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Mary Eapen MBBS, DCh, MRCPI, MS
Department of Medicine
Division of Hematology and Oncology - Medicine
Senior Scientific Director – Research Operations
Department of Medicine
Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR®)

Clinical Cancer Center
9200 W Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Phone: 414-805-0700
Fax: 414-805-0714

10/1982 - 09/1986 MB, BS, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
09/1998 - 06/2000 MS, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
10/2005 - 03/2006 Participant in the UWM/MCW Faculty Leadership Program, UW-Milwaukee/Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

09/1986 - 10/1987 Pre-Registration House Officer, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
11/1987 - 03/1990 Resident, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
06/1990 - 07/1991 House Officer, Prince Charles Hospital, Merthyr Tydfil, U.K.
08/1991 - 07/1992 Senior House Officer, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, U.K.
07/1992 - 01/1993 Registrar, Walsgrave Hospital, Coventry, U.K.
02/1993 - 06/1995 Registrar, Northwestern Regional Health Authority, U.K.
11/1995 - 06/1997 Resident, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
07/1997 - 06/2000 Fellow, Hematology/Oncology/BMT, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

2000 - 2007 Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Hematology/Oncology/Blood and Marrow Transplant, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2007 - 2010 Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Hematology/Oncology/Blood and Marrow Transplant, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2010 - 2013 Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 West Wisconsin Avenue, Suite C5500, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2013 - Present Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2018 - Present Tenure

2015 - Present Chair, Institutional Review Board #4, Dept of Medicine, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, Medical College of Wisconsin
2021 - Present Chair, Appointment and Promotions Committee, Dept of Medicine, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, Medical College of Wisconsin

2000 - 2015 Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 8915 West Connell Avenue, P.O. Box 1977, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2013 - Present Froedtert Hospital, 9200 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
Number Issue DateExpiration
Diploma in Child Health (DCH)
Licentiate and Member (MRCPI)
Medicine and Surgery

10/2015 Women Pioneers in Research Award, Medical College of Wisconsin
2019 - 2020 Outstanding Graduate School Educator , Medical College of Wisconsin

1994 - Present Royal College of Physicians, Ireland
1998 - Present American Society of Hematology
1999 - Present American Society of Clinical Oncology
2002 - Present American Society for Transplantation and Cell Therapy

Editorial Board
2001 - 2003 Non-NIH Grant Reviewer Children’s Hospital Foundation Grants
2009 Non-NIH Grant Reviewer, The French Society for Childhood Cancer and Leukemia (SFCE)
2011 Non-NIH Grant Reviewer, Landsteiner Stichting voor Bloedtransfusie Research, Holland
2011 Non-NIH Grant Reviewer, The Austrian Science Fund (FWF – Der Wissenschaftsfonds)
2013 Non-NIH Grant Reviewer, Swiss Cancer League, Switzerland
2014 - 2019 International Member, The Lancet Haematology
2016 Non-NIH Grant Reviewer, Dutch Cancer Society-KWF Kankerbestrijding, Amsterdam
2017 - 2019 Non-NIH Grant Reviewer, Clinical-Translational Science Review Committee, Cancer Center, Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 - 2022 Non-NIH Grant Reviewer, Pilot Grant Program, Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center
2021 - Present Haematoloica
Journal Review
2003 - Present Scientific Reviewer, Bone Marrow Transplantation
2004 - Present Scientific Reviewer, New England Journal of Medicine
2004 - Present Scientific Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Oncology
2006 - Present Scientific Reviewer, Haematologica
2007 - Present Scientific Reviewer, Blood
2007 - Present Scientific Reviewer, Leukemia
2008 - Present Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
2010 The Education Program Book, Hematology 2010 American Society of Hematology
2010 - Present Scientific Reviewer, The Lancet
2011 The Education Program Book, Hematology 2011 American Society of Hematology
2011 - Present Scientific Reviewer, The Lancet Oncology
2015 - Present Scientific Reviewer, The Lancet Haematology
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
2015 - 2016 Non-NIH Grant Reviewer: Cancer Center pilot grant, Medical College of Wisconsin

2000 - 2007 Assistant Scientific Director, Program Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
2000 - 2021 Scientific Director, Pediatric Cancer Working Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
2004 - 2021 Scientific Director, Graft Sources and Manipulation Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
2004 - 2021 Scientific Director, Non-Malignant Diseases Working Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
2005 - 2018 Member, Histocompatibility Advisory Group, U.S. National Marrow Donor Program
2005 Abstract Reviewer & Session Co-Moderator for Oral Session “Benefits and Risks of Hematologic Therapies”, Program Committee, 47th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH)
2006 Session Co-Moderator for "Umbilical cord blood transplantation for patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia and sickle cell anemia", Program Committee, The 4th Annual International Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Symposium
2006 Session Co-Chair for Workshop "Practice Variation in Transplantation: How much is too much?", Program Committee, American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplant/Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant annual Meeting
2007 - 2013 Associate Scientific Director, Program Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
2007 Abstract reviewer & Session Co-Moderator for Oral Session “Health Services Research and Outcome: Non-malignant Hematology”, Program Committee, 49th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH)
2010 Member, International Working Group on Severe Aplastic Anemia, Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
2012 Abstract Reviewer, Clinical Allogeneic and Autologous Transplantation & Session Co-Moderator for Oral Session “Allogeneic Transplantation for Leukemia & MDS", Program Committee, 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH)
2012 Scientific Reviewer, Stem Cell Donor Category, Program Committee, 38th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Tranplantation (EBMT)
2012 - 2014 Member, Work Group on Hemoglobinopatheis, Advisory Council on Blood Stem Cell Transplantation, US Department of Health and Human Services
2012 Session Co-Moderator & Abstract Reviewer, Clinical Allogeneic and Autologous Transplantation, 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology
2012 - 2014 Member, Work Group on Hemoglobinopathies, Advisory Council on Blood Stem Cell Transplantation, US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
2013 Coordinating Reviewer, Clinical Allogeneic and Autologous Transplantation, 55th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology (ASH)
2014 - 2021 Senior Scientific Director-Research Operations, Program Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
2014 Member, Workgroup on Access to Transplantation, Advisory Council on Blood Stem Cell Transplantation, US Department of Health and Human Services
2016 Session Co-Moderator & Abstract Reviewer, Clinical Allogeneic Transplantation, 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology
2016 Member, NIH Study Section, Special emphasis panel (RFA HL-16-022);, Progenitor Cell Translational Consortium Coordinating Center (U24), National Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health
2016 Co-Chair, Transplant Treatments for Bone Marrow Failure Session, Aplastic Anemia & Myelodysplastic Syndromes, International Foundation Bone Marrow Failure Disease Scientific Symposium
2017 Member, American Society of Hematology Sickle Cell Disease,, Clinical Trials Network Taskforce
2018 Session Co-Moderator & Abstract Reviewer, Clinical Allogeneic Transplantation, 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology
2019 - 2020 Chair, Sub-Committee for Data Access and Sharing Cure Sickle Cell Initiative, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health
2019 Member, Expert Panel, External Review of the Office of Biostatistical Research, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health
2019 - 2023 Member, NIH Study Section: Clinical Trials Review Committee, National Institutes of Health
2019 Member, NIH Study Section, Special Emphasis panel for RFA-HL-18-030, RFA-HL-18-301, RFA-HL-18-035, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health
01/2020 - 12/2022 Chair, Data Consortium, Cure Sickle Cell Initiative, NHLBI, National Institutes of Health
2020 - 2021 Member of Subcommittee on "Monitoring for Side Effects"; Lead developer for data elements on secondary malignancy; Sub-group member (developer) for data elements for genotoxicity and morality, Cure Sickle Cell Initiative Common Data Elements Project, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health
2021 Member, Expert Roundtable on Gene Therapy in Sickle Cell Disease, National Institutes of Health
2022 Member, Clonal Hematopoiesis in Sickle Cell Disease Workshop, NHLBI Cure Sickle Cell Initiative
2022 - 2023 Chair, NIH Study Section, Clinical Trials Review Committee, NIH Study Section
2023 - 2026 Member, Scientific Committee on Transplantation Biology and Cellular Therapies, American Society of Hematology
2023 Chair, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program: FY 2023, Bone Marrow Failure Research Program, Therapeutics and Treatment

Peer Review
BMT Clinical Research Network Data Coordinating Center
Role & Effort:
Mary M. Horowitz, MD, MS
09/15/2017 - 08/31/2024
Direct Funds:
Cure Sickle Cell Initiative
National heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Role & Effort:
09/28/2018 - 09/30/2026
Direct Funds:
A phase I clinical trial testing feasibility of hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy using platelet factor VIII to safety improve hemostatis for severe Hemophilia A with inhibitory antibodies
National heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Role & Effort:
Mary Eapen
05/01/2019 - 04/30/2025
Direct Funds:
Medical College of Wisconsin Physician Scientist Immersion Program
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Role & Effort:
Mary Eapen
01/18/2023 - 01/17/2028
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
BMT CTN (HIV Administrative Supplement)
Role & Effort:
Mary M. Horowitz, MD, MS
04/01/2019 - 03/31/2022
Direct Funds:
Natural History of Adult Aplastic Anemia
Role & Effort:
07/01/2019 - 06/30/2024
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
Second HLA-identical BMT in children with acute leukemia
Cancer Center, MCW
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Mary Eapen, MBBS, DCH, MRCPI, MS
01/01/2001 - 12/31/2001
Direct Funds:
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for globoid stem cell leukodystrophy
Hunter’s Hope Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Mary Eapen, MBBS, DCH, MRCPI, MS
07/01/2001 - 06/30/2002
Direct Funds:
Outcomes after transplantation for acute leukemia in children
American Society of Clinical Oncology: Clinical Research Career Development Award
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Mary Eapen, MBBS, DCH, MRCPI, MS
07/01/2001 - 06/30/2004
Direct Funds:
Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network Data Coordinating Center
Role & Effort:
Mary M. Horowitz, MD, MS
07/01/2001 - 06/30/2017
Direct Funds:
Comparison of outcomes after unrelated donor bone marrow and umbilical cord blood transplants for leukemia in adults
Children’s Leukemia Research Association
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Mary Eapen, MBBS, DCH, MRCPI, MS
01/01/2004 - 12/31/2004
Direct Funds:
Comparison of leukemia-free survival rates after transplantation using umbilical cord blood, peripheral blood progenitor cells and bone marrow
Children’s Leukemia Research Association
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Mary Eapen, MBBS, DCH, MRCPI, MS
01/01/2009 - 12/31/2009
Direct Funds:
Unrelated donor transplantation for children with acute leukemia
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society: Scholar in Clinical Research
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Mary Eapen, MBBS, DCH, MRCPI, MS
07/01/2009 - 06/30/2014
Direct Funds:
Primary Immune Deficiency Disease Treatment Consortium (U54-AI082973)
Role & Effort:
Morton J. Cowan, MD (University of California, San Francisco)
09/12/2009 - 08/03/2013
Direct Funds:
Hematopoietic Cell transplant for Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease Data Coordinating Center (Phase II Clinical Trial)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Role & Effort:
09/01/2015 - 07/31/2020
Direct Funds:
Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (StARR)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Role & Effort:
07/01/2018 - 06/30/2022
Direct Funds:
A Data Resource for Analyzing Blood and Marrow Transplants
Role & Effort:
Mary M. Horowitz, MD, MS
09/17/2018 - 02/28/2023
Direct Funds:

Unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with acute leukemia: Risks and benefits of umbilical cord blood versus bone marrow., The 32nd Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Hamburg, Germany, 03/2006
Unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with acute leukemia: Risks and benefits of umbilical cord blood versus bone marrow., The 5th Tokyo Cord Blood Bank Seminar, Tokyo, Japan, 05/2006
Peripheral blood vs. bone marrow as a source of hematopoietic stem cells for children and adolescents, The 10th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Curitiba, Brazil, 08/2006
The role of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for infant leukemia., The 10th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Curitiba, Brazil, 08/2006
Workshop: Clinical Research Methodology – Design, Analysis and Interpretation of data with a focus on blood and marrow transplantation., The 10th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Curitiba, Brazil, 08/2006
Workshop: Clinical Research Design and Analysis and Methodology, The 11th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Gramado, Brazil, 07/2007
Peripheral blood vs. bone marrow as a source of hematopoietic stem cells allogeneic transplants., The 11th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Gramado, Brazil, 07/2007
Clinical research in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Conduct of studies using an observational database vs. clinical trials., The 11th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation, Gramado, Brazil, 07/2007
Hematopoietic cell transplantation for non malignant diseases, The 5th National Bone Marrow Transplantation and Stem Cell Therapies Congress, Turkish Hematology Society, Antalya, Turkey, 03/2008
Umbilical cord blood grafts: relative efficacy compared to bone marrow and peripheral blood progenitor cells for acute leukemia, Advances in Stem Cell Transplantation, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 05/2009
Impact of stem cell source on transplant outcomes in adults with acute leukemia., World Cord Blood Congress, European School of Hematology, Marseille, France, 11/2010
Matched unrelated bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cells: comparison of outcomes by graft type, World Cord Blood Congress III, European School of Hematology, Rome, Italy, 10/2011
State of the Art: Stem Cell and Donor Sources for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, World Cord Blood Congress III, European School of Hematology, Rome, Italy, 10/2011
Effect of donor-recipient HLA-matching at the HLA-C locus on outcomes after unrelated umbilical cord blood transplantation for leukemia, Societe Francaise de Greffe de Moelle et de Therapie Cellulaire (SFGM-TC) – Groupe Pediatrique, Paris, France, 01/2012
Allogeneic transplantation for aplastic anemia, XXXIV World Congress International Society of Hematology, Cancun, Mexico, 04/2012
Donor Selection: when you do not have a good donor, 38th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Geneva, Switzerland, 04/2012
Unrelated Donor Selection & Transplantation Outcomes, Seminar - Department of Hematology and Blood and Marrow Transplantation, University of Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands, 05/2012
Alternative Donor Transplantation, Seminar - Department of Hematology and Blood and Marrow Transplantation, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 05/2012
Cord Blood Transplantation: State of the Art, Department of Hematology and Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Ospedale Careggi, Florence, Italy, 06/2012
Does matched unrelated donor transplantation have the same outcome as matched sibling transplantation in unselected patients?, Second International Conference on Innovations in Hematology, Caesarea, Israel, 04/2013
Matches and Mismatches in Cord Blood Transplantation, 27th European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, 05/2013
Unrelated or partial identical donor HSCT for Sickle Cell disease, XVII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 08/2013
Unrelated donor HSCT for Aplastic Anemia, XVII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 08/2013
Role of high resolution HLA typing for cord blood transplantation, World Cord Blood Congress IV and Innovative Therapies for Sickle Cell Disease, European School of Hematology, Monaco, 10/2013
Cord blood stem cell transplantation, EBMT-WBMT Joint Session – Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Access and Affordability, The 40th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Milan, Italy, 04/2014
The Selection of the Best Cord Blood Unit, Cord blood stem cell transplantation – Plenary 6, The 40th Annual Meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Milan, Italy, 04/2014
Mismatch Related Donor Transplantation: What Really Matters?, XVIII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 08/2014
Current State of Knowledge of Cord Blood Transplantation, XVIII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 08/2014
SAA: Best Strategies for Patients Lacking Family Full Matched Donor, XVIII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 08/2014
Cord Blood Transplantation: Graft Failure, XVIII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 08/2014
Unrelated Donors: Characteristics Associated with Survival, XVIII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 08/2014
Advances and Challenges in Cord Blood Transplantation: 25 years – Onward, The 19th Congress of Asia-Pacific Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Hangzhou, China, 10/2014
Selecting Cord Blood Units in 2015, World Cord Blood Congress V, European School of Hematology, Monaco, 03/2015
Is Survival Better when Patients Are Enrolled on a Clinical Trial?, World Cord Blood Congress V, European School of Hematology, Monaco, 03/2015
Alternative Donor Transplantation for Acute Leukemia, Hôpital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France, 05/2015
Effect of HLA Incompatibilities in the Haematopoetic Stem Cell Transplantation Outcome, 19th SBTMO congress 2015, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, 08/2015
Who is the best donor?, 19th SBTMO Congress 2015, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, 08/2015
Effective Clinical Studies in BMT - Lessons learned from the BMT CTN and the CIBMTR, 19th SBTMO Congress 2015, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, 08/2015
Unrelated Donor Transplants: Peripheral Blood or Bone Marrow – Does it Matter?, 19th SBTMO Congress 2015, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, 08/2015
Current Trends in the choice of Stem Cell Sources for Transplantation, Cord Blood Banking in the Haplo Era, Ospedale Careggi, Florence, Italy, 11/2015
Bone Marrow Transplant for Sickle Cell Disease, 20th SBTMO Congress 2016, Fortaleza, Brazil, 08/2016
Conditioning regimens in Aplastic Anemia, 20th SBTMO Congress 2016, Fortaleza, Brazil, 08/2016
Patient and donor factors that matter in hematopoietic stem cell transplant, 21st SBTMO Congress 2017, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 08/2017
Donor characteristics: Selecting haploidentical donors, 21st SBTMO Congress 2017, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 08/2017
Long-term survival: Personalized risk score, 21st SBTMO Congress 2017, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 08/2017
Idiopathic Aplastic Anemia: Transplant or not Transplant, Workshop on Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant, University of Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 05/2018
Haploidentical Hematopoietic stem cell transplant for non-malignant diseases, SBTMO Congress 2019, Brasilia, Brazil, 08/2019
Hematopoietic stem cell transplant for sickle cell disease: General Considerations, SBTMO Congress 2019, Brasilia, Brazil, 08/2019
The donor of choice in the different hematopoietic stem cell transplant settings, SBTMO Congress 2019, Brasilia, Brazil, 08/2019
Alternative donor transplant for aplastic anemia, Stem Cell Transplantation in Childhood, Biotechnological Advances, Ethical issues and Worldwide Equal Access, Joint meeting Hospital Bambino Gesu - Centre Scientifque de Monaco, Rome, Italy, 09/2019
Reduced intensity conditioning regimes for myeloid malignancy: Which is the best option?, XXV SBTMO Congress 2021, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 10/2021
Invited panelist for Workshop entitled “Role of transplantation for Sickle Cell Disease”, Sponsored by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD, 08/2003
Invited panelist for Workshop entitled “International Symposium on Osteopetrosis”, Sponsored by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD, 09/2003
Quantity vs. Quality in Clinical Research, Stem Cell Transplantation in Children: Current Results and Controversies, Scottsdale, AZ, 01/2005
HLA-matched sibling donor transplantation for acute and chronic leukemia: Risks and benefits of peripheral blood stem cells versus bone marrow, American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplant/Center for Inter-national Blood and Marrow Transplant Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 02/2006
Unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with acute leukemia: Risks and benefits of umbilical cord blood versus bone marrow., The 4th Annual International Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, 05/2006
Graft-versus-leukemia: comparison of stem cell sources., The 4th Annual International Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, 05/2006
The role of peripheral blood stem cells for allogeneic transplantation., Invited Speaker, Hematology/Oncology Research Conference, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, 09/2006
Are peripheral blood stem cells really better than marrow for ablative allogeneic transplants?, Plenary Session, American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplant/Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Annual Meeting, Keystone, CO, 02/2007
Clinical trial design to detect small long-term risks after exposure to use of growth factor., Hematopoietic Growth Factor Conference, Bethesda, MD, 03/2007
The role of allogeneic transplant in the treatment of relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia, American Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology/Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 05/2007
HLA-matched and mismatched umbilical cord blood versus HLA A, B, C DRB1 allele-matched bone marrow: comparison of outcomes and analysis of risk factors., The 5th Annual International Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, 05/2007
Use of aphresis products in hematopoietic cell transplantation, American Association of Blood Bankers (AABB) Lecture Series, 1-hour CME lecture, 04/2008
Stem Cell Transplantation: Novel Donors and Indications in Pediatric Leukemia: Educational session, 44th American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 06/2008
Selecting a cell source for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Which one and Why?, National Marrow Donor Program, Minneapolis, MN, 11/2008
Effect of cell dose, HLA disparity and race on outcomes after umbilical cord blood transplantation, Advisory Council on Blood Stem Cell Transplantation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, MD, 12/2008
Unrelated donor sources for transplant: Guidance in donor selection for leukemia in children, 22nd American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 04/2009
Umbilical cord blood grafts: Relative efficacy compared to bone marrow and peripheral blood progenitor cells for leukemia, Presidential Plenary Session, 15th International Society for Cellular Therapy Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 05/2009
Outcomes of transplantation of unrelated umbilical cord blood and bone marrow in children with acute leukemia, The 7th Annual International Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, 06/2009
Effect of stem cell sources on leukemia-free survival after allogeneic transplantation for acute lymphoblastic and myeloid leukemia, The 7th Annual International Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, 06/2009
Developing robust endpoints: a blue print, Sickle Cell Endpoints Workshop, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Orlando, FL, 12/2010
Current state of knowledge: Cord Blood Transplantation, Health and Human Services Advisory Council on Blood Stem Cell Transplantation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, 05/2011
Chronic graft-versus-host disease and its association with treatment-related mortality, relapse, leukemia-free and overall survival after umbilical cord blood transplantation in children and adolescents with acute leukemia, The 9th Annual International Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 06/2011
Alternative donor transplantation for hematologic malignancies - Session: Donor Options in the Unrelated Setting, International Society for Cellular Therapy, Charlottesville, VA, 09/2011
Effect of donor-recipient HLA-matching at the HLA-C locus on outcomes after unrelated umbilical cord blood transplantation for leukemia, National Marrow Donor Program Council Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 11/2011
Unrelated and haploidentical donor transplantation vs cord blood, 10th Anniversary Conference of the International Cord Blood Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 06/2012
Utilizing cord blood units, The 38th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 10/2012
Selecting grafts for unrelated donor transplantation, Department of Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Cell Therapy Laboratory, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 05/2013
High Resolution Typing for A, B, C, DR1 in Single-Unit Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, 11th Annual International Cord Blood Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 06/2013
One cord or two? Results from single vs. multiple cord blood transplant, National Marrow Donor Program Annual Council Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 10/2013
Debating cell source selection, National Marrow Donor Program Annual Council Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 10/2013
Unrelated donor transplants: Peripheral blood or bone marrow – does it matter?, Acute Leukemia Forum 2014, San Francisco, CA, 04/2014
The significance of Allele-level HLA-matching after Myeloablative Single CB Transplantation for Hematologic Malignancy, 12th International Cord Blood Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 06/2014
HLA-Match Likelihoods for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Grafts in the US Registry, Advisory Council on Blood Stem Cell Transplantation Meeting, Bethesda, MD, 09/2014
Clinical Outcomes Living Donor versus Cord Blood, World Marrow Donor Association Cord Blood Banking Day, Minneapolis, MN, 11/2015
Relapsed ALL: Is it crucial to achieve molecular remission prior to transplant? Advances and Controversies in the Biology and Therapy of Acute Leukemia and Myelodysplasia, Acute Leukemia Forum 2017, San Francisco, CA, 04/2017
Controversies in Cord Blood Transplantation: High resolution HLA typing, American Association of Blood Bank 2018, San Diego, CA, 06/2018
Alternative Donor Transplants: Malignant and non-Malignant Diseases, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 02/2019
Cord blood transplantation for Malignant Diseases: Comparison of haploidentical vs. cord blood transplantation, Cord Blood Connect, Miami, FL, 09/2019
Haploidentical Transplantation: An Overview, Advisory Council on Blood and Stem Cell Transplantation, Health Resources and Administration Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, 09/2020
Since everyone has a donor, why are some eligible patients still not transplanted?, Acute Leukemia Forum, Virtual Meeting, 04/2021
Long-term impact of transplant & survivorship for sickle cell patients, American Society for Transplantation and Cell Therapy, Virtual Meeting, 09/2021
Hematopoietic cell transplant for sickle cell disease: Build to last?, GRNDaD Speaks! Johns Hopkins Medical School, Virtual Meeting, 04/2022
Hematopoietic cell transplant for sickle cell disease, Boston Mini-Retreat on Clonal Hematopoiesis in Sickle Cell Disease. Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 05/2022
Long-term survival after hematopoietic cell transplant for sickle cell disease compared to the United States population, 2022 Annual Sickle Cell Disease Meeting, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Virtual Meeting, 08/2022
Secondary neoplasms after hematopoietic cell transplant for sickle cell disease, 2022 Annual Sickle Cell Disease Meeting, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Virtual meeting, 08/2023
Selecting donors for allogeneic transplantation for acute leukemia, Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, MCCCC Enterprise Grand Rounds, Phoenix, AZ, 02/2024
Allogeneic Blood stem cell transplantation, Research Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2001
Are umbilical cord blood cells an alternative to bone marrow?, Research Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 12/2003
Alternative donor transplantation, Department of Population Health - Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2009
Hematopoietic cell transplantation – Selecting the appropriate donor, Institute for Health and Society – Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin , Milwaukee, WI, 09/2010
Selecting donors for unrelated donor transplantation, America's Blood Centers Medical Directors Workshop, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2013
The evolution of umbilical cord blood transplantation, Population Sciences Program Meetings, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2014
Donor choices for hematopoietic cell transplantation, Clinical and Translational Science Research Seminar, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 01/2016
Selecting alternative donors, Hematological Malignancy & Immunotherapy Research Program, Cancer Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 06/2017
Aplastic Anemia: Fresh or Cryopreserved Graft, One Forum, National Marrow Donor Program, Minneapolis, MN, 11/2020
Sickle cell anemia: Treatment options in 2021, BMT and Cellular Therapy Educational session, Medical College of Wisconsin, 08/2021
Gene Therapy and Gene Editing, BMT and Cellular Therapy Educational Session, Medical College of Wisconsin, 03/2022
Hematopoietic cell transplant for sickle cell disease: Build to Last?, Research Rounds: Division of Hematology and Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 05/2022
Sickle Cell Disease: Gene Therapy, 11th Annual Controversies in Hematologic Malignancies Symposium, Medical College of Wisconsin, 05/2022
Progress towards cure: Recent advances in sickle cell disease and hemophilia treatment, Grand Rounds: Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 01/2023

