Michael Martens PhD
Michael Martens PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Data Science Institute
Division of Biostatistics
Department of Data Science Institute
Division of Biostatistics
Medical Education Building |
8701 Watertown Plank Rd |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
Phone: 414-955-8371 |
Email: |
01/2004 - 05/2005 B.S. Mathematics, Aurora University, Aurora, IL |
08/2008 - 12/2010 M.S. Mathematics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL |
08/2012 - 05/2017 Ph.D Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
05/2016 - 08/2016 Biostatistician and Software Developer - Intern, StataCorp, College Station, TX |
06/2017 - 11/2019 Biostatistician, Transplant, Allergy, and Autoimmune Research Unit, Cell Therapy Group, The Emmes Company, Rockville, MD |
11/2019 - 08/2020 Senior Biostatistician, Transplant, Allergy, and Autoimmune Research Unit, Cell Therapy Group, The Emmes Company, Rockville, MD |
09/2020 - Present Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI |
09/2020 - Present Assistant Professor, Institute for Health and Equity, Division of Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
05/2024 - Present Assistant Director of Biostatistics Shared Resource, Cancer Center, Medical College of Wisconsin |
01/2004 Spartan Scholarship, Aurora University |
08/2008 Mathematical Sciences Fellowship, Northern Illinois University |
08/2012 Biostatistics Fellowship, Medical College of Wisconsin |
03/2017 Distinguished Student Paper Award, Eastern Northern American Region of the International Biometric Society |
2020 - 2021 Outstanding Graduate School Educator, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2021 - 2022 Outstanding Graduate School Educator, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2022 - 2023 Outstanding Graduate School Educator, Medical College of Wisconsin |
10/2013 - Present American Statistical Association |
10/2015 - Present International Biometric Society |
Journal Review |
Statistics in Medicine |
Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research |
Nature Communications |
Statistical Methods in Medical Research |
Biometrics |
04/2024 Grant Reviewer, Momentum Grants review panel, Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (AHW) |
06/2017 - 08/2020 Protocol Statistican, Data and Coordinating Center, Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network |
09/2020 - Present Statistical Director, Data and Coordinating Center, Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network |
12/2020 - Present Statistical Director, Infection & Immune Reconstitution Working Committee, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research |
05/2022 Grant Reviewer, Scientific Review Group, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases |
RESEARCH GRANTS/AWARDS/CONTRACTS/PROJECTS: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International |
Martens MJ and Logan BR, A Group Sequential Test for Treatment Effect Based on the Fine-Gray Model, 2017 Eastern North American Region Spring Meeting of the International Biometric Society, Washington DC, 03/2017 |
Martens MJ, Statistical Rules for Safety Monitoring in Clinical Trials, 2023 Tandem Meetings - Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR, Orlando, FL, 02/2023 |
International |
Dhakal B, Martens M, Kapke J, D'Souza A, Pasquini MC, Saber W, Hamadani M, Drobyski W, Rizzo JD, Horowitz MM, Zhang MJ, and Hari PN, Outcomes of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (AHCT) for Multiple Myeloma (MM): Impact of Disease Risk and Conditioning Regimen, 2015 BMT Tandem Meetings, San Diego, CA, 02/2015 |
Segal E, Martens M, Wang HL, Brazauskas R, Weisdorf D, Sandmaier BM, de Lima MJ, Khoury HJ, and Saber W, Comparison of Post-Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) Outcomes after Matched Related Donor Versus Matched Unrelated Donor HCT in Adults with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, 2015 American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 12/2015 |
