Medical College of Wisconsin
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Kathryn M. Denson MD
Chief, Professor
Department of Medicine
Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine

Hub for Collaborative Medicine
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

08/1988 - 06/1992 BA, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
07/1992 - 06/1996 MD, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO

07/1996 - 06/1999 Resident, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/1999 - 07/2000 Fellow, Geriatric Medicine, University of Washington, School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
09/2002 - 01/2006 Fellow, Excellence in Clinical Education and Leadership (ExCEL), Primary Care Faculty Development, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2002 Educational Measurement, (Project Title: Assessment Tool for Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis
2003 Educational Leadership, Writing, and Professional Academic Skills, (Project Title: Proposal for Home Care Program and Curriculum Design
02/2004 - Present Incorporating House Calls into Residency Training, University of Cincinnati
04/2004 - 04/2006 Statistics Workshop Series/Interactive Example-Based Sessions, Medical College of Wisconsin
2004 The Practice and Profession(alism) of Teaching (Project Title: Critical Teaching Incidents Workbook
2004 On-Line Curriculum Development and Design (Project Title: On-Line Home Care Curriculum Development
2005 Curriculum Development (Project Title: M4 Integrated Selective Module—Alzheimer’s Dementia/Home Care)
2005 Leading Your Academic Career (Project Title: On-Line Home Care Curriculum Development)

12/2000 - 07/2002 Instructor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
08/2002 - 06/2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics/Gerontology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2008 - 06/2015 Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics/Gerontology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2015 - 12/31/2021 Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics/Gerontology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
01/01/2021 - Present Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/2020 - 11/30/2021 Interim Chief, Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2020 - 05/2024 Section Chief, Division of Medicine, Section of Geriatrics, Clement J Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
12/01/2021 - Present Chief, Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

12/2000 - 07/2002 Director, Physician and Patient Course, Minneapolis VAMC, University of Minnesota
08/2002 - 07/2015 Course Director, Geriatric Evaluation & Management Unit, Clement J Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
05/2005 - 01/2012 Co-Course Director, Wisconsin Update in Geriatric Medicine and Board Review Course (bi-annual), Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2006 - 06/2013 Curriculum Leader, Geriatrics Portion- Clinical Exam & Reasoning Course, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2006 - 06/2020 Program Director, Medicine-Geriatrics Combined Residency Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2006 - 06/2020 Program Director, Geriatric Medicine Fellowship Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
05/2008 - 06/2010 Course Director, Chief Resident Training in the Care of Older Adults Course, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2011 - Present Chief Editor, Geriatrics Fast Facts Online Resource, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2011 - 03/2018 Site Director, Palliative Care/Hospice Outpatient Rotation, Horizon Hospice, Medical College of Wisconsin

08/2002 - Present Medical Director, Home Based Primary Care, Clement J Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee
08/2002 - 03/2018 CMO and Medical Director, Horizon Home Care and Hospice, Inc, Milwaukee, WI
07/2003 - 07/2015 Medical Director, Geriatric Evaluation & Management Unit, Clement J Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
01/2021 - 07/2022 Medical Director Froedtert Inpatient Hospice, Froedtert Health, Milwaukee, WI
07/01/2021 - Present Medical Director of Palliative Services, Medicine, Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, Froedtert Health

12/2000 - 07/2002 Minneapolis V.A. Medical Center, One Veterans Drive, Minneapolis, MN
08/2002 - Present Clement J. Zablocki V.A. Medical Center, 5000 W. National Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53295
08/2002 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53226

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Internal Medicine
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
American Heart Association

Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License
Washington License

06/1992 Cum Laude , Saint Olaf College
06/2004 Best Physicians, Milwaukee Magazine
03/2005 Marvin R. Dunn Poster Session Judges’ Award: Using the ACGME Competencies and Critical Incident Methodology to Improve Clinical Teaching, ACGME Spring Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, ACGME
03/2005 1st Place Award of Excellence in Medical Education, Objective Structured Video Examinations for Teaching and Assessing the ACGME Competencies, ACGME Spring Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, ACGME
09/2006 Top Ten Products of the Year, Objective Structured Video Examinations for Teaching and Assessing the ACGME Competencies , Reynolds
09/2006 Edward J. Lennon Endowed Clinical Teaching Award, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2006 2006 Objective Structured Video Examinations for Teaching and Assessing the ACGME Competencies, ACGME Endorsement of Dr. David Leach, ACGME President, ACGME
06/2008 Best Physicians, Milwaukee Magazine
05/2009 Presidential Poster Award Winner, TGIF Clerkship Collaborative: Observed Competency in Medical Students' Abilities to Manage Medications in Geriatric Patients, American Geriatrics Society
07/2009 Outstanding Service Award, CEC M1-M2 Subcommittee Chairperson, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2009 Outstanding Medical Student Teacher Award , Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2009 Annual Reynolds Grantee Meeting Top Ten (#3) Products of the Year Pills, Pills, and More PIlls Experiemental Polypharmacy Exercise, Reynolds
04/2010 Innovations in Medical Education UGME Poster Award TGIF Collaborative, Do Student Self-Reports Equal Observer Ratings for Curriculum Content Inclusions?, Central Group on Educational Affairs
05/2010 Resident Education Poster: Kuester J, DENSON K, Thinking "inside the box": Does an experiential pill box exercise decrease polypharmacy? American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, American Geriatrics Society
05/2010 Resident Education Poster, Thinking “inside the box”: Does an experiential pill box exercise decrease polypharmacy? American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, American Geriatrics Society
09/2010 #1 Assessment Tool Pills, Pills, and More Pills Experiential Polypharmacy Exercise, Annual Reynolds Grantee Meeting
09/2010 Outstanding Medical Student Teacher Award, Master Clinician Pathway, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2011 High-Performing, Division of Geriatrics , U.S. News and World Report, Best Hospitals Issue
06/2011 Outstanding Faculty Service Award for Service to the CME Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2011 Best Physicians, Milwaukee Magazine
10/2011 Top Accessed Product on POGO-e Educational Materials Clearinghouse: Pills, Pills and More Pills, A Pillbox Exercise to Reduce Polypharmacy, Reynolds Foundation Annual Meeting , Reynolds
06/2012 Selected in "Top Doctors", Milwaukee's Lifestyle Magazine
06/2013 Selected in "Top Doctors", Milwaukee's Lifestyle Magazine
06/2013 Selected in "Best Doctors in America"
06/2013 Careers in Aging Week Award presented to MCW Reynolds geriatrics team, Gerontological Society of America
01/2014 Selected in "Top Doctors in Southeastern Wisconsin", Business Journal
02/2014 Selected in "Top Doctors", Geriatrics/Hospice and Palliative Care, Milwaukee's Lifestyle Magazine
02/2014 Selected in "Best Doctors in America"
07/2014 Society of Teaching Scholars, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2014 10th Most Accessed Education Product of 2014: Denson K, Simpson D, Duthie E, Marcdante KHaas A. Virtual Patient #4: Mrs. Violetta Mitsuko Tang Chief Diagnosis: Osteoporosis/Incontinence, Portal of Geriatrics Online Education (Pogo-e)
10/2014 Annual Reynolds Grantee Meeting Educational Product of the Year 3rd place" Can You Swallow This? A Practical Approach to Dysphagia", Reynolds
01/2015 Top 10 Educational Products of the Year (#3): Denson K, Simpson D, Duthie E, Marcdante K, Haas AVirtual Patient Case #4: Mrs. Violetta Mitsuko Tang - Chief Diagnosis: Osteoporosis/Incontinence, Portal of Geriatrics Online Education (Pogo-e)
06/2015 Selected in "Top Doctors", Milwaukee's Lifestyle Magazine
06/2015 Selected in "Best Doctors in America"
10/2015 MCW President's Prize in Creative Medical Writing "Exposing Physicians", Medical College of Wisconsin
05/2016 Outstanding Committee Service for the Education Committee American Geriatrics Society National Award, American Geriatrics Society
06/2016 Selected in "Top Doctors", Milwaukee's Lifestyle Magazine
01/2017 Selected in "Best Doctors in America"
01/2018 Selected in "Best Doctors in America"
01/2018 "Top Doctors", Milwaukee's Lifestyle Magazine
02/2018 MCW Outstanding Medical Student Teacher Award MCW Physiology Course 2017-2018, Medical College of Wisconsin
11/2018 MCW Outstanding Medical Student Teacher Award MCW Physiology Course 2018-2019, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2019 "Top Doctors", Milwaukee's Lifestyle Magazine
01/2020 "Top Doctors", Milwaukee's Lifestyle Magazine
03/2020 Alliance Innovation Award, Geriatric Fast Facts, Alliance of Independent Academic Medical Centers (AIAMC)
05/20/2020 Outstanding Committee Service, Education Committee, National Award, American Geriatrics Society
02/01/2023 AGS 2023 Dennis W. Jahnigen Memorial Award, The American Geriatrics Society

07/1993 - Present American College of Physicians (Member)
07/1993 - 05/2005 American Medical Association (Member)
07/1993 - 05/2005 Christian Medical and Dental Society (Member)
08/2002 - Present American Geriatrics Society (Member)
01/2004 - 05/2008 American Academy of Home Care Physicians (Member)
01/2007 - 05/2010 Milwaukee Academy of Medicine (Member)
07/2015 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin Society of Teaching Scholars (Member)

07/2011 - Present Editor, Geriatrics Fast Facts Online Resource
07/2019 - Present Associate Editor, Aquifer Geriatrics Online Resource, American Geriatrics Society
Journal Review
03/2004 - 07/2006 Peer Reviewer, Journal of Palliative Medicine
12/2004 - 07/2005 CACHE “The Cube”, Repository for peer Reviewed Educational Materials. (Group on Educational Affairs) and the AAMC Division of Medical Education and Virginia Commonwealth University of Medicine.
12/2004 - 07/2006 Peer Reviewer, HEAL (Health Education Assets Library)
12/2005 - 07/2016 MedEdPORTAL on-line educational resources reviewer
12/2005 - 07/2006 Abstract Reviewer, Council on Graduate Medical Education (CGEA) annual meeting
03/2006 - Present Reviewer, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS)
05/2006 POGO-E (Portal of Geriatrics Online Education) invited participant in strategic planning meeting re: redesign of POGO-e AGS meeting, Chicago, IL
10/2010 - 06/2012 Committee Member, Journal Of Graduate Medical Education, Educational Resources Advisory Committee
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
04/2024 Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Foundation, MCW-led Momentum Grants

12/2000 - 07/2002 Member, Open Access Program Development, Minneapolis VAMC
08/2002 - 07/2018 Physician Member, Advisory Board, Home Care, Horizon Home Care
11/2002 - 11/2003 Member, Advisory Board, Home Care, Saint Ann's Center for Intergenerational Care
12/2002 - 03/2018 Physician and Medical Director Member, Home Care, Horizon Home Hospice
07/2003 - Present Physician and Medical Director Member, Home Care, Zablocki VAMC HBPC (Home Based Primary Care)
01/2004 - 07/2023 Physician member, Geriatric Evaluation and Management Unit Administration Committee, Zablocki VAMC
02/2004 - 05/2024 Member, Geriatrics Evaluation and Management Representative, Rehab and Extended Care Division Committee, Zablocki VAMC
05/2005 - 06/2006 Member, GEM Peer Review Committee to Evaluate GEM Listserv and Website Portal, Zablocki VAMC
08/2009 - 09/2009 Member, Web-Based Informational Materials for Caregivers of Veterans Post Stroke Focus Group, Zablocki VAMC
05/2010 - 07/2012 Member, Transitions of Long-Term Care Committee, Zablocki VAMC
07/2020 - 05/2024 Member, Community Living Center Committee, Zablocki VAMC
07/2020 - Present Member, Dementia Steering Committee, Zablocki VAMC
01/2021 - Present Member, Inpatient Hospice Workgroup, Froedtert and Horizon Home Care and Hospice
07/2021 - Present Member, Geriatric Evaluation Clinic Workgroup, Zablocki VAMC
07/01/2024 - Present Member, Executive Council Advisory Board, Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program
07/2024 - Present Member, Home-Based Primary Care Age-Friendly Committee, Zablocki VAMC

10/2004 Member, Representative from Zablocki VAMC, VA Care Coordination Conference, Telemedicine in Home Care and VA Initiatives. Chicago, IL
05/2005 - 07/2006 Member, Summit Committee Meeting, National Geriatrics Evaluation and Management Unit
07/2007 - 07/2008 Member, Committee to develop national standards of medical student competencies in geriatric medicine, AAMC Hartford Geriatrics Consensus Conference
05/2008 - Present Member, ADGAP: Association of Directors of Geriatrics Academic Programs, American Geriatrics Society
05/2010 - Present Member, American Geriatrics Society Teacher’s Section, American Geriatrics Society
01/2013 - Present Co-Leader, Resident Activity Subcommittee, Quiz Bowl and Fun Stations, American Geriatrics Society
01/2013 - Present Co-Leader, Resident Activity Subcommittee, Resident and Fellowship Breakfast and Fair, American Geriatrics Society
01/2013 - Present Co-Leader, Resident Activity Subcommittee, Resident Poster Session, American Geriatrics Society
04/2013 - Present Member, Education Committee, American Geriatrics Society
11/2013 - Present Co-Chair, Resident Activity Subcommittee, American Geriatrics Society
02/2018 - Present Member, Medicine-Geriatrics Integrated Residency and Fellowship Workgroup, American Geriatrics Society/ADGAP

