Medical College of Wisconsin
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Roy M. Long PhD
Assistant Dean, Professor
Department of Medical School Regional Campuses
Division of Central Wisconsin

Central Wisconsin Campus
1900 Westwood Drive
Wausau, WI 54401

09/1981 - 05/1985 B.S., Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
08/1987 - 05/1994 Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Dept. of Biological Chemistry, Hershey, PA

02/1994 - 06/1996 Post-doctoral Fellow with Robert H. Singer, Department of Cell Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA 01655
07/1996 - 08/1998 Post-doctoral Fellow with Robert H. Singer, Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461

09/1998 - 06/2004 Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/2004 - Present Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226
09/2010 - 12/2015 Assistant Dean for Recruitment, Graduate School, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/01/2014 - 12/2015 Assistant Dean for Admissions & Enrollment Services, Academic Affairs, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Rd., MIlwaukee, WI 53226
01/01/2016 - Present Assistant Dean for Basic Science Curriculum, Medical College of Wisconsin-Central Wisconsin, 333 Pine Ridge Boulevard, Room 2-730, Wausau, WI 54401-4106

1999 - Present Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences
2000 - Present March of Dimes Basil O'Connor Starter Research Award
2008 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin Faculty Vitality Award
2008 - 2013 MCW Outstanding Medical Student Teacher Award
2009 - 2010 MCW Outstanding Faculty Service Award-Admissions Committee
2013 - 2014 MCW Outstanding Faculty Service Award-Acdemic Standing Committee

1995 - Present American Association for the Advancement of Science
1995 - Present American Society for Cell Biology
2001 - 2015 RNA Society
2001 - 2015 FASEB
2004 - 2010 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Editorial Board
2012 - 2015 F1000 Research
Journal Review
2000 Molecular and Cellular Biology
2001 - Present Faculty of 1000
2001 Journal of Cell Biology
2002 Trends in Genetics
2002 EMBO Journal
2002 Molecular and Cellular Biology
2002 National Science Foundation
2003 - 2006 Journal of Cell Biology
2004 EMBO Reports
2004 Genetics
2004 Molecular Biology of the Cell
2005 EMBO Journal
2005 - 2006 National Science Foundation
2006 Current Biology
2006 Molecular Biology of the Cell
2006 - 2007 Nature Genetics
2007 - 2008 Molecular and Cellular Biology
2007 Molecular Cell
2007 Welcome Trust
2008 BBA-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms
2008 - 2009 EMBO Journal
2008 Molecular Biology of the Cell
2009 Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
2009 - 2019 National Science Foundation
2009 - 2010 Nature Protocols
2010 Israel Science Foundation
2010 Genetics
2010 Molecular Biology of the Cell
2011 UW-Milwaukee Research Growth Initiative
2011 Nature Protocols
2011 Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
2011 Traffic
2012 Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
2013 Nucleic Acids Research
2013 Molecular Biology of the Cell
2014 National Science Foundation
2014 Nucleic Acids Research

Peer Review
Spatial organization of pre-mRNA processing in yeast
National Institute of Health/Post-doctoral Fellowship/F32 HD08088-01
Role & Effort:
Post-doctoral fellowship
01/01/1996 - 09/01/1998
Direct Funds:
Characterization of She3p RNA-binding activity and protein-protein interactions
MCW Research Affairs Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
06/01/1999 - 06/30/2000
Direct Funds:
Characterization of cis and trans-acting factors directing ASHI mRNA localization
Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/1999 - 2003
Direct Funds:
Identification and characterization of RNA-binding proteins required for ASHI mRNA localization
Basil O'Connor Award, March of Dimes
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
02/01/2000 - 01/31/2002
Direct Funds:
RNA localization in S. cerevisiae
National Institute of Health R01 GM60392-01
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
02/2000 - 01/2005
Direct Funds:
mRNA localization to yeast mitochondria
Medical College of Wisconsin Research Affairs Committee
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
02/01/2005 - 01/31/2006
Direct Funds:
Asymmetric regulation of gene expression in S. cerevisiae through RNA localization
National Science Foundation MCB-0918446
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/15/2009 - 09/14/2011
Direct Funds:

