Medical College of Wisconsin
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Michael E. Widlansky MD
Center Director, Professor
Department of Medicine
Division of Cardiology

Medical Education Building
8701 Watertown Plank Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/1991 - 06/1995 BS - Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
08/1995 - 06/1999 MD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
09/2002 - 09/2004 MPH - Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Boston University, Boston, MA
08/2008 - Present MS - Bioinformatics, MCW/Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

06/1999 - 06/2002 Internship and Residency, Medicine, Brigham and Women’s, Boston, MA
07/2002 - 06/2007 Teaching Fellow in Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
07/2002 - 06/2004 Fellow, Clinical Research Training Program, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
07/2002 - 06/2007 Research/Clinical Fellow, Cardiovascular Medicine, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
07/2006 - 06/2007 Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fellowship, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
09/2015 - 06/2016 Medical College of Wisconsin Leadership Academy, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53211

07/2007 - 06/2012 Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, Medical College of Wisconsin and Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
07/2012 - Present Associate Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, Medical College of Wisconsin and Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI

01/2010 - 08/2014 Associate Fellowship Director for Research, Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin and Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
09/2014 - Present Fellowship Director, Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
04/2015 - Present Associate Chief for Academic Affairs, Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
12/2016 - Present Staff, Community Memorial Hospital, W180 N8085 Town Hall Road, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

07/2010 - Present Co-Director, Cardiovascular Core, Clinical Translational Research Initiative, Adult Translational Research Unit, Medical College of Wisconsin
05/2011 - 08/2014 Director of Research, Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/2002 - 07/2005 Part-Time Attending Physician, Internal Medicine, New England Sinai Rehabilitation, Stoughton, MA
07/2003 - 02/2005 Affiliate Medical Staff, Internal Medicine, Faulkner Hospital, Boston, MA
07/2006 - 07/2007 Affiliated Medical Staff, Internal Medicine, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
07/2007 - Present Staff Physician, Cardiovascular Diseases, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
08/2009 - Present Staff Physician, St. Joseph’s Hospital, West Bend, WI

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
ABIM- Internal Medicine
Testamur, Adult Echocardiography, National Board of Echocardiography
ABIM- Cardiovascular Diseases
Issued By Issue DateExpiration

06/2015 Ron Siegel Cardiology Faculty Teaching Award , Medical College of Wisconsin
- 06/2002 Excellence in Teaching Award, Tufts University
- 04/2010 K Award Grant, Central Society for Clinical Research
- 09/2004 Delta Omega, Public Health Honors Society
- 07/2010 T. Franklin Williams Scholar (Cardiology), Association of Specialty Professors
- 06/1996 Medical Student Geriatric Scholar, American Federation for Aging Research
- 05/1997 Student Research Award, American Geriatrics Society
- 11/2002 Selectee, 3rd Annual Cardiology Fellow’s Forum of Excellence
- 06/1999 William Dodd Robinson Award for Excellence in Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School
- 09/2009 Finalist, MCW Research Day Best Abstract/Poster
- 06/2011 Finalist, Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
- 06/2012 Daniel McCarthy Award for Research Excellence, Medical College of Wisconsin
- 09/2013 Outstanding Faculty Service Award, Medical College of Wisconsin
- 06/1999 M.D. Cum Laude, University of Michigan
- 07/1998 Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Michigan

10/1998 - Present Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Society (Member)
07/2000 - Present Massachusetts Medical Society (Member)
07/2002 - 12/2012 American College of Cardiology (Member)
09/2004 - Present Delta Omega Honors Society (Member)
06/2005 - 06/2014 American Heart Association (Member)
02/2009 - Present American College of Physicians (Member)
01/2010 - 01/2011 Central Society for Clinical Research (Member)
09/2010 - Present American Physiological Society (Member)
07/2012 - Present American Diabetes Association (Member )
01/2013 - Present American College of Cardiology (Faculty)
07/2014 - Present American Heart Association (Faculty)

Editorial Board
2017 - Present Vascular Medicine
- 2010 Frontiers in Vascular Physiology
- 2010 American Journal of Physiology- Heart and Circulation
Journal Review
2007 - Present American Journal of Cardiology
2014 - Present Vascular Medicine
2015 - Present Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
2016 - Present PLoS One
2017 - Present JAHA
2017 - Present Circulation Research
- 2007 Circulation
- 2008 Aging Cell
- 2008 Hypertension
- 2008 Cardiology
- 2010 Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
- 2013 Diabetes
- 2011 Clinical Nutrition
- 2012 American Journal of Hypertension
- 2011 Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
- 2011 Clinical Science
- 2010 Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics
- 2010 Journal of Vascular Research
- 2007 American Journal of Cardiology
- 2011 Translational Research
- 2011 Journal of Women’s Health
- 2009 Heart
- 2007 American Journal of Physiology- Heart and Circulatory Physiology
- 2008 Journal of the American College of Cardiology

02/2016 - Present Reviewer, Ad Hoc Cardiovascular Integrative Clinical Sciences Study Section, National Institutes of Health
06/2016 - Present Reviewer, Ad Hoc Cardiovascular Integrative Clinical Sciences Study Section, National Institutes of Health
07/2016 - Present Chair, Vascular Wall Biology Clinical Study Section, American Heart Association
10/2016 Reviewer, Ad Hoc Cardiovascular Integrative Clinical Sciences Study Section, National Institutes of Health
02/2017 Reviewer, Ad Hoc Cardiovascular Integrative Clinical Sciences Study Section, National Institutes of Health
06/2017 Reviewer, Ad Hoc Cardiovascular Integrative Clinical Sciences Study Section, National Institutes of Health
07/2017 - Present Standing Member, Cardiovascular Integrative Clinical Sciences Study Section, National Institutes of Health
10/2017 - Present Vice Chair, Cardiovascular Integrative Clinical Sciences Study Section, National Institutes of Health
- 06/2010 Mail Reviewer, Grant Peer Review Committee, ZRG1 F10A (Fellowships: Physiology and Pathobiology of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems), National Institute of Health
- 10/2008 Consultant/Ad Hoc Reviewer, Diabetes U.K.
- 01/2009 Member, Grant Peer Review Committee, American Heart Association
- 06/2009 Reviewer, Grant Peer Review Committees, ZRG1 CVRS-B (58) and PSE-C (58) R, National Institute of Health