Muffly L, Pasquini MC, Martens M, Brazauskas R, Zhu X, Adekola K, Aljurf MD, Artz AS, Bajel A, Ballen KK, Battiwalla M, Beitinjaneh A, Cahn JV, Carabasi M, Chen YB, Chhabra S, Ciurea SO, Copelan EA, D'Souza A, Edwards J, Freytes CO, Fung HC, Gale RP, Giralt SA, Hashmi SK, Hematti P, Hildebrandt GC, Ho VT, Jakubowski AA, Lazarus HM, McCarthy PL, Olin RL, Olsson R, Rezvani A, Rizzieri DA, Seftel M, Seo S, Sorror ML, Szer J, Wood WA, Increasing use of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in patients age 70 years and older: a CIBMTR study of trends and outcomes, 2016 BMT Tandem Meetings, Honolulu, HI, 02/2016 |
Martens MJ and Laud PW, A Low Information Prior Specification for a Dirichlet Process Mixture of Gaussian Distributions, 2016 Eastern North American Region Spring Meeting of the International Biometric Society, Austin, TX, 03/2016 |
Knight JM, Martens M, Syrjala KL, Le-Rademacher J, Logan BR, Lee SJ, Jacobsen PB, Wood WA, Jim H, Wingard JR, Horowitz MM, Majhail NS, Abidi MH, Geller NL, Fei M, Wu J, and Rizzo JD, Psychosocial and socioeconomic status as predictors of outcomes following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: An ancillary study from the BMT CTN 0902 randomized controlled trial (RCT), 2016 PsychoNeuroImmunology Research Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Brighton, United Kingdom, 06/2016 |
Martens MJ and Logan BR, A Group Sequential Test of a Competing Risk Endpoint for Treatment Effect Based on the Fine-Gray Model, 2016 Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Chicago, IL, 07/2016 |
Pidala J, Martens M, Carreras J, Anasetti C, Cutler CS, Lee SJ, Antin J, Horowitz M, and Logan B, Multi-state Modeling Identifies Determinants of Successful Immune Suppression Discontinuation: Secondary Analysis of BMT CTN 0201 and 0402 Trials, 2017 BMT Tandem Meetings, Orlando, FL, 02/2017 |
Martens MJ and Logan BR, Group Sequential Tests for Treatment Effect on Survival and Cumulative Incidence at a Fixed Time Point, 2018 Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 07/2018 |
Reshef R, Saber W, Bolanos-Meade J, Chen GL, Chen Y-B, Ho VT, Ponce DM, Nakamura R, Martens MJ, Hansen JA, Levine JE, Acute Gvhd Diagnosis and Adjudication in a Multicenter Trial - a Report from the BMT CTN 1202 Biorepository Study, 2019 Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings, Houston, TX, 02/2019 |
Pidala JA, Hamadani M, Dawson P, Alousi AM, Jagasia M, Efebera YA, Chhabra S, Pusic I, Holtan SG, Ferrera J, Levine JE, Anasetti C, Pritchard T, Martens M, Horowitz MM, MacMillan ML, Sirolimus Vs. Prednisone As Initial Systemic Therapy for Minnesota Standard Risk (MN-SR), Ann Arbor 1/2 Acute Graft-Vs-Host Disease (GVHD): Primary Results of the Multi-Center Randomized Phase II BMT CTN 1501 Trial, 2019 Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings, Houston, TX, 02/2019 |
Martens MJ and Logan BR, A Unified Approach to Sample Size Determination for Common Nonlinear Regression Models, 2019 Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Denver, CO, 08/2019 |
Nakamura R, Saber W, Martens MJ, Ramirez A, Scott BL, Oran B, Leifer E, Tamari R, Mishra A, Maziarz RT, McGuirk JP, Westervelt P, Vasu S, Patnaik MM, Kamble R, Forman SJ, Sekeres MA, Appelbaum FR, Mendizabal AM, Logan B, Horowitz MM, Cutler C, A Multi-Center Biologic Assignment Trial Comparing Reduced Intensity Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation to Hypomethylating Therapy or Best Supportive Care in Patients Aged 50-75 with Advanced Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network Study 1102, 2020 American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition, Virtual Meeting, 12/2020 |
Bhatt NS, Sharma A, St. Martin A, Martens M, Riches ML, Dandoy CE, Auletta JJ, COVID-19 in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients: A CIBMTR Study, 2021 Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings, Virtual Meeting, 02/2021 |
