Medical College of Wisconsin
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Julie R. Owen MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

Froedtert Hospital
9200 W Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226

08/1999 - 05/2003 BA, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
08/1999 - 05/2003 BFA, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
08/2008 - 05/2013 MD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
08/15/2019 - 12/31/2020 MBA, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

07/01/2013 - 06/30/2017 Resident, General Adult Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018 Fellow, Psychosomatic Medicine (Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry), Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
08/01/2019 - 12/30/2020 Executive MBA, Business Administration, Graduate School of Management, Marquette University, 1225 W. Wisconsin Ave, 101 David Straz Hall, Milwaukee, WI 53233
07/01/2020 - 06/30/2022 Medical Educator, KINETIC3 Teaching Academy, Kern Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/01/2018 - Present Faculty Associate, Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Medical Humanities, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2018 - Present Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/01/2019 - Present Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017 Chief Resident, Psychiatry, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division and Center for Consultative Academic Psychiatry Services, Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee, WI
07/01/2019 - Present Associate Course Director, Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2020 - Present Site Supervisor, M3 Psychiatry Clerkship, Psychiatry PGY-4 Elective, and C/L Psychiatry Fellow Elective, Psychiatry, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2021 - Present Course Director, M4 Emergency Psychiatry Elective, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

02/2015 - Present Staff Psychiatrist, Psychiatric Crisis Services, Behavioral Health Division, Milwaukee County Mental Health Complex, 9455 Watertown Plank Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53226
02/2015 - Present Staff Psychiatrist, Psychiatric Crisis Services, Milwaukee WI, Behavioral Health Division, Milwaukee County Mental Health Complex
09/01/2018 - Present Admitting Psychiatrist, Psychiatry, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Froedtert Hospital-Menomonee Falls, W180 N8085 Town Hall Road, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
09/2018 - Present Attending Psychiatrist, Psychiatry, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/2019 - Present ED Psychiatrist, Psychiatry & Emergency Medicine, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (General Adult Psychiatry)
American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry)
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
American Red Cross

Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License
Federal DEA (including suboxone X waiver)

05/1995 Disney Dreamer and Doer
05/1999 National Honor Society
05/1999 Florida Bright Futures Scholarship
08/2011 MCW/Marquette Medical Alumni Association Merit Scholarship
05/2013 Outstanding Student in Psychiatry Award
05/2013 Patrick E. Bolger Memorial Award
05/2013 Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award
05/2016 Holly Fickel Memorial Award
09/2016 Assn. of Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting Poster Competition, 1st Place
05/2017 Holly Fickel Memorial Award
05/2017 Chief Resident Award
11/2017 Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Annual Meeting Poster Competition, 3rd Place
05/2018 MCWAH Research and Quality Award
06/2018 MCW Outstanding Medical Student Teacher, 2017-2018
11/2020 MCW Outstanding Medical Student Teacher, 2019-2020

07/2013 - Present Wisconsin Psychiatric Association (WPA)
07/2013 - Present American Psychiatric Association (APA)
01/2016 - Present Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (ACLP)
01/2018 - Present American Association for Emergency Psychiatry (AAEP)
01/2021 - Present Association for Academic Psychiatry (AAP)

Ad-Hoc Reviewer
05/2016 - Present Academic Psychiatry

12/2016 - Present Member, Ethics Committee, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division
05/2019 - Present Milwaukee Chapter Early Career Psychiatry Representative, Executive Council, Wisconsin Psychiatric Association
05/2020 - Present Milwaukee County Operations Committee: Redesign of the Psychiatric Crisis Emergency Services (FH ED representative, and Telehealth Sub-Committee)