Medical College of Wisconsin
2004 - 2007 Alternate Representative, Faculty Council, Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - 2011 Member, Faculty Career Development Committee, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2010 Secretary, Faculty Career Development Committee, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2011 Member, Advisory Committee, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2011 Chair – Academic Skills Sub-Committee, Faculty Career Development Committee, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 Course organizer, Mid-career Faculty Workshop, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - Present Member, Institutional Review Board #4, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin/Froedtert Hospital
2015 - Present Chair, Institutional Review Board #4, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin/Froedtert Hospital
2018 - Present Member, Appointment and Promotions Committee, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2018 - 2026 Member, Advisory Committee, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 - 2022 Member, Department Mentoring Champions Group, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2022 Work group member, Department and Institutional Alignment, Promotion and Tenure Holistic Review, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Student Education
2010 - 2011 Small Group Facilitator, Physician-Scientist pathway
2012 - 2015 Small Group Facilitator, Physician-Scientist pathway
Graduate Student Education
09/2004 - 10/2004 Instructor, Research Methods Workshop, Department of Epidemiology - Group discussion leader with responsibility for guiding graduate students in the design of a clinical research project
Resident and Fellow Education
2001 - 2017 Core Curriculum: Hematology/Oncology/BMT Fellowship Lecture Series - • Late outcomes after allogeneic transplantation, 2001, • Second transplantation as salvage therapy for recurrent acute and chronic leukemia, 2002, • Alternative graft sources for matched related and unrelated donor transplantation for leukemia, 2003, How to Find a Job, 2005, • Unrelated donor transplantation: who is the appropriate donor and which is the appropriate graft type? 2008, Clinical Research Methodology, 2010
07/2020 Geriatrics: Fellow Lecture Series Core Curriculum *Aplastic Anemia
07/2021 - Present Hematology malignancy, Attending Physician, Froedtert Hospital, One fellow & 2 residents/month, 3 weeks/year *Precept at all levels for patients with acute and chronic leukemia, including assessment, diagnostic work-up and management
Continuing Medical Education
2008 Invited Speaker, Selecting a cell source for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Which one and Why? National Marrow Donor Program, Minneapolis, MN
2011 Invited Speaker, Effect of donor-recipient HLA-matching at the HLA-C locus on outcomes after unrelated umbilical cord blood transplantation for leukemia. National Marrow Donor Program Council Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
2013 Invited Speaker, Selecting donors for unrelated donor transplantation. America’s Blood Centers 51st Interim meeting, Milwaukee, WI
2018 Invited Lecturer, Role of Huma leukocyte antigen (HLA) in cord blood transplantation, World Marrow Donor Association (Webex)
02/2020 Invited Lecturer, Sickle Cell Disease. Core lecture series on Blood and Marrow Transplant for Clinical Research Professionals. 2020 Annual TCT meeting, Orlando, FL
08/2020 Invited Lecturer, Project ECHO: Unrelated donor transplant for sickle cell disease (Webex)
03/2021 Invited Lecturer, Project ECHO: Age and donor type in decision making for hematopoietic cell transplant for sickle cell disease (Webex)
06/2021 Invited Lecturer, Project ECHO: Transplant Conditioning Regimens: Hematopoietic cell transplant for sickle cell disease (Webex)

Resident and Fellow Education
09/2000 - 06/2002 Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Residents: Oncology Attending Physician - • Precept 3-4 resident at all levels for patients with malignant disorders, including assessment, diagnostic work-up and management for 12 weeks/year
09/2000 - 09/2002 Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Fellows: Oncology Attending Physician - One fellow/month, 6 weeks/year, One fellow/clinic, ½ day/week - Precept at all levels for patients with malignant disorders, including assessment, diagnostic work-up and management
07/2002 - 06/2009 Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Residents: Bone Marrow Transplant Attending Physician - • Precept 3-4 resident at all levels for patients undergoing transplantation, including assessment, diagnostic work-up and management of early and late complications for 6 weeks/year

Medical Students
06/2005 - 09/2005 Kelly Malloy, Project entitled “Outcomes after matched related donor transplantation for isolated central nervous system recurrence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia,Status: Original paper #28, Medical Student Summer Research Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
02/2010 - Present James Tracey, Project entitled “Transplant conditioning regimen and outcomes after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children and adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Status: Presented at the 52nd American Society of Hematology meeting, Orland FL, December 2010 (abstract# 51), Medical Student Summer Research Program – Physician Scientist Pathway, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2012 - 2013 Gareth Hattersely, Abstract #76; Original Paper #126, Medical Student Summer Research Program – Physician Scientist Pathway, Medical College of Wisconsin
2015 - 2019 Trevor D. Argall, MD, MS Program: Abstract #76; Original paper #125, MD, MS Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
2016 - Present Daniel Keesler, Original Paper #135, Medical Student Summer Research Program – Physician Scientist Pathway, Medical College of Wisconsin
Graduate Students
PhD Committees
06/2004 - 2005 Xu Zhang, PhD Candidate, PhD Thesis Committee Member, Department of Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2005 - 2007 Jingxia Liu, PhD Candidate, PhD Thesis Committee Member, Department of Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2005 - 2007 Yinghua Zhang, PhD Candidate, PhD Thesis Committee Member, Department of Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2010 - 2013 Kristin Ellis, PhD Candidate, PhD Thesis Committee Member, Department of Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin
MS Committees
09/2008 - 09/2010 Elizabeth Thiel, MD, MS Candidate (Epidemiology) - Status: abstract# 45; 2010 MCW Research Day prize Non-Basic research; original paper #62, Primary Advisor and Chair, MS Thesis Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
Clinical/Research Fellows
09/2008 - 09/2010 Elizabeth Thiel, MD, MS Candidate (Epidemiology), abstract #45; original paper #65, Primary Advisor and Chair, MS Thesis Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2011 - 06/2013 Chelsea L. Collins, MD, MS Candidate (Clinical and Translational Research), abstract #61, Primary advisor and Chair, MS Thesis Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2003 - 03/2005 Christopher J. Schwake, MD - Status: Original paper #12, Project entitled “Differences in characteristics of United States hematopoietic stem cell transplant centers by proportion of racial/ethnic minorities", Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2005 - 05/2006 Parameswaran Hari, MD, MS Candidate, MS Thesis Committee Member, Epidemiology, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2005 - 05/2006 Marcelo C. Pasquini, MD, MS Candidate, MS Thesis Committee Member, Epidemiology, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - 2015 Wael Saber MD, MS, Assistant Professor, Member, Faculty Mentorship Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014 - 2016 Anita D'Souza, MD, Assistant Professor, Lead Mentor, Faculty Mentorship Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014 - 2016 Elizabeth Thiel, MD, MS, assistant Professor, Lead Mentor, Faculty Mentorship Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin

Graduate Students
PhD Committees
07/2011 - 12/2012 Patricia Steinert, MBA, PhD Candidate(Health Economics), University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, PhD Thesis Committee Member
Clinical/Research Fellows
07/2010 - 07/2012 Michael Eckrich, MD, MPH - Recipient of 2011 Young Investigator Award, American Society of Clinical Oncology; Abstract #55, Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
08/2011 - 06/2013 Yachiyo Kuwatsuka, MD, MS Candidate (Clinical and Translational Research)original paper #86, Chair, MS Thesis Committee, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
07/2012 - Present Kristjan Paulson, MD, Mentor, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Educational Programs
2018 - Present co-Lead, (PSIP), GIM Residency. An ACGME accredited 2-year research in residency program for GIM residents funded by National heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R38 HL1143561; MPI: Eapen/Widlansky).
Clinical Programs
2021 - Present Gene Therapy for Non-malignant Diseases Hemophilia A and Sickle Cell Disease MCW has been designated the Clinical Trials Platform for NHLBI’s Cure Sickle Initiative.

2002 - 2008 Invited Speaker at the Annual meetings of the American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplant/Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant; Core lecture series on Blood and Marrow Transplant for Clinical Research Professionals, Nurses and Physicians (1-hour CME lecture/annually); Infections after allogeneic transplantation, 2002; Basics of transplantation, 2004, 2005; World Health Organization classification of myeloid malignancies, 2004; Umbilical cord blood as an alternative graft source for allogeneic transplantation, 2005; Pre-transplant co-existing diseases and its impact on early transplant morbidity and mortality, 2005; Organ-specific post-transplant complications, 2006; Invited Speaker, American Association of Blood Bankers (AABB) Lecture Series: Use of aphresis products in hematopoietic cell transplantation -1-hour CME lecture, 2008