Subcellular localization of a reporter transcript in yeast as determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization. 35th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology. Washington, D.C. Poster presentation, 1995
Sites of nuclear localization of a reporter transcript in yeast determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization. RNA Processing Meeting. Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Oral presentation, 1995
Asymmetric localization of ASH1 mRNA in S. cerevisiae as determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization. 36th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology. San Francisco, CA. Poster presentation, 1996
Asymmetric localization of ASH1 mRNA in S. cerevisiae as determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization FASEB Summer Research Conference on Sorting and Intracellular Transport of mRNA. Snowmass Village, CO. Oral presentation, 1996
Characterization of transport and localization of ASH1 mRNA in yeast. 37th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology. Washington, D.C. Oral presentation, 1997
Actin-dependent localization of ASH1 mRNA in S. cerevisiae determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization 2nd Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. Banff, Alberta, Canada. Oral presentation, 1997
Transport and Localization of ASH1 mRNA dependent GFP particle in living yeast. 38th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology. San Francisco, CA. Poster Presentation, 1998
Localization of ASH1 mRNA particles in living yeast. FASEB Summer Research Conference on Intracellular Sorting, Transport & Localization. Snowmass Village, CO. Oral presentation, 1998
Identification and characterization of an RNA-binding protein involved in ASH1 mRNA localization. Yeast mRNA Decay Meeting. Jackson Lake, WY. Oral presentation, 1999
Identification and characterization of an RNA-binding protein involved in ASH1 mRNA localization. 39th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology. Washington, D.C. Oral presentation, 1999
RNA localization in yeast independent of the RNA-binding protein She2p. 40th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology. San Francisco, CA. Poster presentation, 2000
Identification and characterization of yeast RNA-binding proteins involved in ASH1 mRNA localization. 5th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. Madison, WI. Oral presentation, 2000
Identification and characterization of RNA-binding proteins required for ASH1 mRNA localization. FASEB Summer Research Conference on RNA Sorting, Transport and Localization in Differentiation and Development. Snowmass Village, CO. Oral presentation, 2000
Loc1p affects a novel aspect of ASH1 mRNA localization 6th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. Banff, Alberta, Canada. Poster presentation by Graydon Gonsalvez of the Long Laboratory, 2001
In S. cerevisiae asymmetric sorting of the She1p-She3p complex to daughter cells is dependent on She2p RNA-binding activity. 42nd Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology. San Francisco, CA. Oral presentation by Graydon Gonsalvez of the Long Laboratory, 2002
University of Sherbrooke, Canada, Host Sherif Abou Elela, 2002
Session Chair and Presentation, Mechanistic insights into ASH1 mRNA localization. FASEB Summer Research Conference on Intracellular RNA Sorting, Transport and Localization. Snowmass Village, CO. Oral presentation, 2003
ASH1 mRNA anchoring requires reorganization of the Myo4p/She3p/She2p transport complex. Gordon Conference-The biology of post-transcriptional gene regulation. Proctor Academy, NH. Poster presentation, 2004
ASH1 mRNA anchoring requires reorganization of the Myo4p/She3p/She2p transport complex. 9th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. Madison, WI. Poster presentation by Graydon Gonsalvez of the Long Laboratory, 2004
Characterization of Mmp37p, a novel protein with a putative role in mitochondrial protein import. 45th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology. San Francisco, CA. Poster presentation by Michelle Gallas of the Long Laboratory, 2005
Anchoring of ASH1 mRNA in daughter cells requires remodeling of the Myo4p-She3p-She2p transport complex. FASEB Summer Research Conference on Intracellular RNA Sorting, Transport & Localization. Tuscon, AZ. Oral presentation, 2005
Assessing the role of the Myo4p, She2p and She3p-ER associations in RNA localization. EMBO/FASEB Workshop on Intracellular RNA Localization & Localized Translation. Poster presentation, 2007
She3p possesses a novel activity required for ASH1 mRNA localization. 14th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society. Madison, WI. Poster presentation by Sharon Landers of the Long Laboratory, 2009
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Host James E. Hopper, 1997
University of Kansas, Host Robert Cohen, 1999
University of Wisconsin, Host Michael Culbertson, 2005
Emory University, Host Anita Corbett, 2005
Brown University, Host Kim Mowry, 2006
Phosphorylation of She3p negatively regulates a novel ASH1 mRNA localization activity. Midwest Yeast Meeting hosted by Northwestern University. Oral presentation, 2008
Shippensburg University, Host Sherri Bergsten, 2008
University of Toronto, Host Craig Smibert, 2009
Marquette University, Host Stephen Munroe, 1999
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Host Sergei Kuchin, 2006

Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 - 2005 Member, IDP Recruitment Committee
2001 Member, MSTP Recruitment Committee
2001 - 2003 Member, Student Admissions & Welfare Committee
2002 - 2015 Member, Graduate Studies Council
2002 - 2013 Member, IDP Admissions Committee
2005 - 2009 Chair, GSC, Student Admissions & Welfare Committee
2006 - 2010 Member, Faculty Council-Admissions Committee
2006 - 2015 Member, IDP Curriculum Evaluation Committee
2006 - 2007 Member, IDP Executive Evaluation Committee
2007 - 2009 Member, GSC, Course Evaluation Committee
2008 - 2013 Member, GSC, Recruitment Committee
2009 Member, Mission Based Management Education Metrics Committee
2010 - 2013 Chair, GSC, Course Evaluation Committee
2010 - 2013 Chair, IDP Admissions Committee
2010 - 2011 Interviewer, Ad Hoc, Faculty Council-Medical School Admissions Committee
2011 - 2015 Member, Assessment Oversite Committee
2011 Member, MCW M1 Discovery Curriculum Workgroup
2012 - 2014 Member, Faculty Council-Academic Standing Committee
2012 - 2014 Chair, CEC M1-M2 Course Directors Subcommittee
2012 - 2016 Leader, CMEP-Student Development, Recruitment & Admissions Work Group
2013 - 2014 Member, Student Information System Project-Recruitment & Admissions Team
2013 - 2014 Member, HLC Quality Initiative Work Group
2013 - 2015 Chair, IDP-Curriculum Evaluation Committee
2013 - 2014 Ad Hoc, Faculty Council-Medical School Admissions Committee
2014 - 2015 Member, Associate Dean for Student Affairs Search Committee
2014 - Present Member, Strategic Education IT Committee
2014 - 2015 Member, Office of Education Development Advisory Committee
2014 - 2015 Member, MCW School of Pharmacy Internal Advisory Committee
2014 - Present Member, Student Information System Steering Committee
2014 - Present Member, Office of Educational Development Advisory Committee
2014 - 2015 Member, Student Information System Process Team for Recruitment & Admissions
2014 - 2015 Member, MCW School of Pharmacy Curriculum Workgroup
2017 - Present MCW Representative, AAMC-Group on Research Advancement & Development

Medical Student Education
1999 - 2008 M2 Microbiology Lab Instructor
1999 - 2013 M2 Lecturer-Medical Microbiology/Mycology Section
2010 - 2013 Course Director M2 Medical Microbiology
2010 Attended the 13th Educational Strategies Workshop for "Teaching Medical Microbiology & Immunology to Medical Students"
2010 Instructor, Pilot Innovative Curriculum, Musculoskeletal Skin Module
2011 Discipline Steward, Pilot Innovative Curriculum
2012 Attended the 14th Educational Strategies Workshop for "Teaching Medical Microbiology & Immunology to Medical Students"
2012 Instructor-Pilot Innovative Curriculum, Immunology and Infection
2013 - Present M1 Lecturer-Infectious Agents and Host Immunity/Mycology Section
2013 - Present Course Diretor-M1 Infectious Agents and Host Immunity
Graduate Student Education
1998 Lecturer-Advanced Genetics
1999 - 2013 Lecturer-Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology
2000 - 2017 Lecturer-Classical and Molecular Genetics
2001 Member-Jeremy Nichols Mock Proposal Committee
2001 - 2016 Lecturer-Molecular Biology of the Cell
2002 - 2006 Course Director-Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology
2002 Member-Monica Mann Mock Proposal Committee
2003 Mentor-Nicole Maciolek Mock Proposal Committee
2004 Member-Marc Benson Mock Proposal Committee
2005 Mentor-James Wahlberg Mock Proposal Committee
2005 Member-Joseph Fisher Mock Proposal Committee
2005 Member-Sharon Landers Mock Proposal Committee
2006 Member-Jackie Tekiela-Mock Proposal Committee
2006 Member-Tracy Berg-Mock Proposal Committee
2006 Mentor-Eric Danielson Mock Proposal Committee
2006 Member-Ty Molitor-Mock Proposal Committee
2007 Member-Joe Toonen Mock Proposal Committee
2007 Member-Kerry Veth Mock Proposal Committee
2007 Member-Ling Zhong Mock Proposal Committee
2007 Member-Fallon Noto Mock Proposal Committee
2007 Mentor-Bethany Volkman Mock Proposal Committee
2007 Member-Soonyean Hwang Mock Proposal Committee
2007 Panel Member-Bioethics/Plagiarism
2007 Member-Suzan Salti-Mock Proposal Committee
2007 - 2015 Course Director-Classical and Molecular Genetics
2008 Member-Stephen Hudson Mock Proposal Committee
2008 Member-Michael Korrer Mock Proposal Committee
2008 Member-Andrew Karalewitz Mock Proposal Committee
2009 Judge-MCW Research Poster Session
2009 Member- Anusha Priya Mock Proposal Committee
2009 Member- Justin Reitsma Mock Proposal Committee
2009 Member- Faith Blum Mock Proposal Committee
2009 Lecturer-Bioethics/Ethics and Problems with Image and Data Manipulation
2010 Judge-MCW Research Poster Session
2010 Member-Eric Weh Mock Proposal Committee
2010 Member-Nicholas Giebel Mock Proposal Committee
2011 Member-Teresa Patitucci Mock Proposal Committee
2011 Member-Bryndon Oleson Mock Proposal Committee
2011 Attended Making a Difference in Student Learning: Assessment as a Core Strategy, Presented by the Higher Learning Commission
2012 Member-Amanda Nevins Mock Proposal Committee
2012 Member-Tyler Lewis Mock Proposal Committee
2013 Member-Dan Schill Mock Proposal Committee
2014 Member-John Egner Mock Proposal Committee

