Medical College of Wisconsin
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Jonathan M. Rubin MD
Department of Emergency Medicine

The Hub for Collaborative Medicine
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

1981 - 1985 BA, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
1985 - 1989 MD, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH

1989 - 1992 Residency, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
1992 - 1993 Fellowship, Emergency Medical Services, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1992 - Present Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1993 - 2003 Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2001 - Present Affiliate Faculty, Injury Research Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2003 - 2013 Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2013 - Present Professor of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

1994 - 2004 Director, Milwaukee County EMS Base Physician Orientation Course, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1995 - 1998 Director, Wound Management Clerkship, Department of Family and Community Medicine, M3 Ambulatory Care Clerkship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2001 - 2008 Co-director, Resident EMS Rotation, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2003 - 2008 Assistant Director, EMS Fellowship, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2005 - 2008 Co-Director, Milwaukee County EMS Base Physician Orientation Course, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1996 - Present Quality Improvement Physician Liaison, Emergency Medicine, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
2004 - 2007 EMS Physician Liaison, Emergency Medicine, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
2005 - 2006 Medical Director of Disaster Preparedness, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
2006 - Present Clinical Informaticist/Physician Champion, Office of Clinical Informatics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2009 - Present Associate Director of Clinical Services, Emergency Medicine, Froedtert Hospital/Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2010 - Present Disclosure Champion, Emergency Medicine, Froedtert Hospital/Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2011 - Present Physician Safety Quality Officer, Emergency Medicine, Froedtert Hospital/Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

2002 - 2004 Chairman, Clinical Events Committee, Comparison of standard CPR versus standard CPR plus an inspiratory impedance threshold valve (ResQ-Valve™) in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, Principal Investigator: Tom Aufderheide, MD, Milwaukee, WI

1992 - 1993 St. Joseph’s Community Hospital of West Bend, West Bend, WI
1992 - 2010 Courtesy/Consulting Staff, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1993 - 1995 John L. Doyne Hospital (formerly Milwaukee County Medical Complex), Milwaukee, WI
1995 - Present Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Emergency Medicine
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
Lean Healthcare Certification
University of Michigan

Number Issue DateExpiration
State of Pennsylvania (inactive)
State of Wisconsin

06/1996 Joseph C. Darin Emergency Medicine Teacher of the Year, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2002 Joseph C. Darin Emergency Medicine Teacher of the Year, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2008 Extra Miler Award, Froedtert Hospital
04/2010 Counselor Award, Epic

1990 - 1997 American College of Emergency Physicians (Member)
1990 - 1992 American College of Emergency Physicians, Pennsylvania Chapter (Member)
1991 - 2008 National Association of EMS Physicians (1995-96 Education Committee; 1997-2002 Standards and Clinical Practice Committee; 2004-08 Quality Improvement Ad Hoc Committee) (Member)
1992 - 1997 American College of Emergency Physicians, Wisconsin Chapter (Member)
1992 - 2008 Paramedic Systems of Wisconsin (Member)
1992 - Present Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (1993-96 EMS Committee; 2001-04 EMS Interest Group; 2010-present Academic Informatics Interest Group; 2011-present Clinical Directors Interest Group) (Member)
1993 - 2006 Wisconsin EMS Association (Member)
1993 - 2008 Wisconsin Medical Society (Member)
1994 - 2006 Milwaukee County Medical Society (1994-2006 EMS Committee; 1997-2005 Medical Directors Subcommittee; 1998-99 QA/CQI Subcommittee) (Member)
1994 - Present American Academy of Emergency Medicine (Fellow)
1996 - 1997 American College of Emergency Physicians (Fellow)
2007 - Present American Medical Informatics Association (Member)
2007 - Present Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (Member)

Editorial Board
2009 - Present Medpedia
Journal Review
2002 - Present Academic Emergency Medicine

