Medical College of Wisconsin
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Ryan J. Feldman PharmD
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of School of Pharmacy Administration
Division of Educational Services Support

Medical Education Building
8701 Watertown Plank Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/2007 - 05/2010 Pre-pharmacy course work University of Wisconsin Milwaukee- Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
09/2010 - 06/2014 Doctor of Pharmacy University of Wisconsin Madison School of Pharmacy- Madison, University of Wisconsin Madion, Madison, WI

06/16/2014 - 07/01/2015 PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency, Pharmacy, Froedtert Hospital, 9200 W Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/01/2015 - 07/01/2016 Emergency Medicine/Toxicology PGY-2 Residency, Pharmacy, Froedtert Hospital, 9200 W Wisconsin ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226

08/01/2019 - Present Adjunct Asst Professor, School of Pharmacy, Clinical sciences, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/01/2020 - Present Adjunct Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine, Medical Toxicology, Medical College of Wisconsin

07/01/2017 - 11/01/2018 Specialist in Poison Information, Wisconsin Poison Center
11/01/2018 - Present Clinical Toxicologist, Wisconsin Poison Center
07/01/2020 - Present Emergency Medicine Pharmacist, Pharmacy, Froedtert Hospital

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
Diplomate of The American Board of Applied Toxicology
Number Issue DateExpiration
Licensed Pharmacist

06/2021 Froedtert Pharmacy Preceptor of the Year, Froedtert Hospital
01/2022 American Academy of Clinical Toxicology Research Award , American Academy of Clinical Toxiclogy
01/2024 Society for Critical Care Medicine STAR Research Achievement Award, Society of critical care medicine

07/01/2014 - Present American Society of Health System Pharmacists (EM Section and Advisory group member)
03/01/2016 - Present American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (Chair- Acute and Intensive Care Section)
12/01/2017 - Present America's Poison Center (Fatality Reviewer)
05/01/2023 - Present Society Of Academic Emergency Medicine- Academic Emergency Medicine Pharmacy (Steering committee)

Journal Review
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
American Journal of Case Reports
American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Clinical Toxicology
Journal of Emergency Nursing
Journal of Medical Toxicology

Member, Milwaukee Overdose and Public Health and Safety Taskforce (ODPHAST)

10/2017 - Present Section Chair, Acute and Intensive Care Section, American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
07/01/2019 - Present Reviewer, Fatality Review Committee, America's Poison Centers
09/01/2022 - Present Member- Emerging Trends, Americas Poison Centers Annual Report Committee, Americas Poison Centers
10/01/2022 - 10/01/2025 Board of Directors, American Board of Applied Toxicology, American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
05/2024 - Present Consultant, Overdose Package Information, Food and Drug Administration

Peer Review
Health system wide emergency department buprenorphine induction
Role & Effort:
Jennifer Hernandez Meier
07/01/2020 - 07/01/2022
Direct Funds:
Evaluation of Protein Sink as a Novel Antidote in Salicylate Toxicity
American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
Role & Effort:
Ryan Feldman
01/2022 - 01/2024
Direct Funds:

Ryan Feldman, NSAIDS, ACES/ARBs, Remdesivir and COVID-19, American College of Medical Toxicology COVID Symposium, Virtual, 04/2020 - Present
Ryan Feldman, Rachel Gorodoetsky, Kennon Heard, Robert Hendrickson, Annie Arens, Samantha Lee, Body stuffers and calcium channel blocker overdose, a case based panel discussion (CME), American Academy of Clinical Toxicology- Acute & Intensive Care Section Virtual Webinar, Virtual, 03/2021
Ryan Feldman, Cosmetic Injectable Toxicity, North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, Virtual, 10/2021
Acute and Intensive Care Clinical Case Symposium, North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, Montreal CAN, 09/2023 - Present
Ryan Feldman, Acute and Intensive Care Section Case Symposium, North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, Montreal Canada, 10/2023
Ryan Feldman, Matthew Stanton, E-Cigarette and Vaping Associated Lung Injury (EVALI), Vizient virtual webinar, virtual, 01/2020
EM Practice Pearl- Diphenhydramine as a Local Anesthetic (CME), ASHP Midyear meeting, Virtual, 12/2021
Ryan Feldman, Jenny Koehl, Buprenorphine is not the only synthetic. Getting L-OUD about managing OUD related harm in the age of sythetics, ASHP Midyear Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 12/08/2022
Ryan Feldman, Using the Shock Index to prevent post intubation catastrophe, ASHP Midyear Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, 12/09/2022
Ryan Feldman, Toxicology Case Symposium, EmpoweRx co presented with American Academy of Emergency Medicine National Conference, Austin Texas, 05/16/2023
Tricky Tox- Who Seizes Late in Bupropion OD?, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine- EMPOWRx, Austin TX, 05/2023 - Present
Unravelling Clinical Toxicology: Real World Practice Insights, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine- Academic Emergency Medicine Pharmacist (National), Phoenix AZ, 05/2024 - Present
Overdosage Information in FDA Approved Package Inserts Round Table, Food and Drug Association, Duke Margolis Health Policy Institute, Virtual, 05/2024 - Present
Ryan Feldman, Matthew Stanton, Saving a Life: Naloxone and Buprenorphine’s Role in harm reduction, Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin, Virtual, 09/2021 - Present
Dealing with Poison Center Deaths, Midwest Toxicology Consortium, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2023 - Present
Managing Overdose in the Age of Synthetics, Wisconsin American College of Emergency Physicians Spring Conference, Milwaukee, WI
Antiarrhythmic medications in the Emergency Department, Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2015
Ryan Feldman, Toxic alcohol, Pharmacy Grand Rounds, Milwaukee WI, Menomonee Falls, WI, 11/2015
Ryan Feldman, Grand Rounds: Fluid resuscitation, Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee WI, 04/2016 - Present
Ryan Feldman, Advanced Hazmat Life Support Course: Hydrocarbons and corrosives, Advanced Hazmat Life Support Course, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2016 - Present
Ryan Feldman, Naloxone and you, Nursing Opioid Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2018
Ryan Feldman, Novel Substances of Abuse, Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, Wi, 06/2018
Ryan Feldman, Mark Naumann, The Opioid Epidemic- Expert Panel, Nursing Opioid Symposium, Milwaukee Wi, 03/2019
Managing Overdose in the Age of Synthetics, Milwaukee County EMS Education, Milwaukee WI, 03/2024 - Present
Naloxone and Your Role in a Public Health Crisis, Drugs and Alcohol Safety Awareness Day- UWM, Milwaukee,WI

Ryan Feldman, Pediatric Module- Toxicology, ASHP/ACCP Emergency Medicine Pharmacist Board Certification Review Course, Virtual, 03/01/2022
Ryan Feldman, Pediatric Module- Toxicology, ASHP/ACCP Emergency Medicine Pharmacist Board Certification Review Course, Dallas Texas, 03/26/2023
Ryan Feldman, Pediatric Module- Toxicology, ASHP/ACCP Emergency Medicine Pharmacist Board Certification Review Course, Dallas TX, 03/2024 - Present

Medical College of Wisconsin
08/01/2019 - 08/01/2020 Member, Pharmacy School Research Committee, Clinical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Medical College of Wisconsin
08/01/2021 - Present Member, Awards and Recognition, Clinical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Medical College of Wisconsin

Resident and Fellow Education
01/2022 - Present Core Faculty of Medical Toxicology Fellowship
07/2022 - Present Core Medical Toxicology Faculty precepting a Medical Toxicology Fellow longitudinally each year
Community/Lay Public
02/2019 Public Naloxone Training