High School Students
2011 Sukhwinder Kaur, ROADS Student, MCW
Undergraduate Students
1999 Jeremy Nichols, SPUR Student, MCW
2002 Heather Zierhut, SPUR Student, MCW
2005 Leah Olson, SPUR Student, MCW
2006 Alexei V. Medvedev, SPUR Student, MCW
2007 Brooke Weckselblatt, SPUR Student, MCW
2010 Britney Helling, SPUR Student, MCW
2011 Emily Scott-Solomon, SPUR Student, MCW
Graduate Students
1998 Jaime Emmerich, MCW
1999 Graydon Gonsalvez, MCW
1999 Rebecca Krall, MCW
2000 Jeremy Nichols, MCW
2000 Mingxiang Xu, MCW
2001 Eleni Stanitsa, MCW
2001 Michelle Gallas, MCW
2002 Lisa Baye, MCW
2003 Nicole Maciolek, MCW
2003 Robert Walchak, MCW
2003 Roger Pechous, MCW
2004 James Wahlberg, MCW
2004 Sharon Landers, MCW
2005 Eric Danielson, MCW
2006 Adam Gastonguay, MCW
2006 Bethany Volkman, MCW
2010 Mansi Surendra Karkhanis, MCW
PhD Students Advised
1999 - 2004 Graydon Gonsalvez, MCW
2001 - 2006 Michelle Gallas, MCW
2005 - 2011 Sharon Landers, MCW
PhD Committees
2000 - 2004 Gigi Makky, MCW
2003 - 2006 Lisa Baye, MCW
2004 - 2006 Jeremy Nichols, MCW
2004 - 2007 Monica Mann, MCW
2004 - 2007 Michael Wendt, MCW
2005 - 2009 Nadi Wickramasekera, MCW
2005 - 2008 Nicole Maciolek, MCW
2005 - 2009 Marc Benson, MCW
2005 - 2008 Rebecca Moyer, MCW
2006 - 2010 Mark White, MCW
2008 - 2012 Ty Molitor, MCW
2009 - 2014 Stephen Hudson, MCW
2009 - 2012 Kimberle Agle, MCW
2010 - 2014 Dusanka Vesic, MCW
2011 - Present Patrick Gonyo, Medical College of Wisconsin
2013 - Present Stephanie Bartel, MCW
Postdoctoral Students
2000 - 2001 Ila Misra, Post-doctoral fellow, MCW
2002 - 2004 Carl Urbaniti, Post-doctoral fellow, MCW
2008 - 2009 Claudia Kale, Post-doctoral fellow, MCW

Graduate Students
PhD Committees
2003 - 2006 Sujatha Kadaba, Marquette University
2006 Ray Lewis, Brown University
2009 Laura Rendl, University of Toronto

1999 - 2001 Youth Soccer Coach for Wauwatosa Kickers
2003 - 2005 Youth Soccer Coach for Wauwatosa Kickers
2003 Medical College of Wisconsin, Dept. of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, United Way Solicitor
2016 - Present Wausau Rotary Club

