Nathan Zwagerman MD
Nathan Zwagerman MD
Associate Professor
Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Neurosurgery
Hub for Collaborative Medicine |
8701 Watertown Plank Road |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
Phone: 414-805-5400 |
Fax: 414-955-0115 |
Email: |
08/30/2002 - 05/15/2006 BA, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI |
07/30/2006 - 05/30/2010 MD, Wayne State University SOM, Detroit, MI |
07/01/2010 - 06/30/2017 Resident, Neurological Surgery, UPMC, 200 Lothrop St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 |
07/01/2014 - 06/30/2016 Fellow, Neurolgoical Surgery, UPMC Center for Cranial Base Surgery, 200 Lothrop St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 |
07/01/2017 - Present Assistant Professor, Neurological Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
07/01/2018 - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, Medical College of Wisconsin |
07/01/2017 - Present Co-director of Skull Base Surgery, Neurological Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 W. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
07/01/2017 - Present Director of Pituitary Surgery, Neurolgoical Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 W. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
07/01/2017 - Present Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
07/01/2017 - Present Neurological Surgery, Memorial Community Hospital |
07/01/2017 - Present Neurological Surgery, Froedtert Hospital |
Board Certified | Issue Date | Expiration |
11/01/2020 | None | |
2010 Student's Golden Heart Award, Wayne State School of Medicine |
2012 Copeland Grant Cardiac Arrhythmias after Spontaneous Intracranial Hemorrhage , University of Pittsburgh Medical Center |
2015 Copeland Grant Nerve Specific Hydrogel for the repair of Nerve Injury , University of Pittsburgh Medical Center |
2016 AANS Synthes Skull Base Surgery Award “Randomized Controlled Trial of Lumbar Drain placement after EEA skull base surgery”, American Association of Neurological Surgeons |
2017 AANS First Place Peripheral Nerve Eposter Award “Use of a Nerve-Specific Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel in a Critical Length Nerve Gap Defect Model.” , American Association of Neurological Surgeons |
2009 - Present Alpha Omega Alpha |
2010 - Present American Association of Neurological Surgeons |
2010 - Present Congress of Neurological Surgeons |
2016 - Present North Americna Skull Base Society |
2017 - Present Pituitary Society |
2017 - Present Pituitary Network Assocation |
2017 - Present Acoustic Neuroma Association |
Journal Review |
05/2021 - Present Neurology |
Ad-Hoc Reviewer |
2010 - Present World Neurosurgery |
2010 - Present Journal of Neurological Surgery Type B |
2021 - Present Neurology |
2021 - Present BMJ Case Reports |
Progress in Neurobiology |
Brain Circulation |
Cureus |
BMC Medical Genetics |
2020 - Present Constitution and Bylaws Committee, North American Skull Base Society |
2020 - Present Research Committee, North American Skull Base Society |
International |
Nathan Zwagerman, Histopathology of Spinal Metastasis after SRS, Biannual Meeting of ISRS, Toronto, Ont. Canada, 06/2013 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Cushing's Disease: Recent Advances in Medical Therapy, Pituitary Network Association, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 07/2018 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Update on the Management of Cushing's Disease, Pituitary Network Association, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 08/2019 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Extended Retrosigmoid Approach Vs. Endoscopic Endonasal, 2nd Rhoton Society Virtual Meeting and Microneurosurgical Anatomy, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 09/2020 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Cushings Disease for Neurosurgery, University of Miami Global Brain Tumor Zoom, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 09/2020 - Present |