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Eapen M, Davies SM, Ramsay NKC, Orchard PJ. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for infantile osteopetrosis. Bone Marrow Transplant 1998; 22: 941-946. Impact factor: 3.660; citation: 21
2. Eapen M, Hostteter M, Neglia JP. Massive splenomegaly and Epstein-Barr virus associated infectious mononucleosis in a patient with gaucher's disaese. J Pediatr Hematol/Oncol 1999; 21 (1): 47-49. Impact factor: 2.258; citation: 4
3. Eapen M, Davies SM, Ramsay NKC. Late graft rejection and second infusion of bone marrow in children with aplastic anemia. B J Hematol 1999; 104: 186-188. Impact factor: 4.942; citation 8
4. Eapen M, Ramsay NKC, Mertens AC, Robison LL, DeFor T, Davies SM. Late outcomes after bone marrow transplantation for aplastic anemia. B J Hematol 2000; 111: 754-760. Impact factor: 4.942; citation: 15
5. *Serna DS, Lee SJ, Zhang M-J, Baker KS, Eapen M, Horowitz MM, Klein JP, Rizzo JD, Loberiza FR. Trends in survival rates after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute and chronic leukemia by ethnicity in the United States and Canada. J Clin Oncol 2003; 21: 3754-3760. Impact factor: 18.970; citation: 28. (*medical student. Participated in study design, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation
6. Godder K, Eapen M, Laver JH, Zhang M-J, Camitta BM, Wayne AS, Gale RP, Doyle JJ, Yu LC, Chen AR, Garvin JH, Jr., Sandler ES, Yeager AM, Edwards JR, and Horowitz MM. Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for children with acute myeloid leukemia in first or second remission: A prognostic factor analysis. J Clin Oncol 2004; 22:3798-3804. Impact factor: 18.970; citation: 12. Primary responsibility for study design and methodology, data analysis and interpretation, and co-authored the manuscript with Dr. Godder
7. Eapen M, Giralt SA, Horowitz MM, Klein JP, Wagner JE, Zhang M-J, Tallman MS, Marks DI, Camitta BM, Champlin RE, Ringden O, Bredeson CN, Martino R, Gale RP, Cairo MS, Litzow MR, and deLima M. Second transplantation for acute and chronic leukemia relapsing after first HLA-identical sibling transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 2004; 34:721-727. Impact factor: 3.660; citation: 51
8. Eapen M, Horowitz MM, Klein JP, Champlin RE, Loberiza FR, Jr., Ringden O, and Wagner JE. Higher mortality after allogeneic peripheral blood transplantation compared with bone marrow in children and adolescents. J Clin Oncol, 2004; 22:4872-4880. Impact factor: 18.970; citation: 103
9. Laughlin MJ, Eapen M, Rubinstein P, Wagner JE, Zhang M-J, Champlin RE, Stevens C, Barker JN, Gale RP, Lazarus HM, Marks DI, van Rood JJ, Scaradavou A, and Horowitz, MM. Outcomes after transplantation of cord blood or bone marrow from unrelated donors for adults with leukemia. N Eng J Med 2004; 351:2265-2275. Impact factor: 51; citation: 537. Principal investigator at the IBMTR and had primary responsibility for study design and methodology, data analysis and interpretation, and prepared the manuscript with Dr. Laughlin
10. Loberiza FR, Zhang M-J, Lee SJ, Klein JP, LeMaistre CF, Serna DS, Eapen M, Horowitz MM, and Rizzo JD. Association of Transplant Center and Physician Factors on Mortality after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in the United States. Blood 2005; 105:2979-2987. Impact factor: 10.558; citation: 27. Participated in study design, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation
11. Roy V, Pérez WS, Eapen M, Marsh JC, Pasquini M, Pasquini R, Mustafa MM and Bredeson CN. Bone marrow transplantation for diamond-Blackfan anemia. Biol Blood and Marrow Transplant, 2005; 11:600-608. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 20. Participated in study design, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation
12. *Schwake CJ, Eapen M, Lee SJ, Freytes CO, Giralt SA, Navarro W H, Rizzo JD, van Besien K, and Loberiza FR, Jr. Differences in characteristics of United States hematopoietic stem cell transplant centers by proportion of racial or ethnic minorities. Biol Blood and Marrow Transplant, 2005; 12:988-998. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 4. Research mentor to Schwake CJ (resident); participated in study design, analysis and interpretation of results and prepared manuscript with mentee
13. Eapen M, Rubinstein P, Zhang M-J, Camitta BM, Stevens C, Cairo MS, Davies SM, Doyle JJ, Kurtzberg J, Pulsipher MA, Ortega JJ, Scaradavou A, Horowitz MM, and Wagner JE. Comparable long-term survival after unrelated and HLA-matched sibling donor hematopoietic stem cell transplants for acute leukemia in children less than 18 months. J Clin Oncol, 2006; 24:145-151. Impact factor: 18.970; citation: 44
14. Passweg JR, Perez WS, Eapen M, Camitta BM, Gluckman E, Hinterberger W, Hows JM, Marsh JC, Pasquini R, Schrezenmeier H, Socie G, Zhang MJ, and Bredeson C. Bone marrow transplants from mismatched related and unrelated donors for severe aplastic anemia. Bone Marrow Transplant, 2006; 37:641-649. Impact factor: 3.660; citation: 46. Participated in data analysis, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation
15. Eapen M, Raetz E, Zhang M-J, Muehlenbein C, Devidas M, Abshire T, Billett A, Homans A, Camitta B, Carroll WL, and Davies SM. Outcomes after HLA-matched sibling transplants or chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in second remission: A collaborative study of the Children's Oncology Group and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Blood, 2006; 107:4961-4967. Impact factor: 10.558; citation: 59
16. Farag SS, Bacigalupo A, Eapen M, Hurley C, Dupont B, Caligiuri MA, Boudreau C, Nelson G, Oudshoorn M, van Rood J, Velardi A, Maiers M, Setterholm M, Confer D, Posch PE, Anasetti C, Kamani N, Miller JS, Weisdorf D, and Davies SM. The Effect of KIR Ligand Incompatibility on the Outcome of Unrelated Donor Transplants: A report from the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, the European Blood and Marrow Transplant Registry and the Dutch Registry. Biol Blood and Marrow Transplant, 2006; 12:876-884. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 98. Participated in data analysis, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation
17. Schmitz N, Eapen M, Horowitz MM, Zhang M-J, Klein JP, Rizzo JD, Loberiza FR, Gratwohl A and Champlin RE. Long-term outcome of patients transplanted with mobilized blood or bone marrow: A report from the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry and the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Blood, 2006; 108:4288-4290. Impact factor: 10.558; citation: 83. Principal investigator at the IBMTR and had primary responsibility for study design and methodology, data analysis and interpretation, and had primary responsibility for drafting the manuscript.
18. Wagner JE, Eapen M, MacMillan ML, Harris RE, Pasquini R, Boulad F, Zhang M-J and Auerbach AD. Unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation for the treatment of Fanconi anemia. Blood, 2007; 109:2256-2262. Impact factor: 10.558; citation: 69. Participated in study design and methodology, data analysis and interpretation of results and prepared the manuscript with Dr. Wagner
19. Wade JA, Hurley CK, Takemoto SK, Thompson J, Davies SM, Fuller TC, Rodney G, Confer DL, Noreen H, Haagenson M, Kan F, Klein J, Eapen M, Spellman S and Kollman C. HLA mismatching within or outside of Cross Reactive Groups (CREG) is associated with similar outcomes after unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Blood, 2007, 109: 4064-4070. Impact factor: 10.588; citation: 14. Participated in data analysis, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation.
20. Eapen M, DeLaat CA, Baker KS, Cairo MS, Cowan MJ, Kurtzberg J, Steward CG, Veys PA and Filipovich AH. Hematopoietic cell transplantation for Chediak-Higashi syndrome. Bone Marrow Transplant, 2007, 39:411-415. Impact factor: 3.660; citation: 20
21. Champlin RE, Perez WS, Passweg JR, Klein JP, Camitta BM, Gluckman E, Bredeson CN, Eapen M and Horowitz MM. Bone marrow transplantation for severe aplastic anemia: A randomized controlled study of conditioning regimens. Blood, 2007, 109:4582-4585. Impact factor: 10.558; citation: 42. Participated in data analysis, interpretation of results and co-authored the manuscript with Dr. Champlin.
22. Mehta PA, Eapen M, Klein JP, Gandham S, Elliot J, Zamzow T, Combs M, Aplnec R, MacMillan ML, Weisdorf DJ, Petersdorf E and Davies SM. Interleukin-1 alpha genotype and outcome of unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia. Br J Haematol, 2007, 132:152-157. Impact factor: 4.942; citation: 8. Participated in data analysis, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation.
23. Panepinto JA, Walters MC, Carreras JC, Marsh J, Bredeson CB, Gale RP, Hale GA, Horan J, Hows JM, Klein JP, Pasquini R, Roberts I, Sullivan K, Eapen M and Ferster A. Matched related donor transplantation for sickle cell disease: Report from the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Br J Haematol, 2007, 137: 479-485. Impact factor: 4.942; citation: 40. Participated in data analysis, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation
24. Eapen M, Rubinstein P, Zhang M-J, Stevens C, Kurtzberg J, Scaradavou A, Loberiza FR, Champlin RE, Horowitz MM and Wagner JE. Comparison of outcomes after transplantation of unrelated donor umbilical cord blood and bone marrow in children with acute leukemia. Lancet 2007, 369: 1947-1954. Impact factor: 33.63; citation: 286
25. Schrezenmeier H, Passweg JR, Marsh JCW, Bacigalupo A, Bredeson CN, Bullorsky E, Camitta BM, Champlin RE, Gale RP, Fuhrer M, Klein JP, Locasciulli A, Oneto R, Schattenberg AVMB, Socie G and Eapen M. Worse outcome and more chronic GVHD with peripheral blood progenitor cells than bone marrow in HLA-matched sibling donor transplants for young patients with severe aplastic anemia: A report from the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Blood 2007, 110: 1397-1400. Impact factor: 10.558; citation: 72
26. Eapen M, Logan B, Confer D, Haagenson M, Wagner JE, Weisdorf D, Wingard JR, Rowley S, Stroncek D, Gee AP, Horowitz MM and Anasetti C. Peripheral blood grafts from unrelated donors are associated with increased acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease without improved survival. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2007, 13: 1461-1468. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 58
27. Lee SJ, Klein J, Haagenson M, Baxter-Lowe LA, Confer D, Eapen M, Fernandez-Vina M, Flomenberg N, Horowitz M, Hurley CK, Noreen H, Oudshoorn M, Petersdorf E, Setterholm M, Spellman S, Weisdorf D, Williams TM and Anasetti C. High resolution donor recipient HLA matching to the success of unrelated donor marrow transplantation. Blood 2007, 110: 4576-4528. Impact factor: 10.558; citation: 260. Participated in interpretation of results and manuscript preparation.
28. Kamani N, Spellman S, Hurley CK, Barker JN, Smith FO, Oudshoorn M, Bray R, Smith A, Williams TM, Logan B, Eapen M, Anasetti C, Setterholm M, confer DL. State of the art review: HLA matching and outcome unrelated donor umbilical cord blood transplants. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2008, 14: 1-6. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 32
29. Eapen M, Zhang M-J, Devidas M, Raetz E, Barredo JC, Ritchey AK, Godder K, Grupp S, Lewis VA, *Malloy K, Carroll WL, Davies SM and Camitta BM. Outcomes after HLA-matched sibling transplantation or chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a second remission after an isolated central nervous system relapse: a collaborative study of the Children's Oncology Group and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Leukemia 2008, 22: 281-286. Impact factor: 8.966; citation: 9 (*medical student)
30. Lee SJ, Joffe S, Artz A, Champlin RE, Davies SM, Jagasia M, Kernan NA, Loberiza F, Soiffer R and Eapen M. Practice variation in hematopoietic cell transplantation. J Clin Oncol 2008, 26: 2162-2170. Impact factor: 18.970; citation: 12
31. Perez-Albuerne E, Eapen M, Klein J, Gross T, Lipton J, Baker KS, Woolfrey A and Kamani N. Outcome after unrelated donor stem cell transplantation for children with severe aplastic anemia. B J Haematol 2008, 141: 216-223. Impact factor: 4.942; citation: 19. Participated in data analysis, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation.
32. Gardner SL, Carreras J, Boudreau C, Camitta BM, Adams RH, Chen AR, Davies SM, Edwards JR, Grovas AC, Hale GA, Lazarus HM, Aurora M, Stiff PJ and Eapen M. Myeloablative therapy with autologous stem cell rescue for patients with Ewing sarcoma. Bone Marrow Transplant 2008, 41: 867-872. Impact factor: 3.660; citation: 5
33. Baker KS, Filipovich AH, Gross TG, Grossman W, Hale GA, Hayashi RJ, Kamani NR, Kurian S, Kapoor N, Ringden O and Eapen M. Unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplant for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Bone Marrow Transplant 2008, 42: 175-180. Impact factor: 3.660; citation: 24
34. Bunin NJ, Davies SM, Aplenc R, Camitta BM, DeSantes KB, Goyal RK, Kapoor N, Kernan NA, Rosenthal J, Smith FO and Eapen M. Unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation for children with acute myeloid leukemia beyond first remission or refractory to chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 2008, 26: 4326-4332. Impact factor: 18.970; citation: 9
35. McCollough J, Kahn J, Adamson J, Anderlini P, Benjamin R, Confer D, Eapen M, Hirsch B, Kuter D, Lazarus E, Pamphilon D, Stroncek D, Sugarman J and Wilson R. Hematopoietic growth factors-use in normal blood and stem cell donors: clinical and ethical issues. Transfusion 2008, 48: 208-2025. Impact factor: 2.519; citation: 7
36. Pasquini R, Carreras J, Pasquini MC, Camitta BM, Fasth AL, Harris RE, Marsh JC, Robinson AJ, Zhang MJ, Eapen M and Wagner JE. HLA-matched sibling hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for fanconi anemia: comparison of iiradiation and non-irradiation containing conditioning regimens. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant, 2008, 14: 1141-1147. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 12. Participated in interpretation of data and co-authored the manuscript with Drs R. Pasquini and JE Wagner.
37. Lee SJ, Astigarraga CC, Eapen M, Artz AS, Davies SM, Champlin R, Jagasia M, Kernan NA, Loberiza FR, Bevans M, Soiffer RJ and Joffe S. Variation in supportive care practices in hematopoietic cell transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2008, 14: 1231-1238. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 8. Participated in interpretation of data and manuscript preparation.
38. Qasim W, Cavazzana-Calvo M, Davies EG, Davis J, Duval M, Eames G, Farinha N, Filipovich A, Fischer A, Friedrich W, Gennery A, Heilmann C, Landais P, Horwitz M, Porta F, Sedlacek P, Seger R, Slatte M, Taegue L, Eapen M and Veys P. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for leukocyte adhesion deficiency. Pediatrics 2009, 123: 836 - 840. Impact factor: 4.69; citation: 24. Participated in interpretation of data and co-authored the manuscript with Drs Qasim and Veys.
39. Thornley I, Eapen M, Sung L, Lee SJ, Davies SM and Joffe S. Private cord blood banking: Experiences and views of pediatric hematopoietic cell transplantation. Pediatrics 2009, 123: 1011 - 1017. Impact factor: 4.69; citation: 20. Participated in survey design, interpretation of data and manuscript preparation.
40. Lazarus HM, Kan F, Tarima S, Champlin RE, Confer DL, Frey N, Gee AP, Wagner JE, Horowitz MM and Eapen M. Rapid transport and infusion of hematopoietic cells is associated with improved outcome after myeloablative therapy and unrelated donor transplant. Biol Blood and Marrow Transplant 2009, 15: 589 - 596. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 1
41. Horan JT, Carreras J, Tarima S, Camitta BM, Hale GA, Hinterberger W, Marsh J, Passweg JR, Walters MC and Eapen M. Risk factors affecting outcome of second HLA-matched sibling donor transplantation for graft failure in severe acquired aplastic anemia. Biol Blood and Marrow Transplant 2009, 15: 626 - 631. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 2
42. Gale RP, Eapen M, Logan B, Zhang MJ and Lazarus HM. Are there roles for observational database studies and structured quantification of expert opinion to answer therapy controversies in transplants? Bone Marrow Transplant 2009, 43: 435 - 446. Impact factor: 3.660; citation: 4
43. Gross TG, Hale GA, He W, Camitta BM, Sanders JE, Cairo MS, Hayashi RJ, Termuhlen AM, Zhang MJ, Davies SM and Eapen M. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for refractory or recurrent non-Hodgkin lymphoma in children and adolescents. Biol Blood and Marrow Transplant 2010, 16: 223 - 230. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 14
44. Collins NH, Gee AP, Durett AG, Kan F, Zhang M-J, Champlin RE, Confer D, Eapen M, Howard A, King R, Laughlin MJ, Plante RJ, Setterholm M, Spellman S, Keever-Taylor C, Wagner JE, Weisdorf DJ. The effect of the composition of unrelated donor bone marrow and peripheral blood progenitor cell grafts on transplantation outcomes. Biol Blood and Marrow Transplant 2010, 16: 253 - 262. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 2. Participated in interpretation of data and manuscript preparation.
45. Verneris MR, Eapen M, Duerst R, Carpenter PA, Burke MA, Afanasyev BV, Cowan MJ, He W, Krance R, Li CK, Tan PL, Wagner JE, Davies SM. Reduced intensity conditioning regimens for allogeneic transplantation in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Biol Blood and Marrow Transplant 2010, 16: 1237 - 1244. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 5. Participated in study design, interpretation of data and manuscript preparation.