11/2016 - Present Member, Oral Papers and Posters Subcommittee (Annual Meeting Subcommittee), Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
11/2016 - Present Member, Oral Oral Papers and Posters Subcommittee (Annual Meeting Committee), Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
10/12/2018 - 08/31/2019 Subject Matter Expert, Management of Acute and Chronic Behavioral Health Issues, Vizient
10/2019 - 08/2019 Subject Matter Expert, Management of Acute and Chronic Behavioral Health Issues, Vizient
04/2020 - Present Early Career Representative, Emergency Psychiatry Special Interest Group, Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
Role: Principal Investigator
- 09/01/2019 Dates: 9/1/2019-present
Award: N/A
Title: Emergency Department Medication-Assisted Treatment (ED-MAT Link)
Source: State of Wisconsin (DHS)
Role: Co-Investigator
PI: Dr. Hernandez-Meier
- 06/01/20 Dates: 6/1/20-9/30/21
Title: ED discharge TO CARE (Telephone Outreach: Connect to Aftercare and Risk Evaluation) for patients presenting to the emergency department with psychiatric concerns
Source: N/A
Role: Principal Investigator
- 02/19/21 Dates: 2/19/21-present
Award: N/A
Title: Lethal Means Counseling and Safe Firearm Storage: Testing a Suicide Prevention Approach in Novel Emergency Medical Settings
Source: Comprehensive Injury Center (CIC) MCW (seed grant)
Role: Principal Investigator
- 07/19/21 Dates: 7/19/21-present
Award: $25, 000
Title: A Hybrid Effectiveness/Implementation Evaluation of ED Buprenorphine Induction
Source: NIH Drug Abuse (NIDA), R01
Role: Co-Investigator
PI: Dr. Hernandez-Meier
- 02/05/21 Dates: 2/5/21
Award: $1, 900, 000 (pending sponsor decision)
Source: N/A
Title: Emergency Psychiatry Liaison Program: An integrated approach to psychiatric treatment within an academic emergency department
Award: $1, 200, 000

Owen JR, Models of Care in the ED, Management of Acute and Chronic Behavioral Health Issues Collaborative, Vizient, 01/23/2019 - Present
Owen JR, Collaborative Care Models, Management of Acute and Chronic Behavioral Health Issues Collaborative Vizient, 04/03/2019 - Present
Owen JR, Hoffman R, Turgelsky M, Managing Behavioral Health Needs During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic, Behavioral Health Leadership Series, Vizient & Sg2, 05/19/2020 - Present
Owen JR, Medical Issues in Psychiatric Patients, Crisis Service Grand Rounds, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division, Milwaukee, WI, 06/05/2017
Owen JR, Medical Issues in Psychiatric Patients, Crisis Service Grand Rounds, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division, Milwaukee, WI, 06/05/2017 - Present
Owen JR, Women's Mental Health: The Care of Perinatal Patients, Crisis Service Grand Rounds, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division, Milwaukee, WI, 01/08/2018
Owen JR, Women's Mental Health: The Care of Psychiatric Patients, Crisis Service Grand Rounds, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division, Milwaukee, WI, 01/08/2018 - Present
Owen JR, Psychiatric Patients in Medical Settings: Assessing Risk, Maintaining Safety, & Treatment Recommendations., Emergency Department APP & Hospitalist Business Meetings, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2018
Owen JR, Behavioral Health & Ob-Gyn: Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment Recommendations, Ob-Gyn Department Grand Rounds, St. Joseph's Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 02/21/2018
Owen JR, Emergency Psychiatric Services: A Model Proposal, Behavioral Health Steering Committee, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 04/12/2018 - Present
Owen JR, Emergency Psychiatric Services: A Model Proposal, Behavioral Health Steering Committee, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 04/12/2018
Owen JR, Back to Basics: Perinatal Psychopharmacology, Building Capacity to Address Maternal Mental Health Conditions, Medical College of Wisconsin, 05/03/2019 - Present
Owen JR, Enhancing Emergency Department Care of Psychiatric Patients, Crisis Service Grand Rounds, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division, Milwaukee, WI, 04/05/2021 - Present

