Medical College of Wisconsin
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Marlene D. Melzer-Lange MD
Adjunct Professor
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Emergency Medicine

Children's Corporate Center
999 N 92 St
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/1967 - 05/1971 BS - Chemistry and Math, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
08/1971 - 05/1975 MD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1975 - 1978 Pediatric Residency, Medical College of Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2000 - 2001 Wisconsin Faculty Leadership Development Program, University of Wisconsin/Medical College of Wisconsin
2002 - Present Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor, Professional Development Seminar for Women in Medicine, Association of American Medical Colleges, American College of Surgeons

1978 - 1987 Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1979 - 1987 Assistant Clinical Professor of Family Practice, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1987 - 1994 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1994 - 2003 Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1999 - Present Affiliate Faculty, Injury Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2001 - Present Clinical Associate Professor, College of Physician Assistant Studies, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
2003 - Present Professor of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1988 - Present Director of Resident and Student Education, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
1991 - 1992 Senior Pediatric Resident Conference Coordinator
2000 - Present Coordinator, Physician Assistant Pediatric Emergency Medicine
2002 - 2010 Chair, Subcommittee on Students, LCME Accreditation Task Force
2004 - 2005 Vice President, Faculty Council
2004 - Present Co-chair, Education Department of Pediatrics, Innovation Task Force
2005 - 2006 President, Faculty Council
2006 - 2007 Member, MCW Strategic Planning Committee, Public and Community Health
2006 - Present Chair, Mentorship for Pediatric Women Faculty

1978 - 1981 Director, Pediatrics, Downtown Medical & Health Services
1991 - 1996 Physician Administrator, Teen Pregnancy Services/Children’s Clinic
1995 - 1999 Chief, Emergency Medicine Section (Elected), Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1995 - Present Member-at-Large, Medical Executive Committee (Elected), Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1996 - 2000 Co-Chair, Emergency Department Trauma Center Multidisciplinary, Co-Chair, Emergency Department Trauma Center Multidisciplinary Committee for Quality Assurance (Appointed), Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2001 - Present Medical Director, Project Ujima, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2002 Chair, Nominating Committee for Physician Leadership, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2003 - 2005 Design Team member, ED Tracker GE Medical Systems electronic tracking system, Children’s Hospital Emergency Department, Milwaukee, WI
2003 - 2005 Member, Design Team GE Medical Systems “Centricity”, a complete electronic patient care system, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2003 - 2006 Associate Medical Director, Emergency Department/Trauma Center, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2003 - Present Chair, FINESS (Focusing on Internal and External Service Standards), a multidisciplinary EDTC Team to improve patient satisfaction, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2004 Chair, Nominating Committee for Physician Leadership, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2005 - Present Member, Computer-based Physician Order Entry and ED Manager Design Team for the Emergency Department, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2007 President Elect, Medical Dental Staff, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2007 - Present Medical Director, Emergency Department/Trauma Center, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2007 - Present Chief, Emergency Medicine Section (Elected), Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2009 - Present President, Medical Dental Staff, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2009 - Present Chair, Professional Quality Assurance Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2009 - Present Member, Just Culture Workgroup, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2009 - Present Co-chair, Inpatient Executive Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1978 - 1995 Milwaukee County Hospital, 8700 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226
1978 - Present Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226
1978 - Present Attending Physician, Emergency Department Trauma Center, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1981 - 1996 Pediatrician, Sponsored by the Teen Pregnancy Service of Milwaukee, Affiliate of the Medical College of Wisconsin, Well Baby Clinic

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Pediatrics
ABS-Pediatric Emergency Medicine
ABS-PEM Recertification
Issued By Issue DateExpiration

Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License

1970 - Present Phi Beta Kappa, Marquette University
1971 - Present Magna Cum Laude, Marquette University
1999 - Present Honored as Strategy Team Member, Milwaukee Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition (2/year, for community leadership)
2003 - Present Honored as Member of Project Ujima, Milwaukee Idea Award , University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Campus/Community Partnership
2004 - Present Honored as Member of Project Ujima “Innovations in Crime Victim Services” National Award, Department of Justice
2006 - Present Pediatric Faculty Teacher of Year Award , Pediatric Residents
2008 - Present Outstanding Medical Student Teachers, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Advisor in Pediatrics , David Lewis, M.D.
2010 - Present Distinguished Service Award, Medical College of Wisconsin

1976 - Present American Academy of Pediatrics (Fellow )
1978 - Present Milwaukee Pediatric Society (Member)
1989 - Present Ambulatory Pediatric Association (Member)
1993 - Present Midwest Society for Pediatric Research (Member)
1994 - Present Society of Adolescent Medicine (Member)
1996 - Present Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (Member)
1999 - Present Milwaukee County Medical Society (Member)
1999 - Present Wisconsin State Medical Society (Member)

Journal Review
Child Abuse Prevention Fund, Grants Review Board, Home Visitation proposals
Ambulatory Pediatrics, Journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association
Pediatric Emergency Care
Pediatric Dermatology
Pediatrics, Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Ambulatory Pediatric Association, pediatric emergency medicine abstracts for national meetings

1988 - 1991 Member, Combined Services Subcommittee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1988 - 1991 Member, Physician/Nurse Collaboration Group, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1988 - Present Member, Emergency Medicine Division, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1988 - 1994 Member, Computer Committee
1992 - 1994 Member, Task Force on Pediatric Objectives for M-3 Students
1992 - 1994 Member, Pediatric Housestaff Committee
1992 - 1995 Member, Advisory Committee, Children’s Hospital Foundation Medical Staff
1993 - 1994 Member, Committee on Child Advocacy and Community Pediatrics
1993 - Present Member, Committee on Housestaff Selection
1994 - 2000 Member, Resident Subcommittee
1994 - 2001 Member, Capital Budget Review Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1994 - 1997 Member, Pediatric Interest Group
1994 - 2009 Member, Housestaff Evaluation Committee
1995 - 1998 Member, Trauma Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1995 - Present President, Milwaukee Pediatric Society
1996 - 2003 Strategy Team Member, Milwaukee Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition
1996 - 2001 EDTC Physician Liaison, Project Ujima, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1997 - 2000 Member, Program Committee, Women’s Faculty Council
1998 - Present Member, State of Wisconsin Committee on Pediatric Education and Training for Practitioners in Clinics and Urgent Care Centers, Emergency Medical Services for Children
1998 - Present Physician Liaison, Children’s Information Services Focus Group, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1998 - 2002 Department of Emergency Medicine, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1998 - Present Member, Education Subcommittee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1998 - 2001 Member, Housestaff Selection Committee, Department of Emergency Medicine
1999 - 2006 Chair, Services Standards Committee, Children’s Specialty Group
1999 - 2006 Member, Student Subcommittee
1999 - 2004 Chair, Screening Subcommittee
1999 - Present Delegate, Milwaukee County Medical Society
1999 - Present Chair, Executive Committee
1999 - 2000 Chair, Program Committee, Women’s Faculty Council
2000 - 2003 Member, Patient Care Committee
2000 - 2004 Physician Member, Internal Communications Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2000 - 2001 Chair, Women’s Faculty Council
2000 - 2005 Board Member (Elected), Children’s Specialty Group
2000 - Present Member, Resident Education Committee, Department of Emergency Medicine
2001 - 2003 Physician Director, Physician Referral Call Center, Children’s Specialty Group
2002 - Present Member, Youth Violence Task Force, Wisconsin State Medical Society
2002 - Present Member, Residency Accreditation Committee, Department of Emergency Medicine
2002 - Present Member, Advisory Committee, Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Trauma
2003 - Present Chair, Finess ED group for Service and Quality, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2004 - 2007 Member, Physician Community Advisory Committee, Children’s Specialty Group
2004 - Present Co-chair, Innovation Task Force-Education
2006 - Present Mentorship, Women in Pediatrics-Develops monthly topics for women faculty in Department of Pediatrics, Education Council, Emergency Medicine Section
2006 - Present Member, Strategic Planning Committee, Children’s Specialty Group
2006 - Present Member, WOW-Patient Satisfaction Workgroup, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2006 - Present Member, Governor’s Council on Domestic Violence Prevention
2006 - Present Member, Review Commission, Milwaukee Homicide
2007 - 2008 Chair, Emeritus, Service and Quality Committee, Children’s Specialty Group
2007 - Present Member, Capital Budget Review Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2007 - Present Member, ED 2 Finess group for Service and Quality, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2007 - Present Member, Safety Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2007 - Present Member, Joint Patient Care Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2007 - Present Member, Pediatric Quality Assurance Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2008 - 2009 Chair, Blue Kids Way Committee, CSG, Children’s Specialty Group
2009 - Present Member, Cardiac Monitoring Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Member, Parliamentary Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Member, Violence Prevention Initiative-Steering Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - Present Member, Violence Prevention Initiative-Selection Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin

1978 - Present Member, Wisconsin Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
1988 - Present Member, Emergency Medicine Section, American Academy of Pediatrics
1990 - 1993 Investigator, Phase I Project Committee, National Board of Medical Examiners
1990 - 1992 Member, Emergency Medicine Section, Task Force for Development of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Guidelines for Board Eligibility
1991 - Present Member, Collaborative Research Committee in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Ambulatory Pediatric Association
1992 - Present Section Member, AAP Adolescent Medicine, American Academy of Pediatrics
1994 - Present Member, Great Lakes Chapter, Society of Adolescent Medicine
1996 - Present Member, Section of AAP Injury Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics
1997 - Present Treasurer, Great Lakes Chapter (ELECTED), Society of Adolescent Medicine
1997 - 2000 Region VI Co-Chair (Elected), Representative, National Committee of Sections, Ambulatory Pediatric Association
2001 - Present Member, Ambulatory Pediatric Association, Health Care Delivery Committee
2002 - Present AAP Representative, Wisconsin Maternal Child Health, American Academy of Pediatrics
2004 - 2009 Chair, Violence SIG, Society of Adolescent Medicine
2006 - Present Member, Reducing Emergency Department, Child Health Corporation of America
2009 - Present Member, Executive Committee, American Academy of Pediatrics

