Medical College of Wisconsin
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Joseph J. Carroll PhD
Director, Professor
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Eye Institute
925 N 87 St
Milwaukee, WI 53226

08/1993 - 05/1997 B.S., Human Biology, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
07/1998 - 05/2002 Ph.D., The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

06/2002 - 12/2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cell & Developmental Biology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
06/2002 - 12/2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cell & Developmental Biology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
06/2002 - 12/2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cell & Developmental Biology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
01/2003 - 03/2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
01/2003 - 03/2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
01/2003 - 03/2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

04/2006 - 07/2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Biophysics, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
04/2006 - 07/2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
06/2008 - 07/2011 Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology, & Anatomy, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2010 - 07/2015 Associate Professor, Departments of Ophthalmology and Biophysics, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2011 - 07/2015 Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology, & Anatomy, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2011 - 07/2015 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
10/2013 - Present Richard O. Schultz / Ruth Works Professor of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
10/2013 - Present Honorary Professor of University College London, Institute of Ophthalmology, UCL, London, ENGLAND
07/2015 - 12/2016 Adjunct Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
07/2015 - Present Professor, Departments of Ophthalmology, Biophysics, and Cell Biology, Neurobiology, & Anatomy, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
12/2016 - Present Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Medical College of Wisconsin / Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

01/2009 - Present Director, Core Image Analysis Module, Department of Ophthalmology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2009 - 11/2016 co-Director, Advanced Ocular Imaging Program, Department of Ophthalmology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
01/2014 - Present Director, Core Grant for Vision Research, Department of Ophthalmology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
11/2016 - Present Director, Advanced Ocular Imaging Program, Department of Ophthalmology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

01/2009 - Present Director, Department of Ophthalmology, Core Image Analysis Module, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2009 - Present co-Director, Department of Ophthalmology, Advanced Ocular Imaging Program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

05/2001 Retina Research Foundation Travel Award, 2001 ARVO Annual Meeting
06/2001 Course Participant & Scholarship Recipient, Structure, Function and Development of the Visual System , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY
08/2004 Pfizer Travel Fellowship, 2004 International Congress of Eye Research
10/2005 Optical Society of America Young Investigator Award , 2005 OSA Fall Vision Meeting, Tucson, AZ
04/2006 Wisconsin Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel - TRIO Achiever Award, TRIO is a US federal programs to increase access to higher education for economically disadvantaged students
01/2007 Vision Research Award, Karl Kirchgessner Foundation
04/2007 University of Wisconsin Green Bay Outstanding Recent Alumni Award
12/2007 Vision Research Award, – E. Matilda Ziegler Foundation
12/2007 E. Matilda Ziegler Foundation Vision Research Award
01/2008 Career Development Award, Research to Prevent Blindness
01/2008 Research to Prevent Blindness Career Development Award
09/2008 Foundation Fighting Blindness Travel Award, Retinal Degeneration Meeting 2008, Emeishan, China
09/2008 Foundation Fighting Blindness Travel Award, Retinal Degeneration Meeting 2008, Emeishan, China
10/2010 Outstanding Medical School Teacher, MCW Curriculum & Evaluation Committee
12/2011 Outstanding Medical School Teacher, Physician Scientist Pathway and Medical Neurosciences, MCW Curriculum & Evaluation Committee
02/2012 ALCON Research Institute, Young Investigator Award
02/2012 Young Investigator Award, ALCON Research Institute
09/2014 Outstanding Teacher Award, MCW Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
11/2014 ARVO Fellow, Silver
05/2015 Alumnus of the Year, MCW Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
12/2015 ARVO Fellow, Gold

10/1998 - Present Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
03/1999 - Present Optical Society of America (OSA)
07/1999 - Present International Colour Vision Society (ICVS)
06/2004 - Present International Society for Eye Research (ISER)
06/2014 - Present Associate Member, McPherson Eye Research Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison (WI)

05/2006 - 05/2007 Journal of the Optical Society of America
10/2010 - 03/2011 Biomedical Optics Express
Journal Review
2008 - Present Retina
2008 - Present Nature Neuroscience
2008 - Present Archives of Ophthalmology
2008 - Present Journal of the Optical Society of America A
2008 - Present Journal of Vision
2008 - Present Visual Neuroscience
2008 - Present Optics Express
2008 - Present Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
2008 - Present Journal of Comparative Psychology
2008 - Present Ophthalmology
2008 - Present Vision Research

05/2004 - 05/2007 Member, ARVO Advocacy Committee
10/2004 - 10/2006 Vice-chair, OSA Applications of Visual Science Technical Group
05/2006 - 05/2010 Member, ARVO Members-in-Training Committee
05/2006 - 05/2009 Member, ARVO Program Committee, VI Section
10/2006 - 10/2008 Chair, OSA Applications of Visual Science Technical Group
05/2007 - 05/2010 Member, ARVO Commercial Relationships Committee
10/2007 - 12/2010 Chair-elect, OSA Vision & Color Division
10/2007 - Present Participant, ARVO Strategic Planning Retreat
01/2008 - 09/2008 Session Organizer, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research
03/2008 - Present Member, Verriest Medal Selection Committee, ICVS
05/2008 - 05/2013 ARVO Strategic Planning Working Group (MIT)
10/2008 - 10/2009 OSA Frontiers in Optics Subcommittee Chair, Division 7
10/2008 - Present Member, OSA Board of Meetings
10/2008 - Present Member, Advisory Committee for the ARVO Multidisciplinary Ophthalmic Imaging Group
10/2008 - Present Member, International Society of Imaging the Eye Program Committee
01/2009 - Present Member, OSA Edgar D. Tillyer Award Committee
01/2009 - Present Member, Fight for Sight Scientific Review Committee
05/2009 - 05/2010 Chair, ARVO Program Committee, VI Section
05/2010 - Present Chair, ARVO Members-in-Training Committee
10/2010 - Present Ad Hoc member, BMIT study section (NIH CSR)

05/2004 - 05/2007 Member, ARVO Advocacy Committee
10/2004 - 10/2006 Vice-chair, OSA Applications of Visual Science Technical Group
05/2006 - 05/2010 Member, ARVO Members-in-Training Committee
05/2006 - 05/2009 Member, ARVO Program Committee, VI Section
10/2006 - 10/2008 Chair, OSA Applications of Visual Science Technical Group
05/2007 - 05/2010 Member, ARVO Commercial Relationships Committee
10/2007 - 12/2010 Chair-elect, OSA Vision & Color Division
10/2007 - Present Participant, ARVO Strategic Planning Retreat
10/2007 - 12/2010 Chair-elect, OSA Vision & Color Division
01/2008 - 09/2008 Session Organizer, XVIII International Congress for Eye Research
03/2008 - Present Member, Verriest Medal Selection Committee, ICVS
05/2008 - 05/2013 ARVO Strategic Planning Working Group (MIT)
10/2008 - Present Member, International Society of Imaging the Eye Program Committee
10/2008 - 10/2010 OSA Frontiers in Optics Subcommittee Chair, Division 7
10/2008 - Present Member, OSA Board of Meetings
10/2008 - Present Member, Advisory Committee for the ARVO Multidisciplinary Ophthalmic Imaging Group
10/2008 - 12/2014 Member, OSA Board of Meetings
01/2009 - 05/2013 Member, Fight for Sight Scientific Review Committee
01/2009 - 12/2012 Member, OSA Edgar D. Tillyer Award Committee (Chair in 2011)
05/2009 - 05/2010 Chair, ARVO Program Committee, VI Section
05/2010 - 05/2013 Chair, ARVO Members-in-Training Committee
10/2010 - 02/2011 Ad Hoc member, BMIT study section (NIH CSR)
10/2010 - 02/2011 Ad Hoc member, BMIT study section (NIH CSR)
12/2010 - 12/2014 Chair, OSA Vision & Color Division
05/2011 Mail reviewer, ZRG1 ETTN-E (12) B study section (NIH)
05/2011 - Present Mail reviewer, ZRG1 ETTN-E (12) B study section (NIH)
06/2011 - 06/2012 ARVO Annual Meeting Site Selection Working Group
11/2011 - Present Mail reviewer, Collaborative Health Research Projects Selection Panel (Canada)
12/2012 - Present Reviewer for Medical Research Council (UK)
02/2013 - 06/2013 Ad Hoc member, ZRG1 ETTN-G (12) study section (NIH)
10/2013 - Present Grant Reviewer for Science Foundation Ireland
11/2013 - Present Member, Dept of Veterans Affairs NURF SRG (VA)
04/2014 - Present Grant Reviewer for NHMRC Australia
04/2014 - Present Grant Reviewer for German Science Foundation, DFG
06/2014 - Present Ad Hoc member, ZDK1 GRB-9 (O3) study section (NIDDK)

Peer Review
Core Grant for Vision Research
National Eye Institute (NIH) (P30EY01931)
Role & Effort:
Image Analysis Module Director
Joseph Carroll, PhD
04/01/2003 - 03/31/2017
Research Training Program in Vision Science
National Eye Institute (NIH) (T32EY014537)
Role & Effort:
Graduate Student Mentor
Joseph C. Besharse, Ph.D.
09/01/2008 - 08/31/2013
Assessing Photoreceptor Structure & Function in Normal and Diseased Retinae
National Eye Institute (NIH) (R01EY017607)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Joseph Carroll, PhD
09/15/2008 - 06/30/2013
Development of a Predictive Algorithm for Age-related Macular Degeneration
Wisconsin Genomics Initiative
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator
Murray Brilliant, Ph.D.
08/01/2010 - 06/30/2012
Non-Peer Review
Assessing Foveal Anatomy in Albinism and Aniridia Using High Resolution Retinal Imaging
Vision for Tomorrow Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
05/01/2010 - 04/30/2011
Peer Review
Organization of the Trichromatic Cone Mosaic
National Eye Institute (NIH) (F32EY014749)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
04/01/2003 - 03/31/2006
Imaging the Effects of Cone Opsin Mutations on the Integrity of the Cone Photoreceptor Mosaic
Fight for Sight
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
06/01/2007 - 06/30/2008
Uncovering Mechanisms of Retinal Disease with High-Resolution Retinal Imaging
E. Matilda Ziegler Foundation for the Blind, Inc.
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
12/31/2007 - 12/31/2010
Career Development Award
Research to Prevent Blindness
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
01/2008 - 01/2012
Non-Peer Review
Relationship Between Cone Density and Cortical Magnification Assessed with fMRI
Rochester Center for Brain Imaging
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
03/01/2005 - 12/31/2005
Visualizing the Effects of Disruptions in Cone Opsin Expression on the Topography of the Human Cone Mosaic
Karl Kirchgessner Foundation (unsolicited)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
01/01/2007 - 12/31/2007
Advanced Retinal Imaging and Improving the Success of Gene Therapy
Hope for Vision
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
01/14/2009 - 12/31/2011