National |
Nathan Zwagerman, Intermittent vs. Continuous Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage Management in Adult Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Miami, FL, USA, 03/2012 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Onyx Embolization of Infections Intracranial Aneurysms, Annual meeting of the Southern Neurosurgery Association, Sarasota, FL, 06/2013 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Endoscopic endonasal approach for orbital and orbital apex lesions: a series of 77 patients, Annual meeting of the North American Skull Base Society, Tampa, FL, USA, 02/2015 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Endoscopic endonasal approach for intracranial JNA, Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 02/2016 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Endoscopic endonasal approach for pediatric chordomas, Annual meeting of the North American Skull Base Society, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 02/2016 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Diagnostic Accuracy of Somatosentory Evoked Potential Monitoring in the Evaluation of Neurological Complications during Endovascular Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms, Annual Southern Neurosurgical Society, San Antonio, TX, USA, 03/2016 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Cavernous Sinus Compartments from the Endoscopic Endonasal Approach, Annual Southern Neurosurgical Society, San Antonio, TX, USA, 03/2016 - Present |
Nathan T. Zwagerman, Building an experienced multidisciplinary collaborative Team - Neurosurgery, Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society, Orlando, FL, USA, 02/2019 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Neurosurgery Post Operative Management of Skull Base Patients, Annual Meeting of the North American Skull Base Society, San Antonio, TX, USA, 02/2020 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, The Endoscopic Transclival Approach, Pre-Meeting Dissection Course of the North American Skull Base Society, San Antonio, Texas, 02/2020 - Present |
Regional |
Nathan Zwagerman, Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of the Odontoid Process – Clinical Outcomes in 36 Patients, Annual Meeting of Pennsylvania Neurosurgical Society, Hershey, PA, USA, 07/2014 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Handling Intra-operative Vascular Injuries, University of Wisconsin Anastomosis Lecture, Madison, WI, USA, 09/2018 - Present |
Nathan T. Zwagerman, The Far Lateral Transcondylar Approach, The University of Wisconsin Skull Base Reunion Course, Madison, WI, USA, 05/2019 - Present |
Local |
Nathan Zwagerman, Histopathology of Spinal Metastasis after SRS, Annual Stuart Rowe Lecture series at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Dept. of Neurological Surgeons, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 12/2012 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of the Odontoid Process – Clinical Outcomes in 36 Patients, Annual Stuart Rowe Lecture series at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Dept. of Neurological Surgeons, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 07/2014 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Surgical Management of Pituitary Adenomas, MCW Endocrine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 08/2018 - Present |
Nathan T. Zwagerman, Open Skull Base Anatomy, MCW Open Skull Base Lab, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 10/2018 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Skull Base Anatomy From the Endoscopic and Open Approaches, MCW ENT resident Lecture, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 11/2018 - Present |
Nathan T. Zwagerman, Knowledge Changing Life: Skull Base Surgery at Froedtert Hospital, Foundation Board Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 12/2018 - Present |