Peer Review
Hoffman RAC Grant
Medical College of Wisconsin Office of Research
Role & Effort:
01/01/2015 - 12/31/2016
Direct Funds:
Epigenetic Mechanisms of Salt-Sensitive Hypertension
American Heart Association
Role & Effort:
07/01/2015 - 06/30/2019
Direct Funds:
microRNA-29b and Endothelial Function
NHLBI (R01HL125409)
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator
09/04/2015 - 04/30/2019
Direct Funds:
Evaluation of Endothelial Hyperglycemia-Driven Alterations During Type 2 Diabetes
Role & Effort:
09/17/2015 - 07/31/2019
Direct Funds:
$95,175 (Year 1 direct costs )
Endothelial function in human diabetes: role of mitochondrial fission proteins
NHLBI (R01HL128240)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
04/01/2016 - 03/31/2021
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
Overcoming Physical Inactivity in Older Adults: Impact on Vascular Homeostasis
NIH (RO108888A1)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/01/2012 - 06/30/2017
Adverse Effect of Low Glucose on Endothelial Function in Humans
NIH (RO1112934)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Michael E. Widlansky,MD
Peer Review
The Importance of Mitochondria in the Endothelial Dysfunction of Type 2 Diabetes
Medical College of Wisconsin’s Clinical Translational Research Institute
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/01/2008 - 06/30/2011
Direct Funds:
The Importance of Mitochondria in the Endothelial Dysfunction of Type 2 Diabetes
NIH (1K23HL089326)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/01/2009 - 06/30/2014
Direct Funds:
Effect of a Combined Pedometer/Computerized Feedback Intervention on Vascular and LV Function in Older Adults.
American Heart Association Grant-in-Aid and Association of Specialty Professors (10GRNT3880044)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/01/2010 - 06/30/2012
Direct Funds:
Hypertension and Vascular Biology Training Grant
NIH (5T32HL007792)
Role & Effort:
Participating Faculty
David R Harder, PhD
08/01/2010 - 07/31/2014
Direct Funds:
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and the Diabetic Endothelium
NIH (2PO1HL081587)
Role & Effort:
Subcontract Principal Investigator
Joseph A. Vita, MD
04/01/2011 - 03/31/2016
Direct Funds:
Biomarkers of Inflammation and Vaso-occlusion in Sickle Cell Disease
NIH (RO1HL111969)
Role & Effort:
Joel Linden, MD
01/01/2012 - 12/31/2016
Direct Funds:
$904,227 (Score: 12th percentile)
Effects of the Adenosine 2A Receptor Agonist Regadenoson on Sickle Cell Vaso-occlusion and Inflammation
Doris Duke Foundation
Role & Effort:
Field and Lindner
01/01/2012 - 12/31/2014
Direct Funds:
microRNA-mRNA Interaction Networks in Arterioles in Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Complication Consortium (NIDDK sponsored)
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator
10/01/2012 - 01/31/2014
Direct Funds:
A randomized, crossover design study of acute and chronic effects of sitagliptin on endothelial function in humans with type 2 diabetes on background metformin therapy
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
08/15/2013 - 08/14/2015
Direct Funds:
Impact of Low Glucose Exposure on Endothelial Function in Humans
AHA - Midwest Affiliate Pre Doctoral Award (14PRE18710040)
Role & Effort:
01/01/2014 - 12/13/2015
Direct Funds:
The Effects of Physical Activity on microRNA Expression in Older Adults Humans: Effects on Vascular Aging
CTSI of SE Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
04/01/2014 - 03/31/2015
Direct Funds:
Fragment-Based Drug Discovery for Asthma, Cancer, and Vascular Disease
CTSI of SE Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
04/01/2015 - 03/31/2016
Direct Funds:
miR-29b and Endothelial Function
American Diabetes Association
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
01/01/2016 - 03/31/2019
Direct Funds:
$544,404 ((awarded but declined by PI due to overlap with RO1HL125409))
Non-Peer Review
Excess Aldosterone, Reduced G6PD Activity, and Endothelial Dysfunction in African Americans with High Blood Pressure
Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Elsa Shoeneich Medical Research Fund
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
04/01/2010 - 03/30/2011
Direct Funds:
Effect of Aldosterone Receptor Inhibition on Endothelial Function in African Americans with Hypertension
Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Raymond and Bernice Eschenburg Fund
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
03/01/2011 - 02/28/2012
Direct Funds:

Widlansky, ME, “ABIM Cardiovascular Board Review”, American College of Physicians Board Review Course, Schaumberg, IL, 08/15/2014
Widlansky, ME, “ABIM Cardiovascular Board Review”, American College of Physicians Board Review Course, Schaumberg, IL, 08/15/2015
Widlansky ME, “Glycemic Changes And Its Impact On Endothelial and Mitochondrial Function”, University of Massachusetts Division of Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds,, 08/23/2016
Widlansky ME, “Glycemic Changes And Its Impact On Endothelial and Mitochondrial Function”, Department of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology Seminar Series, University of Missouri, 12/13/2016
Widlansky ME, “Mitochondrial Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Function in Diabetes”, 28th Annual Vascular Biology and Hypertension Symposium, University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, 05/15/2017
Mitochondria and Endothelial Function in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, - 07/11/2013
Hypoglycemia - Marker or Mechanistic Contributor to Cardiovascular Risk, Central Society for Clinical Research Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, - 04/27/2012
Mitochondria and Endothelial Function in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes, University of Arizona Division of Geriatrics and Aging, Tucson, AZ, - 01/16/2013
Role of Mitochondria in Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes, American Heart Association 2014 Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL, - 11/19/2014
ABIM Cardiovascular Board Review, American College of Physicians Board Review Course, Schaumberg, IL, - 05/15/2014
Glycemic Changes and its Impact on Endothelial and Mitochondrial Function, Boston University Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds, Boston, MA, - 10/15/2014
Endothelial Function Testing: Hype or Hope?, American College of Cardiology 2015 Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA, - 03/15/2015
Hypoglycemia and the Risk of Cardiovascular Events, Louisiana State University School of Medicine, Baton Rouge, LA, - 02/25/2011
Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species in Vascular Signaling, American Heart Association, Orlando, FL, - 11/15/2009
Widlansky ME,, “Update in Cardiovascular Medicine in Older Adults”, WI Update in Geriatric Medicine, Lake Geneva, WI, 09/21/2015
Widlansky ME, “Update in Cardiovascular Medicine in Older Adults”, WI Update in Geriatric Medicine, Lake Geneva, WI, 09/21/2017
Update in Cardiovascular Medicine in Older Adults, WI Update in Geriatric Medicine, Lake Geneva, WI, - 09/11/2013
Widlansky, ME, “The Aging Vasculature: Impact of Physical Activity on Cardiovascular Health”, Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Endocrinology Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 03/26/2015
Widlansky, ME, “The Aging Vasculature: Impact of Physical Activity on Cardiovascular Health”, Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Geriatrics Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 04/03/2015
Widlansky, ME, “ Mitochondrial Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Function in Diabetes”, Medical College of Wisconsin Division of Endocrinology Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 11/02/2017
Widlansky, ME, “Novel Mechanisms of Vascular Dysfunction in Diabetes”, Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Medicine Research Retreat, Milwaukee, WI, 03/09/2018 - 03/08/2018
The role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the endothelial dysfunction of type 2 diabetics, Pulmonary Division Research Day, Medical College of Wisconsin, - 04/21/2009
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Diabetic Vascular Disease, Nephrology Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, - 10/20/2009
Project Stepcount, Division of Geriatrics Research Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, - 03/04/2011
Clincal Research at the Medical College of Wisconsin - Navigating the Waters, Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, - 04/19/2012
Importance of Moderate Intensity Physical Activity to Vascular Function in Older Adults, Physicial Medicine & Rehabilitation Seminar Series, Medical College of Wisconsin, - 12/04/2013
Mitochondrial Dysfunction & Diabetic Vascular Disease, Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, - 01/24/2013
Glycemic Changes and its Impact on Endothelial and Mitochondrial Function, Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, - 10/31/2014
Importance of Mitochondrial Function in Diabetic Vascular Disease, Department of Physiology Seminar, Milwaukee, WI, - 02/26/2014
Role of Mitochondrial Homeostasis in the Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction of Type 2 Diabetes, Physiology Departmental Seminar, Medical College of Wisconsin, - 02/26/2009
Clinical Implications of Endothelial Dysfunction, Cardiology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, - 09/04/2007
Intensive Glycemic Control and the Risk of Cardiovascular Events, Endocrinology Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, - 01/20/2011
Elective PCI- If You See It, Should You Stent It?, Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, - 12/16/2010
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Diabetic Vascular Disease, Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, - 03/04/2010
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Diabetic Vascular Disease, Medicine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, - 12/04/2009
The role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the endothelial dysfunction of type 2 diabetics, Diabetes Research Day, Milwaukee, WI, - 05/28/2009
Mitochondrial Homeostasis and Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetes, Physiology Departmental Seminar, Medical College of Wisconsin, - 02/11/2009
Clinical Implications of Endothelial Dysfunction, Medicine Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, - 11/16/2007
Therapies for Advanced Heart Failure, Cardiology Grand Rounds @ Franciscan Wheaton Hospital, Racine, WI, - 02/04/2009

Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2008 - 07/2011 Member, Institutional Research Board, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2008 - 06/30/2011 Member, Student Admissions and Welfare Committee, Graduate Studies Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2009 - Present Member, Cardiovascular Center Scientific Advisory Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
11/2009 - 10/31/2013 Chair, Heart and Vascular Divisional Quality Committee, Cardiology Cardiovascular Service Line, Medical College of Wisconsin
11/2009 - Present Member, Heart and Vascular Executive Leadership Committee, Cardiovascular Service Line, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Member, Biospecimen Resource Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2010 - 01/2012 Member, MCW Clinical Translational Research Institute Scientific Review Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2010 - 06/30/2013 Chair, Cardiology Grand Rounds Committee, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
05/2010 - 05/2013 Member, MCWAH Research Award Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2010 - 06/30/2011 Chair, Student Admissions and Welfare Committee, Graduate Studies Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/01/2011 - 06/2014 Member, Continuing Education Committee (CME), Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/01/2011 - 06/2013 Member, Faculty Research Affairs Committee, Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
12/2011 - Present Chair, Human Research Advisory Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2012 - Present Member, Faculty Development Committee, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2013 - Present Member, Finance Committee, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
08/2013 - 11/30/2013 Member, Cardiovascular Research Strategy Work Group, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/01/2014 - Present Member, Advancing Healthier Wisconsin Cardiovascular Roadmap Advisory Board, Medical College of Wisconsin
02/2015 - Present Chair, Education Committee, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
11/2016 - Present Member, Department of Medicine Research Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Student Education
05/2008 - 07/2009 Bedside Professor Rounds with 3rd Year Medical Students
09/2009 - 06/2013 GURU program mentor
- 09/2007 Instructor, Introduction to Clinical Medicine
- 02/2008 Instructor, Clinical Examination and Reasoning
- 10/2013 Lecture & Demonstration, Clinical Implications of Endothelial Dysfunction
Resident and Fellow Education
09/2007 - 11/2007 Instructor, Clinical Research Methods Workshop
09/2008 - 11/2008 Instructor, Clinical Research Methods Workshop
04/2009 - 04/2012 Instructor, Core Skills Program Phase III, IM 301

Medical Student Education
- 12/04/2013 Physical Medicine & Rehabiliation @ The Medical College of Wissconsin, Lecture "Importance of Physicial Activity to Vascular Function in Older Adults"

Undergraduate Students
05/30/2013 - 09/2014 Kalice Allen, Research Memtor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical Students
01/2008 - 09/2008 Roy Liu, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2008 - 09/2008 Jennifer Mullerkin, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2008 - 09/2008 David Baber, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2009 - 06/2013 Elaine Cabugason, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2010 - 01/2012 Senthil Rathinavelu, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2011 - 06/2014 Kristoph Haak, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2012 - Present Danny Knabel, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2015 - Present Kara Signorelli, Research Mentor / Pathway Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2016 - Present Khalid Ramahi, Research Mentor / Pathway Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2016 - Present Alex Ritchay, Research Mentor / Pathway Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Graduate Students
PhD Students Advised
03/2009 - 06/2009 Anna Alexanian, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2012 - Present Scott Burgenhagen, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2012 - Present Michael Tanner, Medical College of Wisconsin
PhD Committees
06/2011 - Present Jessica Priestly, Medical College of Wisconsin
Clinical/Research Fellows
01/2008 - 06/30/2011 Jennifer Strande, Research Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2008 - 06/30/2012 Tinoy Kizhakekuttu, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
02/2009 - 06/30/2010 Tracy Huhyn, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2009 - 06/30/2012 Aimee Welsh, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2009 - 06/30/2012 Sara Hariman, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/01/2010 - 06/30/2013 Rodney Mayhorn, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2010 - 05/30/2014 Kodipet Dharma-Shankar, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
11/2010 - 06/30/2013 Nunzio Gaglionello, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2012 - Present Tisha Suboc, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2013 - Present Mobin Malik, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
02/2014 - Present Kyle Buchanan, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
02/2014 - Present Timo Dygert, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2012 - Present Peter Phan, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
11/2012 - Present Benjamin Ravee, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2014 - Present Sudhi Tyagi, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2014 - Present Ridhima Kapoor, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/12/2012 - Present Brian Hoffmann, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/01/2016 - Present Tammy Kindel, Mentorship Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin

Undergraduate Students
05/2013 - 09/2014 Nick Kluge, Research Mentor
06/2017 - 08/2017 Lantrell Stewart, Research Mentor
Medical Students
09/2011 - 06/2013 Shawn Call, Research Mentor, Virginia Mason Univ
06/2013 - Present Anthony Prisco, Research Mentor / Pathway Advisor, Cleveland Clinic
Clinical/Research Fellows
09/2011 - 06/30/2013 Armaan Shaikh, Research Mentor, St Lukes
02/2014 - Present Appesh Mohandas, Research Mentor, Cardiology Fellowship, Emory University, T32 awardee