Peer Review
Academic Fellowship in Primary Care Research
DHHS: Health Resources & Services Administration, Institutional National Research Service Award
Research Faculty
07/01/2011 - 06/30/2016
Direct Funds:
$1,995,299 (HRSA 2-T32-PE-10030-14 Goal/ Purpose: To prepare primary care physicians and postdoctoral social scientists for successful academic careers in primary care and community-based participatory research.)
Peer Review
Use of a Programmable Calculator in a Pediatric ER
American Academy of Pediatrics Endowment
Principal Investigator
1988 - 1989
Direct Funds:
Puerperal Effects of Chlamydia in infants
Wisconsin Perinatal Foundation
Principal Investigator
1988 - 1990
Direct Funds:
Lyme Disease and Aseptic Meningitis
Research Committee, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Principal Investigator
1990 - Present
Direct Funds:
Adolescent Primary Care
Healthy Tomorrows: Community Access to Childhood Health American Academy of Pediatrics
Principal Investigator
1992 - 1996
Direct Funds:
Pediatrics Computer- Based Instruction: Educational Intervention and Evaluation
Learning Resources Award
Principal Investigator
1992 - 1993
Direct Funds:
Project Ujima: A Youth Violence Intervention/Prevention Program
Emergency Medical Services for Children, Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Physician Liaison
10/01/1996 - 09/30/1998
Direct Funds:
Recidivism for Intentional Injuries Among Adolescent Firearm Victims
Children’s Hospital Foundation
1996 - 1997
Direct Funds:
Injuries in Adolescent Patients
Research Committee: Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation
Principal Investigator
1996 - 1998
Direct Funds:
Enhancing Education in Partner Violence Identification, Intervention and Prevention at the Medical College of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Violence against Women Act Grant, Wisconsin Department of Justice
1998 - 2004
Direct Funds:
Evaluation of Project UJIMA: A Violence Prevention/Intervention Program” 1 H34 MC00086
Emergency Medical Services for Children Maternal and Child Health Bureau
03/01/2000 - 02/28/2001
Direct Funds:
“Healthy Communities” Education in Wisconsin
Health and Urban Development
Direct Funds:
Evaluation of Project UJIMA, A Violence Prevention/Intervention Program” 1 H34 MC00086
Emergency Medical Services for Children Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Principal Investigator
03/01/2001 - 02/28/2004
Direct Funds:
Project Ujima
Victims of Crime Assistance, Department of Justice, State of Wisconsin
Medical Director
10/01/2001 - 09/30/2002
Direct Funds:
Systematic Admissions Process for Ensuring Diversity in a Medical School
Learning Resources Award
Principal Investigator
2001 - 2003
Direct Funds:
Project Ujima
Victims of Crime Assistance, Department of Justice, State of Wisconsin
Medical Director
10/01/2002 - 09/30/2008
Direct Funds:
$203,000 (in 2002/2003 year to $387,000 2007/2008 year)
Injury Free Coalition for Kids-Milwaukee
Injury Free Coalitions-Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Principal Investigator
12/01/2003 - 12/01/2006
Direct Funds:
$50,000 (annually for 3 years)
Injury Free Coalition for Kids-Milwaukee
Injury Free Coalitions-Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Principal Investigator
12/01/2003 - 12/01/2006
Direct Funds:
Youth Development Program in Project Ujima
Allstate Foundation
Principal Investigator
01/01/2004 - 12/31/2004
Direct Funds:
$30,000 (Continuation 1/1/05-12/31/05)
Parklawn PEAS Coalition 1H79 SM55576-01
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration US Department of Health and Human Services
Principal Investigator
09/30/2004 - 09/29/2007
Direct Funds:
Health Care Can Change from Within: A Sustainable Model for Intimate Partner Violence
Healthier Wisconsin Foundation
01/01/2005 - 12/31/2007
Direct Funds:
Staying Alive: A Violence Prevention Project
American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Injury and Poison Prevention
Principal Investigator
07/01/2006 - 06/30/2007
Direct Funds:
Safety Starts at Home
Healthier Wisconsin Foundation
07/01/2006 - 06/30/2007
Milwaukee County Health Care Intimate Partner Violence Consortium
Healthier Wisconsin Foundation
07/01/2007 - 06/30/2008
Direct Funds:
Healthy Youth: Strong and Connected
Healthier Wisconsin Foundation
Principal Investigator
07/01/2008 - 06/30/2011
Direct Funds:
Academic Fellowship in Primary Care Research
DHHS: Health Resources & Services Administration, Institutional National Research Service Award
Research Faculty
07/01/2008 - 06/30/2011
Direct Funds:
$1,182,230 (HRSA 2-T32-PE-10030-11 Goal/ Purpose: To prepare primary care physicians and postdoctoral social scientists for successful academic careers in primary care and community-based participatory research )

