Medical College of Wisconsin
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Matthew C. Surdel PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
Division of Infectious Disease

Translational and Biomedical Research Center
8701 Watertown Plank Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Phone: 414-955-2210

09/2006 - 05/2010 Bachelor of Science, Davidson College, Davidson, NC
06/2010 - 12/2016 Doctorate in Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

12/03/2018 - 06/30/2023 Research Scientist I, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/01/2023 - 12/31/2023 Research Scientist II, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226

01/01/2024 - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226

2007 Merck/AAAS Biochemistry Scholar, Davidson College, Davidson, NC
2008 Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research Recipient, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
2009 Larry Mimms Biochemistry Fellowship, Davidson College Undergraduate Research
2012 Student Travel Award, International Conference on Gram Positive Pathogens
2013 Best Poster in Class, Vanderbilt MSTP Annual Retreat
2014 Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship , Gordon Research Conference on Microbial Toxins and Pathogenicity
2015 Poster Award, Vanderbilt Institute for Chemical Biology Student Symposium
2016 Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Seminar on New Antibacterial Discovery and Development
2022 Poster Award, Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Medical College of Wisconsin
2024 Poster Award, Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Medical College of Wisconsin

2008 - 2023 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society (Associate Member)
2023 - Present Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society (Full Member)

Ad-Hoc Reviewer
04/2024 - Present eLife.

Surdel MC, Survival in the presence of a toxic nutrient, Vanderbilt MSTP Data Ideas and Beverages Seminar Series, Nashville, TN, 2013
Surdel MC, Identification of a small molecule that activates the staphylococcal heme stress response independently of heme, Vanderbilt Microbial Host Interaction Seminar, Nashville, TN, 2014
Surdel MC, Identification of a small molecule that activates the staphylococcal heme stress response independently of heme, Vanderbilt Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology Research in Progress Seminar, Nashville, TN, 2014
Surdel MC, Novel strategies to fight infection: Target identification of a small molecule activator of heme biosynthesis, Davidson College Invited Seminar Speaker, Davidson, NC, 2015
Surdel MC, Photosensitization by a small molecule targeting Gram-positive coproporphyrinogen oxidase, Vanderbilt Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology Research in Progress Seminar, Nashville, TN, 2015
Surdel MC, Antibacterial photosensitization through activation of coproporphyrinogen oxidase, Vanderbilt MSTP Annual Retreat, Nashville, TN, 2016

Surdel MC, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Aranmolate O, Sulikowski G, and Skaar EP, Chemical genetics identifies components of the Staphylococcus aureus heme stress response, Gordon Research Seminar on Microbial Toxins and Pathogenicity, Waterville Valley, NH, 07/2014
Surdel MC, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Aranmolate O, Sulikowski G, and Skaar EP, Chemical genetics identifies components of the Staphylococcus aureus heme stress response, Vanderbilt Institute for Chemical Biology Annual Student Symposium, Nashville, TN, 2014
Surdel MC, Hahn, BL, Coburn J., Heterologous expression of the adhesin LIC13411 from pathogenic Leptospira facilitates binding of non-pathogenic Leptospira to human endothelial cells., Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Medical College of Wisconsin., Milwaukee, WI, 03/2022

Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - 2013 Member, Vanderbilt MSTP Student Advisory Committee, Vanderbilt University
2011 - 2012 Executive Chair, Southeast Medical Scientist Symposium, Vanderbilt University
2011 Public Relations Chair, Southeast Medical Scientist Symposium, Emory University
2014 Student Representative, Microbiology and Immunology Graduate Program Renovation Committee, Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology
2014 Student Representative, Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology Recommendations Committee, Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, Vanderbilt University
03/2020 Poster Judge at Annual Retreat, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2022 Poster Judge at Annual Retreat, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
08/2022 - Present Member, Research Retreat Committee, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2024 Poster Judge at Annual Retreat, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
08/01/2024 - Present Co-Chair, DOM Research Retreat Committee, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