Nathan T. Zwagerman, Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery, MCW Community Education, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 03/2019 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Anterior Cranial Fossa anatomy from the Endoscopic and Open Approaches, MCW Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 09/2019 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery, MCW Community Education, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 10/2019 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Management of Pituitary Adenomas, MCW Endocrine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 11/2019 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Middle and Posterior Fossa Anatomy, MCW Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 01/2020 - Present |
When Building a Successful Practice, All roads lead to Pittsburgh, Friday's With Friedlander, Pittsburgh, PA, 03/19/2021 - Present |
Skull Base Anatomy, ENT resident lectaure, Milwaukee, WI, 05/25/2021 - Present |
Building a Successful Practice, Resident lecture, Milwaukee, WI, 07/14/2021 - Present |
Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery, Emory Grand Rounds, Atlanta, 07/15/2021 - Present |
Nathan Zwagerman, Anterior Skull Base Anatomy From the Open And Endoscopic Approaches, MCW Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 07/2021 - Present |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
01/05/2021 - Present Surgical Council |
Hospital |
01/01/2018 - Present Hospital Advisory Committee |
Clinical Programs |
2017 - Present Comprehensive Regional Skull Base Program |
2017 - Present Multidisciplinary Pituitary Program |
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. Grandhi R, Zwagerman NT, Linares G, Monaco EA 3rd, Jovin T, Horowitz M, Jankowitz BT. Onyx embolization of infectious intracranial aneurysms. J Neurointerv Surg. 2014 Jun;6(5):353-6. |
2. Grandhi R, Miller RA, Zwagerman NT, Lunsford LD, Horowitz M. Perianeursymal cyst development after endovascular treatment of a ruptured giant aneurysm. J Neuroimaging. 2014;24(5):515-7. |
3. Grandhi R, Panczykowski D, Zwagerman NT, Gehris R, Villasenor-Park J, Ho J, Grandinetti L, Horowitz M. Facial necrosis after endovascular Onyx-18 embolization for epistaxis. Surg Neurol Int. 2013;4:95. PMCID: PMC3740618 |
4. Grandhi R, Hunnicutt CT, Harrison G, Zwagerman NT, Snyderman CH, Gardner PA, Hartman DJ, Horowitz M. Comparing Angiographic Devascularization with Histologic Penetration after Preoperative Tumor Embolization with Onyx: What Indicates an Effective Procedure? J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2015 Jul;76(4):309-17. |
5. Shin SS, Murdoch G, Hamilton RL, Faraji AH, Kano H, Zwagerman NT, Gardner PA, Lunsford LD, Friedlander RM. Pathological response of cavernous malformations following radiosurgery. J Neurosurg. 2015 Oct;123(4):938-44. |
6. Chivukula S, Tempel ZJ, Zwagerman NT, Newman WC, Shin SS, Chen CJ, Gardner PA, McDade EM, Ducruet AF. The Dynamic Gait Index in Evaluating Patients with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus for Cerebrospinal Fluid Diversion. World Neurosurg. 2015 Dec;84(6):1871-6. |
7. Zwagerman NT, Zenonos G, Lieber S, Wang WH, Wang EW, Fernandez-Miranda JC, Snyderman CH, Gardner PA. Endoscopic transnasal skull base surgery: pushing the boundaries. J Neurooncol. 2016 Nov;130(2):319-330. |
8. Rowan NR, Zwagerman NT, Heft-Neal ME, Gardner PA, Snyderman CH. Juvenile Nasal Angiofibromas: A Comparison of Modern Staging Systems in an Endoscopic Era. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2017 Feb;78(1):63-67. PMCID: PMC5288123 |
9. Chabot JD, Gardner PA, Stefko ST, Zwagerman NT, Fernandez-Miranda JC. Lateral Orbitotomy Approach for Lesions Involving the Middle Fossa: A Retrospective Review of Thirteen Patients. Neurosurgery. 2017 Feb 01;80(2):309-322. |