Pediatric Care for Your Infant, Prenatal Classes, Lady Pitts High School, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1980 - Present
Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Adolescent Suicide, Adolescent Suicide Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 10/1984 - Present
Child Abuse, Milwaukee County Paramedic Training Course, Milwaukee, WI, 1987 - 1992
Management of Physical Child Abuse, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Course, Milwaukee, WI, 1988 - 1995
Orientation to Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Pediatric, Family Medicine, and Emergency Medicine Residents, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 1988 - Present
Recognizing Child Abuse, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 01/1989 - Present
Syncope, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 11/1989 - Present
Use of a Programmable Calculator (HP 42S) in a Pediatric Emergency Room, First Annual Health Information Technology Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 1989 - Present
Measles and Impact on Health Care Providers, Teen Pregnancy Service, Milwaukee, WI, 1989 - Present
Wheezing in Infancy, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 01/1990 - Present
Improved Speed and Accuracy of Calculations with a Programmable Calculator in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics - Academic Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 10/1990 - Present
Wisconsin Pregnant Teens, Children, and Their Babies in Crisis, 27th Annual Milwaukee Sentinel Forum For Teenagers, Milwaukee, WI, 1990 - Present
Lyme Disease Update, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal Club, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1991 - Present
Suture Workshop for Pediatric Housestaff, Department of Pediatrics, Milwaukee, WI, 03/1991 - Present
Altered Mental Status, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Course, Milwaukee, WI, 04/1991 - Present
Abdominal Pain in the Adolescent, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 08/1991 - Present
Pregnancy and Ectopic Pregnancy, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 09/1991 - Present
Streptococcal Group A Infection, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal Club, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1992 - Present
Frost Bite in Children, Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1992 - Present
Sledding Injury Prevention, WISN TV-12 (ABC), 02/1992 - Present
Abdominal Pain in the Adolescent, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 02/1992 - Present
Initial Approach to Ingestions, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 03/1992 - Present
Child Abuse from an Emergency Medicine Perspective, Children’s Hospital Social Worker Group, Milwaukee, WI, 1992 - Present
Trauma Systems, Wisconsin, Science Class, St. Monica School, Whitefish Bay, WI, 1992 - 1993
Abdominal Pain in the Adolescent, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 03/1993 - Present
Vulvovaginitis and Vaginal Bleeding, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 07/1993 - Present
Approach to Sexually Transmitted Disease and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Pediatric Emergency Fellows Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 07/1993 - Present
Social Issues in the Emergency Department, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 08/1993 - Present
Dehydration, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 09/1993 - Present
Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 10/1993 - Present
Children At Risk, WMVS TV-10 (PBS), 11/1993 - Present
Common Medical Problems in Child Neglect, Neglect a Neglected Issue, Child Protection Center Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 12/1993 - Present
Cultural Issues in Medical Neglect, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 12/1993 - Present
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Milwaukee, WI, 1993 - Present
Parenting Teens-Approach to Education, Nursing Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 1993 - Present
Management of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in the Pediatric Emergency Department, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Nursing Education Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 1993 - Present
Introduction to Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Milwaukee, WI, 1993 - Present
Pediatric Sedation and Analgesia, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 01/1994 - Present
Adolescents in the Emergency Department, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal Club, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1994 - Present
Cultural Issues in Medical Neglect, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 01/1994 - Present
Conscious Sedation, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 01/1994 - Present
Cultural Issues in Medical Neglect, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 03/1994 - Present
Cultural Issues in Medical Neglect, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 04/1994 - Present
Approach to Sexually Transmitted Disease and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Pediatric Emergency Fellows Conference,, Milwaukee, WI, 07/1994 - Present
Storing Flammable Liquids, WTMJ TV-4 (NBC), 08/1994 - Present
Providing Student Feedback: The Febrile Neonate, Pediatrics Teaching Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/1994 - Present
Pediatric Emergency Departments, WISN TV-12 (ABC), 10/1994 - Present
Addressing Pediatric Gynecologic Complaints, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 10/1994 - Present
Cultural Issues in Medical Neglect, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 11/1994 - Present
Hyperbilirubinemia and Neonatal Screening, Marquette University Nurse Midwifery Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, 1994 - 1999
Teenage Pregnancy, Minority Summer Training Program, 1994 - Present
Newborn Care, 1994 - 1999
Pediatric Gynecology, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 1994 - Present
Injury Prevention Advocacy, Downtown Health Center Primary Care Series, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1995 - 09/1996
HIV Emergency Management, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal Club, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1995 - Present
Child Neglect, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 02/1995 - Present
Hyperbilirubinemia and Vomiting in Neonates, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 02/1995 - Present
Child Neglect, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 03/1995 - Present
Adolescent Utilization of a Pediatric Emergency Department, Department of Pediatrics - Academic Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 03/1995 - Present
Violence Among Adolescents, , Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/1995 - Present
Quality Improvement: Organization and Process, Pediatric Emergency Fellows Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 07/1995 - Present
Child Neglect, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 07/1995 - Present
Sexual and Physical Abuse in the Emergency Department, Emergency Department Fellows Book Club, Milwaukee, WI, 07/1995 - Present
Child Abuse, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 08/1995 - Present
Child Neglect, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 09/1995 - Present
Violence Among Children Viewing TV, WISN TV-12 (ABC), 09/1995 - Present
Addressing Death in the Emergency Department, Wisconsin Sudden Infant Death Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 10/1995 - Present
Upper Airway Disease in Pediatrics, Mini-Fellowship for Visiting Attending Physicians, 10/1995 - Present
Addressing Adolescent Abdominal Pain, Pediatric Resident Noon Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 10/1995 - Present
Conscious Sedation, Mini-Fellowship for Visiting Attending Physicians, 12/1995 - Present
Seizures in Neonates, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 12/1995 - Present
Selecting a Pediatric Career, Medical College of Wisconsin American Medical Women’s Association Chapter, Milwaukee, WI, 1995 - 1997
Infant Car Seat Safety, WTMJ TV-4 (NBC), 01/1996 - Present
Sickle Cell Pain Management, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal Club, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1996 - Present
Adolescent Pregnancy Rates, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/12/1996 - Present
Death Notification, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 02/1996 - Present
Neonatal Emergencies, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 03/1996 - Present
Death Notification, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 06/1996 - Present
Risk Taking, Milwaukee Pediatric Society, Milwaukee, WI, 09/1996 - Present
Health Care of Adolescents, Project Ujima Conference Series, 1996 - 2002
“Injury Prevention in Pediatrics”,6 lectures/year, M-3 Student Pediatric Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, 1996 - 1998
Violent Injury Prevention in Pediatrics, Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/1997 - Present
Firearm Injuries in a Pediatric Emergency Department, Department of Pediatrics - Academic Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 03/1998 - Present
Domestic Violence, Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 03/1998 - Present
Splint Workshop, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 03/1998 - Present
Pediatric Swallowing Disorders, Swallow Club, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/1998 - Present
Trampoline Injuries, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 07/1998 - Present
Physical Child Abuse, St. Luke’s Family Practice Program, Milwaukee, WI, 10/1998 - Present
Domestic Violence, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal Club, Milwaukee, WI, 12/1998 - Present
Respiratory Care Station, 3 times/year, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Course, Milwaukee, WI, 1998 - Present
Rotavirus Infections, WISN TV-12 (ABC), 01/1999 - Present
Recognizing Child Abuse, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 02/1999 - Present
Domestic Violence, Epidemiology Course, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 03/1999 - Present
Pediatric Vulvovaginitis, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 03/1999 - Present
Parenting an infant, 1999 - 2002
Providing Feedback, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Educational Workshop, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/15/2000 - Present
Excellence in Teaching, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Educational Workshop, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/15/2000 - Present
Teaching in the Presence of a Patient, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Educational Workshop, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/15/2000 - Present
Health Care Professionals Role in Family Violence, Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/18/2000 - Present
Domestic Violence Primer for Teens, Channel 18 Teen Focus, 02/2000 - Present
Pokemon Aspiration Dangers, WISN TV-12 (ABC), 02/2000 - Present
Child Neglect, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 03/2000 - Present
Airway Skill Station, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Course, Milwaukee, WI, 09/14/2000 - 12/05/2001
Neonatal Emergencies, Pediatric Emergency Fellows Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2000 - Present
Asthma in Children, Mini-Fellowship for Visiting Attending Physicians, 2000 - Present
o Orientation Lecture Series: Child sexual and physical abuse, resident education, Pediatric Emergency Fellows Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 2000 - Present
Preventing Community Violence, Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/27/2001 - Present
Frostbite Injuries and Prevention, WDJT TV-58 (CBS), 01/2001 - Present
Child Neglect, Pediatric and Family Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Case Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 05/2001 - Present
Early Onset of Puberty, WISN TV-12 (ABC), 05/2001 - Present
Psychosocial Aspects of Child Abuse, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 05/2001 - Present
Common Neonatal Emergencies, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 08/16/2001 - Present
Reducing Child Abuse, CAP Fund Series: FM-106 Broadcast, 08/2001 - Present
Childhood Injury Prevention for Our Community, Community Grand Rounds, Center for Healthy Communities, Boys and Girls Club of Milwaukee, Hillside Family Resource Center, Milwaukee, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 10/22/2001 - Present
Child Abuse and Partner Violence, Family Violence Consortium, Family Medicine, Hillside Family Resource Center, Milwaukee, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 10/25/2001 - Present
Barriers in Teaching Health Care Professional to Screen for Family Violence, Developing a Curriculum for Medical Educators, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 11/02/2001 - Present
HIV Exposure-Case Conference, Department of Pediatrics Noon Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 11/27/2001 - Present
Pediatric Stabilization Curriculum for M-3 students, o Pediatric portion of “Clinical Procedures Rotation” for all, Milwaukee, WI, 2001 - Present
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Mini-Fellowship for Visiting Attending Physicians, 2001 - Present
Pediatric Trauma, Annual Anesthesia/Trauma Conference, Froedtert Memorial Hospital: Department of Anesthesiology, 01/05/2002 - Present
Recognizing Child Abuse, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 02/2002 - 02/2006
Psychosocial Aspects of Child Abuse, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 02/2002 - Present
Respiratory Emergencies, Emergency Department Fellows Book Club, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2002 - Present
Pediatric Vulvovaginitis, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 07/2002 - Present
Project Ujima, Exclusively Yours: Milwaukee Area Journal, 07/2002 - Present
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Emergency Department Fellows Book Club, Milwaukee, WI, 07/2002 - Present
Adolescent Parenting, CAP Fund Series: FM-106 Broadcast, 08/2002 - Present
Cultural Diversity in Providing Services at Project Ujima”, Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services for Children Annual Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 09/16/2002 - Present
Bullying, Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services for Children Annual Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 09/17/2002 - Present
Respiratory Distress, Emergency Department Fellows Book Club, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2002 - Present
Approach to Physical Child Abuse, Mini-Fellowship for Visiting Attending Physicians, 2002 - Present
Project Ujima: Community-Based Response to Adolescent Victims of Assault, The Spring Lunch and Learn Series, Wisconsin Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Child and Adolescent Treatment Center, Milwaukee, WI, 03/26/2003 - Present
Child Neglect, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 03/2003 - Present
Recognizing Respiratory Failure/Shock, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Course, Milwaukee, WI, 09/24/2003 - Present
Support for Victims of Violence, Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services for Children Annual Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 10/2003 - Present
Evaluation of Project Ujima, CARE Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 10/2003 - Present
Prevention, Detection, and Management of Hypothermia, WISN TV-12 (ABC), 01/2004 - Present
Advanced Trauma Life Support, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 04/28/2005 - 06/26/2006
Dangers of Animal Bites, WTMJ TV-4 (NBC), 05/2005 - Present
Hyperthermia in Children, WITI TV-6 (FOX), 06/2005 - Present
Hyperthermia in Children, WTMJ TV-4 (NBC), 06/2005 - Present
Youth Violence Prevention, Waukesha Memorial Hospital Physician CME Course, Waukesha, WI, 11/2005 - Present
Preventing Bullying, Samuel Morse Middle School, Parent Teacher Student Organization, Milwaukee, WI, 11/2005 - Present
Falls in Pediatrics; Summer Medical Student Program, WITI TV-6 (FOX), 11/2005 - Present
Addressing Youth Violence, Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 12/16/2005 - Present
Injury Research Center Reasons to conduct medical student research, Summer Research Medical Student Program, Milwaukee, WI, 2005 - Present
Psychosocial Aspects of Child Abuse, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 02/2006 - Present
Guns, Grief and Grace, Youth Violence in Milwaukee, Student Physicians for Social Responsibility and Emergency Medicine Student Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2006 - Present
Child Neglect, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital, 03/2006 - Present
Falls Prevention in Pediatrics, Childhood Emergencies: Prevention and Management Conference, Emergency Medical Services for Children, Madison, WI, 03/2006 - Present
Project Ujima—Intervening with Victims of Violence, Childhood Emergencies: Prevention and Management Conference, Emergency Medical Services for Children, Madison, WI, 03/2006 - Present
Prevent Bullying, Childhood Emergencies: Prevention and Management Conference, Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services for Children, Madison, WI, 03/2006 - Present
Shooting Victims, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 03/2007 - Present
Click it or Ticket, Press Conference, WTMJ TV-4 (NBC) and WITI TV-6 (FOX), 05/2007 - Present
Safety for Children, Children’s Hospital Miracle Marathon, WKLH, 05/2007 - Present
Get Organized, Mentor Women, Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2007 - Present
Dangers of Trampolines, WITI TV-6 (FOX), 07/2007 - Present
Developing your Mentor Group, Mentor Women, Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2007 - Present
Violence in Children, We All Fall Down: Stand up for Children Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin and the MCW Department of Pediatrics Ethics Group, Milwaukee, WI, 10/06/2007 - Present
Children and Poverty, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ,Editorial and Comment, 10/14/2007 - Present
Project Ujima, WTMJ TV-4 (NBC), 10/29/2007 - Present
Stopping Gun Violence, Fourth Street Forum in conjunction with Channel 10/36, Public Television, 02/21/2008 - Present
Duracoat Paint makes Guns Look Like Toys, Covered on WDJT TV-58 (CBS), WISN TV-12 (ABC), WITMJ TV-4 (NBC), WITI TV-6 (FOX), Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 89.7FM WUWM, WHAD, and the Milwaukee Times/Milwaukee Courier Newspapers., 03/03/2008 - 03/04/2008
Shock Trauma, ATLS Instructors, 06/2008 - 06/2010
Neuro Trauma, ATLS Instructors, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2008 - Present
Violence in Children, Pediatric Nursing Conference, Waukesha, WI, 11/13/2008 - Present
Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in the Medical/Pediatric Setting, 22nd Annual “Together for Children Conference, Middleton WI, 03/31/2009 - Present
Keeping your Child Violence Free—Healthy Living, Parent Group, Milwaukee Public Schools Safe Schools, Healthy Students, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2009 - Present
Caring for Youth Victims of Violence, Children’s Medical Group School Nurses, 04/2009 - Present
Airway Skill Stations, ATLS Instructors, Milwaukee, WI, 12/10/2009 - Present
Airway Trauma, ATLS Instructors, Milwaukee, WI, 12/10/2009 - Present
Healthy Youth-Strong and Connected, Doctoral Seminar, PHD candidates, Public and Community Health, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/19/2010 - Present
Bullying—How your physician can help…, Parent Group, Elmbrook School District, 02/2010 - Present
Megacode—SVT in an Infant, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Course, Milwaukee, WI, 03/06/2010 - Present
Respiratory Failure, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Course, Milwaukee, WI, 05/13/2010 - Present
Addressing Violence in Children, Wisconsin Public Health Association Meeting, Middleton, WI, 05/26/2010 - Present
Preventing Drowning during Floods, CHW Blog, 07/2010 - Present
Shock Trauma, ATLS Instructors, Milwaukee, WI, 09/30/2010 - Present
Shock Skill Stations, ATLS Instructors, Milwaukee, WI, 09/30/2010 - Present
Healthy Youth: Strong and Connected, 2010 Summer Medical Student Poster Presentation, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 2010 - Present
Healthy Youth: Strong and Connected, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Public Health Series, hosted at Carroll University, Waukesha, WI, 03/02/2011 - Present
Pediatric Gynecology, Emergency Medicine Residents Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Froedtert Hospital
Fostering Healthy Sexual Development in the Age of AIDS, American Academy of Pediatrics, Chicago, IL, 1990 - Present
Violence Prevention for the Pediatrician, American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 11/2000 - Present
Approaches to Bullying, OSF Regional Medical Center Physician CME Course, Escanaba, MI, 03/2004 - Present
Educational Computer Use, Medical Informatics Special Interest Group, Ambulatory Pediatric Association Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 05/1999 - Present
Evaluation of Project Ujima: A violence prevention/intervention project, Emergency Medical Services for Children National Grantee Meeting, Silver Spring, MD, 06/2001 - Present
Building Community Coalitions in Violence Prevention, Society of Adolescent Medicine, St. Louis, MO, 03/26/2004 - Present
Developing Bullying Prevention, Society of Adolescent Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, 04/01/2005 - Present
Strengths and Risks for Violence Prevention in the Community Setting, Society of Adolescent Medicine, Boston, MA, 03/24/2006 - Present
Violence Prevention, Public Health and the Adolescent: Society of Adolescent Medicine, Boston, MA, 03/24/2006 - Present
Developing Violence Intervention Strategies, National Symposium on Hospital-Based Violence Prevention Programs, Oakland, CA, 04/19/2010 - Present
Project Ujima: A case study of a pediatric crime victim services program, Annual Meeting of the National Network of Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Programs, Oakland, CA, 04/26/2011 - Present
Addressing Youth Violence across the Clinical Spectrum: Prevention and Intervention Topic Symposium, Pediatric Academic Societies, Vancouver, Canada, 05/01/2010 - Present