Community/Lay Public
10/2023 - Present SUPREMES Laboratory Session Instructor

Medical Student Education
2015 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, Head Teaching Assistant, Microbiology Lab
Community/Lay Public
2006 - 2007 Mooresville High School, NC, AP Chemistry Tutor
2009 Davidson College, Davidson, NC, Chemistry Instructional Assistant
2010 Davidson College, Davidson, NC, Math and Science Center Tutor
2015 Davidson College, Davidson, NC, Guest Lecturer, Genetics Course

08/2010 - 05/2011 REMEDY, Vanderbilt Chapter, Volunteer, Nashville, TN
09/2010 - 12/2016 Shade Tree Clinic, Volunteer, Nashville, TN
05/2011 - 05/2012 REMEDY, Vanderbilt Chapter, President, Nashville TN
11/2020 - 04/2022 Election Inspector, The Village of Germantown, WI
01/2022 - Present Church Council Member, Lutheran Church of the Living Christ, Germantown, WI
02/2022 - Present Committee Member, Walk to End Alzheimer’s of Washington County, WI
04/2022 - Present Chief Election Inspector, The Village of Germantown, WI
10/2022 - Present President, Church Council, Lutheran Church of the Living Christ, Germantown, WI
11/2023 - Present Co-Chair, Walk to End Alzheimer's of Washington County, WI

08/2010 - 09/2017 Bone Therapy (Trombone Choir), Trombonist, Nashville, TN
02/2011 - 11/2011 Usual Suspects Jazz Orchestra, Trombonist, Nashville, TN
08/2011 - 06/2015 Jazz Alliance Jazz Orchestra, Substitute Trombonist, Mt. Juliet, TN
04/05/2012 - 04/08/2012 Titanic: The Musical, The Circle Players, Pit Orchestra Trombonist, Nashville, TN
06/2019 - Present Germantown Community Bands, Trombonist, Germantown, WI