Alvarez MB, Owen JR. Leveraging Crisis: Addressing the Opioid Use Disorder Epidemic Across the System. 2021 Innovative Models for Integrated Care Award winner, The Association of Medicine and Psychiatry Annual Meeting, 10/01/21 - Present
Owen JR, Havas N, Farrell M. Salient Film Series: Promoting Empathy and Reflection in Future Physicians. 33rd Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine, Chicago, IL, 09/27/2012 - 09/30/2012
Owen JR, Havas N, Farrell M, Salient Film Series: Promoting Empathy and Reflection in Future Physicians, 33rd Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine, Chicago, IL, 09/27/2012 - 09/30/2012
Pheister M, Owen JR, Suicide Symposium: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Risk Assessment and the Emotional Aftermath of Patient Suicide, Association for Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR, 09/21/2016 - 09/24/2016
Ferrer D, Anzia A, Owen JR, et al. Patient Suicide in Residency Training: The Ripple Effect. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 05/20/2017 - 05/24/2017
Ferrer D, Anzia A, Owen JR, et al., Patient Suicide in Residency Training: The Ripple Effect, American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 05/20/2017 - 05/24/2017
Pheister M, Padfield E, Owen JR, Suicide Symposium: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Risk Assessment and the Emotional Aftermath of Patient Suicide (an update, an additional year of data presented), Association for Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 09/06/2017 - 09/09/2017
Owen JR, Wichman CL. Emotional Complications in the Perinatal Population: A Clinical Practice Update. 38th Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine, Chicago, IL, 09/13/2017 - 09/16/2017
Owen JR, Wichman CL, Emotional Complications in the Perinatal Population: A Clinical Practice Update, 38th Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine, Chicago, IL, 09/13/2017 - 09/16/2017
Doering J, Wichman CL, Laszewski A, Borchardt S, Owen JR, Evaluating a Provider-Based Perinatal Mental Health Teleconsultation Service: The Periscope Project, Perinatal Mental Health Society 3rd Biennial Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/07/2017 - 11/10/2017
Doering J, Wichman CL, Laszewski A, Borchardt S, Owen JR. Evaluating a Provider-Based Perinatal Mental Health Teleconsultation Service: The Periscope Project. Perinatal Mental Health Society 3rd Biennial Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/07/2017 - 11/10/2017
Owen JR, Wichman CL, Laszewski A, Borchardt S, Doering J, The Periscope Project: An Approach to Improving Access to Specialized Psychiatric Care in the Perinatal Period, Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine (Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry) Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, 11/08/2017 - 11/11/2017
Pheister M, Owen JR, Simons G, Suicide Symposium: A Curriculum To Address Patient Suicide (Educators’ Showcase), Association for Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 09/05/2018 - 09/08/2018
Saad-Pendergrass D, Bobrin B, Erickson J, Rabinowitz T, Gordon-Elliott J, Hsu A, Owen JR, Kilpatrick W, Coals to Diamonds: Skills for Creating Compelling Abstracts and Posters (General Session), Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 11/14/2018 - 11/18/2018
Pawar D, Pilarski A, Heidenreich A, Owen JR, LoPresti B. COVID-19: Voices from the Frontline. Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 11/11/2020 - 11/14/2020
Kiernan S, Sachs J, Owen JM, Slocum S, Owen JR. The Interplay Between Excited Delirium, Law Enforcement, and Race. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 05/01/2021 - 05/05/2021
Kiernan S, Sachs J, Owen JM, Slocum S, Owen JR. Diagnostic Criteria for Excited Delirium Syndrome: A Call for Inter-Specialty Consensus. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 05/01/2021 - 05/05/2021
Owen JR, Slocum S, Ray J, Zosel A, Hernandez-Meier J, Martin I. Collaborative Care in Acute Settings: An Integrated Approach to Psychiatric Care in an Academic Emergency Department. Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Annual Mee, 11/10/2021 - 11/12/2021
Navarro-Montoya AM, Rehfeldt E, Schmidt Z, Slocum S, Owen JR. Emergency Department Discharge TO CARE (Telephone Outreach: Connect to Aftercare & Risk Evaluation): Improving Patient Care and Systems-Based Practices. Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychi, 11/10/2021 - 11/12/2021
Owen JR, Slocum S, Dunn T, Zun L. Excited Delirium Syndrome: An Excuse or a Diagnosis? An AAEP-Sponsored Session. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 5/1/2021-5/5/2021 (workshop presentation, delivery both recorded and live; conference made virtual due to COVID-19)
Ainsworth A, Oldham MA, Owen JR, Richman J, Bui M. Unique Visions of Proactive Integrated Care in the General Hospital. Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 11/11/2020 - 11/14/2020 (workshop presentation
Simpson S, Kroll D, Stiebel V, Nordstrom K, Novoa K, DeMoss D, Owen JR, Hadley A. The Latest in Emergency Psychiatry. Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 11/11/2020 - 11/14/2020 (pre-conference skills course, sponsored by the Emergency Psychiatry Special Interest Group; conference made virtual due to COVID-19)
Owen JR, Simpson S, Peterson MJ, Ravindranath D, Zun L. Suicidal Patients in the ED: Screening and Assessment Protocols. Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 11/11/2020 - 11/14/2020 (workshop presentation, sponsored by the Emergency Psychiatry Special Interest Group; conference made virtual due to COVID-19)
Pheister M, Owen JR, Slocum S, Wichman C, Drom C, Hackenmiller A. Women Physicians LEAD (Leadership, Empowerment, Alliance, Development). Association for Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 09/09/2020 - 09/12/2020 (accepted for joint poster presentation, conference made virtual due to COVID-19)
Saad-Pendergrass D, Bobrin B, Erickson J, Rabinowitz T, Gordon-Elliott J, Hsu A, Owen JR, Kilpatrick W. Coals to Diamonds: Skills for Creating Compelling Abstracts and Posters. Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 11/14/2018 - 11/18/2018 (general session, committee workshop)
Pheister M, Owen JR, Simons G. Suicide Symposium: A Curriculum to Address Patient Suicide. Association for Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 09/05/2018 - 09/08/2018 (joint presentation, Educators' Showcase)
Owen JR, Wichman CL, Laszewski A, Borchardt S, Doering J. The Periscope Project: An Approach to Improving Access to Specialized Psychiatric Care in the Perinatal Period. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine (Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry) Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, 11/08/2017 - 11/11/2017 (poster presentation, competition prize winner)
Pheister M, Owen JR. Suicide Symposium: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Risk Assessment and the Emotional Aftermath of Patient Suicide. Association for Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR, 09/21/2016 - 09/24/2016 (poster presentation, competition prize winner)
Pheister M, Padfield E, Owen JR. Suicide Symposium: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Risk Assessment and the Emotional Aftermath of Patient Suicide. Association for Academic Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 09/06/2017 - 09/09/2017 (poster presentation, an additional year of data presented)

Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2013 - 06/2017 Member, Psychiatry Resident/Fellow Recruitment Committee
07/2013 - Present Member, Gold Humanism Honor Society Selection Committee
07/2013 - 06/2017 Member, Psychiatry Resident/Fellow Recruitment Committee
07/2013 - Present Member, Gold Humanism Honor Society Selection Committee
07/2014 - 07/2015 Member, Graduate Medical Education Committee
07/2014 - 07/2015 Member, Graduate Medical Education Committee
07/2017 - 07/2019 Member, Emergency Department Work Group, Froedtert and the MCW Behavioral Strategic Plan Committee
07/2017 - 07/2019 Member, Emergency Department Work Group, Froedtert and the MCW Behavioral Health Strategic Plan Committee
02/14/2019 - Present Member, Behavioral Health Steering Committee, Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Froedtert Hospital and the Medical College of Wisconsin
02/15/2019 - Present Member, Addictions workgroup, Froedtert Hospital
02/2019 - Present Member, Behavioral Health Steering Committee, Froedtert Hospital and the Medical College of Wisconsin
02/2019 - Present Member, Addictions Work Group, Froedtert Hospital and the Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Student Education
5 - Present seminar series, annually recurring, 30-50 M1 students.
03/2015 - Present Annual Seminar, Art of Medicine M4 Elective
03/2015 - Present Annual Seminar, Art of Medicine M4 Elective
01/2018 - Present Healer's Art Faculty Facilitator
01/2018 - Present Healer's Art Faculty Facilitator (annual recurring)
10/2018 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin, M3 OB/GYN Clerkship Students, "Behavioral Health and OB/GYN: Diagnostic Assessment & Treatment Recommendations"
01/01/2019 - Present Faculty Advisor, Physicians for the Arts Student Organization
01/2019 - Present Faculty Advisor, Physicians for the Arts Student Organization
01/2020 - Present Faculty Facilitator, M2 Foundational Capstone
01/2020 - Present Faculty Preceptor, M1-M2 Clinical Apprenticeship
07/2020 - Present Site Supervisor, Medical College of Wisconsin M3 Psychiatry Clerkship, Froedtert Hospital Emergency Department
04/2021 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin, Student Emergency Medicine Association & Psychiatry and Mental Health Student Association, "Enhancing Emergency Department Care of Psychiatric Patients"
04/2021 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin, Bioethics & Medical Humanities Pathway, "Ethical Issues in Psychiatry"
07/2021 - Present Course Director, Medical College of Wisconsin M4 Emergency Psychiatry Elective, Froedtert Hospital Emergency Department
Annual small group facilitator for ethics-related topics
- 90 Single 90-minute lecture, annually recurring, 16 students.
Resident and Fellow Education
05/2016 - Present Dept. of Psychiatry, "Treatment of Post-CVA Depression and Apathy"
06/2017 - Present Psychiatry & Internal Medicine Residents, "Psychopharmacology of Anxiety and Sleep"
01/2018 - Present Emergency Medicine & Observation Unit APPs, "Psychiatric Patients in Medical Settings: Assessing Risk, Maintaining Safety, & Treatment Recommendations"
02/2018 - Present OB/GYN residents, "Behavioral Health and OB/GYN: Diagnostic Assessment & Treatment Recommendations"
05/2018 - Present Psychiatry residents, "Psychosis, Mania, and Catatonia in Medical Illness"
07/2018 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Perinatal Psychopharmacology"
09/2018 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Suicide Risk Assessment in the Medically Ill"
10/2018 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Management of Aggression, Violence, and Acute Agitation"
04/2019 - Present Psychiatry residents, "Delirium"
05/2019 - Present Psychiatry residents, "Psychosis, Mania, and Catatonia in Medical Illness"
07/2019 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Suicide Risk Assessment in the Medically Ill"
08/2019 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Management of Aggression, Violence, and Acute Agitation"
10/2019 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Perinatal Psychopharmacology"
10/2019 - Present Psychiatry Residents, "Perinatal Psychopharmacology"
04/2020 - Present Psychiatry residents, "Delirium"
04/2020 - Present Psychiatry residents, "Psychosis, Mania, and Catatonia in Medical Illness"
05/2020 - Present Emergency Medicine Residents, "Assessment and Management of the Suicidal Patient"
05/2020 - Present Emergency Medicine Residents, "Management of Character Pathology and Para-Suicidal Behavior"
08/2020 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Suicide Risk Assessment in the Medically Ill"
10/2020 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Management of Aggression, Violence, and Acute Agitation"
12/2020 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Perinatal Psychopharmacology"
02/2021 - Present Emergency Medicine APPs, "Assessment and Management of the Suicidal Patient"
03/2021 - Present Emergency Medicine Residents, "I Know My Rights! Treatment Refusal of Forensic and Psychiatric Patients"
05/2021 - Present Emergency Medicine APPs, "Management of Aggression, Violence, and Acute Agitation"
06/2021 - Present Psychiatry residents, "Psychosis, Mania, and Catatonia in Medical Illness"
06/2021 - Present Psychiatry residents, "Delirium"
07/2021 - Present Emergency Medicine Residents, Intern Orientation
08/2021 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Suicide Risk Assessment in the Medically Ill"
10/2021 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Management of Aggression, Violence, and Acute Agitation"
12/2021 - Present C/L Psychiatry Fellows, "Perinatal Psychopharmacology"
06/2022 - Present Psychiatry residents, "Delirium"
06/2022 - Present Psychiatry residents, "Psychosis, Mania, and Catatonia in Medical Illness"
Emergency Medicine Residents, "To Hold or Not to Hold: Encountering Psychiatric Patients in the ED"