46. Eapen M, Rocha V, Sanz G, Scaradavou A, Zhang M-J, Arcese W, Sirvent A, Champlin RE, Chao N, Gee AP, Isola L, Laughlin MJ, Marks DI, Nabhan S, Ruggeri A, Soiffer R, Horowitz MM, Gluckman E, Wagner JE. Effect of graft source of unrelated donor hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in adults with acute leukemia: a retrospective analysis. Lancet Oncology 2010, 11: 653 - 660. Impact factor: 17.76; citation: 69
47. Gupta V, Eapen M, Brazauskas R, Carreras J, Aljurf M, Gale RP, Hale GA, Ilhan O, Passweg JR, Ringdén O, Sabloff M, Schrezenmeier H, Socié G and Marsh JCW. Impact of age on outcomes after bone marrow transplantation for acquired aplastic anemia using HLA-matched sibling donors. Haematologica 2010, 95: 2119 - 2225. Impact factor: 6.532; citation: 5. Participated in study design, interpretation of data and co-authored the manuscript with Drs Gupta, Socie and Marsh.
48. Moreno Madureira AB, Eapen M, Locatelli F, Teira P, Zhang M-J PhD, Davies SM,Picardi A, Woolfrey A, Chan K-W, Socié G, Vora A, Bertrand Y, Sales-Bonfim CM, Eliane Gluckman G, Niemeyer C, Rocha V. Analysis of risk factors influencing outcome in children with myelodysplastic syndrome after unrelated cord blood transplantation. Leukemia 2010, 25: 449 - 454. Impact factor: 8.966; citation: 2. Participated in study design, interpretation of data and co-authored the manuscript with Drs Moreno Madureira and Rocha.
49. Woodard P, Carpenter PA, Davies SM, Gross TG, He W, Zhang M-J, Horn BN, Margolis DA, Perentesis JP, Sander JE, Schultz KR, Seber A, Woods WG and Eapen M. Unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation for myelodysplastic syndrome in children. Biol Blood and Marrow Transplant 2011, 17: 723 - 728. Impact factor: 3.587; citation: 2
50. Sabloff M, Chandy M, Wang Z, Logan BR, Ghavamzadeh A, Li CK, Irfan SM, Bredeson CN, Cowan MJ, Gale RP, Hale GA, Horan J, Hongeng S, Eapen M and Walters MC. HLA-matched sibling bone marrow transplantation for beta-thalassemia major. Blood 2011, 117: 1745 - 1750. Impact factor: 10.558; citation: 3. Participated in study design, interpretation of data and manuscript preparation
51. Pulsipher MA, Young NS, Tolar J, Risitano AM, Deeg HJ, Anderlini P, Calado R, Kojima S, Eapen M, Harris R, Scheinberg P, Savage S, Maciejewski JP, Tiu RV, DiFronzo N, Horowitz MM, Antin JH. Optimization of therapy for severe aplastic anemia based on clinical, biologic, and treatment response parameters: conclusions of an international working group on severe aplastic anemia convened by the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network, March 2010. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2011 Mar;17(3):291-9. PMCID: PMC3053041
52. Chu R, Brazauskas R, Kan F, Bashey A, Bredeson C, Camitta B, Chiang KY, Frangoul H, Gale RP, Gee A, George B, Goldman FD, Gross TG, Gupta V, Hale GA, Isola L, Ispizua AU, Lazarus H, Marsh J, Russell J, Sabloff M, Waller EK, Eapen M. Comparison of outcomes after transplantation of G-CSF-stimulated bone marrow grafts versus bone marrow or peripheral blood grafts from HLA-matched sibling donors for patients with severe aplastic anemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2011 Jul;17(7):1018-24. PMCID: PMC3114180
53. Soiffer RJ, Le Rademacher J, Ho V, Kan F, Artz A, Champlin RE, Devine S, Isola L, Lazarus HM, Marks DI, Porter DL, Waller EK, Horowitz MM and Eapen M. Impact of immune modulation with anti-T cell antibodies on the outcome of reduced intensity allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for hematologic malignancies. Blood 2011 117: 6963-6970. Impact factor: 10.558; citation: 23
54. Brunstein CG, Fuchs EJ, Carter SL, Karanes C, Costa LJ, Wu J, Devine SM, Wingard JR, Aljitawi OS, Cutler CS, Jagasia MH, Ballen KK, Eapen M and O'Donnell PV. Alternative donor transplantation: results of parallel phase II trials using HLA-mismatched related bone marrow or unrelated umbilical cord blood grafts. Blood 2011 118: 282-288. Impact factor: 10.558; citation: 22. M Eapen and PV O'Donnell share senior authorship
55. Ruggeri A, Eapen M, Scaravadou A, Cairo MS, Bhatia M, Kurtzberg J, Wingard JR, Fasth A, Lo Nigro L, Ayas M, Purtill D, Boudjedir K, Chaves W, Walters MC, Wagner J, Gluckman E, Rocha V, Eurocord Registry, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, New York Blood Center. Umbilical cord blood transplantation for children with thalassemia and sickle cell disease. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2011 Sep;17(9):1375-82. PMCID: PMC3395002
56. Eapen M, Le Rademacher J, Antin JH, Champlin RE, Carreras J, Fay J, Passweg JR, Tolar J, Horowitz MM, Marsh JC, Deeg HJ. Effect of stem cell source on outcomes after unrelated donor transplantation in severe aplastic anemia. Blood. 2011 Sep 01;118(9):2618-21. PMCID: PMC3167362
57. Kamani NR, Kumar S, Hassebroek A, Eapen M, LeRademacher J, Casper J, Cowan M, Sánchez de Toledo J, Ferster A, Szabolcs P, Wingard JR, Horwitz E, Filipovich AH. Malignancies after hematopoietic cell transplantation for primary immune deficiencies: a report from the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2011 Dec;17(12):1783-9. PMCID: PMC3370408
58. Nemecek ER, Ellis K, He W, Bunin NJ, Bajwa RS, Cheerva A, Cairo MS, Dvorak C, Duval M, Davies S, Eapen M, Gross TG, Hussein AA, MacMillan ML, Mehta PA, Pulsipher MA, Seber A, Woolfrey AE, Frangoul HA, Carpenter PA. Outcome of myeloablative conditioning and unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplantation for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in third remission. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2011 Dec;17(12):1833-40. PMCID: PMC3372321
59. Passweg JR, Zhang MJ, Rocha V, Kan F, Champlin RE, Isola LM, Gee AP, Gibson J, Laughlin MJ, Lazarus HM, Loren A, Marks DI, Gratwohl A, Eapen M. Donor characteristics affecting graft failure, graft-versus-host disease, and survival after unrelated donor transplantation with reduced-intensity conditioning for hematologic malignancies. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2011 Dec;17(12):1869-73. PMCID: PMC3217167
60. Eapen M, Klein JP, Sanz GF, Spellman S, Ruggeri A, Anasetti C, Brown M, Champlin RE, Garcia-Lopez J, Hattersely G, Koegler G, Laughlin MJ, Michel G, Nabhan SK, Smith FO, Horowitz MM, Gluckman E, Rocha V, Eurocord-European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Netcord, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Effect of donor-recipient HLA matching at HLA A, B, C, and DRB1 on outcomes after umbilical-cord blood transplantation for leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndrome: a retrospective analysis. Lancet Oncol. 2011 Dec;12(13):1214-21. PMCID: PMC3245836
61. Brunstein CG, Eapen M, Ahn KW, Appelbaum FR, Ballen KK, Champlin RE, Cutler C, Kan F, Laughlin MJ, Soiffer RJ, Weisdorf DJ, Woolfrey A, Wagner JE. Reduced-intensity conditioning transplantation in acute leukemia: the effect of source of unrelated donor stem cells on outcomes. Blood. 2012 Jun 07;119(23):5591-8. PMCID: PMC3369691
62. Veys P, Wynn RF, Ahn KW, Samarasinghe S, He W, Bonney D, Craddock J, Cornish J, Davies SM, Dvorak CC, Duerst RE, Gross TG, Kapoor N, Kitko C, Krance RA, Leung W, Lewis VA, Steward C, Wagner JE, Carpenter PA, Eapen M. Impact of immune modulation with in vivo T-cell depletion and myleoablative total body irradiation conditioning on outcomes after unrelated donor transplantation for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood. 2012 Jun 21;119(25):6155-61. PMCID: PMC3383023
63. Spellman SR, Eapen M, Logan BR, Mueller C, Rubinstein P, Setterholm MI, Woolfrey AE, Horowitz MM, Confer DL, Hurley CK, National Marrow Donor Program, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. A perspective on the selection of unrelated donors and cord blood units for transplantation. Blood. 2012 Jul 12;120(2):259-65. PMCID: PMC3398760
64. Tolar J, Deeg HJ, Arai S, Horwitz M, Antin JH, McCarty JM, Adams RH, Ewell M, Leifer ES, Gersten ID, Carter SL, Horowitz MM, Nakamura R, Pulsipher MA, Difronzo NL, Confer DL, Eapen M, Anderlini P. Fludarabine-based conditioning for marrow transplantation from unrelated donors in severe aplastic anemia: early results of a cyclophosphamide dose deescalation study show life-threatening adverse events at predefined cyclophosphamide dose levels. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2012 Jul;18(7):1007-11. PMCID: PMC3677744
65. Zhang MJ, Davies SM, Camitta BM, Logan B, Tiedemann K, Eapen M, Thiel EL. Comparison of outcomes after HLA-matched sibling and unrelated donor transplantation for children with high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2012 Aug;18(8):1204-10. PMCID: PMC3890239
66. Eapen M, Ahn KW, Orchard PJ, Cowan MJ, Davies SM, Fasth A, Hassebroek A, Ayas M, Bonfim C, O'Brien TA, Gross TG, Horwitz M, Horwitz E, Kapoor N, Kurtzberg J, Majhail N, Ringden O, Szabolcs P, Veys P, Baker KS. Long-term survival and late deaths after hematopoietic cell transplantation for primary immunodeficiency diseases and inborn errors of metabolism. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2012 Sep;18(9):1438-45. PMCID: PMC3390445
67. Battiwalla M, Wang T, Carreras J, Deeg HJ, Ayas M, Bajwa RP, George B, Gupta V, Pasquini R, Schrezenmeier H, Passweg JR, Schultz KR, Eapen M. HLA-matched sibling transplantation for severe aplastic anemia: impact of HLA DR15 antigen status on engraftment, graft-versus-host disease, and overall survival. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2012 Sep;18(9):1401-6. PMCID: PMC3406237
68. Weisdorf D, Zhang MJ, Arora M, Horowitz MM, Rizzo JD, Eapen M. Graft-versus-host disease induced graft-versus-leukemia effect: greater impact on relapse and disease-free survival after reduced intensity conditioning. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2012 Nov;18(11):1727-33. PMCID: PMC3472079
69. Rocha V, Spellman S, Zhang MJ, Ruggeri A, Purtill D, Brady C, Baxter-Lowe LA, Baudoux E, Bergamaschi P, Chow R, Freed B, Koegler G, Kurtzberg J, Larghero J, Lecchi L, Nagler A, Navarrette C, Prasad V, Pouthier F, Price T, Ratanatharathorn V, van Rood JJ, Horowitz MM, Gluckman E, Eapen M, Eurocord-European Blood and Marrow Transplant Group and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Effect of HLA-matching recipients to donor noninherited maternal antigens on outcomes after mismatched umbilical cord blood transplantation for hematologic malignancy. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2012 Dec;18(12):1890-6. PMCID: PMC3826155
70. Horan J, Wang T, Haagenson M, Spellman SR, Dehn J, Eapen M, Frangoul H, Gupta V, Hale GA, Hurley CK, Marino S, Oudshoorn M, Reddy V, Shaw P, Lee SJ, Woolfrey A. Evaluation of HLA matching in unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for nonmalignant disorders. Blood. 2012 Oct 04;120(14):2918-24. PMCID: PMC3466972
71. Tracey J, Zhang MJ, Thiel E, Sobocinski KA, Eapen M. Transplantation conditioning regimens and outcomes after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2013 Feb;19(2):255-9. PMCID: PMC3553255
72. de Lima M, McNiece I, Robinson SN, Munsell M, Eapen M, Horowitz M, Alousi A, Saliba R, McMannis JD, Kaur I, Kebriaei P, Parmar S, Popat U, Hosing C, Champlin R, Bollard C, Molldrem JJ, Jones RB, Nieto Y, Andersson, Shan N, Oran B, Cooper LJN, Worth L, Qazilbash MH, Korbling M, Rondon G, Ciurea S, Bosque D, Maewal I, Simmons PJ, Shpall EJ. Cord blood engraftment with ex vivo mesenchymal cell co-culture. N Engl J Med. In press (2012). Impact factor 51
73. Scaradavou A, Brunstein CG, Eapen M, Le-Rademacher J, Barker JN, Chao N, Cutler C, Delaney C, Kan F, Isola L, Karanes C, Laughlin MJ, Wagner JE, Shpall EJ. Double unit grafts successfully extend the application of umbilical cord blood transplantation in adults with acute leukemia. Blood. 2013 Jan 31;121(5):752-8. PMCID: PMC3563363
74. de Lima M, McNiece I, Robinson SN, Munsell M, Eapen M, Horowitz M, Alousi A, Saliba R, McMannis JD, Kaur I, Kebriaei P, Parmar S, Popat U, Hosing C, Champlin R, Bollard C, Molldrem JJ, Jones RB, Nieto Y, Andersson BS, Shah N, Oran B, Cooper LJ, Worth L, Qazilbash MH, Korbling M, Rondon G, Ciurea S, Bosque D, Maewal I, Simmons PJ, Shpall EJ. Cord-blood engraftment with ex vivo mesenchymal-cell coculture. N Engl J Med. 2012 Dec 13;367(24):2305-15. PMCID: PMC3805360
75. Boelens JJ, Aldenhoven M, Purtill D, Ruggeri A, Defor T, Wynn R, Wraith E, Cavazzana-Calvo M, Rovelli A, Fischer A, Tolar J, Prasad VK, Escolar M, Gluckman E, O'Meara A, Orchard PJ, Veys P, Eapen M, Kurtzberg J, Rocha V, Eurocord, Inborn Errors Working Party of European Blood and Marrow Transplant group, Duke University Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program, Centre for International Blood and Marrow Research. Outcomes of transplantation using various hematopoietic cell sources in children with Hurler syndrome after myeloablative conditioning. Blood. 2013 May 09;121(19):3981-7. PMCID: PMC3836041
76. Hitzler JK, He W, Doyle J, Cairo M, Camitta BM, Chan KW, Diaz Perez MA, Fraser C, Gross TG, Horan JT, Kennedy-Nasser AA, Kitko C, Kurtzberg J, Lehmann L, O'Brien T, Pulsipher MA, Smith FO, Zhang MJ, Eapen M, Carpenter PA, CIBMTR Pediatric Cancer Working Committee. Outcome of transplantation for acute myelogenous leukemia in children with Down syndrome. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2013 Jun;19(6):893-7. PMCID: PMC3707801
77. Alousi AM, Le-Rademacher J, Saliba RM, Appelbaum FR, Artz A, Benjamin J, Devine SM, Kan F, Laughlin MJ, Lazarus HM, Liesveld J, Perales MA, Maziarz RT, Sabloff M, Waller EK, Eapen M, Champlin RE. Who is the better donor for older hematopoietic transplant recipients: an older-aged sibling or a young, matched unrelated volunteer? Blood. 2013 Mar 28;121(13):2567-73. PMCID: PMC3612864
78. Gadalla SM, Sales-Bonfim C, Carreras J, Alter BP, Antin JH, Ayas M, Bodhi P, Davis J, Davies SM, Deconinck E, Deeg HJ, Duerst RE, Fasth A, Ghavamzadeh A, Giri N, Goldman FD, Kolb EA, Krance R, Kurtzberg J, Leung WH, Srivastava A, Or R, Richman CM, Rosenberg PS, Toledo Codina JS, Shenoy S, Socié G, Tolar J, Williams KM, Eapen M, Savage SA. Outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in patients with dyskeratosis congenita. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2013 Aug;19(8):1238-43. PMCID: PMC3736557
79. Locatelli F, Crotta A, Ruggeri A, Eapen M, Wagner JE, Macmillan ML, Zecca M, Kurtzberg J, Bonfim C, Vora A, Díaz de Heredia C, Teague L, Stein J, O'Brien TA, Bittencourt H, Madureira A, Strahm B, Peters C, Niemeyer C, Gluckman E, Rocha V. Analysis of risk factors influencing outcomes after cord blood transplantation in children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: a EUROCORD, EBMT, EWOG-MDS, CIBMTR study. Blood. 2013 Sep 19;122(12):2135-41. PMCID: PMC3836039
80. Kelly MJ, Horan JT, Alonzo TA, Eapen M, Gerbing RB, He W, Lange BJ, Parsons SK, Woods WG. Comparable survival for pediatric acute myeloid leukemia with poor-risk cytogenetics following chemotherapy, matched related donor, or unrelated donor transplantation. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014 Feb;61(2):269-75. PMCID: PMC3919967
81. Marks DI, Woo KA, Zhong X, Appelbaum FR, Bachanova V, Barker JN, Brunstein CG, Gibson J, Kebriaei P, Lazarus HM, Olsson R, Perales MA, Pidala J, Savani B, Rocha V, Eapen M. Unrelated umbilical cord blood transplant for adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia in first and second complete remission: a comparison with allografts from adult unrelated donors. Haematologica. 2014 Feb;99(2):322-8. PMCID: PMC3912963
82. Warlick ED, Paulson K, Brazauskas R, Zhong X, Miller AM, Camitta BM, George B, Savani BN, Ustun C, Marks DI, Waller EK, Baron F, Freytes CO, Socie G, Akpek G, Schouten HC, Lazarus HM, Horwitz EM, Koreth J, Cahn JY, Bornhauser M, Seftel M, Cairo MS, Laughlin MJ, Sabloff M, Ringdén O, Gale RP, Kamble RT, Vij R, Gergis U, Mathews V, Saber W, Chen YB, Liesveld JL, Cutler CS, Ghobadi A, Uy GL, Eapen M, Weisdorf DJ, Litzow MR. Effect of postremission therapy before reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014 Feb;20(2):202-8. PMCID: PMC3924751
83. Eapen M, Klein JP, Ruggeri A, Spellman S, Lee SJ, Anasetti C, Arcese W, Barker JN, Baxter-Lowe LA, Brown M, Fernandez-Vina MA, Freeman J, He W, Iori AP, Horowitz MM, Locatelli F, Marino S, Maiers M, Michel G, Sanz GF, Gluckman E, Rocha V, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, Netcord, Eurocord, and the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Impact of allele-level HLA matching on outcomes after myeloablative single unit umbilical cord blood transplantation for hematologic malignancy. Blood. 2014 Jan 02;123(1):133-40. PMCID: PMC3879902
84. Eckrich MJ, Ahn KW, Champlin RE, Coccia P, Godder K, Horan J, Margolis D, Deeg HJ, Eapen M. Effect of race on outcomes after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for severe aplastic anemia. Am J Hematol. 2014 Feb;89(2):125-9. PMCID: PMC4109804
85. Kuwatsuka Y, Atsuta Y, Horowitz MM, Inagaki J, Kanda J, Kato K, Koh K, Zhang MJ, Eapen M, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR), and Donor/Source and GVHD Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (JSHCT). Graft-versus-host disease and survival after cord blood transplantation for acute leukemia: a comparison of Japanese versus White populations. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014 May;20(5):662-7. PMCID: PMC4071962
86. Hitzler JK, He W, Doyle J, Cairo M, Camitta BM, Chan KW, Diaz Perez MA, Fraser C, Gross TG, Horan JT, Kennedy-Nasser AA, Kitko C, Kurtzberg J, Lehmann L, O'Brien T, Pulsipher MA, Smith FO, Zhang MJ, Eapen M, Carpenter PA, CIBMTR Pediatric Cancer Working Committee. Outcome of transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children with Down syndrome. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014 Jun;61(6):1126-8. PMCID: PMC4080799