10. McDowell MM, Blatt JE, Deibert CP, Zwagerman NT, Tempel ZJ, Greene S. Predictors of mortality in children with myelomeningocele and symptomatic Chiari type II malformation. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2018 Jun;21(6):587-596. |
11. Weaver KJ, McDowell MM, White MD, Tempel ZJ, Zwagerman NT, Deibert CP, Bonfield CM, Johnson S, Greene S. Comparison of Follow-Up Length-Matched Single-Center Myelomeningocele Postnatal Closure Cohort to the Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS) Trial Results. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2021;56(3):229-238. |
12. Zwagerman NT, Tormenti MJ, Tempel ZJ, Wang EW, Snyderman CH, Fernandez-Miranda JC, Gardner PA. Endoscopic endonasal resection of the odontoid process: clinical outcomes in 34 adults. J Neurosurg. 2018 Mar;128(3):923-931. |
13. Arocho-Quinones EV, Self S, Suchi M, Zwagerman NT, Lew SM. Spheno-Orbital Aneurysmal Bone Cyst in a 10-Month-Old Infant. World Neurosurg. 2018 Sep;117:371-376. |
14. Aaronson DM, Poetker DM, Long CM, Zwagerman NT. COVID-19 Testing in the Era of Modern Neurosurgery: Mitigating Risk in Our Vulnerable Patient Populations. World Neurosurg. 2021 Aug;152:80-83. PMCID: PMC8197680 |
15. Zwagerman NT, Agarwal N, Jankowitz BT. Natural History of Intracranial Absorbable Gelatin Powder. World Neurosurg. 2017 Aug;104:1044.e5-1044.e6. |
16. Kellogg R, Lee P, Deibert CP, Tempel Z, Zwagerman NT, Bonfield CM, Johnson S, Greene S. Twenty years' experience with myelomeningocele management at a single institution: lessons learned. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2018 Oct;22(4):439-443. |
17. Massman LJ, Pereckas M, Zwagerman NT, Olivier-Van Stichelen S. O-GlcNAcylation Is Essential for Rapid Pomc Expression and Cell Proliferation in Corticotropic Tumor Cells. Endocrinology. 2021 Dec 01;162(12). PMCID: PMC8482966 |
18. Zwagerman NT, McDowell MM, Hamilton RL, Monaco EA 3rd, Flickinger JC, Gerszten PC. Histopathological examination of spine tumors after treatment with radiosurgery. Neurosurg Focus. 2016 Aug;41(2):E14. |
19. Zwagerman NT, Geltzeiler MN, Wang EW, Fernandez-Miranda JC, Snyderman CH, Gardner PA. Endonasal Suturing of Nasoseptal Flap to Nasopharyngeal Fascia Using the V-Loc™ Wound Closure Device: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2019 Feb 01;16(2):40-41. |
20. Zwagerman NT, Pardini J, Mousavi SH, Friedlander RM. A refractory arachnoid cyst presenting with tremor, expressive dysphasia, and cognitive decline. Surg Neurol Int. 2016;7(Suppl 15):S431-3. PMCID: PMC4901817 |
21. Grandhi R, Brasiliense LBC, Williamson R, Zwagerman NT, Sauvageau E, Hanel RA. Delayed Pipeline Embolization of a Ruptured True Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysm Presenting with Epistaxis: Case Report and Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2019 May;125:273-276. |
22. Greene S, Lee PS, Deibert CP, Tempel ZJ, Zwagerman NT, Florio K, Bonfield CM, Emery SP. The impact of mode of delivery on infant neurologic outcomes in myelomeningocele. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Oct;215(4):495.e1-495.e11. |
23. Zwagerman NT, Wang EW, Shin SS, Chang YF, Fernandez-Miranda JC, Snyderman CH, Gardner PA. Does lumbar drainage reduce postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak after endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery? A prospective, randomized controlled trial. J Neurosurg. 2019 Oct 01;131(4):1172-1178. |
24. Grandhi R, Williamson RW, Zwagerman NT, Hanel RA. Giant serpentine aneurysm. BMJ Case Rep. 2016 Jan 14;2016. PMCID: PMC4716331 |
25. Kaushal M, Shabani S, Cochran EJ, Samra H, Zwagerman NT. Cerebral Trypanosomiasis in an Immunocompromised Patient: Case Report and Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2019 Sep;129:225-231. |
26. Newman W, Zwagerman NT, Gerszten PC. Vertebral Body Erosion and Subsequent Back Pain Secondary to a Vena Cava Filter. Cureus. 2015 Feb;7(2):e250. PMCID: PMC4494535 |