Compliance Following Phone Contact in a Primary Pediatric Clinic, Ambulatory Pediatric Association Region VI Annual Scientific Session, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1979 - Present
Experiences with Norplant® contraceptive, Teen Pregnancy Services of Milwaukee APA Region VI Annual Scientific Session, Madison, WI, 10/1992 - Present
Issues in adolescent health care in pediatric emergency department, 2nd Annual Emergency Medicine Research Forum, Department of Emergency Medicine, Milwaukee, WI, 04/1994 - Present
Neonatal Emergencies, Wisconsin Chapter – American College of Emergency Physicians/Annual Meeting, Milwaukee WI, 11/1995 - Present
Identifying Child Abuse, Wisconsin Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Associates Annual Meeting, Appleton, WI, 05/1996 - Present
Design and Three Month Evaluation of an “Emergency Department Telephone Continuity Program”, FOCUS Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/1997 - Present
Injury Prevention in Pediatrics, Wisconsin Public Health Association/Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 02/1998 - Present
Injury prevention practices among families participating in complimentary car seat program, Research Day, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/1998 - Present
Pediatric Advanced Life Support Course, Monitor and Evaluator Site Visit, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 09/1998 - Present
Domestic Violence in Pediatrics, Domestic Violence Training Project, WI Annual Fall Meeting, Madison, WI, 09/1998 - Present
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Ace the Boards Refresher Course, Milwaukee WI, 10/1998 - Present
Adolescent Risk-Taking Behaviors, Winter Refressher Course for Family Physicians, Waukesha, WI, 01/1999 - Present
Project Ujima”-A Violence Prevention/Intervention Program, Emergency Medical Services for Children-Wisconsin- Annual Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 10/14/2001 - Present
Office Preparedness for Pediatric Emergencies, Emergency Medical Services for Children-Wisconsin-Annual Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 10/15/2001 - Present
Injury Prevention, Pediatric Emergencies in the New Millennium Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 10/26/2001 - 10/28/2001
Visual Diagnosis Workshop, Pediatric Emergencies in the New Millennium Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 10/26/2001 - 10/28/2001
Physical Child Abuse, Pediatric Emergencies in the New Millennium Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 10/26/2001 - 10/28/2001
Barriers and Successes in a Violence Response Program, Violence and Childhood, Milwaukee and the Nation, J. Frazier Snyder Memorial Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 12/14/2001 - Present
Violence and Public Health, Wisconsin Public Health Association, Middleton, WI, 04/2010 - Present
Addressing Youth Violence in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Academy of Medicine Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2011 - Present
Computer Literacy among Junior Medical Students on a Pediatric Rotation, Association of American Medical Colleges Central Group on Educational Affairs, Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 04/1994 - Present
Addressing needs of Adolescent Assault Victims in the Emergency Department, Injury Prevention Section, American Academy of Pediatrics Spring Meeting, Chicago, IL, 04/1996 - Present
Follow up for violent injuries among adolescents, American Academy of Pediatrics; Injury Prevention Section, Chicago, IL, 04/1996 - Present
A hospital-community partnership for addressing the needs of assaulted adolescents: Lessons and opportunities., Great Lakes Society of Pediatric Psychology Meeting, Cleveland, OH, 03/2000 - Present
Surge Protection: H1N1, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Leadership Conference, San Antonio, TX, 03/2010 - Present
Abdominal x-rays, intussusception, and the emergency department, Ambulatory Pediatric Association/Society of Pediatric Research Annual Meeting, California, 05/1990 - Present
Pediatric computer based instruction: Educational intervention and evaluation, Poster Session - Central Regional Group on Educational Affairs of Association of American Medical Colleges, Rochester, MN, 05/1992 - Present
Prevention of chlamydial infections in infants born to teen mothers, Ambulatory Pediatric Association/Society of Pediatric Research Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 05/1992 - Present
Pitfalls for faculty in computer-based instruction, Central Regional Groups on Educational Affairs of the Association of American Colleges, Rochester, MN, 05/1993 - Present
Emergency care of adolescents, Region VI Meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, St. Louis, MO, 10/1993 - Present
orplant® use in adolescents, Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 05/1995 - Present
Follow up for violent Injuries among adolescents, Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 05/1995 - Present
Psychological characteristics of adolescents hospitalized for accidental injuries, Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, DC, 04/06/1997 - Present
Peak Flow Meter Prescription Source for Children with Asthma, Emergency Department, Ambulatory, Washington, DC, 05/1997 - Present
Initiation of patient controlled analgesia infusions for sickle cell pain crisis in a pediatric emergency department, Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 05/1998 - Present
Effectiveness of a call back program at improving HIV testing in a pediatric emergency department, Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 05/1999 - Present
Injury prevention practices among families participating in complimentary car seat program, Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 05/1999 - Present
Current level of family violence education in residency programs of one Midwestern, 5th International Family Violence Conference, San Diego, CA, 09/2000 - Present
Shining the light on family violence in the academy: Developing a vision for family, 5th International Family Violence Conference, San Diego, CA, 09/2000 - Present
Current level of family violence education for one Midwestern medical school, 5th International Family Violence Conference, San Diego, CA, 09/2000 - Present
Strategies for disseminating and sustaining family violence training in a medical school, 5th International Family Violence Conference, San Diego, CA, 09/2000 - Present
Teaching Medical Students and Resident to Identify and Assist Victims of Partner Violence, 2002 National Conference on Health Care and Domestic Violence, Atlanta, GA, 09/2002 - Present
Addressing the Psychosocial Needs of Families Living in Violent Urban Neighborhoods, The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies/Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 11/2002 - Present
Psychosocial distress among adolescent assault victims: implications for pediatric emergency medicine, Injury Prevention Special Interest Group, Ambulatory Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 05/2003 - Present
Healthcare can Change from Within Workshop, 11 International Conference on Violence Abuse and Trauma, San Diego CA, 09/2006 - Present
Panel Discussion-Healthcare Can Change from Within, 11th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego CA, 09/2006 - Present
Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Children Witnesses, 13th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego CA, 09/2007 - Present
Intimate Partner Violence: Evaluation of a Curriculum for Screening Parents, Injury Prevention Special Interest Group, American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 10/2007 - Present
Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in the Pediatric Setting, 14th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego CA, 09/2008 - Present
Case Vignettes for Intimate Partner Violence Screening, 14th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego, CA, 09/2008 - Present
Academic Community Partnerships addressing Violence, 15th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego, CA, 09/2009 - Present
. Intervening on Behalf of Youth Victims of Violence, 15th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego, CA, 09/2009 - Present
Screening for Intimate Partner Violence: Health Care can Change from Within, 15th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego, CA, 09/2009 - Present
Healthcare Reform and the Domestic Violence Victim, 16th Annual International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego, CA, 09/2010 - Present
Addressing Adolescent Violence, Injury Prevention Special Interest Group, American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 10/04/2010 - Present
Guidelines for HIV Prophylaxis for Children and Adolescents, NAPNAP 2011 32nd Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care, Charting the Course for Advocacy and Innovation, Baltimore, MD, 03/2011 - Present
Advocacy: Healthy Youth: Strong and Connected, Advocacy SIG, Pediatric Societies Meeting, Denver, CO, 05/02/2011 - Present
Intimate Partner Violence: Evaluation of a Curriculum for Screening Parents, International Conference for Nursing, Vienna, Austria, 07/11/2007 - Present

