Phaedra Tachtatzis MD
Phaedra Tachtatzis MD
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology
Department of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology
Froedtert Hospital |
9200 W Wisconsin Ave |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
09/1991 - 07/1992 Ten GCSEs, Sydenham High School for Girls, London, United Kingdom, London |
09/1992 - 07/1994 Five A-levels, Rainham Mark Grammar School, Kent, United Kingdom, Kent |
09/1994 - 07/1999 MB ChB, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, SC, United Kingdom, Scotland |
08/2000 - 07/2002 MRCP, Membership of the Royal College of Physicians, London, United Kingdom, England |
10/2007 - 2015 MD, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Cambridge |
08/1999 - 08/2000 Pre-Registration House Officer, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, United Kingdom |
08/2000 - 08/2002 Senior House Officer, Oxford Deanery Medical Rotation, Oxford, United Kingdom |
08/2002 - 01/2003 Senior House Officer, Intensive Care Medicine, Royal Victoria Infirmary, New Castle, United Kingdom |
01/2003 - 11/2003 Locum Appointment for Training, Gastroenterology & GIM, Royal Berkshire & Battle Hospitals, Reading, United Kingdom |
11/2003 - 09/2004 Specialist Registrar (NTN), Gastroenterology & GIM, Darlington Memorial Hospital, United Kingdom |
09/2004 - 10/2005 Specialist Registrar (NTN), Freeman Hospital, New Castle, United Kingdom |
10/2005 - 10/2006 Specialist Registrar (NTN), Gastroenterology & GIM, South Tyneside District Hospital, South Shields, United Kingdom |
10/2006 - 10/2007 Specialist Registrar (NTN), Hepatology Fellow, Hepatology, Freeman Hospital, New Castle, United Kingdom |
10/2007 - 04/2010 Specialist Registrar (NTN), Out of Programme Research: Hepatology Research Registrar, Hepatology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, England |
04/2010 - 12/2011 Specialist Registrar (NTN), Gastroenterology & GIM, University Hospital of North Durham, New Castle, United Kingdom |
01/2012 - 09/2012 Hepatology Fellow, Hepatology, King’s College Hospital, London, England |
09/2012 - 08/2023 Consultant Hepatologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, St James’s University Hospital, United Kingdom, Leeds |
08/2023 - Present Associate Professor of Medicine, Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 W Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
09/2012 - 08/2023 Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, St James’s University Hospital, United Kingdom, Leeds |
08/2023 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
Licensure | Number | Issue Date | Expiration |
General Medicine Council | 4602066 | 2009 | None |
07/1994 University Entrance Bursary |
07/1994 George Thomson Bursary |
07/1995 Distinction in Genetics |
07/1995 Distinction in Cell Biology |
07/1995 Distinction in Physiology |
07/1995 Distinction in Statistics |
07/1995 Distinction in Biochemistry |
07/1995 Distinction in Chemistry |
07/1996 First Class Honours in Biochemistry |
07/1996 Bursaries awarded for academic excellence |
07/1996 First Class Honours in Physiology |
07/1997 Distinction in Medical Microbiology |
07/1997 Bursaries awarded for academic excellence |
07/1998 Bursaries awarded for academic excellence |
07/1999 Dr C E Anderson memorial fund award for elective project Distinction in Medicine
08/2000 Letter of commendation for overall performance as a first year SHO |
03/2005 Travel award for AASLD awarded by BASL |
03/2011 Young Investigator’s Bursary awarded by EASL |
01/2001 - 01/2012 European Association for the Study of the Liver |
07/2002 - Present Royal College of Physicians of London |
01/2004 - Present British Society of Gastroenterology |
01/2005 - Present British Association for the Study of the Liver |
International |
Chronic Hepatitis B Infection and Telomeres, Digestive Disease Week, Chicago, United States, 03/2009 |
Alcoholic Liver Disease: EASL Monothematic Conference, Athens, Greece, 12/2010 |
Astellas Development Programme in Transplantation, Barcelona, Spain, 05/2012 |
Janssen-Sponsored Hepatitis C Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 04/2014 |
Waiting List Patient Monitoring and Optimization, Continuing Education Program, Leeds, England, 07/2021 |
Can Liver Biopsy Guide the Management of Deranged Liver Function Tests in Liver Transplant Recipients Receiving Kaftrio?, European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 06/2022 |
National |
Liver Course, King’s College Liver Course, London, England, 11/2002 |
Colonoscopy Course, James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, England, 07/2004 |
Clinical Nutrition Day, New Castle, United Kingdom, 09/2004 |
Advances in Hepatitis C Management, London, England, 03/2005 |
Capsule Endoscopy Course, Durham. England, 05/2006 |
Cambridge Liver Symposium, Cambridge, England, 10/2008 |
Cambridge Liver Symposium, Cambridge, England, 10/2009 |
Management & Leadership Skills, London, England, 02/2010 |
Advanced Life Support, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, England, 03/2010 |
CV and Interview Skills, New Castle, United Kingdom, 05/2010 |
Advanced Liver Transplantation Workshop, London, England, 01/2011 |
Masterclass in Chronic Hepatitis B&C, King’s College Hospital, London, England, 04/2011 |
