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Piero G. Antuono MD
Department of Neurology
Division of General
CV currently not updated.
Hub for Collaborative Medicine
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

1966 Lyceum for Classical Studies, Galileo Galilei, Florence, Italy
1969 Francesco Morosini Lyceum for Classical Studies, Venice, Italy
1974 Externship in Surgical Pathology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
1975 MD, summa cum laude, University of Florence Medical School, Florence, Italy

1975 - 1979 Resident, Department of Neurology, University of Florence, Florence,Italy
1979 - 1980 Research Fellow, Department of Neurology, Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
02/1980 - 06/1980 Intern, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1980 - 1983 Resident & Chief Resident, Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1983 - 1984 Psychopharmacology Research Fellow, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, MD
1984 - 1985 Dementia Research Fellow, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, MD

1985 - 1991 Assistant Professor, Neurology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, The Medical College of WI, Milwaukee, WI
1991 - 1997 Associate Professor, Neurology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1997 - Present Professor, Neurology, Pharmacology, and Toxicology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2003 - 2004 Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Loyola University, Chicago, IL

1985 - Present Director, Memory Disorders Clinic, VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
1985 - Present Director, Dementia Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1985 - Present Director, WI Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Bank, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1976 - 1980 Founder and Director, Alzheimer's Disease Tissue Bank, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
1983 - 1985 Attending Neurologist, Baltimore City Hospital, Baltimore, MD
1985 - 1996 Attending, Milwaukee County Medical Complex, St. Mary’s Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
1985 - Present Attending, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
2000 - 2001 Member, Rank and Tenure Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2002 - 2003 Member, IRB Data Safety Monitoring Board, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1985 - Present VA Medical Center, 5000 W. National Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53295
1985 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
Italian Neurology Board
American Board of Psychiatry
American Board of Disability Analysts
United Council for Neurological Subspecialties: Behavioural Neurology and Neuropsychiatry
Number Issue DateExpiration
Maryland (Inactive)

1977 - Present Italian Research Council Fellowship Grant
1987 - Present "Best in Milwaukee Under 40", Milwaukee Magazine
1988 - Present State of Wisconsin Assembly Award for Medical Achievement, Madison, WI
1988 - Present Wisconsin State Alzheimer's Information and Training Center, Certificate of Merit, Milwaukee, WI
1988 - Present Combined Federal Campaign, Certificate of Merit, VA Medical Center Milwaukee, WI
1988 - Present The Governor of Wisconsin Certificate of Commendation, Madison, WI
1989 - Present Certificate of Appreciation, Department of Veteran Affairs
1993 - Present Certificate of Recognition, The Alzheimer's Disease Association, Milwaukee, WI
1995 - Present Certificate of Recognition, The Wisconsin Occupational Therapy Association
1997 - Present Teacher of the Year Award, Department of Psychiatry, Medical College of WI
1997 - Present Community Connection Award, Luther Manor WI Adult Day Services Association
1999 - Present Teacher of the Year Award, Department of Psychiatry, Medical College of WI
2000 - Present Henrietta McNary Award, Department of Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2001 - Present Induction in the "Men of Achievement" Section. Library of University of Illinois
2003 - Present A.R.A.D. Award, 3rd Bologna International Meeting on Affective, Behavior and Cognitive Disorders in the Elderly, Bologna, Italy
2003 - Present Certificate of Appreciation, School of Education, Loyola University. Chicago
2005 - Present Physician's Award, Alzheimer's Association, SE Wisconsin Chapter Network
2008 - Present Researcher of the Year, Alzheimer Association SE Wisconsin Chapter

1975 - Present Ordine dei Medici della (Provincia di Firenze (Italian Medical Licensing Board))
1978 - Present International Society for Neurochemistry
1982 - Present American Academy of Neurology
1983 - Present American Association for the History of Medicine
1984 - 2003 Society for Neuroscience
1985 - 1990 Union of Concerned Scientists
1993 - Present Wisconsin Neurological Society
1994 - Present American Neuropsychiatric Association
1997 - 1999 European Federation of Neurological Societies
1998 - 1999 Wisconsin Neurological Society (President)
1998 - 2000 World Federation of Neurology: Research Group on Dementia (Chairman)
2000 - Present International Neuropsychiatric Association (Founding Member)
2001 - Present Society for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology
2001 - Present American Neuropsychiatric Association (Member)
2002 - Present American Neurological Association (Member)
2003 - Present Physicians for Human Rights
2004 - Present Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research, Board of Experts (Member)

2003 Geriatria (Editor)
2004 Sistemi Artificiali in Bio-Medicina
Journal Review
1988 The Hanna Institute for the History of Medicine (Ad-hoc Grant Reviewer)
1988 Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences (Ad Hoc Reviewer)
1990 The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
1993 - Present Neurology (Ad hoc Reviewer)
1998 - Present Alzheimer’s Association Chicago (Grant Reviewer)
1999 Free Radical Biology and Medicine (Ad hoc Reviewer)
2000 Journal of Palliative Medicine (Ad-hoc Reviewer)
2001 Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders
2003 The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
2010 J Clin Laboratory and Analysis

1985 - Present Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee, Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association, Wisconsin S.E. Chapter
1986 - 1990 Member, Medical Advisory Committee, Myasthenia Gravis Foundation, WI Chapter
1987 - Present Director, Alzheimer Support Group, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
1988 - 1993 Member, Advisory Council, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Milwaukee Dementia Care and Respite Services Day Care Program
1996 - 2003 Member, Clinical Research Center Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1998 - 2005 Consultant, Bel Air Health Care Center
1999 - 2000 President, Wisconsin Neurological Society
1999 - 2000 President, Milwaukee Neuropsychiatric Society
2001 - 2002 Chairman, Medical Affairs Committee, Wisconsin State Alzheimer’s Disease Demonstration Project
2004 Honorary Chair, Memory Walk 2004, Alzheimer’s Association Southeastern Wisconsin

1979 Member, World Health Organization Task Force on Peripheral Neuropathies, Geneva, Switzerland
1987 - 1990 Consultant, Midwest Geriatric Education Center, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
1991 - Present Member, National Hoechst Roussel Pharmaceutical Speakers Bureau, Sommerville NJ (1991-), Warner Lambert (1992-), Pfizer (1990-), Forest (2002-), Novartis (2000-), Janssen (2000-)
1991 Member, NIA ad hoc Review Committee, Alzheimer Disease Clinical Core Grants, Bethesda, MD
1991 Consultant, Medi Physics-Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL
1992 - 1995 Member, Medical Advisory Committee, Italian General Consulate (Comites), Chicago, IL
1993 - 1998 Vice Chairman, Research Group on Dementia, World Federation of Neurology, London, U.K.
1993 - 1997 Member, Helen Bader Conference, Advisory Committee, Helen Bader Foundation, Milwaukee, WI
1994 Member, International Committee for Harmonization of Drug Studies
1994 Member, NIA ad hoc Review Committee, Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease,Bethesda, MD
1995 - 2000 Member, Animal Studies Sub Committee, American Academy of Neurology
1996 - 1997 Secretary, The American Academy of Neurology: Government Service Section Society
1996 - 1997 Member, The American Neuropsychiatric Association Added Qualification Study Group Committee
1997 - Present Member, Medical and Scientific Advisory Board: Alzheimer Disease International
1998 - 2000 Chairman, World Federation of Neurology: Research Group on Dementia
1998 Fellow, American Academy of Neurology
1998 - 1999 President, The Wisconsin Neurological Society
2002 - Present Chair, Luigi Amaducci Fellowship Award, World Federation of Neurology
2003 - 2008 Chairman, World Federation of Neurology: Research Group on Dementia
2003 - Present Member, Publication Committee, World Federation of Neurology
2003 - 2005 Member, International Affairs Committee, American Academy of Neurology
2005 Member, Advisory Board for Neuro-imaging, GE, Waukesha, WI
2005 - 2009 Chair, Publication and Web page committee, World Federation of Neurology
2007 Member, NIH ad hoc Review Committee for Cellular Mechanism of Aging and Development, Bethesda, MD
2008 Honorary Chair, Memory Walk 2008, Alzheimer’s Association Southeastern Wisconsin

"From Epidemiology to Pharmacology of Dementia." World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Dementia, Johannesburg, South Africa. September 22-23, 1999.
"Future Trends in Dementias." Alzheimer's Disease International. Christchurch, New Zealand.
"Epidemiology of Dementia in Africa."World Federation of Neurology. Research Group on Dementia. R. Kalaria. Tanzi Co-Organizer. Nairobi. April 23-25, 2001.
"Prevention of Dementia". World Federation of Neurology and the University of Florence. Florence, Italy. November 23-25, 2001
"Challenges in the Management of Dementia." Milwaukee, WI. February 10, 2001.
"Traditional and Alternative Medicine in Aging and Dementia." Milwaukee, WI. Feb. 12, 2000.
"A Practical Approach to Cognitive Decline in the Elderly". Milwaukee, WI. Feb. 9, 2002.
"Alzheimer's: What's New, What's True."Milwaukee, WI. March 15, 2003.
"First Midwest Clinical Neuroscience Conference." Milwaukee, WI. November 8, 2003.
"Mild Cognitive Impairment in Clinical Practice." Milwaukee, WI. March 13, 2004.
"Second Midwest Clinical Neuroscience Conference." Milwaukee, WI. November 15, 2004.
"The Emerging connection of Vascular disease to Alzheimer disease". Milwaukee WI November 4, 2006
"Prevention and Environment in Alzheimer Disease." Milwaukee, WI. March 15 2008
" Role of nutrition in Alzheimer disease" Milwaukee WI March 25, 2010
"Issues and Concerns in Alzheimer's Disease: Integration of Research with Practical Approaches for Dementia Patients." Pewaukee, Wisconsin, February 8, 1997.
"Early Interventions in Alzheimer's Disease: From Risk Factors to Treatments." Pewaukee, Wisconsin, February 14, 1998.
"Late State Interventions in Alzheimer's Disease." Brookfield, Wisconsin, February 6, 1999.
"WI Neurological Society State Conference, " Lake Lawn Resort. Delavan, WI. Sept. 10-12, 1999.
"Epidemiology of Dementia in Africa."World Federation of Neurology. Research Group on Dementia. R. Kalaria. Tanzi Co-Organizer. Nairobi. April 23-25, 2001.

Medical College of Wisconsin
1988 - 1989 Member, LCME Accreditation Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1988 - 1992 Chair, Committee on Resident Education, Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin
1990 - Present Director, Aging & Alzheimer’s Disease Fellowship, Medical College of Wisconsin
1992 - 1995 Member, Library Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1993 - 2003 Clinical Research Center Review Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1997 - 1998 Member, Intramural Review Committee, Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin
2000 - Present Member, Promotion Committee, Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin
2000 - 2002 Member, Rank and Tenure Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2002 - 2003 Member, Search Committee for the Department of Psychiatry, Medical College of Wisconsin
2003 - 2004 Data and Safety Monitor Board, IRB, Medical College of Wisconsin
1987 - 1989 Member, Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee, VA Medical Center
1987 - 1989 Member, Research and Development Committee, VA Medical Center
1988 - 1989 Chairman, Subcommittee for Formulary Review, VA Medical Center

Medical Student Education
1985 - 1990 Saturday Lecture Series in Clinical Neurology
1988 - 1991 Human Values in Medicine Series,Course in Bioethics
2000 - 2002 Department of Anatomy: Clinical Correlations
Resident and Fellow Education
1989 - Present supervisor, Memory Disorders Clinic
1990 Psychiatry and Neurology Residents: Attending Memory Disorders Clinics

Graduate Student Education
1987 - 2000 University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Occupational Therapy Students, Behavioral Neurology For Occupational Therapists
Resident and Fellow Education
1988 - 1991 Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin., Gerontology Fellows, Faculty to the Midwest Geriatric Education Center (Director, Lesley Ruff, D.D.S.)
1989 - Present VA Medical Center Milwaukee WI, supervisor, Memory Disorders Clinic
1998 - 2000 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Geriatric Fellows, Faculty to the Geriatric Training Grant, E. Duthie, MD-Principal Investigator

