Medical College of Wisconsin
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Juan A. Garcia Alvarez PhD
Medical Physicist Assistant
Department of Radiation Oncology

Froedtert East Clinics
9200 W Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Zhong H, Garcia-Alvarez JA, Kainz K, Tai A, Ahunbay E, Erickson B, Schultz CJ, Li XA. Development of a multi-layer quality assurance program to evaluate the uncertainty of deformable dose accumulation in adaptive radiotherapy. Med Phys. 2023 Mar;50(3):1766-1778. PMCID: PMC10033340
2. García-Alvarez JA, Zhong H, Schultz CJ, Li XA, Kainz K. Incorporating uncertainty bounds in daily deformable dose accumulation for adaptive radiation therapy of head-and-neck cancer. Med Phys. 2023 Apr;50(4):2474-2487.
3. Santos OCB, Vanin VR, Maidana NL, Martins MN, Tabacniks MH, Rodrigues CL, Silva TF, Santos AD, Barros SF, García-Alvarez JA, Koskinas MF, Fernández-Varea JM, Pindzola MS. Experimental and theoretical cross sections for K -shell ionization of 52Te, 73Ta, and 83Bi by electrons with energies up to 100 keV Physical Review A. 7 August 2019;100(2).
4. García-Alvarez JA, Fernández-Varea JM, Vanin VR, Maidana NL. Electron-atom bremsstrahlung cross sections in the 20-100 keV energy region: Absolute measurements for 6 ≤ Z ≤ 79 and comparison with theoretical databases Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 30 October 2018;51(22).
5. García-Alvarez JA, Fernández-Varea JM, Vanin VR, Santos OCB, Barros SF, Malafronte AA, Rodrigues CL, Martins MN, Koskinas MF, Maidana NL. Measurement of doubly differential electron bremsstrahlung cross sections at the end point (tip) for C, Al, Te, Ta and Au Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 7 July 2017;50(15).
6. García-Alvarez JA, Maidana NL, Vanin VR, Fernández-Varea JM. Analytical response function for planar Ge detectors Radiation Physics and Chemistry. April 01, 2016;121:23-34.
7. Maidana NL, Vanin VR, García-Alvarez JA, Hermida-López M, Brualla L. Experimental HPGe coaxial detector response and efficiency compared to Monte Carlo simulations. Appl Radiat Isot. 2016 Feb;108:64-74.
8. Garcia-Alvarez JA, Maidana NL, Silva TF, Fernández-Varea JM, Martins MN, Vanin VR. Preliminary measurements of the Bremsstrahlung doubly differential cross section for electrons between 20 and 100 keV in Au Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 7 September 2015;635(5).
9. López-Pino N, Padilla-Cabal F, García-Alvarez JA, Vázquez L, D'Alessandro K, Correa-Alfonso CM, Godoy W, Maidana NL, Vanin VR. Monte Carlo semi-empirical model for Si(Li) X-ray detector: Differences between nominal and fitted parameters AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013;1529:134-136.
10. Suelen F Barros, Vito R Vanin, Nora L Maidana, Marcos N Martins, Juan A García-Alvarez, Osvaldo CB Santos, Cleber L Rodrigues, Marina F Koskinas, José M Fernández-Varea. Ionization cross sections of the Au L subshells by electron impact from the L3 threshold to 100 keV Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Suelen F Barros et al 2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 025201.
11. Kainz K, Garcia Alvarez J, Zhong H, Lim S, Ahunbay E, Tai A, Erickson B, Lawton C, Li XA. Use of a DVH overlay technique for quality assurance of deformable image registration-based dose accumulation. Med Phys. 2022 Jan;49(1):611-623.