Pharmacy Student Education
06/2016 - Present Froedtert Hospital, Precept IPPE/APPE pharmacy students on EM rotation. 2-3 per year
08/01/2019 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Toxic Alcohols
08/01/2019 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Non atrial arrhythmias
08/01/2019 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Arrhythmia and Pain lab
08/01/2019 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Atrial fibrillation, rate, rhythm, and anticoagulation
08/01/2019 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, ECG and Heart sounds
08/01/2019 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Cardiovascular drug toxicity
08/01/2019 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Traumatic Brain Injury
08/01/2019 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Household product toxicity
08/01/2019 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Anticoagulation reversal
08/01/2019 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy, Bradycardia
Graduate Student Education
07/01/2016 - 07/01/2018 Concordia University of Wisconsin, Pharmacotherapy and pharmacology of antiarrhythmic agents
Resident and Fellow Education
06/2016 - Present Froedtert Hospital, Core EM-PYGY2 Faculty precepting 2 residents longitudinally throughout the year
07/2016 - Present Froedtert Hospital, Core PGY-1 Pharmacy residency faculty precepting 4-5 PGY-1 residents each year in emergency medicine
06/2018 - Present Wisconsin Poison Center, Precept PGY-1 and PGY-2 pharmacy residents on toxicology rotation longitudinally throughout year (~ 10-12 residents)
Froedtert Hospital, Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Rotation

Community Programs
09/2022 - Present Created a collaboartive educational outreach booth with UWM to discuss opioid overdose and reversal. Partnership between UWM, MCW, and poison center

02/2019 - Present Naloxone and Overdose Rescue Training for public/lay persons
03/2022 - Present Drug Take Back Day
09/2022 - Present Naloxone outreach and fentanyl education booth (This is an outreach booth started in conjunction with MCW, the Wisconsin Poison Center, and UWM where health care students/trainees/residents/and fellows do provide education to local UWM students about naloxone and fentanyl)
10/2022 - Present Naloxone outreach and fentanyl education booth (This is an outreach booth started in conjunction with MCW, the Wisconsin Poison Center, and UWM where health care students/trainees/residents/and fellows do provide education to local UWM students about naloxone and fentanyl)
01/26/2023 - Present Naloxone outreach and fentanyl education booth (This is an outreach booth started in conjunction with MCW, the Wisconsin Poison Center, and UWM where health care students/trainees/residents/and fellows do provide education to local UWM students about naloxone and fentanyl)
02/2023 Presented drug safety lecture at UWM-Drug safety day

03/2020 Feldman R. Toxicologist Warn Against Toxic Effects of Sanitizers. (March 17 2020) Radio interview. Jane Matenaer WTMJ.
04/2021 Feldman R. WISN12 News presents: The State of Addiction. What every family needs to know about opioids. Air date 4/23/2021, encore airing 4/26/2021.
04/2021 Feldman R. WISN12 News Facebook live event. What every family needs to know about opioids. Air date 4/23/2021
11/2021 Feldman R. TMJ4 News at 10. What is Ivermectin and why are medical professionals not using it? Air date: 11/5/2021
12/2021 Feldman R. University of Wisconsin Pharmacy Alumni Magazine. “In the poison lab” Published 12/5/2021
01/2022 Feldman R. Wisconsin Public Radio Morning Show. Pondering Poisons. Air date: 1/19/2022
03/2022 Feldman R. Fox 6 News. UWM carbon monoxide leak; potentially lethal levels reported. Air date: 03/18/2022
07/2022 Featured in: New York Times Magazine. Siegel Z, What’s Really Going on in Those Police Fentanyl Exposure Videos?
07/2022 Featured in: McQuade D, Cops are still fainting when they touch fentanyl.
08/2022 Featured in: Science Magazine. Lowe D, Fainting From Fentanyl Exposure? Nope.
Interview in: Wisconsin Journal Sentinel. A Big Human Guinea Pig Experiment: Marijuana is illegal but its chemical cousin Delta-8 is already here.
Featured in: Eating Cleaning Ingredient Borax Is Latest Dangerous TikTok Trend.
Interview on: Wisconsin Public Radio, The Larry Meiler Show.
Interview in: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: What to know about carcinogen TCE that caused two Milwaukee apartment evacuations.
Interview on: Wisconsin Public Radio: The Morning Show. Renewed Doubt on Effectiveness of Phenylephrine.
Interview in: Spectrum News: The challenges in detecting, identifying date rape drugs.
Featured in: Emergency Medicine News. The Myth that Metronidazole and Alcohol Cause a Disulfiram-Like Reaction.