HIV-HBV Co-Infection, North of England HBV meeting, Leeds, England, 11/2012 |
Masterclass in Viral Hepatitis, Presented a Challenging Case, London, England, 05/2013 |
Masterclass in immunosuppression, Delivered Lecture on Post-Transplant HCV Recurrence, Leeds, England, 05/2013 |
Speaker and Conference Organizer, Leeds Hepatology Course, Leeds, England, 11/2013 |
Presentation of Leeds Liver Unit experience of triple antiviral therapy for HCV and Q&A session as expert panel member, Hepatitis C in the UK: a real-world perspective, London, England, 11/2013 |
Speaker and contributor to national guidelines, BTS LDLT guidelines, London, England, 11/2013 |
Invited case presentation, UK & Eire Liver Transplant Meeting, Cambridge, England, 01/2014 |
Training the Trainers Course, Leeds, England, 05/2014 |
Talk on Resistance in Chronic Hepatitis B Infection, Birmingham, England, 05/2014 |
National Workshop on Graft Utilisation, BTS NHSBT Congress, 02/2021 |
Regional |
Speaker and Conference Co-Organizer, Yorkshire & the Humber Liver Network Liver Transplant Symposium, Leeds, England, 12/2013 |
North of England Viral Hepatitis, Sheffield, England, 01/2014 |
Training the Trainers Course, Leeds, England, 05/2014 |
Regional Hepatitis C Symposium, Sheffield, England, 06/2014 |
Frailty and Wait List Management, Leeds Referrer’s Day, Leeds, England, 10/2019 |
Regional RCP Study Day, Leeds, England, 05/2020 |
Frailty and Wait List Management, Leeds Referrer’s Day, Leeds, England, 10/2021 |
Local |
Metabolic Liver Disease, Annual AASLD Meeting Review, Milwaukee, WI, 02/10/2024 |
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. Newton JL, Hudson M, Tachtatzis PM, Sutcliffe K, Pairman J, Burt JA & Jones DE. Population prevalence and symptom associations of autonomic dysfunction in primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology. 2007 Jun;45(6):1496-505. PMID: 17538969 |
2. Tachtatzis PM, Brais R & Alexander G. An instance of hepatic steatosis in HBV infection. Viral Hepatitis in Practice. 2009;1(2)4-5. |
3. Alfahad A, Thet EM, Radwan F, Sudhakar J, Nini K & Tachtatzis PM. Spontaneous Incomplete transverse subtrochanteric femoral fracture with cortical thickening possibly secondary to risedronate use: a case report. Journal of medical case reports. 2012;6(1):272. PMID: 22943389 |
4. Verma S, Tachtatzis PM, Penrhyn-Lowe S, Scarpini C, Jurk D, Von Zglinicki T, Coleman N & Alexander GJ. Sustained telomere length in hepatocytes and cholangiocytes with increasing age in normal liver. Hepatology. 2012 Oct;56(4):1510-20. PMID: 22504828
5. Davis M & Tachtatzis PM. From haemochromatosis to liver transplant. BMJ. 2013;347:f4423. PMID: 23963547 |
6. Aravinthan A, Scarpini C, Tachtatzis PM, Verma S, Penrhyn-Lowe S, Harvey R, Davies SE, Allison M, Coleman N & Alexander GJ. Hepatocyte senescence predicts progression in non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease. Journal of Hepatology. 2013 Mar;58(3):549-56. PMID: 23142622 |
7. Tachtatzis PM, Marshall A, Aravinthan A, Verma S, Penrhyn-Lowe S, Mela M, Scarpini C, Davies SE, Cole-man N, Alexander GJ. Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection: The Relation between Hepatitis B Antigen Expression, Telomere Length, Senescence, Inflammation and Fibrosis. PLoS One. 2015. May 29;10(5): e0127511. PMID: 26024529 |
8. Tachtatzis PM, Marshall A, Aravinthan A, Verma S, Penrhyn-Lowe S, Mela M, Scarpini C, Davies SE, Coleman N, Alexander GJM. Correction: Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection: The Relation between Hepatitis B Antigen Expression, Telomere Length, Senescence, Inflammation and Fibrosis. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 28;10(7):e0134315. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134315. eCollection 2015. PMID: 26218071 |
9. Hill QA, Harrison LC, Padmakumar AD, Owen RG, Prasad KR, Lucas GF, Tachtatzis P. A fatal case of transplantation-mediated alloimmune thrombocytopenia following liver transplantation. Hematology. 2017. Apr;22(3):162-167. PMID: 27764999 |
10. Fararjeh FA, Mahmood S, Tachtatzis P, Yallop D, Devereux S, Patten P, Agarwal K, Suddle A, O'Grady J, Heaton N, Marcus R, Kassam S. A retrospective analysis of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder following liver transplantation. Eur J Haematol. 2018. Jan;100(1):98-103. PMID: 29094407 |
11. Vionnet J, Miquel R, Abraldes JG, Wall J, Kodela E, Lozano J, Ruiz P, Navasa M, Marshall A, Nevens F, Gel-son, W, Leithead J, Masson S, Jaeckel E, Taubert R, Tachtatzis P, Eurich D, Simpson KJ, Bonaccorsi-Riani E, Femg S, Bucuvalas J, Ferguson J, Quaglia A, Sidorova J, Elstad M, Douiri A, Sanchez-Fueyo A. Non-invasive alloimmune risk stratification of long-term liver transplant recipients. J Hepatol. 2021;75:1409-1419. PMID: 34437910 |
12. Tachtatzis P, Spoletini G, Clifton I, Etherington C, Peckham D. Changes in liver biochemistry and tacrolimus levels following the introduction of elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor in patients with cystic fibrosis and liver transplant. J Cyst Fibros. 2023 May 8:S1569-1993(23)00129-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jcf.2023.04.023. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37164896. |