Nishihori T, Bashir Q, Pasquini MC, Martens M, Wu J, Alsina J, Efebera YA, Gasparetto C, Geller N, Giralt S, Koreth J, McCarthy PL, Scott EC, Stadtmauer EA, Vesole DH, Hari P, The results of multicenter phase II, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of maintenance ixazomib after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (alloHCT) for high-risk multiple myeloma (MM) from the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN 1302), 2021 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, 05/2021 |
Ellison C, Griffiths C, Thompson J, Arapi I, Martens M, Gore E, Immunotherapy Toxicity in Lung Cancer & The Impact of Thoracic Radiation Therapy, IASLC 2021 World Conference on Lung Cancer, Virtual Meeting, 09/2021 |
Cusatis R, Martens M, Nakamura R, Cutler C, Saber W, Lee SJ, Logan BR, Shaw BE, Horowitz MM, Flynn KE, Health-Related Quality of Life in a Biologic Assignment Trial of Reduced Intensity Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Based on Donor Availability in Patients Aged 50-75 with Advanced Myelodysplastic Syndrome, 2021 American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, 12/2021 |
Martens MJ, Banerjee A, Qi X, Shi Y, Bayesian Knockoff Generators for Robust Inference Under Complex Data Structure, 2022 Eastern North American Region Spring Meeting of the International Biometric Society, Houston, TX, 03/2022 |
Riches M, Martens M, Auletta J, Baluch A, Bhavsar K, Brown J, Dhodapkar M, DiFronzo N, Howard A, Ibrahim U, Nakamura R, Peyton K, Shahid Z, Sharon E, Spahn A, Toor A, Waldvogel S, Westervelt P, Young J, Perales M, Horowitz M, Humoral Immunogenicity of Sars-Cov-2 Vaccination in the First Year after Hematopoietic Cell Transplant or Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy: A CIBMTR and BMT CTN Study, 2022 Tandem Meetings - Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR, Salt Lake City, UT, 04/2022 |
Versluis J, Saber W, Tsai HK, Gibson CJ, Mishra A, McGuirk JP, Maziarz RT, Westervelt P, Martens M, Ramirez A, Logan B, Horowitz MM, Nakamura R, Cutler C, Lindsley RC, Mutation Analysis in Patients with High-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome Receiving Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Based on Biological Donor Availability: Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN) Study 1102, 2022 Tandem Meetings - Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR, Salt Lake City, UT, 04/2022 |
Holtan SG, Hamadani M, Wu J, AL Malki MM, Runaas L, Elmariah H, Rezvani AR, Gooptu M, Larkin KT, Shaffer BC, El Jurdi NH, Loren AW, Solh M, Hall AC, Alousi AM, Jamy OM, Perales M-A, Yao JM,
Applegate K, Bhatt AS, Kean LS, Efebera YA, Kitko CL, Reshef R, Clark W, DiFronzo NL, Henderson L, Jones RJ, Leifer E, Martens MJ, Horowitz MM, Bolanos-Meade J, Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide, Tacrolimus, and Mycophenolate Mofetil As the New Standard for Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD) Prophylaxis in Reduced Intensity Conditioning: Results from Phase III BMT CTN 1703, 2022 American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 12/2022 |
El Jurdi N, Martens MJ, Brunstein CG, O'Donnell P, Lee SJ, D'Souza A, Logan BR, Hong S, Sandhu K, Shapiro RM, Singh AK, Horowitz MM, Hamilton BK, Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Double Umbilical Cord Blood Vs. Haploidentical Marrow Transplantation: A QOL Analysis Report of BMT CTN 1101, 2022 American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 12/2022 |
Perales M-A, Chemaly RF, Dandoy CE, He N, Martens MJ, Riches ML, and Szabolcs P, Delayed CD4+ T Cell Recovery after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Is Associated with Decreased Overall Survival in Adult but Not Pediatric Recipients, 2023 Tandem Meetings - Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR, Orlando, FL, 02/2023 |
Martens M, Kou J, Logan B, Paczesny S, Machine Learning for Risk Biomarkers of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease in 936 Patients from BMTCTN 0201 & 1202 Cohorts, 2023 EBMT Annual Meeting, Paris, France, 04/2023 |