Medical Students
1987 C. Sisola (pre-med), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
1987 L. Guggenheim (med student), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
1989 D. Gutglass (med student), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
1990 D. Thiraj (pre-med), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
1991 - 1992 A. Varma (pre-med), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
1993 M. Blaustein (med student), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
1993 B. Bunch (med student), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
1993 Shawn Nielson (pre-med), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
1997 - 2000 Teresa Luna (med student), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
1998 Gianpaolo Petrella (U of Rome: Campus Biomedico), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
2000 - 2003 H. Trung (med student), Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
2004 Mascia Beretta, Neuropsychologist, Campus Biomed, Roma, Italy, Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
2005 Dario Sillano (med student), Univ. of Turin, Italy, Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
2005 Silvia DiCarlo (med student), Univ. of Turin, Italy, Summer Med. Students Laboratory Externship, Medical College of Wisconsin
Graduate Students
MS Students Advised
2005 Veronica Dixon, Psychology Master’s Candidate, Medical College of Wisconsin
PhD Committees
2006 Xu Guofan, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2011 Wenjung LI PhD Biophysics Grad Student Dissertation Thesis Member, Medical College of Wisconsin
Clinical/Research Fellows
1992 - 1994 G. Dalforno MD, Dementia Behavior Neurology Fellows, Medical College of Wisconsin
1996 - 1997 D. Book, M.D, Dementia Behavior Neurology Fellows, Medical College of Wisconsin
1998 - 1999 M. Franczak, M.D, Dementia Behavior Neurology Fellows, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - Present Currently Supervisor of 3 RNs, 2 Psychometricians, 1 laboratory technician, Medical College of Wisconsin
2001 - 2003 Diane Fernandez, MD, Medicine-Neurology Combined Residency Program, Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Students
1978 S. Sorbi, MD, MD Doctoral Thesis Advisor, U of Florence
1978 L. Bracco, MD, MD Doctoral Thesis Advisor, U of Florence
Graduate Students
PhD Students Advised
1992 Anna Grash, Novel Linguistic Tests for Alzheimer Disease, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
MS Students Advised
2003 Silvia Pauletto, Predictors of Neuropsychological Referrals from a Neurological Dementia Clinic, Univ. of Padua, Italy
2011 Katie D. Sprung, PA-S, Biomarkers for Alzheimer disease Role of CSF markers in MCI conversion, Marquette University
1992 Daniel a Compani, Supervisor to Visiting Neurology Residents, University of Florence (Autopsy Program)
1994 Anna Repice, MD, Supervisor to Visitng Neurology Resident, University of Florence (Neurochemistry)
2001 Francesca Galli, MD, Sponsor to Neurology Resident, University of Florence. (Neurophysiology-Dementia)
2009 Pramod Gupta MD, Dementia Research Center

1990 Neuroscience in the Schools, Conferences, Pius XI High School, Milwaukee, WI
1998 - Present Development of Dementia Clinic in Community as Consultant to Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute. Development of Minority Clinics in Milwaukee (Helen Bader Foundation)
1999 - 2000 American Academy of Neurology - School Outreach Program: (Teaching Neurosciences in the Classroom) Toronto 1999 and San Diego 2000
2008 Development for a screen for dementia Prohealth Care System
2008 - 2009 Attending Physician at the Latino Community Center (UCC) Geriatric Clinic
2009 - Present Biweekly Radio program on neuropsychiatric and medical topics. Lisa Perugini Coordinator. Radio Australia. Sydney



Method for detecting brain disease using spontaneous low-frequency physiological fluctuations in high activity. U.S. Pat. No. 6,490,472
A new An fMRI method using a high spatial and temporal resolution and computer software to quantify synchronization and rhythmic processes in the human brain, with whole brain coverage U.S. Pat. No. 7,577,472,
Systems and methods for detection and prediction of brain disorders based on neural networks interaction. Patent filed # 61/145,046