06/2018 - 09/2018 Sherwin-Williams, Wholesale Product Specialist

09/2007 Surdel MC and Sarafova SD. Isolating Transcription Factors that Bind the Cd4 Promoter. Davidson College Summer Research Symposium. Davidson, NC.
10/2007 Surdel MC and Sarafova SD. Isolating Transcription Factors that Bind the Cd4 Promoter. Davidson College Trustees Poster Session. Davidson, NC.
05/2009 Surdel MC and Sarafova SD. Isolating and Identifying Transcription Factors that Bind the Cd4 Promoter. Davidson College 2009 Research Symposium. Davidson, NC.
09/2009 Surdel MC and Sarafova SD. Isolating and Identifying Transcription Factors that Bind the Cd4 Promoter. Davidson College Summer Research Symposium. Davidson, NC.
11/2009 Surdel MC and Sarafova SD. Identifying Transcription Factors that Bind the Cd4 Promoter. Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium. Houston TX.
05/2010 Surdel MC¸Myers JK, and Sarafova SD. Identifying Transcription Factors that Bind the Cd4 Promoter. Science and Math Student Research Symposium, Davidson, NC.
04/2012 Surdel MC, Anzaldi LL, Aranmolate O, Dutter B, Sulikowski G, and Skaar EP. Small molecule activators of HssRS in Staphylococcus aureus inhibit growth under respiration or oxygen restricted conditions. Vanderbilt Medical School Emphasis: Forum VII. Nashville, TN.
06/2012 Surdel MC, Anzaldi LL, Aranmolate O, Dutter B, Sulikowski G, and Skaar EP. Small molecule activators of HssRS in Staphylococcus aureus inhibit growth under respiration or oxygen restricted conditions. Vanderbilt University MSTP Retreat. Fall Creek Falls, TN.
10/2012 Anzaldi LL, Surdel MC, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Aranmolate O, Moore-Hooten J, Vitko NP, Reid PR, Richardson AR, Caprioli RM, Sulikowski, GA, and Skaar EP. Perturbing central metabolism as a novel therapeutic strategy for combating Staphylococcus aureus infections. International Conference on Gram Positive Pathogens. Omaha, NE.
06/2013 Surdel MC, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Aranmolate O, Sulikowski G, and Skaar EP. Identification of a small molecule that activates the staphylococcal heme stress response independently of heme. Vanderbilt MSTP Annual Retreat. Fall Creek Falls, TN.
08/2013 Surdel MC, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Aranmolate O, Sulikowski G, and Skaar EP. Identification of a small molecule that activates the staphylococcal heme stress response independently of heme. Vanderbilt Institute for Chemical Biology Annual Student Research Symposium. Nashville, TN.
04/2014 Surdel MC, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Aranmolate O, Sulikowski G, and Skaar EP. Nitric oxide synthase is required for the staphylococcal heme stress response. Vanderbilt Symposium on Infection and Immunity. Nashville, TN.
06/2014 Surdel MC, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Aranmolate O, Sulikowski G, and Skaar EP. Nitric oxide synthase is required for the staphylococcal heme stress response. Vanderbilt MSTP Annual Retreat. Nashville, TN.
07/2014 Surdel MC, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Aranmolate O, Sulikowski G, and Skaar EP. Chemical genetics identifies components of the Staphylococcus aureus heme stress response. Gordon Research Seminar on Microbial Toxins and Pathogenicity. Waterville Valley, NH.
07/2014 Surdel MC, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Aranmolate O, Sulikowski G, and Skaar EP. Chemical genetics identifies components of the Staphylococcus aureus heme stress response. Gordon Research Conference on Microbial Toxins and Pathogenicity. Waterville Valley, NH.
06/2015 Surdel MC, Lojek LJ, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Sulikowski GA, Skaar EP. Photosensitization by a small molecule targeting Gram-positive coproporphyrinogen oxidase. NIAID/IDSA Infectious Diseases Research Careers Meeting. Bethesda MD.
08/2015 Surdel MC, Lojek LJ, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Sulikowski GA, Skaar EP. Photosensitization by a small molecule targeting Gram-positive coproporphyrinogen oxidase. VICB Research Symposium. Nashville TN.
01/2016 Surdel MC, Lojek LJ, Dutter BF, Stauff DL, Sulikowski GA, Skaar EP. Photosensitization by a small molecule targeting Gram-positive coproporphyrinogen oxidase. PMI Departmental Retreat. Nashville, TN.
03/2016 Surdel MC, Lojek LJ, Teixeira PL, Dutter BF, Albertolle M, Sulikowski GA, Lacy DB, Dailey H, Skaar EP. Antibacterial photosensitization through activation of coproporphyrinogen oxidase. Gordon Research Conference on New Antibacterial Discovery and Development. Lucca, Italy.
03/2016 Surdel MC, Lojek LJ, Teixeira PL, Dutter BF, Albertolle M, Sulikowski GA, Lacy DB, Dailey H, Skaar EP. Antibacterial photosensitization through activation of coproporphyrinogen oxidase. Gordon Research Seminar on New Antibacterial Discovery and Development. Lucca, Italy.
04/2016 Surdel MC, Lojek LJ, Teixeira PL, Dutter BF, Albertolle M, Sulikowski GA, Lacy DB, Dailey H, Skaar EP. Antibacterial photosensitization through activation of coproporphyrinogen oxidase. Vanderbilt Symposium on Infection and Immunity. Nashville, TN.
03/2020 Surdel MC, Penoske R, Coburn J. Adhesins from Leptospira interrogans Disrupt VE-Cadherin Localization. Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, WI.
03/2022 Surdel MC, Hahn, BL, Coburn J. Heterologous expression of the adhesin LIC13411 from pathogenic Leptospira facilitates binding of non-pathogenic Leptospira to human endothelial cells. Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, WI.
06/2022 Surdel MC, Hahn, BL, Anderson PH, Coburn J. Heterologous production of the adhesin LIC13411 from pathogenic Leptospira facilitates binding of non-pathogenic Leptospira in vitro and in vivo. Gordon Research Conference on the Biology of Spirochetes. Ventura, California.
06/2023 Surdel MC, Ger Thao, Kenneth Brockman, and Jenifer Coburn. Pathogenic Leptospira induce an immune response in human endothelial cells. Center for Immunology, 13th Annual Scientific Retreat. Wauwatosa, WI.
01/2024 Surdel MC, Ger Thao, and Jenifer Coburn. Interrogation of candidate cell-binding adhesins in Leptospira. Gordon Research Conference on the Biology of Spirochetes. Ventura, California
03/2024 Surdel MC, Ger Thao, and Jenifer Coburn. Interrogation of candidate cell-binding adhesins in Leptospira. Research Day, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, WI.
03/2024 Surdel MC, Ger Thao, and Jenifer Coburn. Interrogation of candidate cell-binding adhesins in Leptospira. Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, WI.

