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Jing Dong PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
Division of Hematology and Oncology - Medicine

Health Research Center
8701 Watertown Plank Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/2002 - 07/2007 BS, Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu, China
09/2007 - 06/2012 PhD, Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu, China

10/2012 - 03/2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, Branch of Epidemiology, NIEHS/NIH, Research Triangle Park, NC
03/2017 - 06/2020 Postdoctoral Associate,, Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), Houston, TX

07/2020 - Present Assistant Professor, Medicine, Hematology and Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
09/2022 - Present Faculty, Community and Cancer Science Network (CCSN) Milwaukee Lung Cancer Collaborative Work Group Initiative
08/2023 - Present Assistant Professor, Graduate School Faculty and Qualified Primary Master's Thesis Mentor in the Precision Medicine program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/2010 IARC/WHO summer fellowship in Cancer Epidemiology
07/2012 Outstanding Graduate , Nanjing Medical University
07/2012 Outstanding Student , Jiangsu Province
07/2013 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation , Jiangsu Province
07/2014 First Class Award in Research Achievements (Science and Technology), Ministry of Education of China
03/2017 CPRIT-awarded Postdoc Associate
06/2017 AACR Workshop on Integrative Molecular Epidemiology, Boston, MA
05/2022 MCW Cancer Center Scientific Retreat Best Poster Award, Medical College of Wisconsin
12/2023 Faculty Development Award, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

2013 - Present The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)
2017 - Present The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
2020 - Present The American Society of Hematology (ASH)
2020 - Present The American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (ASTCT)
2020 - Present Immunology Working Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR)
2022 - Present Community and Cancer Science Network (CCSN)

06/2020 - Present BMC Cancer
05/2022 - Present Applied Genetic Epidemiology/Frontiers in Genetics
Editorial Board
08/2015 - Present Annals of Translational Medicine
08/2015 - Present Frontiers in Genetics
03/2016 - Present JSM Biology
09/2016 - Present Austin Cardiology
02/2017 - Present EC Neurology
09/2017 - Present Journal of Cancer Research Forecast
Journal Review
02/2014 - Present Tumor Biology
02/2014 - Present PLOS One
02/2014 - Present Parkinsonism & Related Disorders
04/2014 - Present Annals of Surgical Oncology
04/2014 - Present Lung Cancer
05/2014 - Present Mutation Research
07/2014 - Present Carcinogenesis
07/2014 - Present Chinese J of Cancer Res
09/2014 - Present Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine
01/2015 - Present Gene
04/2015 - Present The International Journal of Neuroscience
06/2015 - Present Frontiers of Medicine
07/2015 - Present Oncotarget
08/2015 - Present Frontiers in Genetics
08/2015 - Present The Pharmacogenomics Journal
12/2015 - Present Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
08/2017 - Present Clinical Epigenetics
01/2018 - Present Journal of Cellular Physiology
01/2018 - Present Cancer Medicine
03/2018 - Present Clinical Genetics
12/2018 - Present Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol
02/2019 - Present Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
05/2019 - Present Cancer Causes & Control
09/2019 - Present International Journal of Epidemiology
10/2019 - Present Mitochondrion
12/2019 - Present Liver International
01/2020 - Present Communications Biology
05/2020 - Present Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
10/2020 - Present Human Molecular Genetics
10/2021 - Present PLOS Global Public Health
02/2022 - Present Cell Death Discovery
03/2022 - Present Biomarkers
07/2022 - Present Human Genetics and Genomics Advances
08/2022 - Present Journal of Inflammation Research
09/2022 - Present Journal of Hematology
10/2023 - Present eLife

07/2020 Cancer Control Faculty Search Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2022 Mentor, Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR)
10/2022 Judge, Summer Academic Program for Medical Students (SAMS) and the Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP) Poster
06/2023 Mentor, Summer Academic Program for Medical Students (SAMS) & Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP)
01/2024 Mentor, Staff Mentorship Program, Medical College of Wisconsin

04/2022 - Present Grad Award Study Section, ASH
05/2023 - Present The Early Career Reviewer (ECR) program at the Center for Scientific Review (CSR), National Institutes of Health
02/2024 Basic Mechanisms in Cancer Health Disparity (BMCD) study section in Basic and Translational Cancer (BTC) Review Branch, National Institutes of Health

Peer Review
Landscape of pathogenic germline variants in multiple myeloma and its precursor in African Americans
American Cancer Society-Institutional Research Grant
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Dong, Jing
04/01/2022 - 03/31/2024
Direct Funds:
Prognostic implications of mitochondrial inheritance in myelodysplastic syndromes after stem-cell transplantation
NHLBI K01 (1K01HL164972-01A1)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Dong, Jing
04/20/2023 - 03/31/2028
Direct Funds:
Molecular determinants of MGUS progression to multiple myeloma in African Americans
Mellowes Center 'omics Mini-Grant
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Dong, Jing
12/08/2023 - 12/07/2024
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
Clinical and genetic epidemiological study of racial disparities in the outcome of multiple myeloma
ASH Scholar Award
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Dong, Jing
Treatment of multiple myeloma using armored CAR T-cells
Department of Defense-Translational Team Science Award
Role & Effort:
Study of Circulating Immune Biomarkers to Address Racial Disparities in Multiple Myeloma
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Dong, Jing
Discovery and functional characterization of genes predisposing to multiple myeloma
Role & Effort:
Immune Biomarkers to Predict Immunotherapy Response in Multiple Myeloma
American Cancer Society-Discovery Boost Grant
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Dong, Jing
Peer Review
The association between MDM2 polymorphism and non-small cell lung cancer survival
Research Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Dong, Jing
2010 - 2012
Direct Funds:
Genome-wide scan for susceptibility loci of multiple myeloma in African Americans
Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Dong, Jing
07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021
Direct Funds:
Leveraging the biology of cancer health disparities to improve outcomes in multiple myeloma
MCW-Cancer Center Team Science
Role & Effort:
Janz, Siegfried
03/01/2021 - 02/28/2023
Direct Funds:
Genomic landscape and evolutional trajectory of multiple myeloma and its precursors in African Americans
MCW-Cancer Center/GSPMC Pilot Grant
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Dong, Jing
03/01/2021 - 02/28/2022
Direct Funds:

Dong, Jing, AACR Workshop on Integrative Molecular Epidemiology, Boston, MA, 07/10/2017 - 07/14/2017

Dong, Jing, Susceptibility Loci for Pigmentation and Melanoma in Relation to Parkinson’s Disease, ASHG 2013 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 10/22/2013 - 10/26/2013
Dong, Jing, Genome-Wide Association Analysis of the Sense of Smell in U.S. Older Adults: Identification of Novel Risk Loci in African-Americans and European-Americans, ASHG 2015 Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 10/06/2015 - 10/10/2015
Dong, Jing, Risk Prediction for Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma: Incorporation of Epidemiologic Risk Factors and 23 Confirmed Genetic Loci, AACR 2018 Annual meeting, Chicago, IL, 04/14/2018 - 04/18/2018
Dong, Jing, Sex Differences in Genetic Associations with Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma, TMC 10th Annual Frontiers in Digestive Diseases Symposium, Houston, TX, 03/02/2019
Dong, Jing, Vitamin D concentration and the risks of Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma: A Mendelian randomization study, AACR 2019 Annual meeting, Atlanta, GA, 03/29/2019 - 04/02/2019
Dong, Jing, Sex Differences in Genetic Associations with Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma, Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center 16th Annual Symposium, Houston, TX, 04/06/2019
Dong, Jing, Sex Differences in Genetic Associations with Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma, ASHG 2019 Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 10/15/2019 - 10/19/2019
Dong, Jing, Characteristics Associated with Disparities in Survival between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Patients with Multiple Myeloma: A Matched Cohort Study, ASH 2021 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 12/11/2021 - 12/14/2021
Benjamin Massat (Mentee), …Dong, Jing, Association of Human Leukocyte Antigen Variants with Progression of Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance to Multiple Myeloma, ASH 2022 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 12/10/2022 - 12/13/2022
Dong, Jing, Prognostic Impact and Landscape of Mitochondrial DNA Variants in Myelodysplastic Syndromes Undergoing Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation, ASH 2022 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 12/10/2022 - 12/13/2022
Dong, Jing, Impaired Plasma B Cell Markers in CD138+ Cells Predict Prognosis in Multiple Myeloma, ASH 2022 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 12/10/2022 - 12/13/2022
Dong, Jing, Prognostic Impact and Landscape of Mitochondrial DNA Variants in Myelodysplastic Syndromes Undergoing Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation, MCW Cancer Center Scientific Retreat, Milwaukee, WI, 05/13/2022

Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2020 - Present Member, Cancer Control Faculty Search Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2020 - Present Member, Immunology Working Committee, CIBMTR, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

Graduate Student Education
09/2009 - 06/2012 Graduate Teaching Assistant in Epidemiology
03/2019 Genetic Epidemiology & Population Genetics (GS-GE-423)
04/2024 Bioinformatics for Systems Biology (BIIN 17150)

Medical Students
05/2023 - Present Kristin Seidler, Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Summer Academic program for Medical Students (SAMS) & Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP)
05/2023 - Present Zeina Nader, Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Summer Academic program for Medical Students (SAMS) & Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP)
Postdoctoral Students
07/2023 - Present Shahram Arsang-Jang, Supervisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2022 - Present Bicky Thapa, Research mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2022 - Present Benjamin Massat, Research mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Clinical Staff
06/2021 - 09/2023 Christopher Staffi Buradagunta, Research mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2024 - 06/2024 William Eastham, Career development mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin

1. Primary Lung cancer diagnosis related SNP markers and their applications (CN102534009 B) 2. Gastric non-cardia adenocarcinoma diagnosis related SNP markers and their applications (CN 102534008 A) 3. Non-small cell lung cancer prognosis related serum/plasma miRNA markers and their applications (CN101638656 B) 4. Applications of endogenous controls in the detection of serum/plasma miRNAs (CN 102443638 B) 5. Breast Cancer related serum/plasma miRNA markers and their applications (CN 101921760 A) 6. Cervical Cancer and CIN related serum/plasma miRNA markers and their applications (CN 101921759 B) 7. Pancreatic Cancer related serum/plasma miRNA markers and their applications (CN 102876676 B) 8. Gestational diabetes mellitus related serum/plasma miRNA markers and their applications (CN 102031261 A)

