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Julie M. Kolinski MD
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine

Hub for Collaborative Medicine
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Phone: 414-955-0350
Fax: 414-955-0094

08/2003 - 05/2006 B.S., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL
08/2006 - 05/2010 M.D., University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Peoria, IL
07/2010 - 06/2001 Resident, Combined Internal Medicine & Pediatrics
Departments of General Internal Medicine & Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226

07/2014 - Present Present, Assistant Professor, Combined appointment
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Hospital Medicine
Department of Pediatrics, Section of Hospital Medicine (primary department)
Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, Section of

05/2017 - 07/2017 Physician Advisor for Clinical Documentation Improvement
06/2017 - Present Present, Physician Advisor for Care Management & Care Transitions and
10/2018 - 03/2019 Physician Advisor for Utilization Review, Content matter
Milwaukee, WI
Children's Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Children's Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Clinical Documentation Excellence
Froedtert Hospital & Medical College Physicians

07/2020 - Present Present, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Core Faculty
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Section of Hospital Medicine, Department of Pediatrics

07/2014 - Present Children's Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2014 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, WI

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Pediatrics - General Pediatrics
American Board of Internal Medicine
Physician Advisor Sub-Specialty*
American Board of Pediatrics - Hospital Medicine
Health Care Quality & Management
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
*CHCQM-PHYADV designation in

Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License
2016-2017 "High 5" 3rd year Medical Student Teaching Award, Pediatric Clerkship, Medical College of Wisconsin
2017-2018 Outstanding 4th year Medical Student Teaching Award, Pediatric
Clerkship, Medical College of Wisconsin
2018-2019 General Internal Medicine Clinician of the Year,
Froedtert Hospital
This award is intended to honor physicians who provide superlative care. Eligible candidates are those who
consistently deliver high standards of care and are looked upon as a role model by his or her peers. Additional consideration given to the following: (1) impact on education of residents and students
2020 Fellow of the American College Physicians**
Honor recognized by peers for personal integrity, superior competence in internal medicine, professional accomplishment and demonstrated scholarship.
**FACP designation in title
2021 Fellow, Society of Hospital Medicine**
Those individuals who have achieved designation of Fellow in Hospital Medicine are dedicated to promoting excellence, innovation, and improving the quality of patient care.
2016-2017 Outstanding 4th year Medical Student Teaching Award, Internal Medicine Clerkship, Medical College of Wisconsin
***FHM designation in title
2016-2017 Outstanding 4th year Medical Student Teaching Award, Pediatric
Clerkship, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014-2015 Outstanding Medical Student Teaching Award, Internal Medicine
Clerkship, Medical College of Wisconsin

2006 - Present Gold Humanism Honor Society
2010 - Present American College of Physicians
2010 - Present American Academy of Pediatrics
2013 - Present AAP Section on Hospital Medicine
09/2014 - 06/2016 Fellow in Primary Care Faculty Development: Master Educator Program
2014 - Present Society of Hospital Medicine
2014 - Present Society of Hospital Medicine (Pediatric Section)
09/2016 - Present Fellow. Academic Hospitalist Academy
2016 - Present American College of Physician Advisors
09/2017 - 05/2018 Medical College of Wisconsin Dyad Leadership Program
Program with goal of strengthening dyad relationships with tools, skills (and networking)
careers and begin a pathway in academic hospital medicine.
Academy providing educational, scholarly (professional development guidance to advance)
Monthly seminar and project-based program to develop curricula for preceptors
opportunities to enhance efforts of execution in daily work and strategic tactics.
teaching early clinical learners.

