: Patterns and predictors of risk in a representative community sample. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 13, 184-191, 2002.
229. 224 Pinkerton, S.D., Holtgrave, D.R., Johnson-Masotti, A.P., Hackl, K.L., DiFranceisco, W., & the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Cost-effectiveness of the NIMH Multisite HIV prevention intervention. AIDS and Behavior, 6, 83-96, 2002.
230. 225 Pinkerton, S.D., Layde, P.M., the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Using STD incidence as a surrogate marker for HIV incidence in prevention trials: A modeling study. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 29, 298-307, 2002.
231. Pinkerton, S.D., Layde, P.M., DiFranceisco, W., Chesson, H.W., & the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): All STDs are not created equal: An analysis of the differential effects of sexual behavior changes on different STDs. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 14, 320-328, 2003.
232. 227 Pinkerton, S.D., Chesson H.W., Layde, P.M., and the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Utility of behavioral changes as markers of STD risk reduction in HIV/STD prevention trials. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 31, 71-79, 2002.
233. Johnson-Masotti, A.P., Pinkerton, S.D., Sikkema, K.J., Kelly, J.A., & Wagstaff, D.A.: Cost-effectiveness of a community-level HIV risk reduction intervention for women living in low-income housing developments. Journal of Primary Prevention, 26, 345-362, 2005.
234. Murphy, D.A., Stein, J.A., Schlenger, W., Maibach, E., & the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group (J.A. Kelly, Study Steering Committee Chair and Wisconsin Site P.I.): Conceptualizing the multidimensional nature of self-efficacy: Assessment of situational context and level of behavioral challenge to maintain safer sex. Health Psychology, 20, 281-290, 2001.
235. Muhid, F.B., Lin, L.S., Stueve, A., Miller R., Ford, W.L., Johnson, W.D., Smith P.J., & the Community Intervention Trial for Youth (CITY) Study Team (J.A. Kelly, Wisconsin Site Co-P.I.): A venue-based method for sampling hard-to-reach populations. Public Health Reports, 116 (Supplement 1), 216-223, 2001.
236. Otto-Salaj, L.L., Hartmann, B.R., Brondino, M.J., Gore-Felton,C., Kelly, J.A., & Stevenson, L.Y.: Condom use negotiation in heterosexual African-American adults: Responses to types of power-based strategies. Journal of Sex Research, 45, 150-163, 2008.
237. 232 Sikkema, K.J., Brondino, M.J., Anderson, E.S., Gore-Felton, C., Kelly, J.A., Winett, R.A., Heckman,T.G., & Roffman, R.A.: HIV risk behavior among ethnically diverse adolescents living in low-income housing developments. Journal of Adolescent Health, 35, 141-150, 2004.
238. Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., Benotsch, E., Gore-Felton, C., Ostovski, D., McAuliffe,T.L., & Kozlov, A.P.: Characteristics and predictors of HIV risk behaviors among injection drug using men and women in St. Petersburg, Russia. AIDS Education and Prevention, 14, 295-305, 2002.
239. Celentano, D.D., DiIorio, C., Hartwell, T., Kelly, J.A., Magana, R., Maibach, E., O'Leary, A., Pequegnat, W., & Rotheram-Borus, M.J.: Predictors of sexual behavior patterns over one year among persons at high risk for HIV. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31, 165-176, 2002.
240. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., & McAuliffe, T.L.: Identifying, recruiting, and assessing social networks at high risk for HIV/AIDS: Methodology, practice, and a case study in St. Petersburg, Russia. AIDS Care, 17, 58-75, 2005.
241. Kelly, J.A.: Popular opinion leaders and HIV prevention peer education: Resolving discrepant findings, and implications for the development of effective community programs. AIDS Care 16, 139-150, 2004.
242. Kelly, J.A., Benotsch, E.G., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Fernandez, M.I., Somlai, A.M., Stevenson, L.Y., Sitzler, C.A., Brown, K.D.,& Opgenorth, K.M.: Programs, resources, and barriers faced by 75 HIV prevention nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Africa, Central/Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. AIDS Care, 18, 12-21, 2006.
243. Csepe, P., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., McAuliffe, T.L., Mocsonoki, L. & Forrai, J.: HIV/AIDS-Kockazatos viselkedes budapest: homo-vagy biszeualis ferfiaknal. Szenvedalybetegsegek, 6, 406-416 (in Hungarian), 2002.
244. Steuve, A., O'Donnell, L., Duran, R., SanDoval, A., Geier, J., and the Community Intervention Trial for Youth Study Team (J.A. Kelly, Medical College of Wisconsin Co-PI): Being high and taking sexual risks: Findings from a multisite survey of urban young men who have sex with men. AIDS Education and Prevention, 14, 482-495, 2002.
245. Benotsch, E.G., Somlai, A.M., Pinkerton, S.D., Kelly, J.A., Ostrovski, D., Gore-Felton, C., & Kozlov, A.P.: Drug use, sexual risk behaviors, and HIV transmission knowledge among female Russian IDUs who exchange sex for money or drugs. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 15, 343-347, 2004.
246. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., & McAuliffe, T.L.: Psychosocial needs, mental health, and HIV transmission risk behavior among people living with HIV/AIDS in St. Petersburg, Russia. AIDS, 17, 2367-2374, 2003.
247. Kelly, J.A., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kabakchieva, E., Csepe, P., Seal, D.W., Antonova, R., Mihaylov, A., & Gyukits, G.: Gender roles and HIV sexual risk vulnerability of Roma (Gypsy) men and women in Bulgaria: An ethnographic study. AIDS Care, 16, 231-245, 2004.
248. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., Kabakchieva, E., McAuliffe, T.L., & Vassileva, S.: Evaluation of a social network HIV prevention intervention program for young men who have sex with men in Russia and Bulgaria. AIDS Education and Prevention, 15, 205-221, 2003.
249. Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., McAuliffe, T.L., Ksobiech, K., & Hackl, K.: Predictors of sexual risk behaviors in a community sample of injection drug users. AIDS and Behavior, 7, 383-390, 2003.
250. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., Benotsch, E.G., Somlai, A.M., Brown, K., & Opgenorth, K.M.: HIV prevention nongovernmental organizations in Central and Eastern Europe: Programs, resources, and challenges. Central European Journal of Public Health, 12, 15-21, 2004.
251. Weinhardt, L.S., Kelly, J.A., Brondino, M.J., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Kirshenbaum, S.B., Chesney, M.A., Remien, R.H., Morin, S.F., Lightfoot, M., Ehrhardt, A.A., Johnson, M.O., Catz, S.L., Pinkerton, S.D., Benotsch, E.G., Hong, D., & Gore-Felton, C.: HIV transmission risk behavior among men and women living with HIV in four U.S. cities. JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 29, 1057-1066, 2004.
252. Benotsch, E.G., Stevenson, L.Y., Sitzler, C., Kelly, J.A., Makhaye, G., Mathey, E.D., Somlai, A.M., Brown, K.D., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Fernandez, M.I., & Opgenorth, K.M.: HIV prevention in Africa: Programs and populations served by nongovernmental organizations. Journal of Community Health, 29, 319-336., 2004.
253. Gore-Felton, C., Somlai, A.M., Benotsch, E.G., Kelly, J.A., Ostrovski, D., & Kozlov, A.P.: The influence of gender on factors associated with HIV transmission risk among young Russian injection drug users. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 29, 881-894, 2003.
254. Sokolov, N.V., Dyatlov, R.V., Borodkina, O.I., Hartmann, B.R., Seal, D.W., Kelly, J.A., & Kozlov, A.P.: Sexual risk behavior in students' dormitories in St. Petersburg, Russia: First results of the research. Russian Journal of HIV/AIDS and Related Problems, 5, 141, 2001.
255. Verevorkin, S.V., Dyatlov, R.V., Timofeeva, M.Y., Sokolovsky, E.V., Merson, M., Kelly, J.A., & Kozlov, A.P.: STD prevalence among students in St. Petersburg. Russian Journal of HIV/AIDS and Related Problems, 5, 142-143, 2001.
256. Fernandez, M.I., Kelly, J.A., Stevenson, L.Y., Sitzler, C.A., Hurtado, J., Valdez, C., Vallejo, F., Somlai, A.M., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Benotsch, E.G., Brown, K.D., & Opgenorth, K.M.: HIV prevention progams of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Global AIDS Intervention Network (GAIN) Project. Journal of the Pan American Health Organization, 17, 154-162, 2005.
257. Kelly, J.A., Somlai, A.M., Benotsch, E.G., McAuliffe, T.L., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Brown, K.D., Stevenson, L.Y., Fernandez, M.I., Sitzler, C..A., Gore-Felton, C., Pinkerton, S.D., Weinhardt, L.S., & Opgenorth, K.M.: Distance communication transfer of HIV prevention interventions to service providers. Science, 305, 1953-1955, 2004.
258. Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Wong, F.L., Goldstein, R.B., Remien, R.H., Morin, S.F., Weinhardt, L. S., Johnson, M.O., Steward, W.T., Kelly, J.A., Lightfoot, M., & Corrcale, J.: Associations of HAART and risk patterns among people living with HIV. (under review)
259. Benotsch, E.G., Wright, V.J., deRoon Cassini, T.A., Pinkerton, S.D., Weinhardt, L.S., & Kelly, J.A.: Use of the Internet for HIV prevention by AIDS service organizations in the United States. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 24, 19-35, 2006.
260. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Group (J.A. Kelly, Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site PI): STD and HIV prevalence and risk factors in concentrated and generalized HIV epidemics. AIDS, 21(Supplement), S81-S90, 2007.
261. Morin, S.F., Steward, W.T., Charlebois, E.D., Remien, R.H., Johnson, M.O., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Lightfoot, M., Goldstein, R., Kittel, L., Samimy, F., Weinhardt, L.S., Pinkerton, S.D., Kelly, J.A., & Chesney, M.A.: Predicting HIV transmission risk among HIV-infected men who have sex with men: Findings from the Healthy Living Project. JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 40, 226-235, 2005.