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Amaducci, L., ANTUONO, P.G., Bartolini, L., De Medio, G.E., Inzitari, D., Porcellati, G.: A possible mechanism for cholesteryl ester formation during demyelination: lecithin: cholesteryl acetyltransferase (LCAT) activity in rat brain. Neurochem Res 3:725-731, 1978.
2. Bracco, L., ANTUONO, P.G., Amaducci, L.: Epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the Province of Florence, Italy. ACTA Neurologica Scandinavia 60:112-124, 1979.
3. Amaducci, L., Inzitari, D., Sita, D., ANTUONO, P.G., Caparelli, R., Arfaioli, C.: Proteinase inhibitors and demyelinating disease: clinical and pharmacological approaches. Acta Neurol 34:214-258, 1979.
4. ANTUONO, P.G., Amaducci, L., Pazzagli, A., Pepeu, G.: Psychopharmacologic prospectives in the treatment of dementia. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology (Pergamon Press Ltd) 3:75-78, 1979.
5. Silvestri, M., ANTUONO, P.G., Sita, D.: Balint's syndrome and transient global amnesia as a result of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. ACTA Neurol (Napoli) Feb 2(1): 31-35, 1980.
6. Sorbi, S, ANTUONO, P.G., Amaducci, L.: Choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase abnormalities in senile dementia. Importance of the biochemical measurements in human post-mortem brain specimen. Italian J of Neurol Sci 2:75-83, 1980.
7. Inzitari, D., Rizzuto, N., ANTUONO, P.G., Sita, D.: Progressive peroneal muscular atrophy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease) associated with B-thalassemia trait and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency. A clinical and nerve biopsy case. Italian J of Neurol Sci. Aug 2 (3): 269-74, 1981.
8. Lehmann, J., Struble, R.G., ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle, J.T., Cork, L.C., Price, D.L.: Regional heterogeneity of choline acetyl-transferase activity in primate neocortex. Brain Res 322:361-364, 1984.
9. Sanberg, P.R., Pevsner, J.P., ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle, J.T.: Fetal methylazoxymethanol acetate lesions cause reductions in dopamine-mediated catalepsy and stereotypy. Neuropharmacol 24(11):1057-1064, 1985.
10. Moran, T.H., Sanberg, P.R., ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle, J.T.: Methylazoxymethanol acetate cortical hypoplasia alters the pattern of stimulation-induced behavior in the neonatal rat. Brain Res 392(1-2)235-242, 1986.
11. Whitehouse, P.J., Martino, A.M., ANTUONO, P.G., Lowenstein, P.R., Coyle, J.T., Price, D.L., Kellar, K.J.: Nicotinic acetylcholine binding in Alzheimer's disease. Brain Res 371:146-151, 1986.
12. Sanberg, P.R., Henault, M.A., Moran, T.H., ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle, J.T.: The development of daytime rearing behavior in methylazoxymethanol-treated rats: methodological considerations. Behav Brain Res 25:97-100, 1987.
13. Hellman, R.S., Tikofsky, R.S., Collier, B.D., Hoffmann, R.G., Palmer, D.W., Glatt, S.L., ANTUONO, P.G., Isitman, A.T., Papke, R.A.: Alzheimer disease: quantitative analysis of I-123-Iodoamphetamine SPECT brain imaging. Radiology 172:183-188, 1989.
14. Carter, D.J., Wiedmeyer, D.A., ANTUONO, P.G., Ho, K.C: Correlation of computed tomography and postmortem findings of a diffuse astrocytoma: a case report; Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 13 (6):491-494, 1989.
15. ANTUONO, P.G., Tikofsky, R., Hellman, R., Saxena, V.: SPECT in the assessment of dementia; Mind (4) 1: 6-8, 1990.
16. Saxena, V.K., ANTUONO, P.G., Tikofsky, R.S., Hellman, R.S.: SPECT brain imaging: applications in cerebrovascular disease; Mind (4) 1: 9-11, 1990.
17. Tikofsky, R.S., Saxena, V.K., ANTUONO, P.G., Hellman, R.S.: Understanding Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) brain imaging; Mind (4) 1: 3-5, 1990.
18. Hellman, R.S., Tikofsky, R.S., Collier, B.D., Hoffmann, R.G., Palmer, D.W., Glatt, S.L.. ANTUONO, P.G., Isitman, A.T., Papke, R.A.: Alzheimer disease: quantitative analysis of I-123-iodoamphetamine SPECT brain imaging. [Journal Article] Radiology. 172(1): 183-8, 1989 Jul.
19. Huff, F.J., ANTUONO, P.G., Murphy M., Beyer, J., Dobson, C.: Potential clinical use of an adrenergic/cholinergic agent (HP 128) in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. [Clinical Trial. Journal Article. Multicenter Study. Randomized Controlled Trial] Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 640: 263-7, 1991.
20. Ho K-C, Gwozdz J., Hause L. and ANTUONO, P.G. Correlation of Neuronal Cell Body Size in Motor Cortex and Hippocampus with Body Weight, Body Height and Axonal Length. Intern. J. of Neuroscie. vol. 65, pp. 147-153, 1992.
21. Beyer, J., Moser, S., ANTUONO, P.G.: Alzheimer Disease and Driving: The role of the Health Care Professional and Caregiver. Nicolini M. Ed. Pergamon Press. In Advances in the Biosciences, Pergamon Press, vol. 87, p. 7-8, 1993.
22. ANTUONO, P.G., Ravanelli-Meyer, J., Nicholson, K., et al..: Changes of Hexokinase activity with age: Relevance to Alzheimer Disease. Nicolini M. Ed. Pergamon Press. In Advances in the Biosciences, vol. 87, p. 3-4, 1993.
23. Pomara, N., Deptula, D., ANTUONO, P.G., Singh, R., Ravanelli-Meyer, J., Cooper, T, Leviste, F.:Leukocyte hexokinase activity in Alzheimer's disease. Pergamon Press. In Advances in the Biosciences, vol. 87, p. 201-203, 1993.
24. ANTUONO, P.G., Ravanelli-Meyer, J., Nicholson, K., Bloom, A. Leukocyte Hexokinase Activity in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease. Dementia. vol. 6, p. 200-204, 1995.
25. ANTUONO, P.G. Effectiveness and Safety of Velnacrine for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. Archives of Internal Medicine. vol 155, p. 1766-72, Sep. 11, 1995.
26. ANTUONO, P.G., Beyer, J. A Reason to Hope: Linking Dementia Research, Care and Services in the 21st Century. Wisconsin Medical Journal. vol. 94, p. 546-47, October, 1995.
27. Huff, F.J., ANTUONO, P.G., Delagandara, J.E., et al. A Treatment and Withdrawal Trial of Besipirdine in Alzheimer Disease. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders vol. 10, no. 2, p. 93-102, 1996.
28. Huff, F.J., Alter, M., ANTUONO, P.G., et al. Preliminary Evaluation of Besipirdine for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. The Neurobiology of Alzheimer's Disease/Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol. 777, p. 410-14, January 17 1996.
29. ANTUONO, P.G., Doody, R., Gilman, S., Huff, J., Scheltens, P., Ueda, K., Khachaturian, Z.: Diagnostic Criteria for Dementia in Clinical Trials; Position Paper from the International Working Group on Harmonization of Dementia Drug Guidelines. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders vol. 11, suppl. 3, pp. 22-25, 1997.
30. Wong-Riley, M., ANTUONO, P.G., Ho, K-C., Egan, R., Hevner, R., Liebl, W., Hunag, Z., Rachel, R., Jones, J.: Cytochrome Oxidase in Alzheimer's Disease: Biochemical, Histochemical, and Immunohistochemical Analyses of the Visual and other Systems. Vision Res., vol. 37, no. 24, p. 3593-3608, 1997.
31. ANTUONO, P.G., Beyer, J. The Burden of Dementia, A Medical and Research Perspective. Theoretical Medicine Bioethics 20:3-13, January, 1999.
32. ANTUONO, P.G., Jones, J, Beyer, J. Alternative Medicine in the Elderly: Use and Abuse. Elder's Advisor Vol 2 (3): 75-81, 2001.
33. ANTUONO, P.G., Jones, J, Li, SJ, Wang, Y. Decreased Glutamate + Glutamine in Alzheimer's Disease Detected in vivo with H-1 MR Spectroscopy at 0.5 T. Neurology. March (2 of 2) 56: 737-742, 2001.
34. Li, SJ., Li, Z., Wu, G., Zhang, M.J., Franczak, M., ANTUONO, P.G. Alzheimer Disease: evaluation of a functional MR imaging index as a marker. Radiology. 225(1):253-9, 2002 Oct.
35. Lines, C.R., McCarroll, K.A., Lipton, R.B., Block, G.A., ANTUONO, P.G., Baumel, B., Bell, K., et al. PRAISE Study Group: Telephone screening for amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Neurology ;60, January 2003, 261-266.
36. Seripa, D., Matera, M.G., D'Andrea, R.P., Gravina. C., Masullo, C., Daniele, A., Bizzarro, A., Rinaldi, M., ANTUONO, P.G., Wekstein, D.R., Forno, G.D., Fazio, V.M.: Alzheimer Disease Risk Associated with APOE4 is Modified by STH Gene Polymorphism. Neurology 2004; 62: 1631-1633.
37. Seripa, D., Forno, G,D., Matera, M., Gravina, C., D'Andrea, R. P., Palermo, M., Aronni, S., Masullo, C., Daniele, A., Davis, D., ANTUONO, P.G., Persico, A., Fazio, V.: A Reelin Gene Haplotype is Protective Against Alzheimer's Disease. Neurobiol. of Aging 2003; 24: 933-939.
38. ANTUONO, P.G.: La Sindrome Dementigena Nell'Eta' Geriatrica. Geriatria Suppl. al Vol. XV n.2 - Marzo/Aprile 2003: 15-17.
39. Seripa, D., Forno, G.D., Matera, M.G., Gravina, C., Margaglione, M., Palermo, M., Wekstein, D., ANTUONO, P.G., Davis, D.G., Daniele, Al, Masullo, C., Bizzarro, A., Gennarelli, M., Fazio, V.:Methylenetretrahydrofolate Reductase and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene Polymorphisms in Two Genetically and Diagnostically Distinct Cohort of Alzheimer Patients. Neurobiol. of Aging 2003; Nov; 24 (7): 933-939.
40. Harney, M., ANTUONO, P.G., Driving and Dementia: A Physician's Perspective. Marquette Elder's Advisor, Vol. 6, 2004: 135-148.
41. Buscema, M., Grossi, E., Snowdon, D., ANTUONO, P.G., , Intraligi M, Maurelli G, Savarè R. Artificial Neural Networks and Artificial Organisms Can Predict Alzheimer Pathology in Individual Patients Only on the Basis of Cognitive and Functional Status. Neuroinformatics, Winter 2004, Vol. 2, Issue 4, p. 399-416.
42. ANTUONO, P.G., Franczak, M., Li , Z., Wu, G., Li, S.-J. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Geriatria, Vol. XVI n.5, Settembre/Ottobre 2004, p 1-16
43. Douville, K., Woodard, J., Seidenberg, M., Miller, S., Leveroni, C., Nielson, K., Franczak, M., ANTUONO, P.G., Rao, S.: Medial Temporal Lobe Activity for Recognition of Recent and Remote Famous Names: An Event-Related fMRI Study. Neuropsychologia 43 (2005): 693-703. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2004.09.005
44. Thal, L. J., Ferris, S. H., Kirby, L., et al: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Study of Rofecoxib in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Neuropsychopharmacology 30 (6): p. 1204-1215, June, 2005.
45. ANTUONO P.G., Response to "the UCSD Statin Study: a randomized controlled trial assessing the impact of statins on selected noncardiac outcomes", Contemporary clinical Trials. Vol. 26, Issue 3, Jun 2005, 417-18.
46. Seripa D, Matera MG, Dal Forno G, Gravina C, Masullo C, Daniele A, Binetti G, Bonvicini C, Squitti R, Palermo MT, Davis DG, ANTUONO P, Wekstein DR, Dobrina A, Gennarelli M, Fazio VM.Genotypes and haplotypes in the IL-1 gene cluster: analysis of two genetically and diagnostically distinct groups of Alzheimer patients. Neurobiology of Aging. 26(4):455-64, 2005 Apr.
47. Nielson KA. Authors: Douville KL. Seidenberg M,. Woodard JL. Miller SK., Franczak M. ANTUONO P. M Rao SM. Age-related functional recruitment for famous name recognition: an event-related fMRI study. Neurobiology of Aging. Neurobiology of Aging. 27(10):1494-504, 2006 Oct.
48. Nielson, K., Douville, K., Seidenberg, M., Woodard, J., Miller, S., ANTUONO, P., Franczak M., Rao, S.: Age-Related Functional Recruitment of the Recognition Famous Names: An Event-Related fMRI Study. Neurobiol. Aging .27: 1494-1504.2006 doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2005.08.022; PMCID: PMC2078241.
49. Xu G., Xu Y., Wu G., ANTUONO PG., Hammeke T., LI SJ. Task Modulation of Functional Syncrony Between Spontaneuos Low-Frequency Oscillations In the Human Brain Detected by fMRI Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 56(1):41-50. 2006.
50. Grossi E., Buscema M., Snowdon D., ANTUONO PG. Neuropathological findings processed by artificial neural networks (ANNs) can perfectly distinguish Alzheimer's patients from normal controls in the Nun Study. BMC Neurology. 7:15, Jun 2007.
51. Squitti R, Quattrocchi CC, Forno GD, Antuono P, Wekstein DR, Capo CR, Salustri C, Rossini PM. Ceruloplasmin (2-D PAGE) Pattern and Copper Content in Serum and Brain of Alzheimer Disease Patients. Biomark Insights. 7;1:205-13 Feb 2007.
52. Woodard JL. Seidenberg M. Nielson KA. Miller SK. Franczak M. ANTUONO P. Douville KL. Rao SM. Temporally graded activation of neocortical regions in response to memories of different ages. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 19(7):1113-24, 2007 Jul. doi: 10.1162/jocn.2007.19.7.1113; PMCID: PMC2078236
53. Franczak M., Prost R., ANTUONO PG., Mark L., Ulmer J.,Proton magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Hippocampus in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the hippocampus in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a pilot study.Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. 31(5):666-70, 2007 Sep-Oct.
54. Poleggi A., Bizzarro A., Acciarri A., ANTUONO PG., Bagnoli S., Cellini E., Dal Forno G., Giannattasio C., Lauria A., Matera MG., Nacmias B., Puopolo M., Serpia D., SorbiS., Wekestein DR., Pocchiari M., Masullo C., Heterozigosity of the polymorphic codon 129 gene is a risk factor for patients with a family history of Alzheimer Disease carrying no Known AD-related Mutations. Codon 129 polymorphism of prion protein gene in sporadic Alzheimer's disease. European Journal of Neurology. 15(2):173-8, 2008 Feb.
55. Xu G., ANTUONO P.G., Jones J., Xu Y, Wu G, Ward D, Li SJ. Perfusion fMRI detects deficits in regional CBF during memory-encoding tasks in MCI subjects.Neurology. 69(17):1650-6, 2007 Oct 23.
56. Kalaria R, ANTUONO P, et al. Dementia in Less Developed Countries: Evaluation of Prevalence and Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease and Vascular Dementia/ Lancet Neurology Sept 7 (9) 812-826 2008.