Medical College of Wisconsin
1990 - 1992 Liaison, Women in Medicine, Associated Hospital of Medical College of Wisconsin, Women Resident Support, Medical College of Wisconsin
1990 - 1994 Member, Student Affairs Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1991 - 1999 Member, Steering Committee, Women’s Student Loan Fund, Medical College of Wisconsin
1993 - 1994 Member, Clinical Issues Subcommittee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1995 - 1998 Member, Admissions Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1996 - 1998 Member, Quality Assurance Subcommittee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1996 - 1998 Member, Executive Subcommittee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1997 - 2001 Member, Women’s Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
1998 - 1999 Representative, Women’s Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 - Present Member, MCW Steering Committee on Domestic Violence Education, Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 - 2001 Member, Faculty Benefits and Career Development Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 - 2005 Representative, Admissions Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 - 2002 Member, Nominating Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2000 - 2006 Member, Admissions Committee, Medical Scientist Training Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
2004 - Present Member, Faculty Council Governance Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2006 - Present Past-President, Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2006 - Present Member, Class Size Task Force, Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - 2008 Member, Rank and Tenure Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Member, Steering Committee, MCW Violence Prevention Initiative, Medical College of Wisconsin
1992 - 1994 Member, Emergency Medicine Communication Task Force, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1993 - Present Member, Patient Entry into EDTC Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1994 - 1995 Member, Advisory Board, Family Grief Center, Professional Conference, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1995 - 1996 Member, Adolescent Admissions Task Force, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1995 - 1996 Member, Organ Procurement Task Force, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1996 - Present Member, Asthma Task Force and Steering Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1996 - 1998 Member, Sickle Cell Pain Control Task Force, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1997 - 1999 Member, Adolescent Hospital Task Force, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1998 - 1999 Member, Suicide Precautions ETT Patient Policy Workgroup, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1998 - Present Member, Domestic Violence Policy Workgroup, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
1998 - 2000 Member, Patient/Families with Disruptive Behavior Policy Workgroup, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2007 - Present Member, Bereavement Workgroup, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
2007 - Present Member, Suicide Precautions workgroup, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

Medical Student Education
1991 - 1994 Preceptor, Computer Based Learning in Pediatrics for M-3 students,
Continuing Medical Education
1992 - Present Preceptor, Visiting Polish Physicians for Emergency Medical Services
1995 - 2002 Mini-Fellow Preceptor for Visiting Attending Physicians:

Community/Lay Public
1999 - Present Good Hope Day Care Center, Injury Prevention for Our Community
2001 - Present Cherry Hill Senior Housing Development, Domestic Violence and You
2002 - Present Marquette University, Applying to Medical School
2003 - Present Alverno College, Women in Medicine
2005 - Present Central City Cyberschool, Bullying and Children
2005 - Present MCW AIM Program for High School Students, Pediatric Emergency Medicine as a Career
10/2007 - Present Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Webcast, Poverty and Children
Medical Student Education
1978 - Present Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Emergency Department Attending, M-3 and M-4 students; approximately 40 hours per month
1982 - 1996 Teen Pregnancy Service, Milwaukee, WI, o reviewed and updated protocols and physical examinations of nurse practitioners who provided pediatric and adolescent care to primary care patients in this clinic 2x/year
1984 - Present Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Ward Attending
1989 - 1994 Preceptor, M-1 and M-2 Medical Students in AMWA Tagalong Clinical Program
1990 - Present University of Wisconsin, Nursing School, Preceptor, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Student
1990 - 1993 Teen Pregnancy Service of Milwaukee, Sponsoring Preceptor, M-3 Elective in Community Medicine
1992 - 1996 Teen Pregnancy Clinic, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Preceptor, Junior Medical Students, Pediatric Outpatient Rotation
1993 - 1996 Marquette University, o precepted, evaluated 3 students per year for 6 weeks each during their primary care pediatrics exposure: 3 clinics per week
1997 - Present Pediatric Interest Group and Emergency Medicine Interest Group, Preceptor
1999 - Present Preceptor, Physician Assistant Students, Marquette University, University of Wisconsin, Fitch Medical School, o precept approximately 3 students per year for 6 weeks during their pediatric emergency medicine rotation
2004 - 2008 Preceptor, Area Health Education Centers, Summer College Student Program
Resident and Fellow Education
1978 - Present Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Emergency Department Attending Pediatric, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine Residents, approximately 6 residents/month
1984 - Present Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Ward Attending
1990 - Present Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Emergency Department Attending
1992 - 1994 Teen Pregnancy Clinic, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Elective Preceptor, Pediatric Residency

Medical Students
Steven Pulley, M-2, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2002 - Present
Charis Thatcher, M-2, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2003 - Present
Rachel Thompson, M-1, Summer Research Student, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2005 - Present
Gina Jaminowicz M-2, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2006 - Present
Steve Humphrey M-1 Summer Research Student, M-2 to M-4 Honors in Research student, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2007 - 2011
Postdoctoral Students
Kathleen Beckmann, D.O., Medical College of Wisconsin, 1999 - Present
Tammy Simms, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, 1999 - 2000
Dawn Marcelle, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, 1999 - 2001
David Brousseau, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, 2001 - Present
Linda Rufer, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, 2001 - 2002
Sharon Busey, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, 2002 - Present
Clinical/Research Fellows
June Hanley, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, 1993 - 1995 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship
Julie Carmody, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, 1994 - 1996
Kathleen Beckmann, D.O., Medical College of Wisconsin, 1996 - 1999
Lisa Uherick, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, 2004 - 2007
Tara Webb, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2008 - Present
Jill Keyes, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2006 - 2008
Stephen Hong, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2006 - 2007
Tara White, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2006 - 2008
Danita Hahn, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2009 - Present
Rebecca Donahue, Medical College of Wisconsin, 2010 - Present

High School Students
1993 - Present Preceptor, Minority Summer Program for High School Students
Wauwatosa School District, 1993 - 2001 Preceptor, Advanced Independent, Research Program for High School Students
Milwaukee Public Schools, 1998 - 2001 Exposure to Medicine Elective, New School for Community Service
Nicolet High School, 2000 - 2001 Exposure to Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Medical Students
Advise 3-4 M-3 students annually regarding electives and career choices, 1989 - 1994 Senior Elective Advisor (appointed)
Senior Advisor, Selected by 3-4 M-4 students annually for advice regarding careers, residency selection, 1995 - Present
Brianna Clark, Area Health Education Centers, Alverno Senior, 2004 - Present
Benjamin Lasee M-1, Tamara Leonard M-1, 2007 - Present
Mathew Chovaz M-1 and Michael Toce M-1, 2009 - Present
Patrick Lehman M-1 Summer Research Student, 2010 - Present

Educational Programs
1988 - Present Rotation in Pediatric Emergency Medicine Designed to provide in-depth experience and curriculum to 6 -8 pediatric, family medicine, and emergency medicine residents per month.
2005 - Present Staying Alive, Developed a curriculum/program for 6th grade students in Milwaukee Public Schools
1995 - Present Project Ujima: A Violence Prevention/Intervention Program, Developed to provide comprehensive services to youth victims of interpersonal violence
2006 - Present Mentor Women, leading the project to develop mentorship for women faculty members in the Department of Pediatrics at MCW
Clinical Programs
1990 - Present Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Training Program, Participated in initial development and ongoing curriculum development and evaluation of trainees
1994 - Present Outreach Nurse Program in the Emergency Department/Trauma Center at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin: Developed program for the department which provides 8 hour nursing coverage daily
1997 - Present Family Violence Program, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin; Developed protocol, hospital-wide training program for employees, and ongoing protocols and education
Community Programs
1981 - 1996 Teen Pregnancy Service of Milwaukee. Developed to provide comprehensive pregnancy, pediatric and adolescent services for pregnant adolescents and their children
2003 - Present Parklawn Peas Coalition: A Violence Prevention Community Coalition for elementary school children, their families, and their neighbors.