Peer Review
Wisconsin Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program
Health Resources & Services Administration
Role & Effort:
Co-Investigator, MCW PI
Barnes S.
07/01/2024 - 06/30/2029
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
Caregiver Training and Resident Satisfaction in Adult Family
Hartford Foundation/American Geriatrics Society
Role & Effort:
07/2000 - 06/2001
Direct Funds:
Comprehensive Program to Strengthen Physicians Training in Geriatrics
Donald W. Reynolds Foundation
Role & Effort:
Faculty Fellowship Awardee
G. Richard Olds, MD
07/2001 - 06/2005
Direct Funds:
Enhancing Geriatric Care Through Practicing Physician Education (PPE Project)
Hartford Foundation/American Geriatrics Society
Role & Effort:
Physician Leader
03/2002 - 03/2004
Direct Funds:
Collaborative Center for the Care of Older Adults (COCOA)
Society of General Internal Medicine/Hartford Award
Role & Effort:
Geriatrics Faculty Mentor
Marilyn Schapira, MD, MPH
10/02/2003 - 09/30/2005
Direct Funds:
Geriatric Academic Career Award Grantee (GACA)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
10/2003 - 10/2008
Direct Funds:
Cognition and Outreach to Aging Seniors
Advancing Healthier Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
07/2006 - 06/2007
Direct Funds:
$50,000 (Increase geriatric education and senior care w/ Marquette nursing students)
A Collaborative Approach to Integrating Longitudinal Themes Throughout the Educational Curriculum
Advancing Healthier Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/2007 - 06/2010
Direct Funds:
$150,000 (Interweave geriatrics throughout the basic and clinical sciences)
Competencies in Geriatric Medical Education: National Standards and MCW
Medical College of Wisconsin Learning Resource Funds
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/2007 - 10/2007
Direct Funds:
$1,900 (Identification of competencies in geriatric medicine and approaches to implementing these competencies in health care education.)
M1-2 Curriculum Integration Action Plan
Medical College of Wisconsin Learning Resource Funds
Role & Effort:
Faculty & Curriculum and Evaluation Committee Participant
09/2007 - 09/2008
Direct Funds:
$12,000 (Medical student curriculum integration)
Chief Resident Immersion Training in the Care of Older Adults (CRIT)
Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs & John Hartford Foundation
Role & Effort:
05/2008 - 07/2011
Direct Funds:
$114,000 (Geriatrics training of MCW chief residents in 12 MCW specialties )
Next Steps to Strengthen Physician Training in Geriatrics
Donald W. Reynolds Foundation
Role & Effort:
01/2011 - 01/2015
Direct Funds:
$1,500,000 (Geriatrics training of MCW residents, fellows in 18 MCW specialties)
Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program
Role & Effort:
Stacy Barnes, Marquette University
07/2015 - 06/2018
Direct Funds:
Nursing Workforce Diversity – Eldercare Enhancement
Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)
Role & Effort:
09/2020 - 08/2022
Direct Funds:
Student Champions: Connecting Dementia Patients/Caregivers to Essential Community Resources
Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin – Community Partnership
Role & Effort:
Stacy Barnes
07/01/2021 - 06/30/2021
Direct Funds:

Simpson D, DENSON K, Duthie E, Objective Structured Video Examinations (OSVEs) for Teaching and Assessing Geriatrics, Donald W. Reynolds 6th Annual National Reynolds Awardee Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 11/2007
DENSON K, An E-Learning Curriculum for Multidisciplinary Home Care Education, Donald W. Reynolds 6th Annual National Reynolds Awardee Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 11/2007
DENSON K, Brown D, On-line Curriculum for Integration of Geriatrics in the Basic and Clinical Sciences, Donald W. Reynolds 7th Annual National Reynolds Awardee Conference, St. Louis, MO, 09/2008
DENSON K, MCW Experience with CRIT, CRIT National Demonstration Project Site Visit, New Haven, CT, 10/2009
TGIF Collaborative, Transitioning Traditional Teaching: Utilizing On-line Modules to Integrate Geriatrics Across the Curriculum, Gerontological Society of America (GSA) National Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 11/2009
TGIF Collaborative, Students’ Self Report Versus Observed Performance in Minimum Geriatric Competencies, American Association of Medical Colleges, Boston, MA, 11/2009
Duthie E, Simpson D, DENSON K, Brown D, LMFAO Laughing My Freaking "A" Off for Geriatrics workshop, Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 11/2009
DENSON K, Kuester J, Brown D, Pills, Pills and More Pills! Workshop, Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 11/2009
One Specialty at a Time: Achieving Competency in Geriatrics through an E-learning Neurology Clerkship Module, AAMC, Boston, MA, 11/2009
Madness to Methods Workshop, Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 05/2010
From Babe to Sage: Injury Prevention Across the Age Continuum, American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 05/2010
Simpson D, Duthie E, DENSON K, Expanding Educators' Repertoire of Teaching & Instructional Strategies - Madness to Methods Workshop, American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 05/2010
Simpson D, Duthie E, DENSON K, Expanding Educators' Repertoire of Teaching & Instructional Strategies - Madness to Methods Workshop, Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, 10/2010
Geriatric Instruction + Assessment Transfer to Clinical Practice for M3 Medical Students, Presidential Poster Session, American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 05/2011
DENSON K, Faculty Case Discussant, Aurora Healthcare Most Difficult Case Conference, Conference Call, 06/2011
Farrell T, Simpson D, DENSON K, Eskildsen M, Brunker C, Eubank K, Blanchard G, From Idea to Implementation; Moving your Educational Project from Brain to Bedside Peer Review Educational Workshop, 2012 Reynolds Annual Grantee Meeting, St. Louis, MO, 10/2012
DENSON K, Bynum D, McNicoll L, Westmoreland G, Educational Product Development Peer Review Workshop, American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Annual Meeting, Grapevine, TX, 05/2013
Farrell T, Simpson D, Brunker C, DENSON K, Eskildsen M, Eubank K, Besdine R, Duthie E, Supiano M., From Products to Promotion: Applying Best Practices to the Critical Appraisal of Educational Scholarship, 2013 Reynolds Annual Grantee Meeting, Coronado, CA, 10/2013
DENSON K, Hook L, Brown D, Nilsson E, Wagner G, Shmaryan D, Denson S, Using Video & Case Discussion for Performance Based Resident Teaching & Self-Assessment Educators' Swap Podium and Interactive Educational Presentation Session, American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 04/2014
Farrell T, Simpson D, Duthie E, Supiano M, Brunker C, Eskildsen M, DENSON K, Anderson K, Talebreza S, Levine S, Soriano R, Attaining Your Career Goals in Geriatrics: Applying Best Practices to the Critical Appraisal of Educational Scholarship, 2014 Reynolds Annual Grantee Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 10/2014
Simpson D, DENSON K, Duthie E, Yukawa M, Soriano RP, Heflin MT, Pinheiro SO, Why I Love to Teach - Sometimes "Yes" and Sometimes "Not So Much"., 2014 Reynolds Annual Grantee Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 10/2014
DENSON K, Carnahan J, Azimi E, Clinical Skills Workshop "Can You Swallow This: A Practical Approach to Dysphagia", American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 05/2015
Ong T, Pacala J, Corcoran A, DENSON K, Fellows' In-Training Session: Work Life Balance Symposium, American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 05/2015
DENSON K, "Meet the Professors" Session, 2015 Reynolds Grantee 13th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, 10/2015
Simpson D, DENSON K, Malone M, Duthie E, Rainier S, Hefler M, Pienheiro S, Yukawa M, Farrell T, Faculty Development Workshop Session, "Structuring Geriatric Education across the Physician Education Continuum to Create Win-Wins", 2015 Reynolds Grantee 13th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, 10/2015
Duthie E, Simpson D, Myers J, DENSON K, Denson S, Using Maintenance of Certification to Reduce Fall Associated Medications in Primary Care, Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, MA, 11/2018
Barnes S, Duthie E, DENSON K, McAlister J, Betley W, Szymkowski A, Malone M, Simpson D, A Successful Educational Intervention Linking Dementia Patients & Families with Community Resources (Poster), Gerontological Society of American (GSA) Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 11/02/2022 - 11/06/2022
Duggan M, DENSON K, Suchak N, Granville L, Ask Us Anything with Alex Smith and Eric Widera, American Geriatric Society (AGS) Hosted Webinar, Virtual, 09/26/2023
Suchak N, Duggan M, DENSON K, Brennan M, Resident Abstract Writing Session Workshop, American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Hosted Webinar, Virtual, 11/08/2023
DENSON K, Henricks E, Suchak N, Atif R, Duggan M, The Abstract Workshop, GERIAtrics Fellows Learning Online And Together (Geri-a-FLOAT) session, Virtual, 10/28/2024
Gehl S, Helm R, Drewniak T, DENSON K, Mitchell J, Ziebert M, Havas N, Kerwin D, Denson S, Biernat K, Brown D, Bragg D, Gleason M, Dankert T, Simpson D, Duthie E, Using Virtual Geriatric Patients to Assess the ACGME Competencies, ACGME Annual Education Conference, Chicago, IL, 03/2004
DENSON K, Long Term Care Systems, Wisconsin Update in Geriatric Medicine and Board Review Course, Lake Geneva, WI, 10/2004
DENSON K, Accessing and Incorporating the Tools for Teaching and /or Assessment of the ACGME Competencies, Small group facilitator, Invitational Conference for Residency Program Faculty, Co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Geriatric Education Center and the Medical College of Wisconsin, Brookfield, WI, 10/2004
DENSON K, Helm R, Drewniak T, Havas N, Gehl S, Denson S, Ziebert M, Mitchell J, Harsch H, Kerwin D, Brown D, Bragg D, Dankert T, Poindexter K, Heffron M, Duthie E, Simpson D, What Factors Influence Faculty Use of Colleagues’ Digital Teaching/Assessment Tools?, Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Spring Meeting, Madison, WI, 04/2005
Denson S, DENSON K, Rademacher R, Simpson D, Charlson J, Damintz B, Degroat J, DeMattia L, Drewniak T, Hulbert K, Humbert T, Jacob S, Jevtic J, Marr L, Pfeiffer K, Weisberger M, Ziebert M, Critical Teaching Incidents: A Faculty Development Strategy for Meeting the ACGME Competency Mandate, AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs Spring Meeting, Madison, WI, 04/2005
DENSON K, "Brain Failure" Diagnosis and Management of Delirium, Going from Good to Great in the Care of Elderly Adults Conference, St. Luke's Hospital/ Aurora Health System, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2007
DENSON K, Home Care: How to Make it Work for Patients and Physicians, Aurora St. Luke's Medicine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2008
DENSON K, Long Term Care Systems, Wisconsin Update in Geriatric Medicine and Board Review Course, Lake Geneva, WI, 09/2008
Brown D, Webb T, Larson G, DENSON K, Simpson D, TGIF (Teaching Geriatrics Injury & Falls) Clerkship Collaborative, Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Spring Meeting, Rochester, MN, 03/2009
DENSON K, Elderly and Falls in the Home: Is fall prevention even possible?, University of Wisconsin, Medicine Grand Rounds, Mount Sinai Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2010
DENSON K, Bobot B, Urinary Incontinence Interactive Workshop and Presentation, 43rd Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Oconomowoc, WI, 01/2013
DENSON K, Hind J, Dysphagia Simulation, Wisconsin Geriatric Education Consortium small group session, Wisconsin Update in Geriatric Medicine and Board Review Course, Lake Geneva, WI, 09/2013
DENSON K, Geriatric Skills Workshop: Dysphagia, 44th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Oconomowoc, WI, 02/2014
DENSON K, Havas N, Small group session, New Hospice Regulations, 3rd Annual Challenging Topics in Palliative Care: Beyond the Basics, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2014
Duthie E, Manzi G, Howell T, DENSON K, Denson S, The Geriatrics Most Difficult Case Conference, 45th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Oconomowoc, WI, 02/2015
Duthie E, Simpson D, DENSON K, Part IV MOC- Advance Directives for Geriatric Patients., 47th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Oconomowoc, WI, 02/2017
DENSON K, Duthie E, Simpson D, Workshop: Medication Conversations to Reduce Falls in Geriatric Patients, 48th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 02/2018
DENSON K, Duthie E, Workshop: Advance Directives for Geriatric Patients, Fox Valley MCW Residency Program event, Fox Valley, WI, 05/2018
DENSON K, Duthie E, Simpson D, Dementia Management - Caregiver Conversations and Resources, 49th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 02/2019
DENSON K, Denson S, Simpson D, Dementia Caregiver: Conversation and Resources, Wisconsin Geriatrics Board Review Course and Update, Lake Geneva, WI, 10/2019
Duthie E, DENSON K, Denson S, Simpson D, The 4Ms of Geriatrics: What Matters, Medications Mobility & Mentation, 50th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 01/29/2020
DENSON K, Alzheimer's Awareness, Training and Care Strategies Panelist, Clinical & Translational Science Institute, Milwaukee Regional Research Forum Luncheon, Milwaukee, WI, 10/23/2023
DENSON K, Adult Family Homes The Washington Model, Geriatric Medicine Seminar, Milwaukee, WI, 11/2001
Kerwin D, DENSON K, Simpson D, Duthie E, Virtual Patients for Geriatric Curriculum, LCME Accreditation Site Team Visit Presentation, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2003
DENSON K, Falls: Review and Toolkit for Practicing Physicians, Milwaukee area PACE site Seminar, Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), Milwaukee, WI, 05/2003
DENSON K, Why Care for Older Adults? Panel speaker on the career choice of geriatric medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2004
DENSON K, Haynor M, Update in Home Care and Hospice, Community Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Menomonee Falls, WI, 01/2005
DENSON K, Demonstration and Critique of an E-Learning Home Care Curriculum, Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology Interest Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2005
DENSON K, A Patient with Paresthesias and Ataxia, Clinical Pathologic Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2005
DENSON K, Home Care Curriculum and Educational Geriatrics Work, Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology Interest Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2005
DENSON K, Denson S, Integrating the Basic and Clinical Sciences; Is there better teaching through technology?, Pharmacy Education Group Meeting, MCW/FMLH Milwaukee, WI, 06/2006
DENSON K, Reciprocal Integration in Geriatrics Teaching Initiatives at MCW, Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology Research Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 07/2006
DENSON K, Horizon Home Care and Hospice Initiatives, Division of General Internal Medicine Hospital Medicine Section Meeting, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2007
DENSON K, How Bad is Really Bad? The Home Care/Hospice Interface, Horizon Home Care and Hospice, Brown Deer, WI, 03/2007
DENSON K, Small group facilitator, Curriculum and Evaluation Committee MCW Medical Education Curriculum Retreat, Lake Geneva, WI, 11/2007
DENSON K, Wiesner E, Horizon Hospice Medication Protocols- Module 1 Narcotics, Horizon Home Care & Hospice, Brown Deer, WI, 12/2007
DENSOK K, Integration of Geriatrics Educational Competencies throughout the Medical School Curriculum, MCW Curriculum and Evaluation Committee, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2008
DENSON K, Small group facilitator, MCW Dean’s Education Curriculum Retreat, Brookfield, WI, 09/2008
Burzynski M, Leake R, Brown D, Duthie E, Simpson D, Bragg D, DENSON K, Meuerer L, Falls and Medications Use, MCW TGIF Collaborative Medical Students' Self-Reported and Observed Competencies in Geriatrics, Emergency Medicine Research Day, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2009
DENSON K, Pain!!!, Home Care and Hospice Care Teams In-Service Education, Horizon Home Care and Hospice, Brown Deer, WI, 07/2009
DENSON K, Horizon Hospice and You, Orientation session for new staff, Horizon Home Care and Hospice, Brown Deer, WI, 06/2010
DENSON K, Schmidt, C, The Who, What, Where and How of Your New Hospice, Hospital Grand Rounds Ozaukee, St. Mary's Hospital, Mequon, WI, 06/2010
DENSON K, Manzi G, Foy P, Vasudev B, Malmsten C, Rehm J, Brown D, Simpson D, Duthie E., Using Teaching Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) to Expand Fellows' Perceptions Around Quality of Care for Older Adults, Innovations in Medical Education (IHER) Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2014
Manzi G, DENSON K, Barbieri K, Duthie E, Rehm J, Padua K, Simpson D, Malone M, It's an Elephant! Lessons Learned in Mobilizing Geriatric Fast Facts for Education, Innovations in Medical Education (IHER) Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2014
DENSON K, Simpson D, Denson S, Manzi G, Duthie E, Malone M, Wessel B, Rehm J, Using Google Analytics to Support Continuous Improvement of Your Mobile Enabled Learning website, Innovations in Medical Education (IHER) Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2015
DENSON K, Duthie E, Joy of Teaching Educational Session, Society of Teaching Scholars, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2015
DENSON K, MedEdPORTAL and You: Tips for Successful Publishing, Faculty Development in Primary Care - Master Educators' Group, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2016
DENSON K, Haeger L, Elstrom L, Hospice: Navigating Regulations in Providing Patient Care, Wisconsin Geriatrics Nurse Practitioner Local Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2016
DENSON K, Elstrom L, Hospice: Navigating Regulations in Providing Patient Care, HBPC Interprofessional Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2017
Duthie E, DENSON K, Simpson D, Part IV MOC- Advance Directives for Geriatric Patients, 2017 Department of Family and Community Medicine CURE Workshop, Milwaukee, WI, 2017
Duthie E, DENSON K, Myers J, Part IV MOC - Advance Directives for Geriatric Patients, Columbia St. Mary's Family Medicine Residency Program, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2018
DENSON K, Elston L, Hospice: Navigating Regulations in Providing Patient Care, HBPC Shared Governance, VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2018
DENSON K, The Art of Difficult Conversations; or Bring Your Whole Best Self, Froedtert South Kenosha Medical Center, Kenosha, WI, 10/2018
Duthie E, Simpson D, Myers J, DENSON K, Denson S., Using Maintenance of Certification to Reduce Fall Associated Medications in Primary Care, Innovations in Health Care (IHER) Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2019
DENSON K, Duthie E, What Matters Most: Caregiver Conversations and Resources, What Matters Most in Primary Care Conference, Bellin College, Sturgeon Bay, WI, 06/2019
Steinhoff D, Keegan K, Lading A, Olson D, DENSON K, Navigating Emotional Costs of Difficult Patients, Schwartz Rounds, Clement J Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2019
Duthie E, DENSON K, Simpson D, Denson S, Geriatric Fast Facts: 4 Years of Growth and Reach, Innovations in Healthcare Education (IHER) Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2020
DENSON K, Fall Prevention with Linda Dobmeyer, Milwaukee Coalition Fall Prevention Community Service Impact Speaker, Milwaukee, WI, 05/21/2024