Fang X, Kim S, Martens MJ, Logan BR, Ahn KW, The Cox model with adaptive fused group bridge penalty to incorporate historical data into the analysis of clinical trials, 2023 Lifetime Data Science Conference, Raleigh, NC, 06/2023 |
Holtan SG, Martens MJ, Al Malki MM, Efebera Y, Kitko CL, Reshef R, Rezvani AR, Shaffer BC, Solh MM, Yao JM, Runaas L, Elmariah H, Larkin KT, El Jurdi NH, Gooptu M, Loren AW, Hall AC, Alousi A, Jamy O, Clark W, Kean L, Bhatt AS, Perales M-A, Applegate K, Wu J, Leifer E, DiFronzo N, Jones RJ, Horowitz MM, Matilla D, Hamadani M, Bolanos-Meade J, Patient-Reported Outcomes of BMT CTN 1703: A Randomized Phase III Study for Gvhd Prophylaxis - a Quality of Life Evaluation, 65th ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, 12/2023 |
Martens MJ, Kou J, Logan BL, Paczesny S, Machine Learning Validates Risk Biomarkers of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease in 936 Patients from BMT CTN 0201 & 1202 Cohorts, 65th ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, 12/2023 |
Hill JA, Martens MJ, Young JAH, Bhavsar K, Kou J, Chen M, Lee LW, Baluch A, Dhodapkar MV, Nakamura R, Peyton K, Shahid Z, Armistead PM, Westervelt P, McCarty JM, McGuirk JP, Hamadani M, DeWolf S, Hosszu K, Sharon E, Spahn A, Toor AA, Waldvogel S, Greenberger LM, Auletta JJ, Horowitz MM, Riches ML, Perales M-A, SARS-Cov-2 Vaccination in the First Year after Hematopoietic Cell Transplant or Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Therapy: A CIBMTR and BMT CTN Study, 2024 Tandem Meetings - Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR, San Antonio, TX, 02/2024 |
Zhang PK, Logan BL, Martens MJ, Covariate-adjusted Group Sequential Comparisons of Survival Probabilities, ENAR 2024 Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 03/2024 |
Martens MJ, Kim S, Ahn KW, Sample Size & Power Determination for Multiparameter Testing in Nonlinear Regression Models with Potential Stratification, ENAR 2024 Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 03/2024 |
Zhang PK, Logan BL, Martens MJ, Covariate-adjusted Group Sequential Comparisons of Survival Probabilities, Society for Clinical Trials Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 05/2024 |
Lian Q, Kim S, Martens M, Ahn KW, Multiple Imputation of Missing Covariates in Time-to-event Data, 2024 ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, Nashville, TN, 06/2024 |
Sharma A, Mangaonkar AA, Kassim AA, Fritz AR, Bellach A, Davila BJ, Ball BJ, Malmberg C, Babushok DV, Henderson L, Pandey M, Martens MJ, DiFronzo N, Geller N, Ritzau NM, Patel SS, Sanikommu SR, Devine SM, Tsai S, Broglie L, Horowitz MM, Arai S, DeZern AE, Trial in Progress: Cureaa - a Clinical Trial of Upfront Haploidentical or Unrelated Donor BMT to Restore Normal Hematopoiesis in Aplastic Anemia, Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN) #2207, 66th ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, 12/2024 |
Abedin S, Lian Q, Martens MJ, Al Malki MM, Elmariah H, Gooptu M, Larkin KT, Shaffer BC, Loren AW, Sohl MM, Alousi AM, Jamy O, Yao JM, Applegate K, Perales MA, Kean L, Efebera YA, Reshef R, Clark W, Leifer E, Horowitz MM, Jones RJ, Bolanos-Meade J, Holtan SG, Hamadani M, Superiority of Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide-Based Graft Versus Host Disease (GvHD) Prophylaxis in Patients 70 Years and Older: A BMT CTN 1703 Post-Hoc Analysis, 66th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, 12/2024 |
National |
Martens MJ, Group Sequential Tests of Treatment Effect on Survival and Cumulative Incidence at a Fixed Time Point, Biostatistics in the Modern Computing Era, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2017 |
Zhang PK, Logan BL, Martens MJ, Covariate-adjusted Group Sequential Comparisons of Survival Probabilities, Annual MD-PhD National Student Conference, Breckenridge, CO, 07/2023 |
Regional |