1993 - 2006 Quality Assurance Director, Milwaukee County EMS
1993 - 2012 Associate Director of Medical Services, Milwaukee County EMS
1994 - 1995 Member, Interfacility Transport Committee, State of Wisconsin EMS Board
1994 - 2007 Member, EMT-D Program, Wauwatosa Fire Department
1994 - 2007 Member, EMT-D Program, Milwaukee Fire Department
1994 - 2004 Medical Advisor, Wisconsin Association of Hazardous Materials Responders, State of Wisconsin EMS Board
1994 - 2007 Member, Emergency Medical Technician-Defibrillator (EMT-D) Program, West Allis Fire Department
1995 - Present Member, Data Collection Committee, State of Wisconsin EMS Board
1996 - 2001 Member, Data and Research Committee, State of Wisconsin EMS Board
1997 - 2007 Member, EMT-B Advanced Skill Program, Wauwatosa Fire Department
1997 - 2007 Member, Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B) Advanced Skill Program, West Allis Fire Department
1997 - 2006 Milwaukee County Deputy Director of EMS, Milwaukee County Disaster Plan
2000 - 2001 Member, Trauma Registry Subcommittee, State of Wisconsin Trauma Advisory Committee
2002 - 2006 Member, Medical Oversight Subcommittee, Southeast Wisconsin Regional Trauma Advisory Committee
2004 Alternate, Wisconsin Medical Society of Delegates, State of Wisconsin EMS Board
2005 - 2006 Member-At-Large, Board of Directors, HRSA Wisconsin Region 7 Bioterrorism Preparedness
2005 - 2006 Member, Executive Committee, HRSA Wisconsin Region 7 Bioterrorism Preparedness
2005 - 2006 Member, Executive Physician Advisory Council, HRSA Wisconsin Region 7 Bioterrorism Preparedness
2005 - 2006 Physician Coordinator, Community Physician Advisory Council, HRSA Wisconsin East Region 7 Bioterrorism Preparedness
2007 - 2009 Member, WITrac Oversight Committee, State of Wisconsin EMS Board

2001 - 2003 Chairman, EMS Interest Group, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Peer Review
Community Outreach Partnership Center
United States Department of Housing And Urban Development
Role & Effort:
Project Leader, Home Safety Assessment Program
08/2000 - 09/2003
Direct Funds:
SBIR Phase I: Creation of a Massively-Scaleable Emergency Medical Resource Information Exchange System Based on an Entity-Attribute-Value Database
National Science Foundation
Role & Effort:
01/01/2004 - 06/30/2004
Direct Funds:
Non-Peer Review
Evaluation of an Emergency Department Linking Project
Wisconsin Health Information Exchange
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
04/01/2007 - 03/31/2009
Direct Funds:

Pirrallo RG, RUBIN JM, EMS Showcase: Milwaukee County EMS, National Association of EMS Physicians 2001 Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly, Tucson, AZ, 01/2001
Fareed M, Mingari A, RUBIN JM, Zimmerman J, ED Renovations for Froedtert Hospital, Epic ASAP Forum, Verona, WI, 04/2008
RUBIN JM, Zimmermann J, Rounding Up Results in the ED, Epic User Group Meeting, Verona, WI, 09/2009
RUBIN JM, Eppers S, Snapshot, Snapshot on the Wall, Epic User Group Meeting, Verona, WI, 09/2011
RUBIN JM, Precious Joules: The Importance of Early Defibrillation, Wisconsin EMT Association Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1993
RUBIN JM, Educational and Training Requirements, Issues in Emergency Medical Services and Medical Direction, Wausau, WI, 02/1993
RUBIN JM, Hazardous Patients, American Trauma Society-Wisconsin Division Annual Meeting, Stevens Point, WI, 12/1993
RUBIN JM, Heat and Cold Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 03/1994
RUBIN JM, Heat and Cold Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 03/1995
RUBIN JM, Heat and Cold Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/1996
RUBIN JM, Update on Pulmonary Emergencies, Wisconsin Paramedic Seminar, Oshkosh, WI, 04/1996
RUBIN JM, Heat and Cold Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/1997
RUBIN JM, Heat and Cold Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/1998
RUBIN JM, Heat and Cold Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/1999
RUBIN JM, EMS Response to Biologic Weapons of Mass Destruction, American College of Surgeons-Wisconsin Division Annual Meeting, Wausau, WI, 11/1999
RUBIN JM, Heat and Cold Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2000
RUBIN JM, Prehospital DNR, “Everything You Wanted to Know About DNR Orders”, sponsored by Midwest Ethics Committee Network/Center for the Study of Bioethics, Milwaukee, WI, 12/2000
RUBIN JM, Heat and Cold Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2001
RUBIN JM, Heat and Cold Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2002
RUBIN JM, Ocular Trauma, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2003
RUBIN JM, Thermal Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2003
RUBIN JM, Update on Thermal Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Refresher Course, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2003
RUBIN JM, Environmental Injuries, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2004
RUBIN JM, Eye Trauma, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2004
RUBIN JM, Making Sense of the Scene: Incident Command & START Triage, HRSA Wisconsin Region 7 1st Community Physician Advisory Council Autumn Seminar, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2004
RUBIN JM, Ocular Trauma, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2005
RUBIN JM, Temperature Emergencies, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2005
RUBIN JM, Temperature Emergencies, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Refresher Course, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2005
RUBIN JM, Ocular Trauma, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Refresher Course, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2005
RUBIN JM, Temperature Emergencies, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2006
RUBIN JM, Ocular Trauma, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2006
RUBIN JM, Ocular Trauma, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Refresher Course, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2006
RUBIN JM, Temperature Emergencies, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Refresher Course, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2006
RUBIN JM, Ocular Trauma, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2007
RUBIN JM, Temperature Emergencies, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2007
RUBIN JM, Ocular Trauma, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Refresher Course, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2007
RUBIN JM, Ocular Trauma, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Refresher Course, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2008
RUBIN JM, Ocular Trauma, Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Refresher Course, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2009
RUBIN JM, You’ll Poke Your Eye Out...Overview of Ocular Trauma, Southeast Wisconsin Regional Trauma Advisory Council Conference, Pewaukee, WI, 09/2010
RUBIN JM, Simian Herpesvirus, Milwaukee County Zoo, Milwaukee, WI, 04/1995
RUBIN JM, Simian Herpesvirus, Milwaukee County Zoo, Milwaukee, WI, 04/1998
RUBIN JM, Aortic Emergencies, Milwaukee County Paramedic Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 09/1998
RUBIN JM, Atypical Presentations of Cardiac Disease, Milwaukee County Paramedic Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 09/1999
RUBIN JM, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Milwaukee County EMS, Emergency Nurses Association (Milwaukee Chapter), Milwaukee, WI, 02/2001
RUBIN JM, Pulse Oximetry and End-Tidal CO2 in EMS, Milwaukee County Paramedic Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2001
RUBIN JM, Care of the Mother After Delivery, Milwaukee County Paramedic Morbidity/Mortality Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2004
RUBIN JM, Simian Herpesvirus, Milwaukee County Zoo, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2005
RUBIN JM, Principles of Triage During Mass Casualties, Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Anesthesiology 5th Trauma Workshop, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2005
RUBIN JM, Disaster Preparedness Post-9/11, Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2006
RUBIN JM, Becoming More Productive With Your iPad (or iPhone)…Is There an App for That?, Medical College of Wisconsin Technology Fair, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2011
RUBIN JM, Becoming More Productive With Your iPad (or iPhone)... Is There an App For That?, Anesthesiology Research Seminar, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2011
RUBIN JM, Becoming More Productive With Your iPad…Is There an App for That?, Medical College of Wisconsin Technology Fair, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2012

RUBIN JM, Pirrallo RG, Defective color vision in paramedics and its effect on blood glucose test strip interpretation. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 1995; 10: S55, National Association of EMS Physicians 1995 Mid-Year Meeting and Scientific Assembly, San Diego, CA, 07/1995
RUBIN JM, Pirrallo RG, Circadian variation in paramedic-initiated turndowns to Basic Life Support. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 1996; 11: S35, National Association of EMS Physicians 1996 Mid-Year Meeting and Scientific Assembly, San Diego, CA, 07/1996
Ozkaynak M, RUBIN JM, Brennan PF, Developing an Observation Strategy for Emergency Departments, American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, Washington, DC, 11/2007