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Smith EC, Blanc H, Surdel MC, Vignuzzi M, Denison MR. Coronaviruses lacking exoribonuclease activity are susceptible to lethal mutagenesis: evidence for proofreading and potential therapeutics. PLoS Pathog. 2013 Aug;9(8):e1003565. PMCID: PMC3744431
2. Surdel MC, Dutter BF, Sulikowski GA, Skaar EP. Bacterial Nitric Oxide Synthase Is Required for the Staphylococcus aureus Response to Heme Stress. ACS Infect Dis. 2016 Aug 12;2(8):572-8. PMCID: PMC6610873
3. Surdel MC, Horvath DJ Jr, Lojek LJ, Fullen AR, Simpson J, Dutter BF, Salleng KJ, Ford JB, Jenkins JL, Nagarajan R, Teixeira PL, Albertolle M, Georgiev IS, Jansen ED, Sulikowski GA, Lacy DB, Dailey HA, Skaar EP. Antibacterial photosensitization through activation of coproporphyrinogen oxidase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Aug 08;114(32):E6652-E6659. PMCID: PMC5559000
4. Surdel MC, Anderson PN, Hahn BL, Coburn J. Hematogenous dissemination of pathogenic and non-pathogenic <i>Leptospira</i> in a short-term murine model of infection. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2022;12:917962. PMCID: PMC9339599
5. Surdel MC, Hahn BL, Anderson PN, Coburn J. Heterologous production of the adhesin LIC13411 from pathogenic <i>Leptospira</i> facilitates binding of non-pathogenic <i>Leptospira in vitro</i> and <i>in vivo</i>. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2022;12:917963. PMCID: PMC9354625
6. Curtis MW, Fierros CH, Hahn BL, Surdel MC, Kessler J, Anderson PN, Vandewalle-Capo M, Bonde M, Zhu J, Bergström S, Coburn J. Identification of amino acid domains of <i>Borrelia burgdorferi</i> P66 that are surface exposed and important for localization, oligomerization, and porin function of the protein. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2022;12:991689. PMCID: PMC9539438
7. Surdel MC, Coburn J. Leptospiral adhesins: from identification to future perspectives. Front Microbiol. 2024;15:1458655. PMCID: PMC11350617
8. Fierros CH, Faucillion ML, Hahn BL, Anderson P, Bonde M, Kessler JR, Surdel MC, Crawford KS, Gao Y, Zhu J, Bergström S, Coburn J. <i>Borrelia burgdorferi</i> tolerates alteration to P66 porin function in a murine infectivity model. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2024;14:1528456. PMCID: PMC11790652
1. Skaar EP, Surdel MC, Sulikowski GA, et al. Methods for use of small molecule activators of hem-Y/protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO). U.S. Patent 9867879, filed January 22, 2016 and issued January 16, 2018.