09/2011 - 07/2014 Combined Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Continuity Curriculum Committee
07/2014 - Present Resident Curriculum Committee, Internal Medicine Residency
10/2014 - Present Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Recruitment Committee, Internal
11/2014 - 11/2016 Utilization Review Committee
11/2014 - 06/2017 Physician Advisor, Case Reviews for Observation versus Inpatient
02/2015 - 10/2016 Utilization Review Committee
07/2015 - Present Education Subcommittee, Department of Pediatrics, Section of
07/2015 - 07/2016 Readmissions Committee, Section of Hospital Medicine
01/2016 - Present Member, Clinical Documentation Excellence Committee
06/2016 - Present Co-Chair, Utilization Management Leadership Committee
06/2016 - Present Member, Clinical Decision Support Committee
06/2016 - Present Member, Inpatient Leadership Executive Council
07/2016 - Present Co-Director, Hospitalist Track
07/2016 - 07/2017 Discharge Effectiveness Committee, Section of Hospital Medicine
07/2016 - 06/2019 Voting Member, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2016 - Present Operations Subcommittee, Department of Pediatrics, Section of
10/2016 - 06/2017 Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Observation Workgroup
12/2016 - 06/2018 Clinical Documentation Improvement Workgroup
03/2018 - 06/2019 Outpatient in Inpatient Space Committee
07/2019 - Present Member, Prescribing Value Committee within Value Based Care Initiative
10/2019 - Present Co-Chair, Coding & Documentation Integrity Steering Committee
11/2019 - Present Co-Chair, Denials & Appeals Review Committee
11/2019 - Present Invited Member, Clinical Integration Committee
06/2020 - Present Member, Program Evaluation Committee, Pediatric Hospital
08/2020 - Present Co-Chair, Inpatient COVID Research Committee
01/2021 - Present Co-Chair, National Physician Advisor Conference in 10/2021
01/2021 - Present Invited Member, Patient Education Governance Committee
Role: Residency Evaluation Champion
Hospital Medicine
Medicine Fellowship
Froedtert Hospital
Admission Status, Moonlighting Program
Hospital Medicine
Medicine & Pediatrics Residency Program
Medical College of Wisconsin
In An Unconventional World" with focus on new track options, networking opportunities, and diverse sessions.
Virtual Conference entitled: "Multifaceted - Advising
Monthly Pediatric Residency career development track for those residents interested in hospital medicine to provide additional skills, learning sessions, and scholarly career advice.
Children's Wisconsin
Committee with goal of attending monthly to review appropriateness of patient education materials.
Committee aimed at supporting the F&MCW Clinically Integrated Network and the MSSP Accountable Care Organization
Purpose of gathering and analyzing data for key topics as assigned including denial/appeal data for inpatient level of care, readmissions, Inpatient Only, DRG denials as well as Medicare Short Stay data.
Goal of updating internal coding guidelines to maximize efficiency and accuracy of Clinical Documentation input and Coding output.
Enterprise Chief Medical Officer
within Froedtert Health through DRG analysis, lead by the
Committee aimed at finding operating margin opportunity
Committee that aims to review and manage active issues within Utilization Management for Froedtert Hospital for Leaders in Care Management & Care Transitions
Froedtert Hospital
general inpatient wards.
research initiative that will impact patients on the
Committee designed to review every COVID-related
Post-interview process.
Extensive review of applicants in prescreening and
Performed weekly interviews during interview season;
Medical School Admissions Committee
Medical College of Wisconsin
Children's Wisconsin

1. Kolinski J, Sinson G, Singh S. "Creating Consistency and Value by Internalizing Utilization Review Programs." Platform Presentation, Vizient Conference, 09/2019 - Present
1. Kolinski J, Sinson, G. "The Evolving Role of the Physician Advisor" American Academy of Professional Coders Regional Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2019 - Present
1. Kolinski J. "Clinical Documentation Improvement at Froedtert Hospital: Past, Present, and Future" General Internal Medicine Division Meeting, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2016 - Present
2. Kolinski J, Nagpal P. "Clinical Documentation Improvement: Focus on Perioperative Medicine." Perioperative Division Meeting, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2016 - Present
3. Sinson G, Kolinski J. "FMLH Outpatient Care Delivered in Inpatient Space: Status and Opportunities." Froedtert Hospital Operations Committee, 12/20/2017 - Present
4. Kolinski J, Sinson G. "Observation Management." Invited Lecture, Journey of Excellence (J.O.E.) Committee Froedtert Hospital, 04/23/2019 - Present
5. Kolinski J, Alme C. Division of General Internal Medicine Hospital Medicine Learning Series, "Leveraging work you already do to Maximize your Hospital Metrics: An Intro to Determinations, Documentation & Denials" (4 part series), 06/2020 - 08/2020

