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Salil Ginde MD, MPH
Associate Professor
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Cardiology

Children’s Wisconsin - Milwaukee Hospital
8915 W Connell Court
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Phone: 414-266-2380

08/1998 - 05/2001 BA (Economics), University of Illinois at Chicago, Guaranteed Professional Program Admissions (GPPA) for Medicine, Chicago, IL
07/2001 - 06/2005 MD, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria, IL
07/2001 - 06/2005 MPH, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria, IL

07/2005 - 06/2009 Residency, Combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, University of Chicago Medical Center, 5841 S. Maryland Avenue, MC 7082, Chicago, IL 60637
07/2009 - 06/2012 Fellowship, Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, MS 713, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/2012 - 06/2013 Fellowship, Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, MS 713, Milwaukee, WI 53226
06/2013 - 05/2015 Clinical Research Scholars Program, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Suite M3141, Milwaukee, WI 53226

07/01/2009 - 06/30/2013 Instructor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, MS 713, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/01/2013 - 06/30/2019 Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, MS 713, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/01/2017 - 06/30/2019 Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 5100, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/01/2019 - Present Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 5100, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/01/2019 - Present Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Ave. MS 713, Milwaukee, WI 53226

07/2016 - Present Program Director, Multidisciplinary Fontan Survivorship and Advanced Therapies Program, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
04/2020 - Present Associate Program Director, Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
04/2020 - Present Program Director, Marfan and Related Connective Tissue Disorders Program, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin/Medical College of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226

07/2009 - Present Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/2012 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
Internal Medicine
Pediatric Cardiology
Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
American Heart Association
Pediatric Advanced Life Support
American Heart Association/American Academy of Pediatrics
Basic Life Support
American Heart Association

Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, Medicine and Surgery

1999 3rd Place Constance Campbell Oral Presentation Award, Northwestern University Reproductive Biology Mini-Symposium
2000 1st Place Award, Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Illinois at Chicago
2001 Phi Beta Kappa, University of Illinois at Chicago
2004 Alpha Omega Alpha , Honor Medical Society
2005 Medical Degree Graduate with Honors, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
04/2011 3rd Place Award, Annual Department of Pediatrics Fellowship Poster Competition, Medical College of Wisconsin
04/2011 Adult Congenital Heart Association Research Award and Travel Stipend, Adult Congenital Heart Association
06/2011 1st Place Award, Physician Investigator Competition, 21st Annual International Adult Congenital Heart Disease Symposium, Cincinnati, OH
09/2011 2nd Place Award, Oral Abstract Presentation, 35th Annual Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Scientific Session
06/2012 Outstanding Teacher Among the Pediatric Fellows, awarded by the Pediatric Residency Housestaff at Medical College of Wisconsin
11/2012 Best Research Abstract, Wisconsin Chapter of American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI
2016 Expert Clinician Award (top 10% of Department of Pediatrics faculty), Medical College of Wisconsin
2017 Expert Clinician Award (top 10% of Department of Pediatrics faculty), Medical College of Wisconsin
2017 - 2018 High Five Award (top five teachers of medical students in the Department of Pediatrics), Medical College of Wisconsin
2018 Milwaukee Magazine's Top Doctors
2018 Expert Clinician Award (top 10% of Department of Pediatrics faculty), Medical College of Wisconsin
2019 Outstanding Medical Student Teachers for 2018-2019 Academic Year, Medical College of Wisconsin
2019 Expert Teacher Award (top 10% of Department of Pediatrics faculty), Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 Milwaukee Magazine's Top Doctors
2020 Expert Clinician Award (top 10% of Department of Pediatrics faculty), Medical College of Wisconsin
2022 Milwaukee Magazine's Top Doctors

2011 - Present Adult Congenital Heart Association (member)
2011 - Present Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society (member)
2017 - Present Adult Alliance for Research in Congenital Cardiology (member)
2020 American Heart Association (member)

Journal Review
2012 - Present Pediatric Cardiology
2013 - Present Congenital Heart Disease
2014 - Present American Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology
2015 - Present Heart
2018 - Present International Journal of Cardiology
2022 - Present Annals of Thoracic Surgery

07/2013 - Present Member, Scholarship Oversight Committee, Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin
08/2013 - Present Program Leader, Committee to Develop and Implement Fontan Protocol, Herma Heart Institute, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2014 - Present Member, Herma Heart Institute Quality Improvement Committee, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
07/2014 - 06/2021 Member, Value Champions, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2016 - Present Member, Fetal Oversight Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2016 - Present Director, Multidisciplinary Fontan Survivorship and Advanced Therapies Program, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
04/2020 - Present Co-Director, Multidisciplinary Hereditary Aortopathy Program, Medical College of Wisconsin