DENSON K, Kerwin D, Black C, Brown D, Black K, Simpson D, Assessing the Match Between AGS Core Medical Student Competencies in the Preclinical Curriculum, American Geriatrics Society, Baltimore, Maryland, 03/2003
Kerwin D, DENSON K, Simpson D, Dankert T, Marcdante K, Duthie E, Virtual Patients for Geriatric Curriculum., American Geriatrics Society, Baltimore, Maryland, 03/2003
Kerwin D, DENSON K, Duthie E, Simpson D, Using Virtual Geriatric Patients to Seamlessly integrate Geriatrics into Basic and Clinical Training, American Geriatrics Society, Baltimore, Maryland, 03/2003
Gehl S, Helm R, Drewniak T, DENSON K, Mitchell J, Ziebert M, Havas N, Kerwin D, Denson S, Biernat K, Brown D, Bragg D, Gleason M, Dankert T, Simpson D, Duthie E, Using Virtual Geriatric Patients to Assess the ACGME Competencies, ACGME Annual Education Conference, Chicago, IL, 03/2004
Duthie E, Helm R, DENSON K, Drewniak T, Mitchell J, Ziebert M, Kerwin D, Havas N, Denson S, Assessing the ACGME Competencies Through Virtual Patients, Central Group on Educational Affairs Spring Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, 03/2004
DENSON K, Kerwin D, Denson S, Simpson D, Biernat K, Brown D, Duthie E, Embedding Geriatrics in Assessment Tools Designed to Meet the ACGME Competencies, American Geriatrics Society, Las Vegas, NV, 04/2004
DENSON K, Vandenberg E, Lyons W, Innovations in Medical Education Session: Portal of Online Geriatrics Education, Society of General Internal Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, 05/2004
DENSON K, Kerwin D, Denson S, Simpson D, Duthie E, Integrating Geriatrics and Virtual Patients into the Medical School Curriculum, Society of General Internal Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, 05/2004
DENSON K, Duthie E, Simpson D, Incorporating Virtual Patients into Residency Education Teaching with Technology: Innovative Methodologies from Three D. W. Reynolds Geriatrics Education Training Grant Recipients, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 05/2004
DENSON K, Kerwin D, Denson S, Simpson D, Duthie E, Model Geriatric Programs: Resident, Fellow and Graduate Education Materials and Methods Swap: Incorporating Virtual Patients into Residency Education, American Geriatrics Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, 05/2004
Simpson D, Morzinski J, Charlson J, Currey L, Damitz D, DeGroat J, DeMattia L, DENSON K, Denson S, Drewniak T, Hulbert K, Jacob S, Jevtic J, Lamb G, Marcdante K, Marr L, Mclaughlin C, Meurer L, Ottow T, Rademacher R, Pfeifer K, Weisgerber M, Ziebert M,, Using the ACGME Competencies and Critical Incident Methodology to Improve Clinical Teaching, ACGME Spring Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, 03/2005
DENSON K, Helm R, Drewniak T, Havas N, Gehl S, Denson S, Ziebert M, Mitchell J, Harsch H, Kerwin D, Brown D, Bragg D, Dankert T, Poindexter K, Heffron M, Duthie E, Simpson D, What Factors Influence Faculty Use of Colleagues' Digital Teaching/Assessment Tools?, 2005 Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Spring Meeting, Madison, WI, 04/2005
Denson S, DENSON K, Rademacher R, Simpson D, Charlson J, Damintz B, Degroat J, DeMattia L, Drewniak T, Hulbert K, Humbert T, Jacob S, Jevtic J, Marr L, Pfeiffer K, Weisberger M, Ziebert M, Critical Teaching Incidents: A Faculty Development Strategy for Meeting the ACGME Competency Mandate, AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs Spring Meeting, Madison, WI, 04/2005
DENSON K, Denson S, Simpson D, Transforming Geriatrics Educators into E-Learning Authors, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, 05/2005
Kerwin D, Simpson D, Duthie E, DENSON K, The Infusion of Geriatrics into the Medical Student Curriculum: How to Teach Basic and Clinical Science Faculty to Utilize Virtual Patient Teaching Tools., American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, FL, 05/2005
Torre D, DENSON K, Bragg D, Simpson D, Kerwin D, Sebastian J, Duthie E, A Multi-Level Strategy to Evaluate Geriatric Education in a Medicine Clerkship, Presidential poster session, American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, FL, 05/2005
Denson S, DENSON K, Simpson D, Critical Elements Resulting in Faculty Adoption of Pre-Developed Educational Resources, American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, FL, 05/2005
DENSON K, An E-Learning Curriculum for Multidisciplinary Home Care Education, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 05/2005
Brown D, Simpson D, Havas N, Bragg D, DENSON K, Denson S, Duthie E, Gehl S, Harsch H, Heffron M, Helm R, Kerwin D, Mitchell J, Ziebert M, Objective Structured Video Examinations for Teaching and Assessing the ACGME Competencies, ACGME Spring Meeting, Kissimmee, FL 2005. 1st Place: Award of Excellence in Medical Education, 2005
Simpson D, Brown D, Bragg D, Duthie E, Havas N, Gehl S, Mitchell J, Ziebert M, DENSON K, Helm R, Drewniak T, Heffron M, Denson S, Harsch H, Multi-Functional Workgroups to Leverage Clinician Educator Development and ACGME Competencies, ACGME Spring Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, 03/2006
Flacker N, Malone M, DENSON K, Point and Click to a Better Presentation, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 05/2006
Implementing and Using E-Learning in Clinical Education and Training, American Geriatrics Society, Chicago, IL, 05/2006
DENSON K, Denson S, Reciprocal Integration of Basic and Clinical Sciences: A Collaborative Effort, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, San Diego, CA, 07/2006
Brown D, Simpson D, Duthie E, Bragg D, Havas N, Drewniak T, Gehl S, Ziebert M, DENSON K, Denson S, Helm R, Mitchell J, Heffron M, Harsch H, Illuminating Medical Errors and the ACGME Competencies through Teaching and Assessment of Objective Structured Video Examinations, Reinventing the Learning Environment poster session, ACGME Annual Education Conference, Kissimmee, FL, 03/2007
DENSON K, Threading Geriatrics through the Curriculum- Digital Resources and Strategies Developing Competencies for Geriatric Medical Education, Association of American Medical Colleges Geriatrics Curriculum Consensus Conference, St. Louis, MO, 07/2007
Leake R, Burzynski M, Brown D, Duthie E, Bragg D,Simpson D, DENSON K, Medical Students' Self Reported and Observed Competencies in Geriatrics., AAMC Research in Education Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 10/2008
Helms A, DENSON K, Brown D, Simpson D, Achieving Geriatric Competencies One Specialty at a Time., AAMC Research in Medical Education Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 10/2008
Brown D, Simpson D, DENSON K, Larson G, Webb T., A Multi-Specialty Clerkship Collaborative to Teach Geriatrics - Injury & Falls., Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA), Rochester, MN, 03/2009
DENSON K, Helms A, Brown D, Achieving Minimal Geriatric Competencies in Neurology: Using E-learning to Standardize Education., Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Spring Meeting, Rochester, MN, 03/2009
DENSON K, Kuester J, Brown D, Denson S., Pills, Pills & More Pills: Teaching about Barriers and Solutions in Polypharmacy., American Geriatrics Society, Chicago, IL, 05/2009
Leake R, Burzynski M, Brown D, Duthie E, Bragg D, Simpson D, DENSON K, Observed Competency in Medical Students' Abilities to Manage Medications in Geriatric Patients., American Geriatrics Society, Chicago, IL, 05/2009
Burzynski M, Leake R, Brown D, Duthie E, Bragg D, Simpson D, DENSON K, Medical Students Assessment and Management of Falls., American Geriatrics Society, Chicago, IL, 05/2009
DENSON K, Brown D, Duthie E, Sabina R, Twining S,Derse A, Liard J, Teaching Geriatrics outside the Clinics: Integrating Geriatrics into Basic Science, American Geriatrics Society, Chicago, IL, 05/2009
Brown D, Simpson D, Duthie E, DENSON K, Helms A, Webb T, Larson G, Meurer L, Transitioning Traditional Teaching: Utilizing On-line Modules to Integrate Geriatrics Across the Curriculum,, Gerontological Society of America national meeting, 11/2009
Duthie E, Simpson D, Brown D, Leake R, Burzynski M, Bragg D, Meurer L, DENSON K, Students' Self Report Versus Observed Performance in Minimum Geriatric Competencies, American Association of Medical Colleges, Boston, MA, 11/2009
Helms A, DENSON K, Brown D, Simpson D, One Specialty at a Time: Achieving Competency in Geriatrics through an E-learning Neurology Clerkship Module, AAMC, Boston, MA, 11/2009
Daidone S, Simpson D, Brown D, Bragg D, Burzynski M, Leake R, Stellmacher P, Duthie, E, DENSON, K, Quantifying the Frequency of Feedback Provided to M3s by Supervising Faculty and Residents, Central Group on Educational Affairs, Chicago, IL, 04/2010
TGIF Collaborative, Do Student Self-Reports Equal Observer Ratings for Curriculum Content Inclusions?, Central Group on Educational Affairs, Chicago, IL, 04/2010
Duthie E, Simpson D, DENSON K, Brown D, Denson S, Leipzig R,, Expanding Educators' Repertoire, of Teaching and Instructional Strategies - Madness to Methods, Educators Session Workshop, American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, FL, 05/2010
DENSON K, Kuester J, Brown D, Thinking "inside the box': Does an experiential pill box exercise decrease polypharmacy? Materials and Methods Swap, American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, FL, 05/2010
DENSON K, Brown D, Simpson D, Don't Go it Alone: A Multispecialty Collaborative to Teach Geriatrics in 3rd Year Clinical Specialties., American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, FL, 05/2010
Leake R, Stellmacher P, Daidone S, Burzynski, Simpson D, Brown D, DENSON K, Duthie E,, Can We Trust Student Self-Reports to Evaluate Geriatric Competencies Inclusion in Medical Student Education?, American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, FL, 05/2010
DENSON K, Kuester J, Brown D, Thinking "inside the box": Does an Experiential Pill Box Exercise Decrease Polypharmacy?, American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, FL, 05/2010
Denson S, Sheets L, Simpson D, Duthie E, DENSON K, SAFE-T: From Babe to Sage: Injury Prevention Across the Age Continuum, American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, FL, 05/2010
Petronovich J, Galarowicz S, Brown D, Simpson D, Duthie E, Bragg D, DENSON K, & MCW TGIF Clerkship Collaborative, Society of General Internal Medicine Midwest Regional Meeting, Chicago, IL, 09/2010
Duthie E, Stellmacher P, Simpson D, Brown D, DENSON K, Geriatric Instruction + Assessment ≠ Transfer to Clinical Practice for M3 Medical Students, American Geriatrics Society, Baltimore, MD, 05/2011
Simpson D, DENSON K, Duthie E, Expanding Educators' Repertoire of Teaching and Instructional Strategies - Madness to Methods, 9th Annual Reynolds Grantee Meeting, St. Louis, MO, 10/2011
Nguyen A, DENSON K, Duthie E, A Geriatrics Rotation as a Medicine Elective: A Smart Option for Medical Students? Research in progress poster session, NAPCRG annual meeting, Banff, CA, 11/2011
Petronovich J, Wade T, DENSON K, Simpson D, Webb T, Elderly Surgical Patients: Are there Gaps in Residency Education, WI Surgical Society Fall Conference, Kohler, WI, 11/2011
Wade T, Petronovich J, DENSON K, Brown D, Webb T, Elderly Surgical Patients: Are there Gaps in Residency Education?, Association of Academic Surgeons, Las Vegas, MV, 02/2012
Denson S, DENSON K, Duthie E, Braza D, Gehl S, Vasudev B, Webb T, Witt A, Brown D, Rehm J, Wessel B, Simpson D, & GET Collaborative, Assessing Five Geriatric Driven Basic Science Concepts in GME, Central Group on Educational Affairs, St. Louis, MO, 03/2012
Thaker Y, Tsufis D, Petronovich J, Anderson C, Simpson D, Brown D, Rehm J, DENSON K, Denson S, Wessel B, Hanes E, Duthie E, & GET Collaborative, GET Going; Engaging Medical Students to Teach Geriatrics as Members of Specific Geriatric Education Teams, Central Group on Educational Affairs, St. Louis, MO, 03/2012
Simpson D, DENSON K, Denson S, Duthie E, Wessel B, Gehl S, Scheeler J, Bobot B, Ho H, A 22-Minute MCQ to Assess Clinical and Underlying Science Knowledge in Geriatrics, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, Seattle, WA, 04/2012
Gehl S, Scheeler J, Bobot B, Ho H, Lillich D, Simpson D, DENSON K, Denson S, Duthie E, Thaker Y, Wessel B, Havas N, Improving Resident Knowledge and Care of Geriatric Patients Through Point of Care Resources, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, Seattle, WA, 04/2012
Duthie E, Rehm J, DENSON K, Denson S, Wessel B, Brown D, Simpson D, G. Collaborative, G-Facts- Point of Care Geriatric Resources with a Basic Science Twist, American Geriatrics Society, Seattle, WA, 05/2012
DENSON K, Denson S, Duthie E, Braza D, Gehl S, Vasudev B, Webb T, Witt A, Brown d, Rehm J, Wessel B, Simpson D, GET Collaborative, Assessing 5 Geriatric Driven Basic Science Concepts in GME, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting,, Seattle, WA, 05/2012
DENSON K, Denson S, Duthie E, Braza D, Gehl S, Vasudev B, Webb T, Witt A, Brown D, Rehm J, Wessel B, Simpson D, G. Collaborative, Assessing 5 Geriatric Driven Basic Science Concepts in GME, American Geriatrics Society, Seattle, WA, 05/2012
Granville L, Atkinson H, DENSON K, & Geriatrics facilitator, Competency Certification in Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders for Medical Students, Residents and Other Health Care practitioners, American Geriatrics Society, Seattle, WA, 05/2012
Rehm J, Wessel B, DENSON K, Simpson D, Duthie E, Denson S, & GET Collaborative, Fast Facts in Geriatrics Education, Model Geriatric Programs: Geriatric Education materials and Methods Swap, American Geriatrics Society, Seattle, WA, 05/2012
Nguyen A, Duthie E, DENSON K, A Geriatrics Rotation as a Medicine Elective: A Smart Option for Medical Students? Oral paper presentation, American Geriatrics Society, Seattle, WA, 05/2012
Nguyen A, Duthie E, DENSON K, A Geriatrics Rotation as a Medicine Elective: A Smart Option for Medical Students?, American Geriatrics Society, Seattle, WA, 05/2012
Simpson D, DENSON K, Duthie E, MCW Fast Facts, 2012 Reynolds Grantee 10th Annual Meeting the First Decade, St. Louis, MO, 10/2012
Farrell T, Simpson D, Eskildsen M, Brunker C, DENSON K, Blanchard G, Eubank K,, From Idea to Implementation: Moving your Educational Project from Brain to Bedside, 2012 Reynolds Grantee 10th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, 10/2012
Brown D, Denson S, Lillich D, Simpson D, DENSON K, Thaker Y, Duthie E and MCW Family Medicine CURE and GET Collaborative, Multiple Teaching Methods Activate Geriatrics Teachers' and family Medicine Residents' Learning, Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA, 11/2012
Kuester J, Denson S, Havas N, DENSON K, Duthie E, Lillich D, Brown D, and MCW Family Medicine CURE and GET Collaborative, Innovative, Interactive Geriatrics Curriculum in Family Medicine, Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA, 11/2012
Simpson D, Toth H, DENSON K, A Service Learning Faculty Development Model to Meet GME Needs and Prepare Clinicians as Educators and Scholars, ACGME Conference, Orlando, FL, 02/2013
Simpson D, DENSON K, Wessel B, Rehm J, Brown D, Duthie E, and MCW and Aurora Health Care Geriatrics Education Teams (GETs), Point of care Geriatrics Fast Facts for CLER Patient Safety, AIAMC Annual Meeting, Naples, 03/2013
Brown D, Wessel B, Rehm J, Duthie E, DENSON K and MCW GET Collaborative, An Inventory of Current Mobile Geriatric Medicine Applications, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting,, Grapevine, 05/2013
Manzi G, Thanker Y, Denson S, Simpson D, DENSON K, and MCW GET Collaborative, Students GET IT: Geriatricizing Students via GME, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Grapevine, TX, 05/2013
DENSON K, Manzi, G, Crowe C, Rehm J and MCW GET Collaborative, Moving On: Using TBL in Performance Based Teaching and Assessment of Residents, Annual Geriatrics Society Meeting, Grapevine, 05/2013
Wessel B, DENSON K and the MCW GET Collaborative, Point of Care e-Accessible Geriatrics Fast Facts, AGS Inaugural Educational Showcase, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Grapevine, 05/2013
DENSON K, and MCW GET Collaborative, Using TBL in Performance-Based Teaching and Assessment of Residents, AGS Inaugural Educational Showcase, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting,, Grapevine, 05/2013
Simpson D, Denson S, DENSON K, Duthie E, Brown D., A Multiple-Choice Geriatric Examination Assessing the Integration of Clinical and Underlying Sciences., American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 09/2013
Brown D, Manzi G, Rehm J, DENSON K and GET Collaborative, Point-of-Care Mobile Technology: Geriatric Fast Facts, Teaching Professor, Atlanta, GA, 10/2013
Manzi G, DENSON K, Brown D, Thaker Y, Simpson D, et al, Mobile Point -of-Care Resources for quality Care and Patient Safety for Today's Geriatric Patients, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting - Generalists Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 11/2013
Thanker Y, Brown D, Manzi G, DENSON K, Simpson D et al., Developing Medical Students as Educators through Engaged Interprofessional Teams (descriptive session)., Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annual Meeting - Generalists Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 11/2013
Brown D, Kuester J, Manzi G, Havas N, Denson S, DENSON K, Simpson D, Duthie E. Active, Multimodal Teaching Strategies Effective for Geriatrics Education in Groups >100, Gerontological Society of America 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11/2013
Brown D, Simpson D, DENSON K, Barbieri K, Malone M, Manzi G, Rehm J, Wessel B, and the MCW and Aurora GET Collaboratives, Reframing Mobile Technology Design= Education Principles, EDUCAUSE Learning Imitative Annual Meeting,, New Orleans, 02/2014
Geiver, T, Foy P, DENSON K, Manzi G, Development of a geriatrics specific curriculum within a hematology-oncology fellowship program to improve training in the treatment of elderly cancer patients, National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Annual Conference, Hollywood, CA, 03/2014
Wagner G, Mac O, Barbieri K, Thaker Y, Lounsbury C, Dreger N, Brown D, Simpson D, Duthie E, DENSON K and the MCW and Aurora GET Teams, Impacting Medial Student's Team-based Competencies through Geriatrics Education Teams., Innovations in Medical Education Poster, AAMC CGEA Annual Meeting, Cleveland OH, 03/2014
Simpson D, Manzi G, DENSON K, Currey A, Rehm J, Denson S, Padua K, Wessel B, Brown D, Smeltzer B, Malone M, Duthie E., Using Google Analytics to Support Continuous Improvement of Your Mobile Enabled Learning Website, AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs, Columbus, OH, 04/2014
Brown D, Denson S, Manzi G, DENSON K, Rehm J, Simpson D, Duthie E, Beyond One and Done: Sustain Curriculum Interventions. Medical Education Scholarship, Research & Evaluation (MESRE) Abstract, AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs, Columbus, OH, 04/2014
Brown D, DENSON K, Duthie E, Denson S, Simpson D, Manzi G, Rehm J, Wessel B, Padua K and the MCW & AHC GET Collaboratives., Geriatrics Education is also a "Team Sport", American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 05/2014
Lee D, Burns E, DENSON K, Duthie E, Characteristics of Matched Applicants to a Novel Combined Medicine-Geriatrics Residency/Fellowship Program, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting,, Orlando FL, 05/2014
Padua K, Simpson D, DENSON K, Malone M, Rehm J, Manzi G, Barbieri K, Duthie E & MCW & AHC GET Collaboratives, It's an Elephant! Lessons Learned in "Mobilizing" Geriatric Fast Facts for Education", American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting,, Orlando FL, 05/2014
DENSON K, Manzi G, Foy P, Vasudev B, Malmsten C, Rehm J, Brown D, Simpson D, Duthie E, Using Teaching Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCEs) to Expand Fellows' Perceptions Around Quality Care for Older Adults, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting,, Orlando FL, 05/2014
DENSON K, Hook L, Brown D, Nilsson E, Wagner G, Shmaryan D, Denson S, Using Video and Case Discussion for Performance Based Resident Teaching and Self Assessment, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 05/2014
Simpson D, DENSON K, Duthie E, Yukawa M, Soriano R, Heflin M, Pinheiro S, Why I Love to Teach - Sometimes "Yes" & Sometimes "No", 12th Annual Reynolds Foundation Grantees National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 10/2014
Simpson D, Manzi G, DENSON K, Rehm J, Denson S, Wessel B, Duthie E, Using Google Analytics to Support Continuous Improvement of a Mobile Enabled Learning Website, Central Group on Educational Affairs, Columbus, OH, 04/2015
Brown D, Denson S, Manzi G, DENSON K, Rehm J, Simpson D, Duthie E & MCW & AHC GET Collaboratives, Beyond One and Done: Sustaining Curriculum Interventions, Central Group on Educational Affairs, Columbus OH, 04/2015
Simpson D, DENSON K, Duthie E, Wessel B, and the GET Collaborative, Quick Quizzes in Your Hand & Right at the Point of Care, AGS Educational Showcase, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting,, Baltimore, 05/2015
DENSON K, Carnahan J, Azimi E, Can You Swallow This? A Practical Approach to Dysphagia Teachers' Methods and Materials Swap, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting,, Baltimore, 05/2015
DENSON K, Simpson D, Malone M, Wessel B, Rehm J, Acting Locally to Impact Geriatric Education Globally, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting,, Baltimore MD, 05/2015
DENSON K, Hall W, Meet the Professor, Lunchtime small group career mentorship facilitation, 2015 Reynolds Grantee Annual Meeting Workshop,, St. Louis, MO, 10/2015
Simpson D, DENSON K, Duthie E, Soriano R, Heflin M, Pinheiro S, Yukawa M, Farrell T, Structuring Geriatric Education across the Physician Education Continuum to Create Win-Wins x5, 2015 Reynolds Grantee Annual Meeting Workshop,, St. Louis, MO, 10/2015
Brennan M, DENSON K, Teaching Skills/Physical Exam Workshop: Peyton Teaching/Falls Risk Assessment Maneuvers and Cognitive Tools, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, 05/2016
Duthie E, DENSON K, Simpson D, Using Maintenance of Certification to Reduce Fall Associated Medications in Primary Care., Gerontological Society of America 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, MA, 11/2018
Duthie E, DENSON K, Simpson, Denson S, Szymkowski A, Yes, Changing How You Teach Does Make A Difference, Gerontological Society of America 71st Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 11/2019
Simpson D, DENSON K, Denson S, Duthie E, Malone M, You Can Lead a Horse to Water But...Do Learners Access Web Resources Recommended During F2F Educational Sessions?, Alliance of Independent Medical Centers, AIAMC 2020 Annual Meeting, Austin TX, 03/2020
Zhang K, DENSON K, Duthie E, Non-Hip Lower Extremity Fracture in a Nursing Home Resident, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, 05/2020
Simpson D, DENSON K, Denson S, Szymkowski A, Duthie E, Malone M, Learners Do Access Web Resources Recommended During F2F Educational Sessions, Aurora Scientific Day, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2020
Duthie E, DENSON K, Simpson D, Denson S, Szymkowski A, A 90-Minute Activity to Increase Physician Support for Dementia Patient Caregivers, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, 05/2020
DENSON K, Duthie E. Simpson D, Szymkowski A, Pairing the 4Ms with Geriatric Fast Facts: a Structured Approach to Older Adult Primary Care Visits, American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, Virtual, 05/13/2021
O’Brien C, Henricks E, Beckert A, DENSON K, Duthie E, An 18-year Experience with an Innovative Geriatrics Training Model: Implications for the Workforce, Annual Scientific Meeting Gerontological Society of America, Phoenix, AZ, 11/2021
Duthie E, Simpson D, Szymkowski a, DENSON K, Denson S, The 4Ms Provide a Structural Framework for Organizing Educational Materials, Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 11/2021
Stacy L. Barnes, PhD, Edmund Duthie, MD, Kathryn Denson, MD, Jennifer McAlister, BA, Wendy Betley, BS, Amanda Szymkowski, BA, Michael Malone, MD, Deborah Simpson, PhD, A Successful Educational Intervention Linking Dementia Patients & Families with Community Resources, Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 11/02/2022 - 11/06/2022
Denson, K., Duthie, E., Barnes, S., Betley, W., Denson, S., Szymkowski, A., Simpson, D., We Practice What We Teach: Faculty Caregiver Referrals as an Unanticipated Outcome of a Student-Aimed Educational Session., American Geriatrics Society, 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting., Virtual, 05/09/2024 - 05/11/2024
Duthie, E., Denson, K., Simpson, D., Betley, W., Szymkowski, A., Denson, S., Barnes, S., Can Novice Learners Be Clinical Change Agents for Dementia Care Practice?, Gerontological Society of America, 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting., Seattle, WA, 11/13/2024 - 11/16/2024
Manzi G, DENSON K, Barbieri K, Duthie E, Rehm J, Padua K, Simpson D, Malone M, MCW & AHC GET Collaboratives., It's an Elephant! Lessons Learned in Mobilizing Geriatric Fast Facts for Education,, MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, MCW, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2014
DENSON K, Manzi G, Foy P, Vasudev B, Malmsten C, Rehm J, Brown D, Simpson D, Duthie E., Using Teaching Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) to Expand Fellows' Perceptions Around Quality of Care for Older Adults, MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, MCW, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2014
DENSON K, Simpson D, Denson S, Manzi G, Duthie E, Malone M, Wessel B, Rehm J, Using Google Analytics to Support Continuous Improvement of Your Mobile Enabled Learning website, MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, MCW, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2015
DENSON K, Haeger L, Elstrom L, Hospice: Navigating Regulations in Providing Patient Care, Wisconsin Geriatrics Nurse Practitioner Local Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2016
DENSON K, Elstrom L, Hospice: Navigating Regulations in Providing Patient Care, HBPC Interprofessional Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2017
Duthie E, DENSON K, Myers J, Part IV MOC - Advance Directives for Geriatric Patients., Columbia St. Mary's Family Medicine Residency Program, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2018
Duthie E, Simpson D, Myers J, DENSON K, Denson S., Using Maintenance of Certification to Reduce Fall Associated Medications in Primary Care, Innovations in Health Care Conference, MCW, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2019
DENSON K, Duthie E, What Matters Most: Caregiver Conversations and Resources, What Matters Most in Primary Care Conference, Bellin College, Sturgeon Bay, 06/2019
Duthie E, DENSON K, Simpson D, Denson S, Geriatric Fast Facts: 4 Years of Growth and Reach, Medical College of WI Innovations in Healthcare Education Research Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2020
DENSON K, Simpson D, Szymkowski A, Duthie E, Denson S, Optimizing Your Online Geriatrics Resource – F2F Application Still Matters, MCW Research Conference, Virtual, 03/2021
DENSON K, Simpson D, Szymkowski A, Duthie E, Denson S, Optimizing Your Online Geriatrics Resource - F2F application Still Matters,, 7th Annual Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Virtual, 03/2021
Simpson D, DENSON K, Szymkowski A, Mooney D, Duthie E, Malone M., Access to Targeted Online Educational Resources Pre and In Midst of a Pandemic,, Advocate Aurora Health (AAH) 2021 Scientific Day, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2021
Duthie EH, Denson K, Denson S, Simpson D, A 90-minute activity to increase physician support for dementia patient caregivers., Innovations in Healthcare Education Research Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 09/22/2021 - 09/24/2021
O’Brien C, Henricks E, Beckert A, Denson, K, Duthie E, An 18-year Experience with an Innovative Geriatrics Training Model: Implications for the Workforce, Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Virtual, 03/04/2022
Denson, K., Simpson, D., Barnes, S., McAllister, J., Denson, S., Betley, W., Szymkowski, A., Malone, M., Duthie, E., Critical elements in community-academic partnerships supporting interprofessional geriatrics education., Innovations in Healthcare Education Research Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 09/20/2022 - 09/22/2022
Duthie, E., Denson, K., Simpson, D., Barnes, S., McAllister, J., Denson, S., Betley, W., Szymkowski, A., Malone, M., A Successful Educational Intervention Linking Dementia Patients & Families with Community Resources, Innovations in Healthcare Education Research Conference., Milwaukee, WI, 09/19/2023 - 09/21/2023
Duthie, E., Denson, K., Simpson, D., Barnes, S., McAlister, J., Szymkowski, A., Kavanaugh, R., Betley, W., Adapting a Dementia Caregiver Curriculum Across Three Health Professions., 10th Annual Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Milwaukee, WI, 03/15/2024
Duthie, E., Denson, K., Simpson, D., Barnes, S., McAlister, J., Szymkowski, A., Kavanaugh, R., Betley, W., Adapting a Dementia Caregiver Curriculum Across Three Health Professions., Innovations in Healthcare Education Research Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 09/17/2024 - 09/19/2024

Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2004 - 06/2008 Member, Department of Medicine Intern Selection Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2006 - 06/2007 Member, M1-M2 Subcommittee, Curriculum and Evaluation Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2006 - 07/2020 Lead, Geriatric Fellowship Clinical Competency Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2006 - 07/2020 Lead, Geriatric Fellowship Program Evaluation Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
12/2006 - 07/2020 Member, Fellowship Program Directors Committee, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2007 - 09/2009 Member, Curriculum and Evaluation Committee, NBME Customized Examination Test Construction Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2007 - 06/2009 Member, Curriculum and Evaluation Executive Committee, Curriculum and Eval Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2007 - 06/2009 Clinical Chair, M1-M2 Subcommittee, Curriculum and Evaluation Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2008 - 06/2011 Member, Continuing Medical Education Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2010 - 02/2010 Program Director Member, MCW RRC site reviewer, Geropsychiatry Fellowship Accreditation Internal Review, Medical College of Wisconsin
12/2011 - 06/2020 Member, Residency Clinical Competency Committee, Department of Medicine, MCW
05/2012 - 05/2013 Member, MCW Strategic Plan for Palliative Care Committee
10/2012 - 11/2012 Team Leader, MCW IRC site reviewer MCWAH Pediatrics Child Abuse Fellowship
05/2013 - 2016 Member, Physiology Advisory Committee
01/2015 - 03/2015 Member, Froedtert & MCW Post-Acute Care (PAC) Strategic Planning Retreat
07/2020 - Present Member, Geriatric Fellowship Program Evaluation Committee
07/2020 - Present Member, Geriatric Fellowship Clinical Competency Committee
12/2000 - 07/2002 Member, Minneapolis VAMC Open Access Program Development
08/2002 - 03/2018 Physician Member, Advisory Board, Horizon Home Care and Hospice
11/2002 - 11/2003 Member, Advisory Board, Saint Ann's Center for Inter-generational Care
12/2002 - 04/2018 Physician and Medical Director Member, Horizon Home Hospice
07/2003 - Present Physician and Medical Director Member, Home Based Primary Care, Zablocki VAMC
02/2004 - 06/2016 Member, Geriatrics Evaluation and Management Representative, Rehab and Extended Care Division Committee (CLCC), Zablocki VAMC
05/2005 - 06/2006 Member, GEM Peer Review Committee to Evaluate GEM Listserv and Website Portal, Zablocki VAMC
08/2009 - 09/2009 Member, Web-Based Informational Materials for Caregivers of Veterans Post Stroke Focus Group, Zablocki VAMC
05/2010 - 06/2011 Member, Transitions of Long-Term Care Committee, Zablocki VAMC
09/2012 - 04/2018 Member, Friends of Horizon Community Outreach Committee, Horizon Home Care and Hospice
07/2020 - Present Member, Dementia Steering Committee, Milwaukee VA Medical Center
07/2020 - 05/2024 Member, VA Medical Executive Committee, Milwaukee VA Medical Center
07/2020 - 05/2024 Member, Community Living Center Committee, Milwaukee VA Medical Center