Carroll, J. & Williams, D. R., "Retinal imaging with adaptive optics reveals a novel disease mechanism for dichromacy, " presented at the 2004 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Retinal Neurobiology & Visual Processing, Saxtons River, VT (July, 2004).
Carroll, J., Choi, S., Gray, D., Wolfing, J., Williams, D. R., "Mechanisms of color blindness revealed with adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at the XVIth International Congress of Eye Research, Sydney, Australia (August, 2004).
Carroll, J., "Inferences about photoreceptor degeneration from high-resolution retinal imaging", presented at the Department of Physics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland (March, 2005).
Carroll, J., "In vivo imaging of human photoreceptor disease with adaptive optics, " presented at the 9th Annual Vision Research Conference: Neuroimaging the Retina, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2005).
Carroll, J., "Organization of the human cone mosaic: Implications for red-green color vision", presented at the 2006 ARVO Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (April, 2006).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution imaging of human photoreceptor disease with adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy", presented at the 2006 ARVO Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (April, 2006).
Carroll, J., Porter, J., Neitz, J., Williams, D. R., Neitz, M., "The effects of cone opsin gene disruption on the human photoreceptor mosaic", presented at the Engineering the Eye Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland (June, 2006).
Carroll, J., Roorda, A., Williams, D. R., "Applications of retinal imaging with adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy", presented at the XVIIth International Congress of Eye Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina (November, 2006).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution retinal imaging in inherited colour vision defects", presented at the Summer Colour Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia (February, 2007).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution measurement of visual function using adaptive optics", presented at the 8th International Congress of Wavefront Sensing and Optimized Refractive Corrections, Santa Fe, NM (February, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Organization of the human cone mosaic: implications for red-green colour vision", presented at the World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia (July, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Disruption of the human cone mosaic caused by cone opsin mutations", presented at The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (July, 2007).
Carroll, J., "Assessing the healthy and diseased retina with imaging approaches, " presented at the 2008 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Retinal Neurobiology & Visual Processing, Snowmass Village, CO (July, 2008).
Carroll, J., "Clinical applications of high-resolution retinal imaging", presented to the Applied Optics group in the Department of Physics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland (July, 2009).
Carroll, J., "Resolving drusen-associated photoreceptor disruption in vivo with adaptive optics", presented at the Macula of Paris, Paris, France (January 2010).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption", presented at the 3rd Annual Kongsberg Vision Meeting, Buskerud University College, Kongsberg, Norway (October, 2010).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the human retina with adaptive optics: Assessing development and disruption", presented at the AAAS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (February, 2011).
Carroll, J. & Dubra, A., "Imaging the cone mosaic in retinal disease, " presented at the 2011 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Biology & Chemistry of Vision, Carefree, AZ (June, 2011).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption", presented at the Department of Genetics, Institute of Ophthalmology, London, England (July, 2011).
Carroll, J., "Imaging photoreceptor disruption in the human retina", presented at the Bosch Institute Annual Scientific Meeting, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (June, 2013).
Carroll, J., "Adaptive optics imaging of the human retina", presented at the Retina 2013 Meeting, Dublin, Ireland (November, 2013).
*Carroll, J., "Imaging photoreceptor structure with AOSLO: Recent advances", to be presented at the 7th Annual Kongsberg Vision Meeting, Buskerud University College, Kongsberg, Norway (October, 2014).
*Carroll, J., "Imaging photoreceptor structure in inherited retinal degenerations", to be presented at the Retina 2014 Meeting, Dublin, Ireland (November, 2014).
*Carroll, J., "In vivo imaging of human cone photoreceptor inner segments", to be presented at the IRCCS Fondazione G.B. Bietti, Rome, Italy (December, 2014).
Carroll, J. & Williams, D. R., "Retinal imaging with adaptive optics reveals a novel disease mechanism for dichromacy, " presented at the 2004 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Retinal Neurobiology & Visual Processing, Saxtons River, VT (July, 2004).
Carroll, J., Choi, S., Gray, D., Wolfing, J., Williams, D. R., "Mechanisms of color blindness revealed with adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at the XVIth International Congress of Eye Research, Sydney, Australia (August, 2004).
Carroll, J., "Inferences about photoreceptor degeneration from high-resolution retinal imaging", presented at the Department of Physics, National University of Ireland, Galway (March, 2005).
Carroll, J., "In vivo imaging of human photoreceptor disease with adaptive optics, " presented at the 9th Annual Vision Research Conference: Neuroimaging the Retina, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2005).
Carroll, J., "Organization of the human cone mosaic: Implications for red-green color vision", presented at the 2006 ARVO Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (April, 2006).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution imaging of human photoreceptor disease with adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy", presented at the 2006 ARVO Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (April, 2006).
Carroll, J., Porter, J., Neitz, J., Williams, D. R., Neitz, M., "The effects of cone opsin gene disruption on the human photoreceptor mosaic", presented at the Engineering the Eye Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway (June, 2006).
Carroll, J., Roorda, A., Williams, D. R., "Applications of retinal imaging with adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy", presented at the XVIIth International Congress of Eye Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina (November, 2006).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution retinal imaging in inherited colour vision defects", presented at the Summer Colour Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia (February, 2007).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution measurement of visual function using adaptive optics", presented at the 8th International Congress of Wavefront Sensing and Optimized Refractive Corrections, Santa Fe, NM (February, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Organization of the human cone mosaic: implications for red-green colour vision", presented at the World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia (July, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Disruption of the human cone mosaic caused by cone opsin mutations", presented at The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (July, 2007).
Carroll, J., "Assessing the healthy and diseased retina with imaging approaches, " presented at the 2008 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Retinal Neurobiology & Visual Processing, Snowmass Village, CO (July, 2008).
Carroll, J., "Clinical applications of high-resolution retinal imaging", presented to the Applied Optics group in the Department of Physics, National University of Ireland, Galway (July, 2009).
Carroll, J., "Resolving drusen-associated photoreceptor disruption in vivo with adaptive optics", presented at the Macula of Paris, Paris, France (January 2010).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption", presented at the 3rd Annual Kongsberg Vision Meeting, Buskerud University College, Kongsberg, Norway (October, 2010).
Carroll, J. & Williams, D.R. "Retinal imaging with adaptive optics reveals a novel disease mechanism for dichromacy, " presented at the 2004 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Retinal Neurobiology & Visual Processing, Saxtons River, VT (July, 2004).
Carroll, J., Choi, S., Gray, D., Wolfing, J., Williams, D.R. "Mechanisms of color blindness revealed with adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at the XVIth International Congress of Eye Research, Sydney, Australia (August, 2004).
Carroll, J. "Inferences about photoreceptor degeneration from high-resolution retinal imaging, " presented at the Department of Physics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland (March, 2005).
Carroll, J. "In vivo imaging of human photoreceptor disease with adaptive optics, " presented at the 9th Annual Vision Research Conference: Neuroimaging the Retina, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2005).
Carroll, J. "Organization of the human cone mosaic: Implications for red-green color vision, " presented at the 2006 ARVO Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (April, 2006).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution imaging of human photoreceptor disease with adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy, " presented at the 2006 ARVO Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (April, 2006).
Carroll, J., Porter, J., Neitz, J., Williams, D. R., Neitz, M., "The effects of cone opsin gene disruption on the human photoreceptor mosaic, " presented at the Engineering the Eye Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland (June, 2006).
Carroll, J., Roorda, A., Williams, D.R. "Applications of retinal imaging with adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy, " presented at the XVIIth Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Eye Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina (November, 2006).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution retinal imaging in inherited colour vision defects, " presented at the Summer Colour Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia (February, 2007).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution measurement of visual function using adaptive optics, " presented at the 8th International Congress of Wavefront Sensing and Optimized Refractive Corrections, Santa Fe, NM (February, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Organization of the human cone mosaic: implications for red-green colour vision, " presented at the World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia (July, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Disruption of the human cone mosaic caused by cone opsin mutations, " presented at The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (July, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Assessing the healthy and diseased retina with imaging approaches, " presented at the 2008 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Retinal Neurobiology & Visual Processing, Snowmass Village, CO (July, 2008).
Carroll, J. "Clinical applications of high-resolution retinal imaging, " presented to the Applied Optics group in the Department of Physics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland (July, 2009).
Carroll, J. "Resolving drusen-associated photoreceptor disruption in vivo with adaptive optics, " presented at the Macula of Paris, Paris, France (January 2010).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption, " presented at the 3rd Annual Kongsberg Vision Meeting, Buskerud University College, Kongsberg, Norway (October, 2010).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the human retina with adaptive optics: Assessing development and disruption, " presented at the AAAS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (February, 2011).
Carroll, J. & Dubra, A. "Imaging the cone mosaic in retinal disease, " presented at the 2011 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Biology & Chemistry of Vision, Carefree, AZ (June, 2011).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption, " presented at the Department of Genetics, Institute of Ophthalmology, London, England (July, 2011).
Carroll, J. "Imaging photoreceptor disruption in the human retina, " presented at the Bosch Institute Annual Scientific Meeting, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (June, 2013).
Carroll, J. "Adaptive optics imaging of the human retina, " presented at Retina 2013, Dublin, Ireland (November, 2013).
Carroll, J. "Imaging photoreceptor structure with AOSLO: Recent advances, " presented at the 7th Annual Kongsberg Vision Meeting, Buskerud University College, Kongsberg, Norway (October, 2014).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution imaging of photoreceptor structure in retinal disease, " presented at the 3rd Biennial International Symposium on Age Related Macular Degeneration, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (October, 2014).
Carroll, J. "In vivo imaging of human cone photoreceptor inner segments, " presented at the IRCCS Fondazione G.B. Bietti, Rome, Italy (December, 2014).
Carroll, J. "Adaptive optics imaging in inherited retinal degenerations, " presented at the Casey Eye Institute's 2nd Retinal Gene Therapy Conference, Denver, CO (May, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Split-detector AOSLO imaging of photoreceptor inner segments, " presented at the 10th Annual Lowy Medical Research Institute Annual Meeting, New York, NY (June, 2015).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution retinal imaging in animal eyes, " presented at the 2015 FASEB Scientific Research Conference - Biology & Chemistry of Vision, Big Sky, MT (June, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Adaptive optics imaging biomarkers, " presented at the IX International Meeting of the IRCCS Fondazione G.B. Bietti, "New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Frontiers in Ophthalmology, " Rome, Italy (October, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Adaptive optics imaging in inherited retinal degenerations, " presented at the 13th Macula Vision Research Foundation (MVRF) International Scientific Conference, Boston, MA (October, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Clinical applications of adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at Queen's University Postgraduate Class, Belfast, Ireland (October, 2015).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution retinal imaging and clinical trials - What's next?, " presented at Retina 2015, Dublin, Ireland (November, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Towards a normative database for the human retinal vasculature" presented at Third International Congress on En Face OCT Imaging, Rome, Italy (December, 2015).
Carroll, J. "High resolution retinal imaging in color blindness" presented at XXII Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Eye Research, Tokyo, Japan (September, 2016).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the spectrum of foveal anatomy in the human retina: Lessons from albinism" presented at 9th World Symposium on Ocular Albinism, San Diego, CA (November, 2016).
Carroll, J., "Retinal imaging with adaptive optics reveals novel disease mechanisms in color blindness", presented at SUNY College of Optometry, New York, NY (December, 2006).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic", presented at the Periopsia Seminar Series, University of Houston College of Optometry, Houston, TX (February, 2007).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution retinal imaging reveals unusual cone mosaics in color vision defects, " presented at the 24th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX (February, 2007).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic", Invited Plenary talk - Center for Adaptive Optics Spring Retreat, University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA (March, 2007).
Carroll, J., "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic", presented at the Molecular, Cellular, and Integrated Neurosciences Seminar Series, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (November, 2007).
Carroll, J., "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic", presented at the Oxyopia Seminar Series, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (March, 2008).
Carroll, J., "Using adaptive optics to understand cone degeneration: A progress report", presented at the Adaptive Optics Interest Group, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (May, 2008).
Carroll, J., "Investigating preclinical phenotypes using adaptive optics retinal imaging", presented at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, CA (May, 2008).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic", presented at the Third Annual Berkeley Conference on Translational Research, Berkeley, CA (June, 2009).
Carroll, J., "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the retinal cone mosaic", presented at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (November, 2009).
Carroll, J., "Applications of adaptive optics and OCT retinal imaging", presented at UCSF Department of Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, San Francisco, CA (April, 2010).
Carroll, J., "SD-OCT image segmentation in retinal pathology assessed with adaptive optics", presented at the Society for Imaging and Applied Mathematics, Imaging Science Meeting, Chicago, IL (April, 2010).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption", presented at the 27th Center for Visual Science Symposium: Photons and Neurons, Rochester, NY (June, 2010).
Carroll, J., "OCT imaging of the human retina: Pearls and pitfalls", presented at Casey Eye Institute, Portland, OR (June, 2010).
Carroll, J., "Disruptions in foveal morphology and cone topography visualized with high-resolution retinal imaging", presented at The Ohio State University, College of Optometry, Columbus, OH (August, 2010).
Carroll, J., "Subclinical photoreceptor phenotypes assessed using high-resolution retinal imaging", presented at Emory University, Department of Ophthalmology, Atlanta, GA (January, 2011).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the photoreceptor mosaic in normal and diseased eyes", presented at Duke University, Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics, Durham, NC (April, 2011).
Carroll, J., "Clinical applications of adaptive optics retinal imaging", presented at Duke University, Department of Ophthalmology, Durham, NC (April, 2011).
Carroll, J., "Understanding the normal and diseased retina using adaptive optics imaging", presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, San Jose, CA (October, 2011).