01/2017 - Present Site Principal Investigator for Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Pediatric Heart Network
03/2017 - Present Member (Executive Committee Member 1/2020 - 6/2022), Adult Alliance for Research in Congenital Cardiology
03/2020 - Present Co-Leader, Quality Improvement Committee, Fontan Outcomes Network, National Pediatric Cardiology-Quality Improvement Collaborative
03/2021 - Present Member, Adults with Congenital Disease Committee, Young Hearts & Council on Lifelong Congenital Heart Disease, American Heart Association

Peer Review
Racial and socioeconomic differences in endothelial function among children of Southeast Wisconsin
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
07/01/2021 - 06/30/2024
Inpact of a Home-Based Healthy Lifestyle Program on Body Composition and Exercise Capacity in Adult Congenital Heart Disease Patients with Heart Failure
Adult Congenital Heart Association
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Salil Ginde, MD
10/01/2022 - 02/10/2024
Peer Review
Can a Home-based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Improve the Physical Function Quality of Life in Children with Congenital Heart Disease?
Wings of Angels, CHW Foundation
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator
Salil Ginde, MD
01/01/2014 - 06/30/2017
Fontan Udenafil Exercise Longitudinal (FUEL) Trial
Pediatric Heart Network, New England Research Institutes, Inc., NIH/NHLBI, Mezzion Pharma Co.
Role & Effort:
Co-Investigator, Site-Principal Investigator
Stephen M. Paridon, MD
07/2015 - 12/2018
Phase III Safety Extension Study of Udenafil in Adolescents with Single Ventricle Physiology After the Fontan Palliation (FUEL OLE)
Pediatric Heart Network, New England Research Institutes, Inc., NIH/NHLBI, Mezzion Pharma Co.
Role & Effort:
Co-Investigator, Site-Principal Investigator
Stephen M. Paridon, MD
04/2017 - 12/2022
Perceptions of Participation in a Pediatric Research Study: The FUEL and FUEL OLE Trials
Pediatric Heart Network/New England Research Institutes Inc.
Role & Effort:
Study Co-Investigator, Site-Principal Investigator
Steven Paridon, MD
03/01/2018 - 12/22/2021
The Systemic Right Ventricle Risks and Outcomes of Congestive Heart Failure
American Heart Association
Role & Effort:
Co-Investigator, Site-Principal Investigator
Craig Broberg, MD
03/14/2018 - 03/13/2019
Fontan-associated Liver Disease (FALD)
Pediatric Heart Network, New England Research Institutes, Inc.
Role & Effort:
Co-Investigator, Site-Principal Investigator
Kurt Schumacher, MD
04/2018 - 12/2021

