Medical College of Wisconsin
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Kathryn Berlin DO
Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Neonatology

Children’s Wisconsin - Milwaukee Hospital
8915 W Connell Court
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/2006 - 05/2010 BS, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
07/2010 - 05/201 DO, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, WV

07/01/2015 - 06/30/2019 Resident, Internal Medicine/Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020 Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Fellowship. Department of Veteran Affairs and National Center for Patient Safety. Clement J Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
07/01/2020 - 06/30/2023 Fellow, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
• Competitive post-graduate program focused on leadership, quality improvement, research, and medical education with a year-long curriculum focused on quality and patient safety

07/2012 - 06/2014 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Clinical Skills, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, WV
07/2019 - 06/2020 Chief Resident for Quality and Safety, Department of Internal Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin and Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
07/2022 - 06/30/2023 Chief Fellow. Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/2019 - 06/2020 Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/2019 - 06/2020 Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center, 5000 W National Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53295
10/2019 - 06/2020 Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Urgent Care, 8915 W Connell Court, Milwaukee, WI 53226

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Internal Medicine
American Board of Pediatrics
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
NRP Instructor

Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License

2010 - Present Alumna of the Year Award from the Omicron Chapter of Alpha Omega Epsilon
2011 - Present and 2012 TOUCH Gold Award
2011 - Present National Student Osteopathic Surgical Association Research Award
2012 - Present Sigma Sigma Phi
2016 - 2017 Special Recognition as a nominee for Outstanding Resident Teacher of Junior Medical Students
2018 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals Research & Quality Award Winner
2018 - Present Research-Based Vignette First-Place Winner at American College of Physicians
2019 - Present American College of Physicians Young Achiever Award
2021 - Present First place in the American College of Physicians Abstract Competition at Internal Medicine Meeting 2021.
2023 - Present TeCAN Travel Grant for the AAP 2023 Workshop on Neonatal-Perinatal Practice Strategies Meeting
Wisconsin State Chapter Meeting
• National award for best quality improvement or research project submitted to the major conference for internists
• Recipient of one of ten total grants given out by the American Academy of Pediatrics SoNPM and TeCAN
Given for achieving 50+ hours of community service

2015 - Present Fellow (American Academy of Pediatrics)
2015 - Present American College of Physicians
2021 - Present Academic Pediatrics Association

1. Berlin, Kathryn EK. Choosing Better Campaign for IV Fluids: A Quality Improvement Project. National Center for Patient Safety's CRQS Final Presentation. 2020 May 22.
2. Fellowship Panel at American Medical Women's Association Virtual Leadership Development Conference for Women Physicians. 2021 Mar 28
3. Berlin, Kathryn EK. Respiratory Disorders in the Neonate. WVSOM Grand Rounds. Virtual. 2021 April 5.
4. Fellowship Panel at the National Osteopathic Women Physician Association's Female Physician Panel. 2021 Oct 27.
5. Berlin, Kathryn. Soll, Roger. Gupta, Munish. Journal Club: Collaborative Quality Improvement to Promote Evidenced Based Surfactant for Preterm Infants: A Cluster Randomized Trial. AAP SoNPM & TeCAN Virtual Journal Club: 52 in 52 RCT Chal
6. Berlin, Kathryn EK and Lagatta, Joanne. Improving Pre-Discharge Care for Infants with BPD. Envision's 6th Annual Neonatal Fellows Conference. San Diego, CA. 2022 June 17.
2. Berlin, Kathryn EK and Lagatta, Joanne. Pre-Discharge Care for Infants with BPD. Wisconsin Neonatology Day. Virtual. 2022 April 05.
1. Berlin, Kathryn EK Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis in the Era of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign. Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care's 51st Annual Statewide Perinatal Conference. Virtual. 2021 April 27
1. Berlin, Kathryn EK. Considerations with Viscosupplementation in Osteoarthritis of the Knee. WVSOM Anatomy Elective Grand Rounds. Lewisburg, WV. 2015 May 5
3. Berlin, Kathryn EK. Choosing Better Campaign for IV Fluids: A Quality Improvement Project. Part of the Department of Medicine Research Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. 2020 May 22.
4. Berlin, Kathryn. "Survey Methodology and Qualitative Research: A Primer". Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals Quality & Patient Safety Elective. 2022 September 1.
5. Berlin, Kathryn. "High-Quality Handoffs". Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals Quality & Patient Safety Elective. 2022 September 15.
6. Carlton, Katherine. Callan, Emily. Berlin, Kathryn. PPHN Workshop for 3rd Quarter Education Days. Children's Wisconsin. 2022 September 26.
7. Berlin, Kathryn. SURFboards: Early-Onset Sepsis in Neonates. Children's Wisconsin. 2023 Janaury 21.
2. Berlin, Kathryn EK. Predictors of Response to Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Metastatic Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer in the Era of Oral Targeted Agents." Presented at the Department of Medicine Research, WI. 2019 Mar 8.