Carroll, J., "Do you know where your cones are? Efforts in deriving repeatable cone density estimates from AO images", Invited talk - Center for Adaptive Optics Fall Retreat, Lake Arrowhead, CA (November, 2011).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution imaging of the human retina: Development and disruption", presented at University of Pennsylvania, Department of Ophthalmology, Philadelphia, PA (December, 2011).
Carroll, J. "Interpretation of adaptive optics images of the photoreceptor mosaic, " presented at International Retinal Imaging Symposium (IRIS-II), New York, NY (June, 2014).
*Carroll, J., "High-resolution imaging of photoreceptor structure in retinal disease", to be presented at the 3rd Biennial Symposium on Age Related Macular Degeneration, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (October, 2014).
*Carroll, J., "Advances in adaptive optics retinal imaging", to be presented at the Ross Eye Institute, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY (January, 2015).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution imaging of human photoreceptor disease with adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy", presented at the New England College of Optometry (January, 2006).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution imaging of human photoreceptor disease with adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy", presented at the New England College of Optometry (January, 2006).
Carroll, J., "Retinal imaging with adaptive optics reveals novel disease mechanisms in color blindness", presented at SUNY College of Optometry, New York, NY (December, 2006).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic", presented at the Periopsia Seminar Series, University of Houston College of Optometry, Houston, TX (February, 2007).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution retinal imaging reveals unusual cone mosaics in color vision defects, " presented at the 24th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX (February, 2007).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic", Invited Plenary talk - Center for Adaptive Optics Spring Retreat, University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA (March, 2007).
Carroll, J., "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic", presented at the Molecular, Cellular, and Integrated Neurosciences Seminar Series, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (November, 2007).
Carroll, J., "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic", presented at the Oxyopia Seminar Series, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (March, 2008).
Carroll, J., "Using adaptive optics to understand cone degeneration: A progress report", presented at the Adaptive Optics Interest Group, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (May, 2008).
Carroll, J., "Investigating preclinical phenotypes using adaptive optics retinal imaging", presented at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, CA (May, 2008).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic", presented at the Third Annual Berkeley Conference on Translational Research, Berkeley, CA (June, 2009).
Carroll, J., "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the retinal cone mosaic", presented at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (November, 2009).
Carroll, J., "Applications of adaptive optics and OCT retinal imaging", presented at UCSF Department of Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, San Francisco, CA (April, 2010).
Carroll, J., "SD-OCT image segmentation in retinal pathology assessed with adaptive optics", presented at the Society for Imaging and Applied Mathematics, Imaging Science Meeting, Chicago, IL (April, 2010).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption", presented at the 27th Center for Visual Science Symposium: Photons and Neurons, Rochester, NY (June, 2010).
Carroll, J., "OCT imaging of the human retina: Pearls and pitfalls", presented at Casey Eye Institute, Portland, OR (June, 2010).
Carroll, J., "Disruptions in foveal morphology and cone topography visualized with high-resolution retinal imaging", presented at The Ohio State University, College of Optometry, Columbus, OH (August, 2010).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution imaging of human photoreceptor disease with adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy, " presented at the New England College of Optometry (January, 2006).
Carroll, J. "Retinal imaging with adaptive optics reveals novel disease mechanisms in color blindness, " presented at SUNY College of Optometry, New York, NY (December, 2006).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic, " presented at the Periopsia Seminar Series, University of Houston College of Optometry, Houston, TX (February, 2007).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution retinal imaging reveals unusual cone mosaics in color vision defects, " presented at the 24th Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research, Houston, TX (February, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic, " Invited Plenary talk - Center for Adaptive Optics Spring Retreat, University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA (March, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Using adaptive optics to understand cone degeneration: A progress report, " presented at the Adaptive Optics Interest Group, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (May, 2008).
Carroll, J. "Investigating preclinical phenotypes using adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, CA (May, 2008).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic, " presented at the Third Annual Berkeley Conference on Translational Research, Berkeley, CA (June, 2009).
Carroll, J. "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the retinal cone mosaic, " presented at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (November, 2009).
Carroll, J. "Applications of adaptive optics and OCT retinal imaging, " presented at UCSF Department of Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, San Francisco, CA (April, 2010).
Carroll, J. "SD-OCT image segmentation in retinal pathology assessed with adaptive optics, " presented at the Society for Imaging and Applied Mathematics, Imaging Science Meeting, Chicago, IL (April, 2010).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption, " presented at the 27th Center for Visual Science Symposium: Photons and Neurons, Rochester, NY (June, 2010).
Carroll, J. "OCT imaging of the human retina: Pearls and pitfalls, " presented at Casey Eye Institute, Portland, OR (June, 2010).
Carroll, J. "Disruptions in foveal morphology and cone topography visualized with high-resolution retinal imaging, " presented at The Ohio State University, College of Optometry, Columbus, OH (August, 2010).
Carroll, J. "Subclinical photoreceptor phenotypes assessed using high-resolution retinal imaging, " presented at Emory University, Department of Ophthalmology, Atlanta, GA (January, 2011).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the photoreceptor mosaic in normal and diseased eyes, " presented at Duke University, Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics, Durham, NC (April, 2011).
Carroll, J. "Clinical applications of adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at Duke University, Department of Ophthalmology, Durham, NC (April, 2011).
Carroll, J. "Understanding the normal and diseased retina using adaptive optics imaging, " presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, San Jose, CA (October, 2011).
Carroll, J. "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic, " presented at the Molecular, Cellular, and Integrated Neurosciences Seminar Series, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (November, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic, " presented at the Oxyopia Seminar Series, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (March, 2008).
Carroll, J. "Do you know where your cones are? Efforts in deriving repeatable cone density estimates from AO images, " Invited talk - Center for Adaptive Optics Fall Retreat, Lake Arrowhead, CA (November, 2011).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution imaging of the human retina: Development and disruption, " presented at University of Pennsylvania, Department of Ophthalmology, Philadelphia, PA (December, 2011).
Carroll, J. "Adaptive Optics in Ophthalmic Imaging, " presented at the 43rd Annual Education Program of the Ophthalmic Photographers Society, Chicago, IL (November, 2012).
Carroll, J. "Interpretation of adaptive optics images of the photoreceptor mosaic, " presented at International Retinal Imaging Symposium (IRIS-II), New York, NY (June, 2014).
Carroll, J. "Adaptive Optics in Ophthalmic Imaging: Photoreceptor Disruption, " presented at Indiana Optometric Association Fall Seminar, Bloomington, IN (October, 2014).
Carroll, J. "Imaging Photoreceptor Disruption in the Human Retina, " presented at Indiana University School of Optometry, Bloomington, IN (October, 2014).
Carroll, J. "Advances in adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at the Ross Eye Institute, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY (January, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Advances in adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (January, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Advances in adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at the Joan & Gordon Bergy Lecture Series in Vision Science, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (April, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Applications of adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (May, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Imaging photoreceptor structure in the living retina: Recent advances, " presented at Cole Eye Institute Distinguished Lecture Series, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH (November, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Applications of adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at the Loris & David Rich Lecture Series in Vision Science, University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham, AL (January, 2016).
Carroll, J. "Applications of adaptive optics retinal imaging, " Charles Dwight Townes Lecturer, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY (June, 2016).
Carroll, J. "High resolution imaging in inherited retinal degenerations, " Louis J. Fox Center for Vision Restoration Conference, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA (June, 2016).
Carroll, J., "Adaptive optics: How it works, retinal rod/cone imaging, & possible clinical applications, " presented at the 49th Annual Ophthalmology Conference, Rochester, NY (June, 2004).
Carroll, J., "Color coding in the human retina and implications for disease, " presented at the 49th Annual Ophthalmology Conference, Rochester, NY (June, 2004).
Carroll, J., "Electro-diagnostic testing: ERG, Multifocal ERG, " presented at the 50th Annual Ophthalmology Conference, Rochester, NY (May, 2005).
Carroll J., "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic", presented at The Gerald A. Fishman, MD Lecture Series in Vision Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL (June, 2007).
Carroll, J., "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic", presented at the Department of Ophthalmology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL (March, 2008).
Carroll, J., "Adaptive optics: How it works, retinal rod/cone imaging, & possible clinical applications, " presented at the 49th Annual Ophthalmology Conference, Rochester, NY (June, 2004).
Carroll, J., "Color coding in the human retina and implications for disease, " presented at the 49th Annual Ophthalmology Conference, Rochester, NY (June, 2004).
Carroll, J., "Electro-diagnostic testing: ERG, Multifocal ERG, " presented at the 50th Annual Ophthalmology Conference, Rochester, NY (May, 2005).
Carroll J., "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic", presented at The Gerald A. Fishman, MD Lecture Series in Vision Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL (June, 2007).
Carroll, J., "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic", presented at the Department of Ophthalmology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL (March, 2008).
Carroll, J. "Adaptive optics: How it works, retinal rod/cone imaging, & possible clinical applications, " presented at the 49th Annual Ophthalmology Conference, Rochester, NY (June, 2004).
Carroll, J. "Color coding in the human retina and implications for disease, " presented at the 49th Annual Ophthalmology Conference, Rochester, NY (June, 2004).
Carroll, J. "Electro-diagnostic testing: ERG, Multifocal ERG, " presented at the 50th Annual Ophthalmology Conference, Rochester, NY (May, 2005).
Carroll J. "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic, " presented at The Gerald A. Fishman, MD Lecture Series in Vision Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL (June, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Visualizing the effect of disruptions in the cone pigment genes on the organization of the cone mosaic, " presented at the Department of Ophthalmology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL (March, 2008).
Carroll, J. "Applications of high-resolution retinal imaging, " presented at the Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Grand Rounds, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI (June, 2016).
Carroll, J., "Applications of high-resolution retinal imaging with adaptive optics", presented at the Department of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin (September, 2005).
Carroll, J., "Applications of high-resolution retinal imaging with adaptive optics", presented at The Brotz Lecture Series, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University (September, 2005).
Carroll, J., "Clinical applications of adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy, " presented at the Wisconsin Eye MD Meeting, Waukesha, WI (June, 2006).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic", presented at the Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology, & Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI (January, 2008).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution imaging of the human retina: A progress report", presented at The Brotz Lecture Series, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University (September, 2008).
Carroll, J., "Imaging retinal development in albinism", presented at The Eye Institute Fall Symposium, Department of Ophthalmology, Medical College of Wisconsin (November, 2010).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption", presented at the Neuroscience Research Center Inaugural Event, Medical College of Wisconsin (November, 2010).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution retinal imaging", presented to the Society for Women in Engineering, Marquette University (October, 2011).
Carroll, J. & Costakos, D., "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption", presented at the Children's Research Institute, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin (December, 2011).
Carroll, J., "High resolution imaging of the living human retina", presented at the Department of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin (September, 2013).
Carroll, J., "Applications of high-resolution retinal imaging with adaptive optics", presented at the Department of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin (September, 2005).
Carroll, J., "Applications of high-resolution retinal imaging with adaptive optics", presented at The Brotz Lecture Series, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University (September, 2005).
Carroll, J., "Clinical applications of adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy, " presented at the Wisconsin Eye MD Meeting, Waukesha, WI (June, 2006).
Carroll, J., "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic", presented at the Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology, & Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI (January, 2008).
Carroll, J., "High-resolution Imaging of the Human Retina: A Progress Report", presented at The Brotz Lecture Series, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University (September, 2008).
Carroll, J. "Applications of high-resolution retinal imaging with adaptive optics, " presented at the Department of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin (September, 2005).
Carroll, J. "Applications of high-resolution retinal imaging with adaptive optics, " presented at The Brotz Lecture Series, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University (September, 2005).
Carroll, J. "Clinical applications of adaptive-optics ophthalmoscopy, " presented at the Wisconsin Eye MD Meeting, Waukesha, WI (June, 2006).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the effects of cone opsin mutations on the organization of the human cone mosaic, " presented at the Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology, & Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI (January, 2008).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution imaging of the human retina: A progress report, " presented at The Brotz Lecture Series, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University (September, 2008).
Carroll, J. "Imaging retinal development in albinism, " presented at The Eye Institute Fall Symposium, Department of Ophthalmology, Medical College of Wisconsin (November, 2010).
Carroll, J. "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption, " presented at the Neuroscience Research Center Inaugural Event, Medical College of Wisconsin (November, 2010).
Carroll, J. "High-resolution retinal imaging, " presented to the Society for Women in Engineering, Marquette University (October, 2011).
Carroll, J. & Costakos, D. "Imaging the human retina: Development and disruption, " presented at the Children's Research Institute, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin (December, 2011).
Carroll, J. "High resolution imaging of the living human retina, " presented at the Department of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin (September, 2013).
Carroll, J. "Advances in non-invasive retinal imaging, " presented at the Integrated Neuroscience Research Center, Marquette University (March, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Clinical applications of high-resolution retinal imaging, " presented at the Joint Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series (MU, MCW, UWM), Medical College of Wisconsin (April, 2015).
Carroll, J. "Applications of high-resolution retinal imaging, " presented at the Department of Radiology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin (April, 2016).
Carroll, J. "Applications of high-resolution retinal imaging, " presented at the Cardiovascular Center Seminar Series, Medical College of Wisconsin (September, 2016).
Carroll, J. "Applications of high-resolution imaging of the living human retina, " presented at the CTSI Seminar Series, Medical College of Wisconsin (October, 2016).

Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Neitz, J. "Testing hypotheses about deutan color vision defects, " presented at the XVth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Göttingen, Germany (July, 1999).
Yamauchi, Y., Williams, D. R., Brainard, D. H., Roorda, A., Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Neitz, J., Calderone, J. B., Jacobs, G. H. "What determines unique yellow, L/M cone ratio or visual experience?, " presented at the 9th congress of the International Colour Association, Rochester, NY (June, 2001).
Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Neitz, J. "Variation in ERG-derived L/M cone ratio among trichromats is linked to the X-chromosome photopigment gene array, " presented at the XVIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Cambridge, England (July, 2001).
Carroll, J., Hofer, H., Neitz, J., Neitz, M., Williams, D. R. "Variation in the cone mosaics of dichromats revealed with adaptive optics, " presented at the XVIIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Seattle, WA (July, 2003).
Neitz, M., Carroll, J., Renner, A., Knau, H., Werner, J. S., Neitz, J. "The genetic causes of red-green dichromacy, " presented at the XVIIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Seattle, WA (July, 2003).
Carroll, J., Choi, S., Wolfing, J., Hofer, H., Williams, D. R. "Imaging retinal disease with adaptive optics, " presented at the IInd European Optical Society Topical Meeting on Physiological Optics, Granada, Spain (September, 2004).
Carroll, J., Lin, J., Wolfing, J. I., Christie, N., Williams, D. R., Makous, W. "Retinal microscotomas revealed with adaptive-optics microflashes, " presented at the XXVIIIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Lyon, France (July, 2005).
Chen, L., Carroll, J., Williams, D. R. "A new method for classifying human cones in vivo, " presented at the 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Optics, Beijing, China (September, 2005).
Baraas, R. C., Carroll, J., Gunther, K. L., Wolfing, J. I., Gray, D., Dubra, A., Williams, D. R., Neitz, M., Foster, D. H. "A progressive form of Tritanopia revealed with adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at the Engineering the Eye II Conference, Galway, Ireland (June, 2006).
Carroll, J., Tait, D., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "Normality of color vision in compound heterozygous females carrying a protan and a deutan defect, " presented at the XIXth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Belem, Brazil (July, 2007).
Carroll, J., Tait, D., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "Normality of color vision in compound heterozygous females carrying a protan and a deutan defect, " presented at Vision Down Under 2007, Cairns, Australia (July, 2007).
Krauskopf, J., & Carroll, J. "Numerical L:M cone ratio estimated by color appearance, ERG, and adaptive optics methods, " presented at the 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, Arrezo, Italy (August, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Variation in temporal properties of cone degeneration imparted by various cone opsin mutations, " presented at the XIIIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Emeishan, China (September, 2008).
Neitz, M., Carroll, J., Gunther, K. L., Neitz, J. "Evolutionary origin of high frequency deleterious mutations in the human cone opsins and their role in the most common eye disorders, " presented at the XXth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Braga, Portugal (July, 2009).
Carroll, J., Dubra, A., Wagner-Schuman, M., Neitz, J., McClements, M., Hunt, D.M., Mollon, J.D., Moore, A.T., Neitz, M., Michaelides, M "Genetic mutations within the L/M array account for both cone dysfunction and the color vision phenotype in Bornholm eye disease, " presented at the XIVth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Mont-Treblant, Canada (July, 2010).
Carroll, J., Dubis, A.M., Genead, M., Cooper, R. F., Williams, V., Sommer, P., Stepien, K.E., Connor, T., Fishman, G.A., Dubra, A., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "A mutant opsin allele associated with cone-type specific degeneration, " presented at the XXIst Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Kongsberg, Norway (July, 2011).
Rosen, R., Weitz, R., Carroll, J., Dubra, A., Stepien, K. E. "Clinical applications of single cell retinal imaging using adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy - an update, " presented at the 35th Annual Macula Society Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel (June, 2012).
Eells, J., Gopalakrishnan, S., Schmitt, H., Maleki, S., Ranji, M., Dubis, A., Carroll, J. "Photobiomodulation protects retinal mitochondria and retinal function in a rodent model of retinitis pigmentosa, " presented at Asia ARVO, New Delhi, India (October, 2013).
*Carroll, J., Scoles, D., Abozaid, M., Han, D.P., Cooper, R.F., Dubra, A. "Interpreting photoreceptor ellipsoid zone lesions visualized with en face SD-OCT, " to be presented at Second International Congress on En Face OCT Imaging, Rome, Italy (December, 2014).
Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Neitz, J. "Testing hypotheses about deutan color vision defects, " presented at the XVth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Göttingen, Germany (July, 1999).
Yamauchi, Y., Williams, D. R., Brainard, D. H., Roorda, A., Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Neitz, J., Calderone, J. B., Jacobs, G. H. "What determines unique yellow, L/M cone ratio or visual experience?, " presented at the 9th congress of the International Colour Association, Rochester, NY (June, 2001).
Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Neitz, J. "Variation in ERG-derived L/M cone ratio among trichromats is linked to the X-chromosome photopigment gene array, " presented at the XVIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Cambridge, England (July, 2001).
Carroll, J., Hofer, H., Neitz, J., Neitz, M., Williams, D. R. "Variation in the cone mosaics of dichromats revealed with adaptive optics, " presented at the XVIIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Seattle, WA (July, 2003).
Neitz, M., Carroll, J., Renner, A., Knau, H., Werner, J. S., Neitz, J. "The genetic causes of red-green dichromacy, " presented at the XVIIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Seattle, WA (July, 2003).
Carroll, J., Choi, S., Wolfing, J., Hofer, H., Williams, D. R. "Imaging retinal disease with adaptive optics, " presented at the IInd European Optical Society Topical Meeting on Physiological Optics, Granada, Spain (September, 2004).
Carroll, J., Lin, J., Wolfing, J. I., Christie, N., Williams, D. R., Makous, W. "Retinal microscotomas revealed with adaptive-optics microflashes, " presented at the XXVIIIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Lyon, France (July, 2005).
Chen, L., Carroll, J., Williams, D. R. "A new method for classifying human cones in vivo, " presented at the 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Optics, Beijing, China (September, 2005).
Baraas, R. C., Carroll, J., Gunther, K. L., Wolfing, J. I., Gray, D., Dubra, A., Williams, D. R., Neitz, M., Foster, D. H. "A progressive form of Tritanopia revealed with adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at the Engineering the Eye II Conference, Galway, Ireland (June, 2006).
Carroll, J., Tait, D., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "Normality of color vision in compound heterozygous females carrying a protan and a deutan defect, " presented at the XIXth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Belem, Brazil (July, 2007).
Carroll, J., Tait, D., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "Normality of color vision in compound heterozygous females carrying a protan and a deutan defect, " presented at Vision Down Under 2007, Cairns, Australia (July, 2007).
Krauskopf, J., & Carroll, J. "Numerical L:M cone ratio estimated by color appearance, ERG, and adaptive optics methods, " presented at the 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, Arrezo, Italy (August, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Variation in temporal properties of cone degeneration imparted by various cone opsin mutations, " presented at the XIIIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Emeishan, China (September, 2008).
Neitz, M., Carroll, J., Gunther, K. L., Neitz, J. "Evolutionary origin of high frequency deleterious mutations in the human cone opsins and their role in the most common eye disorders, " presented at the XXth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Braga, Portugal (July, 2009).
Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Neitz, J. "Testing hypotheses about deutan color vision defects" presented at the XVth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Göttingen, Germany (July, 1999).
Yamauchi, Y., Williams, D.R., Brainard, D.H., Roorda, A., Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Neitz, J., Calderone, J.B., Jacobs, G.H. "What determines unique yellow, L/M cone ratio or visual experience?" presented at the 9th congress of the International Colour Association, Rochester, NY (June, 2001).
Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Neitz, J. "Variation in ERG-derived L/M cone ratio among trichromats is linked to the X-chromosome photopigment gene array" presented at the XVIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Cambridge, England (July, 2001).
Carroll, J., Hofer, H., Neitz, J., Neitz, M., Williams, D.R. "Variation in the cone mosaics of dichromats revealed with adaptive optics" presented at the XVIIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Seattle, WA (July, 2003).
Neitz, M., Carroll, J., Renner, A., Knau, H., Werner, J.S., Neitz, J. "The genetic causes of red-green dichromacy" presented at the XVIIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Seattle, WA (July, 2003).
Carroll, J., Choi, S., Wolfing, J., Hofer, H., Williams, D.R. "Imaging retinal disease with adaptive optics" presented at the IInd European Optical Society Topical Meeting on Physiological Optics, Granada, Spain (September, 2004).
Carroll, J., Lin, J., Wolfing, J.I., Christie, N., Williams, D.R., Makous, W. "Retinal microscotomas revealed with adaptive-optics microflashes" presented at the XXVIIIth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Lyon, France (July, 2005).
Chen, L., Carroll, J., Williams, D.R. "A new method for classifying human cones in vivo" presented at the 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Optics, Beijing, China (September, 2005).
Baraas, R.C., Carroll, J., Gunther, K.L., Wolfing, J.I., Gray, D., Dubra, A., Williams, D.R., Neitz, M., Foster, D.H. "A progressive form of tritanopia revealed with adaptive optics retinal imaging" presented at the Engineering the Eye II Conference, Galway, Ireland (June, 2006).
Carroll, J., Tait, D., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "Normality of color vision in compound heterozygous females carrying a protan and a deutan defect" presented at the XIXth Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Belem, Brazil (July, 2007).
Carroll, J., Tait, D., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "Normality of color vision in compound heterozygous females carrying a protan and a deutan defect" presented at Vision Down Under 2007, Cairns, Australia (July, 2007).
Krauskopf, J., & Carroll, J. "Numerical L:M cone ratio estimated by color appearance, ERG, and adaptive optics methods" presented at the 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, Arrezo, Italy (August, 2007).
Carroll, J. "Variation in temporal properties of cone degeneration imparted by various cone opsin mutations" presented at the XIIIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Emeishan, China (September, 2008).
Neitz, M., Carroll, J., Gunther, K.L., Neitz, J. "Evolutionary origin of high frequency deleterious mutations in the human cone opsins and their role in the most common eye disorders" presented at the XXth Symposium of the International Colour Vi, Braga, Portugal (July, 2009).
Rosen, R., Weitz, R., Carroll, J., Dubra, A., Stepien, K.E., Scripsema, N., Garcia, P., Shah, N., Scoles, D., Burns, S., Landa, G. "Clinical applications of single cell retinal imaging using adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy - an update" presented at the 35th Annual Macula Society Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel (June, 2012).
Eells, J., Gopalakrishnan, S., Schmitt, H., Maleki, S., Ranji, M., Dubis, A., Carroll, J. "Photobiomodulation protects retinal mitochondria and retinal function in a rodent model of retinitis pigmentosa" presented at Asia ARVO, New Delhi, India (October, 2013).
Rosen, R., Razeen, M., Gan, A., Shah, N., Pinhas, A., Cheang, E., Liu, L., Chui, T.Y., Weitz, R., Carroll, J., Dubra, A. "New insights in macular microvascularity using quantitative adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy" presented at the 37th Annual Macula Society Meeting, Key Largo, FL (February, 2014).
Carroll, J., Scoles, D., Abozaid, M., Han, D.P., Cooper, R.F., Dubra, A. "Interpreting photoreceptor ellipsoid zone lesions visualized with en face SD-OCT" presented at Second International Congress on En Face OCT Imaging, Rome, Italy (December, 2014).
Schwartz, S., Connor, Jr., T.B., Vaziri, K., Moshfeghi, A., Moshfeghi, D., Carroll, J., Brilliant, M., McKay, B. "Inverse association between L-DOPA and age-related macular degeneration" presented at the 38th Annual Macula Society Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ (January, 2015).
Rosen, R., Weitz, R., Pinhas, A., Dubow, M., Gentile, R., Gan, A., Razeen, M., Shah, N., Cheang, E., Liu, C., Carroll, J., Sulai, Y., Dubra, A., Chui, T. "Dynamic histopathology studies of retinal vascular disease using adaptive optics imaging" presented at the 38th Annual Macula Society Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ (January, 2015).
Langlo, C.S., Collison, F., Summerfelt, P., White, C., Dubra, A., Hauswirth, W., Fishman, G., Carroll, J. "Longitudinal measurement of cone density in congenital achromatopsia" presented at the XXIIIrd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Sendai, Japan (July, 2015).
Patterson, E.J., Langlo, C.S., Carroll, J. "The use of the Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test in congenital achromatopsia" presented at the XXIIIrd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Sendai, Japan (July, 2015).
Li, Z., Carroll, J. "An analytical model of the influence of cone sensitivity and numerosity on the Rayleigh match" presented at the XXIIIrd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Sendai, Japan (July, 2015).
Carroll, J., Dubra, A., Wagner-Schuman, M., Neitz, J., McClements, M., Hunt, D.M., Mollon, J.D., Moore, A.T., Neitz, M., Michaelides, M "Genetic mutations within the L/M array account for both cone dysfunction and the color vision phenotype in Bornholm eye disease" presented at the XIVth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Mont-Treblant, Canada (July, 2010).
Carroll, J., Dubis, A.M., Genead, M., Cooper, R.F., Williams, V., Sommer, P., Stepien, K.E., Connor, T., Fishman, G.A., Dubra, A., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "A mutant opsin allele associated with cone-type specific degeneration" presented at the XXIst Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Kongsberg, Norway (July, 2011).
Carroll, J., Ver Hoeve, J. N., Murphy, C. J., Summerfelt, P. M., Neitz, J. "Cone photopigment spectral sensitivities in the horse, " presented at the 30th Annual meeting of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Chicago, IL (November, 1999).
Carroll, J., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "Evaluation of the flicker photometric electroretinogram as a method for estimating L:M cone ratios in human eyes, " presented at the 2000 OSA Annual Meeting, Providence, RI (October, 2000).
Carroll, J., Hofer, H., Neitz, M., Williams, D. R., Neitz, J. "Correlation of electroretinogram and adaptive optics derived L:M cone ratio estimates, " presented at the 2002 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Retinal Neurobiology & Visual Processing, Saxtons River, VT (July, 2002).
Carroll, J., Lin, J., Wolfing, J. I., Christie, N., Williams, D. R., Makous, W. "Retinal microscotomas revealed with adaptive-optics microflashes, and a model, " presented at the 2005 OSA Fall Vision Meeting, Tucson, AZ (October, 2005).
Carroll, J., Neitz, J., Neitz, M., Williams, D. R. "High-resolution imaging of the living retina in congenital cone disorders", presented at the Novel Approaches to Bio-Imaging Conference, Janelia Farm (HHMI Campus) Ashburn, VA (March, 2008).