87. Weisdorf D, Eapen M, Ruggeri A, Zhang MJ, Zhong X, Brunstein C, Ustun C, Rocha V, Gluckman E. Alternative donor transplantation for older patients with acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission: a center for international blood and marrow transplant research-eurocord analysis. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014 Jun;20(6):816-22. PMCID: PMC4085692
88. Roth JA, Bensink ME, O'Donnell PV, Fuchs EJ, Eapen M, Ramsey SD. Design of a cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a randomized trial of transplantation using umbilical cord blood versus HLA-haploidentical related bone marrow in advanced hematologic cancer. J Comp Eff Res. 2014 Mar;3(2):135-44. PMCID: PMC4036637
89. Eapen M, O'Donnell P, Brunstein CG, Wu J, Barowski K, Mendizabal A, Fuchs EJ. Mismatched related and unrelated donors for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for adults with hematologic malignancies. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014 Oct;20(10):1485-92. PMCID: PMC4163123
90. Ruggeri A, Labopin M, Sormani MP, Sanz G, Sanz J, Volt F, Michel G, Locatelli F, Diaz De Heredia C, O'Brien T, Arcese W, Iori AP, Querol S, Kogler G, Lecchi L, Pouthier F, Garnier F, Navarrete C, Baudoux E, Fernandes J, Kenzey C, Eapen M, Gluckman E, Rocha V, Saccardi R, Eurocord, Cord Blood Committee EBMT, Netcord. Engraftment kinetics and graft failure after single umbilical cord blood transplantation using a myeloablative conditioning regimen. Haematologica. 2014 Sep;99(9):1509-15. PMCID: PMC4562541
91. Törlén J, Ringdén O, Le Rademacher J, Batiwalla M, Chen J, Erkers T, Ho V, Kebriaei P, Keever-Taylor C, Kindwall-Keller T, Lazarus HM, Laughlin MJ, Lill M, O'Brien T, Perales MA, Rocha V, Savani BN, Szwajcer D, Valcarcel D, Eapen M. Low CD34 dose is associated with poor survival after reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014 Sep;20(9):1418-25. PMCID: PMC4127369
92. Kim SY, Le Rademacher J, Antin JH, Anderlini P, Ayas M, Battiwalla M, Carreras J, Kurtzberg J, Nakamura R, Eapen M, Deeg HJ. Myelodysplastic syndrome evolving from aplastic anemia treated with immunosuppressive therapy: efficacy of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Haematologica. 2014 Dec;99(12):1868-75. PMCID: PMC4258748
93. Gragert L, Eapen M, Williams E, Freeman J, Spellman S, Baitty R, Hartzman R, Rizzo JD, Horowitz M, Confer D, Maiers M. HLA match likelihoods for hematopoietic stem-cell grafts in the U.S. registry. N Engl J Med. 2014 Jul 24;371(4):339-48. PMCID: PMC5965695
94. Lund TC, Cathey SS, Miller WP, Eapen M, Andreansky M, Dvorak CC, Davis JH, Dalal JD, Devine SM, Eames GM, Ferguson WS, Giller RH, He W, Kurtzberg J, Krance R, Katsanis E, Lewis VA, Sahdev I, Orchard PJ. Outcomes after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for children with I-cell disease. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2014 Nov;20(11):1847-51. PMCID: PMC4194244
95. Eapen M, Logan BR, Appelbaum FR, Antin JH, Anasetti C, Couriel DR, Chen J, Maziarz RT, McCarthy PL, Nakamura R, Ratanatharathorn V, Vij R, Champlin RE. Long-term survival after transplantation of unrelated donor peripheral blood or bone marrow hematopoietic cells for hematologic malignancy. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2015 Jan;21(1):55-9. PMCID: PMC4272909
96. Eapen M. Unrelated donor transplantation: peripheral blood or bone marrow--does it matter? Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 2014;27(3-4):278-82.
97. Wagner JE Jr, Eapen M, Carter S, Wang Y, Schultz KR, Wall DA, Bunin N, Delaney C, Haut P, Margolis D, Peres E, Verneris MR, Walters M, Horowitz MM, Kurtzberg J, Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network. One-unit versus two-unit cord-blood transplantation for hematologic cancers. N Engl J Med. 2014 Oct 30;371(18):1685-94. PMCID: PMC4257059
98. Ballen KK, Logan BR, Laughlin MJ, He W, Ambruso DR, Armitage SE, Beddard RL, Bhatla D, Hwang WY, Kiss JE, Koegler G, Kurtzberg J, Nagler A, Oh D, Petz LD, Price TH, Quinones RR, Ratanatharathorn V, Rizzo JD, Sazama K, Scaradavou A, Schuster MW, Sender LS, Shpall EJ, Spellman SR, Sutton M, Weitekamp LA, Wingard JR, Eapen M. Effect of cord blood processing on transplantation outcomes after single myeloablative umbilical cord blood transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2015 Apr;21(4):688-95. PMCID: PMC4359657
99. Eapen M, Logan BR, Horowitz MM, Zhong X, Perales MA, Lee SJ, Rocha V, Soiffer RJ, Champlin RE. Bone marrow or peripheral blood for reduced-intensity conditioning unrelated donor transplantation. J Clin Oncol. 2015 Feb 01;33(4):364-9. PMCID: PMC4302216
100. Wagner JE Jr, Eapen M, Kurtzberg J. One-unit versus two-unit cord-blood transplantation. N Engl J Med. 2015 Jan 15;372(3):288.
101. Wagner JE Jr, Eapen M, Kurtzberg J. One-unit versus two-unit cord-blood transplantation. N Engl J Med. 2015 Jan 15;372(3):288.
102. Eapen M, Zhang MJ, Devidas M, Raetz E, Barredo JC, Ritchey AK, Godder K, Grupp S, Lewis VA, Malloy K, Carroll WL, Davies SM, Camitta BM, Children's Oncology Group, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Outcomes after HLA-matched sibling transplantation or chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a second remission after an isolated central nervous system relapse: a collaborative study of the Children's Oncology Group and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Leukemia. 2008 Feb;22(2):281-6.
103. Mehta PA, Zhang MJ, Eapen M, He W, Seber A, Gibson B, Camitta BM, Kitko CL, Dvorak CC, Nemecek ER, Frangoul HA, Abdel-Azim H, Kasow KA, Lehmann L, Gonzalez Vicent M, Diaz Pérez MA, Ayas M, Qayed M, Carpenter PA, Jodele S, Lund TC, Leung WH, Davies SM. Transplantation Outcomes for Children with Hypodiploid Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2015 Jul;21(7):1273-7. PMCID: PMC4465998
104. Eapen M. Hematopoietic cell transplantation for acute leukemia: selecting donors. Haematologica. 2015 Apr;100(4):414-5. PMCID: PMC4380712
105. Veys PA, Nanduri V, Baker KS, He W, Bandini G, Biondi A, Dalissier A, Davis JH, Eames GM, Egeler RM, Filipovich AH, Fischer A, Jürgens H, Krance R, Lanino E, Leung WH, Matthes S, Michel G, Orchard PJ, Pieczonka A, Ringdén O, Schlegel PG, Sirvent A, Vettenranta K, Eapen M. Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for refractory Langerhans cell histiocytosis: outcome by intensity of conditioning. Br J Haematol. 2015 Jun;169(5):711-8. PMCID: PMC4433436
106. Orchard PJ, Fasth AL, Le Rademacher J, He W, Boelens JJ, Horwitz EM, Al-Seraihy A, Ayas M, Bonfim CM, Boulad F, Lund T, Buchbinder DK, Kapoor N, O'Brien TA, Perez MA, Veys PA, Eapen M. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for infantile osteopetrosis. Blood. 2015 Jul 09;126(2):270-6. PMCID: PMC4497967
107. Gale RP, Eapen M. Who is the best alternative allotransplant donor? Bone Marrow Transplant. 2015 Jun;50 Suppl 2(0 2):S40-2. PMCID: PMC4520408
108. Ciurea SO, Zhang MJ, Bacigalupo AA, Bashey A, Appelbaum FR, Aljitawi OS, Armand P, Antin JH, Chen J, Devine SM, Fowler DH, Luznik L, Nakamura R, O'Donnell PV, Perales MA, Pingali SR, Porter DL, Riches MR, Ringdén OT, Rocha V, Vij R, Weisdorf DJ, Champlin RE, Horowitz MM, Fuchs EJ, Eapen M. Haploidentical transplant with posttransplant cyclophosphamide vs matched unrelated donor transplant for acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2015 Aug 20;126(8):1033-40. PMCID: PMC4543223
109. Ayas M, Eapen M, Le-Rademacher J, Carreras J, Abdel-Azim H, Alter BP, Anderlini P, Battiwalla M, Bierings M, Buchbinder DK, Bonfim C, Camitta BM, Fasth AL, Gale RP, Lee MA, Lund TC, Myers KC, Olsson RF, Page KM, Prestidge TD, Radhi M, Shah AJ, Schultz KR, Wirk B, Wagner JE, Deeg HJ. Second Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Patients with Fanconi Anemia and Bone Marrow Failure. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2015 Oct;21(10):1790-5. PMCID: PMC4568139
110. Ponce DM, Eapen M, Sparapani R, O'Brien TA, Chan KW, Chen J, Craddock J, Schultz KR, Wagner JE, Perales MA, Barker JN. In Vivo T Cell Depletion with Myeloablative Regimens on Outcomes after Cord Blood Transplantation for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2015 Dec;21(12):2173-2179. PMCID: PMC4639413
111. Pagliuca S, Gérard L, Kulasekararaj A, Eapen M, Boutboul D, Martin H, Salvino MA, Knol-Bout C, Dufour C, Peffault de Latour R, Marsh J. Characteristics and outcomes of aplastic anemia in HIV patients: a brief report from the severe aplastic anemia working party of the European Society of Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2016 Feb;51(2):313-5.
112. Kollman C, Spellman SR, Zhang MJ, Hassebroek A, Anasetti C, Antin JH, Champlin RE, Confer DL, DiPersio JF, Fernandez-Viña M, Hartzman RJ, Horowitz MM, Hurley CK, Karanes C, Maiers M, Mueller CR, Perales MA, Setterholm M, Woolfrey AE, Yu N, Eapen M. The effect of donor characteristics on survival after unrelated donor transplantation for hematologic malignancy. Blood. 2016 Jan 14;127(2):260-7. PMCID: PMC4713163
113. Anderlini P, Wu J, Gersten I, Ewell M, Tolar J, Antin JH, Adams R, Arai S, Eames G, Horwitz ME, McCarty J, Nakamura R, Pulsipher MA, Rowley S, Leifer E, Carter SL, DiFronzo NL, Horowitz MM, Confer D, Deeg HJ, Eapen M. Cyclophosphamide conditioning in patients with severe aplastic anaemia given unrelated marrow transplantation: a phase 1-2 dose de-escalation study. Lancet Haematol. 2015 Sep;2(9):e367-75. PMCID: PMC4861234
114. Rocha V, Ruggeri A, Spellman S, Wang T, Sobecks R, Locatelli F, Askar M, Michel G, Arcese W, Iori AP, Purtill D, Danby R, Sanz GF, Gluckman E, Eapen M, Eurocord, Cord Blood Committee Cellular Therapy Immunobiology Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Netcord, and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor-Ligand Matching and Outcomes after Unrelated Cord Blood Transplantation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2016 Jul;22(7):1284-1289. PMCID: PMC4915071
115. Bonfim C, Ribeiro L, Nichele S, Bitencourt M, Loth G, Koliski A, Funke VAM, Pilonetto DV, Pereira NF, Flowers MED, Velleuer E, Dietrich R, Fasth A, Torres-Pereira CC, Pedruzzi P, Eapen M, Pasquini R. Long-term Survival, Organ Function, and Malignancy after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Fanconi Anemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2016 Jul;22(7):1257-1263.
116. Rafii H, Ruggeri A, Volt F, Brunstein CG, Carreras J, Eapen M, Gluckman E, Weisdorf DJ. Changing Trends of Unrelated Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation for Hematologic Diseases in Patients Older than Fifty Years: A Eurocord-Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research Survey. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2016 Sep;22(9):1717-1720.
117. Kim HT, Zhang MJ, Woolfrey AE, St Martin A, Chen J, Saber W, Perales MA, Armand P, Eapen M. Donor and recipient sex in allogeneic stem cell transplantation: what really matters. Haematologica. 2016 Oct;101(10):1260-1266. PMCID: PMC5046656
118. O'Donnell PV, Eapen M, Horowitz MM, Logan BR, DiGilio A, Brunstein C, Fuchs EJ, Flowers ME, Salit R, Raj K, Pagliuca A, Bradstock K, Granata A, Castagna L, Furst S, Blaise D. Comparable outcomes with marrow or peripheral blood as stem cell sources for hematopoietic cell transplantation from haploidentical donors after non-ablative conditioning: a matched-pair analysis. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2016 Dec;51(12):1599-1601. PMCID: PMC5143194
119. Magenau J, Westervelt P, Khaled S, McGuirk J, Hari P, Eapen M, Becker PS, Parkin B, Braun T, Logan B, Wang H, Jagasia M, Rowley SD, Kim DD, Schechter T, Frey N, Scott B, Churay T, Lieland S, Forman S, Mineishi S. A multicenter trial of myeloablative clofarabine and busulfan conditioning for relapsed or primary induction failure AML not in remission at the time of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2017 Jan;52(1):59-65. PMCID: PMC5215562
120. Bonfim C, Ribeiro L, Nichele S, Loth G, Bitencourt M, Koliski A, Kuwahara C, Fabro AL, Pereira NF, Pilonetto D, Thakar M, Kiem HP, Page K, Fuchs EJ, Eapen M, Pasquini R. Haploidentical Bone Marrow Transplantation with Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide for Children and Adolescents with Fanconi Anemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Feb;23(2):310-317.
121. Shenoy S, Eapen M, Panepinto JA, Logan BR, Wu J, Abraham A, Brochstein J, Chaudhury S, Godder K, Haight AE, Kasow KA, Leung K, Andreansky M, Bhatia M, Dalal J, Haines H, Jaroscak J, Lazarus HM, Levine JE, Krishnamurti L, Margolis D, Megason GC, Yu LC, Pulsipher MA, Gersten I, DiFronzo N, Horowitz MM, Walters MC, Kamani N. A trial of unrelated donor marrow transplantation for children with severe sickle cell disease. Blood. 2016 Nov 24;128(21):2561-2567. PMCID: PMC5123194
122. Gluckman E, Cappelli B, Bernaudin F, Labopin M, Volt F, Carreras J, Pinto Simões B, Ferster A, Dupont S, de la Fuente J, Dalle JH, Zecca M, Walters MC, Krishnamurti L, Bhatia M, Leung K, Yanik G, Kurtzberg J, Dhedin N, Kuentz M, Michel G, Apperley J, Lutz P, Neven B, Bertrand Y, Vannier JP, Ayas M, Cavazzana M, Matthes-Martin S, Rocha V, Elayoubi H, Kenzey C, Bader P, Locatelli F, Ruggeri A, Eapen M, Eurocord, the Pediatric Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Sickle cell disease: an international survey of results of HLA-identical sibling hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Blood. 2017 Mar 16;129(11):1548-1556. PMCID: PMC5356458
123. Weisdorf DJ, Millard HR, Horowitz MM, Hyare PS, Champlin R, Ho V, Mielcarek M, Rezvani A, Stockerl-Goldstein K, Khoury HJ, De Lima M, Saber W, Sandmaier B, Zhang MJ, Eapen M. Allogeneic transplantation for advanced acute myeloid leukemia: The value of complete remission. Cancer. 2017 Jun 01;123(11):2025-2034. PMCID: PMC5445001
124. Brunstein C, Zhang MJ, Barker J, St Martin A, Bashey A, de Lima M, Dehn J, Hematti P, Perales MA, Rocha V, Territo M, Weisdorf D, Eapen M. The effect of inter-unit HLA matching in double umbilical cord blood transplantation for acute leukemia. Haematologica. 2017 May;102(5):941-947. PMCID: PMC5477613
125. Ustun C, Giannotti F, Zhang MJ, Wang HL, Brunstein C, Labopin M, Rocha V, de Lima M, Baron F, Sandmaier BM, Eapen M, Gluckman E, Nagler A, Weisdorf DJ, Ruggeri A. Outcomes of UCB transplantation are comparable in FLT3+ AML: results of CIBMTR, EUROCORD and EBMT collaborative analysis. Leukemia. 2017 Jun;31(6):1408-1414. PMCID: PMC5462854
126. Kekre N, Zhang Y, Zhang MJ, Carreras J, Ahmed P, Anderlini P, Atta EH, Ayas M, Boelens JJ, Bonfim C, Deeg HJ, Kapoor N, Lee JW, Nakamura R, Pulsipher MA, Eapen M, Antin JH. Effect of antithymocyte globulin source on outcomes of bone marrow transplantation for severe aplastic anemia. Haematologica. 2017 Jul;102(7):1291-1298. PMCID: PMC5566045
127. Slack J, Albert MH, Balashov D, Belohradsky BH, Bertaina A, Bleesing J, Booth C, Buechner J, Buckley RH, Ouachée-Chardin M, Deripapa E, Drabko K, Eapen M, Feuchtinger T, Finocchi A, Gaspar HB, Ghosh S, Gillio A, Gonzalez-Granado LI, Grunebaum E, Güngör T, Heilmann C, Helminen M, Higuchi K, Imai K, Kalwak K, Kanazawa N, Karasu G, Kucuk ZY, Laberko A, Lange A, Mahlaoui N, Meisel R, Moshous D, Muramatsu H, Parikh S, Pasic S, Schmid I, Schuetz C, Schulz A, Schultz KR, Shaw PJ, Slatter MA, Sykora KW, Tamura S, Taskinen M, Wawer A, Wolska-Kuśnierz B, Cowan MJ, Fischer A, Gennery AR, Inborn Errors Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation and the European Society for Immunodeficiencies, Stem Cell Transplant for Immunodeficiencies in Europe (SCETIDE), Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, Primary Immunodeficiency Treatment Consortium. Outcome of hematopoietic cell transplantation for DNA double-strand break repair disorders. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 Jan;141(1):322-328.e10. PMCID: PMC5632132
128. Bitan M, Ahn KW, Millard HR, Pulsipher MA, Abdel-Azim H, Auletta JJ, Brown V, Chan KW, Diaz MA, Dietz A, Vincent MG, Guilcher G, Hale GA, Hayashi RJ, Keating A, Mehta P, Myers K, Page K, Prestidge T, Shah NN, Smith AR, Woolfrey A, Thiel E, Davies SM, Eapen M. Personalized Prognostic Risk Score for Long-Term Survival for Children with Acute Leukemia after Allogeneic Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Sep;23(9):1523-1530. PMCID: PMC5683075
129. Eapen M. HCT for SCID: one size does not fit all. Blood. 2017 May 25;129(21):2826-2827.
130. Eapen M, Wang T, Veys PA, Boelens JJ, St Martin A, Spellman S, Bonfim CS, Brady C, Cant AJ, Dalle JH, Davies SM, Freeman J, Hsu KC, Fleischhauer K, Kenzey C, Kurtzberg J, Michel G, Orchard PJ, Paviglianiti A, Rocha V, Veneris MR, Volt F, Wynn R, Lee SJ, Horowitz MM, Gluckman E, Ruggeri A. Allele-level HLA matching for umbilical cord blood transplantation for non-malignant diseases in children: a retrospective analysis. Lancet Haematol. 2017 Jul;4(7):e325-e333. PMCID: PMC5699478
131. Eapen M, Kurtzberg J, Zhang MJ, Hattersely G, Fei M, Mendizabal A, Chan KW, De Oliveira S, Schultz KR, Wall D, Horowitz MM, Wagner JE. Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation in Children with Acute Leukemia: Impact of Conditioning on Transplantation Outcomes. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Oct;23(10):1714-1721. PMCID: PMC5605440
132. Bashey A, Zhang MJ, McCurdy SR, St Martin A, Argall T, Anasetti C, Ciurea SO, Fasan O, Gaballa S, Hamadani M, Munshi P, Al Malki MM, Nakamura R, O'Donnell PV, Perales MA, Raj K, Romee R, Rowley S, Rocha V, Salit RB, Solh M, Soiffer RJ, Fuchs EJ, Eapen M. Mobilized Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Versus Unstimulated Bone Marrow As a Graft Source for T-Cell-Replete Haploidentical Donor Transplantation Using Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide. J Clin Oncol. 2017 Sep 10;35(26):3002-3009. PMCID: PMC5590802