57. Xu Y, Xu G, Wu G, ANTUONO P, Rowe DB, Li SJ The phase shift index for marking functional asynchrony in Alzheimer's disease patients using fMRI. (Apr 2008) Magn Reson Imaging. 26 (3), 379-92.
58. Giannattasio C, Poleggi A, Puopolo M, Pocchiari M, ANTUONO, P, Dal Forno G, Wekstein DR, Matera MG, Seripa D, Acciarri A, Bizzarro A, Lauria A, Masullo C Survival in Alzheimer's disease is shorter in women carrying heterozygosity at codon 129 of the PRNP gene and no APOE epsilon 4 allele. (2008) Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 25 (4), 354-8.
59. Jones RW, Kivipelto M, Feldman H, Sparks L, Doody R, Waters DD, Hey-Hadavi J, Breazna A, Schindler RJ, Ramos H., ANTUONO P., et al The Atorvastatin/Donepezil in Alzheimer's Disease Study (LEADe): design and baseline characteristics. (2008) Alzheimers Dement. 4 (2), 145-53.
60. Buscema M, Grossi E, Snowdon D, ANTUONO P. Auto-Contractive Maps: an artificial adaptive system for data mining. An application to Alzheimer disease. (2008) Curr Alzheimer Res. 5 (5), 481-98.
61. Seidenberg J., Guidotti L.M., Nielsen K.A., Woodward J., Dugerian S., Zhang Q., Gander A., Franczak M., ANTUONO P., Rao S. Semantic Knowledge for Famous Faces in Mild Cognitive Impairment. J Int. Neuropsychol Soc Jan; 15 (1): 1-18, 2009 doi: 10.1017/S1355617708090103; PMCID: PMC2774216.
62. Goveas JS., Dixon-Holbrook M., Kerwin D., ANTUONO P. Mild Cognitive Impairment: Evidence Based update for practicing clinicians. Current Psychiatry 2008;7(4):37-50. 2008.
63. M. Seidenberg, Ph.D., L. Guidotti, M.S., K.A. Nielson, Ph.D., J.L. Woodard, Ph.D, S. Durgerian, B.S., P. ANTUONO, M.D., Q. Zhang, B.S., and S.M. Rao, Ph.D.Semantic Memory Activation in Individuals at Risk for Developing Alzheimer's Disease. Neurology. 73, 612-620.2009. This Week in Neurology Feature: 8/25/09. doi:10.1212/WNL.0b013e3181b389ad; PMC2731619.
64. Green RC, Schneider LS, Amato DA, Beelen AP, Wilcock G, Swabb EA,Zavitz KH; ANTUONO P; Tarenflurbil Phase 3 Study Group. Effect of tarenflurbil on cognitive decline and activities of daily living in patients with mild Alzheimer disease: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2009 Dec 16;302(23):2557-64.
65. M. Gallucci, P. ANTUONO, F. Ongaro, P.L. Forloni, D. Albani, G.P. Amici, C. Regini Physical activity, socialization and reading in the elderly over the age of seventy: What is the relation with cognitive decline? Evidence from "The Treviso Longeva (TRELONG) study" Gerontol Geriatr. 2009 May Jun;48(3):284-6.
66. Woodard, J.L., Seidenberg, M., Nielson, K.A., ANTUONO, P. Guidotti, L., Durgerian, S., Zhang, Q., Lancaster, M., Hantke, N., Butts, A., & Rao, S.M. Semantic memory activation in amnestic mild cognitive impairment, Brain, 132, 2068-2078. 2009 doi:10.1093/brain/awp157; PMC2714062.
67. Nielson, K.A.,.Seidenberg, M., Woodard, J.L Durgerian, S., Zhang, Q., Gross, W.L.,Gander,A., Guidotti, L.M., ANTUONO P., Rao, S.M. Common neural systems associated with the recognition of famous faces and names: An event-related fMRI study. Brain and Cognition Apr 72(3);491-498. 2010.
68. Feldman HH, Doody RS, Kivipelto M, Sparks DL, Waters DD, Jones RW, Schwam E, Schindler R, Hey-Hadavi J, DeMicco DA, Breazna A; LEADe Investigators (P. ANTUONO). Randomized controlled trial of atorvastatin in mild to moderate Alzheimer disease: LEADe. Neurology. 2010 Mar 23;74(12):956-64.
69. M. Gallucci, F. Ongaro, S Meggiolaro, P ANTUONO, DR. Gustafson, GL Forloni, D. Albani, GB Gaio, E. Durante, L. Caberlotto, A. Zanardo, M Siculi, G.Muffato, C. Regini. Factors related to disability: Evidence from the "Treviso Longeva (TRELONG) Arch Gerontol Geriatr. E Pub June 8 2010.
70. Woodard, J.L., Seidenberg, M., Nielson, K.A., ANTUONO, P., Durgerian, S., Zhang, Q., & Rao, S.M. (2010). Prediction of 18-month cognitive decline in healthy older adults using functional MRI. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 21(2010)871-885.
71. Woodard, John; Seidenberg, Michael; Nielson, Kristy; ANTUONO, Piero; Guidotti, L Durgerian, S Zhang, Q; Lancaster, M Hantke, N Butts, A Rao, S: Semantic Memory Activation in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: Brain. in press.
72. Joseph Goveas, Piero ANTUONO Shi-Jiang Li, Zhilin Wu, Chunming Xie, Wenjun Li. Anita K. Murthy, Laurent M. Kassalow, Yikang Xu, Joan A. Mackell Enhanced CBF Changes by Donepezil Treatment Correlate with Cognitive Improvement in Mild Alzheimer disease. Submitted.
73. Cheng G., Ward B., Xie C., ANTUONO P., M Franczak Li SJ et al. Classification of Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Cognitively Normal Subjects Using Large-Scale Network Analysis Based on Resting-State Functional MRI. Radiology. January 19, 2011, doi: 10.1148/radiol.10100734
74. J. Carson Smith, Kristy A. Nielson, John L. Woodard, Michael Seidenberg, Sally Durgerian, Piero ANTUONO, Alissa M. Butts, Nathan C. Hantke, Melissa A. Lancaster, and Stephen M. Rao Interactive Effects of Physical Activity and APOE-e4 on BOLD Semantic Memory Activation in Healthy Elders. Neuroimage. 2011 Jan 1;54(1):635-44. Epub 2010 Aug 5.
75. J. Carson Smith, Kristy A. Nielson, John L. Woodard, Michael Seidenberg , Matthew D. Verber Sally Durgerian , Piero ANTUONO, Alissa M. Butts, Nathan C. Hantke, Melissa A Lancaster Stephen M. Rao. Does physical activity influence semantic memory activation in amnestic mild cognitive impairment? Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging. 193 60-62 2011.
76. Li C., ANTUONO P, Franczak G. Li SJ, Xie C., Recovery of Hippocampal Network Connectivity Correlates with Cognitive Improvement in Mild Alzheimer's Disease Patients Treated with Donepezil: Resting-State fMRI Study. Jornal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In press.
77. Joseph Goveas, Piero ANTUONO Shi-Jiang Li, Zhilin Wu, Chunming Xie, Wenjun et al. Neural Basis of the Association between Depressive Symptoms and Memory Deficits in Nondemented Subjects: Resting-State fMRI Study HBM-10-0499.R2, Human Brain Mapping. In press.
78. Deborah Gustafson, Ph.D.;Stefano Mazzucco, PhD;Fausta Ongaro, PhD;Piero ANTUONO MD;Gianluigi Forloni, PhD;Diego Albani, PhD;Gianbattista Gajo, MD;Elisabetta Durante, PhD;Livia Caberlotto, MD;Andrea Zanardo, PhD;Marinella Siculi, PhD;Maurizio Gallucci, MD BMI, MMSE, APOE and Mortality: The TREVISO LONGEVA (TRELONG) Study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Submitted December 2010.
79. Diego Albani, Stefano Mazzuco, Letizia Polito, Sara Batelli, Fausta Ongaro, Deborah R Gustafson, Piero ANTUONO; Gianbattista Gajo, Elisabetta Durante, Livio Caberlotto, Andrea Zanardo, Marinella Siculi, Maurizio Gallucci and Gianluigi Forloni The insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor polymorphism rs2229765 and circulating interleukin-6 level affect male longevity in a population-based prospective study (Treviso Longeva- TRELONG). The Ageing male. Submitted Jan 2011
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Pepeu, G., Gori, G., ANTUONO, P.G.: Changes in brain neurotransmitters in aging and cerebral hypoxia. In: Drug Treatment and Prevention in Cerebrovascular Disorders. (Togoni, G., Garatti, S., eds) Elsevier - North Holland Biomedical Press, 3-12, 1979.
2. Amaducci, L., ANTUONO, P.G.: Le encefalopatie da alterazioni del ricambioglucidico: Le ipoglicemie, Metaboliche. (Piccin, ed) Padua, Italy, 253-262, 1979.
3. ANTUONO, P.G., Taiuti, R., Amaducci, L., Pepeu, G.: Preliminary trials of "Phosphorilcholine in Huntington's chorea and senile dementia". In: Nutrition and the Brain. (Barbeau, A., Growdon, J., Wurtzman, R., eds) Raven Press, 5:331-334, 1979.
4. ANTUONO, P.G., Sorbi, S., Bracco, L., Fusco, T., Amaducci, L.: A discrete sampling technique in senile dementia of the Alzheimer type and alcoholic dementia: study of the cholinergic system. In: Aging of the Brain and Dementia (Aging) (Amaducci, L., Davison, A., Antuono, P., eds) Raven Press, 13:151-158, 1980.
5. Amaducci, L., Arfaioli, C., ANTUONO, P.G., et al.: The clinical use of e-arminocaproic acid (EACA) in multiple sclerosis. In: The Suppression of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis and Multiple Sclerosis. (Davison, A., Cuzner, M., eds) Academic Press, London, 227-239, 1980.
6. ANTUONO, P.G., Amaducci, L.: Le Malattie Degenerative del Sistema Nervoso In: Trattato di Patologica Medica. (Piccin ed) Padua, Italy, 2:3358-3371, 1981.
7. Struble, R., Lehmann, J., Mitchell, S.J., Cork, L.C., Coyle, J.T., Price, D.L., DeLong, M. R., ANTUONO, P.G. Cortical cholinergic innervation: distribution and source in monkeys. In: Dynamics of Cholinergic function. I. Plenum Press (Hanin, ed.) Adv. Behav. Neurol. 30:23-30, 1985.
8. Hohmann, C., ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle, J.T.: Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons and Alzheimer's disease. In: Handbook of Psychopharmacology (Iversen, L.L., Snyder, S.H., eds) Plenum Press, New York, 20:69-106, 1988.
9. Huff, F.J., ANTUONO, P.G., Murphy, M., et al.: Potential Clinical Use of an Adrenergic-Cholinergic Agent (HP128) and the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. In: Aging and Alzheimer's Disease (Growdon, J.H., Corkin, S., Ritter-Walker, E., eds) New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY. 263-267, 1991.
10. ANTUONO, P.G:, Korperstellung, Magnus R.: Rosanoff and Franklicy Book Programs. pp. 801. Book Review In: J. Hist. of Medicine. 43:50-501, 1988.
11. ANTUONO, P.G. Guns and Dementia In "Bridges", Dementia Care Network, Alzheimer's Association of S.E. Wisconsin, vol. 3, no. 4, Fall 1997.
12. ANTUONO, P.G. In Memoriam, Luigi Amaducci, MD (1932-1998). Neurology 50:1513,1998.
13. Jaradeh S, Braun T, Maas E, Lobeck L, ANTUONO P, Binder J, Terry LC. Neurologic disorders. In: Kochar's Concise Textbook of Medicine, 3rd Edition. Baltimore, MD; Williams and Wilkins, 1998.
14. Krouwer H, Barkhaus P, ANTUONO, P.G. The Reflexes of Hoffmann, Trömner and Mayer. In: Neurological Eponyms (Koehler, P.J., Bruyn, G.W., Pearce J.M.S.) New York, Oxford, 127-135, 2000.
15. ANTUONO, P.G.: Making Day-to-Day Decisions Wisely. A Practical Handbook on Ethical and Legal Issues for Caregivers of Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease. Center for the Study of Bioethics, Medical College of Wisconsin.
16. Gallucci, M. ANTUONO, P.G., Bardin, P., et al. Le risposte alla Malattia di Alzheimer: I farmaci e la riabilitazione. Treviso. October 2000.
17. Mangone C.A., ANTUONO PG.,Allegri R.F., Arizaga R.L., Ollari J.A.. Demencias Enfoque Multidisciplinario. Wyeth-Whitehall SA, Unidad de Negocios SNC. 2002 Editorial Medica Panamericana ISBN 950-06-8952-9: 151-169.
18. Ethical Issues in Dementia. Treviso. ARGEI-Antilia. Gallucci M Ed. 2003: pp. 19-56.
19. ANTUONO, P.G., Kerwin, D., Franczak, M.: Bioetica Della Demenza: Aspetti Pratici Per L'Operatore Sanitario. Etica e legge, Gallucci, M., Editor, Antilia Publishing 2003: 19-56.
20. Franczak, M., ANTUONO, P.G., Kerwin, D.: Frontotemporal Lobe Dementia. Current Clinical Neurology, Alzheimer's Disease: A Physician's Guide to Practical Management, RW Zoeller Richter Eds. Humana Press, Inc., 2004: 137-141.
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. ANTUONO, P.G: Clinical and pathological aspects of Alzheimer's Disease (VHS-60 min). The Alzheimer's Disease Information and Training Center (Editor). Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1982.
2. ANTUONO, P.G. Neurologic ills factor in death of demented. The Milwaukee Sentinel. Part 1: p. 16, October 2, 1985.
3. ANTUONO, P.G. Alzheimer's Disease Update (VHS-60 min). The Alzheimer's Disease Information & Training Center (Editor). Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1987.
4. ANTUONO, P.G: Secret Passions Secret Remedies: Narcotic Drugs in British Society 1820-1930: by Parssinen, T. Philadelphia 1SHI Publishers. 1983. pp. xii-234. Book Review In: J. Hist. of Medicine, 41:224-225, 1986.
5. ANTUONO, P.G.: Spelling Italian-Style Milwaukee Magazine, p 14, August, 1988.
6. ANTUONO, P.G. What are the Comites? (in Italian) The Italian Times, Section B, p. 27. Milwaukee: July, 1992.
7. ANTUONO, P.G., Gnetti C.: Rationing of Medicine in the US (in Italian). Sezione Scienza e Tecnologia. "L'Unità" p. 18, November 18 1993.
8. ANTUONO, P.G., Gnetti C.: Tuberculosis: The Poor People Epidemic (in Italian). Sezione Scienza e Tecnologia. "L'Unità" p. 16, July 31, 1993.
9. ANTUONO, P.G: The Caregivers: The Forgotten Victims of Alzheimer's Disease.(in Italian) "Libera Eta' " p. 52-53. April 7, 1994.
10. ANTUONO, P.G. Brain Chemistry and the French Connection. 306 pp. Book review In: Doody's Health Scie. Book Review. Vol. 3 Num.1 1994.
11. ANTUONO, P.G., Gnetti, C.: Social Costs of Alzheimer's Disease (in Italian) Sezione Scienza e Tecnologia. "L'Unità". p.4 June 24, 1995.
12. Amaducci L., ANTUONO, P.G., Boller F. The World Federation of Neurology Dementia Research Group; In J. of Alzheimer Dis. and Assoc. Disorders. Vol.9 N 1 pp 3-4. Raven Press NY. 1995.
13. Amaducci L., ANTUONO, P.G. Il Gruppo di ricerca sulle Demenze. Bollettino OMS di Salute Mentale e Neuroscie. Vol. 2.p.14-15 October 10, 1995.
14. ANTUONO, P.G., Beyer J.: : What is New in Alzheimer Disease. Health Wise. Milw WI. Nov. 1995.
15. ANTUONO, P.G., Beyer J.: Normal Aging and Alzheimer Disease. Health Counts. Vol.VIII N.3. p.1-2. Fall 1995.
16. ANTUONO, P.G., Gnetti, C. Sex and the Elderly: A US Perspective (in Italian)"Unità" Science and Environment p. 4, March 18, 1995