Torti, C., Považay, B., Hofer, B., Herman, B., Kajic, V., Unterhuber, A., Fernandez, E. J., Carroll, J., Ahnelt, P. K., Drexler, W. "In vivo genotype-phenotype correlation using ultra-high speed and resolution retinal OCT with pancorrection, " presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA (January, 2009).
Torti, C., Považay, B., Hofer, B., Herman, B., Kajic, V., Unterhuber, A., Fernandez, E. J., Carroll, J., Ahnelt, P. K., Drexler, W. "Revealing cellular structure in the living human retina using ultra-high speed and resolution OCT with pancorrection, " presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA (January, 2009).
Wagner Schuman, M. L., Dubis, A., Rha, J., Schroeder, B., Godara, P., Stepien, K., Carroll, J., Ahnelt, P. K., Drexler, W. "Photoreceptor mosaic phenotype associated with opsin-gene disruptions: A 6-year follow-up, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2009).
Godara, P., Rha, J., Schroeder, B., Carroll, J., Weinberg, D. V. "Unusual adaptive optics findings in a patient with unexplained vision loss, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2009).
Han, D. P., Stepien, K. E., Carroll, J., Schell, J., Godara, P., Rha, J. "Spectral-domain OCT and adaptive optics may detect Hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity before symptomatic vision loss, " presented at American Society of Retina Specialists, New York, NY (October, 2009).
Summers, C. G., Ostler, S., McAllister, J. T., Tait, D. M., Dubis, A., Rha, J., Stepien, K. E., Carroll, J. "Insight into the spectrum of foveal immaturity in albinism, " presented at 36th Annual AAPOS Meeting, Orlando, FL (April, 2010).
Dubis, A.M., Wagner-Schuman, M.L., Weh, E., Odell, D.W., Chiao, H., Summerfelt, P., Carroll, J. "Variation in foveal pit morphology in Caucasians, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2010).
Kapur, R., Nordgren, R., Dubis, A., Rha, J., Carroll, J., Holtebeck, A., Han, D. P., Stepien, K. E. "Imaging outer retinal structure in hydroxychloroquine patients, " presented at ASRS, Vancouver, BC (August, 2010).
Eells, J.T., Gopalakrishnan, S., Schmitt, H., Dubis, A.M., Carroll, J. "Photobiomodulation protects against retinal degeneration in a rodent model of retinitis pigmentosa, " presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (February, 2013).
Chiu, S.J., Dubis, A.M., Cooper, R.F., Dubra, A., Carroll, J., Izatt, J.A., Farsiu, S. "Validated automatic segmentation of photoreceptors in adaptive optics scanning ophthalmoscope images, " presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (February, 2013).
Rosen, R., Weitz, R., Carroll, J., Dubow, M., Pinhas, A., Shah, N., Chui, T., Sulai, Y., Scripsema, N., Dubra, A. "Fluoro microangiography - First clinical studies of fluorescein angiography using adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Seattle, WA (May, 2013).
Stepien, K.E., Sulai, Y., Langlo, C., Cooper, R., Flatter, J., Kay, D., Robison, S., Weinberg, D., Dubra, A., Carroll, J. "Alterations in cone photoreceptor reflectivity as a biomarker of photoreceptor health, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Seattle, WA (May, 2013).
Rosen, R., Pinhas, A., Razeen, M., Shah, N., Gan, A., Bavier, R., Weitz, R., Carroll, J., Dubra, A., Chui, T.Y.P."Quantitative insights into macular microvascularity using adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy fluorescein angiography, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Orlando, FL (May, 2014).
Sajdak, B., Cooper, R.F., Bazan, K., Higgins, B., Scoles, D.H., Wilk, M., Dubra, A., Carroll, J. "Improving the processing and analysis workflow of adaptive optics retinal imaging, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Orlando, FL (May, 2014).
Severn, P., Dubis, A.M., Cooper, R.F., Carroll, J., Dubra, A., Fitzke, F., Rubin, G., Egan, C., Michaelides, M. "Clinical assessment and single cell imaging in unexplained vision loss, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Orlando, FL (May, 2014).
Eells, J.T., Gopalakrishnan, S., Abroe, B., Schmitt, H., Summerfelt, P., Dubis, A., Carroll, J. "Different photobiomodulation treatment protocols are retinoprotective in the P23H rat, " presented at the XVIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Pacific Grove, CA (July, 2014).
Collison, F.T., Fishman, G.A., Weleber, R.G., Carroll, J., Langlo, C.S., Chulay, J.D. "Prospective cohort study in achromatopsia, " presented at the XVIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Pacific Grove, CA (July, 2014).
Dubis, A.M., Aboshiha, J., BaAbbad, R., Pack, A., Samra, R.S., Ramsamy, G., Sulai, Y., Dubra, A., Webster, W., Carroll, J., Michaelides, M. "Photoreceptor mosaic variability in RPGR-associated retinal dystrophy, " presented at the XVIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration,
Pacific Grove, CA (July, 2014).
Stepien, K.E., Zakka, F.R., Scoles, D.H., Liu, B.S., Cooper, R.F., Langlo, C.S., Connor, T.B., Dubra, A., Carroll, J. "Correlation of photoreceptor structure with autofluorescence in retinal degeneration associated with ABCA4 mutations, " presented at the XVIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Pacific Grove, CA (July, 2014).
Langlo, C.S., Scoles, D.H., Fishman, G.A., Gamm, D.M., Struck, M., Chiang, J., Dubra, A., Carroll, J. "Imaging cone inner segment structure in achromatopsia using split detector AOSLO, " presented at the XVIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Pacific Grove, CA (July, 2014).
Carroll, J., Ver Hoeve, J. N., Murphy, C. J., Summerfelt, P. M., Neitz, J. "Cone photopigment spectral sensitivities in the horse, " presented at the 30th Annual meeting of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Chicago, IL (November, 1999).
Carroll, J., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "Evaluation of the flicker photometric electroretinogram as a method for estimating L:M cone ratios in human eyes, " presented at the 2000 OSA Annual Meeting, Providence, RI (October, 2000).
Carroll, J., Hofer, H., Neitz, M., Williams, D. R., Neitz, J. "Correlation of electroretinogram and adaptive optics derived L:M cone ratio estimates, " presented at the 2002 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Retinal Neurobiology & Visual Processing, Saxtons River, VT (July, 2002).
Carroll, J., Lin, J., Wolfing, J. I., Christie, N., Williams, D. R., Makous, W. "Retinal microscotomas revealed with adaptive-optics microflashes, and a model, " presented at the 2005 OSA Fall Vision Meeting, Tucson, AZ (October, 2005).
Carroll, J., Neitz, J., Neitz, M., Williams, D. R. "High-resolution imaging of the living retina in congenital cone disorders", presented at the Novel Approaches to Bio-Imaging Conference, Janelia Farm (HHMI Campus) Ashburn, VA (March, 2008).
Torti, C., Povazy, B., Hofer, B., Herman, B., Kajic, V., Unterhuber, A., Fernandez, E. J., Carroll, J., Ahnelt, P. K., Drexler, W. "In vivo genotype-phenotype correlation using ultra-high speed and resolution retinal OCT with pancorrection, " presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA (January, 2009).
Torti, C., Povazy, B., Hofer, B., Herman, B., Kajic, V., Unterhuber, A., Fernandez, E. J., Carroll, J., Ahnelt, P. K., Drexler, W. "Revealing cellular structure in the living human retina using ultra-high speed and resolution OCT with pancorrection, " presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA (January, 2009).
Wagner Schuman, M. L., Dubis, A., Rha, J., Schroeder, B., Godara, P., Stepien, K., Carroll, J., Ahnelt, P. K., Drexler, W. "Photoreceptor mosaic phenotype associated with opsin-gene disruptions: A 6-year follow-up, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2009).
Godara, P., Rha, J., Schroeder, B., Carroll, J., Weinberg, D. V. "Unusual adaptive optics findings in a patient with unexplained vision loss, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2009).
Han, D. P., Stepien, K. E., Carroll, J., Schell, J., Godara, P., Rha, J. "Spectral-domain OCT and adaptive optics may detect Hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity before symptomatic vision loss, " presented at American Society of Retina Specialists, New York, NY (October, 2009).
Summers, C. G., Ostler, S., McAllister, J. T., Tait, D. M., Dubis, A., Rha, J., Stepien, K. E., Carroll, J. "Insight into the spectrum of foveal immaturity in albinism, " presented at 36th Annual AAPOS Meeting, Orlando, FL (April, 2010).
Dubis, A. M., Wagner-Schuman, M. L., Weh, E., Odell, D. W., Chiao, H., Summerfelt, P., Carroll, J. "Variation in foveal pit morphology in Caucasians, " presented at ARVO-ISIE, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2010).
Kapur, R., Nordgren, R., Dubis, A., Rha, J., Carroll, J., Holtebeck, A., Han, D. P., Stepien, K. E. "Imaging outer retinal structure in hydroxychloroquine patients, " presented at ASRS, Vancouver, BC (August, 2010).
Carroll, J., Ver Hoeve, J. N., Murphy, C. J., Summerfelt, P. M., Neitz, J. "Cone photopigment spectral sensitivities in the horse" presented at the 30th Annual meeting of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Chicago, IL (November, 1999).
Carroll, J., Neitz, J., Neitz, M. "Evaluation of the flicker photometric electroretinogram as a method for estimating L:M cone ratios in human eyes" presented at the 2000 OSA Annual Meeting, Providence, RI (October, 2000).
Carroll, J., Hofer, H., Neitz, M., Williams, D. R., Neitz, J. "Correlation of electroretinogram and adaptive optics derived L:M cone ratio estimates" presented at the 2002 FASEB Summer Research Conference - Retinal Neurobiology & Visual Processing, Saxtons River, VT (July, 2002).
Carroll, J., Lin, J., Wolfing, J. I., Christie, N., Williams, D. R., Makous, W. "Retinal microscotomas revealed with adaptive-optics microflashes, and a model" presented at the 2005 OSA Fall Vision Meeting, Tucson, AZ (October, 2005).
Carroll, J., Neitz, J., Neitz, M., Williams, D. R. "High-resolution imaging of the living retina in congenital cone disorders" presented at the Novel Approaches to Bio-Imaging Conference, Janelia Farm (HHMI Campus) Ashburn, VA (March, 2008).
Torti, C., Považay, B., Hofer, B., Herman, B., Kajic, V., Unterhuber, A., Fernandez, E. J., Carroll, J., Ahnelt, P. K., Drexler, W. "In vivo genotype-phenotype correlation using ultra-high speed and resolution retinal OCT with pancorrection" presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA (January, 2009).
Torti, C., Považay, B., Hofer, B., Herman, B., Kajic, V., Unterhuber, A., Fernandez, E. J., Carroll, J., Ahnelt, P. K., Drexler, W. "Revealing cellular structure in the living human retina using ultra-high speed and resolution OCT with pancorrection" presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA (January, 2009).
Wagner Schuman, M. L., Dubis, A., Rha, J., Schroeder, B., Godara, P., Stepien, K., Carroll, J., Ahnelt, P. K., Drexler, W. "Photoreceptor mosaic phenotype associated with opsin-gene disruptions: A 6-year follow-up" presented at ARVO-ISIE, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2009).
Godara, P., Rha, J., Schroeder, B., Carroll, J., Weinberg, D. V. "Unusual adaptive optics findings in a patient with unexplained vision loss" presented at ARVO-ISIE, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2009).
Han, D. P., Stepien, K. E., Carroll, J., Schell, J., Godara, P., Rha, J. "Spectral-domain OCT and adaptive optics may detect Hydroxychloroquine retinal toxicity before symptomatic vision loss" presented at American Society of Retina Specialists, New York, NY (October, 2009).
Summers, C. G., Ostler, S., McAllister, J. T., Tait, D. M., Dubis, A., Rha, J., Stepien, K. E., Carroll, J. "Insight into the spectrum of foveal immaturity in albinism" presented at 36th Annual AAPOS Meeting, Orlando, FL (April, 2010).
Dubis, A.M., Wagner-Schuman, M.L., Weh, E., Odell, D.W., Chiao, H., Summerfelt, P., Carroll, J. "Variation in foveal pit morphology in Caucasians" presented at ARVO-ISIE, Fort Lauderdale, FL (May, 2010).
Kapur, R., Nordgren, R., Dubis, A., Rha, J., Carroll, J., Holtebeck, A., Han, D. P., Stepien, K. E. "Imaging outer retinal structure in hydroxychloroquine patients" presented at ASRS, Vancouver, BC (August, 2010).
Eells, J.T., Gopalakrishnan, S., Schmitt, H., Dubis, A.M., Carroll, J. "Photobiomodulation protects against retinal degeneration in a rodent model of retinitis pigmentosa" presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (February, 2013).
Chiu, S.J., Dubis, A.M., Cooper, R.F., Dubra, A., Carroll, J., Izatt, J.A., Farsiu, S. "Validated automatic segmentation of photoreceptors in adaptive optics scanning ophthalmoscope images" presented at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (February, 2013).
Rosen, R., Weitz, R., Carroll, J., Dubow, M., Pinhas, A., Shah, N., Chui, T., Sulai, Y., Scripsema, N., Dubra, A. "Fluoro microangiography - First clinical studies of fluorescein angiography using adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy" presented at ARVO-ISIE, Seattle, WA (May, 2013).
Stepien, K.E., Sulai, Y., Langlo, C., Cooper, R., Flatter, J., Kay, D., Robison, S., Weinberg, D., Dubra, A., Carroll, J. "Alterations in cone photoreceptor reflectivity as a biomarker of photoreceptor health" presented at ARVO-ISIE, Seattle, WA (May, 2013).
Rosen, R., Pinhas, A., Razeen, M., Shah, N., Gan, A., Bavier, R., Weitz, R., Carroll, J., Dubra, A., Chui, T.Y.P." Quantitative insights into macular microvascularity using adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy fluorescein angiography" presented at ARVO-ISIE, Orlando, FL (May, 2014).
Sajdak, B., Cooper, R.F., Bazan, K., Higgins, B., Scoles, D.H., Wilk, M., Dubra, A., Carroll, J. "Improving the processing and analysis workflow of adaptive optics retinal imaging" presented at ARVO-ISIE, Orlando, FL (May, 2014).
Severn, P., Dubis, A.M., Cooper, R.F., Carroll, J., Dubra, A., Fitzke, F., Rubin, G., Egan, C., Michaelides, M. "Clinical assessment and single cell imaging in unexplained vision loss" presented at ARVO-ISIE, Orlando, FL (May, 2014).
Eells, J.T., Carroll, J., Ranji, M., Gopalakrishnan, S. "Unblinded by the light: Photobiomodulation in retinal injury and disease" presented at the American Society for Photobiology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (June, 2014).
Collison, F.T., Fishman, G.A., Weleber, R.G., Carroll, J., Langlo, C.S., Chulay, J.D. "Prospective cohort study in achromatopsia" presented at the XVIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Pacific Grove, CA (July, 2014).
Dubis, A.M., Aboshiha, J., BaAbbad, R., Pack, A., Samra, R.S., Ramsamy, G., Sulai, Y., Dubra, A., Webster, W., Carroll, J., Michaelides, M. "Photoreceptor mosaic variability in RPGR-associated retinal dystrophy" presented at the XVIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Pacific Grove, CA (July, 2014).
Stepien, K.E., Zakka, F.R., Scoles, D.H., Liu, B.S., Cooper, R.F., Langlo, C.S., Connor, T.B., Dubra, A., Carroll, J. "Correlation of photoreceptor structure with autofluorescence in retinal degeneration associated with ABCA4 mutations" presented at the XVIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Pacific Grove, CA (July, 2014).
Langlo, C.S., Scoles, D.H., Fishman, G.A., Gamm, D.M., Struck, M., Chiang, J., Dubra, A., Carroll, J. "Imaging cone inner segment structure in achromatopsia using split detector AOSLO" presented at the XVIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Pacific Grove, CA (July, 2014).
Eells, J.T., Abroe, B., Schmitt, H., Summerfelt, P., Dubis, A., Carroll, J., Gopalakrishnan, S. "830nm photobiomodulation is retinoprotective in a rodent model of retinitis pigmentosa" presented at the XVIth Symposium on Retinal Degeneration, Pacific Grove, CA (July, 2014).
Kim, J.E., Scoles, D.H., Blodi, B.A., Langlo, C.S., Stepien, K.E., Weinberg, D.V., Carroll, J., Dubra, A., "Inner retina and vascular imaging in macular telangiectasia using adaptive optics" presented at the 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Retina Society, Philadelphia, PA (September, 2014).
Trotter, A.D., Langlo, C., Carroll, J., Connor, T.B. "High resolution imaging in juvenile pigmentary retinopathy" presented at the American Medical Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (November, 2015).
Rosen, R.B., Mo, S., Krawitz, B., Geyman, L., Efstathiadis, E., Weitz, R., Carroll, J., Dubra, A., Chui, T.Y. " Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) and adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope fluorescein angiography (AOSLO FA): A quantitative and qualitative comparison" presented at ARV, Seattle, WA (May, 2016).
Mo, S., Krawitz, B., Phillips, E., Garg, R., Geyman, L.S., Efstathiadis, E., Chui, T.Y., Carroll, J., Rosen, R.B. "Visualization of radial peripapillary capillaries in optical coherence tomography angiography: The effect of image averaging" presented at ARVO-ISIE, Seattle, WA (May, 2016).

Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2000 - 06/2001 President, Graduate Student Association, The Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2008 - Present Member, MCW IRB Review Committee (#2)
07/2008 - 07/2009 Member, Faculty Council Curriculum & Evaluation Committee, M3/M4 Subcommittee
09/2008 - Present Co-chair, Basic Science Faculty Search Committee, Department of Ophthalmology
10/2008 - Present Member, MSTP Admissions Committee
01/2009 Member, Advancing Healthier Wisconsin Grant Review Committee
07/2009 Board Member, MCW/Marquette Medical Alumni Association
07/2009 Member, Research Affairs Grant Review Committee
07/2009 - Present Member, GSC Course Evaluation Committee
07/2009 - Present Member, Physician Scientist Pathway Council
03/2010 - Present Member, MCW Internship Program Committee

Medical Student Education
01/2000 - 05/2002 Teaching Assistant, Integrated Medical Neuroscience Lab
01/2000 - 05/2002 Teaching Assistant,Integrated Medical Neuroscience Lab
01/2000 - 05/2002 Teaching Assistant, Integrated Medical Neuroscience Lab
01/2008 - Present Lecturer, Integrated Medical Neuroscience
01/2008 - Present Lecturer, Integrated Medical Neuroscience
01/2008 - Present Lab Staff, Integrated Medical Neuroscience
01/2008 - Present Lecturer, Integrated Medical Neuroscience
01/2010 - 06/2013 Small Group Leader, Physician Scientist Pathway
01/2010 - 06/2013 Small Group Leader, Physician Scientist Pathway
01/2010 - Present Small Group Leader, Physician Scientist Pathway
12/2010 - Present Core Session Presenter, Physician Scientist Pathway
12/2010 - Present Core Session Presenter, Physician Scientist Pathway
Graduate Student Education
01/2008 - Present Lecturer, Integrated Graduate Neuroscience
01/2008 - Present Lecturer, The Biology of Vision
01/2008 - Present Lecturer, The Biology of Vision
01/2008 - Present Lecturer, Integrated Graduate Neuroscience (continued as Fundamentals of Neuroscience)
01/2008 - Present Lecturer, The Biology of Vision
01/2008 - Present Lecturer, Integrated Graduate Neuroscience (continued as Fundamentals of Neuroscience)
10/2008 - Present Lecturer, Molecular & Cellular Neurobiology
10/2008 - Present Lecturer, Molecular & Cellular Neurobiology
10/2008 - Present Lecturer, Molecular & Cellular Neurobiology
01/2009 - Present Course Director, Integrated Graduate Neuroscience (continued as Fundamentals of Neuroscience)
01/2009 - Present Course Director, Integrated Graduate Neuroscience (continued as Fundamentals of Neuroscience)
01/2009 - Present Course co-Director, Integrated Graduate Neuroscience
03/2009 - Present Lecturer, Research Ethics Discussion Series
03/2009 - Present Lecturer, Research Ethics Discussion Series
03/2009 - Present Lecturer, Mechanisms of Cellular Signaling
03/2009 - Present Lecturer, Mechanisms of Cellular Signaling
03/2009 - Present Lecturer, Research Ethics Discussion Series
03/2013 - Present Lecturer, PhD program in Basic and Translational Sciences
03/2013 - Present Lecturer, PhD program in Basic and Translational Sciences
07/2013 - Present Course Director, Advanced Systems Neuroscience
07/2013 - 07/2016 Course Director, Advanced Systems Neuroscience
Resident and Fellow Education
02/2007 - Present Basic Science Lecturer, Ophthalmology Residency Program
02/2007 - Present Basic Science Lecturer, Ophthalmology Residency Program
02/2007 - 06/2016 Basic Science Lecturer, Ophthalmology Residency Program
08/2008 - 08/2009 OCT Workshop, Ophthalmology Residency Program
08/2008 - Present OCT Workshop, Ophthalmology Residency Program
08/2008 - Present OCT Workshop, Ophthalmology Residency Program
10/2009 - Present Retina Lectures (Color Vision, Congenital Cone Disorders, Ophthalmology Residency Program)
10/2009 - Present Retina Lectures (Color Vision, Congenital Cone Disorders; Ophthalmology Residency Program)
10/2009 - 06/2016 Retina Lectures (Color Vision, Congenital Cone Disorders; Ophthalmology Residency Program)
Community/Lay Public
11/2006 - Present "Retinal Imaging"; Eye Opener seminar series
11/2006 - Present "Retinal Imaging"; Eye Opener seminar series
11/2006 - Present "Retinal Imaging"; Eye Opener seminar series
03/2007 - Present "Vision Research"; Oconomowoc High School
03/2007 - Present "Vision Research"; Oconomowoc High School
05/2008 - Present "Envisioning the Future: Emerging Technologies for the Restoration and Preservation of Sight"; MCW Science Café
05/2008 - Present "Envisioning the Future: Emerging Technologies for the Restoration and Preservation of Sight"; MCW Science Café
05/2008 - Present "Envisioning the Future: Emerging Technologies for the Restoration and Preservation of Sight"; MCW Science Café
05/2009 - Present Mentor, The Prairie School Interim Program
05/2009 - Present Mentor, The Prairie School Interim Program
05/2009 - Present Mentor, The Prairie School Interim Program
07/2010 - Present Lecturer, Apprenticeship in Medicine Program (MCW)
07/2010 Lecturer, MCW Apprenticeship in Medicine Program (AIM)
07/2010 - Present Lecturer, MCW Apprenticeship in Medicine Program (AIM)
08/2011 - Present "Advances in Retinal Imaging in Achromatopsia" - Achromatopsia Convention, The Chicago Lighthouse for People who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
08/2011 - Present "Advances in Retinal Imaging in Achromatopsia" - Achromatopsia Convention, The Chicago Lighthouse for People who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
12/2011 - Present "Advances in high-resolution imaging of the human retina", presented at the Milwaukee Chapter Meeting of the Foundation Fighting Blindness
12/2011 - Present "Advances in high-resolution imaging of the human retina, " presented at the Milwaukee Chapter Meeting of the Foundation Fighting Blindness
01/2013 - Present "Retinal Disease Research Breakthroughs: An Imaging Story, " presented at the Milwaukee Chapter Meeting of the Foundation Fighting Blindness
01/2013 - Present "Retinal Disease Research Breakthroughs: An Imaging Story", presented at the Milwaukee Chapter Meeting of the Foundation Fighting Blindness
11/2013 - Present Fighting Blindness Public Engagement Day, presented at Retina 2013, Dublin, Ireland
11/2013 - Present Fighting Blindness Public Engagement Day, presented at Retina 2013, Dublin, Ireland
02/2014 - Present "Adaptive Optics Imaging: From the Stars to Our Eyes", presented at the Milwaukee Ophthalmological Society monthly meeting
02/2014 - Present "Adaptive Optics Imaging: From the Stars to Our Eyes, " presented at the Milwaukee Ophthalmological Society monthly meeting
11/2014 - Present Fighting Blindness Public Engagement Day, presented at Retina 2014, Dublin, Ireland
01/2015 - Present "Retinal Disease Research Breakthroughs, " presented at the Wisconsin Vision Seminar for the Foundation Fighting Blindness
02/2015 - Present "Retinal Disease Research & Advanced Ocular Imaging, " presented at the Wisconsin Vision Professionals Conference
04/2015 - Present "Applications of High Resolution Retinal Imaging, " presented at the Neuroscience Research Center Advisory Board Meeting
06/2015 - Present "Advances in Research and Treatment on Macular Degeneration, " presented at the Summer Meeting of the Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Presidents' Advisory Council
11/2015 - Present Fighting Blindness Public Engagement Day, presented at Retina 2015, Dublin, Ireland