133. Abraham A, Hsieh M, Eapen M, Fitzhugh C, Carreras J, Keesler D, Guilcher G, Kamani N, Walters MC, Boelens JJ, Tisdale J, Shenoy S, National Institutes of Health, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Relationship between Mixed Donor-Recipient Chimerism and Disease Recurrence after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Sickle Cell Disease. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Dec;23(12):2178-2183. PMCID: PMC5782809
134. Eapen M. Relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Is it crucial to achieve molecular remission prior to transplant? Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 2017 Dec;30(4):317-319.
135. Stiff PJ, Montesinos P, Peled T, Landau E, Goudsmid NR, Mandel J, Hasson N, Olesinski E, Glukhman E, Snyder DA, Cohen EG, Kidron OS, Bracha D, Harati D, Ben-Abu K, Freind E, Freedman LS, Cohen YC, Olmer L, Barishev R, Rocha V, Gluckman E, Horowitz MM, Eapen M, Nagler A, Sanz G. Cohort-Controlled Comparison of Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Using Carlecortemcel-L, a Single Progenitor-Enriched Cord Blood, to Double Cord Blood Unit Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2018 Jul;24(7):1463-1470. PMCID: PMC6045964
136. McCurdy SR, Zhang MJ, St Martin A, Al Malki MM, Bashey A, Gaballa S, Keesler DA, Hamadani M, Norkin M, Perales MA, Reshef R, Rocha V, Romee R, Solh M, Urbano-Ispizua A, Waller EK, Fuchs EJ, Eapen M. Effect of donor characteristics on haploidentical transplantation with posttransplantation cyclophosphamide. Blood Adv. 2018 Feb 13;2(3):299-307. PMCID: PMC5812334
137. Drobyski WR, Szabo A, Zhu F, Keever-Taylor C, Hebert KM, Dunn R, Yim S, Johnson B, D'Souza A, Eapen M, Fenske TS, Hari P, Hamadani M, Horowitz MM, Rizzo JD, Saber W, Shah N, Shaw B, Pasquini M. Tocilizumab, tacrolimus and methotrexate for the prevention of acute graft-<i>versus</i>-host disease: low incidence of lower gastrointestinal tract disease. Haematologica. 2018 Apr;103(4):717-727. PMCID: PMC5865423
138. Allen CE, Marsh R, Dawson P, Bollard CM, Shenoy S, Roehrs P, Hanna R, Burroughs L, Kean L, Talano JA, Schultz KR, Pai SY, Baker KS, Andolina JR, Stenger EO, Connelly J, Ramirez A, Bryant C, Eapen M, Pulsipher MA. Reduced-intensity conditioning for hematopoietic cell transplant for HLH and primary immune deficiencies. Blood. 2018 Sep 27;132(13):1438-1451. PMCID: PMC6161764
139. Eapen M. Surviving childhood cancer: a sobering story. Blood. 2018 Jun 14;131(24):2603-2604.
140. Robinson TM, Fuchs EJ, Zhang MJ, St Martin A, Labopin M, Keesler DA, Blaise D, Bashey A, Bourhis JH, Ciceri F, Ciurea SO, Devine SM, Mohty M, McCurdy SR, Milpied N, McNiece IK, Rocha V, Romee R, Socie G, Yakoub-Agha I, Soiffer RJ, Eapen M, Nagler A, Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplant and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Related donor transplants: has posttransplantation cyclophosphamide nullified the detrimental effect of HLA mismatch? Blood Adv. 2018 Jun 12;2(11):1180-1186. PMCID: PMC5998932
141. Eapen M. Is a matched sibling the ideal donor for hematopoietic cell transplant? Haematologica. 2018 Aug;103(8):1251-1252. PMCID: PMC6068016
142. Eapen M, Brazauskas R, Hemmer M, Perez WS, Steinert P, Horowitz MM, Deeg HJ. Hematopoietic cell transplant for acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome: conditioning regimen intensity. Blood Adv. 2018 Aug 28;2(16):2095-2103. PMCID: PMC6113615
143. Slack J, Albert MH, Balashov D, Belohradsky BH, Bertaina A, Bleesing J, Booth C, Buechner J, Buckley RH, Ouachée-Chardin M, Deripapa E, Drabko K, Eapen M, Feuchtinger T, Finocchi A, Gaspar HB, Ghosh S, Gillio A, Gonzalez-Granado LI, Grunebaum E, Güngör T, Heilmann C, Helminen M, Higuchi K, Imai K, Kalwak K, Kanazawa N, Karasu G, Kucuk ZY, Laberko A, Lange A, Mahlaoui N, Meisel R, Moshous D, Muramatsu H, Parikh S, Pasic S, Schmid I, Schuetz C, Schulz A, Schultz KR, Shaw PJ, Slatter MA, Sykora KW, Tamura S, Taskinen M, Wawer A, Wolska-Kuśnierz B, Cowan MJ, Fischer A, Gennery AR, Inborn Errors Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation and the European Society for Immunodeficiencies, Stem Cell Transplant for Immunodeficiencies in Europe (SCETIDE), Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, Primary Immunodeficiency Treatment Consortium. Outcome of hematopoietic cell transplantation for DNA double-strand break repair disorders. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 Jan;141(1):322-328.e10. PMCID: PMC5632132
144. Rice C, Eikema DJ, Marsh JCW, Knol C, Hebert K, Putter H, Peterson E, Deeg HJ, Halkes S, Pidala J, Anderlini P, Tischer J, Kroger N, McDonald A, Antin JH, Schaap NP, Hallek M, Einsele H, Mathews V, Kapoor N, Boelens JJ, Mufti GJ, Potter V, Pefault de la Tour R, Eapen M, Dufour C. Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Patients Aged 50Years or Older with Severe Aplastic Anemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2019 Mar;25(3):488-495. PMCID: PMC6401340
145. Marsh RA, Hebert KM, Keesler D, Boelens JJ, Dvorak CC, Eckrich MJ, Kapoor N, Parikh S, Eapen M. Practice pattern changes and improvements in hematopoietic cell transplantation for primary immunodeficiencies. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 Dec;142(6):2004-2007. PMCID: PMC6289686
146. Keesler DA, St Martin A, Bonfim C, Seber A, Zhang MJ, Eapen M. Bone Marrow versus Peripheral Blood from Unrelated Donors for Children and Adolescents with Acute Leukemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2018 Dec;24(12):2487-2492. PMCID: PMC6286246
147. Lund TC, Ahn KW, Tecca HR, Hilgers MV, Abdel-Azim H, Abraham A, Diaz MA, Badawy SM, Broglie L, Brown V, Dvorak CC, Gonzalez-Vicent M, Hashem H, Hayashi RJ, Jacobsohn DA, Kent MW, Li CK, Margossian SP, Martin PL, Mehta P, Myers K, Olsson R, Page K, Pulsipher MA, Shaw PJ, Smith AR, Triplett BM, Verneris MR, Eapen M. Outcomes after Second Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Children and Young Adults with Relapsed Acute Leukemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2019 Feb;25(2):301-306. PMCID: PMC6339844
148. Sohal SS, Eapen MS, Naidu VGM, Sharma P. IQOS exposure impairs human airway cell homeostasis: direct comparison with traditional cigarette and e-cigarette. ERJ Open Res. 2019 Feb;5(1). PMCID: PMC6368999
149. Dreger P, Sureda A, Ahn KW, Eapen M, Litovich C, Finel H, Boumendil A, Gopal A, Herrera AF, Schmid C, Diez-Martin JL, Fuchs E, Bolaños-Meade J, Gooptu M, Al Malki MM, Castagna L, Ciurea SO, Dominietto A, Blaise D, Ciceri F, Tischer J, Corradini P, Montoto S, Robinson S, Gülbas Z, Hamadani M. PTCy-based haploidentical vs matched related or unrelated donor reduced-intensity conditioning transplant for DLBCL. Blood Adv. 2019 Feb 12;3(3):360-369. PMCID: PMC6373757
150. Eapen M. In-vivo T-cell depletion: burden of morbidity versus survival. Lancet Haematol. 2019 Feb;6(2):e63-e64.
151. King AA, McKinstry RC, Wu J, Eapen M, Abel R, Varughese T, Kamani N, Shenoy S. Functional and Radiologic Assessment of the Brain after Reduced-Intensity Unrelated Donor Transplantation for Severe Sickle Cell Disease: Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network Study 0601. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2019 May;25(5):e174-e178. PMCID: PMC6511327
152. Perales MA, Tomlinson B, Zhang MJ, St Martin A, Beitinjaneh A, Gibson J, Hogan W, Kekre N, Lazarus H, Marks D, McGuirk J, Romee R, Solh M, Wagner JE, Weisdorf DJ, de Lima M, Eapen M. Alternative donor transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia in patients aged ≥50 years: young HLA-matched unrelated or haploidentical donor? Haematologica. 2020;105(2):407-413. PMCID: PMC7012481
153. Dehn J, Spellman S, Hurley CK, Shaw BE, Barker JN, Burns LJ, Confer DL, Eapen M, Fernandez-Vina M, Hartzman R, Maiers M, Marino SR, Mueller C, Perales MA, Rajalingam R, Pidala J. Selection of unrelated donors and cord blood units for hematopoietic cell transplantation: guidelines from the NMDP/CIBMTR. Blood. 2019 Sep 19;134(12):924-934. PMCID: PMC6753623
154. Eapen M, Brazauskas R, Walters MC, Bernaudin F, Bo-Subait K, Fitzhugh CD, Hankins JS, Kanter J, Meerpohl JJ, Bolaños-Meade J, Panepinto JA, Rondelli D, Shenoy S, Williamson J, Woolford TL, Gluckman E, Wagner JE, Tisdale JF. Effect of donor type and conditioning regimen intensity on allogeneic transplantation outcomes in patients with sickle cell disease: a retrospective multicentre, cohort study. Lancet Haematol. 2019 Nov;6(11):e585-e596. PMCID: PMC6813907
155. Li C, Mathews V, Kim S, George B, Hebert K, Jiang H, Li C, Zhu Y, Keesler DA, Boelens JJ, Dvorak CC, Agarwal R, Auletta JJ, Goyal RK, Hanna R, Kasow K, Shenoy S, Smith AR, Walters MC, Eapen M. Related and unrelated donor transplantation for β-thalassemia major: results of an international survey. Blood Adv. 2019 Sep 10;3(17):2562-2570. PMCID: PMC6737407
156. Solomon SR, St Martin A, Shah NN, Fatobene G, Al Malki MM, Ballen KK, Bashey A, Bejanyan N, Bolaños Meade J, Brunstein CG, DeFilipp Z, Champlin RE, Fuchs EJ, Hamadani M, Hematti P, Kanakry CG, McGuirk JP, McNiece IK, Ciurea SO, Pasquini MC, Rocha V, Romee R, Patel SS, Vasu S, Waller EK, Wingard JR, Zhang MJ, Eapen M. Myeloablative vs reduced intensity T-cell-replete haploidentical transplantation for hematologic malignancy. Blood Adv. 2019 Oct 08;3(19):2836-2844. PMCID: PMC6784523
157. Bejanyan N, Kim S, Hebert KM, Kekre N, Abdel-Azim H, Ahmed I, Aljurf M, Badawy SM, Beitinjaneh A, Boelens JJ, Diaz MA, Dvorak CC, Gadalla S, Gajewski J, Gale RP, Ganguly S, Gennery AR, George B, Gergis U, Gómez-Almaguer D, Vicent MG, Hashem H, Kamble RT, Kasow KA, Lazarus HM, Mathews V, Orchard PJ, Pulsipher M, Ringden O, Schultz K, Teira P, Woolfrey AE, Saldaña BD, Savani B, Winiarski J, Yared J, Weisdorf DJ, Antin JH, Eapen M. Choice of conditioning regimens for bone marrow transplantation in severe aplastic anemia. Blood Adv. 2019 Oct 22;3(20):3123-3131. PMCID: PMC6849938
158. Eapen M. A resurgence of cord blood transplantation? Lancet Haematol. 2020 Feb;7(2):e89-e90.
159. Eapen M, Zhang MJ, Tang XY, Lee SJ, Fei MW, Wang HL, Hebert KM, Arora M, Chhabra S, Devine SM, Hamadani M, D'Souza A, Pasquini MC, Phelan R, Rizzo JD, Saber W, Shaw BE, Weisdorf DJ, Horowitz MM. Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation with Cryopreserved Grafts for Severe Aplastic Anemia. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020 Jul;26(7):e161-e166. PMCID: PMC7206419
160. Fatobene G, Rocha V, St Martin A, Hamadani M, Robinson S, Bashey A, Boumendil A, Brunstein C, Castagna L, Dominietto A, Finel H, Chalandon Y, Kenzey C, Kharfan-Dabaja M, Labussière-Wallet H, Moraleda JM, Pastano R, Perales MA, El Ayoubi HR, Ruggeri A, Sureda A, Volt F, Yakoub-Agha I, Zhang MJ, Gluckman E, Montoto S, Eapen M. Nonmyeloablative Alternative Donor Transplantation for Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: From the LWP-EBMT, Eurocord, and CIBMTR. J Clin Oncol. 2020 May 10;38(14):1518-1526. PMCID: PMC7213591
161. D'Souza A, Fretham C, Lee SJ, Arora M, Brunner J, Chhabra S, Devine S, Eapen M, Hamadani M, Hari P, Pasquini MC, Perez W, Phelan RA, Riches ML, Rizzo JD, Saber W, Shaw BE, Spellman SR, Steinert P, Weisdorf DJ, Horowitz MM. Current Use of and Trends in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in the United States. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020 Aug;26(8):e177-e182. PMCID: PMC7404814
162. Myers K, Hebert K, Antin J, Boulad F, Burroughs L, Hofmann I, Kamble R, MacMillan ML, Eapen M. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020 Aug;26(8):1446-1451. PMCID: PMC7371524
163. Dandoy CE, Davies SM, Woo Ahn K, He Y, Kolb AE, Levine J, Bo-Subait S, Abdel-Azim H, Bhatt N, Chewning J, Gadalla S, Gloude N, Hayashi R, Lalefar NR, Law J, MacMillan M, O'Brien T, Prestidge T, Sharma A, Shaw P, Winestone L, Eapen M. Comparison of total body irradiation <i>versus</i> non-total body irradiation containing regimens for de novo acute myeloid leukemia in children. Haematologica. 2021 Jul 01;106(7):1839-1845. PMCID: PMC8252927
164. Brazauskas R, Scigliuolo GM, Wang HL, Cappelli B, Ruggeri A, Fitzhugh CD, Hankins JS, Kanter J, Meerpohl JJ, Panepinto JA, Rondelli D, Shenoy S, Walters MC, Wagner JE, Tisdale JF, Gluckman E, Eapen M. Risk score to predict event-free survival after hematopoietic cell transplant for sickle cell disease. Blood. 2020 Jul 30;136(5):623-626. PMCID: PMC7393258
165. Solomon SR, Martin AS, Zhang MJ, Ballen K, Bashey A, Battiwalla M, Baxter-Lowe LA, Brunstein C, Chhabra S, Perez MAD, Fuchs EJ, Ganguly S, Hardy N, Hematti P, McGuirk J, Peres E, Ringden O, Rizzieri D, Romee R, Solh M, Szwajcer D, van der Poel M, Waller E, William BM, Eapen M. Optimal Donor for African Americans with Hematologic Malignancy: HLA-Haploidentical Relative or Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020 Oct;26(10):1930-1936. PMCID: PMC7530013
166. Fuchs EJ, O'Donnell PV, Eapen M, Logan BR, Antin JH, Dawson P, Devine SM, Horowitz MM, Horwitz ME, Karanes C, Leifer E, Magenau JM, McGuirk JP, Morris LE, Rezvani AR, Jones RJ, Brunstein CG. Double unrelated umbilical cord blood versus HLA-haploidentical bone marrow transplantation (BMT CTN 1101). Blood. 2020 Aug 31.
167. George G, Martin AS, Chhabra S, Eapen M. The Effect of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Use on Hospital Length of Stay after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020 Dec;26(12):2359-2364. PMCID: PMC7686090
168. Wolska-Kusnierz B, Pastorczak A, Fendler W, Wakulinska A, Dembowska-Baginska B, Heropolitanska-Pliszka E, Piątosa B, Pietrucha B, Kałwak K, Ussowicz M, Pieczonka A, Drabko K, Lejman M, Koltan S, Gozdzik J, Styczynski J, Fedorova A, Miakova N, Deripapa E, Kostyuchenko L, Krenova Z, Hlavackova E, Gennery AR, Sykora KW, Ghosh S, Albert MH, Balashov D, Eapen M, Svec P, Seidel MG, Kilic SS, Tomaszewska A, Wiesik-Szewczyk E, Kreins A, Greil J, Buechner J, Lund B, Gregorek H, Chrzanowska K, Mlynarski W. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Positively Affects the Natural History of Cancer in Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 Jan 15;27(2):575-584.
169. Qayed M, Ahn KW, Kitko CL, Johnson MH, Shah NN, Dvorak C, Mellgren K, Friend BD, Verneris MR, Leung W, Toporski J, Levine J, Chewning J, Wayne A, Kapoor U, Triplett B, Schultz KR, Yanik GA, Eapen M. A validated pediatric disease risk index for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Blood. 2021 Feb 18;137(7):983-993. PMCID: PMC7918183
170. Grunwald MR, Zhang MJ, Elmariah H, Johnson MH, St Martin A, Bashey A, Battiwalla M, Bredeson CN, Copelan E, Cutler CS, George BR, Gupta V, Kanakry C, Mehta RS, Milano F, Mussetti A, Nakamura R, Nishihori T, Saber W, Solh M, Weisdorf DJ, Eapen M. Alternative donor transplantation for myelodysplastic syndromes: haploidentical relative and matched unrelated donors. Blood Adv. 2021 Feb 23;5(4):975-983. PMCID: PMC7903230
171. Fuchs EJ, O'Donnell PV, Eapen M, Logan B, Antin JH, Dawson P, Devine S, Horowitz MM, Horwitz ME, Karanes C, Leifer E, Magenau JM, McGuirk JP, Morris LE, Rezvani AR, Jones RJ, Brunstein CG. Double unrelated umbilical cord blood vs HLA-haploidentical bone marrow transplantation: the BMT CTN 1101 trial. Blood. 2021 Jan 21;137(3):420-428. PMCID: PMC7819761
172. Wieduwilt MJ, Stock W, Advani A, Luger S, Larson RA, Tallman M, Appelbaum F, Zhang MJ, Bo-Subait K, Wang HL, Bhatt VR, Dholaria B, Eapen M, Hamadani M, Jamy O, Prestidge T, Pulsipher M, Ritchie D, Rizzieri D, Sharma A, Barba P, Sandmaier BM, de Lima M, Kebriaei P, Litzow M, Saber W, Weisdorf D. Superior survival with pediatric-style chemotherapy compared to myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in older adolescents and young adults with Ph-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia in first complete remission: analysis from CALGB 10403 and the CIBMTR. Leukemia. 2021 Jul;35(7):2076-2085. PMCID: PMC8257494
173. Gooptu M, Romee R, St Martin A, Arora M, Al Malki MM, Antin JH, Bredeson CN, Brunstein CG, Chhabra S, Fuchs EJ, Ghosh N, Grunwald MR, Kanakry CG, Kekre N, McGuirk JP, McNiece I, Mehta RS, Mielcarek M, Milano F, Modi D, Reshef R, Solomon SR, Schroeder MA, Waller EK, Inamoto Y, Soiffer RJ, Eapen M. HLA Haploidentical versus Matched Unrelated Donor Transplants with Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide based prophylaxis. Blood. 2021 Apr 13.
174. D'Souza A, Fretham C, Lee SJ, Arora M, Brunner J, Chhabra S, Devine S, Eapen M, Hamadani M, Hari P, Pasquini MC, Perez W, Phelan RA, Riches ML, Rizzo JD, Saber W, Shaw BE, Spellman SR, Steinert P, Weisdorf DJ, Horowitz MM. Corrigendum to ‘Current Use and Trends in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in the United States’ [Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 26/8 (2020) e177-e182] (Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (2020) 26/8(e177-e182) (S1083879120302251), (10.1016/j.bbmt.2020.04.013)) Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. 2021.
175. Wieduwilt MJ, Stock W, Advani A, Luger S, Larson RA, Tallman M, Appelbaum F, Zhang MJ, Bo-Subait K, Wang HL, Bhatt VR, Dholaria B, Eapen M, Hamadani M, Jamy O, Prestidge T, Pulsipher M, Ritchie D, Rizzieri D, Sharma A, Barba P, Sandmaier BM, de Lima M, Kebriaei P, Litzow M, Saber W, Weisdorf D. Correction: Superior survival with pediatric-style chemotherapy compared to myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in older adolescents and young adults with Ph-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia in first complete remission: analysis from CALGB 10403 and the CIBMTR. Leukemia. 2021 Jul;35(7):2140. PMCID: PMC8329698
176. Gooptu M, Romee R, St Martin A, Arora M, Al Malki M, Antin JH, Bredeson CN, Brunstein CG, Chhabra S, Fuchs EJ, Ghosh N, Grunwald MR, Kanakry CG, Kekre N, McGuirk JP, McNiece IK, Mehta RS, Mielcarek M, Milano F, Modi D, Reshef R, Solomon SR, Schroeder MA, Waller EK, Inamoto Y, Soiffer RJ, Eapen M. HLA-haploidentical vs matched unrelated donor transplants with posttransplant cyclophosphamide-based prophylaxis. Blood. 2021 Jul 22;138(3):273-282. PMCID: PMC8310426