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. WIDLANSKY ME, Price DT, Gokce N, Eberhardt RT, Duffy SJ, Holbrook M, Maxwell C, Palmisano J, Keaney JF Jr, Morrow JD, Vita JA. Acute and chronic COX-2 inhibition reverses endothelial dysfunction in patients with hypertension. Hypertension 2003 Sept;42(3):310-5.
2. WIDLANSKY ME, Biegelsen ES, Hamburg NM, Duffy SJ, Keaney JF, Jr., Vita JA. Coronary endothelial dysfunction is not rapidly reversible with ascorbic acid treatment. Free Radic Biol Med 2004 36(1): 124-31.
3. WIDLANSKY M, Sesso HD, Rexrode KM, Manson JE, Gaziano JM. Body mass index and total and cardiovascular mortality in men with a history of cardiovascular disease. Arch Int Med 2004;164: 2326-2332.
4. WIDLANSKY ME, Duffy SJ, Hamburg, NM, Gokce, N, Warden BA, Wiseman S, Keaney JF, Jr., Frei B, Joseph A. Vita JA. Effects of black tea consumption on plasma catechins, markers oxidative stress and inflammation in patients with coronary artery disease. Free Radic Biol Med 2005; 38:499-506.
5. WIDLANSKY ME, Hamburg NM, Anter E, Holbrook M, Kahn DF, Elliott JG, Keaney JF, Jr, Vita JA. Acute EGCG supplementation reverses endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease J Am Coll Nutr 2007; 26(2):95-102.
6. McMackin CJ, WIDLANSKY ME, Hamburg NM, Huang AL, Weller S, Holbrook M, Gokce N, Hagen TM, Keaney JF, Jr., Vita JA. Effect of combined treatment with alpha lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine on vascular function and blood pressure in coronary artery disease patients. J Clin Hypertens 2007;9(4):249-255.
7. WIDLANSKY ME, Vita JA, Keyes MJ, Larson MG, Hamburg NM, Levy D, Mitchell GF, Osypiuk EW, Vasan RS, Benjamin EJ. Relation of Season and Temperature to Endothelium-Dependent Flow-Mediated Vasodilation in Subjects Without Clinical Evidence of Cardiovascular Disease (From The Framingham Heart Study). Am J Cardiol 2007;100(3):518-23.
8. Hamburg NM, McMackin CJ, Huang AL, Shenouda SM, WIDLANSKY ME, Schulz E, Gokce N, Ruderman NB, Keaney JF Jr, Vita JA. Physical Inactivity Rapidly Induces Insulin Resistance and Microvascular Dysfunction in Healthy Volunteers. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2007 Oct 11.
9. Hamburg, NM, Larson MG, Vita JA, Vasan RS, Keyes MJ, WIDLANSKY ME, Fox CS, Mitchell GF, Levy D, Meigs JB, Benjamin EJ. Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance and Brachial Artery Vasodilator Function in Framingham Offspring Participants without Clinical Evidence of Cardiovascular Disease). Am J Cardiol. 2008 Jan 1;101(1):82-88.
10. Strande JL. WIDLANSKY ME, Su J, Hsu A, Wang J, Routhu KV, Baker JE. Parstatin: a cryptic peptide involved in cardioprotection after ischemia and reperfusion injury. Cardiovasc Res. 2009, Jul;83(2):325-34.
11. WIDLANSKY ME, Wang J, Shenouda SM, Hagen TM, Amith AR, Kizhakekuttu TJ, Kluge MA, Weihrauch D, Gutterman DD, Vita JA. Altered mitochondrial membrane potential, mass, and morphology in the mononuclear cells of humans with type 2 diabetes. Trans Res. 2010 Jul;156(1):15-25.
12. Kizhakekuttu TJ*, Gutterman DD, Phillips SA, Jurva JW, Arthur EIL, Das E, and WIDLANSKY, ME. Measuring FMD in the Brachial Artery: How important is QRS-gating?. J Appl Physiol. 2010 109(4):959-65. *-1st author is a trainee. Paper was selected for editorial comment citing this paper's importance to the field in J Appl Physiol.
13. Baber G,* Zidan H,* WIDLANSKY ME, Hoffmann R, and Alemzadeh R. Impaired Endothelial Function in Preadolescent Children with Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2011. Mar;34(3):681-5. PMID: 21289230 *-1st 2 authors are trainees. Paper extensively edited by Dr. Widlansky
14. Hoch AZ, Papanek P, Szabo A, WIDLANSKY ME, Schimke JE, Gutterman DD. Association between the female athlete triad and endothelial dysfunction in dancers. Clin J Sport Med. 2011 Mar;21(2):119-25. PMID: 21358502
15. Shenouda SM, WIDLANSKY ME, Chen K, Xu G, Holbrook M, Tabit CE, Hamburg NM, Frame AA, Caiano TL, Kluge MA, Duess M-A, Levit A, Kim B, Hartman M-L, Joseph L, Shirihai OS, Vita JA. Altered mitochondrial dynamics contributes to endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus. Circulation, 2011 124(4):444-53. PMID: 21747057.
16. Hoch AZ, Papanek P, Szabo A, WIDLANSKY ME, Gutterman DD. Folic Acid Supplementation Improves Vascular Function in Professional Dancers with Endothelial Dysfunction. PM R. 2011 3(11):1005-12. PMID: 2175240
17. Shenouda SM, WIDLANSKY ME, Chen K, Xu G, Holbrook M, Tabit CE, Hamburg NM, Frame AA, Caiano TL, Kluge MA, Duess M-A, Levit A, Kim B, Hartman M-L, Joseph L, Shirhai OS, Vita JA. Altered mitochondrial dynamics contributes to endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus. Circulation 2011 124(4):444-53. PMID: 21747057
18. Farb MG, Ganley-Leal L, Mott M, Liang Y, Ercan B, WIDLANSKY ME, Bigornia SJ, Fiscale AJ, Apovian CM, Carmine B, Hess DT, Vita JA, Gokce N. Arteriolar Function in Visceral Adipose Tissue Is Impaired in Human Obesity. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012;32(2):467-73. PMID: 22095978
19. Wang J, Alexanian A, Ying R, Kizhakekuttu TJ, Dharmashankar K, Vasquez-Vivar J, Gutterman DD, and WIDLANSKY ME. Acute Exposure to Low Glucose Rapidly Induces Endothelial Dysfunction and Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress: Role for AMP Kinase. Arterioscler Throm Basc Biol. 2012;32(3):712-720. PMCID: 3319449
20. Dharmashankar K, Welsh A, Wang J, Kizhakekuttu TJ, Ying R, Gutterman DD, and WIDLANSKY ME. Nitric oxide synthase dependent vasodilation of human subcutaneous arterioles correlates with non-invasive measurements of endothelial function. Am J Hypertens 2012;25(5):528-534. PMCID: 3328603
21. Tabit CE, Holbrook M, Shenouda SM, Dohadwala MM, WIDLANSKY ME, Frame AA, Kim BH, Duess MA, Kluge MA, Levit A, Keaney JF Jr, Vita JA, Hamburg NM. Effect of sulfasalazine on inflammation and endothelial function in patients with established coronary artery disease. Vasc Med. 2012;17(2):101-107. PMCID: 3632403
22. Thanassoulis G, Lyass A, Benjamin EJ, Larson MG, Vita JA, Levy D, Hamburg NM, WIDLANSKY ME, O'Donnell CJ, Mitchell GF, Vasan RS. Relations of Exercise Blood Pressure Response to Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Vascular Function in the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation. 2012. 125(23):2836-43. PMCID: 3636551