Medical College of Wisconsin
1994 Assistant Editor, The Siren Departmental Newsletter, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1994 - Present Member, Joint Practice Committee, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1995 - 1996 Local Area Network System Administrator, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1995 Member, Arena Task Force, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1995 - Present Residency Applicant Interviewer, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1996 - Present Member, Steering Committee, Emergency Department, Medical College of Wisconsin
1997 - 2005 Member, Research Committee, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1998 - 1999 Member, Practice Guidelines and Outcomes Measurements Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 - Present Member, Education Services Committee, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2001 - 2004 Member, Nominating Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2002 - 2005 Member, Redesign Committee, Emergency Department, Medical College of Wisconsin
04/2006 Judge, 14th Annual Emergency Medicine Research Forum, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2006 Member, Internal RRC Review Committee, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2006 - Present Member, Faculty Promotion Committee, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - 2009 Vice Chairman, Information Technology Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - Present Mock Oral Boards Examiner, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Co-chair, Advanced Practice Provider Committee, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2012 Department of Emergency Medicine Representative, Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - Present Chairman, Joint Quality Review Committee, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 Member, Search Committee, Vice President of Information Services/Chief Information Officer
2012 - Present Member, Library Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1996 Member, Practice Guideline/Clinical Pathway Subgroup, Froedtert Hospital
1997 - 1999 Member, Medical Quality Assessment Committee, Froedtert Hospital
1998 - 2005 Member, Clinical Management Committee, Palliative Care Subcommittee, Froedtert Hospital
2005 - 2006 Member, Emergency Management Council, Froedtert Hospital
2006 - Present Member, Joint Quality Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2006 - Present Member, Epic Coordination Team, Froedtert Hospital
2006 - Present Member, Epic Physicians Advisory Council, Froedtert Hospital
2006 - Present Member, Nutrition and Therapeutics Subcommittee, Epic Pharmacy, Froedtert Hospital
2007 - 2010 Member, Epic Enterprise Reporting Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2007 - Present Member, GCRD Steering Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2008 - Present Member, Readmission Steering Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2009 - Present Member, Juran Inpatient Business Process Team, Froedtert Hospital
2010 - Present Member, Epic Strategic Learning Council, Froedtert Hospital
2011 - Present Member, PNT Antibiotic Subcommittee, Froedtert Hospital
2011 - Present Member, Epic Inpatient Steering Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2012 - Present Member, Epic Clinical Steering Committee, Froedtert Hospital

Medical Student Education
1995 - 1998 Instructor, Wound Management Workshop, M3 Ambulatory Care Clerkship
1996 - 2002 Small Group Facilitator, Medical Ethics and Palliative Medicine Course
1997 - Present Faculty Member, Emergency Medicine Interest Group Medical Student Shadow Program
1998 Emergency Medicine Organizations - Presented to Emergency Medicine Interest Group
2000 Emergency Medicine Organizations - Presented to Emergency Medicine Interest Group
2001 - Present Instructor, ACLS portion of M-3 Clinical Procedures Rotation
2003 - 2005 Small Group Facilitator, Medical Ethics and Palliative Medicine Course
2009 - Present Pathway Bedside Rounds Instructor
Resident and Fellow Education
03/1993 Early Defibrillation
1993 - Present Lecturer, Department of Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds
1994 Burns: Physiology and Management
03/1995 EMS for Mass Gatherings
04/1995 Ocular Trauma
05/1995 EMS System Design
09/1995 Effective Slidemaking
05/1996 Pharyngitis: Controversies in Diagnosis and Treatment
08/1996 Emergency Medical Dispatch
02/1997 Diagnosis & Management of Deep Venous Thrombosis
10/1997 Improving Quality: Principles and Tools
11/1997 EMS Radio Call Review
03/1998 EMS Radio Call Review
04/1998 Hypothermia
09/1998 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Introduction
09/1998 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Radiologic
10/1998 Approach to Sexually Transmitted Diseases
11/1998 Departmental QA/CQI
08/1999 PowerPoint for Dummies
08/1999 Effective Slidemaking
12/1999 Evidence Based Medicine: How to Interpret an Article of Harm
05/2000 EMS Radio Call Review
12/2000 EMS Radio Call Review
04/2001 Seizures
08/2001 Heat Emergencies
09/2001 Analyzing Adverse Events
11/2001 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Biologic
2001 - 2008 Coordinator, EMS Curriculum, Department of Emergency Medicine
01/2002 Hypothermia
08/2002 Ocular Trauma
09/2002 Approach to Medical Error
10/2002 EMS Radio Call Review
02/2003 DVT
07/2003 CQI
08/2003 Thermal and Chemical Burns
09/2003 Emergency Medical Dispatch and Communications
02/2004 EMS Radio Call Review
04/2004 EMS Radio Call Review
08/2004 Ocular Trauma
11/2004 DVT
01/2005 EMS Radio Call Review
07/2005 EMS Radio Call Review
08/2005 Burn Management
03/2006 Ten Things to Know About Male Genitourinary Emergencies
04/2006 Simian B-Virus
04/2006 EMS Radio Call Review
11/2006 Injuries of the Eye and Orbit
02/2007 Using Epic Effectively
05/2007 Ten Things to Know About Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection
10/2007 Quality Improvement – An Introduction to Principles & Tools
03/2008 Epic Update
10/2008 Ocular Injuries
06/2010 Introduction to Quality Improvement
01/2011 Epic Review and Documentation Tips
07/2011 Patient Safety Conference
Continuing Medical Education
10/2007 Ten Things to Know About Male Genitourinary Emergencies
02/2009 Aortic Dissection
10/2009 Ocular Trauma
06/2010 Emergency Medicine Procedures You May Never Do
03/2011 Aortic Dissection
11/2011 Uncommon Emergency Medicine Procedures
05/2012 A Practical Approach to AAA