1978 - 1984 Adolescent Asthma Group Downtown Health Center/Children’s Hospital
1996 - 2007 Judge, Nicolet High School Science Fair
1997 - Present Member-Grants Review Board, “Home Visitation Group”, Child Abuse Prevention Fund, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1999 - 2005 Member-Strategy Team- Milwaukee Metropolitan Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition, City of Milwaukee Health Department
2000 - 2008 Physician Representative, Childhood Mortality Review Committee, Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office
2003 - Present Injury Free Milwaukee, A coalition of community organizations to prevent unintentional pediatric injuries in Milwaukee neighborhoods
2003 - Present Anti-Bullying Efforts, Milwaukee Cyberschool, a coalition of community organizations to decrease bullying in the Parklawn neighborhood
2005 - Present Staying Alive Coalition: Milwaukee Public Schools, Milwaukee Fire Department, Project Ujima: violence prevention for 6th grade students In Milwaukee Public Schools
2006 - 2009 PREVENT Institute: Examining Violence Prevention
2007 - Present Executive Committee, Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. MELZER-LANGE M, Van Howe R, Losek JD: Esophageal foreign body presenting with altered consciousness. AJDC 1988; 142:915-916.
2. Bonadio WA, Losek JD, MELZER-LANGE M: An unusual complication from a femoral venous catheter. Pediatric Emergency Care 4:27-29, 1989.
3. MELZER-LANGE M, Walsh Kelly C: Naphthalene-induced hemolysis in a black female toddler deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Pediatric Emergency Care: 4:24-26, 1989
4. Losek JD, Devitz-Zink B, MELZER-LANGE M, Havens P: Epiglottis: Comparison of signs and symptoms in children less than two years and older children. Annals of Emergency Medicine 19:55-58, 1990
5. MELZER-LANGE M, Wyatt D, Smith DS, Hegenbrath MA, Walsh-Kelly CM, Eisenberg CLS: Improved speed and accuracy of calculations with a programmable calculator in pediatric emergency scenarios. ADJC 145: 264-266, 1991
6. Brandsletter Y, MELZER-LANGE M, Chusid MF: Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis in a patient with a VP shunt and meningomyocele. Wisconsin Medical Journal, August 89: 461-463, 1990
7. Walsh-Kelly CM, Nelson DB, Losek JD, MELZER-LANGE M, Hennes HM, Glaeser PW, Smith DS: Clinical Predictors of Bacterial versus aseptic meningitis in childhood. Annals of Emergency Medicine 21: 910-914, 1992
8. Bonadio WA, Hennes HM, Smith DS, Ruffing RP, MELZER-LANGE M, Lye P, Isaacman D: Relationship of temperature pattern and serious bacterial infection in infants 4-8 weeks old 24-48 hours after antibiotic treatment. Annals of Emergency Medicine 20:1006-1008, 1991
9. Smith DS, Losek JD,Bonadio WA, Hennes HM, Walsh-Kelly C, MELZER-LANGE M, Wei F, Rimm A: The role of abdominal x-rays in the diagnosis and management of intussusception. Pediatric Emergency Care 18:325-327, 1992
10. MELZER-LANGE M, Wyatt D, Walsh-Kelly C, Smith D, Hegenbarth M, Eisenberg CLS: Improved speed and accuracy of calculations with a programmable calculator in pediatric emergency scenarios. Clinical Digest Series 1991.
11. MELZER-LANGE M: Pediatric computer-based instruction: Educational intervention and evaluation. The National Board of Medical Examiners. Summary Reports from Fourteen Phase I and Phase II Schools. November 1992.
12. Bonadio WA, Hennes H, Smith D, Ruffing R, MELZER-LANGE M, Lye P, Isaacman D: Reliability of observation variables in distinguishing infectious outcome of febrile young infants. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 12:111-114, 1993
13. MELZER-LANGE M, Good L, Hennes H: Chlamydia trachomatis Infections: Implications for pregnant adolescent and their infants. Infectious Disease in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2: 10-15, 1994
14. Walsh-Kelly CM, MELZER-LANGE MD, Hennes HM, Lye P, Hegenbarth M, Sty J, Starshak R: Clinical impact of radiograph misinterpretation in a pediatric ED and the effect of physician training level. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 13: 262-264, 1995
15. Walsh-Kelly CM, Hennes HM, MELZER-LANGE MD:False-positive preliminary radiograph interpretations in pediatric emergency department:clinical and economic impact. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 15(4): 354-6, 1997
16. MELZER-LANGE M, Lye P: Adolescent health care in a pediatric emergency department. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 1996;27(5):633-7.
17. MELZER-LANGE M, Lye PS, Calhoun, A: Advised follow-up after emergency treatment of adolescents with violence-related injuries. Ped Emerg Care:14:334-337, 1998
18. MELZER-LANGE M: Violence and associated high-risk health behaviors in adolescents. Pediatric Clinics of N. America: 45; 2:307-317, 1998.
19. Marcelle DR, MELZER-LANGE M: Project UJIMA: Working together to make things right. Wisconsin Medical Journal: 100; 2:22-25, 2001.
20. MELZER-LANGE M, Pulley SC: Bullying: the physician's role: Wisconsin Medical Journal, 101; 32-35, 2002
21. Heuermann WK, MELZER-LANGE M: Developing community coalitions in youth violence prevention: Wisconsin Medical Journal: 100; 36-39, 2002
22. MELZER-LANGE M, Walsh-Kelly CM, Lea G, Hillery CA, Scott JP: Patient controlled analgesia for sickle cell pain crisis in a pediatric emergency department: Ped Emerg Care: 20:1, 2-4, 2004
23. Beckmann KA, MELZER-LANGE M, Dietz M, Cuene B, Havens P: Effectiveness of a followup program at improving human immunodeficiency virus testing in a pediatric emergency department: Wisconsin Medical Journal: 101(8):30-4, 2002.
24. MELZER-LANGE M: Clinical Puzzler: Teen in Shock: Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine: 4 (1);75-79, 2003.
25. Beckmann KA, MELZER-LANGE M: Sexual history taking in a pediatric emergency department Journ Amb Ped Soc:4:1, 41-42, 2004.
26. Walsh-Kelly CM, MELZER-LANGE M, Office Preparedness: Pediatr Emerg Care: 20: 5, 2004.
27. Beckmann KR, MELZER-LANGE M, Gorelick MH, Emergency department manangement of sexually transmitted infections in US adolescents: Results from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Annals of Emerg Med 43:3, 333-338;2004
28. McCart M.R., Davies, W.H., Harris, R., Wincek, J., Calhoun, A.D., & MELZER-LANGE, M.D. Assessment of trauma symptoms among adolescent assault victims. Journal of Adolescent Health: 36: 70, 2005.
29. Melzer-Lange, MD, Cohen RW, Grossberg PM, Matthews CKB, Heuermann W, Kocs, KJ, Hale LJ, Gilmore C. Bullying Prevention: Wisconsin takes a stand. Wisconsin Medical Journal: 103:57. 2005
30. Uherick, LA, Melzer-Lange MD, Pierce BA. Give Wisconsin a Boost. Wisconsin Medical Journal 104:37, 2005.
31. Phelps LF, Davies WH, McCart MR, Klein-Tasman BP, Melzer-Lange MD, Heuermann W. Concerns and Coping of African-American Mothers after Youth Assault Requiring Emergency Medical Treatment. Journal of Pediatric Psychology: 31: 388-396. 2006
32. McCart MR, Davies WH, Phelps LF, Heuermann W, Melzer-Lange MD, Psychosocial needs of African-American youth presenting to a pediatric emergency department with assault-related injuries. Pediatric Emergency Care: 22:154-158. 2006
33. Lim HJ, Liu J, Melzer-Lange MD, Comparison of Methods for Analyzing Recurrent Events Data: Application to the Emergency Department Visits of Pediatric Firearm Victims. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 39:290-299. 2007
34. Melzer-Lange MD, Thatcher CVD, Liu J, Zhu S, Urban Community Characteristics of Youth Assault Victims. Wisconsin Medical Journal: 106:394-398. 2007
35. McCart M, Melzer-Lange M. Project Ujima: Providing Comprehensive Care to Youth Violence Victims: Trauma Psychology: 2:15-17, 2007
36. Johnson N, Klingbeil C, Melzer-Lange MD, Humphreys C, Scanlon MC Simpson P, Evaluation of an intimate partner violence curriculum in a pediatric hospital. Pediatrics 123; 562-568. 2009
37. Uherick L, Gorelick MH, Biechler R, Brixey SN, Melzer-Lange M. Validation of two child passenger safety questionaires, Inj Prev 2010;16:343-347
38. Pickett ML, Melzer-Lange MD, Miller MK, Menon S, Visotcky AM, Drendel AL. Perceived Patient Preference and Clinical Testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in Females: How Closely Are These Aligned? Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2018 Jan;57(1):106-108. PMCID: PMC6290991
39. Pickett ML, Melzer-Lange MD, Miller MK, Menon S, Vistocky AM, Drendel AL. Physician Adherence to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines for Sexually Active Adolescents in the Pediatric Emergency Setting. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2018 Nov;34(11):767-773. PMCID: PMC5378669
40. Melzer-Lange MD, Zonfrillo MR, Gittelman MA. Injury prevention: opportunities in the emergency department. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2013 Oct;60(5):1241-53.
41. Zahrt DM, Melzer-Lange MD. Aggressive behavior in children and adolescents. Pediatr Rev. 2011 Aug;32(8):325-32.
42. Uherick LA, Melzer-Lange MD, Pierce SE. Give Wisconsin children a boost. WMJ. 2005 Jan;104(1):37-40.
43. Melzer-Lange MD, Van Thatcher CD, Liu J, Zhu S. Urban community characteristics and adolescent assault victims. WMJ. 2007 Oct;106(7):394-6.