05/2020 - Present Created/designed/coded a virtual shock/resuscitation video game with a digitally programmed cardiovascular system that can effected by vasopressors. Played by >10000 learners

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Feldman R, Cockerham L, Buchan BW, Lu Z, Huang AM. Treatment of Paecilomyces variotii pneumonia with posaconazole: case report and literature review. Mycoses. 2016 Dec;59(12):746-750.
2. Weiss D, Lee D, Feldman R, Smith KE. Severe lead toxicity attributed to bullet fragments retained in soft tissue. BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Mar 08;2017. PMCID: PMC5353372
3. Gummin DD, Mowry JB, Beuhler MC, Spyker DA, Rivers LJ, Feldman R, Brown K, Nathaniel PTP, Bronstein AC, Weber JA. 2021 Annual Report of the National Poison Data System<sup>©</sup> (NPDS) from America's Poison Centers: 39th Annual Report. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2022 Dec;60(12):1381-1643.
4. Feldman R, Stanton M, Borys D, Kostic M, Gummin D. Medical outcomes of bromethalin rodenticide exposures reported to US poison centers after federal restriction of anticoagulants. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2019 Nov;57(11):1109-1114.
5. O'Keefe M, Stanton M, Feldman R, Theobald J. Incidence of rebound salicylate toxicity following cessation of urine alkalinization. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2023 Jul;61(7):536-542.
6. Olson A, Feih J, Feldman R, Dang C, Stanton M. Involvement of pharmacist-reviewed urine cultures and sexually transmitted infections in the emergency department reduces time to antimicrobial optimization. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2020 May 19;77(Supplement_2):S54-S58.
7. Patt A, Fox H, Wells L, Theobald J, Feldman R. Seizure Occurring During Baclofen Monotherapy for Phenibut Withdrawal. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2023 Mar-Apr 01;46(2):79-81.
8. Feldman R, Meiman J, Stanton M, Gummin DD. Culprit or correlate? An application of the Bradford Hill criteria to Vitamin E acetate. Arch Toxicol. 2020 Jun;94(6):2249-2254.
9. Sharpe AR, Richardson K, Stanton M, Dang C, Feih J, Brazauskas R, Teng BQ, Feldman R. Lack of Association of Initial Vasopressor Dosing with Survival and Cardiac Re-Arrest Likelihood After Return of Spontaneous Circulation. J Emerg Med. 2023 Sep;65(3):e209-e220.
10. Feldman R, Everton E. National assessment of pharmacist awareness of loperamide abuse and ability to restrict sale if abuse is suspected. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2020;60(6):868-873.
11. Feldman R, Jaszczenski R. Can Metronidazole Cause a Disulfiram-Like Reaction? A Case-Control Study Propensity Matched by Age, Sex, and Ethanol Concentration. WMJ. 2023 Jul;122(3):171-177.
12. Corcoran J, Feldman R, Theobald J. Outcomes of pediatric ingestions of alcohol-based hand sanitizers during the COVID-19 pandemic Clinical Toxicology. 2023;61(8):613-615.
13. Feldman R, Stanton M, Chinn M, Grawey T, Weston B. Choosing a Vasopressor for a Prehospital Emergency Medical System: Consideration for Agent Selection and Review of Pharmacologic Profiles, Efficacy, and Safety in Treatment of Shock. WMJ. 2020 Dec;119(4):240-247.
14. Feldman R, Autry B, Dukes J, Lofy T, Marchetti G, Patt A, Batterman N, Theobald J. A systematic review of phenibut withdrawal focusing on complications, therapeutic approaches, and single substance versus polysubstance withdrawal. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2023 Nov;61(11):941-951.
15. Feldman R, Stanton M, Suelzer EM. Compiling Evidence for EVALI: A Scoping Review of In Vivo Pulmonary Effects After Inhaling Vitamin E or Vitamin E Acetate. J Med Toxicol. 2021 Jul;17(3):278-288. PMCID: PMC8206445
16. Gummin DD, Mowry JB, Beuhler MC, Spyker DA, Rivers LJ, Feldman R, Brown K, Pham NPT, Bronstein AC, DesLauriers C. 2022 Annual Report of the National Poison Data System<sup>®</sup> (NPDS) from America's Poison Centers<sup>®</sup>: 40th Annual Report. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2023 Oct;61(10):717-939.