17. ANTUONO, P.G. Love Without Age. A Sexual Guide for the Elderly. (in Italian)Libera Età . pp. 1-31, December 12, 1995.
18. ANTUONO, P.G. The Danger of Genetic Testing. (in Italian). In: Science and Environment: Unità p. 4, August 27, 1996.
19. ANTUONO, P.G. Secrets in preventing senility (in Italian). In: Science and Environment: Unità p. 4, August 27, 1996.
20. ANTUONO, P.G. Paranoia and Memory Loss/Frontal Lobe Dementia. Grand Rounds at Froedtert Hospital. Vol 4, No. 6. November/December 1997.
21. ANTUONO, P.G. The Early Story of Alzheimer's Disease. Stand by Me News. Vol 19, N4 4,1. Fall 1999.
22. ANTUONO, P.G. Luigi Amaducci:Uomo, medico, scienziato. Rivista L'Alzheimer.p.7-9 Florence, Italy, Mensile AIMA. July 1998.
23. ANTUONO, P.G. Sponsored drug research censors on negative data. In "Unità'" Science section, p.5 August 24 1997.
24. ANTUONO, P.G. The 100 year Birthday of Aspirin. (in Italian). Libera Eta'. pp.66-67 N.5 May 1998.
25. Animal Care Committee. Sensitive but Sensible. A Brochure for Animal Research. The American Academy of Neurology. Minneapolis, MN 1999.
26. ANTUONO, P.G., Franczak M. Lo Studio Sulle Suore Scolastiche Di Nostra Signora. Fattori di Rischio per L'Alzheimer'. L'Alzheimer 2000. Firenze Anno III. 12-14.
27. ANTUONO, P.G. Prevenzione Delle Malattie Cerebrovasculari Riduce L'Alzheimer. Alzheimer 2000 Firenze. Anno III, 15-16.
28. ANTUONO, P.G. Caregivers Help in Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Association Research News Summer 2001. Vol.21.N1 pages 1-2.
29. ANTUONO, P.G. History of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease: Early Descriptions of Dementia. Stand By News, SE Alzheimer Chapter, Vol 21 N4, Spring 2002,pages 1-3.
30. ANTUONO, P.G., PET Neurology, VHS, March 24, 2005, G.E. Educational Series.
31. ANTUONO, P.G., Response to "The UCSD Statin Study: a randomized controlled trial assessing the impact of statins on selected noncardiac outcomes", Contemporary Clinical Trials, Vol. 26, Issue 3, 2005, pages 417-18.
32. 32 ANTUONO P. The ethics of end of life. Libera Eta' (in Italian) 59, (6) 82-83 June 2009
33. ANTUONO P.ThirdCoast Digest. Treatments in dementia . Podcast Erin peterson manager. FM 91.7 WMSE January 7th, 2011, Milwaukee
34. ANTUONO P. Why a Drug Trial? SE Alzheimer Association Newsletter. P5-11 Winter 2011. Milwaukee WI.
1. Inzitari, D., Bartolini,L., ANTUONO, P.G., Amaducci, L.: Modificazioni della composizione lipidica della sostanza bianca encefalica in corso di "demielinizzazione": un possible ruolo di attivita' enzimatiche plasmatiche. XV Meeting of the Research Group on Lipid Metabolism. Florence, Italy, 1976.
2. Rizzuto, N., Inzitari, D., ANTUONO, P.G., Amaducci, L.: Neuropatia cronica in soggetto con tratto talessemico e deficienze di glucosio - 6 - P deidrogenasi: aspetti clinici e ultra strutturali. XII Joint Meeting of German and Italian Neuropathologists. Massa Marittima, Italy, June 3-6, 1976.
3. ANTUONO, P.G., Bracco, L., Amaducci, L.: The cholinergic system in the senile brain. Second European Neurosciences Meeting. Florence, Italy, 1978. Neuroscience Letters Supplement 1S1-S458, p. 273. Elsevier-North Holland Biomedical Press, 1978.
4. Amaducci, L., ANTUONO, P.G., Inzitari, D., Sita, D.: Inibitori delle proteinasi in malattie demielinizzanti: approccio clinco e farmacologico. SV Meeting of the Italian Society for Neuropathology, Assisi, Italy, Proceedings in ACTA Neurologica, p. 86, May 1979.
5. ANTUONO, P.G., Bracco, L., Sorbi, S., Treve, M., Amaducci, L.: Sistema colinergico nel SNC dell'uomo: approccio ontogenetico. XV Meeting of the Italian Society for Neuropathology. Assisi, Italy, Proceedings in ACTA Neurologica, p. 112, May 1979.
6. ANTUONO, P.G., Sorbi, S., Amaducci, L.: The Cholinergic system in the developing brain. A correlation between enzyme levels and cause of death. Proceedings of the III European Neuroscience Meeting, Rome, September 1979: In Neuroscience Letters, Elsevier - North Holland Biomedical Press, 3:47, 1979.
7. ANTUONO, P.G., Bartolini, L., Amaducci, L.: LCAT activity in human post-mortem samples. VII International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, Jerusalem, September, 1979.
8. ANTUONO, P.G., Sorbi, S., Amaducci, L.: Diagnostic and therapeutic prospective treatment of ataxia. Proceedings of the Congress of the Italian Society of Neurology. p. 59. Catania, Italy, November 1979.
9. ANTUONO, P.G., Baruah, J.: F-waves as an index of aging. 12th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience. Abstract. Minneapolis, Minnesota, I:121-122, 1982.
10. ANTUONO, P.G., Antuono, A.: Swick, H.M., Medical reform in Florence 1780-1790 the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital. The 56th Meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine. Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1983.
11. ANTUONO, P.G., Swick, H.M.: Neurological admissions to the Santa Maria Hospital of Florence in 1789. 35th Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology - San Diego, California, April 1983.
12. Sanberg, P.R., Moran, T.H., Kubos, K.L., ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle J.T.: Prenatal methylazoxymethanol (MAM) treatment produces spontaneous hyperactivity in neonatal and adult rats. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Boston, Mass. 2:933, 1983.
13. Moran, T.H., Sanbert, P.R., ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle J.T.: Stimulation induced behavior in normal and methylazoxymethanol (MAM) treated infant rats. 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Boston, Mass., 1:121, 1983.
14. Swick, H.M., ANTUONO, P.G., Antuono, A.: The Medical Reform in Florence 1780-1790. Meeting of the Columbia Society for History of Medicine. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1983.
15. Struble, R.G., Lehmann, J., Mitchell, S.J., Cork, L.C., Coyle, J.T., Price, D.L., DeLong, M.R., ANTUONO, P.G.: Cortical cholinergic innervation: distribution and source in monkeys. Symposium on the Dynamics of Cholinergic function. West Virginia, October 1983.
16. ANTUONO, P.G., Moran, T.H., Kubos, K.L., Sanberg, P.R., Coyle, J.T.: Hyperactive behavior in methylazosymethanol (MAM) treated rats. 36th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 34(3), Suppl. 1, 284, March 1984.
17. ANTUONO, P.G., Sandberg, X., Coyle, J.T.: AF64A impairs passive avoidance learning after injection into the nucleus basalis of Maynert. 36th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 34(1)280, March, 1984.
18. ANTUONO, P.G., Lehmann, J., Koller, K.J., Whitehouse, P.J., Clark, A.W., Struble, R.G., Price, D.L., Coyle, J.T.: Endogenous neurotransmitters amino acids (ENAA) in Alzheimer's Disease (AD). 36th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 34(1)118. March, 1984.
19. Koller, K.J., ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle, J.T.: The ontogeny and phylogeny of N-aspartyl-glutamate. 14th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Anaheim, 1984.
20. Whitehouse, P.J., Hedreen, J.C., Clark, A.W., Zweig, R.M., Jones, B.E., Terry, R.D., ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle, J.T., Davis, P.F., Price D.L.: Clinical and neurochemical correlates of neuronal loss in the cholinergic basal forebrain system in Alzheimer's Disease. 14th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Anaheim, 1984.
21. ANTUONO, P.G., Swick, H.M.: Visconte's nosographia delle malattie riccuute: Late 18th century concept of neurological disease. Annals of Neurology, American Neurological Association. Baltimore, 16(1)134, October 1984
22. ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle, J.T.: N-Acetyl-Aspartyl-Glutamate (NAAG) distribution in Alzheimer's Disease (AD). 37th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 35:(1)4:83, April, 1985.
23. ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle, J.T.: [3H]-Hemicholinium binding. A new cholinergic marker in Alzheimer's disease. 37th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 35(1)4:182. April, 1985.
24. Whitehouse, P.J., Martino, A.M., ANTUONO, P.G., Coyle, J.T., Price, D.L., Kellert, K.J.: Reductions in nicotinic cholinergic receptors measured using [3H] Acetylcholine in Alzheimer's disease. 15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Dallas, 1985.
25. ANTUONO, P.G.: Methylazoxymethanol (MAM) as a model for hyperactivity. Society for Neuroscience, Milwaukee Chapter. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 23, 1986.
26. ANTUONO, P.G., Antuono, L.M.: Mistichelli treaty on Apoplexy: The discovery of crossed innervation. 38th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 36:(1)4:213, March, 1986.
27. ANTUONO, P.G., Sandberg, K.: 2'-3' cyclic nucleotidase 3' phosphodiesterase activity (CNPase) distribution in Alzheimer's disease. ESN and WFN Joint Meeting. Baden/Vienna, Liviana Press, FIDIA Research Series, August 28, 1986.
28. Glatt, S.L., ANTUONO, P.G.: Motor Deterioration in end stage Alzheimer's disease. Journal of the American Geriatric Society. 35, 1987.
29. Glatt, S.J., ANTUONO, P.G., Zielonka, J., Collier, B.D., Tikofsky R.S., Rao, S., Parke, A., Hollander, E., Hellman, R.: Clinical correlates of SPECT with I-123 IMP in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 35:900,1987.
30. ANTUONO, P.G., Glatt, S.L., Hellman, R.S., Tikofsky, R.S., Collier, B.D., Rao, S., Parke, A.: Brain imaging with SPECT in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 35:971, 1987.
31. Hellman, R.S., Tikofsky, R.S., Collier, B.D., Palmer, D.W., Glatt, S.L., ANTUONO, P.G., Parke, A., Krohn, L.: Quantitative differences between healthy subjects and patients with Alzheimer's disease in brain imaging with I-123 IMP. Radiology. 165:245, 1987.
32. Glatt, S.L., ANTUONO, P.G., Zielonka, J., Collier, B.D., Tikofsky, R.S., Rao, S., Parke, A., Hollander, E., Hellman, R.: Regional deficits in SPECT with I-123 iodoamphetamine in Alzheimer's disease: clinical correlations. Journal of Neurology, 37(1):93, 1987.
33. ANTUONO, P.G.: Hyperactive behavior in methylazoxymethanol (MAM) treated rats. Wisconsin Neurological Association. Wisconsin Dells, September 5, 1987.
34. ANTUONO, P.G., Antuono, L.M.: The therapeutics of neurology in the eighteenth century Italy. Journal of Neurology, 37(1) 3:265-266, 1987.
35. Tikofsky, R.S., Hellman, R.S., Collier, B.D., Palmer, B.W., Glatt, S., ANTUONO, P.G., Parke, A., Krohn,L.: I-123 iodoamphetamine brain imaging of normals and subjects with Alzheimer's disease. (SDAT) Quantitative differences. International Neuropsychological Society, 1987.
36. ANTUONO, P.G., Glatt, S.: Correlation of SPECT and clinical parameters in Alzheimer's disease patients. The Wisconsin Neurological Society, Kohler, Wisconsin. September 29, 1987.
37. ANTUONO, P.G., Sandberg, K.: Decreased levels of CNPase in Alzheimer's disease brains. International Symposium on New Trends in Aging. Brescia, Italy. Liviana Press, FIDIA Research Series, April 12, 1987.
38. ANTUONO, P.G., Antuono, L.M.: Giovanni dalla Porta (1540-1615) and the origins of phrenology. 40th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 38(1)3:404, March 1988.
39. Glatt, S.G., Saxena, V.K., ANTUONO, P.G., Walsh, P.R., Daniels, D.L.: Normal pressure hydrocephalus: periventricular abnormality on magnetic resonance imaging. 40th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. J. Neurology, 38(1)3:192, March 1988.
40. ANTUONO, P.G., Glatt, S.G. Ravanelli-Meyer J., Davis, K.: Recruitment strategies in pharmacological studies with cholinesterase inhibitors. Symposium on the Advances in Alzheimer's Disease: Cholinesterase Inhibitors. Springfield, IL, March 1988.
41. Ho, K.C., ANTUONO, P.G., Baruah, J.K., Hemmy, D.C.: Diffused Astrocytoma Masquerading as Dementia with Myoclonus--Report of Cases with a Comparison of its Diagnosis by Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); World Federation of Neurology, Bombay, India, September, 1989.
42. Ho, K.C., Gwozdz, J.T., Hause, L.L., ANTUONO, P.G.: Correlation of Neuronal Cell Body Size in Motor Cortex and Hippocampus with Body Height and Body Weight: J. of Neuropathol and Experim. Neurol. 48(3):361, May, 1989.
43. ANTUONO, P.G., Myklebust, B.M., Myklebust, J.B.: Sensory-Motor Performance Abnormalities in Alzheimer's Disease. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology 39(3)1:112, 1989.
44. Ho, K.C., ANTUONO, P.G., Baruah J.K., Hemmy, D.C. Diffuse Astrocytoma Masquerading as Dementia with Myoclonus - Report of Cases with a Comparison of its Diagnosis by Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Present at the XIVth World Congress of Neurology; New Delhi, India, October 22-27, 1989.
45. Helman, R.S., ANTUONO, P.G., Tikofsky, R.S., Rao, S.M., Krasnow, A.Z., Collier, B.D., Hoffmann, R.G., Wainwright, P: Correlation Between Regional Reductions in Cerebral Blood Flow (SPECT/IMP) and Neuropsychological Test Scores in Dementia Patients; Society of Nuclear Medicine 37th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. June 22, 1990.
46. Ho, K.C., Gwozdz, J.T., Hause, L.L., Halava, M.A., ANTUONO, P.G.: The Effect of Aging and Alzheimer's Disease on the Size of Cortical Motor Neurons; J of Neuropath. And Exper. Neurol. 49:227, 1990. Neurology 40 (Suppl 1) 405:1990.
47. ANTUONO, P.G., Bloom, A., Ho, K., Sisola, C., Gutglass D., Guggenheim, L.: Increased Membrane Fluidity in AD; 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Miami Beach, FL, May 1990.
48. Gwozdz, J.T., Ho, K.C., Hause, L.L., ANTUONO, P.G.: Factors which may affect the size of cortical motor neurons; J. Neuropath. And Exper. Nerve, 49:330, 1990.