Ginde S, Aortopathy in Pregnancy, 8th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Washington, D.C., USA, 08/24/2023
Ginde S, Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunction in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease, Adult Congenital Heart Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 09/05/2014
Ginde S, The Adult with Single Ventricle Physiology, American Academy of Pediatrics National Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10/24/2015
Ginde S, Cardiac Rehabilitation in Adult Congenital Heart Disease: Indications and Efficacy, American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Session, New Orleans, LA, 2019
Ginde S, Impact of Pregnancy on Long-Term Health Outcomes in Women with Fontan Circulation, Adult Alliance for Research in Congenital Cardiology Annual Research Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2020
Ginde S (invited panelist), Implicit vs. Explicit Bias in Congenital Heart Disease Care, Conquering Congenital Heart Disease Advocacy Meeting, Virtual, 2021
Ginde S, Quality Improvement Group Care Center Survey & Sharing, Fontan Outcomes Network Fall Learning Session, Virtual, 2021
Ginde S, Fontan-associated Liver Disease: Making Progress Through a QI Project, 27th Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease (Cardiology 2024), Scottsdale, AZ, 02/15/2024
Ginde S, Preventative Cardiology in the Pediatric and Adolescent Patient: Dyslipidemia, Hypertension, and More, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin "Connect with Children's" Delafield CME Event, Delafield, WI, 10/21/2014
Ginde S, Update on Endocarditis Prophylaxis, Best Practices in Pediatrics Conference, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, 03/11/2017
Ginde S, Imaging in the Patient with Aortic Aneurysm, Wisconsin Regional Symposium on Marfan Syndrome and Related Disorders (Marfan Foundation), Milwaukee, WI, 2018
Ginde S, Beyond Survival: Evolving Strategies to Improve Outcomes after the Fontan Operation, American Family Children's Hospital Pediatric Cardiology Grand Rounds, Madison, WI, 2019
Ginde S, I Hate the Dentist! Why should I go every 6 months, what is the risk?, Adult Congenital Heart Association Wisconsin Regional Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 2019
Ginde S, The Adolescent with "Marfanoid Body Habitus" - When to Refer, Watertown Regional Medical Center CME Lecture for Family Practice and Pediatric Providers, Watertown, WI, 2019
Ginde S, Exercise and Nutrition in the Adult with Congenital Heart Diseasea, Adult Congenital Heart Association Wisconsin Regional Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 2019
Ginde S, Update on Risk Stratification and Management of Hereditary Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms, Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting, Pewaukee, WI, 2021
Ginde S, Medical Management of Patients with Aortopathy, Milwaukee Aortic Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 04/21/2023
Ginde S, Tetralogy of Fallot: Adult Care and Pulmonary Valve Replacement, Midwest Cardiovascular Ultrasound Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 09/23/2023
Ginde S, The Influence of HLA Matching on Outcomes in Pediatric Heart Transplantation, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Pediatric Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 2011
Ginde S, Cardiovascular Effects of Obesity, Marquette University, Department of Physical Therapy and Exercise Science, Milwaukee, WI, 2012
Ginde S, Beyond Survival: the Adolescent with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome—Late Complications of Single Ventricle Physiology, Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/13/2015
Ginde S, Medical Treatment Options for Aortic Aneurysms, Education Series for Patients with Marfan Syndrome, Aortic Aneurysms, and Related Connective Tissue Disorders, Milwaukee, WI, 06/29/2016
Ginde S, What is Endocarditis? Is this Why We Take Antibiotics Before We Go to the Dentist?, Adult Congenital Heart Disease Patient Education Session, Medical College of Wisconsin, 11/10/2016
Ginde S, Exercise Intolerance in Patients with Fontan Circulation, Cardiovascular Center Research Seminar, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 2018
Ginde S, Imaging of the Patient with Isomerism, Herma Heart Institute Heart Summit, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 2019
Ginde S, Failing Fontan Physiology: Clinical Management and Treatment, Herma Heart Institute Heart Summit, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 2019
Ginde S, The Child with "Marfanoid" Habitus - When to Refer, Pediatric Surgery Grand Rounds, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2022
Ginde S, Muriello M, What's New in Familial Aortic Aneurysms, Wisconsin Adult Congenital Heart Disease Webinar Series, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 04/25/2023
Ginde S, Kindel S, Heart Failure in Fontan Circulation, Wisconsin Adult Congenital Heart Disease Webinar Series, Milwaukee, WI, 10/10/2023