Resident and Fellow Education
03/2009 Lecturer
05/15/2009 - 05/17/2009 Co-PI, Program Director, Small Group Facilitator, "Chief Resident Immersion Training in Geriatrics (CRIT) Program" (2 and ½ day retreat for 16 Chief Residents, 7 Program Directors, representing 11 MCW Departments-encouraging collaboration, increased geriatrics knowledge and leadership skills.)
03/2010 - Present Lecturer, Academic Half Day "Depression in the Elderly" (every other year), Medical College of Wisconsin
04/29/2010 - 05/02/2010 Co-PI, Program Director, Small Group Facilitator, "Chief Resident Immersion Training in Geriatrics (CRIT) Program" (2 and ½ day retreat for 16 Chief Residents, 7 Program Directors, representing 11 MCW Departments-encouraging collaboration, increased geriatrics knowledge and leadership skills.)
03/2011 Lecturer
07/2011 - 05/2012 Small group facilitator, Family Medicine Conference, CURE Conference - "Core Units in Resident Education" 3 hour curriculum sessions, once monthly x 7 months
02/2012 - Present Lecturer, facilitator, Palliative Care Fellows Conference, "Symptom Management & Administrative Geriatric Pearls", Yearly lecture
03/2012 - Present Facilitator and presenter, Trauma Surgery Core Conference, Dementia and Delirium: An Interactive Case Study Reynolds Foundation, Geriatrics Education Team (GET)
10/2012 - Present Facilitator and presenter, Cardiology Fellowship Core Curriculum, Delirium and Informed Consent OSCE session 2 hr, Reynolds Foundation, Geriatrics Education Team (GET)
11/2012 - Present Facilitator and presenter, Emergency Medicine Core Conference, Delirium and Home Care - 2 hr multi-method TBL session, Reynolds Foundation, Geriatrics Education Team (GET)
09/2013 - Present Facilitator and presenter, Oncology Core session, Geriatric Oncology OSCE session - 2 hours, Reynolds Foundation, Geriatrics Education Team (GET)
09/2013 - Present Facilitator and presenter, Oncology Core Curriculum, Using Assessment Tools for Elderly Oncology Patients, Demonstration Session - 1 hr Reynolds Foundation, Geriatrics Education Team (GET)
09/2013 - Present Facilitator and presenter, Psychiatry Retreat Sessions, Identifying Elder Abuse & Neglect - 3 hr video & case based, Reynolds Foundation, Geriatrics Education Team (GET)
10/2014 - 2018 Small group facilitator/curriculum design, Family Medicine, Conference CURE Conference - "Core Units in Resident Education" 3-hour curriculum sessions, once monthly x4 months
03/2015 - Present Discussant, Department of Medicine Clinical Pathologic Case, (CPC), Patient with Delirium and Weakness
07/2018 - 12/2020 Ambulatory Immersion presenter: Falls and Medications QI Project - Start off session and module completion, - bi-monthly