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Lu C, Dong J, Ma H, Jin G, Hu Z, Peng Y, Guo X, Wang X, Shen H. CCND1 G870A polymorphism contributes to breast cancer susceptibility: a meta-analysis. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2009 Aug;116(3):571-5.
2. Dong J, Dai J, Shu Y, Pan S, Xu L, Chen W, Wang Y, Jin G, Ma H, Zhang M, Hu Z, Shen H. Polymorphisms in EGFR and VEGF contribute to non-small-cell lung cancer survival in a Chinese population. Carcinogenesis. 2010 Jun;31(6):1080-6.
3. Dong J, Dai J, Zhang M, Hu Z, Shen H. Potentially functional COX-2-1195G>A polymorphism increases the risk of digestive system cancers: a meta-analysis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010 Jun;25(6):1042-50.
4. Dong J, Ren B, Hu Z, Chen J, Hu L, Dai J, Jin G, Xu L, Shen H. MDM2 SNP309 contributes to non-small cell lung cancer survival in Chinese. Mol Carcinog. 2011 Jun;50(6):433-8.
5. Hu Z, Dong J, Wang LE, Ma H, Liu J, Zhao Y, Tang J, Chen X, Dai J, Wei Q, Zhang C, Shen H. Serum microRNA profiling and breast cancer risk: the use of miR-484/191 as endogenous controls. Carcinogenesis. 2012 Apr;33(4):828-34.
6. Dong J, Hu Z, Shu Y, Pan S, Chen W, Wang Y, Hu L, Jiang Y, Dai J, Ma H, Jin G, Shen H. Potentially functional polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and non-small-cell lung cancer survival: a pathway-based analysis. Mol Carcinog. 2012 Jul;51(7):546-52.
7. Dong J, Jin G, Wu C, Guo H, Zhou B, Lv J, Lu D, Shi Y, Shu Y, Xu L, Chu M, Wang C, Zhang R, Dai J, Jiang Y, Yu D, Ma H, Zhao X, Yin Z, Yang L, Li Z, Deng Q, Cao S, Qin Z, Gong J, Sun C, Wang J, Wu W, Zhou G, Chen H, Guan P, Chen Y, Liu X, Liu L, Xu P, Han B, Bai C, Zhao Y, Zhang H, Yan Y, Liu J, Amos CI, Chen F, Tan W, Jin L, Wu T, Hu Z, Lin D, Shen H. Genome-wide association study identifies a novel susceptibility locus at 12q23.1 for lung squamous cell carcinoma in han chinese. PLoS Genet. 2013;9(1):e1003190. PMCID: PMC3547794
8. Dong J, Gao J, Nalls M, Gao X, Huang X, Han J, Singleton AB, Chen H, International Parkinson’s Disease Genomics Consortium (IPDGC). Susceptibility loci for pigmentation and melanoma in relation to Parkinson's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 Jun;35(6):1512.e5-1512.e10. PMCID: PMC3961492
9. Chen X, Han S, Wang S, Zhou X, Zhang M, Dong J, Shi X, Qian N, Wang X, Wei Q, Shen H, Hu Z. Interactions of IL-12A and IL-12B polymorphisms on the risk of cervical cancer in Chinese women. Clin Cancer Res. 2009 Jan 01;15(1):400-5.
10. Zhou X, Han S, Wang S, Chen X, Dong J, Shi X, Xia Y, Wang X, Hu Z, Shen H. Polymorphisms in HPV E6/E7 protein interacted genes and risk of cervical cancer in Chinese women: a case-control analysis. Gynecol Oncol. 2009 Aug;114(2):327-31.
11. Chen W, Wang S, Tian T, Bai J, Hu Z, Xu Y, Dong J, Chen F, Wang X, Shen H. Phenotypes and genotypes of insulin-like growth factor 1, IGF-binding protein-3 and cancer risk: evidence from 96 studies. Eur J Hum Genet. 2009 Dec;17(12):1668-75. PMCID: PMC2987015
12. Dai J, Jin G, Dong J, Chen Y, Xu L, Hu Z, Shen H. Prognostic significance of survivin polymorphisms on non-small cell lung cancer survival. J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Nov;5(11):1748-54.
13. Zhang M, Hu L, Shen H, Dong J, Shu Y, Xu L, Jin G, Tian T, Hu Z, Shen H. Candidate variants at 6p21.33 and 6p22.1 and risk of non-small cell lung cancer in a Chinese population. Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet. 2010;1(1):11-8. PMCID: PMC3076751
14. Zhang M, Hu Z, Huang J, Shu Y, Dai J, Jin G, Tang R, Dong J, Chen Y, Xu L, Huang X, Shen H. A 3'-untranslated region polymorphism in IGF1 predicts survival of non-small cell lung cancer in a Chinese population. Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Feb 15;16(4):1236-44.
15. Qian N, Chen X, Han S, Qiang F, Jin G, Zhou X, Dong J, Wang X, Shen H, Hu Z. Circulating IL-1beta levels, polymorphisms of IL-1B, and risk of cervical cancer in Chinese women. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2010 May;136(5):709-16.
16. Li N, Dong J, Hu Z, Shen H, Dai M. Potentially functional polymorphisms in ESR1 and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010 May;121(1):177-84.
17. Hu Z, Shu Y, Chen Y, Chen J, Dong J, Liu Y, Pan S, Xu L, Xu J, Wang Y, Dai J, Ma H, Jin G, Shen H. Genetic polymorphisms in the precursor MicroRNA flanking region and non-small cell lung cancer survival. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011 Mar 01;183(5):641-8.
18. Qian Y, Zhang JP, Dong J, Wang FR, Lin YD, Xu M, Wu LL, Shi P, Shen HB. [Relationship between polymorphisms of X-ray repair cross-complementing group 1 gene Arg194Trp, Arg399Gln and susceptibility of breast cancer]. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2010 Mar;44(3):242-6.
19. Dai J, Hu Z, Dong J, Xu L, Pan S, Jiang Y, Jin G, Chen Y, Shen H. Host immune gene polymorphisms were associated with the prognosis of non-small-cell lung cancer in Chinese. Int J Cancer. 2012 Feb 01;130(3):671-6.