Resident and Fellow Education
05/2016 Medical College of WI, Dept. of Psychiatry, "Treatment of Post-CVA Depression and Apathy"
08/2016 - 08/2017 Medical College of Wisconsin & St. Luke's Medical Center, "Chapter 51: A Primer"
08/2016 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin and St. Luke's Medical Center, Psychiatry & Internal Medicine Residents "Chapter 51: A Primer"
06/2017 Medical College of Wisconsin, Internal Medicine Residents, "Psychopharmacology of Anxiety and Sleep"
06/2017 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin, Psychiatry and Internal Medicine Residents, "Evaluation and Management of Delirium"
05/2018 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin, Psychiatry Residents, "Psychosis, Mania, and Catatonia in Medical Illness"
07/2018 Medical College of Wisconsin, C/L Psychiatry Fellowship, "Perinatal Psychopharmacology: Antidepressants & Anxiolytics"
09/2018 Medical College of Wisconsin, C/L Psychiatry Fellowship, Suicide Risk Assessment in the Medically Ill"
10/2018 Medical College of Wisconsin, C/L Psychiatry Fellowship, "Management of Acute Agitation in the Medically Ill"
10/2018 Medical College of Wisconsin, C/L Psychiatry Fellowship, "Aggression and Violence"
03/2020 - Present 03/2020