Medical Student Education
12/2000 - 07/2002 University of Minnesota Medical School, Attending Preceptor, Required M3, M4 Medicine Ward Rotation
12/2000 - 07/2002 University of Minnesota Medical School, Preceptor, Required M2 “Physician and Patient” course Communications Skills and History Taking Course
12/2000 - 07/2002 University of Minnesota Medical School, Preceptor, Required M4 Internal Medicine Clinic
08/2002 - Present M3, M4 students, Geriatric Evaluation/ Management unit rotation, Attending Preceptor
08/2002 - 2010 Required M3, M4 Medicine Inpatient Ward Rotation, Attending Preceptor
09/2002 - Present Geriatric Core Curriculum for M3, M4 Students Functional Assessment Lecture, Lecturer
10/2002 - 2004 Required M1 Communication Skills Course, Preceptor
11/2002 - 2006 M4 Geriatric Selective, lecture and gait workshop and precepting OSCE, Preceptor
01/2003 - 2010 Required M2 Introduction to Clinical Examination and Reasoning Course, Preceptor
01/2003 - 2013 Required M2 Introduction to Clinical Examination and Reasoning Course—Intro to the Geriatric Patient, Preceptor
04/2003 - 2016 M1 “Aging Game” Student AGS Chapter activity, Preceptor
01/2004 - Present Geriatric Core Curriculum for M3, M4, Students,Senior Care, and Housing Lecture, Lecturer
01/2004 - 06/2006 House Calls for elderly Veterans, Preceptor
01/2004 - Present Faculty Participant: MCW Student Chapter of the American Geriatrics Society
04/2004 - Present Internal Medicine Resident Noon Conference, Lecturer
10/2004 - 2008 Required M2 Class, Introduction to Clinical Examination and Reasoning Course ,“The Geriatrics History and Physical Exam”, Lecturer
11/2006 - 2011 M3 Professionalism Course, Faculty Group Facilitator
07/2008 - 05/2009 Integration of Educational Themes in the Curriculum,, Lecturer
09/2008 - Present Experiential Polypharmacy activity, Small group facilitator
05/15/2009 - 05/17/2009 MCW Departments, Program Director, Small Group Facilitator
10/2009 Clinician Educator Pathway ½ day session: Injury SAFE-T Babe to Sage: Safety across the age continuum
03/2010 Master Clinician Pathway ½ day session, Neurocognition for Master Clinicians- online module and Face-
03/2010 - 03/2012 MCW Senior Mentor Program, M1, M2, Group facilitator
06/2010 - 07/2010 SAFE-T: Babe to Sage Safety Across the Age Continuum, Master Clinician Pathway ½ day session
03/2011 MCW Senior Mentor Program, M1, M2, Group facilitator
05/2011 - Present Physiology Course Medical College of Wisconsin, Lecturer
03/2016 Panel Member, Student American Geriatrics Society End of Life Care Panel
Resident and Fellow Education
11/1997 Clinical Case Presentation, Surgical Mgmt of Endocarditis, Lecturer, Medical College of Wisconsin Medicine Grand Rounds
10/1999 University of Washington, Lecturer, Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds. What the Geriatrician Should Know about Adult Family Homes
12/2000 - 07/2002 Minneapolis VAMC, Attending Preceptor, Medicine Ward Rotation
12/2000 - 07/2002 Minneapolis VAMC, Preceptor, Medicine clinic nurse practitioners(2)
07/2001 - 07/2002 University of Minnesota Medical School, Preceptor, Required PGY 1-3 Internal Medicine Women’s Clinic
08/2002 - Present Geriatrics Division, Interest Rounds, Faculty Participant
08/2002 - Present Geriatric Interest Rounds and Journal Club, Participant
08/2002 - 07/2007 Resident and Fellow Geriatric Evaluation Clinic, Preceptor
08/2002 - Present Geriatric Evaluation/Management Unit, Attending
08/2002 - Present Faculty Participant, Geriatrics Division, Journal Club
08/2002 - Present Geriatrics Division, Research Conference, Faculty Participant
08/2002 - 07/2009 Internal Medicine Ward Rotation, Froedtert Hospital, Attending
09/2002 - 07/2007 Required resident "Chat-n-Chew" Senior Housing Community Lectures, Preceptor
12/2002 Geriatrics and Gerontology Seminar Adult Family Homes: present Options and Future Plans", Lecturer
03/2003 - Present Internal Medicine Resident Noon Conference, Lecturer
03/2003 - Present Required Physical Med and Rehab Residency, Senior Housing and Care Options (every third year), Lecturer
05/2003 Geriatrics and Gerontology Seminar Falls; Review and Toolkit for Practicing Physicians, Lecturer
03/2005 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and Zablocki VAMC, Lecturer
12/2005 - 12/2012 IM-201 Course Home Care, Lecturer
03/2006 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and Zablocki VAMC, Lecturer
03/2007 Lecturer, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and Zablocki VAMC
09/2008 - Present Experiential Polypharmacy activity, Small group facilitator
11/2008 - Present Geriatrics Fellows Conference, Faculty facilitator/mentor
03/2009 Internal Medicine Resident Conference, Lecturer
03/2010 Internal Medicine Resident Conference, Lecturer
03/2010 Internal Medicine Resident Conference, Lecturer
04/29/2010 - 05/02/2010 MCW Departments, Co-PI, Program Director, Small Group Facilitator
03/2011 Internal Medicine Resident Conference, Lecturer
Continuing Medical Education
09/2004 - Present Senior Housing and Care (course is held biannually), Lecturer, Wisconsin Board Review Course in Geriatrics
02/2007 Practical Reviews in Geriatric Medicine CD, Interviewee, Outpost Exchange, “Visiting an Older Person in their Home”
05/11/2009 News Release, MCW World, “Prescription Training Puts Docs in Shoes of Elderly Patients”
05/18/2009 “Pills, Pills and More Pills: Med Students, Residents Learn First- Hand How Hard It Is For the Elderly to Follow Complex Drug Regimens”
11/11/2010 News Release, MCW World, “Reynolds Foundation Grant Supports New Approach in Geriatrics Training (article describing new Reynolds foundation supported grant supporting geriatrics education)
Community/Lay Public
05/1997 - 06/1999 Interactive teaching session for 1st grade students, “Going to the Doctor: Milwaukee Public Schools”
03/1999 Wauwatosa Women’s’ Club, Wauwatosa, WI, Lecture/discussion sessions, “Jump Start Your Day”
03/2003 FOX 6 Wake up News “National Shortage in Trained Geriatricians, Interviewee
01/2004 Wauwatosa Ave United Methodist Church, Presentation, “What’s Next? The Range of Senior Housing Options”, PEP Senior Adult Center
03/2004 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Presentation, “Available Living Options for Seniors”
05/2004 Milwaukee Public Schools, Interactive session, “What does a Doctor Do?”, Career Day
01/2005 Wauwatosa Women’s Club, Wauwatosa, WI, Presentation, “What’s Next? Senior Housing and Care Options”
04/2005 Interviewee, Channel 12 News, “End of Life Issues and Pope John Paul II”
04/2005 Interviewee, Channel 4 Evening News, “End of Life Issues and Pope John Paul II”
05/2006 - 05/2005 Interviewee, Outpost Exchange, “Longevity and Health”
02/2007 Interviewee, Outpost Exchange, “Visiting an Older Person in their Home”
05/2009 Article,, “Prescription Training Puts Doctors in Shoes of Older Patients”
05/2009 WORT 89.9 Madison "Polypharmacy form the Patient's Perspective", Interviewee, “In Our Backyard”
06/2010 Women’s Club of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Presentation: “Successful Aging”, Women in Science Lectureship Series
08/2012 Facilitator and organizer, “Aging Game” Whitman Middle School Lego Aging Program 30 6-8th graders
07/2013 News Release, MCW World “Combined Medicine-Geriatrics Residency Program”
07/2013 On-line News Article: Elder Branch, “Geriatric Residency Programs: A Unique Option for Future Geriatricians” found at
10/2013 Panel Discussant, “Consider the Conversation: A Documentary on a Taboo Subject”, Marcus North Shore Cinema, Mequon, WI
Wilson Park Senior Center, Milwaukee, WI, Presentation, “Living Options for Seniors”

Medical Students
12/2000 - Present, Speak with students regarding career planning, Medical College of Wisconsin
12/2000 - Present, Letters of recommendation, (approx. 5 yearly), Medical College of Wisconsin
08/2002 - Present, Faculty Participant, Mentor, Student Chapter of American Geriatrics Society (attend 3 events/year), Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2005 - Present, Panel Participant “Career development Research and Education Panel”, M3 MCW Student group (yearly), Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2005 - 06/2007 Kristina Balck, Faculty Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2006 - 06/2020, Residency Program Director Participant, American Medical Student Association Residency Day (yearly), Medical College of Wisconsin
04/2006 - 06/2020, Residency Program Director Participant, Career Day(yearly), Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2010 - 06/2014 Catherine Tsufis, Clinical Pathways Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2010 - 06/2012 Paul Stellmacher, Faculty Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2012 - 06/2015 Gretchen Wagner, Clinical Pathways Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2013 - 06/2017 Kathleen Wilcox, Clinical Pathways Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2018 - 06/2020 Lillian Zhang, Faculty and Research Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Clinical/Research Fellows
09/2006 - 06/2008 Rajesh Kumar, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2006 - 06/2009 J.P. Ferreira, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2006 - 06/2008 Michael Fang, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2006 - 06/2007 Angelo Taleon, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2006 - 06/2007 Carol Wood, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2007 - 06/2010 Jinesh Kochar, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2008 - 06/2012 Jessica Kuester, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2008 - 06/2013 Donna Miller, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2009 - 06/2013 Emily Guerard, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2009 - 06/2013 Jennifer Carnahan, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2010 - 06/2011 Gabriel Manzi, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2010 - 06/2014 Ehsan Azimi, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2011 - 06/2016 Delia Lee MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2011 - 06/2015 Laura Cook MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2012 - 06/2015 Laura Previll MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2013 - 08/2017 Soumya Rangarajan MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2014 - 06/2018 Cara O’Brien, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2014 - 06/2018 Elizabeth Bukowy, DO, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2015 - 07/2019 Julia Herbert, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2016 - 06/2020 Kun Zhang, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2017 - 06/2020 Cory Ganshert, DO, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2017 - 06/2020 Evan Henricks, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2018 - 06/2020 Totini Chatterjee, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2018 - 06/2019 Lindsey Schindler, DO, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2018 - 06/2020 Paige Scholer, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2019 - 06/2020 Kieran McAvoy, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2019 - 06/2020 Will Lyon, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2019 - 06/2020 Hira Chaudhary, MD, Program Director, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2006 ExCEL Faculty Development Course: Invited returning Alumni:(reviewer of current students’ faculty development projects), Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2018 - 06/2019 Angela Beckert MD, Kinetic3 Faculty Teaching Academy Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Med-Geri National Dissemination
2020 - Present Cara O'Brien, MD, Faculty Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 - Present Elizabeth Bukowy, DO, Faculty Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2022 - 2023 Cara O'Brien, MD, Kinetic3 Faculty Teaching Academy Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2022 - 2023 Angela Beckert, MD, Tideswell Leadership Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2023 - Present Evan Henricks, MD, HRSA Geriatric Academic Career Award Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2023 - Present Angela Beckert, MD, Faculty Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Students
01/2004 - 12/2007 Claude Nguyen, Home Institution Faculty Sponsor, American Federation for Aging Research Medical Student Program
01/2005 - 12/2007 Rishi Parmar, Home Institution Faculty Sponsor, American Federation for Aging Research Medical Student Geriatric Scholars Program
Clinical/Research Fellows
07/2013 - 12/2015 Kiruba Vembu MD, Program Director
09/2013 - 2014, Faculty Leadership Development Program Capstone Project Alumni Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Educational Programs
07/2004 - 06/2016 Multidisciplinary Home Care Education E-Learning Curriculum. E-Learning curriculum for home care, containing video vignettes, text, graphics, surveys, quizzes, and evaluation tools
12/2007 - 12/2012 The Patient & Nutrition: Biochemistry Micronutrient Metabolism. E-Learning, graded curriculum integrating geriatrics and clinical care to the nutrition module of M1 biochemistry course.
07/2008 - 07/2011 Neurology; Dementia – Psychosocial Aspects of Care. E-Learning, graded curriculum integrating psychosocial care of elderly patients with dementia within the required neurology M3 clerkship
10/2008 - 10/2013 Bioethics: Medical Error and Conflict of Interest. E- Learning, graded curriculum integrating geriatrics and clinical care to the bioethics module of M2 bioethics course yearly.
12/2008 - Present Polypharmacy Exercise: Learning about Barriers and Solutions in Polypharmacy. Interactive, experiential week-long exercise with learners asked to take candy “medications” as prescribed
12/2008 - 12/2011 Psychiatry: Dementia, Depression, and Aging. E- Learning, graded curriculum integrating geriatrics and psychiatric care within the M3 Psychiatry clerkship monthly.
12/2008 - Present Pills, Pills and More Pills: Polypharmacy Exercise: Learning about Barriers and Solutions in Polypharmacy.
09/2009 - 09/2015 Resuscitative and Perioperative Medicine: On-line module: E-learning, graded curriculum integrating basic and clinical science in patient management of elderly Trauma/injury victims.
02/2010 - 07/2011 Senior Mentor Program: Two 30 min sessions Pills, Pills, and More Pills: Polypharmacy Exercise: Learning about Barriers and Solutions in Polypharmacy. Interactive, experiential week-long exercise.
04/2010 Master Clinician Pathway Neurocongnition for the Master Clinician Blended 1/2 day session including face to face learning and small group on-line modules.
06/2010 Master Clinician Pathway SAFE-T: Safety from Babe to Sage Across the Age Continuum, interactive session, small groups, including mini lecture, role play, critical incidents, case studies.
07/2004 - 07/2012 Multidisciplinary Home Care Education E-Learning Curriculum. E-Learning curriculum for home care, containing video vignettes, text, graphics, surveys, quizzes, and evaluation tools to teach and assess
12/2008 - Present Polypharmacy Exercise: Learning about Barriers and Solutions in Polypharmacy. Interactive, experiential week-long exercise with learners asked to take candy "medications" as prescribed followed by ref
07/2011 - 05/2012 Family Medicine CURE Conference ("Core Units in Resident Education) Conference 3 hour curriculum sessions, once monthly x 7 months Interactive, case based, small group facilitated sessions Topics incl
11/2011 Surgery Intern Academic Half Day Conference Geriatrics/Surgery GET TBL Conference "A Case Study of Delirium & Dementia" A collaborative, interactive, TBL session of a case study surrounding delirium,
10/2012 Cardiology Fellow Curriculum Session- 2 hr session Geriatrics/Cardiology Reynolds GET OSCE Session Collaborative, interactive, OSCE stations, post-session debrief Mini-lecture
11/2012 Emergency Medicine Resident and Faculty Core Conference Geriatrics/Emergency Medicine Reynolds GET Session- Delirium and Home Care 2 hour curriculum session, TBL, Case application, video application,
08/2013 Psychiatry Resident Curriculum Session - 3.5 hr session Small group interactive video/case-based session Curriculum topic: Elder Abuse and Neglect
09/2013 Hematology-Oncology Fellows Curriculum Session- Geriatrics Assessment Tools Introduction - 1 hour
09/2013 Hematology-Oncology Fellows Curriculum Session GET OSCE Session: Geriatric Assessment Tools 2-hour curriculum OSCE session