20. Han J, Jiang T, Bai H, Gu H, Dong J, Ma H, Hu Z, Shen H. Genetic variants of 6q25 and breast cancer susceptibility: a two-stage fine mapping study in a Chinese population. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2011 Oct;129(3):901-7.
21. Shi Y, Hu Z, Wu C, Dai J, Li H, Dong J, Wang M, Miao X, Zhou Y, Lu F, Zhang H, Hu L, Jiang Y, Li Z, Chu M, Ma H, Chen J, Jin G, Tan W, Wu T, Zhang Z, Lin D, Shen H. A genome-wide association study identifies new susceptibility loci for non-cardia gastric cancer at 3q13.31 and 5p13.1. Nat Genet. 2011 Oct 30;43(12):1215-8.
22. Liu JB, Qiang FL, Dong J, Cai J, Zhou SH, Shi MX, Chen KP, Hu ZB. Plasma DNA methylation of Wnt antagonists predicts recurrence of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Nov 28;17(44):4917-21. PMCID: PMC3235636
23. Dai J, Hu Z, Jiang Y, Shen H, Dong J, Ma H, Shen H. Breast cancer risk assessment with five independent genetic variants and two risk factors in Chinese women. Breast Cancer Res. 2012 Jan 23;14(1):R17. PMCID: PMC3496134
24. Ma H, Li H, Jin G, Dai J, Dong J, Qin Z, Chen J, Wang S, Wang X, Hu Z, Shen H. Genetic variants at 14q24.1 and breast cancer susceptibility: a fine-mapping study in Chinese women. DNA Cell Biol. 2012 Jun;31(6):1114-20. PMCID: PMC3378955
25. Wu W, Hu Z, Qin Y, Dong J, Dai J, Lu C, Zhang W, Shen H, Xia Y, Wang X. Seminal plasma microRNAs: potential biomarkers for spermatogenesis status. Mol Hum Reprod. 2012 Oct;18(10):489-97.
26. Dong J, Hu Z, Wu C, Guo H, Zhou B, Lv J, Lu D, Chen K, Shi Y, Chu M, Wang C, Zhang R, Dai J, Jiang Y, Cao S, Qin Z, Yu D, Ma H, Jin G, Gong J, Sun C, Zhao X, Yin Z, Yang L, Li Z, Deng Q, Wang J, Wu W, Zheng H, Zhou G, Chen H, Guan P, Peng Z, Chen Y, Shu Y, Xu L, Liu X, Liu L, Xu P, Han B, Bai C, Zhao Y, Zhang H, Yan Y, Amos CI, Chen F, Tan W, Jin L, Wu T, Lin D, Shen H. Association analyses identify multiple new lung cancer susceptibility loci and their interactions with smoking in the Chinese population. Nat Genet. 2012 Jul 15;44(8):895-9. PMCID: PMC6628171
27. Hu L, Wu C, Zhao X, Heist R, Su L, Zhao Y, Han B, Cao S, Chu M, Dai J, Dong J, Shu Y, Xu L, Chen Y, Wang Y, Lu F, Jiang Y, Yu D, Chen H, Tan W, Ma H, Chen J, Jin G, Wu T, Lu D, Christiani DC, Lin D, Hu Z, Shen H. Genome-wide association study of prognosis in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients receiving platinum-based chemotherapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Oct 01;18(19):5507-14. PMCID: PMC3723686
28. Jin G, Ma H, Wu C, Dai J, Zhang R, Shi Y, Lu J, Miao X, Wang M, Zhou Y, Chen J, Li H, Pan S, Chu M, Lu F, Yu D, Jiang Y, Dong J, Hu L, Chen Y, Xu L, Shu Y, Pan S, Tan W, Zhou B, Lu D, Wu T, Zhang Z, Chen F, Wang X, Hu Z, Lin D, Shen H. Genetic variants at 6p21.1 and 7p15.3 are associated with risk of multiple cancers in Han Chinese. Am J Hum Genet. 2012 Nov 02;91(5):928-34. PMCID: PMC3487121
29. Lan Q, Hsiung CA, Matsuo K, Hong YC, Seow A, Wang Z, Hosgood HD 3rd, Chen K, Wang JC, Chatterjee N, Hu W, Wong MP, Zheng W, Caporaso N, Park JY, Chen CJ, Kim YH, Kim YT, Landi MT, Shen H, Lawrence C, Burdett L, Yeager M, Yuenger J, Jacobs KB, Chang IS, Mitsudomi T, Kim HN, Chang GC, Bassig BA, Tucker M, Wei F, Yin Z, Wu C, An SJ, Qian B, Lee VH, Lu D, Liu J, Jeon HS, Hsiao CF, Sung JS, Kim JH, Gao YT, Tsai YH, Jung YJ, Guo H, Hu Z, Hutchinson A, Wang WC, Klein R, Chung CC, Oh IJ, Chen KY, Berndt SI, He X, Wu W, Chang J, Zhang XC, Huang MS, Zheng H, Wang J, Zhao X, Li Y, Choi JE, Su WC, Park KH, Sung SW, Shu XO, Chen YM, Liu L, Kang CH, Hu L, Chen CH, Pao W, Kim YC, Yang TY, Xu J, Guan P, Tan W, Su J, Wang CL, Li H, Sihoe AD, Zhao Z, Chen Y, Choi YY, Hung JY, Kim JS, Yoon HI, Cai Q, Lin CC, Park IK, Xu P, Dong J, Kim C, He Q, Perng RP, Kohno T, Kweon SS, Chen CY, Vermeulen R, Wu J, Lim WY, Chen KC, Chow WH, Ji BT, Chan JK, Chu M, Li YJ, Yokota J, Li J, Chen H, Xiang YB, Yu CJ, Kunitoh H, Wu G, Jin L, Lo YL, Shiraishi K, Chen YH, Lin HC, Wu T, Wu YL, Yang PC, Zhou B, Shin MH, Fraumeni JF Jr, Lin D, Chanock SJ, Rothman N. Genome-wide association analysis identifies new lung cancer susceptibility loci in never-smoking women in Asia. Nat Genet. 2012 Dec;44(12):1330-5. PMCID: PMC4169232
30. Wu W, Qin Y, Li Z, Dong J, Dai J, Lu C, Guo X, Zhao Y, Zhu Y, Zhang W, Hang B, Sha J, Shen H, Xia Y, Hu Z, Wang X. Genome-wide microRNA expression profiling in idiopathic non-obstructive azoospermia: significant up-regulation of miR-141, miR-429 and miR-7-1-3p. Hum Reprod. 2013 Jul;28(7):1827-36.
31. Chu M, Zhang R, Zhao Y, Wu C, Guo H, Zhou B, Lu J, Shi Y, Dai J, Jin G, Ma H, Dong J, Wei Y, Wang C, Gong J, Sun C, Zhu M, Qiu Y, Wu T, Hu Z, Lin D, Shen H, Chen F. A genome-wide gene-gene interaction analysis identifies an epistatic gene pair for lung cancer susceptibility in Han Chinese. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Mar;35(3):572-7. PMCID: PMC3941747