2. Berlin, Kathryn, Uhing, Michael, and Welak, Scott. Decreasing Serum Sodium Levels are a Predictor of Disease Severity in Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Pediatric Academic Societies International Conference. Toronto, ON. 2018 May 7. (Poster)
3. Scott, William J, Berlin, Kathryn EK, Dawson, Sara, and Lagatta, Joanne M. Respiratory Patient-Reported Outcomes Correlate with 1-Year Healthcare Utilization for Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatric Academic Societies International Conference. Denver,
4. Berlin, Kathryn EK, Scott, William J, Dawson, Sara, Brousseau, David, Lagatta, Joanne. Parent Health-Related Quality of Life for Patients With BPD Improves After Discharge and Is Impacted by Healthcare Utilization. Pediatric Academic Societies International Conference. Washingto
National (Education Focus)
1. Berlin, Kathryn, and Fletcher, Kathlyn. Mini M&M Conferences Provide a Structured Opportunity for Self-Reflection. American College of Physicians Abstract Competition at Internal Medicine Meeting 2021. Virtual. April 29-May 1, 2021. (Poster)
2. Berlin, Kathryn, Bucholtz, Rebecca, and Welak, Scott. "A Flipped Classroom Approach to Providing Extremely Low Birthweight Infant Education for Resident Physicians." MCW Innovations in Healthcare Education Research Conference. 2022 Sept
National (QI Focus)
1. Berlin, Kathryn, Bispo, Jeffery, Gruenewald, Brianna, Garza, Angela, Fletcher, Kathlyn. Use of a Stoplight Communication Tool for Interprofessional Communication Correlated with a Decrease in Rapid Response Team Activation. American College of Physicians Abstract Competition at
2. Berlin, Kathryn. Malnory, Margaret. Dawson, Sara. Sprecher, Alicia. Lagatta, Joanne. A Quality Improvement Effort to Improve Parental Comfort with Home Oxygen Therapy is Associated with a Decreased Duration of Home Oxygen Therapy. American Academy of Pediatrics National Confer
3. Berlin, Kathryn. Scott, William. Malnory, Margaret. Dawson, Sara. Sprecher, Alicia. Lagatta, Joanne. Early Introduction of Home Oxygen Therapy Weaning is Associated with Decreased Duration of Therapy: A Quality Improvement Effort. The Children's Hospitals Neonatal Consortium Annual Symposium.
4. Berlin, Kathryn. Scott, William. Malnory, Margaret. Dawson, Sara. Sprecher, Alicia. Lagatta, Joanne. Inpatient Introduction of Home Oxygen Therapy Weaning in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Reduces the Duration of Therapy: A Quality Improvement Effort. 3rd Annual Neonatal-Perinatal Research Confer
National (Research Focus)
1. Kaye, Kathryn. Martin, Kathleen. Diagnostic Tonsillectomies in Pediatric Patients with Unilateral Tonsil Enlargement. American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO. April 24-27, 2014. (Poster)
2. Berlin, Kathryn EK An Unusual Case of Blueberry Muffin Rash. National Medicine/Pediatrics Resident Association Conference. San Francisco, CA. 2016 Oct 16. (Poster)
3. Berlin, Kathryn. CHD-Squared: Congenital Heart Disease and Complex Hematologic Decision-Making in a Pregnant Patient. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition. Chicago, IL. 2017 Sept 17. (Poster)
Regional (Education Focus)
1. Berlin, Kathryn. Walch, Abby, and Cobb, Carmen. A Systems-Based Format for Noon Conferences Improves Knowledge Retention by Residents. American College of Physicians Wisconsin State Chapter Meeting in Wisconsin Dells, WI. 2017 Sept 8. (Post
2. Berlin, Kathryn, and Kathlyn Fletcher. "Mini M&M Conferences Create a Structured Opportunity for Self-Reflection." MCW Innovations in Healthcare Education Research conference. Virtual. 2020 Sept 24.
Regional (QI Focus)
1. Miller, Kaitlyn, Berlin, Kathryn, Tobes, Marisa, Pokorny, Emily, Mejaddam, Ali, Wagner, Amy, and Cohen, Susan. The CAPGAS (Calculator for Assessing Post-operative GAStroschisis) Quality Improvement Project. Best Practices in Pediatrics. Wisconsin Dells, WI. 2022 June 3. (Poster)
Regional (Research Focus)
1. Kaye, Kathryn. Martin, Kathleen. Brokenhearted: A Case of New-Onset Third Degree Heart Block. American College of Physicians: West Virginia Chapter Annual Meeting. Roanoke, WV. 2013 Oct. (Poster)
2. Berlin, Kathryn EK and Patrick Foy. Acquired von Willebrand's in Essential Thrombocythemia. American College of Physicians Wisconsin State Chapter Meeting. Wisconsin Dells, WI. 2016 Sept 9. (Poster)
3. Wenzel, Chad, Berlin Kathryn EK, and Widlansky, Michael. A Heart-Pounding Case of Heart Failure. American College of Physicians Wisconsin State Chapter Meeting. Wisconsin Dells, WI. 2016 Sept 9. (Poster)
4. Berlin, Kathryn EK. Clinical Findings Predictive of Severe Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection: A Case Report and Discussion. Best Practices in Pediatrics. Wisconsin Dells, WI. 2017 Mar 10. (Poster)
5. Berlin, Kathryn EK. Ahmad, Umber and Konon, Irina. Methemoglobinemia and Hemolytic Anemia Secondary to Prophylactic Dapsone. American College of Physicians Wisconsin State Chapter Meeting.Wisconsin Dells, WI. 2017 Sept 8. (Poster)
6. Berlin, Kathryn. An Unusual Presentation of Blueberry Muffin Rash. Best Practices in Pediatrics. Wisconsin Dells, WI. 2018 Mar 3. (Poster)
7. Berlin, Kathryn, Kapke, JT, Bylow, Kathryn, and Kilari, Deepak. Predictors of response to platinum (Pt)-based chemotherapy in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). American College of Physicians Wisconsin State Chapter Meeting. Wisconsin
1. Berlin, Kathryn EK and Foy, Patrick. Acquired Von Willebrand's in Essential Thrombocythemia. Society of Critical Care Medicine's International Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. 2017 Jan 21 (Oral)
2. Berlin, Kathryn EK. and Peter Ward, Ph.D. The Superolateral Approach for Intra-articular Knee Injections is More Efficacious than the Superomedial Approach: A Feasibility Study in Cadavers. Medical College of Wisconsin Research Day. 201, WI. (Poster)
1. Kaye, Kathryn, and Meadow, William. Balancing Predictions: The Importance of Prognostications in the Neonatal ICU. WVSOM Student Research Day. 2012 April 18. (Poster)