Mussatto K, Hanna E, Tarima S, Bear L, Benson DW, Tweddell J, Martens M, Brosig CL, Utilization of early intervention services in children with congenital heart disease, 2014 Midwest Nursing Research Society Meeting, St. Louis, MO, 05/2014 |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
08/2021 - 10/2021 Member, Investigator Initiated Trials Steering Committee, Cancer Center, Medical College of Wisconsin |
09/2021 - 08/2024 Member, Course Evaluation Committee, Graduate School, Medical College of Wisconsin |
01/2022 - Present Chair, Clinical Trials Methodology Research Group, Division of Biostatistics, Data Science Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin |
03/2022 - Present Member, Faculty Recruitment Committee, Division of Biostatistics, Data Science Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin |
05/2022 - Present Member, Scientific Review Committee, Cancer Center, Medical College of Wisconsin |
01/2025 - Present Member, Student Admission Committee, Division of Biostatistics, Data Science Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Graduate Student Education |
01/2021 - 05/2021 Biostatistics 04295: Readings and Research |
01/2021 - 05/2021 Biostatistics 04214: Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials |
08/2021 - 05/2024 Biostatistics 04295: Readings and Research |
01/2022 - 05/2022 Biostatistics 04275: Applied Survival Analysis |
08/2022 - 12/2022 Biostatistics 04214: Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials |
08/2023 - 05/2024 Biostatistics 04220: Research Seminar |
01/2024 - 06/2024 Biostatistics 04399: Doctoral Disseration |
08/2024 - Present Biostatistics 04295: Readings and Research |
08/2024 - 12/2024 Biostatistics 04214: Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials |
Graduate Students |
PhD Students Advised |
01/2022 - 06/2024 Peter Zhang, Ph.D. thesis advisor in Biostatistics |
06/2022 - 03/2024 Xi Fang, Ph.D. thesis committee in Biostatistics |
07/2023 - Present Qinghua Lian, Ph.D. thesis advisor in Biostatistics |
MS Students Advised |
01/2023 - Present Ryan Amidon, M.S. thesis committee in Clinical and Translational Science |
Educational Programs |
Student |
2021 Member, Applied Statistics Preliminary Exam Committee |
2022 Chair, Applied Statistics Preliminary Exam Committee |
2023 Member, Applied Statistics Preliminary Exam Committee |
2023 Chair, Course Revision Committee |
2024 Chair, Theory of Statistics Preliminary Exam Committee |
2024 Member, Applied Statistics Preliminary Exam Committee |
Martens MJ, Lian Q. R package "stoppingrule". Available at |
Lian Q, Kim S, Martens MJ, Ahn KW. R package "Survimpute". Available at |
Martens MJ. R Shiny App for landmark prediction of immune suppression discontinuation after hematopoietic cell transplantation. Available at |
Martens MJ. R package "sspower". Available at |
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. Dhakal B, D'Souza A, Martens M, Kapke J, Harrington AM, Pasquini M, Saber W, Drobyski WR, Zhang MJ, Hamadani M, Hari PN. Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in Multiple Myeloma: Impact of Disease Risk and Post Allograft Minimal Residual Disease on Survival. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2016 Jul;16(7):379-86. |
2. Knight JM, Syrjala KL, Majhail NS, Martens M, Le-Rademacher J, Logan BR, Lee SJ, Jacobsen PB, Wood WA, Jim HSL, Wingard JR, Horowitz MM, Abidi MH, Fei M, Rawls L, Rizzo JD. Patient-Reported Outcomes and Socioeconomic Status as Predictors of Clinical Outcomes after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Study from the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network 0902 Trial. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2016 Dec;22(12):2256-2263. PMCID: PMC5116244 |
3. Wingard JR, Wood WA, Martens M, Le-Rademacher J, Logan B, Knight JM, Jacobsen PB, Jim H, Majhail NS, Syrjala K, Rizzo JD, Lee SJ. Pretransplantation Exercise and Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Survival: A Secondary Analysis of Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN 0902). Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Jan;23(1):161-164. PMCID: PMC5182134 |