32. Hu Z, Li Z, Yu J, Tong C, Lin Y, Guo X, Lu F, Dong J, Xia Y, Wen Y, Wu H, Li H, Zhu Y, Ping P, Chen X, Dai J, Jiang Y, Pan S, Xu P, Luo K, Du Q, Yao B, Liang M, Gui Y, Weng N, Lu H, Wang Z, Zhang F, Zhu X, Yang X, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Xiong C, Ma H, Jin G, Chen F, Xu J, Wang X, Zhou Z, Chen ZJ, Liu J, Shen H, Sha J. Association analysis identifies new risk loci for non-obstructive azoospermia in Chinese men. Nat Commun. 2014 May 23;5:3857.
33. Xie K, Liu J, Chen J, Dong J, Ma H, Liu Y, Hu Z. Methylation-associated silencing of microRNA-34b in hepatocellular carcinoma cancer. Gene. 2014 Jun 10;543(1):101-7.
34. Zhang R, Chu M, Zhao Y, Wu C, Guo H, Shi Y, Dai J, Wei Y, Jin G, Ma H, Dong J, Yi H, Bai J, Gong J, Sun C, Zhu M, Wu T, Hu Z, Lin D, Shen H, Chen F. A genome-wide gene-environment interaction analysis for tobacco smoke and lung cancer susceptibility. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Jul;35(7):1528-35. PMCID: PMC4076813
35. Nalls MA, Pankratz N, Lill CM, Do CB, Hernandez DG, Saad M, DeStefano AL, Kara E, Bras J, Sharma M, Schulte C, Keller MF, Arepalli S, Letson C, Edsall C, Stefansson H, Liu X, Pliner H, Lee JH, Cheng R, International Parkinson's Disease Genomics Consortium (IPDGC), Parkinson's Study Group (PSG) Parkinson's Research: The Organized GENetics Initiative (PROGENI), 23andMe, GenePD, NeuroGenetics Research Consortium (NGRC), Hussman Institute of Human Genomics (HIHG), Ashkenazi Jewish Dataset Investigator, Cohorts for Health and Aging Research in Genetic Epidemiology (CHARGE), North American Brain Expression Consortium (NABEC), United Kingdom Brain Expression Consortium (UKBEC), Greek Parkinson's Disease Consortium, Alzheimer Genetic Analysis Group, Ikram MA, Ioannidis JP, Hadjigeorgiou GM, Bis JC, Martinez M, Perlmutter JS, Goate A, Marder K, Fiske B, Sutherland M, Xiromerisiou G, Myers RH, Clark LN, Stefansson K, Hardy JA, Heutink P, Chen H, Wood NW, Houlden H, Payami H, Brice A, Scott WK, Gasser T, Bertram L, Eriksson N, Foroud T, Singleton AB. Large-scale meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies six new risk loci for Parkinson's disease. Nat Genet. 2014 Sep;46(9):989-93. PMCID: PMC4146673
36. Dong J, Beard JD, Umbach DM, Park Y, Huang X, Blair A, Kamel F, Chen H. Dietary fat intake and risk for Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord. 2014 Nov;29(13):1623-30. PMCID: PMC4216604
37. Wen Y, Han J, Chen J, Dong J, Xia Y, Liu J, Jiang Y, Dai J, Lu J, Jin G, Han J, Wei Q, Shen H, Sun B, Hu Z. Plasma miRNAs as early biomarkers for detecting hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2015 Oct 01;137(7):1679-90.
38. Yu J, Wu H, Wen Y, Liu Y, Zhou T, Ni B, Lin Y, Dong J, Zhou Z, Hu Z, Guo X, Sha J, Tong C. Identification of seven genes essential for male fertility through a genome-wide association study of non-obstructive azoospermia and RNA interference-mediated large-scale functional screening in Drosophila. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Mar 01;24(5):1493-503.
39. Nalls MA, Bras J, Hernandez DG, Keller MF, Majounie E, Renton AE, Saad M, Jansen I, Guerreiro R, Lubbe S, Plagnol V, Gibbs JR, Schulte C, Pankratz N, Sutherland M, Bertram L, Lill CM, DeStefano AL, Faroud T, Eriksson N, Tung JY, Edsall C, Nichols N, Brooks J, Arepalli S, Pliner H, Letson C, Heutink P, Martinez M, Gasser T, Traynor BJ, Wood N, Hardy J, Singleton AB, International Parkinson's Disease Genomics Consortium (IPDGC), Parkinson's Disease meta-analysis consortium. NeuroX, a fast and efficient genotyping platform for investigation of neurodegenerative diseases. Neurobiol Aging. 2015 Mar;36(3):1605.e7-12. PMCID: PMC4317375
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45. Dong J, Yang J, Tranah G, Franceschini N, Parimi N, Alkorta-Aranburu G, Xu Z, Alonso A, Cummings SR, Fornage M, Huang X, Kritchevsky S, Liu Y, London S, Niu L, Wilson RS, De Jager PL, Yu L, Singleton AB, Harris T, Mosley TH Jr, Pinto JM, Bennett DA, Chen H. Genome-wide Meta-analysis on the Sense of Smell Among US Older Adults. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Nov;94(47):e1892. PMCID: PMC5058953
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47. Dong J, Wyss A, Yang J, Price TR, Nicolas A, Nalls M, Tranah G, Franceschini N, Xu Z, Schulte C, Alonso A, Cummings SR, Fornage M, Zaykin D, Li L, Huang X, Kritchevsky S, Liu Y, Gasser T, Wilson RS, De Jager PL, Singleton AB, Pinto JM, Harris T, Mosley TH Jr, Bennett DA, London S, Yu L, Chen H. Genome-Wide Association Analysis of the Sense of Smell in U.S. Older Adults: Identification of Novel Risk Loci in African-Americans and European-Americans. Mol Neurobiol. 2017 Dec;54(10):8021-8032. PMCID: PMC5441979
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49. Jansen IE, Ye H, Heetveld S, Lechler MC, Michels H, Seinstra RI, Lubbe SJ, Drouet V, Lesage S, Majounie E, Gibbs JR, Nalls MA, Ryten M, Botia JA, Vandrovcova J, Simon-Sanchez J, Castillo-Lizardo M, Rizzu P, Blauwendraat C, Chouhan AK, Li Y, Yogi P, Amin N, van Duijn CM, International Parkinson’s Disease Genetics Consortium (IPGDC), Morris HR, Brice A, Singleton AB, David DC, Nollen EA, Jain S, Shulman JM, Heutink P. Discovery and functional prioritization of Parkinson's disease candidate genes from large-scale whole exome sequencing. Genome Biol. 2017 Jan 30;18(1):22. PMCID: PMC5282828