44. Fischer KR, Bakes KM, Corbin TJ, Fein JA, Harris EJ, James TL, Melzer-Lange MD. Trauma-Informed Care for Violently Injured Patients in the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med. 2019 Feb;73(2):193-202.
45. Kwong JZ, Gray JM, Rein L, Liu Y, Melzer-Lange MD. An educational intervention for medical students to improve self-efficacy in firearm injury prevention counseling. Inj Epidemiol. 2019;6(Suppl 1):27. PMCID: PMC6616463
46. Hansen S, Melzer-Lange M, Nugent M, Yan K, Rabbitt A. Development and Assessment of an Online Training for the Medical Response to Sex Trafficking of Minors. Acad Pediatr. 2018;18(8):965-968.
47. O'Neil J, Hoffman BD, COUNCIL ON INJURY, VIOLENCE, AND POISON PREVENTION. School Bus Transportation of Children With Special Health Care Needs. Pediatrics. 2018 May;141(5).
48. Fullerton K, Depinet H, Iyer S, Hall M, Herr S, Morton I, Lee T, Melzer-Lange M. Association of Hospital Resources and Imaging Choice for Appendicitis in Pediatric Emergency Departments. Acad Emerg Med. 2017 Apr;24(4):400-409.
49. Levas MN, Boyle EA, Melzer-Lange M, Panepinto J. Improvement in quality of life among violently injured youth after a brief intervention. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 Oct;81(4 Suppl 1):S61-6.
50. Beck ME, Lineer MM, Melzer-Lange M, Simpson P, Nugent M, Rabbitt A. Medical providers' understanding of sex trafficking and their experience with at-risk patients. Pediatrics. 2015 Apr;135(4):e895-902.
51. Webb T, Valvano T, Nugent M, Melzer-Lange M. Child abuse pediatric consults in the pediatric emergency department improve adherence to hospital guidelines. WMJ. 2013 Oct;112(5):206-10.
52. Webb T, Nugent M, Simpson P, Melzer-Lange M. Diagnostic findings in infants presenting to a pediatric emergency department for lethargy or feeding complaints. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2014 Mar;30(3):151-6.
53. Zonfrillo MR, Melzer-Lange M, Gittelman MA. A comprehensive approach to pediatric injury prevention in the emergency department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2014 Jan;30(1):56-62.
54. Hamberger LK, Ambuel B, Guse CE, Phelan MB, Melzer-Lange M, Kistner A. Effects of a Systems Change Model to Respond to Patients Experiencing Partner Violence in Primary Care Medical Settings Journal of Family Violence. August 2014;29(6):581-594.
55. Ambuel B, Hamberger LK, Guse CE, Melzer-Lange M, Phelan MB, Kistner A. Healthcare Can Change from Within: Sustained Improvement in the Healthcare Response to Intimate Partner Violence Journal of Family Violence. November 2013;28(8):833-847.
56. Dowd MD, Sege RD, Council on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention Executive Committee, American Academy of Pediatrics. Firearm-related injuries affecting the pediatric population. Pediatrics. 2012 Nov;130(5):e1416-23.
57. Kumar S, Fan J, Melzer-Lange M, Trost J, Havens PL, Willoughby RE, Chusid MJ, Henrickson KJ. H1N1 hemagglutinin-inhibition seroprevalence in Emergency Department Health Care workers after the first wave of the 2009 influenza pandemic. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2011 Sep;27(9):804-7.
58. Uherick L, Gorelick MH, Biechler R, Brixey SN, Melzer-Lange M. Validation of two child passenger safety questionnaires. Inj Prev. 2010 Oct;16(5):343-7.
59. Johnson NL, Klingbeil C, Melzer-Lange M, Humphreys C, Scanlon MC, Simpson P. Evaluation of an intimate partner violence curriculum in a pediatric hospital. Pediatrics. 2009 Feb;123(2):562-8.
60. Lim HJ, Liu J, Melzer-Lange M. Comparison of methods for analyzing recurrent events data: application to the Emergency Department Visits of Pediatric Firearm Victims. Accid Anal Prev. 2007 Mar;39(2):290-9.
61. Walsh-Kelly CM, Bergholte J, Erschen MJ, Melzer-Lange M. Office preparedness for pediatric emergencies: baseline preparedness and the impact of guideline distribution. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2004 May;20(5):289-94.
62. Melzer-Lange MD. Clinical puzzler: Teen in shock Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. March 2003;4(1):75-79.
63. Melzer-Lange M, Lye PS, Calhoun AD. Advised follow-up after emergency treatment of adolescents with violence-related injuries. Pediatr Emerg Care. 1998 Oct;14(5):334-7.
64. Givens TG, Walsh-Kelly C, Glaeser P, Melzer-Lange M, Hennes H, Polhill RB Jr, Hardwick WE Jr, Monroe KW, Nichols MH, Edwards KH. Management of children at risk for occult bacteremia. Pediatr Emerg Care. 1996 Dec;12(6):460-2.
65. Melzer-Lange M, Lye PS. Adolescent health care in a pediatric emergency department. Ann Emerg Med. 1996 May;27(5):633-7.
66. Melzer-Lange M, Good L, Hennes H. Chlamydia trachomatis infections: implications for pregnant adolescents and their infants. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 1994;2(1):10-5. PMCID: PMC2364361
67. Bonadio WA, Hennes H, Smith D, Ruffing R, Melzer-Lange M, Lye P, Isaacman D. Reliability of observation variables in distinguishing infectious outcome of febrile young infants. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1993 Feb;12(2):111-4.
68. Smith DS, Bonadio WA, Losek JD, Walsh-Kelly CM, Hennes HM, Glaeser PW, Melzer-Lange M, Rimm AA. The role of abdominal x-rays in the diagnosis and management of intussusception. Pediatr Emerg Care. 1992 Dec;8(6):325-7.
69. Walsh-Kelly C, Nelson DB, Smith DS, Losek JD, Melzer-Lange M, Hennes HM, Glaeser PW. Clinical predictors of bacterial versus aseptic meningitis in childhood. Ann Emerg Med. 1992 Aug;21(8):910-4.
70. Bonadio WA, Lehrmann M, Hennes H, Smith D, Ruffing R, Melzer-Lange M, Lye P, Isaacman D. Relationship of temperature pattern and serious bacterial infections in infants 4 to 8 weeks old 24 to 48 hours after antibiotic treatment. Ann Emerg Med. 1991 Sep;20(9):1006-8.
71. Melzer-Lange M, Wyatt D, Walsh-Kelly C, Smith D, Hegenbarth MA, Eisenberg CS. Improved speed and accuracy of calculations with a programmable calculator in pediatric emergency scenarios. Am J Dis Child. 1991 Mar;145(3):264-6.
72. Brandstetter Y, Melzer-Lange M, Chusid MJ. Haemophilus influenzae B meningitis in a patient with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt and meningomyelocele. Wis Med J. 1990 Aug;89(8):461-3.
73. Losek JD, Dewitz-Zink BA, Melzer-Lange M, Havens PL. Epiglottitis: comparison of signs and symptoms in children less than 2 years old and older. Ann Emerg Med. 1990 Jan;19(1):55-8.
74. Melzer-Lange M, Walsh-Kelly C. Naphthalene-induced hemolysis in a black female toddler deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Pediatr Emerg Care. 1989 Mar;5(1):24-6.
75. Melzer-Lange M, Van Howe R, Losek JD. Esophageal foreign body presenting with altered consciousness. Am J Dis Child. 1988 Sep;142(9):915-6.
76. Bonadio WA, Losek JD, Melzer-Lange M. An unusual complication from a femoral venous catheter. Pediatr Emerg Care. 1988 Mar;4(1):27-9.
77. Schonfeld DJ, Melzer-Lange M, Hashikawa AN, Gorski PA, COUNCIL ON CHILDREN AND DISASTERS, COUNCIL ON INJURY, VIOLENCE, AND POISON PREVENTION, COUNCIL ON SCHOOL HEALTH. Participation of Children and Adolescents in Live Crisis Drills and Exercises. Pediatrics. 2020 Sep;146(3).
78. King CA, Brent D, Grupp-Phelan J, Shenoi R, Page K, Mahabee-Gittens EM, Chernick LS, Melzer-Lange M, Rea M, McGuire TC, Littlefield A, Casper TC, Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN). Five Profiles of Adolescents at Elevated Risk for Suicide Attempts: Differences in Mental Health Service Use. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 Sep;59(9):1058-1068.e5. PMCID: PMC7280071
79. Piibe Q, Kane E, Melzer-Lange M, Beckmann K. Patient at Risk: Emergency medical service providers' opinions on improving an electronic emergency information form database for the medical care of children with special health care needs. Disabil Health J. 2020 Apr;13(2):100852.
80. Levas MN, Melzer-Lange M, Tarima S, Beverung LM, Panepinto J. Youth Victims of Violence Report Worse Quality of Life Than Youth With Chronic Diseases. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2020 Feb;36(2):e72-e78.
81. Walsh-Kelly CM, Melzer-Lange MD, Hennes HM, Lye P, Hegenbarth M, Sty J, Starshak R. Clinical impact of radiograph misinterpretation in a pediatric ED and the effect of physician training level. Am J Emerg Med. 1995 May;13(3):262-4.
82. Walsh-Kelly CM, Hennes HM, Melzer-Lange MD. False-positive preliminary radiograph interpretations in a pediatric emergency department: clinical and economic impact. Am J Emerg Med. 1997 Jul;15(4):354-6.
83. Melzer-Lange MD. Violence and associated high-risk health behavior in adolescents. Substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy of adolescents. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1998 Apr;45(2):307-17.
84. Marcelle DR, Melzer-Lange MD. Project UJIMA: working together to make things right. WMJ. 2001;100(2):22-5.
85. Heuermann WK, Melzer-Lange MD. Developing community coalitions in youth violence prevention. WMJ. 2002;101(6):30-3.
86. Melzer-Lange MD, Pulley SC. Bullying: the physician's role. WMJ. 2002;101(6):26-9.
87. Beckmann KR, Melzer-Lange MD, Cuene B, Dietz M, Havens PL. The effectiveness of a follow-up program at improving HIV testing in a pediatric emergency department. WMJ. 2002;101(8):30-4.