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Long, R.M., Mylin, L.M. and Hopper, J.E. (1991). GAL11(SPT13), a transcriptional regulator of diverse yeast genes, affects the phosphorylation state of GAL4, a highly specific transcriptional activator. Molecular and Cellular Biology 11:2311-2314.
2. Mylin, L.M., Bushman, V.L., Long, R.M., Yu, X., Lebo, C.M., Blank, T.E. and Hopper, J.E. (1994). SIP1 is a catabolite repression-specific negative regulator of GAL gene expression. Genetics. 137:689-700.
3. Long, R.M. and Hopper, J.E. (1995). Genetic and carbon source regulation of phosphorylation of Sip1p, a Snf1p-associated protein involved in carbon response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 11:233-246.
4. Long, R.M., Elliott, D.J., Stutz, F., Rosbash, M. and Singer, R.H. (1995). Spatial consequences of defective processing of specific yeast mRNAs revealed by fluorescent in situ hybridization RNA 1:1071-1078.
5. Long, R.M., Singer, R.H., Meng, X., Gonzalez, I., Nasmyth, K. and Jansen, R.-P. (1997). Mating type switching in yeast controlled by asymmetric localization of ASH1 mRNA. Science 277:383-387.
6. Bertrand, B., Chartrand, P., Schaefer, M., Shenoy, S.M., Singer, R.H. and Long, R.M. (1998). Localization of ASH1 mRNA Particles in Living Yeast. Mol. Cell 2:437-445.
7. Chartrand, P., Meng, X-H., Singer, R.H. and Long, R.M. (1999). Structural elements required for the localization of ASH1 mRNA and of a green fluorescent protein reporter particle in vivo. Curr. Biol. 9:333-336.
8. Long, R.M., Gu, W., Lorimer, E., Singer, R.H. and Chartrand, P. (2000). She2p is a novel RNA-binding protein that recruits the Myo4p-She3p complex to ASH1 mRNA. EMBO J. 19:6592-6601.
9. Long, R.M., Gu, W., Meng, X.-H., Gonsalvez, G., Singer, R.H. and Chartrand, P. (2001). An exclusively nuclear RNA-binding protein affects asymmetric localization of ASH1 mRNA and Ash1p in yeast. J. Cell Biol. 153:307-318.
10. Sato, H., Frank, D.W., Hillard, C.J., Pankhaniya, R.P., Moriyama, K., Finck-Barbancon, V., Buchaklian, A., Lei, M., Long, R.M., Wiener-Kronish, J. and Sawa, T. (2003). The mechanism of action of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa-encoded type III cytotoxin ExoU. EMBO J. 22:2959-2969.
11. Gonsalvez, G.B., Lehmann, K.A., Ho, D.K., Stanitsa, E.S., Williamson, J.R. and Long, R.M. (2003). RNA-protein interactions promote asymmetric sorting of the ASH1 mRNA ribonucleoprotein complex. RNA 9:1383-1399.
12. Gonsalvez, G.B., Little, J.L. and Long, R.M. (2004). ASH1 mRNA anchoring requires reorganization of the Myo4p/She3p/She2p transport complex. J. Biol. Chem. 279:46286-46294.
13. Gallas, M.R., Dienhart, M.K., Stuart, R.A. and Long, R.M. (2006). Characterization of Mmp37p, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial matrix protein with a role in mitochondrial protein import. Mol. Biol. Cell 17:4051-4062.
14. Urbinati, C.R., Gonsalvez, G.B. Aris, J.P. and Long, R.M. (2006). Loc1p is required for efficient assembly and nuclear export of the 60S ribosomal subunit. Mol. Genet. and Genomics 276:369-377.
15. Zheng, W., Finkel, J.S., Landers, S.M., Long, R.M. and Culbertson, M.R. (2008). Nonsense-mediated decay of ash1 nonsense transcripts in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics180:1391-1405.
16. Landers, S., Gallas, M.R., Little, J. and Long, R.M. (2009). She3p possesses a novel activity required for ASH1 mRNA localization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Eukaryotic Cell 8:1072-1083.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Chartrand, P., Bertrand, E., Singer, R.H., and Long, R.M. (2000). Sensitive and high-resolution detection of RNA in situ. Methods Enzymol. 318:493-506.
2. Chartrand, P., Singer, R.H. and Long, R.M. (2001). RNP localization and transport in yeast. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 17:297-310.
3. Long, R.M. and McNally, M.T. (2003). mRNA decay: x(XRN1) marks the spot. Mol. Cell 11:1126-1128.
4. Gonsalvez, G.B., Urbinati, C.R. and Long, R.M. (2005). RNA localization in yeast-moving towards a mechanism. Biology of the Cell 97:75-86.
5. Urbinati, C.R. and Long, R.M. (2008). Monitoring the temporal and spatial distribution of RNA in living cells. Methods in Mol. Biol 419:187-196 (cover photo).
6. Urbinati, C.R. and Long, R.M. (2011). Techniques for following the movement of single RNAs in living cells. WIREs RNA 2:601-609.
7. Gonsalvez, G.B. and Long, R.M. (2012). Spatial regulation of translation through RNA localization. F1000 Reports Biology 4:16.