262. Remien, R.H., Exner, T., Kartzner, R.M., Ehrhardt, A.A., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Weinhardt, L.S., Johnson, M.O., Goldstein, R.B., Gore-Felton, C., Kittel, L., Pinto, R., Dodge, B., Morin, S.F., Chesney, M.A., Lightfoot, M., & Kelly, J.A.: Depressive symptomatology among HIV-positive women in the era of HAART: A stress and coping model explanation. American Journal of Community Psychology, 38, 275-285, 2006.
263. Klitzman, R.I., Kirshenbaum, S.B., Dodge, B., Remien, R.H., Ehrhardt, A.A., Johnson, M.O., Kittel, L.E., Daya, S., Morin, S.F., Kelly, J.A., Lightfoot, M., & Rotheram-Borus, M.J.: Intricacies and inter-relationships between HIV disclosure and HAART: A qualitative study. AIDS Care, 16, 628-640, 2004.
264. Miller, R.L., Bedney, B.J., Guenther-Grey, C., & the CITY Project Study Team (J.A. Kelly, Wisconsin Site Co-PI): Assessing organizational capacity to deliver HIV prevention services collaboratively: Tales from the field. Health Education and Behavior, 30, 582-600, 2003.
265. Mashburn, A.J., Peterson, J.L., Bakeman, R., Miller, R.L., Clark, L., & the Community Intervention Trial for Youth (CITY) Study Team (J.A. Kelly, Wisconsin Site Co-P.I.): Influences on HIV testing among young African American men who have sex with men and the moderating effect of the social context. Journal of Community Psychology, 32, 45-60, 2004.
266. Peterson, J.L., Bakeman, R., Stokes, J., & the Community Intervention Trial for Youth (CITY) Study Team (J.A. Kelly, Wisconsin Site Co-P.I.): Racial/ethnic patterns of HIV sexual risk behaviors among young men who have sex with men. Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, 5, 155-162, 2001.
267. Steuve, A., O'Donnell, L., Duran, R., SanDoval, A., Geier, J., & the Community InterventionTrial for Youth (CITY) Study Team (J.A. Kelly, Wisconsin Site Co-P.I.): Being high and taking sexual risks: Findings from a multisite survey of urban young men who hve sex with men. AIDS Care, 14, 482-495, 2002.
268. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., Kirsanova, A.V., DiFranceisco, W.J., Khoursine, R.A., Semenov, A.V., & Rozmanova, V.N.: HIV risk behaviour patterns, predictors, and STD prevalence in the social networks of young men who have sex with men (MSM) in St. Petersburg, Russia. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 17, 50-56, 2006.
269. Benotsch, E.G., Seal, D.W., Stevenson, L.Y., Sitzler, C., Kelly, J.A., Bogart, L.M., & Gore-Felton, C.: Stigma, AIDS, and HIV prevention in Africa: Reports from community organizations providing prevention services. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 18, 329-349, 2008.
270. Ksobiech, K., Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., Benotsch, E.G., Gore-Felton, C., McAuliffe, T.L., Hackl, K., Ostrovski, D., & Kozlov, A.P.: Demographic characteristics, treatment history, drug risk behaviors, AIDS knowledge, and condom attitudes of U.S. and Russian injection drug users: The need for targeted sexual risk behavior interventions. AIDS and Behavior, 9, 111-120, 2005.
271. Sikkema, K.J., Anderson, E.S., Kelly, J.A., Winett, R.A., Gore-Felton, C., Roffman, R.A., Heckman, T.G., Graves, K., Hoffman, R.G., & Brondino, M.J.: Outcomes of a randomized, controlled community-level HIV prevention intervention for adolescents in low-income housing developments. AIDS, 19, 1509-1516, 2005.
272. Benotsch, E.G., deRoon Cassini, T.A., Wright, V.J., Seal, D.W., Prosen, H., Kelly, J.A., Bogart, L.M., & Galletly, C.: Stigma and AIDS: Challenges faced by community organizations conducting HIV prevention programs in the United States. (under review)
273. Gore-Felton, C., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Weinhardt, L.S., Kelly, J.A., Lightfoot, M., Kirshenbaum, S.B., Johnson, M.O., Chesney, M.A., Catz, S.L., Ehrhardt, A.A., Remien, R.H., & the NIMH Healthy Living Project Team.: The Healthy Living Project: An indivdually-tailored multidimensional intervention for HIV-infected persons. AIDS Education and Prevention, 17, (Supplement A), 21-39, 2005.
274. Ksobiech, K., Somlai, A.M., Gore-Felton, C., Kelly, J.A., Benotsch, E.G., & McAuliffe, T.L.: Characteristics and HIV risk behaviors among injection drug users in St. Petersburg, Russia: A comparison of needle exchange attenders and non-attenders. Journal of Drug Issues, 34, 787-804, 2004.