Medical Student Education
07/2014 - Present Teaching Attending for medical student pediatric ward teams
07/2014 - Present Teaching Attending for medical student internal medicine ward teams
08/2014 - 06/2016 Foundations of Clinical Medicine for 1st year medical students
08/2015 - 07/2017 Teaching Sessions (monthly) for 4th year internal medicine acting
02/2017 - 06/2016 Bench to Bedside for M1 students: Abdominal examination
07/2017 - Present Teaching Sessions (monthly) for 4th year internal medicine acting internship, Title: "Admission Status"
02/2018 - Present Bench to Bedside for M1 students: ENT examination part II
internship, Title: "Cross-Cover Scenarios"
Resident and Fellow Education
07/2014 - 07/2017 Serious Senior Surfing, Boards Review Course for Senior Pediatric Residents
07/2014 - 07/2020 Attending Physician Mentor, Intern Morning Report
07/2014 - Present Attending Physician, Internal Medicine Teaching Service
07/2014 - Present Attending Physician, Pediatric Hospitalist Teaching Service
12/2014 - Present "Well Newborn Exam & Sexual Abuse in Pediatrics"
03/2015 - Present APP Noon Lecture, "Sodium Balance"
02/2016 - Present "Vitamin Deficiencies & ALTE"
03/2016 - Present APP Noon Lecture, "Documentation Improvement,
03/2016 - Present "Acute Gastroenteritis & Chronic Recurrent Abdominal Pain"
07/2016 - Present "Vitamin Deficiencies"
07/2016 - 07/2021 Core Faculty, Academic Internal Medicine Fellowship
09/2016 - Present "Acute Gastroenteritis & Chronic Recurrent Abdominal Pain"
10/2016 - 01/2017 10/2017-04/2018; 10/2018-04/2019; 10/2019-01/2020; 09/2020
12/2016 - Present "Anaphylaxis, Pharmacokinetics, Sports Induced Illness"
03/2018 - Present Pediatric Residency Noon Conference, "Billing & Coding."
10/2018 - Present APP Noon Lecture, "Sepsis: Which guideline do we use?"
07/2019 - Present Pediatric Residency Noon Conference, "Febrile Neonate 101"
10/2019 - Present Neurology Residency Academic Halfday, "Documentation Requirements and Optimization of Quality Metrics"
01/2020 - Present Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Residency Noon Conference, "Billing & Coding: A Focus on Outpatient practice"
07/2020 - Present Procedure Boot Camp, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellows
05/2021 - Present Pediatric Residency Noon Conference, "Billing, Coding & Documentation."
Provided topic-based sessions in order to prepare Senior Residents to take the American Board of Pediatrics General Examination.
Performed arterial puncture station which included creation of competency rubric, teaching arterial puncture and arterial line placement through simulation materials, and post-assessment evaluation of skill of Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellows.
Advanced Practice Provider Education
Academic Halfday Lecture Series to PGY1-4 Residents
Highlight on ICD10"
- 1 Session 1: "Clinical Documentation Improvement: The Basics"
Ad Hoc Session: "Quality Metrics: The Observed & The Expected"
- 2 Session 2: "Be The Clinical Documentation Specialist."
- 3 Session 3: "Clinical Documentation Improvement: ICD-10 Wrap Up"
- 4 Session 4: "Utilization Review & Documentation Final Review"

Medical Students
01/2014 - 05/2016 Michael Croix, Medical Student Advisor, MCW
01/2015 - 05/2017 Ashley Bolin, Medical Student Advisor, MCW
01/2016 - 05/2017 Brianna Glover, Medical Student Advisor, MCW

Medical Students
- 07/2017 Luke Schroeder, MCW 07/2017 - 06/2019 Medical Student Advisor
- 01/2018 Robert Heffernan, MCW 01/2018 - 06/2019 Medical Student Advisor
- 01/2021 Jonathan Slimovitch, MCW 01/2021 - Present Medical Student Advisor
- 07/2016 Rachel Umhoefer, MCW 07/2016 - 06/2018 Medical Student Advisor
- 07/2017 Callie Krentz, MCW 07/2017-07/2018 Quality Track Advisor
- 06/2016 Tonia Afshan, MCW 06/2016 - 06/2018 Medical Student Advisor
- 05/2020 Ishan Singhal, MCW 05/2020 - present Quality Track Advisor
Rebecca Rings-Miller 06/2020 - Present Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Residency Clinical Advisor
Name Years Mentoring Type Roles Awards/Accomplishments/
Development of Cross-Cover Case tracks
Development of Pediatric podcast
Cameron Malone 07/2016-06/2019 Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Residency Clinical Advisor Internal Medicine Hospitalist, Advocate Aurora
Leah Cotter 06/2018 - Present Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Residency Clinical Advisor, Career Society of Hospital Medicine Abstract Presentation 2021