23. Kizhakekuttu TJ, Wang J, Dharmashankar K, Ying R, Gutterman DD, Vita JA, WIDLANSKY ME. Adverse Alterations in Mitochondrial Function Contribute to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction in Humans. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012. 32(10):2431-9. PMCID:3570053
24. Whitsett J, Rilho AR, Sethumadhave S, Celinska J, WIDLANSKY M, and Vasquez-Viva J. Endothelial human dihydrofolate reductase low activity limits vascular tetrahydrobiopterin recycling. Free Radic Bio Med. 2013. 63:143-50. PMCID: 3748942.
25. Suboc TM*, Dharmashankar K, Wang J, Ying R, Tanner MJ, Couillard A, and WIDLANSKY ME. Moderate Obesity and Endothelial Dysfunction in Humans: Influence of Gender and Systemic Inflammation. Physiological Reports. 2013 1(3). doi:10.1002/phy2.58. PMCID: 3811111. *-1st author was a trainee
26. Suboc TM, Dharmashankar K, Wang J, Ying R, Couillard A, Tanner MJ, Widlansky ME. Moderate Obesity and Endothelial Dysfunction in Humans: Influence of Gender and Systemic Inflammation. Physiol Rep. 2013 Aug 01;1(3). PMCID: PMC3811111
27. Suboc TB, Strath SJ, Dharmashankar K, Coulliard A, Miller N, Wang J, Tanner MJ, Widlansky ME. Relative importance of step count, intensity, and duration on physical activity's impact on vascular structure and function in previously sedentary older adults. J Am Heart Assoc. 2014 Feb 26;3(1):e000702. PMCID: PMC3959701
28. Durand MJ, Phillips SA, Widlansky ME, Otterson MF, Gutterman DD The vascular renin-angiotensin system contributes to blunted vasodilation induced by transient high pressure in human adipose microvessels. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2014 Jul 1;307(1):H25-32 PMCID: PMC4080172
29. Samyn MM, Dholakia R, Wang H, Co-Vu J, Yan K, Widlansky ME, LaDisa JF, Simpson P, Alemzadeh R. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging-based computational fluid dynamics/fluid-structure interaction pilot study to detect early vascular changes in pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Cardiol. 2015 Apr;36(4):851-61
30. Suboc TB, Strath SJ, Dharmashankar K, Harmann L, Couillard A, Malik M, Haak K, Knabel D, Widlansky ME. The Impact of Moderate Intensity Physical Activity on Cardiac Structure and Performance in Older Sedentary Adults. Int J Cardiol Heart Vessels. 2014 Sep 1;4:19-24 PMCID: PMC4269267
31. Malik M, Widlansky ME Firefighting: can our arteries take the heat? Vasc Med. 2015 Jun;20(3):219-21
32. Mohandas A, Suboc TB, Wang J, Ying R, Tarima S, Dharmashankar K, Malik M, Widlansky ME Mineralocorticoid exposure and receptor activity modulate microvascular endothelial function in African Americans with and without hypertension. Vasc Med. 2015 May 15:
33. Suboc TB, Knabel D, Strath SJ, Dharmashankar K, Coulliard A, Malik M, Haak K, Widlansky ME Associations of Reducing Sedentary Time With Vascular Function and Insulin Sensitivity in Older Sedentary Adults. Am J Hypertens. 2015 May 18:
34. Tyagi S, Curley M, Berger M, Fox J, Strath SJ, Rubenstein J, Roth J, Widlansky ME Pacemaker Quantified Physical Activity Predicts All-Cause Mortality. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 Aug 11;66(6):754-5
35. Tanner MJ, Wang J, Ying R, Suboc TB, Malik M, Couillard A, Branum A, Puppala V, Widlansky ME. Dynamin-related protein 1 mediates low glucose-induced endothelial dysfunction in human arterioles. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2017 Mar 01;312(3):H515-H527. PMCID: PMC5402007
36. Widlansky ME, Puppala VK, Suboc TM, Malik M, Branum A, Signorelli K, Wang J, Ying R, Tanner MJ, Tyagi S. Impact of DPP-4 inhibition on acute and chronic endothelial function in humans with type 2 diabetes on background metformin therapy. Vasc Med. 2017 Jun;22(3):189-196. PMCID: PMC5609820
37. Dass N, Kilakkathi S, Obi B, Moosreiner A, Krishnaswami S, Widlansky ME, Kidambi S. Effect of gender and adiposity on in vivo vascular function in young African Americans. J Am Soc Hypertens. 2017 May;11(5):246-257.
38. Touyz RM, Montezano AC, Rios F, Widlansky ME, Liang M. Redox Stress Defines the Small Artery Vasculopathy of Hypertension: How Do We Bridge the Bench-to-Bedside Gap? Circ Res. 2017 May 26;120(11):1721-1723. PMCID: PMC5520661
39. Widlansky ME, Jensen DM, Wang J, Liu Y, Geurts AM, Kriegel AJ, Liu P, Ying R, Zhang G, Casati M, Chu C, Malik M, Branum A, Tanner MJ, Tyagi S, Usa K, Liang M. miR-29 contributes to normal endothelial function and can restore it in cardiometabolic disorders. EMBO Mol Med. 2018 Mar;10(3). PMCID: PMC5840545
40. Kieu A, Shaikh A, Kaeppler M, Miles RJ, Widlansky ME. Patients with hypertensive responses to exercise or dobutamine stress testing differ in resting hypertensive phenotype. J Am Soc Hypertens. 2018 Feb;12(2):108-116. PMCID: PMC5807193
41. Swartz AM, Cho CC, Welch WA, Widlansky ME, Maeda H, Strath SJ. Pattern Analysis of Sedentary Behavior Change after a Walking Intervention. Am J Health Behav. 2018 May 01;42(3):90-101. PMCID: PMC6123016
42. Lobelo F, Rohm Young D, Sallis R, Garber MD, Billinger SA, Duperly J, Hutber A, Pate RR, Thomas RJ, Widlansky ME, McConnell MV, Joy EA, American Heart Association Physical Activity Committee of the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health; Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; Council on Clinical Cardiology; Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine; Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia; and Stroke Council. Routine Assessment and Promotion of Physical Activity in Healthcare Settings: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2018 May 01;137(18):e495-e522.
43. Harwig MC, Viana MP, Egner JM, Harwig JJ, Widlansky ME, Rafelski SM, Hill RB. Methods for imaging mammalian mitochondrial morphology: A prospective on MitoGraph. Anal Biochem. 2018 Jul 01;552:81-99. PMCID: PMC6322684
44. Xue H, Zhang G, Geurts AM, Usa K, Jensen DM, Liu Y, Widlansky ME, Liang M. Tissue-specific effects of targeted mutation of Mir29b1 in rats. EBioMedicine. 2018 Sep;35:260-269. PMCID: PMC6156712