Ginde S, Ellis TM, Nugent M, Simpson P, Stendahl G, Berger S, Zangwill S, The Influence of HLA Matching on Outcomes in Pediatric Heart Transplantation, International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, 31st Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA, 2011
Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Biller J, Danduran M, Sowinski J, Cohen S, Tweddell JS, Earing MG, Restrictive Lung Disease is an Independent Predictor of Exercise Intolerance in the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease, 22nd Annual International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Toronto, Canada, 2012
Ginde S, Cohen S, Sowinski J, Bartz PJ, Tweddell JS, Earing MG, Noninvasive Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Fontan Circulation using Serum Biochemical Markers, 22nd Annual International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Toronto, Canada, 2012
Ginde S, Rudd N, Katzmark L, Sowinski J, Bonnell E, Earing M, Quality Indicators for Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: A Single Program Assessment of Current Practice, 24th Annual International Symposium on Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult, Cincinnati, OH, 06/2014
Cohen S, Kaushal S, Ginde S, Bartz P, Earing M, Affect of Pregnancy on Systemic Ventricular Function Measured by Global Peak Longitudinal Strain in Women with Congenital Heart Disease, 24th Annual International Symposium on Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult, Cincinnati, OH, 06/2014
Ginde S, Buelow M, Cohen K, Dixon J, Brazauskas R, Cohen S, Earing M, Abnormal Lung Function Predicts Morbidity and Mortality in Adult Patients with Fontan Physiology, 25th Annual International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Toronto, Canada, 06/2015
Ginde S, Buelow M, Cohen K, Dixon J, Brazauskas R, Cohen S, Earing M, Abnormal Lung Function Predicts Morbidity and Mortality in Adult Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot, 25th Annual International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Toronto, Canada, 06/2015
Krishna H, Wiktor D, Ginde S, Katzmark L, Tweddell J, Mitchell M, Earing M, Coronary Artery Complications Following Aortic Root Replacement in Marfan Syndrome, 25th International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Toronto, Canada, 06/2015
Ginde S, Hill G, Cohen S, Woods R, Mitchell M, Tweddell J, Earing M, Long-term Outcomes After Surgical Repair of Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect, 25th Annual International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Toronto, Canada, 06/2015
Ginde S, Loomba R, Earing M, Aortic Dilation Up to 26 Years After the Fontan Procedure Is Common and Is Associated with Increased Risk for Significant Aortic Regurgitation, 26th Annual International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Skamania, WA, 06/2016
Johnson B, Ginde S, Coronary Artery Disease Screening in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease Prior to Cardiac Surgery, 27th Annual International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Cincinnati, OH, 09/16/2017
Zhang A, Brosig C, Kroll K, Ginde S, Cohen S, Incidence and Risk Factors for Mental Health Concerns in ACHD Patients, 32nd International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Cincinnati, OH, 06/10/2022
Robers J, Saleska T, Ginde S, Cohen S, Individualized Nurse-Led Healthy Lifestyle Program in the ACHD Clinic, 32nd International Symposium on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Cincinnati, OH, 06/10/2022
Ginde S, Hales DB, The Effect of Reactive of Oxygen Species on Steroidogenesis in MA-10 Cells, Argonne National Laboratory Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics, Lemont, IL, 1999
Ginde S, Joyce MB, Hijazi ZM, Agarwala B, Maternal and Fetal Outcomes Following Transcatheter Device Closure of Atrial Septal Defects, Pediatric & Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium, Las Vegas, NV, 2008
Ginde S, Earing MG, Bartz PJ, Cava JR, Tweddell JS, Late Complications Following Palliation of Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery Using the Takeuchi Procedure, 21st Annual Adult Congenital Heart Disease Symposium, Cincinnati, OH, 2011
Ginde S, Hohenwalter M, Foley D, Sowinski J, Bartz PJ, Venkatapuram S,Weinberg C, Tweddell JS, Earing MG, Noninvasive Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Fontan Circulation Using Dual Phase CT Scan and Serum Biochemical Markers, 21st Annual Adult Congenital Heart Disease Symposium, Cincinnati, OH, 2011
Ginde S, Earing MG, Bartz PJ, Cava JR, Tweddell JS, Late Complications Following Palliation of Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery using the Takeuchi Procedure, Adult Congenital Heart Association Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 2011
Cohen K, Ginde S (Project Mentor), Dixon J, Brazauskas R, Krolikowksi M, Earing M, Impact of Restrictive Lung Disease on Morbidity and Mortality in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease, Adult Congenital Heart Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, 09/2014
Cohen S, Kaushal S, Ginde S, Bartz P, Earing M, Affect of Pregnancy on Systemic Ventricular Function Measured by Global Peak Longitudinal Strain in Women with Congenital Heart Disease, Adult Congenital Heart Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, 09/2014
Ginde S, Lam J, Krolikowksi M, Hill G, Simpson P, Tweddell JS, Earing MG, Long-Term Survival and Need for Reoperation after Surgical Repair of Complete Atrioventricular-Septal Defect - 40 year Follow-up at a Single Institution, American College of Cardiology 63rd Annual Scientific Session, Washington, DC, 2014
Ginde S, Cohen K, Brazauskas R, Earing M, Abnormal Lung Function Predicts Morbidity and Mortality in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease, Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 04/2015