27. Grandhi R, Zwagerman NT, Zhang X, Chen SH, Jadhav AP, Jovin T, Jankowitz BT. Initial experience with the AXERA 2 Femoral Access System in neurovascular procedures. Interv Neuroradiol. 2015 Jun;21(3):412-7. PMCID: PMC4757271 |
28. Retzlaff AA, Arispe K, Cochran EJ, Zwagerman NT. Intravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia of the Pineal Region: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2020 Jan;133:308-313. |
29. Voronovich Z, Grandhi R, Zwagerman NT, Jadhav AP, Jovin TG. Manual aspiration thrombectomy for basilar infarction in the setting of a persistent primitive hypoglossal artery: Case report and review of the literature. Surg Neurol Int. 2014;5:182. PMCID: PMC4287913 |
30. Foster KA, Zwagerman NT, Ricks C, Greene S. Symptomatic thoracic arachnoid cyst with coexisting tick paralysis: case report and review of the literature. Pediatr Neurosurg. 2013;49(6):360-4. |
31. Zwagerman NT, Fernandez-Miranda JC, Wang EW, Snyderman CH, Gardner PA. The anterior (endoscopic endonasal) approach and outcomes for foramen magnum tumors Surgery of the Cranio-Vertebral Junction. 1 January 2019:395-402. |
32. Massman LJ, Conteh F, Cochran EJ, Zwagerman NT. Intracranial Capillary Hemangiomas: A Peripartum Presentation and Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2021 Jan;145:220-228. |
33. Melder K, Zwagerman N, Gardner PA, Wang EW. Endoscopic Endonasal Approach for Intra- and Extraconal Orbital Pathologies. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2020 Aug;81(4):442-449. PMCID: PMC7561460 |
34. Sekula RF Jr, Frederickson AM, Branstetter BF 4th, Oskin JE, Stevens DR, Zwagerman NT, Grandhi R, Hughes MA. Thin-slice T2 MRI imaging predicts vascular pathology in hemifacial spasm: a case-control study. Mov Disord. 2014 Sep;29(10):1299-303. |
35. Livingston AJ, Laing B, Zwagerman NT, Harris MS. Lumbar drains: Practical understanding and application for the otolaryngologist. Am J Otolaryngol. 2020;41(6):102740. |
36. Nguyen L, Zwagerman NT, Grandhi R, McFadden K, Richardson RM. Intraosseous Angiolipoma of the Cranium: Case report and review of the literature. Surg Neurol Int. 2014;5:79. PMCID: PMC4061575 |
37. McDowell MM, Zwagerman NT, Wang EW, Snyderman CH, Tyler-Kabara EC, Gardner PA. Long-term outcomes in the treatment of pediatric skull base chordomas in the endoscopic endonasal era. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2021 Feb 01;27(2):170-179. |
38. Grandhi R, Zwagerman NT, Lee P, Jovin T, Okonkwo DO. Iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm of the middle meningeal artery after external ventricular drain placement. J Neuroimaging. 2015;25(1):140-1. |
39. Weiner GM, Grandhi R, Zwagerman NT, Agarwal N, Friedlander RM. Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with concomitant posterior communicating artery fenestration. Int J Neurosci. 2015 Feb;125(2):154-8. |
40. Zwagerman NT, Foster K, Jakacki R, Khan FH, Yock TI, Greene S. The development of Moyamoya syndrome after proton beam therapy. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014 Aug;61(8):1490-2. |
41. Grandhi R, Gande A, Zwagerman NT, Jankowitz BT. Facial and neck hematoma after carotid artery stenting: an uncommon misadventure in endovascular carotid revascularization. J Neurointerv Surg. 2014 Sep;6(7):e39. |
42. Grandhi R, Gande A, Zwagerman NT, Jankowitz BT. Facial and neck hematoma after carotid artery stenting: an uncommon misadventure in endovascular carotid revascularization. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Sep 23;2013. PMCID: PMC3794109 |
43. Dornbos D 3rd, Zwagerman N, Guo M, Ding JY, Peng C, Esmail F, Sikharam C, Geng X, Guthikonda M, Ding Y. Preischemic exercise reduces brain damage by ameliorating metabolic disorder in ischemia/reperfusion injury. J Neurosci Res. 2013 Jun;91(6):818-27. |