49. Ho, K.C., Gwozdz, J.T., Hause, L.L., Halava, M.A., ANTUONO, P.G.: The effect of aging and Alzheimer's disease on the size of cortical motor neurons; XI th International Congress of Neuropathology, Kyoto, Japan, September 2-6, 1990.
50. Ho., K., Gwozdz, J., Hause, L., Halave, M. ANTUONO, P.G.: Effect of Aging on the Size of the Neurons in various Regions of the Hippocampus. 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology 40 (SUPPL 1) 338, April, 1990.
51. Yetkin, F.Z., Haughton, V.M., ANTUONO, P.G., Papke, R.A., Fischer, M.E.: Quantitative MR in the Evaluation of Dementia; Second International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Toronto, Canada, July, 1990.
52. ANTUONO, P.G., Myklebust, B., Myklebust, J.: Gait Impairment in AD patients as Quantified by a Balance Platform; Second International Conference on AD and Related Disorders, Toronto, Canada, July, 1990.
53. Tikofsky, R.S., ANTUONO, P.G., Neuman, R.G., Hoffmann, R.G., Krasnow, A.Z., Collier, B.D.: Reliability of interrater interpretation of global and regional pathology for SPECT/IMP Brain Imaging. European Nuclear Medicine Meeting, Amsterdam, June, 1990.
54. Hellman, R.S., ANTUONO, P.G., Tikofsky, R.S., Rao, S.M., Krasnow, A.Z., Collier, B.D., Hoffmann, R.G., Wainwright, P.: Correlation between regional reductions in cerebral blood flow (SPECT/IMP) and neuropsychological test scores in dementia patients. J Nuc. Med. 31:731, 1990.
55. Hellman, R.S., ANTUONO, P.G., Tikofsky, R.S., Rao, S.M., Krasnow, A.Z., Collier, B.D., Hoffmann, R.G., Wainwright, P.: Regional reductions in rCBF (SPECT/IMP) and neuropsychological deficits in dementia. J Nuc. Med. 31:731, 1990.
56. Underzacht, F., Rao, S., ANTUONO, P.G.: Oral physostigmine in the treatment of memory loss in multiple sclerosis. Annual Meeting of the Neuropsychological Society, San Antonio, TX, February, 1991.
57. Ho, K.C., Gwozdz, J.T., Hause, L.L., Broeren, A.M., ANTUONO, P.G.: Comparison of the neuronal cellular changes of Alzheimer's disease and those of normal aging in various regions of the hippocampus, 116th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Seattle, Washington, September 30-October 3, 1991.
58. Huff, J., ANTUONO, P.G., Beyer, J., Murphy, M.: Tolerance safety of HP 128 a mixed cholinergic and catecholaminergic enhancer in Alzheimer's disease. Zurich VI Meeting on the Pharmacology of Memory Disorders. Organizer; Prof. R. Wurtman, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Science, M.I.T., Zurich, February 15, 1991.
59. ANTUONO, P.G., Cherayil, G.D., Ho, K.C.: Increased saturation of fatty acids in Alzheimer's disease. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, November 10-15, 1991. Neurology 41 (Suppl 1) 549:269,1991.
60. ANTUONO, P.G., Cherayl, G., Ho, K.: Alteration in phospholipid (PL) Fatty Acids (FA) in Alzheimer's disease (AD). 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology 41 (suppl 1, 3) p.269, 1991.
61. ANTUONO, P.G., Alverno, L., Ravanelli, J., Beyer, J.: Aggressive behavior in Alzheimer's disease and multi-infarct dementia. 5th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence, June, 1991.
62. Tikofsky R.S. Hellman, R.S., ANTUONO, P.G., Harsch, H.H., Hoffmann, R.G.: rCBF/SPECT: Its role in dementia diagnosis. 8th Israel Medical Week; The Israel Society of Nuclear Medicine. 1991.
63. Tikofsky, R.S., Hellman, R.S., ANTUONO, P.G., Hoffmann, R.G., Krasnow, A.Z., Collier, B.D., Voslar, A.M. Wainwright, P.: Performance on Boston Naming Test (BNT) in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and quantitated SPECT/HMPAO. The Society of Nuclear Medicine 38th Annual Meeting. Radiology 181 (Suppl) p.174, 1991.
64. Tikofsky, R.S., Hellman, R.S., ANTUONO, P.G.: Boston naming test enhances quantitative SPECT HMPAO in Alzheimer's disease. 77th Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. Radiology 181(Suppl) p.174, 1991.
65. Ho, K.C., Broeren, K.C., Gwozdz, B.S., Morris, R., ANTUONO, P.G.: Comparison of neuron density, cross sectional area and total neurons per area of various regions in the hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease versus normal aging. J. of Experim. Neuropathol and Exp Neuro. 50:299, 1991.
66. ANTUONO, P.G., Ravanelli-Meyer J., Nicholson, K., Pomara, N., Deptula, D., Singh, R., Cooper, T.: Changes of hexokinase activity with age: Relevance to Alzheimer's disease. Third International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Abano Terme (Padova), Italy, July 12-17 1992.
67. Broeren, A.M., Ho, K.C., Gwozdz, J.T., Morris, R.D., ANTUONO, P.G.: Comparison of degenerative regions of the hippocampus. 68th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc.: St. Louis, MO, June 18-21, 1992.
68. Pomara, N., Deptula, D., ANTUONO, P.G., Singh, R. Ravanelli-Meyer, J., Cooper, T. Leukocyte hexokinase activity in Alzheimer's disease. Third International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Abano Terme (Padova), Italy, July 12-17, 1992.
69. Beyer, J., Moser, S., ANTUONO, P.G. Alzheimer's disease and driving: The role of the health care professional and caregiver. Third International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Abano Terme (Padova), Italy, July 12-17, 1992.
70. Rao, S.M., Bandettini, P.A., Wong, E.C., Yetkins, F.Z., Hammeke, T.A., Mueller, W.M., Goldman, R.S., Morris, G.L., ANTUONO, P.G., Eskowski, L.D., Haughton, V.M., Hyde, J.S.: Gradient-echo EPI demonstrates bilateral superior temporal gyrus activation during passive word presentation. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Society of magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, Germany, August 8-14, 1992.
71. ANTUONO, P.G., Green, G., Beyer, J.: Wristwatch wear and use correlated with the Folstein MMSE in Alzheimer's disease. American Geriatrics Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 14-21, 1992.
72. Ho, K.C., Broeren, A.M., Gwozdz, J.T., ANTUONO, P.G.: Comparison of cortical motor neurons in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease. XIX International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology. Pathologia 25 (suppl 3)203-204, 1992.
73. ANTUONO, P.G., Nicholson, K., Bloom, A.S.: Alteration in the physical properties and leukocyte membranes in Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Society for Neuroscience. Annaheim, CA, October 25-30, 1992.
74. Alverno, L., ANTUONO, P.G., Meier, A.: Eating disorders in older men. Eleventh International Congress of the Biological Society, Rio Janeiro, Brazil, June 6-12, 1992.
75. ANTUONO, P.G., Dal Forno, G., Ho, K.C., Beyer, J., Bloom, A.: The Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Brain Bank: results of 209 cases. Eleventh International Congress of the Biological Psychiatry Society, Rio Janeiro, Brazil, June 6-12, 1992.
76. ANTUONO, P.G., Nicholson, K., Bloom, D.: Physical properties of leukocyte membrane in Alzheimer's disease. Neuroscience Society Meeting, Vol. 18 Part 1:307.3. p. 378, 1992.
77. Dal Forno, G., ANTUONO, P.G., Bloom, A., Beyer, J., Hellmann, R., Tikofsky, R., Collier, D.: The role of SPECT in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. 45th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, New York, April 1993, Vol. 43(4): 212.
78. Ho, K.C., Kleemann, D.K., Broeren, M., ANTUONO, P.G.: Does lipufuscin deposition in neurons protect the brain of Alzheimer's disease from neuronal loss and brain atrophy? XVth World Congress of Neurology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. September 5-10, 1993.
79. Rao SM, Binder JR, Hammeke TA, Yetkin FZ, Bandettini PA, Morris GL, Mueller WM, ANTUONO PG, Wong EC, Haughton VM, Hyde JS. Somatotopic organization of primarymotor cortex demonstrated by functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI). Neurology,1993; 43 (Suppl 2): A188.
80. Ho, K.C., Kleemann, D.K., Broeren, A.M., ANTUONO, P.G. Correlation of neuropathological changes and regional areas of the hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease. LXIX American Association of Neuropathology, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 8-13, 1993.
81. Campani, D., ANTUONO, P.G., Dal Forno, G., Ho, K.C., Nicholson, K., Beyer, J.: The Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Brain Bank: Pathological Findings in Familial and Sporadic Cases. The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, Vancouver, Canada, September 5-10, 1993, vol. 20 (suppl.4) pg S1-S270 August, 1993.
82. ANTUONO, P.G.: Clinical results with Velnacrine. Expertengesprach "Stellenwert von Acetycholin bei der Alzheimer'schen Erkrankung", Frankfurt, Germany, June 29, 1993.
83. ANTUONO, P.G., Dal Forno, G., Ho, K.C., Bloom, A.: The Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Brain Bank: Clinical pathological correlations. Wisconsin Neurological Society Meeting. Green Lake, WI, October 29-30, 1993.
84. Nelson S., Ho, K.C., Broeren, A., ANTUONO, P.G.: Differences in the size and number of the anterior horn cells between the right and the left side of the cervical spinal cord. XII International Congress of Neuropathology, Toronto, Canada, September, 18-23, 1994.
85. Bloom, A.S., Bunch, B., Lamers, L., Nicholson, K., ANTUONO, P.G.: Clinical pathological Correlations in 290 consecutive autopsies in patients with dementia. Fourth International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 29-Aug 3, 1994.
86. Ho, K.C., Anderson, L., Harna, J., ANTUONO, P.G.: The effect of aging on Purkinje cells and the size of the human cerebellar vermis. XII International Congress of Neuropathology, Toronto, Canada, September 18-23, 1994.
87. ANTUONO, P.G.: Changes of hexokinic activities in Alzheimer's Disease. World Federation of Neurology, Neurology Update-2000, New Dehli, India, November 19, 1994.
88. Ho, K.C., Anderson, L., Hanna, J., ANTUONO, P.G. The effects of aging on the number of Purkinje cells and the size of the cerebellar vermis in humans. 20th International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology and 11th World Congress of Environmental Pathology, Hong Kong, October 9-14, 1994.
89. ANTUONO, P.G., Jones J., Dal Forno, G., Ho, K.C., Beyer, J., Nicholson, K., Bloom, A.: Clinical pathological correlations in 290 consecutive autopsies in patients with dementia Neurobiology of Aging, Volume 15, suppl 1 page S114, Pergamon Press 1994.
90. Beyer, J., Moser, S., Jones, J., Keyes, B., Ulman, J., Ravanelli-Meyer, J., Kalman, A. Bloom, A., ANTUONO, P.G.: The differential role of the Alzheimer's Association and the Dementia Clinic in addressing the community needs. Neurobiology of Aging, Volume 15, suppl 1, page S110, Pergamon Press 1994.
91. Hellman, R.S., Tikofsky, R.S., ANTUONO, P.G. Brain perfusion index (BPI) in Alzheimer's Disease (AD); Evaluation of quantitative 99MTC-Examethazime (HMPAO) rCBF index as an adjust to scan appearance for AD diagnosis. Neurobiology of Aging, volume 15, suppl. 1, S96 Pergamon Press 1994.
92. ANTUONO, P.G., Jones, J., Ho, K.C.: Review of 325 Autopsies in Patients with Dementia. The Wisconsin State-Wide Alzheimer's Conference. LaCrosse, WI, May 23, 1994.
93. ANTUONO, P.G., Jones, J., Ho, K.C.: The Wisconsin Autopsy Program: Benefit for Research and Families. Milwaukee Helen Bader National Conference. Milwaukee, WI April 6, 1995.
94. Jones, J., ANTUONO, P.G., Ho, K.C.: Yearly Progress Report on the Helen Bader Wisconsin Brain Bank Dementia Network Conference, Milwaukee, WI, August 29, 1995.
95. *Granstrom, L., Zhang, C., ANTUONO, P.G., Wong-Riley, M.: Activity Dependent Regulation of Nitric Oxide Synthase and Cytochrome Oxidase in the Rat Visual System. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November 11-16, 1995.
96. ANTUONO, P.G., Tikofsky, R.S., Collier, S.R., Ravanelli-Meyer, J.: Effects of HP079, a cognitive enhancer, on cerebral blood flow measured with SPECT. World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Dementia meeting. Marrakech Convention Center, April 18-19, 1995.
97. ANTUONO, P.G., Hellman, R.S., Tikofsky, R.S. Effects of Besipiridine on quantitative 99MTC-Examethazime (HMPAO) rCBF in Alzheimer Disease. World Federation of Neurology Research Group on the Dementias. Marrakech, Morocco, April 18, 1995.
98. Kujath, J.G., Ho, K.C., ANTUONO, P.G. The effect of aging on the number and size of human motor neurons in the cervical spinal cord. Annual 1995 Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologist, Inc., San Antonio, TX, June 6-11, 1995.
99. ANTUONO, P.G., Alverno L.: Besipiridine in Alzheimer D. A Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) Study Disease. IV Intern Nice/Springfield. Symposium on Advances in Therapy. April 24, 1996.
100. Rosen, A.C., Williams, K., Hammeke, T., Wieser, J., ANTUONO, P.G., DeYoe, E.A. An FMRI Study of Achromatopsia. Proceedings of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1: 6; 1997.
101. Nguyen, A.N., Ho, K-c, ANTUONO, P.G., Wong-Riley, M. Comparison of Neuronal Size and Density in the Lateral Geniculate Body of Normal Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Populations. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. June 12-16, 1996.
102. Vens, E.A., Ho, K-c., ANTUONO, P.G., Wong-Riley, M. Comparison of Neuronal Lipofuscin Deposition, Neuronal Size and Neuronal Density in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of Normal Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Populations. American Association of Neuropathologists, Pittsburgh, PA, June 11-15, 1997.
103. ANTUONO, P.G., Jones J., Ho K-c. Accuracy in the Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease. A Brain Bank Study. The European Federation of Neurological Sciences. Praha June 4-8, 1997.