4. Cornell RF, Bachanova V, D'Souza A, Woo-Ahn K, Martens M, Huang J, Al-Homsi AS, Chhabra S, Copelan E, Diaz MA, Freytes CO, Gale RP, Ganguly S, Hamadani M, Hildebrandt G, Kamble RT, Kharfan-Dabaja M, Kindwall-Keller T, Lazarus HM, Marks DI, Nishihori T, Olsson RF, Saad A, Usmani S, Vesole DH, Yared J, Mark T, Nieto Y, Hari P. Allogeneic Transplantation for Relapsed Waldenström Macroglobulinemia and Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Jan;23(1):60-66. PMCID: PMC5182098 |
5. Segal E, Martens M, Wang HL, Brazauskas R, Weisdorf D, Sandmaier BM, Khoury HJ, de Lima M, Saber W. Comparing outcomes of matched related donor and matched unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplants in adults with B-Cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer. 2017 Sep 01;123(17):3346-3355. PMCID: PMC5568918 |
6. Muffly L, Pasquini MC, Martens M, Brazauskas R, Zhu X, Adekola K, Aljurf M, Ballen KK, Bajel A, Baron F, Battiwalla M, Beitinjaneh A, Cahn JY, Carabasi M, Chen YB, Chhabra S, Ciurea S, Copelan E, D'Souza A, Edwards J, Foran J, Freytes CO, Fung HC, Gale RP, Giralt S, Hashmi SK, Hildebrandt GC, Ho V, Jakubowski A, Lazarus H, Luskin MR, Martino R, Maziarz R, McCarthy P, Nishihori T, Olin R, Olsson RF, Pawarode A, Peres E, Rezvani AR, Rizzieri D, Savani BN, Schouten HC, Sabloff M, Seftel M, Seo S, Sorror ML, Szer J, Wirk BM, Wood WA, Artz A. Increasing use of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in patients aged 70 years and older in the United States. Blood. 2017 Aug 31;130(9):1156-1164. PMCID: PMC5580273 |
7. Martens MJ, Logan BR. A group sequential test for treatment effect based on the Fine-Gray model. Biometrics. 2018 Sep;74(3):1006-1013. PMCID: PMC6146968 |
8. Shi Y, Martens M, Banerjee A, Laud P. Low Information Omnibus (LIO) priors for Dirichlet process mixture models. Bayesian Analysis. 2019;14(3):677-702. |
9. Pidala J, Martens M, Anasetti C, Carreras J, Horowitz M, Lee SJ, Antin J, Cutler C, Logan B. Factors Associated With Successful Discontinuation of Immune Suppression After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. JAMA Oncol. 2020 Jan 01;6(1):e192974. PMCID: PMC6763979 |
10. Martens MJ, Logan BR. Group sequential tests for treatment effect on survival and cumulative incidence at a fixed time point. Lifetime Data Anal. 2020 Jul;26(3):603-623. PMCID: PMC7365590 |
11. Pidala J, Hamadani M, Dawson P, Martens M, Alousi AM, Jagasia M, Efebera YA, Chhabra S, Pusic I, Holtan SG, Ferrara JLM, Levine JE, Mielcarek M, Anasetti C, Antin JH, Bolaños-Meade J, Howard A, Logan BR, Leifer ES, Pritchard TS, Horowitz MM, MacMillan ML. Randomized multicenter trial of sirolimus vs prednisone as initial therapy for standard-risk acute GVHD: the BMT CTN 1501 trial. Blood. 2020 Jan 09;135(2):97-107. PMCID: PMC6952830 |
12. Martens MJ, Logan BR. A unified approach to sample size and power determination for testing parameters in generalized linear and time-to-event regression models. Stat Med. 2021 Feb 28;40(5):1121-1132. PMCID: PMC8020892 |
13. Reshef R, Saber W, Bolaños-Meade J, Chen G, Chen YB, Ho VT, Ponce DM, Nakamura R, Martens MJ, Hansen JA, Levine JE. Acute GVHD Diagnosis and Adjudication in a Multicenter Trial: A Report From the BMT CTN 1202 Biorepository Study. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jun 10;39(17):1878-1887. PMCID: PMC8260916 |
14. Nakamura R, Saber W, Martens MJ, Ramirez A, Scott B, Oran B, Leifer E, Tamari R, Mishra A, Maziarz RT, McGuirk J, Westervelt P, Vasu S, Patnaik M, Kamble R, Forman SJ, Sekeres MA, Appelbaum F, Mendizabal A, Logan B, Horowitz M, Cutler C. Biologic Assignment Trial of Reduced-Intensity Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Based on Donor Availability in Patients 50-75 Years of Age With Advanced Myelodysplastic Syndrome. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Oct 20;39(30):3328-3339. PMCID: PMC8791814 |