177. Brunstein CG, DeFor TE, Fuchs EJ, Karanes C, McGuirk JP, Rezvani AR, Eapen M, O'Donnell PV, Weisdorf DJ, Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network. Engraftment of Double Cord Blood Transplantation after Nonmyeloablative Conditioning with Escalated Total Body Irradiation Dosing to Facilitate Engraftment in Immunocompetent Patients. Transplant Cell Ther. 2021 Oct;27(10):879.e1-879.e3. PMCID: PMC8858593
178. Marsh RA, Hebert K, Kim S, Dvorak CC, Aquino VM, Baker KS, Chellapandian D, Dávila Saldaña B, Duncan CN, Eckrich MJ, Georges GE, Olson TS, Pulsipher MA, Shenoy S, Stenger E, Lugt MV, Yu LC, Gennery AR, Eapen M. Comparison of hematopoietic cell transplant conditioning regimens for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis disorders. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 Mar;149(3):1097-1104.e2. PMCID: PMC8821728
179. Orfali N, Zhang MJ, Allbee-Johnson M, Boelens JJ, Artz AS, Brunstein CG, McNiece IK, Milano F, Abid MB, Chee L, Diaz MA, Grunwald MR, Hematti P, Hsu J, Lazarus HM, Munshi PN, Prestidge T, Ringden O, Rizzieri D, Riches ML, Seo S, Solh M, Solomon S, Szwajcer D, Yared J, van Besien K, Eapen M. Planned Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Adversely Impacts Survival after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Performed with Thymoglobulin for Myeloid Malignancy. Transplant Cell Ther. 2021 Dec;27(12):993.e1-993.e8. PMCID: PMC8671234
180. Wagner JE, Ballen KK, Zhang MJ, Allbee-Johnson M, Karanes C, Milano F, Verneris MR, Eapen M, Brunstein CG. Comparison of haploidentical and umbilical cord blood transplantation after myeloablative conditioning. Blood Adv. 2021 Oct 26;5(20):4064-4072. PMCID: PMC8945645
181. Heslop HE, Stadtmauer EA, Levine JE, Ballen KK, Chen YB, DeZern AE, Eapen M, Hamadani M, Hamilton BK, Hari P, Jones RJ, Logan BR, Kean LS, Leifer ES, Locke FL, Maziarz RT, Nemecek ER, Pasquini M, Phelan R, Riches ML, Shaw BE, Walters MC, Foley A, Devine SM, Horowitz MM. Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network State of the Science Symposium 2021: Looking Forward as the Network Celebrates its 20th Year. Transplant Cell Ther. 2021 Nov;27(11):885-907. PMCID: PMC8556300
182. Eapen M. Since everyone has a donor, why are some eligible patients still not transplanted? Best Practice and Research: Clinical Haematology. 2021.
183. Eapen M. Since everyone has a donor, why are some eligible patients still not transplanted? Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 2021 Dec;34(4):101321.
184. O'Donnell PV, Brunstein CG, Fuchs EJ, Zhang MJ, Allbee-Johnson M, Antin JH, Leifer ES, Elmariah H, Grunwald MR, Hashmi H, Horowitz MM, Magenau JM, Majhail N, Milano F, Morris LE, Rezvani AR, McGuirk JP, Jones RJ, Eapen M. Umbilical Cord Blood or HLA-Haploidentical Transplantation: Real-World Outcomes versus Randomized Trial Outcomes. Transplant Cell Ther. 2022 Feb;28(2):109.e1-109.e8. PMCID: PMC8882346
185. Cancio M, Hebert K, Kim S, Aljurf M, Olson T, Anderson E, Burroughs L, Vatsayan A, Myers K, Hashem H, Hanna R, Horn B, Prestidge T, Boelens JJ, Boulad F, Eapen M. Outcomes in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia. Transplant Cell Ther. 2022 Feb;28(2):101.e1-101.e6. PMCID: PMC8816844
186. Mary Eapen, Joanne Kurtzberg, Mei-Jie Zhang, Gareth Hattersely, Mingwei Fei, Adam Mendizabal, Ka Wah Chan, Satiro De Oliveira, Kirk R Schultz, Donna Wall, Mary M Horowitz, John E Wagner. Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation in Children with Acute Leukemia: Impact of Conditioning on Transplantation Outcomes Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. Eapen M, Kurtzberg J, Zhang MJ, Hattersely G, Fei M, Mendizabal A, Chan KW, De Oliveira S, Schultz KR, Wall D, Horowitz MM, Wagner JE. Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation in Child.
187. Eapen M, Kurtzberg J, Zhang MJ, Hattersely G, Fei M, Mendizabal A, Chan KW, De Oliveira S, Schultz KR, Wall D, Horowitz MM, Wagner JE. Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation in Children with Acute Leukemia: Impact of Conditioning on Transplantation Outcomes. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Oct;23(10):1714-1721. PMCID: PMC5605440
188. Phelan R, Chen M, Bupp C, Bolon YT, Broglie L, Brunner-Grady J, Burns LJ, Chhabra S, Christianson D, Cusatis R, Devine SM, D'Souza A, Eapen M, Hamadani M, Hengen M, Lee SJ, Moskop A, Page KM, Pasquini M, Pérez WS, Riches M, Rizzo D, Saber W, Spellman SR, Stefanski HE, Steinert P, Weisdorf D, Horowitz M, Auletta JJ, Shaw BE, Arora M. Updated Trends in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in the United States with an Additional Focus on Adolescent and Young Adult Transplantation Activity and Outcomes. Transplant Cell Ther. 2022 Jul;28(7):409.e1-409.e10. PMCID: PMC9840526
189. Brunstein CG, O'Donnell PV, Logan B, Dawson P, Costa L, Cutler C, Craig M, Hogan W, Horowitz MM, Horwitz ME, Karanes C, Magenau JM, Malone A, McCarty J, McGuirk JP, Morris LE, Rezvani AR, Salit R, Vasu S, Eapen M, Fuchs EJ, Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network. Impact of Center Experience with Donor Type on Outcomes: A Secondary Analysis, Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network 1101Open for Accrual June 2012Open for Accrual June 2012. Transplant Cell Ther. 2022 Jul;28(7):406.e1-406.e6. PMCID: PMC9253061
190. St Martin A, Hebert KM, Serret-Larmande A, Jouhet V, Hughes E, Stedman J, DeSain T, Pillion D, Lyons JC, Steinert P, Avillach P, Eapen M. Long-term Survival after Hematopoietic Cell Transplant for Sickle Cell Disease Compared to the United States Population. Transplant Cell Ther. 2022 Jun;28(6):325.e1-325.e7. PMCID: PMC9198002
191. DeZern AE, Eapen M, Wu J, Talano JA, Solh M, Dávila Saldaña BJ, Karanes C, Horwitz ME, Mallhi K, Arai S, Farhadfar N, Hexner E, Westervelt P, Antin JH, Deeg HJ, Leifer E, Brodsky RA, Logan BR, Horowitz MM, Jones RJ, Pulsipher MA. Haploidentical bone marrow transplantation in patients with relapsed or refractory severe aplastic anaemia in the USA (BMT CTN 1502): a multicentre, single-arm, phase 2 trial. Lancet Haematol. 2022 Sep;9(9):e660-e669. PMCID: PMC9444987
192. Krishnamurti L, Neuberg D, Sullivan KM, Smith S, Eapen M, Walters MC. Enrollment Lessons from a Biological Assignment Study of Marrow Transplantation versus Standard Care for Adolescents and Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease: Considerations for Future Gene and Cellular Therapy Trials. Transplant Cell Ther. 2023 Apr;29(4):217-221. PMCID: PMC10539686
193. D'Souza A, Fretham C, Lee SJ, Arora M, Brunner J, Chhabra S, Devine S, Eapen M, Hamadani M, Hari P, Pasquini MC, Perez W, Phelan RA, Riches ML, Rizzo JD, Saber W, Shaw BE, Spellman SR, Steinert P, Weisdorf DJ, Horowitz MM. Corrigendum to 'Current Use and Trends in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in the United States' [Transplantation and Cellular Therapy 26/8 (2020) e177-e182]. Transplant Cell Ther. 2022 Oct;28(10):715-716.
194. Eapen M. To treat with curative intent or modify disease? Blood. 5 January 2023;141(1):4-5.
195. Eapen M, Brazauskas R, Williams DA, Walters MC, St Martin A, Jacobs BL, Antin JH, Bona K, Chaudhury S, Coleman-Cowger VH, DiFronzo NL, Esrick EB, Field JJ, Fitzhugh CD, Kanter J, Kapoor N, Kohn DB, Krishnamurti L, London WB, Pulsipher MA, Talib S, Thompson AA, Waller EK, Wun T, Horowitz MM. Secondary Neoplasms After Hematopoietic Cell Transplant for Sickle Cell Disease. J Clin Oncol. 2023 Apr 20;41(12):2227-2237. PMCID: PMC10448940
196. Eapen M. To treat with curative intent or modify disease? Blood. 2023 Jan 05;141(1):4-5.
197. Auletta JJ, Kou J, Chen M, Bolon YT, Broglie L, Bupp C, Christianson D, Cusatis RN, Devine SM, Eapen M, Hamadani M, Hengen M, Lee SJ, Moskop A, Page KM, Pasquini MC, Perez WS, Phelan R, Riches ML, Rizzo JD, Saber W, Spellman SR, Stefanski HE, Steinert P, Tuschl E, Yusuf R, Zhang MJ, Shaw BE. Real-World Data Showing Trends and Outcomes by Race and Ethnicity in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A Report from the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Transplant Cell Ther. 2023 Jun;29(6):346.e1-346.e10. PMCID: PMC10239334
198. Gale R, Hinterberger W, Young NS, Gennery A, Dvorak C, Hebert K, Heim M, Broglie L, Eapen M. What Causes Aplastic Anaemia: Results of Transplants from Genetically-Identical Twins. Res Sq. 2023 Feb 03. PMCID: PMC9915784
199. Gale RP, Hinterberger W, Young NS, Gennery AR, Dvorak CC, Hebert KM, Heim M, Broglie L, Eapen M. What causes aplastic anaemia? Leukemia. 2023 Jun;37(6):1191-1193. PMCID: PMC10353698
200. Knight TE, Ahn KW, Hebert KM, Atshan R, Wall DA, Chiengthong K, Rotz SJ, Fraint E, Rangarajan HG, Auletta JJ, Sharma A, Kitko CL, Hashem H, Williams KM, Wirk B, Dvorak CC, Myers KC, Pulsipher MA, Warwick AB, Lalefar NR, Schultz KR, Qayed M, Broglie L, Eapen M, Yanik GA. Effect of Autograft CD34<sup>+</sup> Dose on Outcome in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for Central Nervous System Tumors. Transplant Cell Ther. 2023 Jun;29(6):380.e1-380.e9. PMCID: PMC10247464
201. Brazauskas R, Eapen M, Wang T. Endpoint selection and evaluation in hematology studies Best Practice and Research: Clinical Haematology. September 2023;36(3).
202. Nakamura R, Patel BA, Kim S, Wong FL, Armenian SH, Groarke EM, Keesler DA, Hebert KM, Heim M, Eapen M, Young NS. Conditional survival and standardized mortality ratios of patients with severe aplastic anemia surviving at least one year after hematopoietic cell transplantation or immunosuppressive therapy. Haematologica. 2023 Dec 01;108(12):3298-3307. PMCID: PMC10690917
203. Ramsey SD, Bansal A, Li L, O'Donnell PV, Fuchs EJ, Brunstein CG, Eapen M, Thao V, Roth JA, Steuten LMG. Cost-Effectiveness of Unrelated Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation versus HLA-Haploidentical Related Bone Marrow Transplantation: Evidence from BMT CTN 1101. Transplant Cell Ther. 2023 Jul;29(7):464.e1-464.e8. PMCID: PMC10353308
204. Geerlinks AV, Scull B, Krupski C, Fleischmann R, Pulsipher MA, Eapen M, Connelly JA, Bollard CM, Pai SY, Duncan CN, Kean LS, Baker KS, Burroughs LM, Andolina JR, Shenoy S, Roehrs P, Hanna R, Talano JA, Schultz KR, Stenger EO, Lin H, Zoref-Lorenz A, McClain KL, Jordan MB, Man TK, Allen CE, Marsh RA. Alemtuzumab and CXCL9 levels predict likelihood of sustained engraftment after reduced-intensity conditioning HCT. Blood Adv. 2023 Jul 25;7(14):3725-3734. PMCID: PMC10368780
205. Eapen M, Brazaukas R. Reply to R. Meisel. J Clin Oncol. 2023 Jun 10;41(17):3273-3274. PMCID: PMC10256417
206. Lin M, Estrada-Merly N, Eapen M, Zamora AE, Pezzin LE, Winn AN, Philip J, Schinke C, Drobyski WR, Anderson LD Jr, D'Souza A. Widening demographic gaps in CAR-T therapy utilization for multiple myeloma in the United States. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2023 Dec;58(12):1400-1402. PMCID: PMC11646697
207. Knight TE, Ahn KW, Hebert KM, Atshan R, Wall DA, Chiengthong K, Lund TC, Prestidge T, Rangarajan HG, Dvorak CC, Auletta JJ, Kent M, Hashem H, Talano JA, Rotz SJ, Fraint E, Myers KC, Leung W, Sharma A, Bhatt NS, Driscoll TA, Yu LC, Schultz KR, Qayed M, Broglie L, Eapen M, Yanik GA. No impact of CD34<sup>+</sup> cell dose on outcome among children undergoing autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant for high-risk neuroblastoma. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2023 Dec;58(12):1390-1393. PMCID: PMC11221560
208. Brazauskas R, Eapen M, Wang T. Endpoint selection and evaluation in hematology studies. Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 2023 Sep;36(3):101479. PMCID: PMC10979628
209. Brazauskas R, Eapen M, Wang T. Corrigendum to “Endpoint selection and evaluation in hematology studies” [Best Pract Res Clin Haematol 36 (2023) 101479] (Best Practice &amp; Research Clinical Haematology (2023) 36(3), (S1521692623000403), (10.1016/j.beha.2023.101479)) Best Practice and Research: Clinical Haematology. March 2024;37(1).
210. Eapen M, Kou J, Andreansky M, Bhatia M, Brochstein J, Chaudhury S, Haight AE, Haines H, Jacobsohn D, Jaroscak J, Kasow KA, Krishnamurti L, Levine JE, Leung K, Margolis D, Yu LC, Horowitz MM, Kamani N, Walters MC, Shenoy S. Long-term outcomes after unrelated donor transplantation for severe sickle cell disease on the BMT CTN 0601 trial. Am J Hematol. 2024 Apr;99(4):785-788. PMCID: PMC10947844
211. Brazauskas R, Eapen M, Wang T. Corrigendum to "Endpoint selection and evaluation in hematology studies" [Best Pract Res Clin Haematol 36 (2023) 101479]. Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 2024 Mar;37(1):101540.
212. Eapen M. Choosing donors in clinical practice Blood. 18 July 2024;144(3):248-249.
213. Eapen M. Immunosuppression with post-transplant cyclophosphamide for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Haematologica. 2024 Jul 01;109(7):2024-2025. PMCID: PMC11215355
214. Graff Z, Wachter F, Eapen M, Lehmann L, Cooper T. Navigating Treatment Options and Communication in Relapsed Pediatric AML. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2024 Jun;44(3):e438690.
215. Eapen M. Choosing donors in clinical practice. Blood. 2024 Jul 18;144(3):248-249.
216. Eapen M, Antin JH, Tolar J, Arai S, Horwitz ME, Kou J, Leifer E, McCarty JM, Nakamura R, Pulsipher MA, Rowley SD, Horowitz MM, Deeg HJ. Long-term survival after unrelated donor marrow transplantation for aplastic anaemia after optimized conditioning regimen: a retrospective multicentre cohort study eClinicalMedicine. October 2024;76.
217. Eapen M. One's expectations for normality Blood. 3 October 2024;144(14):1469-1470.
218. Walters MC, Eapen M, Liu Y, El Rassi F, Waller EK, Levine JE, Strouse JJ, Antin JH, Parikh SH, Bakshi N, Dampier CD, Jaroscak JJ, Bergmann S, Wong TE, Kota VK, Pace BS, Lekakis LJ, Lulla PD, Nickel R, Kasow KA, Popat UR, Smith WR, Yu LC, DiFronzo NL, Geller NL, Kamani N, Klings ES, Hassell K, Mendizabal AM, Sullivan K, Neuberg DS, Krishnamurti L. Hematopoietic Cell Transplant compared with Standard Care in Adolescents and Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease. Blood Adv. 2024 Oct 29.
219. John TD, Walters MC, Rangarajan HG, Rahim MQ, McKinney C, Bollard CM, Abusin G, Eapen M, Kassim AA, DeBaun MR. Incremental eligibility criteria for the BMT CTN 1507 haploidentical trial for children with sickle cell disease. Blood Adv. 2024 Dec 10;8(23):6055-6063. PMCID: PMC11635641
220. Eapen M. One's expectations for normality. Blood. 2024 Oct 03;144(14):1469-1470.
221. Eapen M, Antin JH, Tolar J, Arai S, Horwitz ME, Kou J, Leifer E, McCarty JM, Nakamura R, Pulsipher MA, Rowley SD, Horowitz MM, Deeg HJ. Long-term survival after unrelated donor marrow transplantation for aplastic anaemia after optimized conditioning regimen: a retrospective multicentre cohort study. EClinicalMedicine. 2024 Oct;76:102819. PMCID: PMC11405822
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Eapen M and Rocha V. Principles and analysis of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation outcomes: the physician’s perspective. Lifetime Data Anal 2008, 14: 379-388.
2. Eapen M and Wagner JE. Transplant outcomes in acute leukemia I. Semin Hematol 2010, 47(1): 46-50 Review
3. Eapen M and Horowitz MM. Alternative donor transplantation for aplastic anemia. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2010; 2010:43-46 Review
4. Eapen M. (Chapter 26) Cord blood transplantation for leukemia in children in Hal E. Broxmeyer (Ed) Cord Blood Biology, Transplantation, Banking and Regulation. AABB Press, Bethesda, Maryland 2011
5. Eapen M and Rocha V. (Chapter 20) Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for children, adolescents and young adults with hematologic malignancies in Mitchell S. Cairo and Sherrie L. Perkins (Eds) Hematologic Malignancies in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults. World Scientific Publishing Co, Singapore 2012
1. Eapen M, Ramsay NKC, Mertens A, DeFor T, Robison LL, Davies SM. Late outcomes after bone marrow transplantation for aplastic anemia. Oral Presentation: American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, 13th Annual Meeting, September 2000.
2. Godder K, Eapen M, Laver JH, Zhang M-J, Horowitz MM for the Pediatric Cancer Working Group of the Autologous Blood and Marrow Transplant Registry. Outcomes after autologous stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 43rd Annual Meeting, Blood 2001; 98: 688a.
3. Delaat CA, Eapen M, Filipovich AH, Zhang M-J, Horowitz MM for the Immune and Metabolic Disease Working Group of the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Chediak-Higashi disease. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 43rd Annual Meeting, Blood 2001; 98: 676a.
4. Fasth A, Orchard PJ, Eapen M, Filipovich AH, Zhang M-J, Horowitz MM for the Immune and Metabolic Disease Working Group of the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry. Outcomes after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for osteopetrosis. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 43rd Annual Meeting, Blood 2001; 98: 676a.
5. Eapen M, Klein JP, Loberiza FR, Perez WS, Horowitz MM. Second hematopoietic stem cell (SCT) transplantation relapsing after an initial SCT for leukemia. Poster Presentation: American Society of Clinical Oncology, 38th Annual Meeting, Program/Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2002; 21: 419a.
6. Eapen M, Klein JP, Champlin RE, Horowitz MM, Wagner JE. Increased chronic graft-versus-host disease and mortality after peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in older children and adolescents with acute leukemia. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 44th Annual Meeting, Blood 2002; 100: 145a.
7. *Serna DS, Zhang M-J, Baker KS, Eapen M, Horowitz MM, Klein JP, Lee SJ, Rizzo JD, Loberiza FR. Trends in survival rates by race after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for leukemia in the United States and Canada. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 44th Annual Meeting, Blood 2002; 100: 186a.