44. Ali A, Konakondla S, Zwagerman NT, Peng C, Schafer S, Ding JY, Dornbos D 3rd, Sikharam C, Geng X, Guthikonda M, Kreipke CW, Rafols JA, Ding Y. Glycerol accumulation in edema formation following diffuse traumatic brain injury. Neurol Res. 2012 Jun;34(5):462-8. |
45. Zwagerman N, Sprague S, Davis MD, Daniels B, Goel G, Ding Y. Pre-ischemic exercise preserves cerebral blood flow during reperfusion in stroke. Neurol Res. 2010 Jun;32(5):523-9. |
46. Zwagerman N, Plumlee C, Guthikonda M, Ding Y. Toll-like receptor-4 and cytokine cascade in stroke after exercise. Neurol Res. 2010 Mar;32(2):123-6. |
47. Curry A, Guo M, Patel R, Liebelt B, Sprague S, Lai Q, Zwagerman N, Cao FX, Jimenez D, Ding Y. Exercise pre-conditioning reduces brain inflammation in stroke via tumor necrosis factor-alpha, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity. Neurol Res. 2010 Sep;32(7):756-62. |
48. Fernandez-Miranda JC, Zwagerman NT, Abhinav K, Lieber S, Wang EW, Snyderman CH, Gardner PA. Cavernous sinus compartments from the endoscopic endonasal approach: anatomical considerations and surgical relevance to adenoma surgery. J Neurosurg. 2018 Aug;129(2):430-441. |
Books, Chapters, and Reviews |
1. Zwagerman NT, Clark K, Hamilton R, Monaco EA, Chen S, Flickinger JC, Gerszten. Histopathological examination of spine metastases after radiosurgery. Clinical Insights: Stereotactic Radiation Therapy. Chapter 1. Pending publication |
2. Zwagerman NT, Nguyen L, Hamilton R, Monaco EA, Chen S, Flickinger JC, Gerszten PC. Histopathological Examination of Spinal Lesions after Radiosurgery. Pending |
3. Zwagerman NT, Gardner PA, Tyler-Kabara E. Endoscopic endonasal closure techniques in pediatric patients (The use of lumbar drains). Endoscopic skull base surgery in Pediatrics. Springer, New York. Pending review |
4. Zwagerman N.T., Fernandez-Miranda J.C., Wang E.W., Snyderman C.H., Gardner P.A. (2020) The Anterior (Endoscopic Endonasal) Approach and Outcomes for Foramen Magnum Tumors. In: Tessitore E., Dehdashti A., Schonauer C., Thomé C. (eds) Surgery of the Cranio-Vertebral Junction. Springer, Cham. |
5. Zwagerman NT, Gardner PA. Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Craniovertebral Junction and Odontoid. Current and Advanced Neurosurgical Concepts and Techniques Volume III: Craniovertebral Junction Lesions. Pending review |
6. Zwagerman NT, Clark K, Hamilton R, Monaco EA, Chen S, Flickinger JC, Gerszten PC. Histopathological examination of spine metastases after radiosurgery Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Spinal Metastasis. July 01, 2014:185-199. |
7. Zwagerman NT, Lieber S, Fernandez-Miranda JC. Surgical anatomy of the sellar region Transsphenoidal Surgery: Complication Avoidance and Management Techniques. 15 September 2017:145-165. |
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other |
1. Zwagerman NT, Friedlander RM, Monaco EA 3rd. Intratumoral Clostridium novyi as a potential treatment for solid necrotic brain tumors.Neurosurgery. 2014 Dec;75(6):N17-8. doi: 10.1227/01.neu.0000457197.94533.68..PMID:25406624 |
2. Zwagerman NT, Friedlander RM, Monaco EA 3rd. Intratumoral Clostridium novyi as a potential treatment for solid necrotic brain tumors. Neurosurgery. 2014 Dec;75(6):N17-8. |
3. Zwagerman NT, Richardson RM. Inhibitory neuron therapy for epilepsy. Neurosurgery. 2013 Oct;73(4):N18-9. |
4. Zwagerman NT, Richardson RM. Neuropathology indicates a need for earlier neurorestorative intervention in Parkinson's disease. Neurosurgery. 2013 Dec;73(6):N14-5. |
5. Zwagerman NT, Richardson RM. Suppressed excitement for epilepsy gene therapy. Neurosurgery. 2013 Feb;72(2):N10-1. |
6. Zwagerman NT, Turner RS, Richardson RM. Sustained reduction of parkinsonian symptoms after "coordinated reset" neuromodulation. Neurosurgery. 2013 Apr;72(4):N22-3. |
7. Ding Y, Zwagerman NT. Research progress in stroke therapy. Neurol Res. 2009 May;31(4):329-30. |
8. Zwagerman NT, Richardson RM. Gene therapy for aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency. Neurosurgery. 2012 Oct;71(4):N10-2. |