15. Meyers G, Hamadani M, Martens M, Ali H, Choe H, Dawson P, Harris AC, van Hooren E, Klaassen W, Leifer E, MacMillan ML, van Oosterhout Y, Perez L, Pusic I, Vo P, Levine JE. Lessons learned from early closure of a clinical trial for steroid-refractory acute GVHD. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2022 Feb;57(2):302-303. PMCID: PMC8825705 |
16. Beltran-Ponce SE, Erickson BA, Hall WA, Bedi M, Martens MJ, Siker M, Thomas J, George B, Ludwig K, Peterson C, Ridolfi T, Longo JM. Long term clinical outcomes and associated predictors of progression free survival in anal canal cancer. Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology. February 2022;13(1):185-196. |
17. Bhatt NS, Sharma A, St Martin A, Abid MB, Brown VI, Diaz Perez MA, Frangoul H, Gadalla SM, Herr MM, Krem MM, Lazarus HM, Martens MJ, Mehta PA, Nishihori T, Prestidge T, Pulsipher MA, Rangarajan HG, Williams KM, Winestone LE, Yin DE, Riches ML, Dandoy CE, Auletta JJ. Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of COVID-19 in Pediatric and Early Adolescent and Young Adult Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients: A Cohort Study. Transplant Cell Ther. 2022 Oct;28(10):696.e1-696.e7. PMCID: PMC9251957 |
18. Bashir Q, Nishihori T, Pasquini MC, Martens MJ, Wu J, Alsina M, Anasetti C, Brunstein C, Dawson P, Efebera Y, Gasparetto C, Geller N, Giralt S, Hall AC, Koreth J, McCarthy P, Scott E, Stadtmauer EA, Vesole DH, Hari P. A Multicenter Phase II, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Maintenance Ixazomib After Allogeneic Transplantation for High-Risk Multiple Myeloma: Results of the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network 1302 Trial. Transplant Cell Ther. 2023 Jun;29(6):358.e1-358.e7. PMCID: PMC10442072 |
19. Cusatis R, Martens MJ, Nakamura R, Cutler CS, Saber W, Lee SJ, Logan BR, Shaw BE, Gregory A, D'Souza A, Hamilton BK, Horowitz MM, Flynn KE. Health-related quality of life in reduced-intensity hematopoietic cell transplantation based on donor availability in patients aged 50-75 with advanced myelodysplastic syndrome: BMT CTN 1102. Am J Hematol. 2023 Feb;98(2):229-250. PMCID: PMC9839494 |
20. El Jurdi N, Martens MJ, Brunstein CG, O'Donnell P, Lee SJ, D'Souza A, Logan B, Hong S, Singh AK, Sandhu K, Shapiro RM, Horowitz MM, Hamilton BK. Health-Related Quality of Life in Double Umbilical Cord Blood versus Haploidentical Marrow Transplantation: A Quality of Life Analysis Report of BMT CTN 1101. Transplant Cell Ther. 2023 Jul;29(7):467.e1-467.e5. PMCID: PMC10330136 |
21. Hill JA, Martens MJ, Young JH, Bhavsar K, Kou J, Chen M, Lee LW, Baluch A, Dhodapkar MV, Nakamura R, Peyton K, Shahid Z, Armistead P, Westervelt P, McCarty J, McGuirk J, Hamadani M, DeWolf S, Hosszu K, Sharon E, Spahn A, Toor AA, Waldvogel S, Greenberger LM, Auletta JJ, Horowitz MM, Riches ML, Perales MA. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in the first year after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant: a prospective, multicentre, observational study. EClinicalMedicine. 2023 May;59:101983. PMCID: PMC10133891 |
22. Bolaños-Meade J, Hamadani M, Wu J, Al Malki MM, Martens MJ, Runaas L, Elmariah H, Rezvani AR, Gooptu M, Larkin KT, Shaffer BC, El Jurdi N, Loren AW, Solh M, Hall AC, Alousi AM, Jamy OH, Perales MA, Yao JM, Applegate K, Bhatt AS, Kean LS, Efebera YA, Reshef R, Clark W, DiFronzo NL, Leifer E, Horowitz MM, Jones RJ, Holtan SG, BMT CTN 1703 Investigators. Post-Transplantation Cyclophosphamide-Based Graft-versus-Host Disease Prophylaxis. N Engl J Med. 2023 Jun 22;388(25):2338-2348. PMCID: PMC10575613 |
23. Martens MJ, Gao Y, Szabo A. Designing and conducting a clinical trial in blood and marrow transplantation. Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 2023 Jun;36(2):101471. PMCID: PMC10845212 |
24. Martens MJ, Kim S, Ahn KW. Sample size and power determination for multiparameter evaluation in nonlinear regression models with potential stratification. Biometrics. 2023 Dec;79(4):3916-3928. PMCID: PMC10749377 |