45. Fetterman JL, Holbrook M, Westbrook D, Brown JA. Feele KP, Bretón-Romero R, Linder EA, Berk BD; Weisbrod RM, WIDLANSKY ME, Gokce N, Ballinger, SW, Hamburg NM. Mitochondrial DNA Damage and Vascular Function in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. Cardiovasc Diabet 2016 Mar 31;15:53. doi: 10.1186/s12933-016-0372-y. PMCID: 4818501.
46. Kindel TL*, Foster T, Goldspink P, Corbett J, WIDLANSKY ME, Strande J. Early weight loss independent effects of sleeve gastrectomy on diet-induced cardiac dysfunction in obese, Wistar rats. Obesity Surgery 2017. 27(9):2370-2377 PMCID: pending. *-1st author is a mentee
47. Widlansky ME, Hill RB. Mitochondrial regulation of diabetic vascular disease: an emerging opportunity. Transl Res. 2018 Dec;202:83-98. PMCID: PMC6218302
48. Malik M, Suboc TM, Tyagi S, Salzman N, Wang J, Ying R, Tanner MJ, Kakarla M, Baker JE, Widlansky ME. Lactobacillus plantarum 299v Supplementation Improves Vascular Endothelial Function and Reduces Inflammatory Biomarkers in Men With Stable Coronary Artery Disease. Circ Res. 2018 Oct 12;123(9):1091-1102. PMCID: PMC6205737
49. Lindner JR, Belcik T, Widlansky M, Harmann LM, Karafin MS, Wandersee NJ, Puligandla M, Neuberg D, Linden J, Field JJ. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound detects changes in microvascular blood flow in adults with sickle cell disease. PLoS One. 2019;14(7):e0218783. PMCID: PMC6611596
50. Widlansky ME, Malik MA. Vascular Endothelial Function PanVascular Medicine, Second Edition. 1 January 2015:89-120.
51. Wang J, Widlansky ME. Cytoskeleton, cytoskeletal interactions, and vascular endothelial function Cell Health and Cytoskeleton. 2012;4:119-127.
52. Thijssen DHJ, Black MA, Pyke KE, Padilla J, Atkinson G, Harris RA, Parker B, Widlansky ME, Tschakovsky ME, Green DJ. Reply to "Letter to the editor: 'Assessment of flow-mediated dilation in humans: A methodological and physiological guideline'" American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology. February 2011;300(2).
53. . Reply to "Letter to the editor: 'Assessment of flow-mediated dilation in humans: A methodological and physiological guideline'" American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology. February 2011;300(2).
54. Kakarla M, Puppala VK, Tyagi S, Anger A, Repp K, Wang J, Ying R, Widlansky ME. Circulating levels of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2, but not prohibitin, are lower in humans with type 2 diabetes and correlate with brachial artery flow-mediated dilation. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2019 Nov 09;18(1):148. PMCID: PMC6842161
55. Puppala VK, Hofeld BC, Anger A, Tyagi S, Strath SJ, Fox J, Berger MG, Ahn KW, Widlansky ME. Pacemaker detected active minutes are superior to pedometer-based step counts in measuring the response to physical activity counseling in sedentary older adults. BMC Geriatr. 2020 May 06;20(1):162. PMCID: PMC7201960
56. Brown SA, Zaharova S, Mason P, Thompson J, Thapa B, Ishizawar D, Wilkes E, Ahmed G, Rubenstein J, Sanchez J, Joyce D, Kalyanaraman B, Widlansky M. Pandemic Perspective: Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Cardio-Oncology. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2020;7:568720. PMCID: PMC7746643
57. Hofeld BC, Puppala VK, Tyagi S, Ahn KW, Anger A, Jia S, Salzman NH, Hessner MJ, Widlansky ME. Lactobacillus plantarum 299v probiotic supplementation in men with stable coronary artery disease suppresses systemic inflammation. Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 17;11(1):3972. PMCID: PMC7889883
58. Ihenacho UK, Meacham KA, Harwig MC, Widlansky ME, Hill RB. Mitochondrial Fission Protein 1: Emerging Roles in Organellar Form and Function in Health and Disease. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021;12:660095. PMCID: PMC8027123
59. Bodker A, Visotcky A, Gutterman D, Widlansky ME, Kulinski J. The impact of standing desks on cardiometabolic and vascular health. Vasc Med. 2021 Aug;26(4):374-382. PMCID: PMC9578685
60. Kidambi S, Pan X, Yang C, Liu P, Roberts ML, Li Y, Wang T, Laud PW, Liu Y, Rubens M, Thomas R, Widlansky ME, Beyer AM, Liu Y, Cowley AW Jr, Kotchen TA, Munyura Y, Moosreiner A, Mattson DL, Liang M. Dietary Sodium Restriction Results in Tissue-Specific Changes in DNA Methylation in Humans. Hypertension. 2021 Aug;78(2):434-446. PMCID: PMC9299531
61. Tyagi S, Friedland DR, Rein L, Tarima SS, Mueller C, Benjamin EJ, Vasan RS, Hamburg NM, Widlansky ME. Abnormal hearing patterns are not associated with endothelium-dependent vasodilation and carotid intima-media thickness: The Framingham Heart Study. Vasc Med. 2021 Dec;26(6):595-601.
62. Somayaji K, Frenkel M, Tabaza L, Visotcky A, Ruck TK, Ofori EK, Widlansky ME, Kulinski J. Acute effects of singing on cardiovascular biomarkers. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022;9:869104. PMCID: PMC9339901
63. Nolden KA, Egner JM, Collier JJ, Russell OM, Alston CL, Harwig MC, Widlansky ME, Sasorith S, Barbosa IA, Douglas AG, Baptista J, Walker M, Donnelly DE, Morris AA, Tan HJ, Kurian MA, Gorman K, Mordekar S, Deshpande C, Samanta R, McFarland R, Hill RB, Taylor RW, Oláhová M. Novel <i>DNM1L</i> variants impair mitochondrial dynamics through divergent mechanisms. Life Sci Alliance. 2022 Aug 01;5(12). PMCID: PMC9354038
64. Price Rapoza M, McElvaine A, Conroy MB, Okuyemi K, Rouphael N, Teach SJ, Widlansky M, Williams C, Permar SR, National R38 Consortium investigators. Early Outcomes of a New NIH Program to Support Research in Residency. Acad Med. 2022 Sep 01;97(9):1305-1310.
65. Jensen DM, Han P, Mangala LS, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK, Liu J, Kriegel AJ, Usa K, Widlansky ME, Liang M. Broad-acting therapeutic effects of miR-29b-chitosan on hypertension and diabetic complications. Mol Ther. 2022 Nov 02;30(11):3462-3476. PMCID: PMC9637778
66. Sommers N, Berger M, Rubenstein JC, Roth J, Pan A, Thompson C, Widlansky ME. Onset of the COVID-19 pandemic reduced active time in patients with implanted cardiac devices. Eur Rev Aging Phys Act. 2022 Nov 02;19(1):26. PMCID: PMC9628136
67. Egner JM, Nolden KA, Harwig MC, Bonate RP, De Anda J, Tessmer MH, Noey EL, Ihenacho UK, Liu Z, Peterson FC, Wong GCL, Widlansky ME, Hill RB. Structural studies of human fission protein FIS1 reveal a dynamic region important for GTPase DRP1 recruitment and mitochondrial fission. J Biol Chem. 2022 Dec;298(12):102620. PMCID: PMC9747602