50. Dong J, Cheng Y, Zhu M, Wen Y, Wang C, Wang Y, Geng L, Shen W, Liu J, Li Z, Zhang J, Ma H, Dai J, Jin G, Hu Z, Shen H. Fine mapping of chromosome 5p15.33 identifies novel lung cancer susceptibility loci in Han Chinese. Int J Cancer. 2017 Aug 01;141(3):447-456.
51. Dong J, Pinto JM, Guo X, Alonso A, Tranah G, Cauley JA, Garcia M, Satterfield S, Huang X, Harris T, Mosley TH Jr, Chen H. The Prevalence of Anosmia and Associated Factors Among U.S. Black and White Older Adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2017 Aug 01;72(8):1080-1086. PMCID: PMC5861899
52. Robak LA, Jansen IE, van Rooij J, Uitterlinden AG, Kraaij R, Jankovic J, International Parkinson’s Disease Genomics Consortium (IPDGC), Heutink P, Shulman JM. Excessive burden of lysosomal storage disorder gene variants in Parkinson's disease. Brain. 2017 Dec 01;140(12):3191-3203. PMCID: PMC5841393
53. Dong J, Thrift AP. Alcohol, smoking and risk of oesophago-gastric cancer. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2017 Oct;31(5):509-517.
54. Dong J, Buas MF, Gharahkhani P, Kendall BJ, Onstad L, Zhao S, Anderson LA, Wu AH, Ye W, Bird NC, Bernstein L, Chow WH, Gammon MD, Liu G, Caldas C, Pharoah PD, Risch HA, Iyer PG, Reid BJ, Hardie LJ, Lagergren J, Shaheen NJ, Corley DA, Fitzgerald RC, Stomach and Oesophageal Cancer Study (SOCS) consortium, Whiteman DC, Vaughan TL, Thrift AP. Determining Risk of Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Based on Epidemiologic Factors and Genetic Variants. Gastroenterology. 2018 Apr;154(5):1273-1281.e3. PMCID: PMC5880715
55. Dong J, Levine DM, Buas MF, Zhang R, Onstad L, Fitzgerald RC, Stomach and Oesophageal Cancer Study (SOCS) Consortium, Corley DA, Shaheen NJ, Lagergren J, Hardie LJ, Reid BJ, Iyer PG, Risch HA, Caldas C, Caldas I, Pharoah PD, Liu G, Gammon MD, Chow WH, Bernstein L, Bird NC, Ye W, Wu AH, Anderson LA, MacGregor S, Whiteman DC, Vaughan TL, Thrift AP. Interactions Between Genetic Variants and Environmental Factors Affect Risk of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma and Barrett's Esophagus. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Oct;16(10):1598-1606.e4. PMCID: PMC6162842
56. Dong J, Gu X, El-Serag HB, Thrift AP. Underuse of Surgery Accounts for Racial Disparities in Esophageal Cancer Survival Times: A Matched Cohort Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Mar;17(4):657-665.e13.
57. Dong J, Wong LJ, Mims MP. Mitochondrial inheritance and cancer. Transl Res. 2018 Dec;202:24-34.
58. Dong J, Gharahkhani P, Chow WH, Gammon MD, Liu G, Caldas C, Wu AH, Ye W, Onstad L, Anderson LA, Bernstein L, Pharoah PD, Risch HA, Corley DA, Fitzgerald RC, Stomach and Esophageal Cancer Study Consortium, Iyer PG, Reid BJ, Lagergren J, Shaheen NJ, Vaughan TL, MacGregor S, Love S, Palles C, Tomlinson I, Gockel I, May A, Gerges C, Anders M, Böhmer AC, Becker J, Kreuser N, Thieme R, Noder T, Venerito M, Veits L, Schmidt T, Schmidt C, Izbicki JR, Hölscher AH, Lang H, Lorenz D, Schumacher B, Mayershofer R, Vashist Y, Ott K, Vieth M, Weismüller J, Nöthen MM, Moebus S, Knapp M, Peters WHM, Neuhaus H, Rösch T, Ell C, Jankowski J, Schumacher J, Neale RE, Whiteman DC, Thrift AP. No Association Between Vitamin D Status and Risk of Barrett's Esophagus or Esophageal Adenocarcinoma: A Mendelian Randomization Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Oct;17(11):2227-2235.e1. PMCID: PMC6675666
59. Dong J, Maj C, Tsavachidis S, Ostrom QT, Gharahkhani P, Anderson LA, Wu AH, Ye W, Bernstein L, Borisov O, Schröder J, Chow WH, Gammon MD, Liu G, Caldas C, Pharoah PD, Risch HA, May A, Gerges C, Anders M, Venerito M, Schmidt T, Izbicki JR, Hölscher AH, Schumacher B, Vashist Y, Neuhaus H, Rösch T, Knapp M, Krawitz P, Böhmer A, Iyer PG, Reid BJ, Lagergren J, Shaheen NJ, Corley DA, Gockel I, Fitzgerald RC, Stomach and Oesophageal Cancer Study (SOCS) consortium, Cook MB, Whiteman DC, Vaughan TL, Schumacher J, Thrift AP. Sex-Specific Genetic Associations for Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology. 2020 Dec;159(6):2065-2076.e1. PMCID: PMC9057456
60. Awada H, Thapa B, Awada H, Dong J, Gurnari C, Hari P, Dhakal B. A Comprehensive Review of the Genomics of Multiple Myeloma: Evolutionary Trajectories, Gene Expression Profiling, and Emerging Therapeutics. Cells. 2021 Aug 02;10(8). PMCID: PMC8391934
61. Dong J*, Garacci Z, Buradagunta CS, Mohan M, D'Souza A, Cunningham A, Janz S, Dhakal B, Hari P.. Characteristics Associated with Disparities in Survival between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Patients with Multiple Myeloma: A Matched Cohort Study. Blood. .
62. Sun F, Cheng Y, Riordan JD, Dupuy A, Dubois W, Pisano M, Dong J, Mock B, Zhan F, Hari P, Janz S. WDR26 and MTF2 are therapeutic targets in multiple myeloma. J Hematol Oncol. 2021 Dec 07;14(1):203. PMCID: PMC8650373