Buelow M, Ginde S, Abnormal Lung Function Predicts Morbidity and Mortality in Adults With Tetralogy of Fallot, American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, Washington, D.C., 10/2015
Buelow M, Ginde S, Abnormal Lung Function Predicts Morbidity and Mortality in Adults With Fontan Circulation, American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, Washington, D.C., 10/2015
Jacobsen R, Ginde S, Can a Home-based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Improve the Physical Function Quality of Life of Children with Congenital Heart Disease?, American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, Washington, D.C., 10/2015
Krishna H, Wiktor D, Ginde S, Katzmark L, Tweddell J, Mitchell M, Earing M, Coronary Artery Complications Following Aortic Root Replacement in Marfan Syndrome, American College of Cardiology 65th Annual Scientific Session, Chicago, IL, 03/2016
Robichaud B, Hill G, Earing M, Frommelt P, Ginde S, Bioprosthetic pulmonary valve endocarditis: Incidence, risk factors, and clinical outcomes, Adult Congenital Heart Association National Conference, Orlando, FL, 06/2017
Johnson B, Ginde S, Coronary Artery Disease Screening in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease Prior to Cardiac Surgery, American College of Cardiology 67th Annual Scientific Session, Orlando, FL, 03/12/2018
Ginde S, Simpson ME, Perinatal Periods of Risk: Urban vs. Rural Illinois Fetal and Infant Mortality Experience, Illinois Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Springfield, IL, 2005
Ginde S, Hohenwalter M, Foley D, Sowinski J, Bartz PJ, Tweddell JS, Earing MG, Noninvasive Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Fontan Circulation Using Dual Phase CT Scan and Serum Biochemical Markers, 35th Annual Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Scientific Sessions, Omaha, NE, 2011
Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Hill GD, Danduran MJ, Biller J, Sowinski J, Tweddell JS, Earing MG, Restrictive Lung Disease is an Independent Predictor of Exercise Intolerance in the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease, American College of Cardiology Wisconsin Chapter Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI, 2012
Ginde S, Earing MG, Bartz PJ, Cava, JR, Tweddell JS, Late Complications Following Palliation of Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery Using the Takeuchi Procedure, American College of Cardiology Wisconsin Chapter Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI, 2012
Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Cohen S, Katzmark L, Sowinski J, Earing MG, Coronary Artery Complications after Aortic Root Replacement for Ascending Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection, 36th Annual Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Scientific Session, Milwaukee, WI, 2012
Ginde S, Cohen S, Sowinski J, Bartz PJ, Tweddell JS, Earing MG, Noninvasive Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Fontan Circulation Using Serum Biochemical Markers, American College of Cardiology Wisconsin Chapter Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI, 2012
Lam J, Ginde S (Project Mentor), Krolikowski M, Hill G, Simpson P, Tweddell J, Earing M, Long-term survival and need for reoperation after surgical repair of complete atrioventricular septal defect – 40 year follow-up at a single institution, 37th Annual Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Scientific Session, Chicago, IL, 09/2013
Cramer J, Ginde S (Co-PI), Hill G, Cohen S, Bartz P, Tweddell J, Earing M, Risk factors & Outcomes of Tricuspid Valve Repair at the Time of Pulmonary Valve Replacement in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot, 37th Annual Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Scientific Session, Chicago, IL, 09/2013
Cohen KE, Ginde S, Dixon J, Brazauskas R, Krolikowski M, Earing M, Impact of Restrictive Lung Disease on Morbidity and Mortality in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease, Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, 09/2014
Neiman A, Ginde S, Earing M, Cohen S, The Prevalence of Sexual Dysfunction and its Association with Quality of Life in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease, Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Annual Meeting, Peoria, IL, 09/2015
Jacobsen R, Danduran M, Mussatto K, Neubauer J, Ginde S, Can a Home-based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Improve the Physical Function Quality of Life of Children with Congenital Heart Disease?, Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Annual Meeting, Peoria, IL, 09/2015
Robichaud BA, Hill G, Earing M, Frommelt P, Ginde S, Bioprosthetic pulmonary valve endocarditis: Incidence, risk factors, and clinical outcomes, Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, 09/2016
Johnson B, Ginde S, Coronary Artery Disease Screening in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease Prior to Cardiac Surgery, Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, 09/2017
Ginde S, Hales DB, The Effect of Reactive Oxygen Species on Steroidogenesis in MA-10 Cells, Northwestern University Reproductive Biology Mini-Symposium, Evanston, IL, 1999
Ginde S, Allen J, Reactive Oxygen Disrupts Mitochondria in Leydig Cells and Inhibits Steroidogenesis, Chicago Signal Transduction Symposium, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, 2000
Ginde S, Hales DB, The Effect of Reactive Oxygen Species on Steroidogenesis in MA-10 Cells, University of Illinois at Chicago Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, IL, 2000
Ginde S, Saudek D, Southern J, Delayed contrast-enhanced MRI in an adolescent with Takayasu arteritis, American College of Cardiology Wisconsin Chapter Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 2010
Ginde S, Earing MG, Bartz PJ, Cava JR, Tweddell JS, Late Complications Following Palliation of Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery Using the Takeuchi Procedure, Medical College of Wisconsin Pediatric Research Poster Session, Milwaukee, WI, 2012