104. ANTUONO, P.G. Laboratory Investigations for Dementias and Special Procedures. World Fed of Neurology Research Group on Dementia. Buenos Aires, Argentina Sept. 19, 1997.
105. DeYoe, E., Williams, K., Rosen, A.C., Hammeke, T., ANTUONO, P.G., Maas, E. FMRI-Based "Functional Field Maps" of Brain-Related Vision Defects. Society for Neuroscience Abstract. 1997, 23:1403.
106. Snyder, C.K., Ho, K.C., ANTUONO, P.G.: Comparison of Neuronal lipofuscin deposition and neuronal size in the hippocampus of normal aging and Alzheimer's disease population. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists, Minneapolis, MN, June, 1998.
107. ANTUONO, P.G., Jones, J., Li, S. Cerebral Metabolite Abnormalities in Patients with Probable Alzheimer's Disease: An in vivo H-1 MR Spectroscopy Study. Sixth International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Amsterdam, July 18-23, 1998.
108. DeYoe, E.A., Williams, K., Rosen, A.C., Wieser, J.A., Hammeke, T., ANTUONO, P.G., Maas, E. Predicting visual field defects from brain activity. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 39(4): S863, 1998.
109. ANTUONO, P.G., Daube, J., et al. The Importance of Animal Research in Neuroscience Advances: A Historical Perspective . Poster by the Animal Welfare Committee of the American Academy of Neurology. 51st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Toronto, April 1999.
110. ANTUONO, P.G. Functional Images and Traditional MRI. In III Joint Meeting of The WFN Research Group on Dementia and the Latin American Association of Neuropsychology. Buenos Aires, November 4-6, 1999.
111. ANTUONO, P.G., Jones, J., Kovach, C. Community-Based Memory Screens: Correlates with Objective Memory Loss and Depressive Symptomatology. Gerontologist. V 29 Issue 1, October, 1999.
112. ANTUONO, P.G., Li, S-J, Jones, J. A Functional MRI Index as a Biological Marker for Alzheimer's Disease. 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology A475 Vol 54: 7. Suppl. 3. April 11, 2000.
113. Li, Z., Wu, G., Zhao, X., ANTUONO, P.G., Jones, J., Li, SJ. Comparison of the Sensitivity between Functional Connectivity Method and Structural Volume Measurements in Alzheimer's Disease. Proc. Int.l Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 8, 2000, page 320.
114. Li Z., Wu G., Zhao X., ANTUONO P., Jones J.,Li SJ. Comparison of the sensitivity between functional connectivity method and structural volume measurements in Alzheimer disease Proceedings of the 8th INSERM Scie. Meeting. Denver Colorado USA. P.320 2000
115. ANTUONO, P.G., Franczak, M. Pharmacological Strategies for Dementia. Neurobiology of Dementia Symposium, Nairobi, Kenya, April 24-25, 2001.
116. ANTUONO, P.G., Corder, E., Franczak, M., Snowdon, D. Primitive Reflexes and Set Alternation Task Performance Are Associated with Rate of Cognitive Decline at Age 80 and Older: Findings from the Nun Study: XVII World Congress of Neurology. London, England, June 17-22, 2001. J of The Neurological Science V187, Suppl S44, June 15, 2001.
117. ANTUONO, P.G. Early life Risk Factors and fMRI Identification of People at Risk. Aging of the Brain and Dementia. Florence, Italy, September 15, 2001.
118. ANTUONO, P.G., Nicolao, S, Jones, J, Kovach, C. Community Based Memory Screening: Alzheimer Disease International Conference Christchurch, NZ. Oct 2001.
119. ANTUONO, P.G., Franczak, M., Nicolao, S., Beyer, J. Community screening of dementia. Alzheimer's Disease International. Christchurch, NZ, October 25-27, 2001.
120. Beyer J., ANTUONO P.G., Jones J. Community Screening for Dementia and Correlates with Depression. 17th Alzheimer's Disease International Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand. November 2001.
121. ANTUONO P.G., Whitehouse P., Ollari, J. Future Trends in Dementia and Alzheimer Disease. 17th Alzheimer's Disease International Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand. November 2001
122. ANTUONO, P.G. Results from the Nun Study. 2ND Panhellenic Congress of Alzheimer's Disease. Thessaloniki, Greece, January 18-20, 2002.
123. ANTUONO, P.G. Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease - Results from the Nun Study. Encephalos, Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry. Vol 38, Suppl 2001, 5. Athens, Greece. January 2002.
124. Wu, G., Li, Z., Luo, F., ANTUONO, P.G., Li, S.J., Franczak, M. Comparison between Singular Spectrum Analysis and Filtering Methods to Calculate Functional Synchrony in the Human Hippocampus Region. ISMRM Conference, Hawaii, June 2002.
125. ANTUONO, P.G., Franczak, M., Li, Z., Wu, G., Li, S.J. Functional Connectivity in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Using an fMRI Marker. Organization of Human Brain Mapping. Sendai, Japan, June 1-6, 2002.
126. Wu, G., Li, Z., Luo, F., ANTUONO, P.G., Li, S.J., Franczak, M. Comparison between Singular Spectrum Analysis and Filtering Methods to Calculate Functional Synchrony in the Human Hippocampus Region. The 8th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. Stockholm, Sweden. July 19-25, 2002.
127. Franczak, M., ANTUONO, P.G., Prost, R., Ulmer, J., Mark, L., Li, S.J., Nicolao, S. Metabolic changes in the hippocampus of subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) using 0.5T MR Spectroscopy (H-MRS). The 8th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. Stockholm, Sweden. July 19-25, 2002.
128. ANTUONO, P.G., Franczak, M., Li, Z., Wu, G., Li, S.J. Functional Connectivity in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Using an fMRI Marker. The 8th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. Stockholm, Sweden, July 19-25, 2002.
129. ANTUONO, P.G., Franczak, M., Li, Z., Wu, G., Li, S.J. Functional Connectivity in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Using an fMRI Marker. XVIIth Symposium Neurorediologicum, WFNRS 2002 Meeting, Hawaii. August 18-23, 2002.
130. ANTUONO, P.G., Li, S.R., Franczak, M. Functional Synchony in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Marker. 127th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association. New York, NY. October 2002.
131. ANTUONO, P.G. Factores de Riesgo Para La Demencia Lo Estudio De La Monjas. 18th Alzheimer's Disease International Conference, Barcelona, Spain. October, 2002.
132. ANTUONO, P.G. Prevention of Dementia from Basic Science to the Clinical Setting. VI IBRO Conference. PRAGUE, Czech Republic, 2003.
133. Franczak, M., ANTUONO, P.G., Prost, R.R., Ulmer, J., Mark, L. Decrease in NAA Levels in the hippocampus of people with Mild Cognitive Impairment. 4th International Psychogeriatric Association. Chicago, Illinois. August 17, 2003.
134. Franczak, M., Prost, R., Ulmer, J., Mark, L., Jones, J., ANTUONO, P.G. Normal Glutamate Levels in the Hippocampus of Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment. World Psychiatric Association International Congress. Florence, Italy. November, 2004.
135. ANTUONO, P.G. Affective Behavior and Cognitive Disorders in the Elderly. 3rd Bologna International Meeting, June 2003.
136. ANTUONO, P.G. Alzheimer's Disease and Society: Genetic Markers. VII ITINAD Annual Meeting, Sorrento, Italy, May 2003.
137. Buscema, M., Grossi, E., Snowdon, D., ANTUONO, P.G. Artificial Neural Networks and Artificial Organisms Can Predict Alzheimer Pathology In Individual Patients Just on the Basis of Cognitive and Functional Status. ITINAD Annual Meeting, Sorrento, Italy. May, 2003.
138. ANTUONO, P.G., Buscema, M., Snowdon, D., Grossi, E. Mining of Brain Aging Descriptors from the Nun Study Through Novel Artificial Adaptive Systems. 2nd Vascular Dementia Congress, Florence, Italy. June, 2005.
139. Dixon, V., Kaufman, J., Nielson, K., ANTUONO, P.G., Garavan, H.: Evidence that Age-Related Brain Activation Increases Reflect a Recruitment Process. 11th Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, June 12, 2005.
140. Zhang Q, Seidenberg M, Durgerian S, Guidotti L, Woodard J,Nielson K, Gander A, ANTUONO P.G., Franczak M, Rao S. Semantic Memory Activation in Individuals at Risk for Developing Alzheimer's Disease:Relationship to Family History and APOE ε4. 13th Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Chicago June 10th 2007. Neuroimage Vol 36 Supp 1 pp S85
141. Durgerian S, Zhang Q ,Gander A, Nielson K ,Seidenberg M, Woodard J, ANTUONO P.G., Franczak M, Rao S. Evidence of functional recruitment in patients with mild cognitive impairment. 13th Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Chicago June 10th 2007 Neuroimage Vol 36 Supp 1 pp S110
142. ANTUONO, P.G., Jones, J., Wu, Z., Xu, G., Franczak, M, Li. Repeated administration of RAVLT differentiates MCI from MCI that reverts to normal. Prevention of Alzheimer Conference Washington DC 11 June 2007
143. Xu, Y, Wu, Z, Wu, G, ANTUONO, P.G., Jones, J, Li, Characteristics of Intrinsic Low-frequency Component Detected by fMRI Techniques Change in Hippocampus during Progress of Alzheimer's Disease. Prevention of Alzheimer Conference Washington DC 11 June 2007
144. Xu G, Xu, Y, Wu G, ANTUONO P.G., Hammeke T, Li S, Task-Modulation of Functional Synchrony between Spontaneous Low-Frequency Oscillations in the Human Brain Detected by fMRI. Prevention of Alzheimer Conference Washington DC 11 June 2007
145. ANTUONO P.G., Jones J, Wu Z., Xu G., Franczak M., Li SJ. Repeated Administration of RAVLT differentiates MCI from MCI which reverts to normal. 23rd Conference of Alzheimer Disease International. Caracas 23 October 2007
146. Woodard JL , Durgerian S, Zhang Q, Gander A, Nielson KA, Seidenberg M, Guidotti L , Franczak M , ANTUONO P.G, Rao SM. Functional recruitment in patients with mild cognitive impairment. International Neuropsychological Meeting Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2, 2008,
147. Li SJ, ANTUONO P.G., Murthy A, Kassalow L, Xu Y, Mackell J. Neural Correlates of Cognition in Subjects with Mild Alzheimer 's disease after Three Months of Donepezil. 12th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies EFNS 2008, Madrid, Spain. August 23-26, 2008.
148. Durgerian S., Woodard J.L., Seidenberg M., Nielson, K.A., ANTUONO P.G., Guidotti L., Zhang Q., Lancaster M., Hantke N., Butts A., Rao S.M. Risk factors for AD: relationship between task activation and resting state connectivity [AMB1]. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping to be held in San Francisco, CA, June 18-23, 2009
149. Imig-Burdett J, ANTUONO P.G., Godager S., Patterson K., Jones J., Franczak M; Development of a Brief Office-Based Test to Evaluate Driving Ability in Dementia. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association Salt Lake City, September 21-24, 2008
150. Guidotti L., Seidenberg M., Lancaster M., Rosen A., Zhang Q., Nielson K.A., Woodard J.L., Durgerian S., ANTUONO P.G., Rao S.M. Age-related Temporal Gradient of Famous Names: A semantic priming study. The 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. June 18-23, 2009, San Francisco.
151. ANTUONO P.G., J. Jones. Clinicopathological Correlations in 398 Consecutive Autopsies of Patients with Dementia. World Psychiatric Association International Congress (April 1-4 Florence, Italy):2009
152. ANTUONO P.G., Bartolini L, Chattat R., Nunziati C. The caregiver role in stroke as a model for the identification of risk factors for depression. Alzheimer Disease International Conference. Singapore 25 March 2009.
153. Goveas J.S., Xie C., Li W., Wu Z., ANTUONO P.G., Jones J., Li S.J. Altered hippocampal network activity links memory deficits and depressive symptoms in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimer Disease Association International Conference on Alzheimer Disease. 11-16 July 2009, Vienna
154. Wu Z., Xie C., Li W., ANTUONO P.G., Jones J., Li S.J. Reduced Functional Connectivity in Middle-aged ApoE-4 Carriers. Alzheimer Disease Association International Conference on Alzheimer Disease. 11-16 July 2009, Vienna
155. ANTUONO P.G., Li W., Wu Z., Ward, BD, Franczak M., Jones J., McRea T., Li SJ. Detection of Changes in Functional Connectivity following Aricept® Treatment in Mild Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Subjects. Alzheimer Disease Association International Conference on Alzheimer Disease. 11-16 July 2009, Vienna.
156. ANTUONO P.G., Li W., Wu Z., Ward BD, Franczak M., Jones J., McRea T., Li SJ. Detection of Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow Perfusion following Donepezil Treatment in Mild Alzheimer's Disease Subjects. Alzheimer Disease Association International conference on Alzheimer Disease. 11-16 July 2009, Vienna.
157. Guidotti L., Seidenberg M., Lancaster M., Rosen A., Zhang Q., Nielson K.A., Woodard J.L., Durgerian S., ANTUONO P.G., Rao S. Age-related Temporal Gradient of Famous Names: A semantic priming study. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping to be held in San Francisco, CA June 18-23, 2009.
158. Rao S., Lancaster M., Guidotti L., Seidenberg M., Rosen A., Hantke, N., Durgerian S., ANTUONO, P.G. Risk factors for AD: relationship between task activation and resting state connectivity. 2009 The International Neuropsychological. Soc. Meeting, Helsinski, Finland, 29 Jul 2009.
159. Kristy A. Nielson, William Gross, Michael Seidenberg, John L. Woodard, Sally Durgerian, Qi Zhang, Amelia Gander, Leslie Guidotti, Piero ANTUONO, and Stephen M. Rao. Common Neural Systems Associated With Recognition of Famous Faces and Names: An Event-Related fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping Conference Chicago, Il June 10-14, 2007.