88. Melzer-Lange MD, Walsh-Kelly CM, Lea G, Hillery CA, Scott JP. Patient-controlled analgesia for sickle cell pain crisis in a pediatric emergency department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2004 Jan;20(1):2-4.
89. Beckmann KR, Melzer-Lange MD. Sexual-history taking in the pediatric emergency department. Ambul Pediatr. 2004;4(1):41-2.
90. Beckmann KR, Melzer-Lange MD, Gorelick MH. Emergency department management of sexually transmitted infections in US adolescents: results from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Ann Emerg Med. 2004 Mar;43(3):333-8.
91. McCart MR, Davies WH, Harris R, Wincek J, Calhoun AD, Melzer-Lange MD. Assessment of trauma symptoms among adolescent assault victims. J Adolesc Health. 2005 Jan;36(1):70.e7-13.
92. Melzer-Lange MD, Cohen RW, Grossberg PM, Matthews CK, Heuermann W, Kocs KJ, Hale LJ, Gilmore C. Bullying prevention: Wisconsin takes a stand. WMJ. 2005 Jan;104(1):57-61.
93. Phelps LF, Davies WH, McCart MR, Klein-Tasman BP, Melzer-Lange MD, Heuermann W. Concerns and coping of African-American mothers after youth assault requiring emergency medical treatment. J Pediatr Psychol. 2006 May;31(4):388-96.
94. McCart MR, Davies WH, Phelps LF, Heuermann W, Melzer-Lange MD. Psychosocial needs of African American youth presenting to a pediatric emergency department with assault-related injuries. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2006 Mar;22(3):154-9.
95. Hatkevich C, Grupp-Phelan J, Brent D, Barney BJ, Casper TC, Melzer-Lange M, Cwik M, King CA. Understanding adolescent responses to differently worded suicide attempt questions: Results from a large U.S. pediatric sample Psychological Medicine. 2020.
96. King CA, Brent D, Grupp-Phelan J, Casper TC, Dean JM, Chernick LS, Fein JA, Mahabee-Gittens EM, Patel SJ, Mistry RD, Duffy S, Melzer-Lange M, Rogers A, Cohen DM, Keller A, Shenoi R, Hickey RW, Rea M, Cwik M, Page K, McGuire TC, Wang J, Gibbons R, Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network. Prospective Development and Validation of the Computerized Adaptive Screen for Suicidal Youth. JAMA Psychiatry. 2021 May 01;78(5):540-549. PMCID: PMC7859874
97. Watkins J, Scoggins N, Cheaton BM, Nimmer M, Levas MN, Baumer-Mouradian SH, Melzer-Lange MD. Assessing improvements in emergency department referrals to a hospital-based violence intervention program. Inj Epidemiol. 2021 Sep 13;8(Suppl 1):44. PMCID: PMC8436440
98. Cleary A, Kaczor F, Finnegan M, Schimek J, Egen-Schimek A, O’Donnell E, Melzer-Lange M. An intervention to improve safe firearm storage for adolescents presenting with suicide ideation or attempt in a pediatric emergency department Injury Epidemiology. December 2022;9.
99. Brent DA, Horowitz LM, Grupp-Phelan J, Bridge JA, Gibbons R, Chernick LS, Rea M, Cwik MF, Shenoi RP, Fein JA, Mahabee-Gittens EM, Patel SJ, Mistry RD, Duffy S, Melzer-Lange MD, Rogers A, Cohen DM, Keller A, Hickey RW, Page K, Casper TC, King CA, Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN). Prediction of Suicide Attempts and Suicide-Related Events Among Adolescents Seen in Emergency Departments. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Feb 01;6(2):e2255986. PMCID: PMC9932829
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. MELZER-LANGE M: Gynecologic and Obstetric disorders. In Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. RM Barkin, SM Asch, D Jaffe, eds. The C.V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Missouri, 1992, 804-827.
2. MELZER-LANGE M: Gynecologic and Obstetric disorders. In Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice (2nd Edition). RM Barkin, GL Caputo, D Jaffe, Eds. The C.V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Missouri, 1996, 873-896.
3. MELZER-LANGE M, Lye P: Adolescent health care in a pediatric emergency department. Current Problems in Pediatrics. 27:357-361, 1997.
4. MELZER-LANGE M, McCart MR, Phelps, LF, Heueremann, WH, Davies WH: Project Ujima: Working together to make things right. In Youth Violence:Interventionsfor Health Care Providers. R.D. Ketterlinus (Ed.),APHA Press, 2008,143-170.
Editorials, Letters to Editor, Other
1. Givens TG, Walsh-Kelly C, Glaeser P, Melzer-Lange M, Hennes H, Polhill RB, Hardwick WE, Monroe KW, Nichols MH, Edwards KH. Management of children at risk for occult bacteremia. Pediatric Emerg Care 12:460-462, 1996
1. Beckmann K, MELZER-LANGE M, Sexual history taking in a pediatric emergency Department, Pediatr Research: 47 Suppl 2; 103A, 2000. Presented at Ambulatory Pediatric Association, Boston, MA, May, 2000
2. Calhoun AD, MELZER-LANGE M, Recurrent Injury and Mortality in Pediatric Firearm Victims. Pediatr Research: 47 Suppl 2; p105A, 2000. Presented at Second National Congress on Childhood Emergencies, Baltimore, Maryland, March, 2000 and at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Spring Meeting, Boston, MA, May, 2000
3. Beckmann KB, MELZER-LANGE M, Gorelick M: Emergency department management of sexually transmitted disease in U.S. adolescents utilizing a national database. Pediatr Research Suppl 2; p279, 2002 Presented at the Ambulatory Pediatric Association Spring Meeting, Baltimore, May 2002
4. McCart, M.R., Phelps, L.F., Davies, W.H., & Melzer-Lange, M.D. Psychosocial distress among adolescent assault victims: Implications for pediatric emergency medicine. Presented at the American Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington. Journal of Pediatric Research, 53, 126A, April, 2003.
5. Phelps, L.F., McCart, M.R., Davies, W.H., O'Mahar, K., & Melzer-Lange, M.D. Caretaker concerns and distress following youth assault. Presented at the American Pediatric Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington. Abstract published in the Journal of Pediatric Research, 53, 126A., April, 2003.
6. Thatcher CV, MELZER-LANGE MD. Neighborhood Characteristics of Adolescent Assault Victims in an Urban Community. Journal of Pediatric Research, 55, 14A, April, 2004.
7. Melzer-Lange M, Walsh-Kelly, CM, Lea G, Hillery CA, Scott JP Patient-controlled analgesia for sickle cell pain crisis in a pediatric emergency department. Abstract reprinted in The International Monitor: Reviews of current key literature in Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy, 16: 19, 2004.
8. Melzer-Lange M, McCart M, Phelps L, Project Ujima-Working together to make things right, Abstract Book-Center for Disease Control "2005 National Injury Prevention and Control Conference, Injury and Violence in America", Denver CO, May 9-11, 2005, Abstract #2832. 2005.
9. Phelps, L.F., Sass, D.A., McCart, M.R., Davies, W.H., & Melzer-Lange, M.D. Relationships among parental monitoring, maternal distress and youth behavior. Poster to be presented at the 114th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, August 2006
10. Uhrick, LA, Gorelick M, Melzer-Lange, M Validation of a Booster Seat Survey,Pediatric Academic Societies April 29, 2006, San Francisco
11. Lim, HJ and Melzer-Lange, M. Evaluation of Recurrent Event Analyses in Pediatric Firearm Victims' Emergency Department Visits. International Biometric Society ENAR, Atlanta, GA, March 10 - 14, 2007
12. Beckmann KB, Melzer-Lange M, Dettinger D, Gorelick M, Observed Structured Clinical Exam Sexual History Taking Project, Pediatric Academic Societies, May 5, 2007, Toronto
13. Uherick L, Gorelick MG, Biechler R, Melzer Lange M, A Clinical Trial of Emergency Department Based Booster Seat Education, Pediatric Academic Societies, May 6, 2007, Toronto
14. Cuene B, Bretl D, Havens PL, Melzer-Lange M, Sheets LK, Guidelines for HIV Prophylaxis following Sexual Assaults for Children and Adolescents, NAPNAP 2011 32nd Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care, Charting the Course for Advocacy and Innovation, March 23, 2011, Baltimore Maryland
Database, Video, or Other Research/Clinical Contributions
1. MELZER-LANGE M, "Adolescent Parenting" in "Practical Advice for Parents of Teens", Children's Hospital of Wisconsin patient education network, 1996.
2. "Domestic Violence Education for Health Care Providers" 27 minute Video developed through Maxishare-Assisted in educational content, script development, production, and personal appearances in the video, 1998.
3. MELZER-LANGE, M. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Resident Orientation Program ( 1999) 52 minute video-Produced educational content, script development, production and personal appearances in the video.
4. Hamberger LK, Ambuel B, Phelan MB, MELZER-LANGE, M, eds, "Domestic Violence Teaching Modules Across the Life Span", MELZER-LANGE M, Module 7, Partner Violence Training for Trainees on a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Rotation, 2000.
5. "Project Ujima", Video Concepts, Department of Justice, 27 minute Video, educational content, script development, and personal appearances in the video, July 2001.
6. Walsh-Kelly C, Van Dinter M, MELZER-LANGE M, Callahan E, Kretz D, "Recommended Guidelines for Physician Offices, Clinics, and Urgent Care Centers for Emergency Preparedness", Emergency Medical Services for Children, State of Wisconsin, 2001.
7. MELZER-LANGE M Pediatric Emergency Medicine Resident Orientation 2003, 27 minute video-Produced educational content, script development, production and personal appearances in the video.