17. Weiss A, Dang C, Mabrey D, Stanton M, Feih J, Rein L, Feldman R. Comparison of Clinical Outcomes with Initial Norepinephrine or Epinephrine for Hemodynamic Support After Return of Spontaneous Circulation. Shock. 2021 Dec 01;56(6):988-993.
18. Corcoran J, Feldman R, Theobald J. Outcomes of pediatric ingestions of alcohol-based hand sanitizers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2023 Aug;61(8):613-615.
19. Sharpe A, O'Keefe M, Windsor K, Theobald J, Feldman R. Hemolysis after subcutaneous deoxycholic acid overdose. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Feb;52:268.e1-268.e2.
20. Feldman R, Stanton M, Corcoran J, Bialkowski K, Theobald J, Gummin D. <i>Trimeresurus insularis</i> (blue Indonesian pit viper) envenomation treated with Thai green pit viper antivenom. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2024 Mar;62(3):207-209.
21. Kavanaugh R, Yerks M, Feldman R, Stanton M. Combining simulated academic detailing with naloxone training to prepare student pharmacists for opioid risk mitigation strategies. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2021 Dec;13(12):1679-1682.
22. Feldman R, Theobald J, Stanton M, Stolbach A, Tormoehlen L. Reader Response: Pediatric and Adult Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria Consensus Guideline: Report of the AAN Guidelines Subcommittee, AAP, CNS, and SCCM. Neurology. 2024 May 14;102(9):e209363.
23. Cicci CD, Weiss A, Dang C, Stanton M, Feldman R. Impact of timing and dosing of four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate administration on outcomes in warfarin-associated intracranial hemorrhage. Pharmacotherapy. 2022 May;42(5):366-374.
24. Lawson C, McCabe DJ, Feldman R. A Narrative Review of Aconite Poisoning and Management. J Intensive Care Med. 2024 Apr 13:8850666241245703.
25. Feldman R, Weston BW. Accidental Occupational Exposure to a Large Volume of Liquid Fentanyl on a Compromised Skin Barrier with No Resultant Effect. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2022 Aug;37(4):550-552.
26. Wells L, Stanton M, Gummin DD, Brooks M, Feldman R. Hemodialysis enhances elimination of ethosuximide in massive overdose. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2022 Sep;60(9):1078-1079.
27. Feldman R, Leonard J. Part I: Case series: Acute management of prescription and nonprescription drug overdoses JACCP Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. March 2024;7(3):282-304.
28. Fox H, Farkas A, Rukamp N, Feldman R. A case of early chelation therapy in a potentially lethal mercuric chloride ingestion. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2022 Sep;60(9):1076-1078.
29. Feldman R. Back Pedaling on Baclofen: Highlighting Concerns Surrounding Baclofen use in Phenibut Withdrawal Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2024.
30. Hodapp B, Haggerty A, Feldman R, Timpe J. Intracranial hemorrhage after a single dose of Yohimbine in a chronic user of clonidine. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Dec;62:145.e1-145.e4.
31. Gooley B, Lofy T, Gross J, Sonnenberg T, Feldman R. Ventricular fibrillation in a 21-year-old after inhalation of an isobutyl nitrite "popper" product. Am J Emerg Med. 2023 Feb;64:204.e5-204.e7.
32. Stanton M, Feldman R, Gummin D. Excess baggage in describing acetylcysteine regimens. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2023 Jan;61(1):88-89.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Feldman, R. Chapter 7. The use of drugs under pressure. in: Kindwall, E; Whelan, H. Hyperbaric Medicine Practice 4th ed. Flagstaff, AZ: Best Publishing Company; 2017, p. 131-159.
Non-Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Feldman R, Daniels A. Elizabethkingia endovascular infection. Society of Infectious Disease Pharmacist newsletter. May 2016.
2. Hey Pharmacy, do you have any Thai Green Pit Viper antivenom?
3. Koehl J, Brown CS, Faine B, Rech MA, Zimmerman DE, Flack T, Gilbert BW, Howington GT, Laub J, Porter B, Slocum GW, Zepeski A, Feldman R, Santiago RD, Sarangarm P. EDucated: The emergency medicine pharmacotherapy literature of 2023 American Journal of Emergency Medicine. August 2024;82:166-173.