Medical College of Wisconsin
2016 - 2019 Member, Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Residency Curriculum Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2017 - 2018 President, Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Residency Curriculum Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 - Present present. Representative, Housestaff Quality and Safety Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals
2021 - Present present. Housestaff Representative, Residents as Educators Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals
2017 - Present Resident Representative, Healthcare Failure Modes Effect Analysis, Milwaukee Veterans Affairs Medical Center
2019 - 2020 Physician lead, Root Cause Analysis, Milwaukee Veterans Affairs Medical Center
2019 - 2020 Acting Member, Code 4 Committee, Milwaukee Veterans Affairs Medical Center
2019 - 2020 Acting Member, RRT Improvement Committee, Milwaukee Veterans Affairs Medical Center
2019 - 2020 Acting Member, Peer Review Committee, Milwaukee Veterans Affairs Medical Center
2019 - 2020 Acting Member, Restraints & Seclusion Committee, Milwaukee Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Resident and Fellow Education
07/2019 - 06/2020 Led Internal Medicine Noon Conference 2-3x weekly
07/2019 - 06/2020 Internal Medicine Residency Patient Safety Elective
07/2020 - Present present. Monthly lectures on the basics of Neonatology to resident physicians rotating through NICU
07/2021 - 06/2022 Resident Education Leader for Neonatal ICU rotation
07/2022 - Present present. Chief Fellow
• Developed curriculum for patient safety elective, presented several lectures and hands-on workshops, and coached participating residents, nurses, and pharmacists
• One of three chief fellows for program. Responsible for quality improvement and patient safety focused initiatives, in addition to traditional chief responsibilities
• Scheduled daily educational sessions and developed lectures for resident physicians
• Mentored residents on presentations, led group discussions, developed additional lectures for residents, and created post-presentation summary materials for additional educational benefit