275. Hirky, A.E., Kirschenbaum, S.B., Correale, J., Goldstein, R.B., Johnson, M.O., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Ehrhardt, A.A., & the NIMH Healthy Living Project Team (J.A. Kelly, Wisconsin Site PI): "Throwing the dice:" Pregnancy decision making among HIV-positive women in four U.S. cities. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 36, 106-113, 2004.
276. Kabakchieva, E., Vassileva, S., Kelly, J.A., Amirkhanian, Y.A., DiFranceisco, W.J., McAuliffe, T.L., Antonova, R., Mihaylova, M., Vassilev, B., & Petrova, E.: HIV risk behaviors, patterns, predictors, and STD prevalence in the social networks of young Roma men in Sofia, Bulgaria. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 33, 485-490, 2006.
277. The NIMH Health Living Project Team (J.A. Kelly, Wisconsin Site P.I.: Effects of a behavioral intervention to reduce risk of transmission among people living with HIV: The Healthy Living Project randomized controlled study. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 44, 213-221, 2007.
278. Remien, R.H., Exner, T., Morin, S.F., Ehrhardt, A.A., Johnson, M.O., Marhcfa, S., Kirshenbaum, S.B., Corrcale, J., Weinhardt, L.S., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Catz, S., Gore-Felton, C., Chesney, M., & Kelly, J.A.: Medication adherence and sexual risk behavior among HIV-infected adults: Implications for transmission of resistant virus. AIDS and Behavior, 11, 663-675, 2007.
279. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., Kabakchieva, E., Kirsanova, A.V., Vassileva, S., Takacs, J., DiFranceisco, W.J., McAuliffe, T.L., Khoursine, R.A., & Mocsonaki, L.: A randomized social network HIV prevention trial with young men who have sex with men in Russia and Bulgaria. AIDS, 19, 1897-1905, 2005.
280. Goldstein, R., Johnson, M.O., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Kirsh, S., Pinto, R., Kittel, L., Pequegnat, W., Mirkalian, J., Weinhardt, L S., Kelly, J.A., & Lightfoot, M.: Psychological distress, substance use, and adjustment among parents and nonparents living with HIV. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, 18, 362-373, 2005.
281. Takacs, J., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., Kirsanova, A.V., Khoursine, R.A., & Mocsonaki, L.: "Condoms are reliable but I am not:" A qualitative analysis of AIDS related beliefs and attitudes of young heterosexual adults in Budapest, Hungary and St. Petersburg, Russia. Central European Journal of Public Health, 14, 59-66, 2006.
282. Mosack, K.E., Weinhardt, L.S., Kelly, JA., Gore-Felton, C., McAuliffe, T.L., Johnson, M.O., Remien R.H., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Ehrhardt, A.A., Chesney, M.A., Morin, S.F., & the NIMH Healthy Living Project Team: Influence of coping, social support and depression on subjective health status among HIV-positive adults with different sexual identities. Behavioral Medicine, 34, 133-144. PMCID: PMC2653049
283. Randolph, M.E., Pinkerton, S.D., Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., McAuliffe, T.L., Gibson, R.H., & Hackl, K.: Seriously mentally ill women's safer sex behaviors and the theory of reasoned action. Health Education and Behavior, 36 (5), 948-958, 2009.
284. Morin, S.F., Steward, W.T., Charlebois, E.D., Remien, R.H., Pinkerton, S.D., Johnson, M.O., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Lightfoot, M., Goldstein, R.B., Kittel, L., Saming-Muzaffar, F., Weinhardt, L.S., Kelly, J.A., & Chesney, M.S.: Predicting HIV transmission risk among HIV-infected men who have sex with men. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 40, 226-235, 2005.
285. Randolph, M.E., Pinkerton, S.D., Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., McAuliffe, T.L., Gibson, R.H., & Hackl, K.: Severely mentally ill women's HIV risk: the influence of social support, substance use, and contextual risk factors. Community Mental Health Journal, 43, 33-46, 2007.
286. Kelly, J.A., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kabakchieva, E., Vassileva, B., Khoursine, R.A, & Dimitrov, B.: Prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases in high-risk social networks of young Roma (Gypsy) men in Sofia, Bulgaria: Randomized, controlled trial. British Medical Journal. Published online, October 13, 2006 at BMJ, doi: 10.1136bmj.38992.478299.55 Published in print in BMJ, 333, 1098-1101, 2006.
287. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., Kabakchieva, E., Kirsanova, A.V., Vassileva, S., Takacs, J., DiFranceisco, W.J., McAuliffe, T.L., Khoursine, R.A., & Mocsonaki, L.: A randomized social network HIV prevention trial with young men who have sex with men in Russia and Bulgaria. AIDS, 19, 1897-1905, 2005
288. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site P.I.): Methodological overview of a 5-country communty-level HIV/STD prevention trial. AIDS, 21 (Supp 2), S2-S18, 2007.
289. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site P.I.): Selection of populations represented in the NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial. AIDS, 21 (Supp 2), S19-S28, 2007.
290. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site P.I.): Challenges and process of selecting outcome measures for the NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial. AIDS, 21 (Supp 2), S29-S36, 2007.
291. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site P.I.): Design and integration of ethnography within an international HIV/STD behavior change prevention trial. AIDS, 21 (Supp 2), S37-S48, 2007.
292. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site P.I.): The feasibility of audio computer-assisted self-interviewing in international settings. AIDS, 21, (Supp 2), S49-S58, 2007.
293. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site P.I.) The community popular opinion leader (C-POL) HIV prevention program: Conceptual basis and intervention procedures. AIDS, 21 (Supp 2), S59-S68, 2007.
294. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site P.I.): Ethical issues in an NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial AIDS, 21 (Supp 2), S69-S80, 2007.
295. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site P.I.): Sexually transmitted disease and HIV prevalence and risk factors in concentrated and generalized epidemic settings. AIDS, 21 (Supp 2), S81-S90, 2007.
296. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site P.I.): Formative study conducted in five countries to adapt the community popular opinion leader intervention. AIDS, 21, (Supp 2), S91-S98, 2007.
297. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site P.I.): Role of the Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB) in an international trial. AIDS, 21, (Supp 2), S99-S102, 2007.
298. Kelly, J.A., Spielberg, F., & McAuliffe, T.L.: Defining, designing, implementing, and evaluating Phase 4 HIV prevention effectiveness trials for vulnerable populations. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 47, (Supp 1) S28-S33, 2008. PMCID: PMC2409151.
299. Klitzman, R., Exner, T., Correale, J., Kirshenbaum, S.B., Remien, R., Ehrhardt, A.A., Lightfoot, M., Catz, S.L., Weinhardt, L.S., Johnson, M.O., Morin, S.F., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Kelly, J.A., & Charlebois, E.: It's not just what you say: Relationships of HIV didsclosure and risk reduction among MSM in the post-HAART era. AIDS Care, 19, 749-756, 2007.
300. Wong, F.L., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Lightfoot, M., Pequegnat, W., Comulada, S., Cumberland, W., Weinhardt, L.S., Remien, R.H., Chesney, M., Johnson, M.O. and the Healthy Living Project Trial Group (J.A. Kelly, Wisconsin Site P.I.): Effects of behavioral intervention on substance use among people living with HIV: The Healthy Living Project randomized controlled study. Addiction, 103 (7), 1206-1214, 2008. PMCID: PMC2665995.
301. Johnson, M.O., Charlebois, E., Morin, S.F., Remien, R.H., Chesney, M.A., & the NIMH Healthy Living Project Team (J.A. Kelly, Wisconsin Site P.I.): Effects of a behavioral intervention on antiretroviral medication adherence among people living with HIV: The Healthy Living Project randomized controlled study. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 46, 574-580, 2007.
302. Johnson, M.O., Chesney, M.A., Neilands, T.B., Dilworth, S.E., Remien, R.H., Weinhardt, L.A., Morin, S.F., & the NIMH Healthy Living Project Team (J.A. Kelly, Wisconsin Site P.I.): Disparities in reported reasons for not initiating or stopping antiretroviral treatment among a diverse sample of persons living with HIV. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 24 (2), 247-251, 2009.
303. Petroll, A.E., Difranceisco, W.J., McAuliffe, T.L., Seal, D.W., Kelly, J.A., & Pinkerton, S.D. (2008). HIV testing rates, testing locations, and health care utilization among urban African American men. Journal of Urban Health, 86, 119-131, 2009.
304. Morin, S.F., Shade, S.B., Steward, W.T., Carrico, A.W., Remien, R.H., Rotharam-Borus, M.J., Kelly, J.A., Charlebois, E.D., Johnson, M.D., Chesney, M.A. and the Healthy Living Project Team. A behavioral intervention reduces HIV transmission risk by promoting sustained serostorting practices among HIV-infected men who have sex with men. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 49, 544-551, 2008. PMCID: PMC2659703
305. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., Takacs, J., Kuznatsova, A.V., DiFranceisco, W.J., Mocsonaki, L., McAuliffe, T.L., Khoursina, R.A.., & Toth, T.P. HIV/STD prevalence, risk behavior, and substance use patterns and predictors in Russian and Hungarian sociocentric social networks of men who have sex with men. AIDS Education and Prevention, 21, 266-279, 2009. PMCID: PMC2802572
306. Kelly, J.A., Morin, S.F., Remien, R.H., Steward, W.T., Higgins, J.A., Seal, D.W., Dubrow, R., Atkinson, J.H., Kerndt, P.R., Pinkerton, S.D., Mayer, K., & Sikkema, K.J. Lessons learned about behavioral science and acute/early HIV infection: the NIMH Multisite AHI study, V. AIDS and Behavior, 13, 1068-1074, 2009.
307. Remien, R.H., Exner, T.M., Robbins, R.N., Leu, C.-S., Correale, J., Kelly, J.A., Morin, S.F., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Ehrhardt, A.A., & the Health Living Project Team. The effects of an individual-level intervention on sexual behavior among heterosexually active HIV-infected men: Findings from the Healthy Living Project. (under review).
308. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kuznetsova, A.V., Kelly, J.A., DiFranceisco, W.J., Musatov, V.B., Avsukevitch, N.A., Chaika, N.A., & McAuliffe, T.L. Male labor migrants in Russia: HIV risk behavior levels, contexts, and prevention needs. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 2010. DOI 10.1007/s10903-010-9376-y.
309. Carrico, A.W., Riley, E.D., Johnson, M.O., Charlebois, E.D., Neilands, T.B., Remien, R.H., Lightfoot, M.A., Steward, W.T., Kelly, J.A., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Morin, S.F., & Chesney, M.A. Psychiatric risk factors for HIV disease progression: The role of inconsistent patterns of antiretroviral therapy utilization. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. (in press).
310. Amirkhanian, Y.A., Kelly, J.A., Kuznetsova, A.V., DiFranceisco, W.J., Musatov, V.B., & Pirogov, D.G. People with HIV in HAART-Era Russia: Transmission risk behavior prevalence, risk predictors, and psychosocial distress. AIDS and Behavior, 2010. DOI 10.1007/s 10461-010-9793-x.
311. NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Group (J.A. Kelly, Trial Steering Committee Chair and P.I., Russia site). Results of the NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial of a community popular opinion leader intervention. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 54 (2), 204-214, 2010. PMCID: PMC2904551
312. Kelly, J.A., Amirkhanian, Y.A., Seal, D.W., Galletly, C.M., DiFranceisco, W.J., Glasman, L.R., Stevenson, L.Y. & Rosado, N. Levels and predictors of sexual HIV risk in social networks of men who have sex with men in the Midwest. AIDS Education and Prevention, 22, 483-496, 2010.
313. Celentano, D.D., Mayer, K.H., Pequegnat, W., Abdala, N., Green, A.M., Handsfield, H.H., Hartwell, T.D., & the NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Group (J.A. Kelly, Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site PI). Prevalance of sexually transmitted diseases ad risk behaviors from the NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial. International Journal of Sexual Health, 22, 272-284, 2010.
314. Morin, S.F., Kelly, J.A., Charlebois, E.D., Remien, R.H., Rotheram-Borus, M.J. & Cleary P.D. The National HIV/AIDS Strategy --- Setting the implementation research agenda. (under review).
315. Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Wu, Z., Liang, L.J., Li, L., Detels, R., Guan, J., Yin, Y., Swendeman, D., & the NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial Group (J.A. Kelly, Steering Committee Chair and Russia Site PI & A.M. Somlai, Collaborating Scientist/Co-Investigator). Reductions in sexually transmitted diseases associated with popular opinion leaders in China in a randomized, controlled trial. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 175-182, 2011.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Kelly, J.A.: Group training of social skills: Clinical applications and procedures. In Annual Review of Behavioral Group Therapy: Vol. 4. D. Upper and S. Ross, eds. Research Press, Champaign, Illinois. 1982.
2. Kelly, J.A.: Sex role stereotypes and mental health: Conceptual models of the 1970's and issues for the 1980's. In Stereotyping of Women: Its Effects on Mental Health. V. Franks and E. Rothblum, eds. Springer Publishing Company, New York. 1983.
3. Christoff, K.A. and Kelly, J.A.: Social skills assessment. In Assessing the Mentally Retarded. J. Matson, ed. Grun and Stratton, New York. 1983.
4. Christoff, K.A. and Kelly, J.A.: Social skills training for psychiatric patients: Issues and applications. In Handbook of Social Skills Training. L. L'Abate and M.A. Milan, eds. Wiley, New York. 1983.
5. Kelly, J.A. and Lamparski, D.: Outpatient treatment of schizophrenia. In Handbook of Clinical Behavior Therapy with Adults. M. Hersen and A. Bellack, eds. Plenum, New York. 1985.
6. Dorsett, P.G. and Kelly, J.A.: Advances and issues in applications of social skills training with mentally retarded individuals. In Advances in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. J. Matson, ed. JAI Press, Greenwich, Connecticut. 1984.
7. de Armas, A. and Kelly, J.A.: Social relationships in adolescence. In The Adolescent as Decision-Maker: Applications to Development and Education. J. Worell and F. Danner, eds. Academic Press, New York. 1989.
8. McGrath, M. and Kelly, J.A.: Assessing the mentally retarded child. In Handbook of Assessment in Childhood Psychopathology: Applied Issues in Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Evaluation. C. L. Frame and J. L. Matson, eds. Plenum, New York. 1987.
9. Kelly, J.A. and Hansen, D.: Social relationships. In Handbook of adolescent psychology. V. Van Hasselt and M. Hersen, eds. Pergammon Press, Elmsford, NY. 1987.
10. Kelly, J.A.: Alternatives to aversive procedures with animals in the psychology teaching setting. In Advances in Animal Welfare Science: Vol. II. M. Fox, ed.. Humane Society of the United States, Washington, DC. 1985.