160. Zhang, Q., Seidenberg, M., Durgerian, S., Guidotti, L., Woodard, J. L., Nielson, K. A., Gander, A., ANTUONO, P., Franczak, M., & Rao, S. M. Semantic memory activation in individuals at risk for developing Alzheimer's disease: relationship to family history and APO-E ε4. 13th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Chicago, IL. Neuroimage, Volume 36, Supplement 1, pp. S1-S168. June 2007.
161. Durgerian, S., Zhang, Q., Gander, A., Nielson, K. A., Seidenberg, M., Woodard, J. L., ANTUONO, P., Franczak, M., & Rao, S. M. Evidence of functional recruitment in patients with mild cognitive impairment. 13th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Chicago, IL. Neuroimage, Volume 36, Supplement 1, pp. S1-S168. June 2007.
162. Seidenberg, M., Woodard, J.L., Nielson, K.A., Guidotti, L., Gander, A., Durgerian, S., Zhang, Q., ANTUONO, P., & Rao, S.M. (Semantic memory activation in individuals at risk for developing Alzheimer's disease: Relationship to family history and APOE e4. The 36th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Association,14 S1 Waikoloa, Hawaii. February 2008.
163. Seidenberg, M., Guidotti, L., Nielson, K.A., Woodard, J.L., Gander, A., Durgerian, S., Zhang, Q., Franczak, M., ANTUONO, P., & Rao, S.M. Semantic knowledge of famous names in Mild Cognitive Impairment. The 36th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Association, 14 S1 Waikoloa, Hawaii. February 2008.
164. Woodard, J.L., Durgerian, S., Zhang, Q., Gander, A., Nielson, K.A., Seidenberg, M., Guidotti, L., Franczak, M., ANTUONO, P. & Rao, S.M. Functional recruitment during fame discrimination in patients with mild cognitive impairment. 14 S1 The 36th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Association, Waikoloa, Hawaii. 2008, February 2008.
165. M Gallucci, P ANTUONO and D Gustafson. Si puo prevenire il decadimento cognitivo? Corso pratico interattivo Azienda ULSS9 Treviso Jan 23 2009
166. D Gustafson, P ANTUONO and M GallucciAdiposity as comorbidity in dementia. Corso pratico interattivo. Azienda ULSS9 Treviso Jan 23 2009
167. 165 M. Gallucci, F Ongaro, S. Meggiolaro, P ANTUONO and D Gustafson.I, A. Factors Important for Multidimentional prevention of Disability: Evidence from the Treviso Longeva Study (TRELONG). Federazione Italiana medicina Geriatrica, Roma, Italy 24-26 June 2009..
168. W. Li, C. Xie, Z. Wu, J. Jones, P. ANTUONO, T. McRae, S.-J. Li Aricept® Treatment Enhances Hippocampal Connectivity in Subjects with Mild Alzheimer's Disease. International Society for magnetic Resonance in Medicine.17th Scien Meeting. Honolulu Hawaii, April 18-24, 2009.
169. G. Chen, W. Li, C. Xie, P. ANTUONO, S.-J. Li. Decreased Granger Causality Strength Between the Right and Left HippocampalNetwork in Patients with Alzheimer Disease. International Society for magnetic Resonance in Medicine.17th Scien Meeting. Honolulu Hawaii, April 18-24, 2009.
170. S.-J. Li, B.D. Ward, P. ANTUONO, Z. Wu, J. Jones, M.-J. Zhang. Global ROI-Based Functional Connectivity MRI (fcMRI) Analysis for Classificationof Alzheimer's Disease. International Society for magnetic Resonance in Medicine.17th Scien Meeting. Honolulu Hawaii, April 18-24, 2009.
171. S.-J. Li, B.D. Ward, P. ANTUONO, Z. Wu, J. Jones, T. McRae. Detection of Changes in Functional Connectivity MRI (fcMRI) Following Aricept®. Treatment in Subjects with Mild Alzheimer's Disease. International Society for magnetic Resonance in Medicine.17th Scien Meeting. Honolulu Hawaii, April 18-24, 2009.
172. W. Li, C. Xie, Z. Wu, J. Jones, P. ANTUONO, T. McRae, S.-J. Li. Enhanced Regional CBF in Patients with Mild Alzheimer's Disease After Three Months of Aricept® Treatment. International Society for magnetic Resonance in Medicine.17th Scien Meeting. Honolulu Hawaii, April 18-24, 2009.
173. C. Xie, W. Li, P. ANTUONO, J. Jones, Z. Wu, S.-J. Li. Imaging the Functional Pathology in ApoE4 Carriers by the Hippocampus Functional Connectivity. International Society for magnetic Resonance in Medicine.17th Scien Meeting. Honolulu Hawaii, April 18-24, 2009.
174. Goveas J, W. Li, C. Xie, Z. Wu, J. Jones, P. ANTUONO .Altered hippocampal network activity links memory deficits and depressive symptoms in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. International Conference on Alzheimer disease, Vienna July 11-16 2009.
175. Zhilin Wu, Chunming Xie, Wenjun Li, Piero ANTUONO, Jennifer Jones, Shi-Jiang Li. Reduced Functional Connectivity in Middle-aged ApoE-4 Carriers. International Conference on Alzheimer disease, Vienna July 11-16 2009.
176. Shi-Jiang Li, Piero ANTUONO, Anita K. Murthy, Laurent M. Kassalow, Yikang Xu, Joan A. Mackell, Neural Correlates of Cognition in Subjects With Mild Alzheimer's Disease after 3 Months of Donepezil. . International Conference on Alzheimer disease, Vienna July 11-16 2009.
177. Piero ANTUONO Shi-Jiang Li, , Anita K. Murthy, Laurent M. Kassalow, Yikang Xu, Joan A. Mackell, Neural Correlates of Cognition in Subjects With Mild Alzheimer's Disease after 3 Months of Donepezil. 61st Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology Seattle April 25- May 1st 2009.
178. Piero ANTUONO Shi-Jiang Li, Zhilin Wu, Chunming Xie, Wenjun Li. Reduced functional connectivity in middle aged children of Alzheimer patients. Neural Correlates of Cognition in Subjects With Mild Alzheimer's Disease after 3 Months of Donepezil. 61st Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology Seattle April 25- May 1st 2009.
179. Stephen Rao; Melissa Lancaster; Leslie Guidotti; Michael Seidenberg; Ariel Rosen; Hantke, Nathan; Durgerian, Sally; ANTUONO, Piero; John L. Woodard; Nielson, Kristy. Risk factors for AD: relationship between task activation and resting state connectivity 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping to be held in San Francisco, CA, June 18-23, 2009.
180. Woodard, J.L., Nielson, K.A., Seidenberg, M., Durgerian, S., Zhang, Q., ANTUONO, P., & Rao, S.M. Prediction of cognitive decline in older adults over 1.5 years with functional MRI. The 37th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Association, J Int Neuropsych Soc. 15.S1 Feb 2009.Atlanta. February 2009.
181. S.M. Rao, J.L. Woodard, K.A. Nielson, M. Seidenberg, S. Durgerian, ANTUONO, P and R. Schiffer. Prediction of Cognitive Decline in Healthy Older Individuals Using Task-Activated fMRI, Hippocampal Volumes, and APOE Status. Clinical Trial AD Conference. Las Vegas October 2009.
182. J. Carson Smith, Kristy A. Nielson, Piero Antuono, Matthew D. Verber, Elizabeth Cogbill, Anthony Greene, Nathan C. Hantke, Alissa M. Butts, ANTUONO P and Ryan J. Hanson. The effects of a walking exercise intervention on BOLD semantic memory activation and hippocampal blood flow in amnestic mild cognitive impairment Society for Neuroscience . San Diego. October 2009.
183. Durgerian, S. Woodward, J.L., Seidenberg, M., Nielson, K.A., ANTUONO, P.,Guidotti, L., Zhang, Q., Lancaster, M., Hantke, N., Butts, A., & Rao, S.M. Risk Factors for AD: Relationship between task activation and resting state connectivity. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, San Francisco, Neuroimage 47 S1 p S91. June, 2009.
184. Nielson, K.A. et al.(Current neurobiological theories and techniques for understanding age-related changes in cognitive functioning. In S. Langenecker, K. Nielson, M. Rugg & C. Grady, "Current neurobiological theories and techniques for understanding age-related changes in cognitive functioning." Symposium at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, San Francisco, CA. Neuroimage, 47, S1, p. S20-21. June, 2009
185. Guidotti L, Seidenberg M, Lancaster M, Butts A, Hantke N. Nielson KA Woodward JL, Durgerian S, ANTUONO P, and Rao SM. Semantic Knowledge for Famous Names from Different Time Epochs Predicts Cognitive Decline in Asymptomatic Elderly. International Neuropsychological Society, 2010.
186. Novitsky J., Guidotti Leslie, Melissa Lancaster, Michael Seidenberg, Kristy A. Nielson Leslie ML. Woodard, Sally Durgerian, Piero ANTUONO, and Stephen M. Rao, . Temporal gradients in younger and older adults: semantic knowledge of recent and remote famous names. International Neuropsychological Society. 38TH Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society Acapulco, Mexico, 16 S1 Feb 2010.
187. Nathan Hantke, Kristy A. Nielson, Alissa Butts, Leslie M. Guidotti, John L.Woodard Michael Seidenberg, Sally Durgerian, Piero ANTUONO, Melissa Lancaster, and Stephen M. Rao, Event related fMRI of episodic and semantic memory in cognitive intact elders: patterns of activation as a function of risk factors for AD. International Neuropsychological Society. 38TH Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society Acapulco, Mexico, 16 S1 Feb 2010. Laird S.Cermak Award for Outstanding Research in Memory and Memory disorders.
188. Kristy Nielson; Nathan Hantke; John Woodard; Melissa Lancaster; Michael Seidenberg; Monica Matthews; Alissa Butts; Piero ANTUONO; Stephen Rao; Alissa Butts Impact of cognitive decline on longitudinal change in fMRI Organizaton for Human Brain Mapping. Barcellona June 2010.
189. Butts, A., Durgerian, S., Nielson, K.A., Hantke, N. Lancaster, M., Guidotti, L., Woodard, J.L., Seidenberg, M., ANTUONO, P., & Rao, S.M. (February, 2010). Resting state functional connectivity: influence of AD risk factors. 38th Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Acapulco, Mexico. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 16, S1.
190. Butts, Sally Durgerian, Kristy Nielson, Nathan Hantke, Melissa Lancaster, Leslie Guidotti, John Woodard, Michael Seidenberg Piero ANTUONO, Erik Beal, Mark Lowe, Stephen Rao. Resting State Functional Connectivity: Influence of Risk Factors for AD Alissa 38TH Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society Acapulco, Mexico, 16 S1 Feb 2010.
191. Melissa Lancaster, Leslie Guidotti, Michael Seidenberg, John Kristy Nielson, Leslie Woodard, Sally Durgerian, Piero ANTUONO, Stephen Rao. Influence of risk factors for AD on white matter integrity:, Resting State Functional Connectivity: Influence of Risk Factors for AD Alissa 38TH Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society Acapulco, Mexico, 16 S1 Feb 2010.
192. Leslie Guidotti, Michael Seidenberg, Melissa Lancaster, Alissa Butts, Nathan Hantke,Kristy A. Nielson, John L. Woodard, Sally Durgerian, Piero ANTUONO, and Stephen M. Rao. Semantic Knowledge for Famous Names from Different Time Epochs and Cognitive Decline in Asymptomatic Elderly. International Neuropsychological Society, 2010
193. J. Carson Smith, Kristy A. Nielson, Piero Antuono,. Verber, Elizabeth Cogbill, Anthony Greene, Nathan C. Hantke, Alissa M. Butts, ANTUONO P and Ryan J. Hanson. The effects of a walking exercise intervention on BOLD semantic memory activation and hippocampal blood flow in amnestic mild cognitive impairment Society for Neuroscience . Washington DC 2010
194. J. Carson Smith, Kristy A. Nielson, John L. Woodard, Michael Seidenber, Sally Durgerian, Piero ANTUONO, Alissa M. Butts, Melissa A. Lancaster, and Stephen M. Rao. Physical Activity is Associated with enhanced semantic memory activation in older APOE4 carriers. Milwaukee Area Society for Neuroscience March 2010
195. Nielson, K.A., Smith, J.C., Woodard, J.L., Seidenberg, M., Hantke, N., Butts, A., Durgerian, S., Guidotti,L., Antuono, P., & Rao, S.M. "Contributions of physical activity and risk for Alzheimer's disease to semantic memory networks in healthy elders." Invited talk at the Dallas Aging and Cognition Conference, University of Texas, Dallas, TX, January 31, 2010.
196. J. Carson Smith, Kristy A. Nielson, John L. Woodard, Michael Seidenberg, Matthew D. Verber, Sally Durgerian, Piero ANTUONO, Alissa M. Butts, Nathan C. Hantke, Melissa A. Lancaster, and Stephen M. Rao. Physical Activity is Associated with Greater Caudate fMRI Activation During Semantic Memory Retrieval in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment. . International Neuropsychological Society. Boston 4 Feb 2010.
197. Matthews, M. A., Durgerian, S., Seidenberg, M., Nielson, K. A. , Woodard, J. L., Smith, J. C., Lancaster, M. A., Butts, A. M. Hantke, N. C., ANTUONO P & Rao, S. M. sMRI Volumetric Differences between Cognitively Stable and Declining Asymptomatic Adults. International Neuropsychological Society. Boston 4 Feb 2010.
198. Smith, J.C., Verber, M.D., Nielson, K.A., ANTUONO, P., Hanson, R.J., Mattes, A.J., Butts, A.M. & Hantke, N.C. Effects of walking exercise on white matter integrity in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 17, S1. The 39th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA. Oral presentation. Feb 2011
199. Gustafson D, Gallucci M, ANTUONO P et al . BMI, MMSE, APOE AND Mortality at Age 70 Years and Older: The Treviso Longeva (Trelong) Study.The 10th International Conference on Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Diseases. Barcelona, Spain. March 9-13, 2011.
200. Smith, J.C., Nielson, K.A., ANTUONO, P., Verber, M.D., Cogbill, E., Greene, A., Butts, A.M., Hantke, N.C.,and Hanson, R.J. Effects of Exercise Training on fMRI Activation and Hippocampal Blood Flow in Mild Cognitive Impairment. The 58th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Denver, CO.June 2011
201. Suraj Singh, M.D., M.R.C., Piero G. ANTUONO, M.D.,Wenjun Li, B.S.,Chunming Xie, M.D., Zhilin Wu, Ph.D., Malgorzata Franczak, M.D. ,Jennifer L. Jones, M.S., Douglas Ward, M.S., Joseph Goveas, M.D., Shi-Jiang Li, Ph.D. Reduced Brain Functional Connectivity in Middle-aged,APOe4 Gene carriers, Children of Alzheimer's Patients(CAPS): A resting state f-MRI study (SubID: 30229) 164th American Psychiatric Association Meeting. NR2_61. Honolulu.HI, May 14, 2011