4. Feldman R. Back Pedaling on Baclofen: Highlighting Concerns Surrounding Baclofen use in Phenibut Withdrawal. J Clin Pharmacol. 2024 Sep;64(9):1181-1182.
1. Gooley B, Lofy T, Gross J, Sonnenburg T, Feldman R. Ventricular Fibrillation in a 21-Year-Old After Inhalation of Volatile Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, and Nitrites labeled as an Isobutyl Nitrite “Popper” Product. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2022. San Francisco, CA.
2. Kenzie M, Corcoran J, Feldman R, Stanton M, Theobald J, Gummin D. Thai Green Pit Viper Antivenom to Treat Trimeresurus insularis Envenomation. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2022. San Francisco, CA.
3. Corcoran J, Feldman R, Theobald J. The Incidence of Methanol Poisoning in Unintentional Pediatric Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer Ingestions. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2022. San Francisco, CA
4. Fox H, Farkas A, Rukamp N, Feldman R. A Case of Early Chelation Therapy in a Potentially Lethal Mercuric Chloride. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2022. San Francisco, CA.
5. Fox H, Feldman R, Stanton M, Theobald J. Utility of early iron concentrations in predicting toxicity. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2022. San Francisco, CA.
6. Wells L, Feldman R, Stanton M, Theobald J. Characterization of toxicity from oral chemotherapeutic exposure. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2022. San Francisco, CA.
7. Wells L, Feldman R, Stanton M, Theobald J. Characterization of toxicity from oral chemotherapeutic exposure. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2022. San Francisco, CA
8. Fox H, Feldman R. Dang C, Stanton M, Feih J. Assessment of cephalosporin use in pyelonephritis. Vizient Pharmacy Council Meeting. December 2021. Virtual.
9. Wells L, Feldman R. Dang C, Stanton M, Feih J. Comparison of norepinephrine of dopamine for prehospital resuscitation. Vizient Pharmacy Council Meeting. December 2021. Virtual.
10. Wright M, Oudeh R, Feldman R. Characteristics of a large group of patients that did not need vancomycin but got it anyways. Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin Educational Conference. April 2022. Madison, WI.
11. Feldman R, Jasczneski R. Can metronidazole cause a disulfiram-like reaction? A propensity matched comparison of disulfiram-like effects in patients with analytically confirmed ethanol concentrations who did or did not receive metronidazole. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2021. Atlanta, GA.
12. Feldman R, Theobald J. How much baclofen is enough? A case report of a phenibut withdrawal seizure occurring on 10 mg three times daily of baclofen being used for symptom management. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2021. Atlanta, GA.
13. Sharpe A, Feldman R, Theobald J. Hemolysis from sodium deoxycholate and benzyl alcohol injection. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2021. Atlanta, GA.
14. O’Keefe M, Feldman R, Stanton M, Theobald J. Analysis of salicylate concentration rebound after termination of alkalization. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2021. Atlanta, GA.
15. Sharpe A, Dang C, Feih J, Stanton M, Feldman R. Impact of vasopressor dosing strategies on re-arrest rate in cardiac arrest patients. Abstract accepted as poster. Vizient Pharmacy Council Meeting. December 2020. Virtual.
16. O’Keefe M, Feldman R. Dang C, Stanton M, Feih J. Assessment of clinical outcomes in patients receiving guideline recommended benzodiazepine dosing for status epilepticus. Vizient Pharmacy Council Meeting. December 2020. Virtual
17. Richardson K, Feldman R, Stanton M, Zosel A. Nationwide review of nebivolol exposures reported to US Poison Centers. Abstract accepted as poster. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2020. Virtual.
18. Cicci C, Feldman R, Stanton M, Theobald J. 10 year review of benzonatate exposures reported to a single poison center. Abstract accepted as poster. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2020. Virtual.