68. Aljadah M, Widlansky ME. Finding Needles in the Gut Microbiota's Haystack. Circ Res. 2023 Jan 20;132(2):182-184. PMCID: PMC9869460
69. SenthilKumar G, Katunaric B, Bordas-Murphy H, Young M, Doren EL, Schulz ME, Widlansky ME, Freed JK. 17β-Estradiol promotes sex-specific dysfunction in isolated human arterioles. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2023 Mar 01;324(3):H330-H337. PMCID: PMC9925162
70. Widlansky ME, Liu Y, Tumusiime S, Hofeld B, Khan N, Aljadah M, Wang J, Anger A, Qiu Q, Therani B, Liu P, Liang M. Coronary Plaque Sampling Reveals Molecular Insights Into Coronary Artery Disease. Circ Res. 2023 Sep;133(6):532-534. PMCID: PMC10467803
71. Lamberg M, Devine A, Jewulski J, Smith A, Garster N, Sharma A, Mason PJ, Lewandowski D, Widlansky M, Mohananey D. Degenerative Mitral Stenosis: A Case-Based Review. CASE (Phila). 2023 May;7(5):189-196. PMCID: PMC10264206
72. Pandey R, Roberts ML, Wang J, Pereckas M, Jensen D, Greene AS, Widlansky ME, Liang M. Proteomic Profiles of Human Arterioles Isolated From Fresh Adipose Tissue or Following Overnight Storage. Lab Invest. 2024 May;104(5):102036. PMCID: PMC11098693
73. Mahoney SA, VanDongen NS, Greenberg NT, Venkatasubramanian R, Rossman MJ, Widlansky ME, Brunt VE, Bernaldo de Quirós Y, Seals DR, Clayton ZS. Role of the circulating milieu in age-related arterial dysfunction: a novel ex vivo approach. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2024 May 01;326(5):H1279-H1290. PMCID: PMC11380963
74. Aljadah M, Khan N, Beyer AM, Chen Y, Blanker A, Widlansky ME. Clinical Implications of COVID-19-Related Endothelial Dysfunction JACC: Advances. August 2024;3(8).
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. WIDLANSKY ME, Gokce N, Keaney JF, Jr., Vita JA. The clinical implications of endothelial dysfunction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003 Oct 1;42(7):1149-60
2. Smith AR, Shenvi SV, WIDLANSKY M, Suh JH, Hagen TM. Lipoic Acid as potential therapy for chronic diseases associated with oxidative stress. Curr Med Chem. 2004 May;11(9):1135-46
3. Wang J* and WIDLANSKY ME. Lifestyle Choice and Endothelial Function: Risk and Relevance. Curr Vasc Pharm. 2009 Apr;7(2):209-24. *-1st author was a trainee
4. Kizakekuttu TJ* and WIDLANSKY ME. Natural Antioxidants and Hypertension: Promise and Challenges. Cardiovasc Ther. 2010 Aug 28(4):e20-32. *-1st author was a trainee
5. Dharmashankar K* and WIDLANSKY ME. Vascular Endothelial Function and Hypertension: Insights and Directions. Current Hypertension Reports 2010 12(6): 448-55. *-1st author was a trainee
6. WIDLANSKY ME and Gutterman DD. Regulation of Endothelial Function by Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species. Antiox Redox Sig. 2011,15(15(6):1517-30. PMID: 21194353
7. Wang J and WIDLANSKY ME. Cytoskeleton, cytoskeletal interactions, and vascular endothelial function. Cell and Cytoskeletal Health. 2012(4): 119-127.
8. Malik M and WIDLANSKY ME. (2014) Endothelial Function, In Lanzer P (Ed.) Pan Vascular Medicine, 2nd ed., Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, in press.
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. WIDLANSKY ME. Shear stress and flow-mediated dilation: all shear responses are not created equally. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2009 Jan;296(1):H31-2.
2. WIDLANSKY ME. The danger of sedenterism- Endothelium at Risk. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2010 Aug;299(2):H243-4.
3. Malik M and WIDLANSKY ME. Firefighting: Can Our Vessels Take the Heat? Vasc Med. 2015: in press.
1. WIDLANSKY ME, and Supiano MA. Chronotropic beta-receptor responsiveness is regulated by sympathetic nervous system activity in older humans with and without systolic dysfunction. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1997;45:S4.
2. WIDLANSKY ME and Vita JA. Acute Epigallocatechin Gallate supplementation improves endothelial function in humans with coronary artery disease. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2004;251:S90.
3. Wang J,Gutterman DD, and WIDLANSKY ME. Mitochondrial Uncoupling with CCCP Reverses Acute Hyperglycemia Induced Endothelial Dysfunction in Human Arterioles. Circulation, Oct 2008;118:S299.
4. Hoch AZ, Havlik HS, Raach WG, WIDLANSKY ME, Schimke JE, and Gutterman DD. Prevalence of Female Athlete Triad/Tetrad in Professional Ballet Dancers. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (MSSE). 2009;41(5)Supp 1:524
5. Babar, GS, Zidan H, WIDLANSKY ME, Das E, Hoffmann RG, Daoud M, Yan K , Ramin Alemzadeh R. Carotid Intima- Media Thickness and Endothelial Dysfunction: Relationship to Biomarkers of Vascular Inflammation in Preadolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. J Clin Endo Metab. 2009, in press.
6. WIDLANSKY ME, Alexanian A, Wang J, Gutterman DD. Acute hypoglycemia Induces Mitochondria-Mediated Superoxide Production and Apoptosis in Endothelial Cells: Inhibition by AMP Kinase Through an eNOS Dependent Mechanism. Circulation 2009;120:S444.
7. WIDLANSKY ME, Kizhakekuttu TJ, Wang J, Arthur EIL, Vita JA, Gutterman DD. Mitochondrial Membrane Hyperpolarization and Reduced Mitochondrial Mass Characterize the Arteriolar Endothelium and Mononuclear Cells of Humans With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus- in vivo and ex vivo Assessment of Endothelial Function. Circulation. 2009, 120:S1107.
8. WIDLANSKY ME, Kizhakekuttu T, Das E, and Gutterman DD. Absolute Flow-Mediated Dilation (FMDmm) and Nitric Oxide Dependent Vasodilator Capacity of the Brachial Artery, but Not Percent Flow Mediated Dilation (FMD%), Are Increased in Trained Athletes. J Invest Med. 2010;58(4):133.
9. Samyn MM, Simpson P, WIDLANSKY ME, Krolikowski M, Co-Vu JG, Dholakia R, LaDisa JF, Alemzadeh R. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging can detect early vascular changes in children with type 1 diabetes (T1DM). J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2011
10. Dharmashankar K, Welsh, A, Kizhakekuttu TJ, WIDLANSKY ME. Nitric Oxide (NO) Dependent Vasodilation of Subcutaneous Arterioles Correlates with in vivo Conduit Vessel and Digital Microcirculatory Responses to Reactive Hyperemia. FASEB J. 2011;25,816.20.