Medical Student Education
06/2013 - 08/2013 Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program
07/2013 - Present M3 Pediatric Rotation, Preceptor for Outpatient Cardiology Clinic and Echocardiography Laboratory
06/2014 - 08/2014 Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program
10/17/2014 M2 Core Curriculum, Cardiovascular Unit Modules, Topic: Transposition of the Great Arteries
06/2015 - 08/2015 Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program
07/2015 - 07/2021 Small Group Facilitator, M1 Physician Scientist – Clinical & Translational Research Pathway
06/2016 - 08/2016 Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program
06/2017 - 08/2017 Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program
06/2019 - 08/2019 Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program
07/09/2019 Medical Student Summer Research Lecture Series, Topic: Marfan Syndrome and Related Hereditary Connective Tissue Disorders
06/2020 - 08/2020 Co-Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program
06/29/2021 Medical Student Summer Research Lecture Series, Topic: Marfan Syndrome and Related Hereditary Connective Tissue Disorder
06/2021 - 08/2021 Co-Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program
06/21/2022 Medical Student Summer Research Lecture Series, Topic: Marfan Syndrome and Related Hereditary Connective Tissue Disorders
06/13/2023 Medical Student Summer Research Lecture Series, Topic: Marfan Syndrome and Related Hereditary Connective Tissue Disorders
Resident and Fellow Education
07/29/2009 Pediatric Electrophysiology Lecture Series, Topic: Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
11/11/2009 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Muscular Dystrophy
11/24/2010 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Double-outlet Right Ventricle
01/26/2011 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum
10/05/2011 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Aortic Arch Anomalies
02/01/2012 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Assessment of Mitral Valve Stenosis and Regurgitation
04/18/2012 Exercise Participation Guidelines in Congenital Heart Disease
12/18/2012 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Adult Patient with Failing Fontan Physiology
01/23/2013 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries
07/12/2013 Pediatric Electrophysiology Lecture Series, Topic: Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators for Primary Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death in Congenital Heart Disease
07/2013 - Present Adult Congenital Heart Disease Service and Teaching Rounds with Internal Medicine Residents and Adult Cardiology Fellows
07/2013 - Present Pediatric Cardiology Inpatient Service and Teaching Rounds with Pediatric Residents
07/2013 - Present Pediatric Residency Cardiology Elective, Preceptor for Outpatient Cardiology Clinic and Echocardiography Laboratory
12/17/2013 Pediatric Critical Care Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Adult Patient with Failing Fontan Physiology
05/05/2015 Pediatric Residents Noon Lecture, Topic: Pediatric Heart Failure
06/01/2015 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Management of Adults with Tetralogy of Fallot
03/28/2016 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Tricuspid Atresia and Double-Inlet Left Ventricle
11/11/2016 Adolescent Medicine Fellowship Didactic Series, Topic: Marfan Syndrome
04/10/2017 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Cardiovascular Manifestations of Hereditary Connective Tissue Disorders
12/04/2017 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Management of Adults with Tetralogy of Fallot
02/27/2018 Adult Cardiovascular Fellow Noon Lecture, Topic: Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
12/05/2022 Pediatric Cardiology Fellows Noon Lecture, Topic: Cardiovascular Manifestations of Heritable Thoracic Aortic Disease
03/29/2023 Adult Cardiovascular Fellowship Didactic Lecture Series, Topic: Marfan Syndrome and Related Hereditary Aortopathies
09/19/2023 Adult Congenital Heart Disease Fellowship Lecture Series, Topic: Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum
10/25/2023 Adult Congenital Heart Disease Fellowship Lecture Series, Topic: Hereditary Aortopathies