9. Orr M, Findling J, Zwagerman N, Connelly J, Albano K, Bovi J. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Secreting Pituitary Carcinoma: Rare, Durable Response to Concurrent Chemotherapy and Reirradiation With a Review of the Literature Advances in Radiation Oncology. 1 March 2022;7(2). |
10. Orr M, Findling J, Zwagerman N, Connelly J, Albano K, Bovi J. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Secreting Pituitary Carcinoma: Rare, Durable Response to Concurrent Chemotherapy and Reirradiation With a Review of the Literature. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2022;7(2):100813. PMCID: PMC8608604 |
11. Shah I, Razzak AN, Janardan A, Laing B, Zwagerman NT. A Rare Case of Neck Sarcomatoid Squamous Cell Carcinoma With Brain Metastases. Cureus. 2022 Jun;14(6):e26179. PMCID: PMC9304508 |
12. Young R, Laing B, Best B, Harrison GL, Zwagerman N. Endoscopic endonasal resection of a primary intraosseous clival myxoma: illustrative case. J Neurosurg Case Lessons. 2022 Oct 31;4(18). PMCID: PMC9624160 |
13. Laing B, Best B, Aaronson D, Harrison G, Zwagerman N. Predictors and Complications of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak after Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery: a single institution retrospective review Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull Base. 2022. |
14. Feller C, Martinez Del Campo E, Eraky AM, Montoure A, Maloley L, Harrison G, Hun Hong S, Zwagerman NT. Transorbital approach for resection of intracranial skull base lesions: Outcomes and complications Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management. June 2023;32. |
15. Lim P, Eraky AM, Coss D, Zwagerman N. Intraosseous Meningioma Along the Left Petrous Bone: A Rare Cause of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Cureus. 2022 Dec;14(12):e32414. PMCID: PMC9833625 |
16. Laing BR, Janardan A, Shah I, Razzak AN, Zwagerman NT. Delayed Postoperative Tension Pneumocephalus Treated With a Subdural Evacuating Port System: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Cureus. 2022 Dec;14(12):e32514. PMCID: PMC9840432 |
17. Gelsomino M, Eraky AM, Awad A, Farhat Y, Shabani S, Mueller W, Zwagerman NT. Large Middle Cranial Fossa Schwannoma: A Rare Presentation of Vestibular Schwannoma. Cureus. 2022 Dec;14(12):e33186. PMCID: PMC9886273 |
18. Geltzeiler M, Choby GW, Ji KSY, JessMace C, Almeida JP, de Almeida J, Champagne PO, Chan E, Ciporen JN, Chaskes MB, Cornell S, Drozdowski V, Fernandez-Miranda J, Gardner PA, Hwang PH, Kalyvas A, Kong KA, McMillan RA, Nayak JV, Patel C, Patel ZM, Celda MP, Pinheiro-Neto C, Sanusi OR, Snyderman CH, Thorp BD, Van Gompel JJ, Zadeh G, Zenonos G, Zwagerman NT, Wang EW. Radiographic predictors of occult intracranial involvement in olfactory neuroblastoma patients. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2023 Oct;13(10):1876-1888. |
19. Porwal MH, Aaronson DM, Razzak AN, Zwagerman NT. Clival intraosseous myxoma treated with an endoscopic endonasal approach: illustrative case. J Neurosurg Case Lessons. 2023 Apr 10;5(15). PMCID: PMC10550540 |
20. Laing B, Zwagerman NT. Book Review: The Frontal Sinus: Surgical Approaches and Controversies. Neurosurgery. 2023 Jun 15. |
21. Choby G, Geltzeiler M, Almeida JP, Champagne PO, Chan E, Ciporen J, Chaskes MB, Fernandez-Miranda J, Gardner P, Hwang P, Ji KSY, Kalyvas A, Kong KA, McMillan R, Nayak J, O'Byrne J, Patel C, Patel Z, Peris Celda M, Pinheiro-Neto C, Sanusi O, Snyderman C, Thorp BD, Van Gompel JJ, Young SC, Zenonos G, Zwagerman NT, Wang EW. Multicenter Survival Analysis and Application of an Olfactory Neuroblastoma Staging Modification Incorporating Hyams Grade. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2023 Sep 01;149(9):837-844. PMCID: PMC10401389 |
22. North LM, Rohde RL, Cornell S, Long CM, Zwagerman NT. Uninterrupted use of continuous positive airway pressure after endoscopic endonasal approach for pituitary tumors. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2024 Mar;14(3):724-727. |