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. DOBMEYER K, Delirium in Elderly Medical Patients. Clinical Geriatrics 4(10):43-68, 1999
2. Duthie E, Simpson D, Marcdante K, Kerwin D, DENSON K, Cohan M, A Collaborative Strategy for Reciprocal Integration of Basic and Clinical Sciences. Journal of Instructional American Medical Student Education 13:34-38, 2004
3. Hariharan J, DENSON K, A Challenging Patient, an Innovative Solution. Wisconsin Medical Journal Nov;104(8):72-5, 2005
4. Simpson D, Helm R, Drewniak T, Ziebert M, Brown D, Mitchell J, Havas N, DENSON K, Gehl S, Kerwin D, St. Bragg D, Denson S, Gleason Heffron M, Harsch H, Duthie E, Objective Structured Video Examinations (OSVEs) for Teaching and Assessing Geriatrics. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education 26(4):7-24, 2006.
5. DENSON K, Exposing Physicians. On Being A Doctor. Annals of Internal Medicine, 02/03/2009.
6. Helms A, DENSON K, Brown D, Simpson D. Achieving Competency in Geriatrics through an e-Learning Neurology Clerkship Module. Academic Medicine. October 2009, 84(10): S67-S69. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181b37a38
7. Simpson D, Lypson M, DENSON K et al. “Educational Resources Advisory Committee”, It All Starts and Ends with the Program Director, Journal of Graduate Medical Education. June 2011, 261-263
8. Nguyen A, Duthie EA, DENSON K, Franco J, Duthie E, Positioning Medical Students for the Geriatric Imperative: Using Geriatrics to Effectively Teach Medicine. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education 34:4,342-353.
9. Petronovich J, Wade T, DENSON K, Webb T. Elderly Surgical Patients: Are there Gaps in Residency Education? Journal of Surgical Education, Sept/Oct 2014; 71(5).
10. Ellinas H, DENSON K, Simpson D (2015) Low Cost Simulation: How-to Guide. Journal of Graduate Medical Education June 2015, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.257-258. Doi:
11. Duthie E, Myers J, DENSON K, Ouweneel K, Simpson D, Denson S. Improving Advance Directive Completion by Geriatric Patients through Physician Education. Gerontologist, 56 (Suppl_3), 525-526, 2016
12. Denson S, Simpson D, DENSON K, Brown D, Manzi G, Rehm J, Wessel B, Duthie E. Geriatrics Education Team Model Results in Sustained Geriatrics Training in 15 Residency and Fellowship Programs and Scholarship, J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Apr;64(4):855-61.
13. Ramaswamy R, Shah AA, DENSON K, Sehgal M, Syed Q, Powers BB, Schwartz AW, Leipzig RM, and Gleason LJ (2021), Teaching Geriatrics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Aquifer Geriatrics to the Rescue. J Am Geriatr Soc, 69: 1740-1742.
14. D'Cruz L, DENSON KM, Carnahan JL. Home Health Aides in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Feb 7. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07430-7. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35132557.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. DOBMEYER K, Shadlen M, A 74 Year Old Woman with Urinary Incontinence. Internal Medicine Pearls 2nd edition. Heffner JE, Sahn SA, ed. Hanley & Belfus, Inc.196-199, 2001.
2. Hajjar R, Kamel H, DENSON K, Malnutrition in Aging. Internet Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology. 1(7), 2004.
3. DENSON K; Home Care, in Duthie EH, Katz, Malone M (eds): The Practice of Geriatrics, Elsevier Publishers p.103-112, 2007.
4. DENSON K, Cohan M; Functional Decline in Elderly Patients, in Kochar M, Kutty K, Torre D, Lamb G, (eds): Kochar's Concise Textbook of Medicine, Fifth edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, online chapter E34, 2007.
5. Cohan M, DENSON K; Urinary Incontinence, in Kochar M, Kutty K, Torre D, Lamb G, (eds): Kochar's Concise Textbook of Medicine, Fifth edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, p.840-842, 2007.
6. DENSON K, Duthie E, Cogbill E, Considerations Prior to Drug Therapy in the Elderly, in Hirth V, Weiland D, Dever-Bumba M, (eds): Case Based Geriatrics: A Global Approach, McGraw Hill Medical, p. 167-177, 2011
7. Myers J, Duthie E, DENSON K, Denson S, Simpson D, What Can a Primary Care Physician Discuss With Older Patients to Improve Advance Directive Completion Rates? A Clin-IQ, Journal Patient-Centered Research and Review;4(1):42-45, 2017
8. Duthie E, Myers J, Simpson D, DENSON K, Denson S, Using Maintenance of Certification to Promote Advance Directive Discussions in Primary Care. Innovation in Aging 2017;1, Issue suppl_1:600.
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. DENSON K, Transformational Times, The Intersection of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, 7/22/2022
1. Drewniak T, Helm R, Gehl R, DENSON K, Mitchell J, Ziebert M, Denson S, Kerwin D, Havas N, Brown D, Bragg D, Dankert T, Heffron M, Duthie E, Simpson D, Toolkit for Teaching and Evaluating the ACGME Competencies, MCW Family and Community Research Forum, 05/2004
2. Burzynski M, Leake R, Brown D, Duthie E, Simpson D, Bragg D, DENSON K, Meurer L, & MCW TGIF Clerkship Collaborative, Medical Students' Self-Reported and Observed Competencies in Geriatrics, Falls, and Medication Use, MCW Emergency Medicine Research Day, 04/2009
3. Daidone S, Duthie E, Bragg D, Brown D, Simpson D, Stellmacher P, DENSON K, TGIF Collaborative, MCW M3 Geriatric Injury Curriculum Audit - Falls, Literacy and Neglect, MCW Summer Research Poster Day, 09/2009
4. Stellmacher P, Daidone S, Bragg D, Brown D, Duthie E, Simpson D, DENSON K, MCW TGIF Clerkship Collaborative, MCW M3 Geriatric Injury Curriculum Audit - Medications and Care Transitions, MCW Summer Research Poster Day, 09/2009
5. Galarowicz S, Petronovich J, Brown D, Duthie E, Simpson D, Bragg D, DENSON K, & MCW TGIF Clerkship Collaborative, M3 Geriatric Injury Curriculum Audit- Falls, Medications and Literacy, MCW Summer Research Student poster Day, 09/2010
6. Petronovich J, Galarowicz S, Brown D, Duthie E, Simpson D, Bragg D, DENSON K, & MCW TGIF Clerkship Collaborative, Assessing Medical Student Competency in Geriatric Injury: Falls, MCW Summer Research Student poster Day, 09/2010
7. Simpson D, Padua K, Barbieri K, Malone M, Siddiqui A, Finn T, Manzi G, Rehm J, DENSON K, & MCW GET Collaborative. The Geriatric Fast Fact App - Improving Care for Elders through Education. Aurora Quality Roundtable, Aurora HC, 10/13
8. Manzi G, DENSON K, Barbieri K, Duthie E, Rehm J, Padua K, Simpson D, Malone M, & MCW & AHC GET Collaboratives, It's an Elephant! Lessons Learned in "mobilizing" Geriatric Fast Facts for Education, MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 06/2014
9. DENSON K, Denson S, Manzi G, Foy P, Vasudev B, Malmsten C, Rehm J, Brown D, Simpson D, Duthie E, Using Teaching Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCEs) to Expand Fellows' Perceptions around Quality Care for Older Adults, MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 06/2014
10. Lee D, Burns E, DENSON K, Duthie E, Characteristics of matched Applicants to a Novel Combined Medicine-Geriatrics Residency/Fellowship Program, MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 06/2014
11. Brown D, DENSON K, Duthie E, Denson S, Simpson D, Manzi G, Rehm J, Wessel B, Padua K, and the MCW and AHC GET Collaboratives, Geriatrics Education is also a "Team Sport", MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 06/2014
12. Duthie E, Nguyen A, DENSON K, Franco J, Geriatrics Rotation as a medicine Elective: A Smart Option for Medical Students? MCW Department of Medicine 1st Annual Research Retreat, 03/2015
13. Padua K, Simpson D, DENSON K, Malone M, Rehm J, Manzi G, Barbieri K, Duthie E, & MCW and AHC GET Collaboratives, It's an Elephant! Lessons Learned in "Mobilizing" Geriatric Fast Facts for Education, MCW Department of Medicine 1st Annual Research Retreat 03/2015
14. Manzi G, Brown D, Denson S, DENSON K, Duthie E, Geriatricizing Hospital-Based Specialties and Subspecialties, MCW Department of Medicine 1st Annual Research Retreat 03/2015
15. DENSON K, Manzi G, Foy P, Vasudev B, Malmsten C, Rehm J, Brown D, Simpson D, Duthie E, Using Teaching Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCEs) to Expand Fellows' Perceptions Around Quality Care for Older Adults, MCW Department of Medicine 1st Annual Research Retreat, 03/2015
16. Simpson D, Manzi G, DENSON K, Rehm J, Denson S, Wessel B, Duthie E, Using Google Analytics to Support Continuous Improvement of a Mobile Enabled Learning Website, MCW Department of Medicine 1st Annual Research Retreat 03/2015
17. Duthie E, Nguyen A, DENSON K, Franco J, Geriatrics Rotation as a Medicine Elective: A Smart Option for Medical Students? MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 04/2015
18. Brown D, Denson S, Manzi G, DENSON K, Rehm J, Beyond One and Done: Sustaining Curriculum Interventions, MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 04/2015
19. Padua K, DENSON K, Duthie E, Howell T, Boyle L, Khan A, Denson S, Educating Primary Care Providers to Care for Complex Older Adults Using the Wisconsin Star Method, MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 04/2016
20. Duthie E, Myers JM, DENSON K, Ouweneel K, Simpson D, Denson S, Improving Advance Directive Completion by Geriatric Patients Through Physician Education. MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 04/2017
21. Duthie E, Simpson D, Myers J, DENSON K, Denson S, Lessons Learned from a Statewide Interinstitutional Collaborative for Performance Improvement in Geriatrics. MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 04/2017
22. Duthie E, Myers J, Simpson D, DENSON K, Denson S, Using Maintenance of Certification to Promote Advance Directive Discussions in Primary Care, Innovation in Aging, Volume 1, Issue suppl_1, July 2017, Page 600,
23. Duthie E, Myers J, Simpson D, DENSON K, Denson S, Using Maintenance of Certification to Promote Advance Directive Discussions in Primary Care, MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 04/2018
24. Frederick T, Duthie E, Simpson D, DENSON K, Myers J, Barczi S, Malone M, Denson S. Transforming Rival Health Care Systems into a Collaborative CME Team for Geriatric Education, UWSMPH Medical Education Day, Milwaukee, WI 05/2018
25. Duthie E, Simpson D, Myers J, DENSON K, Denson S, Falls and Prevention of Fall Outcomes, Innovation in Aging, Volume 2, Issue suppl_1, November 2018, Page 361,
26. Duthie E, Myers J, DENSON K, Simpson D, Denson S. A 90-Minute Workshop on Initiating Advance Directive Discussions Increases Residents' Comfort, Innovations in Health Care Education Conference, Milwaukee, WI 04/2019
27. DENSON K, Duthie E, Simpson D, Ouweneel T, Frederick T, Denson S, Myers J, DOT Design Approach Supports Well Being in Part IV MOC. Innovations in Health Care Education Conference, Milwaukee, WI 04/2019
28. Duthie E, DENSON K, Simpson D, Denson S, Szymkowski A, Yes, Changing How You Teach Does Make a Difference, Innovation in Aging, Volume 3, Issue Supplement_1, November 2019, Page S886,
29. Duthie E, DENSON K, Simpson D, Denson S, Malone M, Geriatric Fast Facts: Four Years of Growth and Reach, Innovation in Aging, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_1, 2020, Page 218,
30. Duthie D, DENSON K, Myers J, Denson S, Using Maintenance of Certification to Promote Advance Directive: A Comparison Between Practicing Family Physicians and their Resident Counterparts, MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 04/2020.
31. Duthie E, DENSON K, Simpson D, Denson S, Szymkowski A, Does How You Teach Make a Difference? MCW Innovations in Medical Education Conference, 04/2020.
32. Simpson D, DENSON K, Denson S, Szymkowski A, Duthie E, Malone M, Learners Do Access Web Resources Recommended During F2F Educational Sessions, Aurora Scientific Day, 05/2020
33. DENSON K, Simpson D, Szymkowski A, Duthie E, Denson S. Optimizing your online geriatrics resources – F2F Application Still Matters. J Amer Geriatrics Soc. 2020; 68 (S1): S158.
34. Duthie EH, DENSON K, Denson S, Simpson D. A 90-Minute Activity to Increase Physician Support for Dementia Patient Caregivers. J Amer Geriatrics Soc. 2020; 68 (S1): S74.
35. DENSON K, Simpson D, Szymkowski A, Duthie E, Denson S, (2021, April) Pairing the 4Ms with Geriatric Fast Facts: a Structured Approach to Older Adult Primary Care Visits, J Am Geriatr Soc, 69: S202
36. Duthie E, Simpson D, Szymkowski A, DENSON K, Denson S, The 4Ms Provide a Structural Framework for Organizing Educational Materials, Innovation in Aging, Volume 5, Issue Supplement_1, 2021, Page 761,
37. O'Brien C, Henricks E, Beckert A, DENSON K, Duthie E, An 18-year Experience with an Innovative Geriatrics Training Model: Implications for the Workforce, Innovation in Aging, Volume 5, Issue Supplement_1, 2021, Pages 757–758,
38. Barnes S, Duthie E, DENSON K, McAlister J, Betley W, Szymkowski A, Malone M, Simpson D, A Successful Educational Intervention Linking Dementia Patients and Families with Community Resources, Innovation in Aging, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, November 2022, Page 537,
39. Denson, K., Simpson, D., Barnes, S., McAllister, J., Denson, S., Betley, W., Szymkowski, A., Malone, M., & Duthie, E. (2022). Critical Elements in Community-Academic Partnerships Supporting Interprofessional Geriatrics Education. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS), 70(S1), S67.
40. Duthie EH, Denson K, Simpson D, Barnes S, McAlister J, Szymkowski A, Kavanaugh R, Betley W., Adapting a Dementia Caregiver Curriculum Across Three Professions. Innovations in Aging. 2023; 7
41. Kathryn Denson MD, Edmund Duthie MD, Stacy Barnes PhD, Wendy Betley MA, Jennifer McAllister BA, Steven Denson, MD, Amanda Szymkowski BA, Deborah Simpson PhD, Health Professions Students as Champions for Dementia Caregiver Referrals, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS), 71(S1), S217-218, American Geriatric Society (AGS). May 5, 2023, Long Beach, CA.
42. Beckert A, Fernande H, Harlow E, Duthie E, Denson K, Development of a Novel National Integrated Medicine-Geriatrics Residency and Fellowship Program, Academic Internal Medicine Week (AIMW), Columbus, OH, 04/14/24-04/17/24
43. Edmund H. Duthie MD, Kathryn Denson MD, Deborah Simpson PhD, Stacy Barnes PhD, Jennifer McAlister BA, Amanda Szymkowski BA, Rachel Kavanaugh PharmD BCACP, Wendy Betley BS, Adapting a Dementia Caregiver Curriculum Across Three Health Professions, Innovations in Health Education Research, Medical College of Wisconsin. September 17-19, 2024