Resident and Fellow Education
01/07/2009 University of Chicago Medical Center, Combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Lecture Series, Topic: Mechanisms of Supraventricular Arrhythmias
04/15/2009 University of Chicago Medical Center, Internal Medicine Residency Lecture Series, Topic: Adult Congenital Heart Disease for the Internist
05/13/2009 University of Chicago Medical Center, Internal Medicine Residency Lecture Series, Topic: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults
05/14/2009 University of Chicago Medical Center, Pediatric Resident Clinical-Pathologic Correlation Conference

Medical Students
06/2013 - 08/2013 Janna Lam, Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2014 - 08/2014 Katie Cohen, Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2015 - 08/2015 Alexandra Neiman, Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2015 - Present Katie Cohen, Mentor, Honors in Research Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2016 - 08/2016 Brian Robichaud, Mentor, MCW Summer Research Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
Clinical/Research Fellows
07/2013 - 06/2014 Jonathan Cramer, Adult Congenital Heart Disease Fellow, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2013 - Present Daniel Cox, Adult Congenital Heart Disease Fellow, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2013 - 06/2014 Garick Hill, Congenital Non-Invasive Imaging Fellow, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2014 - 06/2015 Christen Chamberland, Congenital Non-Invasive Imaging Fellow, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2015 - 06/2017 Roni Jacobsen, Adult Congenital Heart Disease Fellow, Medical College of Wisconsin

Clinical Programs
07/2016 - Present Program Director, Multidisciplinary Fontan Survivorship and Advanced Therapies Program
03/2020 - Present Program Director, Marfan and Related Connective Tissue Disorder Program

05/10/2014 Herma Heart Center Parent Education Day, Lecture Topic: Congenital Heart Disease Across the Lifespan - Childhood to Adulthood
04/21/2018 Herma Heart Institute Parent Education Day, Lecture Topic: HHI Fontan Survivorship Program