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Longeway M, Bergl PA, Kolinski JM, Bodden SA, Koerner K, Simpson D. "Teaching Tokens" to Enhance Residents-as-Teachers Curriculum: Pilot Intervention to Improve Clinical Efficiency. J Grad Med Educ. 2016;8(3):443-445. doi:10.4300/JGME-D-15-00709.1
2. Swartz S, Hadjiev J, Kolinski J, Chou E, Allen K, Yan K, Havens PL. Factors Associated With HSV PCR CSF Testing and Empiric Acyclovir Therapy in Young Febrile Infants. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2019;58(11-12):1194-1200. doi:10.1177/0009922819868687
3. Sinson G, Kolinski J, Singh S. "Modeling Observation/Inpatient Status Determination Pathways: "Getting It Right" for Everyone." American Journal of Medical Quality 2019. 34(2S)3S-88S.
4. Kolinski J, Sinson G, Singh S. "Creating Consistency and Value by Internalizing Utilization Review Programs." American Journal of Medical Quality 2020. 35(1)March/April 2020.
5. Kolinski, J, Sundararajan S, Swartz, S, Naik K, Gupta N. "COVID-19 Experience in a Wisconsin Academic Medical Center." Wisconsin Medical Journal. 2020;119(3):198-201.
6. Swartz S, Kolinski J, Hadjiev J, Chou E, Malone C, Zhang J, Yan K, Havens P. Urinary Tract Infection in Young Infants: Practice Patterns in Evaluation and Treatment. Hosp Pediatr. 2020;10(9):792-796. doi:10.1542/hpeds.2020-0178
7. Watson A, Kolinski J, Suchi M, Elkadri A. "Bone Marrow Suppression Associated with Celiac Disease in a 4-Year-Old Boy." ACG Case Reports Journal. 2021;8(2):e00538. Published 2021 Feb 23. Doi:10.14309/crj.0000000000000538.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Kolinski, J. (2015). Chest Pain. In Kliegman & Lye (Eds.), Nelson Pediatric Symptom-Based Diagnosis, 3rd edition (pp. 104-115). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
3. International
4. Hahn D, Kolinski J, Sharma A, Toth H, Weisgerber M, Wegner A, Pilon C. "Promotion of High-Quality Documentation Among Residents on Inpatient Pediatric Wards Using a Standardized Tool to Enhance Faculty Feedback." Poster Presentation, Pediatric Academic Society meeting, 05/2017.
5. Hahn D, Kolinski J, Toth H, Weisgerber M. "Delivering Feedback to Residents Using a Documentation Assessment Tool." Platform Presentation, Pediatric Academic Society meeting, Toronto, Canada, 05/2018.
6. Swartz S, Hadjiev J, Chou E, Kolinski J, Allen K, Yan K, Havens P. "What factors predict HSV PCT CSF testing and empiric acyclovir therapy in febrile neonates?" Poster Presentation, Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 05/2018.
7. Hadjiev J, Swartz S, Chou E, Kolinski J. "Etiology and rates of infection in a cohort of febrile neonates." Poster Presentation, Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 05/2018.
8. Vepraskas S, Soung P, Kolinski J, Porada K. "Decreasing the length of stay for infants with fever by using quality improvement methods." Poster Presentation, Academic Pediatric Association Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 05/2018.
9. Soung P, Vepraskas S, Kolinski J. "Evaluating empiric use of ampicillin coverage in hospitalized well-appearing febrile infants." Poster Presentation, Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 05/2018.
10. Swartz S, Hadjiev J, Chou E, Kolinski J, Allen K, Yan K, Havens P. "Neonatal Urinary Tract Infection: Patterns in Evaluation and Treatment." Poster Presentation, Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, 04/2019.
11. Swartz S, Thakrar P, Kolinski J, Hadjiev J, Chou E, Jhang J, Yan K, Havens P. "Imaging Practices and Implications in Young Infants with Urinary Tract Infection." Pediatric Academic Societies 2021 Virtual Meeting, 04/2021.
12. National
13. Koerner K, Rana V, Kolinski J. "Hospitalist Elective Rotation: Model for Residents to Learn Multi-Disciplinary Care." Poster Presentation, Society of Hospital Medicine National Meeting, San Diego, CA, 03/2016.
14. Koerner KD, Rana V, Kolinski J. Hospitalist Elective Rotation: Model for Residents to Learn Multi-Disciplinary Care [abstract]. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2016; 11 (suppl 1).