63. Dong J, Garacci Z, Buradagunta CS, D'Souza A, Mohan M, Cunningham A, Janz S, Dhakal B, Thrift AP, Hari P. Black patients with multiple myeloma have better survival than white patients when treated equally: a matched cohort study. Blood Cancer J. 2022 Feb 24;12(2):34. PMCID: PMC8873507
64. Buradagunta CS, Garacci Z, D'Souza A, Dhakal B, Devata S, Janz S, Thrift AP, Hari P, Stolley M, Dong J. Socioeconomic disadvantage contributes to ethnic disparities in multiple myeloma survival: a matched cohort study. Blood Cancer J. 2022 May 25;12(5):82. PMCID: PMC9132975
65. Kim HS, Shetty PB, Tsavachidis S, Dong J, Amos CI, El-Serag HB, Thrift AP. Admixture Mapping in African Americans Identifies New Risk Loci for HCV-Related Cirrhosis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023 Apr;21(4):1023-1030.e39. PMCID: PMC9722981
66. Cheng Y, Sun F, Thornton K, Jing X, Dong J, Yun G, Pisano M, Zhan F, Kim SH, Katzenellenbogen JA, Katzenellenbogen BS, Hari P, Janz S. FOXM1 regulates glycolysis and energy production in multiple myeloma. Oncogene. 2022 Aug;41(32):3899-3911. PMCID: PMC9355869
67. Schröder J, Chegwidden L, Maj C, Gehlen J, Speller J, Böhmer AC, Borisov O, Hess T, Kreuser N, Venerito M, Alakus H, May A, Gerges C, Schmidt T, Thieme R, Heider D, Hillmer AM, Reingruber J, Lyros O, Dietrich A, Hoffmeister A, Mehdorn M, Lordick F, Stocker G, Hohaus M, Reim D, Kandler J, Müller M, Ebigbo A, Fuchs C, Bruns CJ, Hölscher AH, Lang H, Grimminger PP, Dakkak D, Vashist Y, May S, Görg S, Franke A, Ellinghaus D, Galavotti S, Veits L, Weismüller J, Dommermuth J, Benner U, Rösch T, Messmann H, Schumacher B, Neuhaus H, Schmidt C, Wissinowski TT, Nöthen MM, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2 (WTCCC2), Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Genetics Consortium (EAGLE), Barrett's and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Consortium (BEACON), Dong J, Ong JS, Buas MF, Thrift AP, Vaughan TL, Tomlinson I, Whiteman DC, Fitzgerald RC, Jankowski J, Vieth M, Mayr A, Gharahkhani P, MacGregor S, Gockel I, Palles C, Schumacher J. GWAS meta-analysis of 16 790 patients with Barrett's oesophagus and oesophageal adenocarcinoma identifies 16 novel genetic risk loci and provides insights into disease aetiology beyond the single marker level. Gut. 2023 Apr;72(4):612-623.
68. D'Souza A, Brazauskas R, Teng BQ, Yun G, Uttley H, Dong J, Dwinell MB, Pasquini MC, Giralt S, Landau H, Stadtmauer E, Krishnan A, Janz S. DNA methylation in circulating leukocytes is a novel biomarker in multiple myeloma. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2023 Mar;58(3):334-336.
69. Dong J, Buradagunta CS, Zhang T, Spellman S, Bolon YT, DeZern AE, Gadalla SM, Deeg HJ, Nazha A, Cutler C, Cheng C, Urrutia R, Auer P, Saber W. Prognostic landscape of mitochondrial genome in myelodysplastic syndrome after stem-cell transplantation. J Hematol Oncol. 2023 Mar 10;16(1):21. PMCID: PMC9999628
70. Buradagunta CS, Arsang-Jang S, Massat B, Thapa B, Patek V, D'Souza A, Auer P, Urrutia R, Janz S, Dhakal B, Hari P, Dong J. Identification of novel loci for multiple myeloma when comparing with its precursor condition monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. Leukemia. 2024 Feb;38(2):383-385. PMCID: PMC11326531
71. Zhang T, Auer P, Dong J, Cutler C, Dezern AE, Gadalla SM, Deeg HJ, Nazha A, Carlson KS, Spellman S, Bolon YT, Saber W. Whole-genome sequencing identifies novel predictors for hematopoietic cell transplant outcomes for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome: a CIBMTR study. J Hematol Oncol. 2023 Apr 11;16(1):37. PMCID: PMC10088148
72. Mohan M, Janz S, Brazauskas R, Dwinell MB, Teng BQ, Yun G, Dong J, Pasquini MC, Giralt S, Landau H, Stadtmauer E, Krishnan A, D'Souza A. Increased CXCL10 is seen at 1-year after autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation in multiple myeloma patients on maintenance lenalidomide therapy. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2023 Aug;58(8):953-955. PMCID: PMC10555486
73. Hammons L, Haider S, Portuguese AJ, Banerjee R, Szabo A, Pasquini M, Chhabra S, Radhakrishnan S, Mohan M, Narra R, Dong J, Janz S, Shah NN, Hamadani M, D'Souza A, Hari P, Dhakal B. Chimeric antigen receptor and bispecific T-cell engager therapies in multiple myeloma patients with prior allogeneic transplantation. Br J Haematol. 2024 Mar;204(3):887-891.
74. Guru Murthy GS, Zhang T, Bolon YT, Spellman S, Dong J, Auer P, Saber W. Proteomics to predict relapse in patients with myelodysplastic neoplasms undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Biomark Res. 2024 Jan 25;12(1):10. PMCID: PMC10809608
75. Auer PL, Farazi M, Zhang T, Dong J, Bolon YT, Spellman SR, Saber W. Donor germ-line variants associate with outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. Am J Hematol. 2024 Apr;99(4):770-773. PMCID: PMC10947828
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77. Hu Z, Shu Y, Chen Y, Chen J, Dong J, Liu Y, Pan S, Xu L, Xu J, Wang Y, Dai J, Ma H, Jin G, Shen H. Genetic polymorphisms in the precursor MicroRNA flanking region and non-small cell lung cancer survival. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011 Mar 01;183(5):641-8.