11. Kelly, J.A. and Christoff, K.A.: Job interview training. In Psychiatric Aspects of Mental Retardation: Psychosocial interventions. R. Sovner and A.D. Hurley, eds. Psych-Media, Brookline, MA. (In press).
12. Intrieri, R. and Kelly, J.A.: Training medical personnel to work with elderly clients. In Handbook of Clinical Behavior Therapy for the Elderly. P. A. Wisocki, ed. Plenum, New York. 1990.
13. O'Brien, C.B. and Kelly, J.A.: Behavioral group therapy with adolescents. In Casebook in adolescent behavior therapy. E. L. Feindler and G. R. Kalfus, eds. Springer Publishing Company, New York. 1990.
14. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Brasfield, T.L, and Hood, H.V.: Group intervention to reduce AIDS risk behavior among gay men: Applications of behavioral principles. In Primary Prevention of AIDS: Psychological Approaches. V. M. Mays, G. Albee and S. F. Schneider, eds. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA. 1989.
15. Kelly, J.A.: Treating the child abuser. In Children at Risk: An Evaluation of Factors Contributing to Child Abuse and Neglect. R. T. Ammerman and M. Hersen, eds. Plenum, New York. 1990.
16. St. Lawrence, J.S. and Kelly, J.A.: AIDS prevention: Community and behavioral intervention. In Progress in Behavior Modification: Vol. 24. M. Hersen, R.M. Eisler, and P. Miller, eds. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA.., 1989.
17. Kelly, J.A.: Behavior and AIDS. In Behavior and Medicine: A Textbook for Medical Education. D. Wedding, ed. C.V. Mosby Company, St. Louis. 1991.
18. Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., and Brasfield, T.L.: Group intervention to promote HIV risk reduction: Procedures and impact on high-risk behavior. In AIDS prevention through Health Promotion: World Health Organization Monograph. R. Berkvens, ed. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.. (In press).
19. Kelly, J.A.: Where to from here: Combining research on HIV infection with clinical practice. In Proceedings of the HIV-AIDS Counseling Project of the Justice Institute of British Columbia. Justice Institute of British Columbia and Canadian Federal Centre for AIDS, Vancouver, B.C. 1989.
20. Murphy, D.A. and Kelly, J.A.: The impact of the expanding AIDS epidemic on women's health. In Psychological perspectives on women's health. V. Adesso, D. Ready, and R. Fleming (Eds.) Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York. 1993.
21. Kelly, J.A. and Murphy, D.A.: AIDS prevention. In Promoting health and mental health: Behavioral approaches to prevention. D. Glenwick and L. Jason, (Eds.) Springer Publishing Corporation, New York. 1993.
22. Stall, R., Cohn, M., Dowsett, G., Ekstrand, M., van Griensven, G. Hart, G., & Kelly, J.A.: Maintenance of HIV risk reduction among gay-identified men. In J. Mann, M. Tarantola, & T. Netter (Eds.), AIDS in the World. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press. 1993.
23. Kelly, J.A.: HIV prevention among gay and bisexual men in small cities. In R. D. Clemente & J. Peterson (Eds.), Preventing AIDS: Theories and methods of behavioral interventions. 1993.
24. Pequegnat, W., Page, B., Strauss, A., Amaro, H., Goldstein, P., Fritz, R., Adler P., Kelly, J.A., Manwar, A., & Stover, E.S.: Qualitative inquiry: An underutilized strategy in AIDS research. In W. Pequegnat & E.S. Stover (Eds.). How to write a successful research grant application: A guide for social and behavioral scientists. New York: Plenum, 97-111. 1993.
25. Otto-Salaj, L., Stevenson, L.Y., & Kelly, J.A.: HIV risk reduction intervention strategies for the chronic mentally ill. In F. Cournos & N. Bakalar (Eds.), HIV/AIDS and Severe Mental Illness. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1996.
26. Kelly, J.A.: Innovations in the application of social cognitive principles to develop HIV prevention interventions for gay and bisexual men. In M. Chesney & M. Antoni (Eds.), Innovative approaches to health psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press. 2002.
27. Kelly, J.A., Sikkema, & Holtgrave, D.R.: Community outreach and education. In K.K. Holmes, P.F. Sparling, P.Mardh, S.M. Lemon, W.E. Stamm, P. Piot, & J.N. Wasserheit (Eds.), Sexually transmitted diseases, 3rd edition. New York: McGraw Hill. 1999.
28. Ross, M.W., & Kelly, J.A.: HIV prevention for gay and bisexual men. In J.L. Peterson & R.J. DiClemente (Eds.), Handbook of HIV prevention, New York: Plenum. 2000.
29. Pinkerton, S.D., Holtgrave, D.R., DiFranceisco, W.J., Stevenson, L.Y., & Kelly, J.A.: Cost-effectiveness of a community-level HIV prevention research trial. In D.R. Holtgrave (Ed.), Handbook of Economic Evaluation of HIV Prevention Programs. New York: Plenum. 1998.
30. Kelly, J.A.: Sexually-transmitted diseases. In Encyclopedia of Psychology, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (in press).