Will Scott, MD. MCW. December 2020 - present. Co-Mentored in research with Joanne
Sarah Dittmer, MD. MCW. October 2022-present
Kaitlyn Miller, MD., MD. MCW. January 2022 - November 2022. Co-mentored in research with Susan Cohen
Lagatta, MD.

2006 - Present Triglav Cultural Society, Wind Lake, WI
2015 International Director of Expansion, Alpha Omega Epsilon Sorority
2016 - Present Junior League of Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WI
• Chair-elect for the Done-in-A-Day Committee, which partners with community organizations to provide volunteers for critical events

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Kaye KE, Berns AL, Cress LR, Nazar A. "Mini-Medical School Programs are an Effective Tool to Introduce Students to Osteopathic Medicine." J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2014 Feb; 114(2):109-12. DOI: 10.7556/jaoa.2014.024. PMID: 24481803
2. Berlin K., Weisgerber M., and Loconto E. "Epigastric Pain in a 14-Year-Old Male". Pediatrics in Review. Nov 2018, 39(11) 562-564. DOI: 10.1542/pir.2017-0085.
3. Berlin KE, Fletcher KE (January 05, 2022) A Proposed Systematic Approach to the Cognitive Autopsy for Internists. Cureus 14(1): e20965. doi:10.7759/cureus.20965
4. Berlin K, Cabacungan E, Hopp A, Jarzembowski J, Karody V; Post-intubation Respiratory Failure in an Infant with Multiple Congenital Anomalies. Neoreviews August 2022; 23 (8): e589-e594.
5. Berlin K, Gray M, Myers P, Scheurer J, Robin B, McLean C, O'Reilly D, French H, Vasquez M, Castera M, Redford K, Edgar L, Johnston L. "A New Era of Assessment for Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Trainees: Milestones 2.0". Journal of Perinatology. Accepted April 14, 2023.
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Berlin, K. Everyone Gets Sick [letter to the editor]. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 2017 May 8.
2. Berlin, K. "Housestaff Perspectives on Quality & Safety: From Resident to Attending and Back Again". Fall MCWAH Quality & Safety Newsletter. 2022 September 20.
1. Kilari D, Bylow KA, and Berlin K. "Predictors of response to platinum (Pt)-based chemotherapy in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)." Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2017. 35:6_suppl, e575.
2. Nguyen, LB. Ward, A. Snyder, K. Berlin, KE. "Interprofessional Approach to Health Education Practice and Delivery: Training Hospital Clinicians to Support Second Victims at Veterans Affairs Medical Center." APHA 2020.