78. Liu JB, Qiang FL, Dong J, Cai J, Zhou SH, Shi MX, Chen KP, Hu ZB. Plasma DNA methylation of Wnt antagonists predicts recurrence of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Nov 28;17(44):4917-21. PMCID: PMC3235636
79. Qian X, Cao S, Yang G, Dong J, Jin G, Shen Y, Hu Z. Variant genotypes of MDR1 C3435T increase the risk of leukemia: evidence from 10 case-control studies. Leuk Lymphoma. 2012 Jun;53(6):1183-7.
80. Yang L, Zheng J, Xu R, Zhang Y, Gu L, Dong J, Zhu Y, Zhou R, Zheng L, Zhang X, Du J. Melatonin suppresses hypoxia-induced migration of HUVECs via inhibition of ERK/Rac1 activation. Int J Mol Sci. 2014 Aug 13;15(8):14102-21. PMCID: PMC4159841
81. Xu R, Zhang Y, Gu L, Zheng J, Cui J, Dong J, Du J. Arf6 regulates EGF-induced internalization of E-cadherin in breast cancer cells. Cancer Cell Int. 2015;15(1):11. PMCID: PMC4326200
82. Coffee and Caffeine Genetics Consortium, Cornelis MC, Byrne EM, Esko T, Nalls MA, Ganna A, Paynter N, Monda KL, Amin N, Fischer K, Renstrom F, Ngwa JS, Huikari V, Cavadino A, Nolte IM, Teumer A, Yu K, Marques-Vidal P, Rawal R, Manichaikul A, Wojczynski MK, Vink JM, Zhao JH, Burlutsky G, Lahti J, Mikkilä V, Lemaitre RN, Eriksson J, Musani SK, Tanaka T, Geller F, Luan J, Hui J, Mägi R, Dimitriou M, Garcia ME, Ho WK, Wright MJ, Rose LM, Magnusson PK, Pedersen NL, Couper D, Oostra BA, Hofman A, Ikram MA, Tiemeier HW, Uitterlinden AG, van Rooij FJ, Barroso I, Johansson I, Xue L, Kaakinen M, Milani L, Power C, Snieder H, Stolk RP, Baumeister SE, Biffar R, Gu F, Bastardot F, Kutalik Z, Jacobs DR Jr, Forouhi NG, Mihailov E, Lind L, Lindgren C, Michaëlsson K, Morris A, Jensen M, Khaw KT, Luben RN, Wang JJ, Männistö S, Perälä MM, Kähönen M, Lehtimäki T, Viikari J, Mozaffarian D, Mukamal K, Psaty BM, Döring A, Heath AC, Montgomery GW, Dahmen N, Carithers T, Tucker KL, Ferrucci L, Boyd HA, Melbye M, Treur JL, Mellström D, Hottenga JJ, Prokopenko I, Tönjes A, Deloukas P, Kanoni S, Lorentzon M, Houston DK, Liu Y, Danesh J, Rasheed A, Mason MA, Zonderman AB, Franke L, Kristal BS, International Parkinson’s Disease Genomics Consortium (IPDGC), North American Brain Expression Consortium (NABEC), UK Brain Expression Consortium (UKBEC), Karjalainen J, Reed DR, Westra HJ, Evans MK, Saleheen D, Harris TB, Dedoussis G, Curhan G, Stumvoll M, Beilby J, Pasquale LR, Feenstra B, Bandinelli S, Ordovas JM, Chan AT, Peters U, Ohlsson C, Gieger C, Martin NG, Waldenberger M, Siscovick DS, Raitakari O, Eriksson JG, Mitchell P, Hunter DJ, Kraft P, Rimm EB, Boomsma DI, Borecki IB, Loos RJ, Wareham NJ, Vollenweider P, Caporaso N, Grabe HJ, Neuhouser ML, Wolffenbuttel BH, Hu FB, Hyppönen E, Järvelin MR, Cupples LA, Franks PW, Ridker PM, van Duijn CM, Heiss G, Metspalu A, North KE, Ingelsson E, Nettleton JA, van Dam RM, Chasman DI. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies six novel loci associated with habitual coffee consumption. Mol Psychiatry. 2015 May;20(5):647-656. PMCID: PMC4388784
83. Deng W, Wang Y, Gu L, Duan B, Cui J, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Sun S, Dong J, Du J. MICAL1 controls cell invasive phenotype via regulating oxidative stress in breast cancer cells. BMC Cancer. 2016 Jul 18;16:489. PMCID: PMC4950114
84. Li JR, Arsang-Jang S, Cheng Y, Sun F, D'Souza A, Dhakal B, Hari P, Huang Q, Auer P, Li Y, Urrutia R, Zhan F, Shaughnessy JD Jr, Janz S, Dong J, Cheng C. Enhancing prognostic power in multiple myeloma using a plasma cell signature derived from single-cell RNA sequencing. Blood Cancer J. 2024 Mar 06;14(1):38. PMCID: PMC10915134
85. Dong J, Arsang-Jang S, Zhang T, Chen Z, Bolon YT, Spellman S, Urrutia R, Auer P, Saber W. Prognostic impact of donor mitochondrial genomic variants in myelodysplastic neoplasms after stem-cell transplantation. J Hematol Oncol. 2024 Nov 04;17(1):104. PMCID: PMC11533675
86. Li JR, Parthasarathy AK, Kannappan AS, Arsang-Jang S, Dong J, Cheng C. Characterization of driver mutations identifies gene signatures predictive of prognosis and treatment sensitivity in multiple myeloma. Oncologist. 2024 Nov 04;29(11):e1552-e1564. PMCID: PMC11639189
1. Dong J, Li J, Buradagunta CS, Janz S, Urrutia R, Cheng C. Impaired Plasma B Cell Markers in CD138+ Cells Predict Prognosis in Multiple Myeloma Blood 2022; 140 (Supplement 1): 10054–10055.. .
2. Massat B, Pareek G, Buradagunta CS, Thapa B, Auer P, Dhakal B, Janz S, Hari P, Dong J. Association of Human Leukocyte Antigen Variants with Progression of Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance to Multiple Myeloma Blood 2022; 140 (Supplement 1): 10063–10064.. .
3. Dong J, Thrift A. Risk prediction for Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma: Incorporation of epidemiologic risk factors and 23 confirmed genetic loci. [abstract]. Cancer Res 1 July 2018; 78 (13_Supplement): 2212. Abstract No. 2212.
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