Medical Students
11/18/2018 - Present Jessica Sachs, Clinical Mentorship, Career Advancement, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/05/2019 - Present Caroline Quaglieri, M4 Clinical Advisor (M4 schedule review, ERAS personal statement review), Medical College of Wisconsin
11/2020-Present Elisabeth Rehfeldt, Quality Improvement Patient Safety (QuIPS) Pathway Mentor & Advisor; MSSRP Preceptor, Medical College of Wisconsin
12/2020-Present Egal Warsame, Urban and Community Health Pathway Mentor & Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2019-5/2020 César Martin Ramirez, Health Systems Management & Policy Pathway Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
11/2018-Present Jessica Sachs, Clinical Mentorship and Career Advancement (Wisconsin Psychiatric Association Mentor Program); M4 Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
02/2020-Present Sophia Kiernan, M1 Research Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Bioethics Pathway Mentor & Advisor

Undergraduate Students
06/2017 - 06/2018 Aiden Ward, Capacity (clinical mentor via WPA), UW-Milwaukee
06/2017-06/2018 Aiden Ward, Clinical Mentorship and Career Advancement (Wisconsin Psychiatric Association Mentor Program), UW-Milwaukee
Medical Students
Supervise participation and direct activities such as chart reviews, and abstract creation related to select research projects, literature reviews, including the IRB-approved Emergency Psychiatry Liaison Program project.
Review/approve the Individual Learning Plan, PI for ongoing Emergency Department Discharge TO CARE project., guided project literature review and IRB proposal submission
Review/approve the Individual Learning Plan, procure reading and other educational materials for discussion., provide clinical shadowing experiences
Reviewed/approved the Individual Learning Plan, procured reading and other educational materials for discussion., provided clinical shadowing experiences