23. Laing B, Feller CN, Treffy R, Best B, Montoure A, Zwagerman N. Functional and Radiographic Outcomes of Cavernous Meningiomas based on Treatment Modality Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull Base. 2023. |
24. Armstrong SA, Tavakoli S, Shah I, Laing BR, Coss D, Ioachimescu AG, Findling J, Zwagerman NT. Consecutive resections of double pituitary adenoma for resolution of Cushing disease: illustrative case. J Neurosurg Case Lessons. 2023 Nov 27;6(22). PMCID: PMC10684060 |
25. Laing B, Zwagerman NT. Book Review: The Frontal Sinus: Surgical Approaches and Controversies. Neurosurgery. 2023 Sep 01;93(3):e63-e64. |
26. Laing B, Best B, Aaronson D, Harrison G, Zwagerman N. Predictors and Complications of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak after Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery: A Single Institution Retrospective Review. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2024 Feb;85(1):9-14. PMCID: PMC10807963 |
27. Tavakoli S, Armstrong SA, Feller C, Hong SH, Zwagerman NT. Transpalpebral mini-orbitozygomatic approach for nonvascular skull base lesions: a single neurosurgeon's experience. Neurosurg Focus. 2024 Apr;56(4):E11. |
28. Melder K, Mace JC, Choby G, Almeida JP, Champagne PO, Chan E, Ciporen J, Chaskes MB, Fernandez-Miranda J, Fung NK, Gardner P, Hwang P, Ji KSY, Kalyvas A, Kong KA, Patel C, Patel Z, Celda MP, Pinheiro-Neto CD, Snyderman C, Thorp BD, Van Gompel JJ, Zenonos G, Zwagerman NT, Sanusi O, Wang EW, Geltzeiler M. Recurrence morbidity of olfactory neuroblastoma. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2024 Sep;14(9):1435-1445. |
29. Ali HM, Leland EM, Stickney E, Lohse CM, Iyoha E, Valappil B, Filimonov A, Goetschel K, Young SC, Shahin MN, Sanusi O, Sonfack DJN, Nadeau S, Champagne PO, Geltzeiler M, Zwagerman NT, Gardner PA, Wang EW, Zenonos GA, Snyderman C, Van Gompel J, Link M, Peris-Celda M, Stokken J, Choby G, Pinheiro-Neto CD. Multi-center study on sellar reconstruction after endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2024 Oct;14(10):1558-1567. |
30. Gonzalez R, Massman L, Ho S, Luna S, Cheok S, Liang B, Mrachek K, Coss D, Ioachimescu AG, Zwagerman N, Olivier-Van Stichelen S. The diverging role of O-GlcNAc transferase in corticotroph and somatotroph adenomas. Pituitary. 2024 Oct;27(5):577-589. |
31. Armstrong SA, Boerger TF, Laing B, Tavakoli S, Goetschel K, Cheok S, Zwagerman N. Olfactory Groove Meningiomas and the Association with Postoperative Weight Loss Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull Base. 2024. |
32. Laing B, Hussain O, Treffy R, Tavakoli-Sabour S, Zwagerman NT. Far Lateral Supracondylar Approach for Symptomatic Juxta-Articular Cyst: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2024 Oct 16. |
33. Allen ME, Beck RT, Zwagerman NT, Coss D, Fisco A, Ioachimescu AG. Isolated IgG4-related Infundibulo-hypophysitis. JCEM Case Rep. 2024 Oct;2(10):luae182. PMCID: PMC11482006 |
34. Laing B, Feller C, Treffy R, Montoure A, Best B, Zwagerman NT. Functional and Radiographic Outcomes of Cavernous Meningiomas Based on Treatment Modality. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2024 Dec;85(6):635-640. PMCID: PMC11524728 |
35. Tang A, Taori S, Fung N, Almeida JP, Champagne PO, Fernandez-Miranda JC, Gardner P, Hwang PH, Nayak JV, Patel C, Patel ZM, Celda MP, Pinheiro-Neto C, Sanusi O, Snyderman C, Thorp BD, Van Gompel JJ, Zenonos GA, Zwagerman NT, Wang EW, Geltzeiler M, Choby G. Pathologic dural invasion is associated with regional recurrence in olfactory neuroblastoma: A multi-institutional study. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2024 Nov 13. |
36. Cheok SK, Tavakoli-Sabour S, Beck RT, Zwagerman N, Ioachimescu A. Ends of the spectrum best practices for early detection and multidisciplinary management of acromegaly. J Neurooncol. 2025 Jan;171(1):1-9. |