25. Versluis J, Saber W, Tsai HK, Gibson CJ, Dillon LW, Mishra A, McGuirk J, Maziarz RT, Westervelt P, Hegde P, Mukherjee D, Martens MJ, Logan B, Horowitz M, Hourigan CS, Nakamura R, Cutler C, Lindsley RC, Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network. Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Improves Outcome in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Across High-Risk Genetic Subgroups: Genetic Analysis of the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network 1102 Study. J Clin Oncol. 2023 Oct 01;41(28):4497-4510. PMCID: PMC10552956 |
26. Meyers G, Hamadani M, Martens M, Ali H, Chevallier P, Choe H, Harris AC, Holler E, van Hooren E, Klaassen W, Leifer E, van Oosterhout Y, Perez L, Pusic I, Stelljes M, van der Velden W, Ammatuna E, Beauvais D, Cornillon J, Maziarz RT, Schetelig J, Romeril J, MacMillan ML, Levine JE, Socié G. Anti-CD3/CD7 immunoconjugate (T-Guard) for severe, steroid-refractory GVHD: final report of BMT CTN 2002. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2023 Dec;58(12):1416-1418. PMCID: PMC11732251 |
27. Papanicolaou GA, Chen M, He N, Martens MJ, Kim S, Batista MV, Bhatt NS, Hematti P, Hill JA, Liu H, Nathan S, Seftel MD, Sharma A, Waller EK, Wingard JR, Young JH, Dandoy CE, Perales MA, Chemaly RF, Riches M, Ustun C. Incidence and Impact of Fungal Infections in Post-Transplantation Cyclophosphamide-Based Graft-versus-Host Disease Prophylaxis and Haploidentical Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: A Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research Analysis. Transplant Cell Ther. 2024 Jan;30(1):114.e1-114.e16. PMCID: PMC10872466 |
28. Martens MJ, Logan BR. Statistical rules for safety monitoring in clinical trials. Clin Trials. 2024 Apr;21(2):152-161. PMCID: PMC11003847 |
29. Amidon RF, Livingston K, Kleefisch CJ, Martens M, Straza M, Puckett L, Schultz CJ, Mueller WM, Connelly JM, Noid G, Morris K, Bovi JA. Cystic Brain Metastasis Outcomes After Gamma Knife Radiation Therapy. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2024 Jan;9(1):101304. PMCID: PMC10801666 |
30. Hill JA, Martens MJ, Young JH, Bhavsar K, Kou J, Chen M, Lee LW, Baluch A, Dhodapkar MV, Nakamura R, Peyton K, Howard DS, Ibrahim U, Shahid Z, Armistead P, Westervelt P, McCarty J, McGuirk J, Hamadani M, DeWolf S, Hosszu K, Sharon E, Spahn A, Toor AA, Waldvogel S, Greenberger LM, Auletta JJ, Horowitz MM, Riches ML, Perales MA. SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in the First Year After Hematopoietic Cell Transplant or Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy: A Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Aug 16;79(2):542-554. PMCID: PMC11327798 |
31. Ellison C, Martens M, Alvarez Argote J, Benz S, Currey A, Johnstone C, Klawikowski S, Livingston K, Longo JM, Menon S, Ortiz de Choudens S, Puckett L, Retseck J, Shukla M, Thompson J, Gore E. High-Grade Pneumonitis Events in Patients With Unresectable, Locally Advanced NSCLC Treated With Definitive Chemoradiation Followed by Adjuvant Durvalumab. JTO Clin Res Rep. 2024 Dec;5(12):100537. PMCID: PMC11567112 |
32. Kim S, Martens MJ, Ahn KW. Test Statistics and Statistical Inference for Data With Informative Cluster Sizes. Biom J. 2025 Feb;67(1):e70021. |
33. Holtan SG, Bolaños-Meade J, Al Malki MM, Wu J, Kitko CL, Reshef R, Rezvani AR, Shaffer BC, Solh MM, Yao JM, Runaas L, Elmariah H, Larkin KT, El Jurdi N, Gooptu M, Loren AW, Hall AC, Alousi AM, Jamy O, Clark W, Kean L, Bhatt AS, Perales MA, Applegate K, Efebera YA, Leifer E, Jones RJ, Horowitz MM, Mattila D, Saber W, Hamadani M, Martens MJ. Improved Patient-Reported Outcomes With Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide: A Quality-of-Life Evaluation and 2-Year Outcomes of BMT CTN 1703. J Clin Oncol. 2025 Jan 03:JCO2400921. |
34. Martens MJ, Lian Q, Geller NL, Leifer ES, Logan BR. Sequential monitoring of time-to-event safety endpoints in clinical trials Clinical Trials. 2024. |