19. Feldman R, Stanton M. A PRSIMA Compliant scoping review of pulmonary Vitamin E or Vitamin E acetate and lung toxicity. Abstract accepted as poster. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2020. Virtual.
20. Weiss A, Dang C, Feih J, Stanton M, Mabrey D, Feldman R. Reduced mortality with Norepinephrine compared to epinephrine post cardiac arrest. Pharmacotherapy. ACCP 2020 Virtual Poster Symposium: May 2020.
21. R Feldman, E Everton. National assessment of loperamide abuse awareness and ability to restrict purchase at retail pharmacies. Abstract accepted as podium presentation. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). October 2019, Nashville TN
22. M Brenner, A Zosel, R Feldman, Stanton Matthew, Borys D, Gummin D. Association of Hyperglycemia with Calcium Channel Blocker Exposures Reported to United States Poison Centers. Abstract accepted as poster. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). October 2019, Nashville TN.
23. LaBeff L, Feldman R, Stanton M, Dang C, Cowell J. Evaluation of bleeding rates in patients taking apixiban with impaired renal function. Abstract accepted as poster. Vizient Pharmacy Council Meeting. December 2018. Anaheim, CA
24. Feldman R, Gummin D. Increase in palytoxin exposures reported to U.S. poison centers. Abstract accepted as poster. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology. October 2018. Chicago, IL.
25. Olson A, Feldman R. Comparison of 5 mg or 10 mg intravenous vitamin K for reversal of warfarin related coagulopathy. Abstract accepted as poster. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology. October 2018. Chicago, IL.
26. Ewert K, Feldman R, Zosel A. Characterization of outcomes from oral Anti-Xa inhibitor exposures reported to U.S. Poison Centers. Abstract accepted as poster. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology. October 2018. Chicago, IL.
27. Beaupre N, Feldman, R, Revolinski S, Powell K, Huang A, Case L, Wainaina J, Theobald J. Impact of implementation of a skin and soft tissue infection treatment guideline in the emergency department. Abstract accepted as poster. Vizient Pharmacy Council Meeting. December 2017. Orlando, FL.
28. Moschel A, Cha-Vang K, Cowell J, Dang C, Ewert K, Feldman, R, Jung B, King C, Kutz J, Stromich A, Weitzman E. Pharmacist role in patient discharge from an emergency department after new diagnosis of VTE. Abstract accepted as poster. Vizient Pharmacy Council Meeting. December 2017. Orlando, FL.
29. O’Connell A, Konkol J, Feldman R, Dang C, Cowell J, Stanton M, Audley T, Turk E, Szaniawski R. Development and implementation of a risk stratification scoring system for identifying medications for prospective pharmacist order review in the emergency department. Abstract accepted as poster. Vizient Pharmacy Council Meeting. December 2017. Orlando, FL.
30. Olson A, Pegelow E, Cowell J, Feldman R, Stanton M, Dang C, Ray J. Impact of Pharmacist involvement on culture follow-up in the emergency department. Abstract accepted as presentation. American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly. October 2017. Washington, DC.
31. Ewert K, Cowell J, Feldman R, Stanton M, Feih J, Juul J, Dang C. Evaluation of initial rate control strategies for the management of atrial fibrillation in a tertiary emergency department. Vizient Pharmacy Council Meeting. December 2016. Las Vegas, NV.
32. Feldman R, Stanton M, Borys D, Gummin D. Outcomes of bromethalin exposures reported to united states poison centers. Abstract accepted as poster. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology. September 2016. Boston, MA.
33. Feldman R, Revolinski S, Wainaina J, Huang A. Reduction in unnecessary antipseudomonal antibiotics through implementation of a risk stratification guideline for pneumonia. Abstract/Speaker session. Microbe. June 2016. Boston, MA.
34. Feldman R, Stanton M. Evaluation of patient perspectives of procedural sedation in the emergency department. Abstract /Poster at University HealthSystem Consortium Pharmacy Council Meeting. December 2015. New Orleans, LA.