Educational Programs
2008 Implemented Cirrus OCT imaging capabilities for Ophthalmology clinic, provided formal training of technicians, optometrists, and provide continued technical support.
2007 - Present Initiated the organization of a departmental seminar series (Ophthalmology); coordinated speaker invitations with fellow faculty and assisted in development of promotional materials
2010 co-organizer, Department of Ophthalmology Annual Fall Symposium, CME approved, “Advances in Ocular Imaging”
Clinical Programs
2008 - Present Operate the Eye Institute’s comprehensive color vision testing service
2009 - Present Created and co-direct the Eye Institute Advanced Ocular Imaging Program

Teresa Patitucci Summer/Fall 2010 IDP Program
Kate Engerer Summer 2009 MSTP Program
Danielle Reitsma Spring 2009 Neuroscience Program
Nathan Schuld Spring 2010 IDP Program
Anthony Prisco Summer 2009 MSTP Program
Eric Weh Winter 2009 IDP Program

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Litts KM, Cooper RF, Duncan JL, Carroll J. Photoreceptor-Based Biomarkers in AOSLO Retinal Imaging. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017 May 01;58(6):BIO255-BIO267. PMCID: PMC5584616
2. Tanna P, Kasilian M, Strauss R, Tee J, Kalitzeos A, Tarima S, Visotcky A, Dubra A, Carroll J, Michaelides M. Reliability and Repeatability of Cone Density Measurements in Patients With Stargardt Disease and RPGR-Associated Retinopathy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017 Jul 01;58(9):3608-3615. PMCID: PMC5525557
3. Cunefare D, Fang L, Cooper RF, Dubra A, Carroll J, Farsiu S. Open source software for automatic detection of cone photoreceptors in adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy using convolutional neural networks. Sci Rep. 2017 Jul 26;7(1):6620. PMCID: PMC5529414
4. Georgiou M, Kalitzeos A, Patterson EJ, Dubra A, Carroll J, Michaelides M. Adaptive optics imaging of inherited retinal diseases. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018 Aug;102(8):1028-1035. PMCID: PMC6059037
5. Vogel RN, Strampe M, Fagbemi OE, Visotcky A, Tarima S, Carroll J, Costakos DM. Foveal Development in Infants Treated with Bevacizumab or Laser Photocoagulation for Retinopathy of Prematurity. Ophthalmology. 2018 Mar;125(3):444-452.
6. Huckenpahler AL, Wilk MA, Cooper RF, Moehring F, Link BA, Carroll J, Collery RF. Imaging the adult zebrafish cone mosaic using optical coherence tomography-CORRIGENDUM. Vis Neurosci. 2017 Jan;34:E005. PMCID: PMC8054337
7. Strampe MR, Wirostko WJ, Carroll J. A case of congenital retinal macrovessel in an otherwise normal eye. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. 2017 Dec;8:18-21. PMCID: PMC5731666
8. Sun LW, Carroll J, Lujan BJ. Photoreceptor disruption and vision loss associated with central serous retinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. 2017 Dec;8:74-77. PMCID: PMC5731669
9. Kalitzeos A, Samra R, Kasilian M, Tee JJL, Strampe M, Langlo C, Webster AR, Dubra A, Carroll J, Michaelides M. CELLULAR IMAGING OF THE TAPETAL-LIKE REFLEX IN CARRIERS OF RPGR-ASSOCIATED RETINOPATHY. Retina. 2019 Mar;39(3):570-580. PMCID: PMC5963958
10. Huckenpahler A, Wilk M, Link B, Carroll J, Collery R. Repeatability and Reproducibility of In Vivo Cone Density Measurements in the Adult Zebrafish Retina. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2018;1074:151-156. PMCID: PMC6363109
11. Sajdak BS, Salmon AE, Litts KM, Wells C, Allen KP, Dubra A, Merriman DK, Carroll J. Evaluating seasonal changes of cone photoreceptor structure in the 13-lined ground squirrel. Vision Res. 2019 May;158:90-99. PMCID: PMC6538439
12. Schmidt TG, Linderman RE, Strampe MR, Chui TYP, Rosen RB, Carroll J. The Utility of Frame Averaging for Automated Algorithms in Analyzing Retinal Vascular Biomarkers in AngioVue OCTA. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2019 Jan;8(1):10. PMCID: PMC6340247
13. Georgiou M, Litts KM, Kalitzeos A, Langlo CS, Kane T, Singh N, Kassilian M, Hirji N, Kumaran N, Dubra A, Carroll J, Michaelides M. Adaptive Optics Retinal Imaging in CNGA3-Associated Achromatopsia: Retinal Characterization, Interocular Symmetry, and Intrafamilial Variability. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Jan 02;60(1):383-396. PMCID: PMC6354941
14. Rosen RB, Andrade Romo JS, Krawitz BD, Mo S, Fawzi AA, Linderman RE, Carroll J, Pinhas A, Chui TYP. Earliest Evidence of Preclinical Diabetic Retinopathy Revealed Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Perfused Capillary Density. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019 Jul;203:103-115. PMCID: PMC6612596
15. Davidson B, Kalitzeos A, Carroll J, Dubra A, Ourselin S, Michaelides M, Bergeles C. Fast adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope retinal montaging. Biomed Opt Express. 2018 Sep 01;9(9):4317-4328. PMCID: PMC6157757
16. Lapierre-Landry M, Carroll J, Skala MC. Imaging retinal melanin: a review of current technologies. J Biol Eng. 2018;12:29. PMCID: PMC6280494
17. Hirji N, Georgiou M, Kalitzeos A, Bainbridge JW, Kumaran N, Aboshiha J, Carroll J, Michaelides M. Longitudinal Assessment of Retinal Structure in Achromatopsia Patients With Long-Term Follow-up. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 Dec 03;59(15):5735-5744. PMCID: PMC6280917
18. Braza ME, Young J, Hammeke TA, Robison SE, Han DP, Warren CC, Carroll J, Stepien KE. Assessing photoreceptor structure in patients with traumatic head injury. BMJ Open Ophthalmol. 2018;3(1):e000104. PMCID: PMC6257382
19. Cunefare D, Langlo CS, Patterson EJ, Blau S, Dubra A, Carroll J, Farsiu S. Deep learning based detection of cone photoreceptors with multimodal adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope images of achromatopsia. Biomed Opt Express. 2018 Aug 01;9(8):3740-3756. PMCID: PMC6191607
20. Linderman RE, Muthiah MN, Omoba SB, Litts K, Tarima S, Visotcky A, Kim JE, Carroll J. Variability of Foveal Avascular Zone Metrics Derived From Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2018 Sep;7(5):20. PMCID: PMC6166903
21. Lee DJ, Woertz EN, Visotcky A, Wilk MA, Heitkotter H, Linderman RE, Tarima S, Summers CG, Brooks BP, Brilliant MH, Antony BJ, Lujan BJ, Carroll J. The Henle Fiber Layer in Albinism: Comparison to Normal and Relationship to Outer Nuclear Layer Thickness and Foveal Cone Density. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 Nov 01;59(13):5336-5348. PMCID: PMC6219160
22. Yu FPS, Sajdak BS, Sikora J, Salmon AE, Nagree MS, Gurka J, Kassem IS, Lipinski DM, Carroll J, Medin JA. Acid Ceramidase Deficiency in Mice Leads to Severe Ocular Pathology and Visual Impairment. Am J Pathol. 2019 Feb;189(2):320-338. PMCID: PMC6412726
23. Lapierre-Landry M, Huckenpahler AL, Link BA, Collery RF, Carroll J, Skala MC. Imaging Melanin Distribution in the Zebrafish Retina Using Photothermal Optical Coherence Tomography. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2018;7(5):4. PMCID: PMC6126953
24. Patterson EJ, Kalitzeos A, Kasilian M, Gardner JC, Neitz J, Hardcastle AJ, Neitz M, Carroll J, Michaelides M. Residual Cone Structure in Patients With X-Linked Cone Opsin Mutations. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 Aug 01;59(10):4238-4248. PMCID: PMC6103386
25. Costakos DM, Vogel R, Carroll J. Reply. Ophthalmology. 2018 Aug;125(8):e57.
26. Salmon AE, Sajdak BS, Atry F, Carroll J. Axial Scaling Is Independent of Ocular Magnification in OCT Images. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 Jun 01;59(7):3037-3040. PMCID: PMC6005622
27. Krawitz BD, Phillips E, Bavier RD, Mo S, Carroll J, Rosen RB, Chui TYP. Parafoveal Nonperfusion Analysis in Diabetic Retinopathy Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2018 Jul;7(4):4. PMCID: PMC6042523
28. Strampe MR, Huckenpahler AL, Higgins BP, Tarima S, Visotcky A, Stepien KE, Kay CN, Carroll J. Intraobserver Repeatability and Interobserver Reproducibility of Ellipsoid Zone Measurements in Retinitis Pigmentosa. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2018 May;7(3):13. PMCID: PMC5989764
29. Sajdak BS, Bell BA, Lewis TR, Luna G, Cornwell GS, Fisher SK, Merriman DK, Carroll J. Assessment of Outer Retinal Remodeling in the Hibernating 13-Lined Ground Squirrel. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 May 01;59(6):2538-2547. PMCID: PMC5967598
30. Pinhas A, Linderman R, Mo S, Krawitz BD, Geyman LS, Carroll J, Rosen RB, Chui TY. A method for age-matched OCT angiography deviation mapping in the assessment of disease- related changes to the radial peripapillary capillaries. PLoS One. 2018;13(5):e0197062. PMCID: PMC5993123
31. Davidson B, Kalitzeos A, Carroll J, Dubra A, Ourselin S, Michaelides M, Bergeles C. Automatic Cone Photoreceptor Localisation in Healthy and Stargardt Afflicted Retinas Using Deep Learning. Sci Rep. 2018 May 21;8(1):7911. PMCID: PMC5962538
32. Cunefare D, Huckenpahler AL, Patterson EJ, Dubra A, Carroll J, Farsiu S. RAC-CNN: Multimodal deep learning based automatic detection and classification of rod and cone photoreceptors in adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope images Biomedical Optics Express. 1 August 2019;10(8):3815-3832.
33. Lynch G, Scott AW, Linz MO, Han I, Andrade Romo JS, Linderman RE, Carroll J, Rosen RB, Chui TY. Foveal avascular zone morphology and parafoveal capillary perfusion in sickle cell retinopathy. Br J Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr;104(4):473-479. PMCID: PMC6980907
34. Mastey RR, Georgiou M, Langlo CS, Kalitzeos A, Patterson EJ, Kane T, Singh N, Vincent A, Moore AT, Tsang SH, Lin JH, Young MP, Hartnett ME, Héon E, Kohl S, Michaelides M, Carroll J. Characterization of Retinal Structure in ATF6-Associated Achromatopsia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Jun 03;60(7):2631-2640. PMCID: PMC6594318
35. Lynch G, Romo JSA, Linderman R, Krawitz BD, Mo S, Zakik A, Carroll J, Rosen RB, Chui TYP. Within-subject assessment of foveal avascular zone enlargement in different stages of diabetic retinopathy using <i>en face</i> OCT reflectance and OCT angiography. Biomed Opt Express. 2018 Dec 01;9(12):5982-5996. PMCID: PMC6491024
36. Young JB, Godara P, Williams V, Summerfelt P, Connor TB, Tarima S, Visotcky A, Cooper RF, Blindauer K, Carroll J. Assessing Retinal Structure in Patients with Parkinson's Disease. J Neurol Neurophysiol. 2019;10(1). PMCID: PMC6494090
37. Linderman RE, Muthiah MN, Omoba SB, Litts KM, Tarima S, Visotcky A, Kim JE, Carroll J. Erratum: Variability of foveal avascular zone metrics derived from optical coherence tomography angiography images (Trans Vis Sci Tech. (2018) 7 (5), 10.1167/tvst.7.5.20) Translational Vision Science and Technology. November 2018;7(6).
38. Rosen R, Chui T, Weitz R, Dubra A, Carroll J, Garcia P, Pinhas A, Scripsema N, Mo S, Agemy S, Krawitz B. New clinical opportunities for retinal vascular imaging: Adaptive optics to OCT angiography Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2018;10591.
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41. Kirk DK, Gopalakrishnan S, Schmitt H, Abroe B, Stoehr M, Dubis A, Carroll J, Stone J, Valter K, Eells J. Photobiomodulation reduces photoreceptor death and regulates cytoprotection in early states of P23H retinal dystrophy Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2013;8569.
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50. Mastey RR, Gaffney M, Litts KM, Langlo CS, Patterson EJ, Strampe MR, Kalitzeos A, Michaelides M, Carroll J. Assessing the Interocular Symmetry of Foveal Outer Nuclear Layer Thickness in Achromatopsia. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2019 Sep;8(5):21. PMCID: PMC6779097
51. Sajdak BS, Salmon AE, Linderman RE, Cava JA, Heitkotter H, Carroll J. Interocular symmetry, intraobserver repeatability, and interobserver reliability of cone density measurements in the 13-lined ground squirrel. PLoS One. 2019;14(9):e0223110. PMCID: PMC6762077
52. Cunefare D, Huckenpahler AL, Patterson EJ, Dubra A, Carroll J, Farsiu S. RAC-CNN: multimodal deep learning based automatic detection and classification of rod and cone photoreceptors in adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope images. Biomed Opt Express. 2019 Aug 01;10(8):3815-3832. PMCID: PMC6701534
53. Georgiou M, Robson AG, Singh N, Pontikos N, Kane T, Hirji N, Ripamonti C, Rotsos T, Dubra A, Kalitzeos A, Webster AR, Carroll J, Michaelides M. Deep Phenotyping of PDE6C-Associated Achromatopsia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Dec 02;60(15):5112-5123. PMCID: PMC6905659
54. Llanas S, Linderman RE, Chen FK, Carroll J. Assessing the Use of Incorrectly Scaled Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images in Peer-Reviewed Studies: A Systematic Review. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2020 Jan 01;138(1):86-94.
55. Woertz EN, Omoba BS, Dunn TM, Chiu SJ, Farsiu S, Strul S, Summers CG, Drack AV, Carroll J. Assessing Ganglion Cell Layer Topography in Human Albinism Using Optical Coherence Tomography. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Mar 09;61(3):36. PMCID: PMC7405956
56. Litts KM, Georgiou M, Langlo CS, Patterson EJ, Mastey RR, Kalitzeos A, Linderman RE, Lam BL, Fishman GA, Pennesi ME, Kay CN, Hauswirth WW, Michaelides M, Carroll J. Interocular Symmetry of Foveal Cone Topography in Congenital Achromatopsia. Curr Eye Res. 2020 Oct;45(10):1257-1264. PMCID: PMC7487033
57. Linderman RE, Cava JA, Salmon AE, Chui TY, Marmorstein AD, Lujan BJ, Rosen RB, Carroll J. Visual Acuity and Foveal Structure in Eyes with Fragmented Foveal Avascular Zones. Ophthalmol Retina. 2020 May;4(5):535-544. PMCID: PMC7211138
58. Huckenpahler AL, Carroll J, Salmon AE, Sajdak BS, Mastey RR, Allen KP, Kaplan HJ, McCall MA. Noninvasive Imaging and Correlative Histology of Cone Photoreceptor Structure in the Pig Retina. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2019 Nov;8(6):38. PMCID: PMC6922271
59. Carroll J, Tait DM. Color blindness: Inherited Encyclopedia of the Eye. 1 January 2010:318-325.
60. Carroll J, Tait DM. Color blindness: Inherited Encyclopedia of the Eye, Four-Volume Set. 1 January 2010:318-325.
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63. Woertz EN, Wilk MA, Duwell EJ, Mathis JR, Carroll J, DeYoe EA. The relationship between retinal cone density and cortical magnification in human albinism. J Vis. 2020 Jun 03;20(6):10. PMCID: PMC7416892
64. Zhou DB, Scott AW, Linz MO, Han IC, Castanos MV, Lynch G, Andrade Romo JS, Linderman RE, Carroll J, Rosen RB, Chui TY. Interocular asymmetry of foveal avascular zone morphology and parafoveal capillary density in sickle cell retinopathy. PLoS One. 2020;15(6):e0234151. PMCID: PMC7286490
65. Lee EJ, Chiang WJ, Kroeger H, Bi CX, Chao DL, Skowronska-Krawczyk D, Mastey RR, Tsang SH, Chea L, Kim K, Lambert SR, Grandjean JM, Baumann B, Audo I, Kohl S, Moore AT, Wiseman RL, Carroll J, Lin JH. Multiexon deletion alleles of ATF6 linked to achromatopsia. JCI Insight. 2020 Apr 09;5(7). PMCID: PMC7205249
66. Georgiou M, Singh N, Kane T, Robson AG, Kalitzeos A, Hirji N, Webster AR, Dubra A, Carroll J, Michaelides M. Photoreceptor Structure in GNAT2-Associated Achromatopsia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Mar 09;61(3):40. PMCID: PMC7401776
67. Langlo CS, Dubra A, Carroll J. Single cell imaging in photoreceptor degenerative disease Proceedings of Frontiers in Optics 2015, FIO 2015. 2015.
68. Georgiou M, Singh N, Kane T, Zaman S, Hirji N, Aboshiha J, Kumaran N, Kalitzeos A, Carroll J, Weleber RG, Michaelides M. Long-Term Investigation of Retinal Function in Patients with Achromatopsia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Sep 01;61(11):38. PMCID: PMC7509756
69. Collison FT, Carroll J. Seeking clarity on retinal findings in patients with COVID-19. Lancet. 2020 Sep 19;396(10254):e38. PMCID: PMC7498232
70. Linderman RE, Georgiou M, Woertz EN, Cava JA, Litts KM, Tarima S, Rajendram R, Provis JM, Michaelides M, Carroll J. Preservation of the Foveal Avascular Zone in Achromatopsia Despite the Absence of a Fully Formed Pit. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Aug 03;61(10):52. PMCID: PMC7463179
71. Georgiou M, Litts KM, Singh N, Kane T, Patterson EJ, Hirji N, Kalitzeos A, Dubra A, Michaelides M, Carroll J. Intraobserver Repeatability and Interobserver Reproducibility of Foveal Cone Density Measurements in <i>CNGA3-</i> and <i>CNGB3</i>-Associated Achromatopsia. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2020 Jun;9(7):37. PMCID: PMC7414701
72. Litts KM, Okada M, Heeren TFC, Kalitzeos A, Rocco V, Mastey RR, Singh N, Kane T, Kasilian M, Fruttiger M, Michaelides M, Carroll J, Egan C. Longitudinal Assessment of Remnant Foveal Cone Structure in a Case Series of Early Macular Telangiectasia Type 2. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2020 Mar;9(4):27. PMCID: PMC7396184
73. Castanos MV, Zhou DB, Linderman RE, Allison R, Milman T, Carroll J, Migacz J, Rosen RB, Chui TYP. Imaging of Macrophage-Like Cells in Living Human Retina Using Clinical OCT. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Jun 03;61(6):48. PMCID: PMC7416910
74. Hammer DX, Liu Z, Cava JA, Carroll J, Saeedi O. On the axial location of Gunn's dots. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. 2020 Sep;19:100757. PMCID: PMC7287238
75. Zhang H, Sajdak BS, Merriman DK, McCall MA, Carroll J, Lipinski DM. Electroretinogram of the Cone-Dominant Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel during Euthermia and Hibernation in Comparison with the Rod-Dominant Brown Norway Rat. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Jun 03;61(6):6. PMCID: PMC7415905
76. Duncan JL, Liang W, Maguire MG, Audo I, Ayala AR, Birch DG, Carroll J, Cheetham JK, Esposti SD, Durham TA, Erker L, Farsiu S, Ferris FL 3rd, Heon E, Hufnagel RB, Iannaccone A, Jaffe GJ, Kay CN, Michaelides M, Pennesi ME, Sahel JA, Foundation Fighting Blindness Consortium Investigator Group. Baseline Visual Field Findings in the RUSH2A Study: Associated Factors and Correlation With Other Measures of Disease Severity. Am J Ophthalmol. 2020 Nov;219:87-100. PMCID: PMC8596302