15. Koerner K, Longeway M, Bodden SA, Bergl PA, Kolinski JM, Simpson D. "Just in Time Resident as Teachers Development using Teaching Tokens." Poster Presentation, Central Group on Educational Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington DC, 04/2016.
16. Hahn D, Kolinski J, Sharma A, Toth H, Weisgerber M, Wegner A, Pilon C. "Promotion of High-Quality Documentation Among Residents on Inpatient Pediatric Wards Using a Standardized Tool to Enhance Faculty Feedback." Poster Presentation, Pediatric Hospital Medicine National Meeting, Chicago, IL, 07/2016.
17. Hahn D, Kolinski J, Sharma A, Toth H, Weisgerber M, Wegner A, Pilon C. "Promotion of High-Quality Documentation Among Residents on Inpatient Pediatric Wards Using a Standardized Tool to Enhance Faculty Feedback." Poster Presentation, Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Spring Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 04/2017.
18. Hahn D, Kolinski J, Sharma A, Toth H, Weisgerber M, Wegner A, Pilon C. "Delivering Feedback to Residents Using a Documentation Assessment Tool." Oral Presentation, Pediatric Hospital Medicine National meeting, Nashville, TN, 07/2017.
19. Talwalkar J, Aronica M, Beal L, Doolittle B, Kolinski J, Malcom S, Sachdev N, Toth H, Williams R, Aylward. "Med-Peds Curricula in Action!: "Good Stuff: from the Curriculum Committee" Poster Presentation, Academic Internal Medicine Week, San Antonio, TX 03/2018.
20. Kolinski J, Pautz H, Roy P. "Pediatric Clinical Documentation Queries with Definitions: An Innovative Way to Promote Provider Engagement." Poster Presentation, Society Hospital Medicine National Meeting, Orlando, FL, 04/2018.
21. Hadjiev J, Swartz S, Chou E, Kolinski J, Allen K, Yan K. "Etiology and rates of infection in a cohort of febrile neonates." Poster Presentation, Society Hospital Medicine National Meeting, Orlando, FL, 04/2018.
22. Sinson, G, Kolinski J, Singh S. "Modeling Outpatient/Inpatient Status Determination Pathways: "Getting It Right" for Everyone." Poster Presentation, Vizient Conference, 09/2018.
23. Swartz S, Hadjiev J, Chou E, Kolinski J, Allen K, Yan K, Havens P. "Neonatal Urinary Tract Infection: Practice Patterns in Evaluation and Treatment." Poster Presentation, Society of Hospital Medicine Meeting, National Harbor, Maryland. 03/3019.
24. Watson A, Kolinski J, Suchi M, Elkadri A. "A Rare Case of Bone Marrow Suppression Associated with Celiac Disease." Poster Presentation, North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN), Chicago, IL, 10/2019.
25. Watson A, Kolinski, J, Suchi M, Elkadri A. "Bone Marrow Suppression: An Atypical Presentation of a Common Diagnosis." Poster Presentation (Conundrum), Pediatric Hospital Medicine national meeting, 07/2020.
26. Stasik A, Sinson G, Kolinski J. "Using Clinical Documentation Specialists to Improve CMI in the Neuro-ICU." Poster Presentation, Neurocritical Care Society Translational Conference, (Virtual due to COVID-19), 09/2020.
27. Sinson G, Kolinski J, Alme C, Singh S. "Utilize Physician Advisors to Improve Your Value-equation and Generate Revenue." Platform Presentation, Vizient Conference (Virtual due to COVID-19), 09/2020.
28. Koller E, Formeller C, Kolinski, J. "Refractory Agitation In A Pediatric Patient." Poster Presentation, Society of Hospital Medicine National Meeting Virtual Conference, 05/2020.
29. Kolinski J, Alme C. "Leveraging Work You Already Do To Maximize Your Hospital Metrics: An Introduction To Determinations, Documentation & Denials." Poster Presentation, Society of Hospital Medicine National Meeting Virtual Conference, 05/2020.
30. Cotter L, Kolinski J. "Tough to Swallow: Hospitalists and Atypical Acute HIV" Poster Presentation, Society of Hospital Medicine National Meeting Virtual Conference, 05/2020.
31. Swartz S, Thakrar P, Kolinski J, Yan, K, Havens, P. "Images Practices and Implications in Young Infants with Urinary Tract Infection." Platform Presentation, Society of Hospital Medicine National Meeting Virtual Conference, 05/2020.