44. Duthie, E., Denson, K., Simpson, D., Barnes, S., Betley, W., Szymkowski, A., & Denson, S. (2024, Nov. 13-16). Can Novice Learners be Clinical Change Agents for Dementia Care Practice? Gerontological Society of America, 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, WA, 11/13/24-11/16/24.
45. Duthie, E., Denson, K., Simpson, D., Barnes, S., Betley, W., Szymkowski, A., Denson, S., Can Novice Learners Be Clinical Change Agents for Dementia Care Referrals?, Medical College of Wisconsin, 11th Annual Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Milwaukee, WI, 3/7/25.
Peer Reviewed Educational Products
1. MedEDPORTAL is a peer-reviewed electronic educational product repository/clearinghouse of the AAMC and Hartford Foundation Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Bookstore is an online peer-reviewed repository of educational materials ACGME Outcome Project- Recognize Success Via implementation (RSVP) is a peer -reviewed repository of educational materials that align with the ACGME POGOe (Portal of Geriatric On-line Education) is a non-peer reviewed on-line repository of geriatric educational materials
2. DENSON K., Simpson D., Duthie E. Mrs. Tang: A CD ROM Based Virtual Patient. © 2003 Medical College of Wisconsin. CD contains video vignettes demonstrating progression of health and illness of 20 years + radiographic images, diagnostic studies, still images and is available in the following sites:
3. DENSON K., Simpson D., Duthie E.. Mrs. Tang: A CD ROM Based Virtual Patient.© 2003 Medical College of Wisconsin.CD contains video vignettes demonstrating progression of health and illness of 20 years + radiographic images, diagnostic studies, still images and is available in the following sites: AAMC/Hartford Geriatric Education Materials Clearinghouse. DENSON K. Mrs.Violetta MitsukoTang. MedEdPORTAL;2005. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Bookstore, ID=136. American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe), an online repository of geriatric educational materials. May 2004.
4. DENSON K, Simpson D., Duthie E., Virtual Patient Case #4. Mrs. Violetta Mitsuko Tang - Chief Diagnosis: Osteoporosis/Incontinence. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGO-e); 2004. Available from:
5. Co-author: OSVE Toolkit for Teaching and Assessing the ACGME Competencies. CD-ROM resource containing 15-30 tools each with instructor guide, answer key, and video trigger. Volume 3: Mr. Malone © 2004 Medical College of Wisconsin Volume 4: Mrs. Tang © 2004 Medical College of Wisconsin Volume 5: Mr. Clifford © 2007 Medical College of Wisconsin Toolkits are available at: ACGME Outcome Project - Recognize Success Via implementation (RSVP) Web site:, 06/2005. American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Portal of Geriatric Online Education(POGOe), an online repository of geriatric educational materials., 06/2005. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) MedEdPORTAL, a web-based, peer reviewed repository for educational materials 06/2005.
6. DENSON K, Multidisciplinary Home Care Education E-Learning Curriculum. MedEdPORTAL; 2005:, ID=200. -Learning curriculum for home care, containing video vignettes, text, graphics, surveys, quizzes, and evaluation tools to teach and assess home care knowledge, skills and attitudes across multiple health care disciplines American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe), 03/2008Curriculum is implemented in: IM 201 (Introduction to Medicine 201) course Medicine/Geriatrics Residents and Geriatrics Fellowship curriculum Medical students (M3 and M4) in GEM Rotation Curriculum has been accessed for use by: National Center for Healthy Aging University of Pittsburg School of Medicine Elder House Call Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine MCW Family Medicine Residency Program
7. DENSON K, Marr L, Simpson D. The Superficial Case Presentation. In D. Simpson, C. McLaughlin (Eds) Critical Teaching Incident Casebook: Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching through Critical Analyses and Reflection of ACGME Competency-Based Teaching Cases, pgs 14-17, © 2005 Center for Ambulatory Teaching Excellence - Medical College of Wisconsin. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Bookstore. (Accepted April 2005 Following Peer Review). Available Order #C-102 Outcome Project - Recognize Success Via implementation (RSVP) Web site. (Accepted June 2005 following Editorial Review). Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) MedEdPORTAL, a web-based, peer reviewed repository for educational materials. (Accepted with Acclamation - highest rating- July 2005 following Peer Review).
8. Marr L, DENSON K, Morzinski J. Who Chooses? In D. Simpson, C. McLaughlin (Editors) Critical Teaching Incident Casebook: Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching through Critical Analyses and Reflection of ACGME Competency-Based Teaching Cases, pg 37-41; © 2005 Center for Ambulatory Teaching Excellence - Medical College of Wisconsin. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Bookstore. (Accepted April 2005 Following Peer Review). Available Order #C-102 ACGME Outcome Project - Recognize Success Via implementation (RSVP) Web site. (Accepted June 2005 following Editorial Review): Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) MedEdPORTAL, a web-based, peer reviewed repository for educational materials. (Accepted with Acclamation - highest rating- July 2005 following Peer Review).
9. DENSON K, Simpson D. Duthie E. Virtual Patient Case #4. Mrs.Violetta Mitsuko Tang - Chief Diagnosis: Osteoporosis/Incontinence. MedEdPORTAL; 2005. Available from: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Bookstore
10. DENSON K, Multidisciplinary Home Care Education E-Learning Curriculum. E-Learning curriculum for home care, containing video vignettes, text, graphics, surveys, quizzes, and evaluation tools to teach and assess home care knowledge, skills and attitudes across multiple health care disciplines
11. DENSON K, Marr L, Simpson D. The Superficial Case Presentation. In D. Simpson, C. McLaughlin (Eds) Critical Teaching Incident Casebook: Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching through Critical Analyses and Reflection of ACGME Competency-Based Teaching Cases, pgs 14-17, © 2005 Center for Ambulatory Teaching Excellence - Medical College of Wisconsin.
12. Marr L, DENSON K, Morzinski J. Who Chooses? In D. Simpson, C. McLaughlin (Editors) Critical Teaching Incident Casebook: Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching through Critical Analyses and Reflection of ACGME Competency-Based Teaching Cases, pg 37-41; © 2005 Center for Ambulatory Teaching Excellence - Medical College of Wisconsin.
13. Simpson D, DENSON K, OSVE Geriatric Collaborative. Objective Structured Video Examination (OSVEs) Toolkit for Teaching and Assessing the ACGME Competencies. MedEDPORTAL; 2006. Available from;
14. Simpson, D. McLaughlin C. (eds), DENSON K, Marr L, Simpson D. The Superficial Case Presentation. MedEDPORTAL 2008; Available from
15. DENSON K, Multidisciplinary Home Care Education E-Learning Curriculum. MedeDPORTAL;2008. Available from;
16. Simpson, D. McLaughlin C. (eds), Marr L, DENSON K, Morzinski J. Who Chooses? MedEDPORTAl 2008; Available from
17. DENSON K., Multidisciplinary Home Care Education E-Learning Curriculum. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 2009. Available from:
18. Simpson D., DENSON K., OSVE Geriatric Collaborative. Objective Structured Video Exams (OSVEs) Case #1 Mr. Andrews. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 2009. Available from:
19. Simpson D., DENSON K., OSVE Geriatric Collaborative. Objective Structured Video Exams (OSVEs) Case #2 Mr. Malone. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 2009. Available from:
20. Simpson D., DENSON K., OSVE Geriatric Collaborative. Objective Structured Video Exams (OSVEs) Case #3 Mrs. Violetta Mitsuko Tang. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 2009. Available from:
21. Simpson, DENSON K., OSVE Geriatric Collaborative. Objective Structured Video Exams (OSVEs) Case #4 Mr. Clifford. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 2009. Available from:
22. DENSON K, Kuester J. Pills, Pills and More Pills: A Pill Box Exercise to Reduce Polypharmacy. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 2010. Available from;
23. Denson S, Sheets L, Simpson D, Duthie E, DENSON K. SAFE-T from Babe to Sage: Injury Related Anticipatory Guidance Across the Age Continuum. The Portal of Geriatric Online education (POGOe); 2010. Available from;
24. DENSON K, Simpson D, Barbieri K, Rehm J, Duthie E. Cruising to Competencies via Needs Assessment. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 2013. Available from;
25. DENSON K, Manzi G, Rehm J, Malmsten C. Geriatric Cardiology OSCE: The Hidden Curriculum: Identifying Hypoactive Delirium When Obtaining Procedural Consent. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from:
26. DENSON K, Manzi G, Brown D, Malmsten C. Geriatric Cardiology OSCE: The Hidden Curriculum: Identifying End Stage Heart Disease & Clarifying Care Goals. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from:
27. DENSON K, Manzi G, Crowe C, Rehm J. TBL: Navigating Delirium, Polypharmacy and Home Care Services with an Elderly Emergency Patient. MedEdPORTAL; 2013; Available from: www.mededportal/publication/9599.
28. DENSON K, Manzi G, Foy P, Giever T, Rehm J. Geriatric Oncology OSCE: Using Geriatric Assessment Tools to Guide Patient Treatment Decisions. MedEdPORTAL; 2014. Available from:
29. DENSON K, Hind J, Carnahan J, Kuester J. Can You Swallow This? A Practical Approach to Dysphagia. Denson K, Hind J, Carnahan J, Kuester J. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 2014. Available from;
30. Vasudev B, Simpson D, Haines E, Duthie E, DENSON K, Geriatric Nephrology OSCE: Managing drugs with aging patients and kidneys. MedEdPORTAL; 2015. Available from:
31. DENSON K, Webb T, Petronovich J, Wade T, Brown D, Modified TBL: Navigating Delirium in an Elderly Surgical Patient. MedEdPORTAL; 2015. Available from:
32. DENSON K, Carnahan J, Kuester J, Pills Pills and More Pills: A Pill Box Exercise to Teach Barriers to Medication Adherence and Solutions. MedEdPORTAL; 2015. Available from:
33. Vasudev B, Simpson D, Haines E, Duthie E, DENSON K, Geriatric Nephrology OSCE: Managing drugs with aging patients and kidneys. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 2015. Available from;
34. Carnahan J, Duthie E, Kuester J, DENSON K, It Takes a Village: Interprofessional Case Conference, The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe): 2015. Available from:
35. Simpson D, DENSON K, Denson S, Rehm J, Duthie E, Manzi G, Geriatric Fast Facts Quiz, The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe);2015. Available from:
Database, Video, or Other Research/Clinical Contributions
1. DENSON K, Webb T, Wade T, Petronovich J, Geriatrics Fast Facts, #9 Managing Pain in Elderly Rib Fracture Patients (>65 years), #10 Anticoagulation in the Geriatric Surgical Patient, #11 Diagnosing Dementia in Acutely Ill Elderly Patients, #12 Caution: Perioperative Surgery Medications, 2011.
2. DENSON K, Gehl S, Bobot B, Geriatrics Fast Facts, #13 Hypertension in the Elderly, #14 Assessing Delirium, #15 Fall Etiology and Assessment, #16 Fall Risk Factors & Interventions, 2011
3. DENSON K, Manzi G, Crowe C, Tsufis C, Geriatrics Fast Facts, #19 Vertigo in the Elderly Patient Complaining of Dizziness, #21 Non-Vertigo in the Elderly Patient Complaining of Dizziness, #22 Geriatric Home Safety Evaluation: Can I Send this Patient Home?, #25 Home Care Services and the Geriatric Patient, 2012.
4. DENSON K, Malmsten C, Krishnan G, Petronovich J, Geriatrics Fast Facts, #20 Cardiac Causes of Syncope in the Geriatric Patient, #23 Antiplatelet Therapy in Coronary Disease, #24 Interpreting Echocardiographic Changes of an Aging Heart, #26 Should Your Patient Have that Cardiac Intervention, 2012.
5. Giever T, Manzi G, DENSON K, Dreger N, Foy P, Geriatrics Fast Facts, #36 Should Your Patient Have that Oncology Intervention, #37 Chemotherapy Toxicity in the Geriatric Patient, #39 Etiologies of Anemia in Elderly Patients, 2013.
6. Wagner G, Hook L, DENSON K, Nilsson E, Shmaryan D, Geriatrics Fast Facts, #35 Recognizing and Identifying Elder Abuse, #38 Approach to Insomnia Evaluation in the Geriatric Patient, #40 Treatment of Insomnia in Geriatric Patients, 2013.
7. DENSON K, Denson S, #73 Deprescribing benzodiazepines in Elderly Patients, #68 Deprescribing Medications in Elderly PatientsGeriatric Fast Facts 2017.
8. Malone M, Hanley K, Perry A, DENSON K, Geriatric Fast Facts #80 Care Transitions: Skilled Nursing Facility to Emergency Department, www.geriatric 2018.
9. Myers J, Duthie E, DENSON K, Simpson, Geriatric Fast Facts #78 FAQs and Resources for Dementia Patients' Caregivers, 2018
10. Malone, M., Perry, A. & Weeks, R. (2020, May). Low Health Care Literacy and the Older Patient (#90). In K. Denson (Ed.), Geriatric Fast Facts. Medical College of Wisconsin.
11. Kuntz, L. & Carlson, J. (2020, December). Geriatric Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (#92). In K. Denson (Ed.), Geriatric Fast Facts. Medical College of Wisconsin.
12. Denson, S., Denson, K., Duthie, E. & Simpson, D. (2021, January). Age Friendly Healthcare Delivery: The 4Ms (#93). In K. Denson (Ed.), Geriatric Fast Facts. Medical College of Wisconsin.
13. Lyon, W. & Denson, S. (2022, February). Dementia Detection: Identifying Red Flags of Cognitive Decline (#95). In K. Denson (Ed.), Geriatric Fast Facts. Medical College of Wisconsin.
14. McAvoy, K. & Duthie, E. (2022, February) Alzheimer’s Association Direct Connect Referral (#96). In K. Denson (Ed.), Geriatric Fast Facts. Medical College of Wisconsin.
15. Barnes, S. (2022, April). Social Isolation of Older Adults (#94). In K. Denson (Ed.), Geriatric Fast Facts. Medical College of Wisconsin.
16. Barnes, S. (2022, April). Caregiver Burden in the Context of Dementia (#97). In K. Denson (Ed.), Geriatric Fast Facts. Medical College of Wisconsin.
17. Barnes, S. (2022, April). Loneliness of Older Adults (#98). In K. Denson (Ed.), Geriatric Fast Facts. Medical College of Wisconsin.
18. Bukowy, E. (2022, August). Telemedicine and Geriatric Care (#99). In K. Denson (Ed.), Geriatric Fast Facts. Medical College of Wisconsin.
19. Reiland, H. & Levine, K. (2022, August). QT Prolongation: Risk Factors and Considerations (#100). In K. Denson (Ed.), Geriatric Fast Facts. Medical College of Wisconsin.