35. Feldman R, Revolinski S, Wainaina J, Huang A. Creation, implementation, and evaluation of a risk based score for treatment of community acquired pneumonia as compared to traditional IDSA guidelines. Abstract accepted as speaker session at Interscience Conference of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection September 2015. San Diego, CA.
36. Dukes J, Feldman R, Stanton M, Theobald J. Outcomes of Accidental Sotalol or Dofetilide Double Doses. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2023. Montreal, Canada.
37. Idowu D, Graham E, Corcoran J, Feldman R, Theobald J. Cases Involving Abortifacients Called to US Poison Centers in the Post Roe Era. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2023. Montreal, Canada.
38. Feldman R, Autry B, Dukes J, Marchessi G, Patt A, Batterman N, Theobald J. A Systematic Review of Phenibut Withdrawal With a Focus on Treatment Strategies. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2023. Montreal, Canada.
39. Lofy T, Feldman R, Stanton M, Zosel A, Chinn M, Dora-Lasky A, Bialkowski K, Owen J, Hernandez-Meier J, Jones A, Peppard W. Opioid overdose risk screening tool implementation in the ED to promote naloxone distribution. Society of Critical Care Medicine Critical Care Congress. January 2024. Phoenix, AZ.
40. Lofy T, Feldman R, Stanton M, Zosel A, Chinn M, Dora-Lasky A, Bialkowski K, Owen J, Hernandez-Meier J, Jones A, Peppard W. Opioid overdose risk screening tool implementation in the ED to promote naloxone distribution. Society of Critical Care Medicine Critical Care Congress. January 2024. Phoenix, AZ.
41. Sterr J, Dang C, Feih J, Feldman R, Stanton M. Phenobarbital for alcohol withdrawal in the emergency department. Wisconsin American College of Emergency Physicians Spring Conference. March 2024. Milwaukee, WI.
42. (Podium Presentation) Tran P, Dang C, Feih J, Feldman R, Stanton M. Impact of single dose cefazolin during chest tube placement on complications. Wisconsin American College of Emergency Physicians Spring Conference. March 2024. Milwaukee, WI.
43. Feldman R, Hawi M, Lyneis J, Gummin D, Abourashed E. In vitro evaluation of albumin ‘protein sink’ as a rescue therapy in salicylate toxicity. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2024. Denver CO.
44. Tran P, Theobald J, Stanton M, Feldman R. National Poison Data System assessment of accidental double doses. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2024. Denver CO.
45. Sterr J, Theobald J, Stanton M, Feldman R. Single poison center assessment of acetaminophen line crossers. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2024. Denver CO.
46. Comstock G, Gulotta A, Feldman R. Impact of Kratom state policies on poison center exposures. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2024. Denver CO.
47. Steinke K, Feldman R, Stanton M. Analysis of calcium channel blocker package insert recommendations. North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology (NACCT). September 2024. Denver CO.
Peer Reviewed Educational Products
1. Feldman R, Leonard J. Pharmaceutical Drug Overdose. Chapter In: Erstad B, ed. Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Pharmacotherapy Self Assessment Program. Lenexa: American College of Clinical Pharmacy. March 2023.
2. Oltrogge Pape K, Feldman R.. Chapter: Smoke Inhalations and Toxic Exposures. In: PSAP 2020 Book 1 Critical and Urgent Care. . .
3. Feldman R. Toxicology Module- Complex Case, Pediatric. Chapter in: American Society of Health System Pharmacy Emergency Medicine Board Review Course. Bethesda MD. 2022.
Non-Peer Reviewed Educational Products
1. Feldman R, Hyland S, Martinelli A, Rivera-Pescatore J. (2020, August 27). Being Prepared to Stand Out, Recommendations for Pre-Rotation Reading by EM Pharmacy Preceptors. EMPharmD.
2. Sharpe A, O’Keefe M, Feldman R. (2020, July 29). St Anthony’s Fire: Ergot and the Kidney. Renal Fellow Network.
Software, Software Modules
1. Feldman, Ryan. The Resuscitation Bay.