Educational Programs
05/2011 - 05/2013 Physicians for the Arts: Created a structured student organization to provide extracurricular integration of the Arts/Humanities into medical education. Featured activities included the Salient Film S
05/2011 - 05/2013 PHYSICIANS FOR THE ARTS. Created a structured student organization to provide extracurricular integration of the Arts/Humanities into medical education.
05/2015 MCW M3 THREAD CURRICULUM. Collaborator: Nancy Havas, MD. Created a series of videos for joint clinical education between the Depts. of Family Medicine, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry.
05/2015 - Present MCW M3 Thread Curriculum. Collaborator: Nancy Havas, MD. Created a series of videos for joint clinical education between the Depts. of Family Medicine, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry.
05/2015 - Present Biennial Suicide Symposium. Collaborator: Mara Pheister, MD. Created a half-day curriculum addressing clinical intervention for and the experience of loss of suicidal patients. Designed a pre-/ post-s
05/2015 - Present BIENNIAL SUICIDE SYMPOSIUM. Collaborator: Mara Pheister, MD. Created half-day curriculum addressing clinical intervention for and the experience of loss of suicidal patients.
05/2015 - Present Women Physicians LEAD (Leadership, Empowerment, Alliance, Development). Collaborators/Steering Committee: Christina Wichman, DO, Mara Pheister, MD, Sarah Slocum, MD, Claire Drom, MD, Anna Hackenmiller
Clinical Programs
11/2016 - Present The Periscope Project. Lead/Collaborator: Christina Wichman, DO. Responsible for design and content development of the Provider Toolkit. Participated in user survey validation. Worked on development o
11/2016 - 07/2019 THE PERISCOPE PROJECT. Collaborator: Christina Wichman, DO. Design & content development of Provider Toolkit; participation in survey validation; system development for documentation and triage.
09/2019 - Present Emergency Psychiatry Liaison Program. Collaborators: Ian BK Martin, MD, MBA; Jon Lehrmann, MD; M. Chris Decker, MD; Tom Heinrich, MD. Designed and implemented a unique psychiatric care delivery model

01/2002 - 12/2007 Principal Musical Theatre performer in world-class productions at multiple venues throughout the Walt Disney World Resort, as well as the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, Goodman Theatre, Skylight Music Theatre, Milwaukee Chamber Theatre, First Stage Children's Theatre, and the Orlando Broadway Theatre. ACTORS' EQUITY ASSOCIATION MEMBER.

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Butler D, Fons D, Fisher T, Sanders J, Bodenhamer S, Owen JR, Gunderson M. A Review of the Benefits and Limitations of a Primary Care-Embedded Psychiatric Consultation Service in a Medically-Underserved Setting. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 2018 Aug 22;0(0): 1-12.
2. Owen JR, Pheister M, Simons GJ Jr. Suicide Symposium: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Risk Assessment and the Emotional Aftermath of Patient Suicide. MedEdPORTAL. 2018 Nov 28;14:10776. PMCID: PMC6342417
3. Kroll KH, Larsen S, Lamb K, Davies WH, Cipriano D, deRoon-Cassini TA, Agrawal H, Pawar D, Owen J, Apps JN. Responding to the Psychological Needs of Health-Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study from the Medical College of Wisconsin. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2022 Mar;29(1):150-161. PMCID: PMC8166374
4. Slocum S, Fiorillo M, Harding E, Owen J, Long R, Dunn T, Martin I. In pursuit of inter-specialty consensus on excited delirium syndrome: a scoping literature review. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2023 Dec;19(4):573-594.
5. Bono C, Hadley A, Ravindranath D, Owen JR, Simpson SA. C-L Case Conference: The Case of a 34-Year-Old Male Veteran with Suicidal Ideation in the Context of Alcohol Intoxication. J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry. 2023;64(5):473-479.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Heinrich T, Owen JR, Pawar D: A Psychopharmacology Guide by Psychiatrists for Non-psychiatrists. In: Sobin WH, editor. Using Central Neuromodulators and Psychological Therapies to Manage Patients with Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction: A Clinical Guide. New York: Springer International Publishing; 2019. p 41-87.
Non-Peer Reviewed Educational Products
1. Owen JR, Wichman CL. The Periscope Project’s Provider Toolkit. Medical College of Wisconsin. 2016. Educational Handout.
2. Marks S, Owen JR. MCW Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities. From the Start, Consider the Finish: A Pocket Guide. 2011. Educational Handout.