32. Porwal M, Feller C, Kolinski J, Sinson G. "Impact of Documentation on Quality Metrics: Neurosurgery." E-Poster Presentation, Scientific Forum at Clinical Congress 2021; American College of Surgeons, 10/2021.
33. Regional
34. Longeway M, Bodden S, Simpson D, Koerner K, Bergl PA, Kolinski JM. "Teaching Tokens" for Effective, Efficient and Enjoyable Clinical Precepting. Works in Progress Platform Presentation, Society of Teachers Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 04/2016
35. Local
36. Kolinski J. "Closing the Continental Divide of Med-Peds Continuity Clinic Conference Experiences" Medical College of Wisconsin Innovations in Medical Research Forum, Research Talk Oral Presentation, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2015.
37. Koerner K, Rana V, Kolinski J. "Hospitalist Elective Rotation: Model for Residents to Learn Multi-Disciplinary Care." Poster Presentation, Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2016.
38. Koerner K, Rana V, Kolinski J. "Hospitalist Elective Rotation: Model for Residents to Learn Multi-Disciplinary Care." Medical College of Wisconsin Innovations in Medical Research Conference, Oral Presentation, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2016.
39. Hahn D, Kolinski J, Sharma A, Toth H, Weisgerber M, Wegner A, Pilon C. "Promotion of High Quality Documentation Among Residents on Inpatient Pediatric Wards Using a Standardized Tool to Enhance Faculty Feedback." Medical College of Wisconsin Innovations in Medical Research Conference, Oral Presentation, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2016.
40. Koerner K, Longeway M, Bodden SA, Bergl PA, Kolinski JM, Simpson D. "Just in Time Resident as Teachers Development using Teaching Tokens." Poster Presentation, Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Family and Community Medicine Research Forum, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2016.
41. Hahn D, Kolinski J, Toth H, Weisgerber M, Pilon C, Wegner A. "Delivering Feedback to Residents Using a Documentation Assessment Tool." Poster Presentation, Medical College of Wisconsin Research Day, 09/2017.
42. Kolinski J., Sinson G, Singh S. "Creating Consistency and Value by Internalizing Utilization Review Programs." Poster Presentation, Problem Solving Symposium, Froedtert Hospital, 11/2019.
Non-Peer Reviewed Educational Products
1. 7/2015 - Current, Febrile Neonate Clinical Practice Guideline, Section of Pediatric Hospital Medicine. Published on CW Intranet.
3. Discharge Summary Quality Improvement Project, Froedtert Hospital
4. Aim: Align Inpatient Discharge Summary content with Outpatient Expectations.
5. Current status: Pre-audit complete, Stakeholders Needs Assessment Completed
6. 1st PDSA cycle starting 1/2020; 2nd cycle starting 10/2020
7. Vizient Quality Metrics Initiative
8. Aim: Leverage Clinical Documentation Improvement to Augment the Expected metric in the Observed to Expected Ratio within Mortality & Length of Stay
9. Efforts in 07/2019 completed, improvement seen
10. Efforts for fiscal year 2020 and 2021, ongoing
11. Prospective initiatives within Clinical Documentation Improvement
12. Retrospective chart review initiatives within Clinical Service Lines
13. Analysis of COVID-19 Transitions of Care to Drive Best Practice in Southeast Wisconsin
14. Aim: Identify transitions of care coordination challenges for this patient population.
15. Efforts starting 03/2020.
16. IRB submission & approval 10/2020
17. Data Analysis Ongoing.
18. Critical Care Anesthesia Documentation Improvement, Froedtert Hospital
19. Aim: Identify targeted documentation improvement opportunities to improve Vizient metrics within mortality and length of stay
20. Efforts starting 05/2020, improvement seen.
21. 2nd PDSA cycle starting 07/2021.
22. Echocardiogram Ordering Practices in Patients with Syncope & Pulmonary Embolism: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Froedtert Hospital
23. QI exemption received 12/23/2020.
24. Data Analysis ongoing, meetings with key stakeholders.