8. Eapen M, Horowitz MM, Klein JP, Zhang M-J, Camitta BM, Kurtzburg J, Davies SM, Ortega JJ, Wagner JE. Comparable long-term survival after unrelated donor bone marrow or umbilical cord blood and HLA-identical sibling transplants for treatment of acute leukemia in infants. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 45th Annual Meeting, Blood 2003; 102: 245a.
9. Laughlin M, Rubinstein P, Stevens C, Eapen M, Wagner JE, Champlin RE, Horowitz MM. Comparison of unrelated cord blood and unrelated bone marrow transplants for leukemia in adults: A collaborative study of the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry and the New York Blood Center. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 45th Annual Meeting, Blood 2003; 102: 244a.
10. Roy V, Perez WS, Marsh J, Pasquini R, Eapen M, Bredeson CN. Bone marrow transplantation for Diamond-Blackfan anemia: Report of the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry experience. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 45th Annual Meeting, Blood 2003; 102: 245a.
11. *Schwake C, Eapen M, Horowitz MM, Loberiza FR. Differences in Characteristics of United States Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Centers by Proportion of Ethnic Minorities. Poster Presentation: American Society of Clinical Oncology, 40th Annual Meeting, Program/Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2004; 23: 524a.
12. Loberiza FR, Zhang M-J, Rizzo JD, Lee SJ, Klein JP, Logan BR, Eapen M, Serna DS, LeMaistre CF, Horowitz MM. Patient and Transplant Center Factors associated with 100-Day Mortality after receiving Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Poster Presentation: American Society of Clinical Oncology, 40th Annual Meeting, Program/Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2004; 23: 523a.
13. Champlin RE, Loberiza FR, Eapen M, Rizzo JD, Bredeson CN, Wagner JE, Horowitz MM. Prevalence of microbially contaminated hematopoietic stem cell products. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 46th Annual Meeting, Blood 2004; 104: 612a.
14. Thornley I, Eapen M, Sung L, Lee SJ, Davies SM, Joffe S. Family Cord Blood Banking: Experience and views of pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant physicians. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 46th Annual Meeting, Blood 2004; 104: 908a.
15. Wagner JE, Eapen M, Harris RE, Macmillan ML, Auerbach AD. Unrelated donor transplantation for Fanconi Anemia: Analysis of prognostic factors impacting engraftment and survival. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 46th Annual Meeting, Blood 2004; 104: 235a.
16. Eapen M, Raetz E, Zhang M-J, Muehlenbein C, Devidas M, Abshire T, Billett A, Homans A, Camitta B, Carroll W, Davies S. Outcomes after HLA-matched sibling transplants or chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in second remission: A collaborative study of the Children's Oncology Group and the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 47th Annual Meeting, Blood 2005; 106: 54a.
17. Eapen M, Haagenson M, Logan B, Confer D, Horowitz M, Wagner J, Weisdorf D, Anasetti, C for the Graft Sources and Manipulation Committee of the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Use of peripheral blood grafts is associated with increased acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease without improved survival after unrelated donor transplantation. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 47th Annual Meeting, Blood 2005; 106: 134a.
18. Rubinstein P, Eapen M, Stevens C, Kurtzberg J, Scaradavou A, Klein J, Horowitz M, Wagner J for the New York Blood Center and Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research. Unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with acute leukemia: Risks and benefits of umbilical cord blood versus bone marrow. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 47th Annual Meeting, Blood 2005; 106: 92a.
19. Mehta P, Eapen M, Gandham S, Elliott J, Combs M, Aplenc R, MacMillan ML, Daniel J Weisdorf DJ, Petersdorf E, Klein J, Davies SM. IL-1a Genotype and Outcome of Unrelated Donor Bone Marrow Transplantation for CML. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 47th Annual Meeting, Blood 2005; 106: 582a.
20. Panepinto JA, Carreras J, Walters M, Eapen M, Marsh J, Gale RP, Hows J, Ferster A. Matched related donor transplantation for sickle cell disease: Report from the Center for International Blood and Transplant Research. Matched related donor transplantation for sickle cell disease: Report from the Center for International Blood and Transplant Research. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 47th Annual Meeting, Blood 2005; 106: 574a.
21. Eapen M, Zhang M-J, Raetz E, Devidas M, Carroll WL, Ritchey AK, Barredo JC, Godder K, Grupp S, Lewis V, Davies SM, Camitta BM. Outcomes after HLA-matched sibling transplants or chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a second remission after an isolated central nervous system relapse. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 48th Annual Meeting, Blood 2006; 108: 49a
22. Eapen M, Rubinstein P, Zhang M-J, Stevens C, Kurtzberg J, Scaradavou A, Horowitz MM, Wagner JE. Unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with acute leukemia: Risks and benefits of umbilical cord blood versus HLA A, B, C, DRB1 allele-matched bone marrow. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 48th Annual Meeting, Blood 2006; 108: 434a
23. Lee SJ, Joffe S, Artz A, Champlin RE, Davies SM, Jagasia M, Kernan NA, Soiffer, Eapen M. Differences in medical decision making in adult and pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 48th Annual Meeting, Blood 2006; 108: 74a
24. Baker KS, Eapen M, Gross T, Hale G, Hayashi R, Kamani N, Kapoor N, Filipovich A. Unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 48th Annual Meeting, Blood 2006; 108: 174a
25. Lee SJ, Klein J, Haagenson M, Baxter-Lowe LA, Confer D, Eapen M, Fernandez-Vina M, Flomenberg N, Horowitz M, Hurley C, Noreen H, Oudshoorn M, Petersdorf E, Setterholm M, Spellman S, Weisdorf D, Williams TM, Anasetti C. Single or multiple HLA-A, B, C or DRB1 mismatches limit success of unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 48th Annual Meeting, Blood 2006; 108: 172a
26. Durett AG, Gee AP, Collins NH, Eapen M, Weisdorf D. Flow cytometric analysis of specimens by a central reference laboratory in a multi-center study: factors affecting data quality. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology, 48th Annual Meeting, Blood 2006; 108: 3385a
27. Lee SJ, Eapen M, Soiffer RJ, McCarthy PL, Loberiza F, Kernan NA, Jagasia M, Davies S, Artz A, Joffe S. Practice variation in supportive care in hematopoietic cell transplantation. Poster Presentation: BMT Tandem Meetings, Keystone, CO, Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2007; 13: 77a
28. Pasquini R, Carreras J, Zhang, M-J, Bitencourt MA, Ruiz J, Marsh J, Walters M, Eapen M. Risk factors for graft failure and mortality after HLA-matched sibling donor transplant for severe Aplastic Anemia in Brazil. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology 49th Annual Meeting, Blood 2007, 110: 168a
29. Horan J, Carreras J, Tarima S, Camitta B, Gale RP, Hinterberger W, Marsh J, Pasquini, R, Pasquini M, Walters M, Eapen M. Risk factors and outcome after second HLA-matched sibling donor transplantation for graft failure after a first HLA-matched sibling transplant in severe Aplastic Anemia. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology 49th Annual Meeting, Blood 2007, 110: 203a
30. Lazarus HM, Kan F, Tarima S, Champlin RE, Confer D, Frey N, Giralt S, Wagner JE, Horowitz MM, Eapen M. Rapid transport and infusion of hematopoietic stem cells can improve outcome after unrelated donor transplant. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology 49th Annual Meeting, Blood 2007, 110: 315a
31. Collins N, Gee AP, Durrett A, Kan F, Zhang M-J, Champlin RE, Confer D, Eapen M, Wagner JE, Horowitz MM, Weisdorf DJ. Graft composition and outcomes in unrelated donor transplantation. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology 49th Annual Meeting, Blood 2007, 110: 315a
32. Hale GA, He V, Termuhlen AM, Davies SM, Camitta BM, Cairo MS, Eapen M, Gross TG. Outcomes after hematopoietic stem call transplant (HSCT) for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in children and adolescents. Oral Presentation: BMT Tandem Meetings, San Diego, CA, Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2008; 14: 24a
33. Eapen M, Rocha V, Scaradavou A, Gluckman E, Laughlin M, Stevens C, Horowitz MM, Wagner JE. Effect of stem cell source on transplant outcomes in adults with acute leukemia: A comparison of unrelated donor bone marrow, peripheral blood and cord blood. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology 50th Annual Meeting, Blood 2008, 112: 151a
34. Eapen M, Klein J, Sanz G, Anasetti C, Garcia J, Gluckman E, Horowitz MM, Koegler G, Laughlin M, Michel G, Spellman SR, Smith FO, Rocha V. Donor-recipient matching at the HLA-C locus and early outcomes after umbilical cord blood transplant. Oral Presentation: American Society of Hematology 50th Annual Meeting, Blood 2008, 112: 153a
35. Eapen M, Ringden O, Locatelli F, Frangoul H, Remberger M, Laughlin M, Rocha V. Risks and benefits of unrelated donor peripheral blood progenitor cells in children and adolescents with acute leukemia. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology 50th Annual Meeting, Blood 2008, 112: 977a
36. Locatelli F, Moreno-Madureira A, Teira P, Eapen M, Zhang M-J, Davies SM, Picardi A, Woolfrey A, Chan K-W, Socie G, Vora AJ, Bertrand Y, Kurtzberg J, Bonfim C, Gluckman, Niemeyer CM, Rocha V. Encouraging results after alternative donor transplantation for myelodysplastic syndrome. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology 50th Annual Meeting, Blood 2008, 112: 1964a
37. Passweg JR, Kan F, Zhang M-J, Rocha V, Isola LM, Gee AP, Gibson J, Lazarus HM, Laughlin MJ, Loren A, Marks D, Gratwohl A, Eapen M. Donor characteristics affecting graft failure and survival after unrelated donor transplantation with reduced intensity conditioning regimens for hematologic malignancies. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology 50th Annual Meeting, Blood 2008, 112: 1968a
38. Gupta V, Carreras J, Bajorunaite R, Gale RP, Sabloff M, Aljurf M, Schrezenmeier H, Socie G, Passweg J, Ringden O, Pasquini R, Marsh J, Eapen M. Hematopoietic recovery and overall survival after HLA-matched sibling transplants for older patients with severe aplastic anemia. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology 50th Annual Meeting, Blood 2008, 112: 2169a
39. Horwitz ME, Tunes da Silva G, Eapen M, Horwitz EM. Survival following allogeneic stem cell transplantation for congenital immunodeficiency and metabolic disorders. Poster Presentation: BMT Tandem Meetings, Tampa, FL, Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2009; 15: 78
40. Battiwalla M, Wang T, Carreras J, Deeg HJ, Ayas MF, Bajwa RPS, George B, Gupta V, Pasquini R, Schrezenmeier H, Schultz KR, Eapen M. The presence of HLA DR15 antigen in patients with severe aplastic anemia does not impact engraftment and survival after HLA-identical sibling transplantation. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology 51st Annual Meeting, Blood 2009; 114: 2280a
41. Eapen M, Ahn KW, Orchard PJ, Cowan MJ, Davies SM, Fasth A, Hassebroek A, Ayas M, Bonfim C, O'Brien T, Gross T, Horowitz MM, Horwitz M, Horwitz E, Kapoor N, Kurtzberg J, Majhail N, Ringden O, Szabolcs P, Veys P, Baker KS. Long-term survival and late deaths after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for primary immunodeficiency diseases and inborn errors of metabolism. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology 51st Annual Meeting, Blood 2009; 114: 3320a
42. Sabloff M, Chandy M, Wang Z, Logan B, Li C-K, Irfan SM, Eapen M, Walters MC. Bone marrow transplantation from HLA-identical sibling for thalassemia. Poster Presentation: American Society of Hematology 51st Annual Meeting, Blood 2009; 114: 3361a
43. Boelens JJ, Aldenhoven M, Purtill D, Eapen M, DeForr T, Wynn R, Cavazanna-Calvo M, Tolar J, Prasad VK, Escolar M, Gluckman E, Orchard P, Veys P, Kurtzberg J, Rocha V. Outcomes of transplantation using a various cell source in children with Hurlers syndrome after myelo-ablative conditioning. A Eurocord-EBMT-CIBMTR collaborative study. Oral Presentation: BMT Tandem Meetings, Orlando, FL, Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2010; 16: 68a
44. Nemecek ER, Carpenter PA, He W, Ellis K, Seber A, Woolfrey A, MacMillan M, Eapen M, Davies S, Frangoul H. Outcome of unrelated donor blood and marrow transplantation for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in third remission. Poster Presentation: BMT Tandem Meetings, Orlando, FL, Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2010; 16: 227a
45. *Thiel EL, Zhang M-J, Davies SM, Kurtzberg J, Logan B, Ayas M, MacMillian ML, Tiedemann K, Eapen M. Comparable long-term leukemia-free survival after matched sibling and unrelated donor transplantation for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in second complete remission. Poster Presentation: BMT Tandem Meetings, Orlando, FL, Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2010; 16: 294a
46. Eapen M, Wang T, Kurtzberg J, Lee SJ, Duerst R, Arora M, Bonfim C, Duval M, Ezmes G, Tiedemann K, Wesidorf DJ and Wagner JE. Chronic graft-versus-host disease and its association with treatment-related mortality, relapse, leukemia-free and overall survival after umbilical cord blood transplantation in children and adolescents with acute leukemia. Oral presentation: American Society of Hematology 52nd Annual Meeting, Blood 2010; 116: 213a
47. Eapen M, Le Rademacher J, Deeg HJ, Antin JH, Champlin R, Carreras J, Fay JW, Passeg JR, Tolar J, Marsh JCW and Horowitz MH. Effect of stem cell source from unrelated donors on transplant outcomes in severe aplastic anemia: a Comparison of unrelated bone marrow and peripheral blood progenitor cells. Oral presentation: American Society of Hematology 52nd Annual Meeting, Blood 2010; 116: 531a
48. Crotta A, Rocha V, Eapen M, Wagner JE, MacMillan ML, Zecca M, Kurtzberg J, Bonfim C, Vora AJ, Diaz de Heredia C, Mohty M, Teague L, Stein J, O'Brien TA, Bittencourt H, Madureira ABM, Peters C, Niemeyer CM, Gluckman E and Locatelli F. Analysis of risk factors influencing outcomes after unrelated cord blood transplantation in children with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: an Eurocord, EBMT, EWOG-MDS, CIBMTR study. Oral presentation: American Society of Hematology 52nd Annual Meeting, Blood 2010; 116: 533a
49. Brunstein C, Eapen M, Ahn KW, Appelbaum FR, Ballen KK, Champlin R, Kan F, Laughlin MJ, Soiffer RJ, Weisdorf DJ, woolfrey A, Horowitz MM and Wagner JE. Reduced intensity conditioning transplantation in acute leukemia: the effect of source of unrelated donor stem cells on outcomes. Oral presentation: American Society of Hematology 52nd Annual Meeting, Blood 2010; 116: 908a
50. Soiffer RJ, Le Rademacher J, Ho VT, Kan F, Artz A, Champlin R, Devine S, Lazarus HM, Marks DI, Porter D, Waller EK, Horowitz MM and Eapen M. Impact of in vivo T-cell depletion on outcome of reduced intensity conditioning hematopoietic cell transplantation for hematologic malignancies. Poster presentation: American Society of Hematology 52nd Annual Meeting, Blood 2010; 116: 2305a
51. *Tracey J, Zhang M-J, Sobocinski KA, Thiel EL, Eckrich MJ, Pasquini MC, Saber W, Weisdorf DJ, Horowitz MM and Eapen M. Transplant conditioning regimens and outcomes after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Poster presentation: American Society of Hematology 52nd Annual Meeting, Blood 2010; 116: 213a
52. Rocha V, Purtill D, Zhang M, Spellman S, Ruggeri A, Prasad V, Navarette C, Koegler G, Baudoux E, Lecchi L, Baxter-Lowe LA, Horowitz M, van Rood JJ, Kurtzberg J, Gluckman E and Eapen M. Impact of matching at non-inherited maternal antigens on outcomes after 5/6 or 4/6 HLA-mismatched unrelated cord blood transplantation for malignant hematological diseases. A matched pair analysis on behalf of Euorcord, Netcord, NMDP, IBMTR. 37th Annual meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplant 2011; 46: O115a
53. Eapen M, Klein J, Sanz G, Ruggeri A, Spellman S, Anasetti C, Garcia J, Koegler G, Laughlin M, Michel G, Nabhan S, Smith F, Horowitz M, Gluckman E and Rocha V. Effect of donor-recipient HLA-matching at the HLA-C locus on outcomes after unrelated cord blood transplant for leukemia. 37th Annual meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplant 2011; 46: O163a
54. Veys P, Ahn KW, Samarasinghe S, Craddock J, He W, Cornish J, Moppett J, Davies S, Dvorak C, Duerst R, Gross T, Kitko C, Leung W, Lewis V, Wynn P, Carpenter P and Eapen M. Impact of immune modulation with anti-T cell antibodies on outcomes after unrelated donor transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children and adolescents. 37th Annual meeting of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplant 2011; 46: O400a
55. Eckrich M, Ahn KW, Wang Z, Deeg HJ, Horowitz MM and Eapen M. Effect of race on outcomes after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for severe aplastic anemia. Oral presentation: American Society of Hematology 53rd Annual Meeting, Blood 2011; 118: 1020a
56. Weisdorf D, Zhang MJ, Arora M, Rizzo JD, Horowitz MM and Eapen M. Graft vs. host disease induced graft vs. leukemia effect: More impact on later relapse and disease-free survival following reduced intensity conditioning. Oral presentation: American Society of Hematology 53rd Annual Meeting, Blood 2011; 118: 1014a