11. Wang J, Ying, R, Dharmashankar K, WIDLANSKY, ME. Acute Low Glucose Induced Loss of Bioavailable Nitric Oxide Leads to the Development of Mitochondrial and Endothelial Dysfunction in Humans. FASEB J 2011; 25,820.15
12. WIDLANSKY ME, Wang J, Dharmashankar K, and Ying R. Partial Mitochondrial Depolarization and Mitochondrial Antioxidant Treatment Reverse Low Glucose Induced Endothelial Dysfunction in Human Arterioles. Circulation. 2012;126;A90
13. Call SL, Milosavlejevic SL, Gaglianello N, WIDLANSKY ME, Kleczka JF< Choi B, Systolic and Diastolic Function in Cardiac Arrest Patients During Therapeutic Hypothermia. Circulation. 2012;126:A14604
14. WIDLANSKY ME, Mayhorn R, Hariman S, Call SL, Gaglianello N, Call S, Karthik M, Abide WP, Milosavljevic SL, and Ail MJ. Reducing Utilization of Cardiac Stress Testing in the Outpatient Primary Care Setting: a Clinical Prediction Rule. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2013;g:A55
15. Suboc TM, Strath SJ, Miller NE, Dharmashankar K, Couillard A, Tanner MG, Haak K, Knabel DR, and WIDLANSKY ME. Physical Activity Architecture and Endothelial Function in Older Adults: Important of Activity in Bouts. Circulation. 2013:128:A15178. Presented as an Oral Abstract at AHA Scientific Session. Nov 16-20th, Dallas, TX
16. Suboc TM, Strath SJ, Dharmashankar K, Knabel DR, Couillard A, and WIDLANSKY ME. Impact of Reducing Sedentary Time on Vascular Endothelial Function in Previously Sedentary Older Adults. Circulation. 2014;129:AMP93
17. Malik, Suboc T, and WIDLANSKY M. Infected Aortic Pseudo-Aneurysm and Methicillin-Resistant Staphlococcus Aureus Dissemination and Bacteremia. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;63(12_S):. doi:10.1016
18. Tyagi S, Berger M, Fox J, Curley M, Strath SJ, Rubenstein J, Roth J, and WIDLANSKY M. Pacemaker Quantified Physical Activity Predicts All-Cause Mortality. Circulation. 2014;130:A18279
19. Suboc TM, Dharmashankar K, Wang J, Ying R, and WIDLANSKY ME. Roles of Aldosterone, Mineralocorticoid Inhibition and G6PD Activity in Microvascular Endothelial Dysfunction in African Americans with Hypertension. Circulation. 2014;130:A18222
20. Fetterman JL, Ballinger SW, Holbrook M, Westbrook DG, Brown KP, Berk BD, Linder EA, WIDLANSKY ME, Dorsey P, Leleiko R, Feng B, Gokce N, Hamburg NM, and VIta JA. Association of Diabetes Mellitus and Clinical Atherosclerosis with Mitochondrial DNA Damage. Circulation. 2014;130:A18621
21. Field J, Nathan DG, Neuberg D, Lindner J, WIDLANSKY M, Dargatz J, Harmann L, Campigotto F, Belcik T, and Linden J. Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Detects Differences in Microvascular Blood Flow in Adults with Sicle Cell Disease Administered Regadenoson. Blood. 2014;124(21)
22. Malik MA, Suboc T, Strath SJ, Wang J, Tanner MJ, Ying R, and WIDLANSKY ME. Impact of Increasing Physical Activity over 12 weeks in Previously Sedentary Older Adults: A 1-Year Follow Up. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015, in press
23. Hoffmann B, Prisco A, WIDLANSKY M, and Greene A. Hyperglycemia-induced alterations of the vascular endothelium in type 2 diabetes mellitus. The FASEB Journal 29 (1 Supplement), 802.4.
24. Tanner, MJ, Wang J, Ying R, Malik M, Branum A, Suboc TB, Coulliard A, WIDLANSKY ME. Increased Mitochondrial Fission Plays a Critical Role in Low Glucose-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction. Circulation 2015; 132: A11505.
25. Jensen DM, WIDLANSKY ME, Chu C, Liu P, Liu Y, Kriegel A, Wang J, Ying R, Liang M. Human Small Artery MicroRNA Expression Profiles: Changes in Type 2Diabetes and Associations with Endothelial Function Hypertension 2015; 66 (Suppl 1), AP124-AP124.
26. Malik M , WIDLANSKY ME, Suboc T, Coulliard A, Su J , Salzman NH, Baker J. The Probiotic Bacterium Lactobacillus Plantarum 299v Improves Vascular Endothelial Function and Decreases Inflammatory Biomarkers in Men With Established Cardiovascular Disease Circulation 2015; 132 (Suppl 3), A10898-A10898.
28. Kieu A and WIDLANSKY M. Effective Arterial Elastance and Hypertensive Response to Stress. Hypertension 2016;68:AP296.
29. Puppala VK, Amberly Branum A, Shahreyar M, Wang J, Ying R, Michael Tanner, WIDLANSKY ME. Addition of Dipeptdyl Peptidase-4 Inhibition to Metformin Mono-therapy Reduces Vascular Inflammation in Humans With Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Circulation 2016;134:A13747.
30. Tanner MJ, Wang J, Ying R, Shahreyar M, Puppala V, Branum A, WIDLANSKY ME. O-linked Glycosylation is Implicated in Mitochondrial Fission and Low Glucose-induced Endothelial Dysfunction. Circulation 2016;134:A16069.
31. WIDLANSKY ME, Lisa E Rein LE, Sergey Tarim S, Christopher Mueller C, Hamburg NM, Vasan RS, Mitchell GF, and Friedland DR. Strial Pattern Hearing Loss is Associated With Impaired Endothelial Function and Increased Carotid Intima-Media Thickness. Circulation 2016 ;134:A19010.
32. Egner, J.M., Jensen, D., Olp, M.D., Tanner, M.J., Wang, J., Peterson, F.C, Smith,B.C., Volkman, B.F., Widlansky, M., & Hill, R.B. (April 22 – 26, 2017). Developing a chemical biological tool targeting mitochondrial fission protein Fis1. Poster presentation at American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2017 Annual Meeting. McCormick Place, Chicago, IL.
33. Cohen, KE, Tyagi, S, Kapoor, R, Berger M, Fox J, Strath S, Roth J, Oujiri J, Rubenstein J, Kluge N, WIDLANSKY M. Sedentary Behavior Independently Predicts Mortality in the Pacemaker Population. Circulation 2017: S2084.
34. Kapoor R, Tyagi S, Fox J, WIDLANSKY M, Roth J, Oujiri J, Rubenstein J, Berger M. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy for Pacemaker Induced Cardiomyopathy Results in Super Response. Circulation 2017: M3254.
35. Bodker A, WIDLANSKY M, Strath S, Gutterman D, Kulinski J. Interventions to Reduce Sedentary Behavior at Work. Circulation 2017: M2209.
36. WIDLANSKY ME, Jensen DM, Wang J, Liu Y, Geurts A, Kriegel A, Liu P, Ying R, Zhang G, Casati M, Chu C, Malik M, Branum A, Tanner MJ, Usa K, Tyagi S, Puppala V, Liang M. miR-29 Contributes to Normal Endothelial Function in Healthy Human Resistance Arterioles and Restores Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation in Type 2 Diabetes. Circulation 2017 S1161.