Medical Student Education
1993 - Present Froedtert Hospital Emergency Department, Attending Physician: bedside teaching for 2-4 M-3's/month
Resident and Fellow Education
1993 - Present Froedtert Hospital Emergency Department, Attending Physician - Bedside teaching of 8-12 residents/month, 598 hrs/year
Continuing Medical Education
06/1997 Froedtert Hospital Emergency Department Nursing Inservice, Wisconsin Prehospital Do Not Resuscitate Statute
10/1998 Froedtert Hospital Emergency Department Nursing Inservice, Women in Labor
12/2002 Froedtert Hospital Trauma Education Seminar, Rapid Sequence Intubation
Community/Lay Public
1993 Milwaukee Area Technical College, Guest Instructor, Emergency Medical Technician Training Program
1996 - 2005 Milwaukee County Paramedic Training Center, ACLS Course Instructor
1998 - 2006 United States National Domestic Preparedness Program, Trainer
03/2000 Froedtert Hospital Community Education Program, How to Recognize an Emergency

Medical Students
1999 - Present, Clinical Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - Present, Master Clinician Pathway Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - Present, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Pathway Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
1994 - Present, Emergency Medicine Resident Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Students
2001 - Present, Virtual Advisor, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Clinical Programs
1995 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Emergency Medicine, Continuous Quality Improvement Program

1993 - Present Medical Advisory Committee, American Red Cross, Greater Milwaukee Chapter
1993 - 1999 Assistant Medical Director, Milwaukee County Stadium/Milwaukee Brewers
1994 - Present Volunteer Medical Consultant, Milwaukee Red Cross Respite Care for the Homeless Program
1994 - Present Volunteer Medical Consultant, Milwaukee Chapter, American Red Cross
1994 - Present Medical Advisor, Milwaukee County Zoo
1995 - 2010 On-Scene Physician/Physician Coordinator, Northwestern Mutual Annual "Roots and Wings" Run
1998 - 1999 Weapons of Mass Destruction Training Committee, Milwaukee County Emergency Management
1999 Y2K Core Planning Group, Milwaukee County Emergency Management
2000 - 2005 Alumni Class Secretary, Dartmouth Medical School Class of 1985
2001 Medical Consultant, Milwaukee County General Assistance – Medical Program