31. Hackl, K., Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., & Kalichman, S.C.: Women living with HIV/AIDS: The dual challenge of being a patient and caregiver. In Multicultural Issues in Social Work Volume 2, Washington, D.C.: National Association of Social Work Press. 1999.
32. Catz, S.L., & Kelly, J.A.: Living with HIV disease. In A. Baum, T.A. Revenson, & J. Singer (Eds.), Handbook of health psychology, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 2001.
33. Kelly, J.A., Shaboltas, A., & Granskaya, J.: Development of HIV prevention programs for injection drug users. In Ananievskiye Chteniye 99: 40th anniversary of the establishment of the first laboratory of industrial psychology in Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia: St. Petersburg State University Press. 1999. (in Russian)
34. Kelly, J.A.: Behavior and AIDS. In D. Wedding (Ed.), Behavior and Medicine, 3rd Edition, Gottingen, Germany: Hogrefe & Huber. 2001.
35. Kelly, J.A.: Safer sex behaviors. In J. Worell (Ed.), Encyclopedia of gender. New York: Academic Press. 2001.
36. Kelly, J.A.: The state of the art in community HIV prevention interventions. In E.J. Trickett & W. Pequegnat (Eds), Community interventions and HIV/AIDS: Affecting the community context. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2005.
37. Kelly, JA., Sikkema, K.O., Holtgrave, D.R.: Behavioral interventions for HIV prevention at the community level. In K.K. Holmes, P.F. Sparling, W.E., Stamm, P., Piot, J.N., Wasserheit, L. Carey, M. Cohen, & H. Watts (Eds.), Sexually transmitted diseases (4th edition). New York: McGraw H.V. 2007.
38. Kelly, J.A.: Disseminating research findings to service providers and communities. In W. Pequegnat, C.A. Boyce, & E. Stover (Eds.), How to write a successful research grant application: A guide for social and behavioral scientists, 2nd edition. New York: Springer. 2010.
39. Kelly, J.A.: Social Skills Training: A Practical Guide for Interventions. Springer Publishing Company, New York, 1982.
40. Kelly, J.A.: Solving Your Children's Behavior Problems: A Guide for Parents. Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 1983.
41. Kelly, J.A.: Treating Child Abusive Families: Intervention Based on Skills Training Principles. Plenum, New York, 1983.
42. Kelly, J.A.: How to Beat Stress. Scholastic Press, New York, 1985.
43. Kelly, J.A., Plienis, A.J., Hansen, D.A., Stark, L.J., Smith, S. and Ford, F.: Stress Management Training for Medical Students: A Program Manual. University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, 1986.
44. Kelly, J.A. and St. Lawrence, J.S.: The AIDS Health Crisis: Psychological and Social Interventions. Plenum, New York, 1988.
45. Intrieri, R.C., Kelly, J.A., Rapp, S.C., Brown, M.M., and Castilla, C.: Improving Medical Student Attitudes and Skills with the Elderly: An Experimental Program in Geriatric Education. University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, 1988. (Publication supported by the National Fund for Medical Education).
46. Kelly, J.A. and St. Lawrence, J.S.: Behavioral Group Intervention to Teach AIDS Risk Reduction Skills. University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, 1990. (Publication supported by NIMH grant).
47. Kelly, J.A.: Changing HIV Risk Behavior: Practical Strategies. New York: Guilford Press, 1995.
1. Le-Rademacher J, Principal Component Analysis for Interval-valued Data, International Biometric Society/Eastern North American Region Spring Meeting, Washington D.C.; 2008.
2. Le-Rademacher J, Principal Component Analysis for Interval-valued Data, Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, CO; 2008.
3. Hale GA, Shrestha S, Le-Rademacher J, Lazarus HM, Laport GG, Montoto S, Hari PN. Alternative Donor Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) after Reduced Intensity (RIC) or Nonmyeloablative (NST) Conditioning in Advanced Non-hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL). Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2009; 114: 3380.
4. Eapen M, Le-Rademacher J, Deeg HJ, Antin JH, Champlin R, Carreras J, Fay JW, Passweg JR, Tolar J, Marsh JCW, and Horowitz MM. Effect of Stem Cell Source From Unrelated Donors on Transplant Outcomes In Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA): a Comparison of Unrelated Bone Marrow (BM) and Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cells (PBPC). Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2010; 116: 531.
5. Soiffer RJ, Le-Rademacher J, Ho VT, Kan F, Artz A, Champlin R, Devine S, Lazarus HM, Marks DI, Porter D, Waller EK, Horowitz MM and Eapen M. Impact of In Vivo T-Cell Depletion on Outcome of Reduced Intensity Conditioning (RIC) Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) for Hematologic Malignancies. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2010; 116: 2305.
6. Smith S, Burns LJ, van Besie N K, Le-Rademacher J, He W, Laport GG, Montoto S, Maloney D, and Hari PN. Autologous (Auto) Versus Allogeneic (Allo) Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) for T-NHL: a CIBMTR Analysis. Blood (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts), Nov 2010; 116: 689.