77. Zouache MA, Silvestri G, Amoaku WM, Silvestri V, Hubbard WC, Pappas C, Akafo S, Lartey S, Mastey RR, Carroll J, Hageman GS. Comparison of the morphology of the foveal pit between african and caucasian populations Translational Vision Science and Technology. 2020;9(5):1-11.
78. Gopalakrishnan S, Mehrvar S, Maleki S, Schmitt H, Summerfelt P, Dubis AM, Abroe B, Connor TB Jr, Carroll J, Huddleston W, Ranji M, Eells JT. Photobiomodulation preserves mitochondrial redox state and is retinoprotective in a rodent model of retinitis pigmentosa. Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 23;10(1):20382. PMCID: PMC7684292
79. Wynne N, Carroll J, Duncan JL. Promises and pitfalls of evaluating photoreceptor-based retinal disease with adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO). Prog Retin Eye Res. 2021 Jul;83:100920. PMCID: PMC8639282
80. Szpernal J, Carroll J, Spellecy R, Bachman Groth JA. Characterizing Current Attitudes and Practices for Human Subject Safety in Studies Involving Pupil Dilation. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics. 2021;16(1-2):54-64. PMCID: PMC8035129
81. Kraker JA, Omoba BS, Cava JA, Gilat Schmidt T, Chui TY, Rosen RB, Kim JE, Carroll J, Linderman RE. Assessing the Influence of OCT-A Device and Scan Size on Retinal Vascular Metrics. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2020 Oct;9(11):7. PMCID: PMC7545061
82. Huckenpahler AL, Lookfong NA, Warr E, Heffernan E, Carroll J, Collery RF. Noninvasive Imaging of Cone Ablation and Regeneration in Zebrafish. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2020 Sep;9(10):18. PMCID: PMC7500127
83. Litts KM, Woertz EN, Georgiou M, Patterson EJ, Lam BL, Fishman GA, Pennesi ME, Kay CN, Hauswirth WW, Michaelides M, Carroll J. Optical Coherence Tomography Artifacts Are Associated With Adaptive Optics Scanning Light Ophthalmoscopy Success in Achromatopsia. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2021 Jan;10(1):11. PMCID: PMC7804582
84. Cava JA, Allphin MT, Mastey RR, Gaffney M, Linderman RE, Cooper RF, Carroll J. Assessing Interocular Symmetry of the Foveal Cone Mosaic. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Dec 01;61(14):23. PMCID: PMC7746960
85. Sredar N, Razeen M, Kowalski B, Carroll J, Dubra A. Comparison of confocal and non-confocal split-detection cone photoreceptor imaging Biomedical Optics Express. 2021;12(2):737-755.
86. Duwell EJ, Woertz EN, Mathis J, Carroll J, DeYoe EA. Aberrant visual population receptive fields in human albinism. J Vis. 2021 May 03;21(5):19. PMCID: PMC8142699
87. Carroll J, Conway BR. Color vision. Handb Clin Neurol. 2021;178:131-153.
88. Sredar N, Razeen M, Kowalski B, Carroll J, Dubra A. Comparison of confocal and non-confocal split-detection cone photoreceptor imaging. Biomed Opt Express. 2021 Feb 01;12(2):737-755. PMCID: PMC7901313
89. Heitkotter H, Linderman RE, Cava JA, Woertz EN, Mastey RR, Summerfelt P, Chui TY, Rosen RB, Patterson EJ, Vincent A, Carroll J, Minassian BA. Retinal alterations in patients with Lafora disease American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports. September 2021;23.
90. Salmon AE, Cooper RF, Chen M, Higgins B, Cava JA, Chen N, Follett HM, Gaffney M, Heitkotter H, Heffernan E, Schmidt TG, Carroll J. Automated image processing pipeline for adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy Biomedical Optics Express. 1 June 2021;12(6):3142-3168.
91. Litts KM, Woertz EN, Wynne N, Brooks BP, Chacon A, Connor TB, Costakos D, Dumitrescu A, Drack AV, Fishman GA, Hauswirth WW, Kay CN, Lam BL, Michaelides M, Pennesi ME, Stepien KE, Strul S, Summers CG, Carroll J. Examining whether aoslo-based foveal cone metrics in achromatopsia and albinism are representative of foveal cone structure Translational Vision Science and Technology. 2021;10(6).
92. Lee DJ, Woertz EN, Visotcky A, Wilk MA, Heitkotter H, Linderman RE, Tarima S, Summers CG, Brooks BP, Brilliant MH, Antony BJ, Lujan BJ, Carroll J. Erratum: The henle fiber layer in albinism: Comparison to normal and relationship to outer nuclear layer thickness and foveal cone density (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. (2018) 59 (5336-5348) DOI: 10.1167/iovs.18-24145) Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. November 2020;61(13).
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Ansari D, Borkar PP, Davis PL, Collison FT, Wynne N, Zangler N, Fishman GA, Carroll J, Yao X, Grassi MA. Pathognomonic macular ripples are revealed by polarized infrared retinal imaging. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2021 Oct;246(20):2202-2206. PMCID: PMC8718259
2. Gaffney M, Cooper RF, Cava JA, Follett HM, Salmon AE, Freling S, Yu CT, Merriman DK, Carroll J. Cone photoreceptor reflectance variation in the northern tree shrew and thirteen-lined ground squirrel. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2021 Oct;246(20):2192-2201. PMCID: PMC8718250
3. Salmon AE, Chen RC, Atry F, Gaffney M, Merriman DK, Gil DA, Skala MC, Collery R, Allen KP, Buckland E, Pashaie R, Carroll J. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in the Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2021 Jul 01;10(8):5. PMCID: PMC8267221
4. Salmon AE, Cooper RF, Chen M, Higgins B, Cava JA, Chen N, Follett HM, Gaffney M, Heitkotter H, Heffernan E, Schmidt TG, Carroll J. Automated image processing pipeline for adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy. Biomed Opt Express. 2021 Jun 01;12(6):3142-3168. PMCID: PMC8221964
5. Heitkotter H, Linderman RE, Cava JA, Woertz EN, Mastey RR, Summerfelt P, Chui TY, Rosen RB, Patterson EJ, Vincent A, Carroll J, Minassian BA. Retinal alterations in patients with Lafora disease. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. 2021 Sep;23:101146. PMCID: PMC8239732
6. Litts KM, Woertz EN, Wynne N, Brooks BP, Chacon A, Connor TB Jr, Costakos D, Dumitrescu A, Drack AV, Fishman GA, Hauswirth WW, Kay CN, Lam BL, Michaelides M, Pennesi ME, Stepien KE, Strul S, Summers CG, Carroll J. Examining Whether AOSLO-Based Foveal Cone Metrics in Achromatopsia and Albinism Are Representative of Foveal Cone Structure. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2021 May 03;10(6):22. PMCID: PMC8132001
7. Zhang H, Sajdak BS, Merriman DK, Carroll J, Lipinski DM. Pre-retinal delivery of recombinant adeno-associated virus vector significantly improves retinal transduction efficiency. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2021 Sep 10;22:96-106. PMCID: PMC8390453
8. Lee KE, Heitkotter H, Carroll J. Challenges Associated With Ellipsoid Zone Intensity Measurements Using Optical Coherence Tomography. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2021 Oct 04;10(12):27. PMCID: PMC8543396
9. Heitkotter H, Salmon AE, Linderman RE, Porter J, Carroll J. Theoretical versus empirical measures of retinal magnification for scaling AOSLO images. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2021 Oct 01;38(10):1400-1408. PMCID: PMC8647682
10. Kroeger H, Grandjean JMD, Chiang WJ, Bindels DD, Mastey R, Okalova J, Nguyen A, Powers ET, Kelly JW, Grimsey NJ, Michaelides M, Carroll J, Wiseman RL, Lin JH. ATF6 is essential for human cone photoreceptor development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Sep 28;118(39). PMCID: PMC8488632
11. Langlo CS, Trotter A, Reddi HV, Schilter KF, Tyler RC, Udani R, Neitz M, Carroll J, Connor TB. Long-term retinal imaging of a case of suspected congenital rubella infection American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports. March 2022;25.
12. Langlo CS, Trotter A, Reddi HV, Schilter KF, Tyler RC, Udani R, Neitz M, Carroll J, Connor TB. Long-term retinal imaging of a case of suspected congenital rubella infection. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. 2022 Mar;25:101241. PMCID: PMC8688893
13. Linderman RE, Heffernan E, Ferrante S, Bachman Groth J, Carroll J. The Impact of Axial Eye Growth on Foveal Avascular Zone Measurements in Children. Optom Vis Sci. 2022 Feb 01;99(2):127-136. PMCID: PMC8816819
14. Wynne N, Heitkotter H, Woertz EN, Cooper RF, Carroll J. Comparison of Cone Mosaic Metrics From Images Acquired With the SPECTRALIS High Magnification Module and Adaptive Optics Scanning Light Ophthalmoscopy. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2022 May 02;11(5):19. PMCID: PMC9123519
15. Yaghy A, Lee AY, Keane PA, Keenan TDL, Mendonca LSM, Lee CS, Cairns AM, Carroll J, Chen H, Clark J, Cukras CA, de Sisternes L, Domalpally A, Durbin MK, Goetz KE, Grassmann F, Haines JL, Honda N, Hu ZJ, Mody C, Orozco LD, Owsley C, Poor S, Reisman C, Ribeiro R, Sadda SR, Sivaprasad S, Staurenghi G, Ting DS, Tumminia SJ, Zalunardo L, Waheed NK. Artificial intelligence-based strategies to identify patient populations and advance analysis in age-related macular degeneration clinical trials. Exp Eye Res. 2022 Jul;220:109092. PMCID: PMC9405680
16. Szpernal J, Bachman Groth JA, Wynne N, Williams V, Spellecy R, Thuruthumaly C, Carroll J. Pupillary Dilation in Research: More than Meets the Eye. Curr Eye Res. 2022 Jul;47(7):965-977. PMCID: PMC9276640
17. Patterson EJ, Mastey RR, Kuchenbecker JA, Rowlan J, Neitz J, Neitz M, Carroll J. Effects of color-enhancing glasses on color vision in congenital red-green color deficiencies Optics Express. 15 August 2022;30(17):31182-31194.
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19. Lad EM, Duncan JL, Liang W, Maguire MG, Ayala AR, Audo I, Birch DG, Carroll J, Cheetham JK, Durham TA, Fahim AT, Loo J, Deng Z, Mukherjee D, Heon E, Hufnagel RB, Guan B, Iannaccone A, Jaffe GJ, Kay CN, Michaelides M, Pennesi ME, Vincent A, Weng CY, Farsiu S, Foundation Fighting Blindness Consortium Investigator Group. Baseline Microperimetry and OCT in the RUSH2A Study: Structure-Function Association and Correlation With Disease Severity. Am J Ophthalmol. 2022 Dec;244:98-116. PMCID: PMC9712171
20. Wynne N, Cava JA, Gaffney M, Heitkotter H, Scheidt A, Reiniger JL, Grieshop J, Yang K, Harmening WM, Cooper RF, Carroll J. Intergrader agreement of foveal cone topography measured using adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy. Biomed Opt Express. 2022 Aug 01;13(8):4445-4454. PMCID: PMC9408252
21. Patterson EJ, Kalitzeos A, Kane TM, Singh N, Kreis J, Pennesi ME, Hardcastle AJ, Neitz J, Neitz M, Michaelides M, Carroll J. Foveal Cone Structure in Patients With Blue Cone Monochromacy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022 Oct 03;63(11):23. PMCID: PMC9624264
22. Ayala GD, Linderman RE, Valenzuela RK, Woertz EN, Brilliant M, Tarima S, Carroll J. Assessing Foveal Structure in Individuals with <i>TYR</i> R402Q and S192Y Hypomorphic Alleles. Ophthalmol Sci. 2021 Dec;1(4):100077. PMCID: PMC9560529
23. Patterson EJ, Mastey RR, Kuchenbecker JA, Rowlan J, Neitz J, Neitz M, Carroll J. Effects of color-enhancing glasses on color vision in congenital red-green color deficiencies. Opt Express. 2022 Aug 15;30(17):31182-31194. PMCID: PMC9576280
24. Duncan JL, Carroll J. Adaptive Optics Imaging of Inherited Retinal Disease. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2023 Jul 05;13(7). PMCID: PMC10317068
25. Patterson EJ, Langlo CS, Georgiou M, Kalitzeos A, Pennesi ME, Neitz J, Hardcastle AJ, Neitz M, Michaelides M, Carroll J. Comparing Retinal Structure in Patients with Achromatopsia and Blue Cone Monochromacy Using OCT. Ophthalmol Sci. 2021 Sep;1(3). PMCID: PMC9521040
26. Heitkotter H, Patterson EJ, Woertz EN, Cava JA, Gaffney M, Adhan I, Johnny TAM, Cooper RF, Carroll J. Extracting spacing-derived estimates of rod density in healthy retinae Biomedical Optics Express. 1 January 2023;14(1):1-17.
27. Heitkotter H, Patterson EJ, Woertz EN, Cava JA, Gaffney M, Adhan I, Tam J, Cooper RF, Carroll J. Extracting spacing-derived estimates of rod density in healthy retinae. Biomed Opt Express. 2023 Jan 01;14(1):1-17. PMCID: PMC9842010
28. Micevych PS, Wong J, Zhou H, Wang RK, Porco TC, Carroll J, Roorda A, Duncan JL. Cone Structure and Function in RPGR- and USH2A-Associated Retinal Degeneration. Am J Ophthalmol. 2023 Jun;250:1-11. PMCID: PMC10308738
29. Woehlke RE, Gaffney M, Yu CT, Follett HM, Guillaume C, Carroll J, Cooper RF. Arbitrary-angle Split-detection Using a Rotational Dove Prism in Adaptive Optics Scanning Light Ophthalmoscopy Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2022.
30. Duncan JL, Liang W, Maguire MG, Porco TC, Wong J, Audo I, Cava JA, Grieve K, Kalitzeos A, Kreis J, Michaelides M, Norberg N, Paques M, Carroll J, Foundation Fighting Blindness Consortium Investigator Group. Change in Cone Structure Over 24 Months in USH2A-Related Retinal Degeneration. Am J Ophthalmol. 2023 Aug;252:77-93. PMCID: PMC11087021
31. Grieshop J, Gaffney M, Linderman RE, Cooper RF, Carroll J. The Shape of the Foveal Avascular Zone: When a Circle Isn't Round. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2023 Jun 01;12(6):26. PMCID: PMC10309160
32. Roorda A, Venkateswaran K, Romero-Borja F, Williams DR, Carroll J, Hofer HJ. Adaptive Optics Ophthalmoscopy Retinal Imaging. 1 January 2005:125-133.
33. Szpernal J, Gaffney M, Linderman RE, Langlo CS, Hemsworth K, Walesa A, Higgins BP, Rosen RB, Chui TYP, Carroll J. Assessing the Sensitivity of OCT-A Retinal Vasculature Metrics. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2023 Aug 01;12(8):2. PMCID: PMC10405864
34. Zouache MA, Faust CD, Silvestri V, Akafo S, Lartey S, Mehta R, Carroll J, Silvestri G, Hageman GS, Amoaku WM. Retinal and Choroidal Thickness in an Indigenous Population from Ghana: Comparison with Individuals with European or African Ancestry. Ophthalmol Sci. 2024;4(2):100386. PMCID: PMC10585639
35. Heitkotter H, Allphin MT, Untaroiu A, Min H, Warr E, Wynne N, Cooper RF, Carroll J. Peak Cone Density Predicted from Outer Segment Length Measured on Optical Coherence Tomography. Curr Eye Res. 2024 Mar;49(3):314-324. PMCID: PMC10922793
36. Woertz EN, Ayala GD, Wynne N, Tarima S, Zacharias S, Brilliant MH, Dunn TM, Costakos D, Summers CG, Strul S, Drack AV, Carroll J. Quantitative Foveal Structural Metrics as Predictors of Visual Acuity in Human Albinism. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2024 Mar 05;65(3):3. PMCID: PMC10916884
37. Yu CT, Kandoi S, Periasamy R, Reddy LVK, Follett HM, Summerfelt P, Martinez C, Guillaume C, Bowie O, Connor TB, Lipinski DM, Allen KP, Merriman DK, Carroll J, Lamba DA. Human iPSC-derived photoreceptor transplantation in the cone dominant 13-lined ground squirrel. Stem Cell Reports. 2024 Mar 12;19(3):331-342. PMCID: PMC10937153
38. Grissim G, Walesa A, Follett HM, Higgins BP, Goetschel K, Heitkotter H, Carroll J. Longitudinal Assessment of OCT-Based Measures of Foveal Cone Structure in Achromatopsia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2024 Apr 01;65(4):16. PMCID: PMC11005076
39. Untaroiu A, Reis LM, Higgins BP, Walesa A, Zacharias S, Nikezic D, Costakos DM, Carroll J, Semina EV. In Vivo Assessment of Retinal Phenotypes in Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2024 Apr 01;65(4):20. PMCID: PMC11005067
40. Follett HM, Warr E, Grieshop J, Yu CT, Gaffney M, Bowie OR, Lee JW, Tarima S, Merriman DK, Carroll J. Chemically induced cone degeneration in the 13-lined ground squirrel. Vis Neurosci. 2024 May 10;41:E002. PMCID: PMC11106521
41. Brennan BD, Heitkotter H, Carroll J, Tarima S, Cooper RF. Quantifying image quality in AOSLO images of photoreceptors Biomedical Optics Express. 1 May 2024;15(5):2849-2862.
42. Kreis J, Carroll J. Applications of Adaptive Optics Imaging for Studying Conditions Affecting the Fovea. Annu Rev Vis Sci. 2024 Apr 18.
43. Warr E, Grieshop J, Cooper RF, Carroll J. The effect of sampling window size on topographical maps of foveal cone density Frontiers in Ophthalmology. 2024;4.
44. Brennan BD, Heitkotter H, Carroll J, Tarima S, Cooper RF. Quantifying image quality in AOSLO images of photoreceptors. Biomed Opt Express. 2024 May 01;15(5):2849-2862. PMCID: PMC11161361
45. Duwell EJ, Woertz EN, Mathis J, Carroll J, DeYoe EA. BOLD Contrast Response Characteristics of Aberrant Voxels with Bilateral Visual Population Receptive Fields in Human Albinism. bioRxiv. 2024 May 31. PMCID: PMC11160651
46. Duwell EJ, Woertz EN, Mathis J, Carroll J, DeYoe EA. BOLD Contrast Response Characteristics of Aberrant Voxels with Bilateral Visual Population Receptive Fields in Human Albinism. bioRxiv. 2024 May 31. PMCID: PMC11160651
47. Adhan I, Warr E, Grieshop J, Kreis J, Nikezic D, Walesa A, Hemsworth K, Cooper RF, Carroll J. Intervisit Reproducibility of Foveal Cone Density Metrics. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2024 Jun 03;13(6):18. PMCID: PMC11205225
48. Warr E, Grieshop J, Cooper RF, Carroll J. The effect of sampling window size on topographical maps of foveal cone density. Front Ophthalmol (Lausanne). 2024;4:1348950. PMCID: PMC11182112
49. Bowie OR, Follett HM, Yu CT, Guillaume C, Summerfelt PM, Manfredonia N, Grieshop J, Merriman DK, Tarima S, Carroll J. Seasonal Variation in ATP-Induced Retinal Damage in the Cone-Dominant 13-Lined Ground Squirrel. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2024 Nov 04;13(11):5. PMCID: PMC11547255
50. Cideciyan AV, Roman AJ, Warner RL, Sumaroka A, Wu V, Jiang YY, Swider M, Garafalo AV, Viarbitskaya I, Russell RC, Kohl S, Wissinger B, Ripamonti C, Barbur JL, Bach M, Carroll J, Morgan JIW, Aleman TS. Evaluation of Retinal Structure and Visual Function in Blue Cone Monochromacy to Develop Clinical Endpoints for L-opsin Gene Therapy. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Oct 02;25(19). PMCID: PMC11477341
51. Katta M, Georgiou M, Singh N, Kalitzeos A, Dubra A, Carroll J, Michaelides M. Longitudinal Imaging of the Foveal Cone Mosaic in CNGA3-Associated Achromatopsia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2024 Oct 01;65(12):6. PMCID: PMC11460564