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. McNamara RM, RUBIN JM: Intramuscular methylprednisolone acetate for the prevention of relapse in acute asthma. Annals of Emergency Medicine 1993; 22: 1829 - 1835.
2. Ma OJ*, Pirrallo RG, RUBIN JM: Survey of medical services at Major League Baseball stadiums. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 1995; 10: 268 - 271.
3. RUBIN JM, DeBehnke DJ, Phelan MB: What's New In...Emergency Medicine. Wisconsin Medical Journal 1997; 96: 41 - 43.
4. Pirrallo RG, RUBIN JM, Meyer RK, Murawsky GA: The potential benefits of a fire safety program within Emergency Medical Services: A point-of-contact intervention. Academic Emergency Medicine, March 1998; 5(3): 220-224.
5. Socransky SJ*, Pirrallo RG, RUBIN JM: Out-of-hospital treatment of hypoglycemia: Refusal of transport and patient outcome. Academic Emergency Medicine, November 1998; 5(11): 1080-1085.
6. Schlaishunt ST*, RUBIN JM: A case of urachal remnant presenting with abdominal pain. Journal of Emergency Medicine, Mar-Apr 1999; 17(2): 243-6.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Allison, Jr., EJ, ed. Advanced Life Support Skills, 2nd edition. Mosby-Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, 1996.
2. RUBIN JM, Benzer DG: Treatment of Comorbid Medical Complications. In Manual of Therapeutics for Addictions, Miller NS, Gold MS, Smith DE, eds. Jon Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997.
3. Emergency Response/American Red Cross. Mosby-Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, 1997.
4. Williams JM, RUBIN JM: Injury Prevention and the Role of the EMS Provider. In Basic Trauma Life Support for the EMT-B and First Responder, 4th edition, Campbell JE, ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2004.
5. Williams JM, RUBIN JM: Injury Prevention and the Role of the EMS Provider. In Basic Trauma Life Support for Paramedics and Other Advanced Providers, 5th edition, Campbell JE, ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2004
6. RUBIN JM, Swor RA: Clinical Benchmarking in EMS. In Improving Quality in EMS, Second Edition, Swor RA, Pirrallo RG, eds. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2005.
7. RUBIN JM: Liquid Natural Gas Tanker Truck Explosion. In Disaster Medicine. GR Ciottone et al. eds. Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2006.
8. Williams JM, RUBIN JM: Injury Prevention and the Role of the EMS Provider. In International Trauma Life Support, 6th edition, Campbell JE, ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2007.
1. McNamara RM, RUBIN JM: Intramuscular methylprednisolone acetate for the prevention of relapse in acute asthma. Presented at Scientific Assembly, American College of Emergency Physicians, Pennsylvania Chapter, Philadelphia, PA, April, 1992.
2. Lee DC, Wiley II JF, RUBIN J, et al.: The treatment of respiratory exposure to hydrofluoric acid with nebulized calcium. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 1992; 34: 337.
3. RUBIN JM, Pirrallo RG: Defective color vision in paramedics and its effect on blood glucose test strip interpretation. Presented at the Third Annual Medical College of Wisconsin Emergency Medicine Research Forum, Milwaukee, WI, April, 1995.
4. RUBIN JM, Pirrallo RG: Circadian variation in paramedic-initiated turndowns to Basic Life Support. Presented at the Fourth Annual Medical College of Wisconsin Emergency Medicine Research Forum, Milwaukee, WI, April, 1996.
5. RUBIN JM, Pirrallo RG: Circadian variation in paramedic-initiated turndowns to Basic Life Support. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 1996; 11 (3): S35/108. Presented at the National Association of EMS Physicians 1996 Mid-Year Meeting and Scientific Assembly, Lake Tahoe, NV, July, 1996.
6. Mausner KL‡, Pirrallo RG, Klein JP, RUBIN JM, Seow E: Impact of route and timing of epinephrine administration on survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Academic Emergency Medicine 1996; 3: 442.
7. Pirrallo RG, RUBIN JM, Meyer RK, Murawsky GA: The potential benefits of a fire safety program within emergency Medical Services: A point-of-contact intervention. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 1996; 11: S27.
8. Socransky SJ*, Pirrallo RG, RUBIN, JM: Out-of-hospital treatment of hypoglycemia: Refusal of transport and patient outcome. Academic Emergency Medicine 1997; 4: 413 (A216).
9. Sternig KJ, Pirrallo RG, Szewczuga D, McKeag C, RUBIN JM: Using the syringe aspiration technique in the out-of-hospital setting to minimize unrecognized esophageal intubations. Prehospital Emergency Care 1997; 1: 192.
10. Lin CS‡, RUBIN JM, Pirrallo RG, Ma OJ: Patterns of Injury at a Major League Baseball Stadium. Prehospital Emergency Care 1998; 2: 230. Presented at the National Association of EMS Physicians 1998 Mid-Year Meeting and Scientific Assembly, Lake Tahoe, NV, July, 1998.
11. Lin CS‡, RUBIN JM, Pirrallo RG, Ma OJ: Patterns of Injury at a Major League Baseball Stadium. Presented at the Seventh Annual Medical College of Wisconsin Emergency Medicine Research Forum, Milwaukee, WI, April, 1999.
12. Smith WR*, RUBIN JM: Should transcutaneous cardiac pacing (TCP) be performed in an urban Emergency Medical Services system? Prehospital Emergency Care 2005; 1: 142. Presented at the National Association of EMS Physicians 2005 Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, January, 2005.
Database, Video, or Other Research/Clinical Contributions
1. Department of Emergency Medicine Quality Improvement Database, 1996.
2. Department of Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds Tracking Database, 2007.
3. Department of Emergency Medicine Clinical Procedures Rotation Course Database, 2007
4. Department of Emergency Medicine Rotating Resident Rotation Database, 2008.
5. Department of Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Database, 2011.
6. Department of Emergency Medicine Residency Interview Database, 2012