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Hales KH, Diemer T, Ginde S, Shankar BK, Roberts M, Bosmann HB, Hales DB. Diametric effects of bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide on adrenal and Leydig cell steroidogenic acute regulatory protein. Endocrinology. 2000 Nov;141(11):4000-12.
2. Ginde S, Hohenwalter MD, Foley WD, Sowinski J, Bartz PJ, Venkatapuram S, Weinberg C, Tweddell JS, Earing MG. Noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis in adult patients following the Fontan procedure. Congenit Heart Dis. 2012;7(3):235-42.
3. Ginde S, Cava JR, Southern JF, Saudek DE. Delayed contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of Takayasu arteritis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Mar 20;59(12):e23.
4. Ginde S, Earing MG, Bartz PJ, Cava JR, Tweddell JS. Late complications after Takeuchi repair of anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery: case series and review of literature. Pediatr Cardiol. 2012 Oct;33(7):1115-23.
5. Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Hill GD, Danduran MJ, Biller J, Sowinski J, Tweddell JS, Earing MG. Restrictive lung disease is an independent predictor of exercise intolerance in the adult with congenital heart disease. Congenit Heart Dis. 2013;8(3):246-54. PMCID: PMC4832600
6. Cramer JW, Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Tweddell JS, Litwin SB, Earing MG. Aortic aneurysms remain a significant source of morbidity and mortality after use of Dacron(®) patch aortoplasty to repair coarctation of the aorta: results from a single center. Pediatr Cardiol. 2013 Feb;34(2):296-301.
7. Co-Vu JG, Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Frommelt PC, Tweddell JS, Earing MG. Long-term outcomes of the neoaorta after arterial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries. Ann Thorac Surg. 2013 May;95(5):1654-9.
8. Cohen SB, Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Earing MG. Extracardiac complications in adults with congenital heart disease. Congenit Heart Dis. 2013;8(5):370-80.
9. Ginde S, Ellis TM, Nugent M, Simpson P, Stendahl G, Berger S, Zangwill S. The influence of human leukocyte antigen matching on outcomes in pediatric heart transplantation. Pediatr Cardiol. 2014 Aug;35(6):1020-3.
10. Cox DA, Ginde S, Kuhlmann RS, Earing MG. Management of the pregnant woman with Marfan syndrome complicated by ascending aorta dilation. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2014 Oct;290(4):797-802.
11. Cox DA, Ginde S, Tweddell JS, Earing MG. Outcomes of a hepatitis C screening protocol in at-risk adults with prior cardiac surgery. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg. 2014 Oct;5(4):503-6.
12. Cramer JW, Ginde S, Hill GD, Cohen SB, Bartz PJ, Tweddell JS, Earing MG. Tricuspid repair at pulmonary valve replacement does not alter outcomes in tetralogy of Fallot. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Mar;99(3):899-904.
13. Ginde S, Lam J, Hill GD, Cohen S, Woods RK, Mitchell ME, Tweddell JS, Earing MG. Long-term outcomes after surgical repair of complete atrioventricular septal defect. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Aug;150(2):369-74.
14. Buelow MW, Earing MG, Hill GD, Cohen SB, Bartz PJ, Tweddell JS, Ginde S. The Impact of Obesity on Postoperative Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease Undergoing Pulmonary Valve Replacement. Congenit Heart Dis. 2015;10(5):E197-202.
15. Jacobsen RM, Ginde S, Mussatto K, Neubauer J, Earing M, Danduran M. Can a Home-based Cardiac Physical Activity Program Improve the Physical Function Quality of Life in Children with Fontan Circulation? Congenit Heart Dis. 2016;11(2):175-82.
16. Hill GD, Ginde S, Rios R, Frommelt PC, Hill KD. Surgical Valvotomy Versus Balloon Valvuloplasty for Congenital Aortic Valve Stenosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 Aug 08;5(8). PMCID: PMC5015309
17. Birmingham EE, Sharma AM, Ginde S, Richardson RR. Surgical-Relevant Coronary Artery Anomalies Diagnosed by Cardiac Computed Tomographic Angiography in Infants and Children with Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction. Congenital Cardiology Today. 2016 Sept;15(9):1-8.
18. Rios R, Ginde S, Saudek D, Loomba RS, Stelter J, Frommelt P. Quantitative echocardiographic measures in the assessment of single ventricle function post-Fontan: Incorporation into routine clinical practice. Echocardiography. 2017 Jan;34(1):108-115.
19. Neiman A, Ginde S, Earing MG, Bartz PJ, Cohen S. The prevalence of sexual dysfunction and its association with quality of life in adults with congenital heart disease. Int J Cardiol. 2017 Feb 01;228:953-957.
20. Abadeer MN, Stuth EA, Kouretas PC, Ginde S, Jacobsen R, Woods RK. Scimitar Syndrome-Complex Surgical Revision 3 Decades After Repair. Ann Thorac Surg. 2017 Feb;103(2):e183-e185.
21. Loomba RS, Buelow MW, Aggarwal S, Arora RR, Kovach J, Ginde S. Arrhythmias in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: What Are Risk Factors for Specific Arrhythmias? Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2017 Apr;40(4):353-361.
22. Cohen KE, Buelow MW, Dixon J, Brazauskas R, Cohen SB, Earing MG, Ginde S. Forced vital capacity predicts morbidity and mortality in adults with repaired tetralogy of Fallot. Congenit Heart Dis. 2017 Jul;12(4):435-440.
23. Ginde S, Goot BH, Frommelt PC. Imaging adult patients with Fontan circulation. Curr Opin Cardiol. 2017 Sep;32(5):521-528.
24. Birkey T, Dixon J, Jacobsen R, Ginde S, Nugent M, Yan K, Simpson P, Kovach J. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing for Surgical Risk Stratification in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease. Pediatr Cardiol. 2018 Oct;39(7):1468-1475.
25. Ginde S, Earing MG. When the Heart Is Not to Blame: Managing Lung Disease in Adult Congenital Heart Disease. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2018;61(3-4):314-319.
26. Brunmeier A, Reis MP, Earing MG, Umfleet L, Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Cohen S. Identifying self-reported neurocognitive deficits in the adult with congenital heart disease using a simple screening tool. Congenit Heart Dis. 2018 Sep;13(5):728-733.
27. Di Maria MV, Brown DW, Cetta F, Ginde S, Goldberg D, Menon SC, Phelps HM, Rychik J, Schumacher KR, Thrush P, Veldtman G, Wright G, Younoszai AK. Surveillance Testing and Preventive Care After Fontan Operation: A Multi-Institutional Survey. Pediatr Cardiol. 2019 Jan;40(1):110-115.
28. Robichaud B, Hill G, Cohen S, Woods R, Earing M, Frommelt P, Ginde S. Bioprosthetic pulmonary valve endocarditis: Incidence, risk factors, and clinical outcomes. Congenit Heart Dis. 2018 Sep;13(5):734-739.
29. Egbe AC, Poterucha JT, Warnes CA, Connolly HM, Baskar S, Ginde S, Clift P, Kogon B, Book WM, Walker N, Wagenaar L, Moe T, Oechslin E, Kay WA, Norris M, Gordon-Walker T, Dillman JR, Trout A, Anwar N, Hoskoppal A, Veldtman GR. Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Fontan Operation: Multicenter Case Series. Circulation. 2018 Aug 14;138(7):746-748.
30. Davis EK, Ginde S, Stelter J, Frommelt P, Hill GD. Echocardiographic assessment of single-ventricle diastolic function and its correlation to short-term outcomes after the Fontan operation. Congenit Heart Dis. 2019 Sep;14(5):720-725.
31. Spearman AD, Kindel SJ, Woods RK, Ginde S. Arteriovenous fistula creation for hypoxia after single ventricle palliation: A single-institution experience and literature review. Congenit Heart Dis. 2019 Nov;14(6):1199-1206.
32. Starker A, Goot B, Gerardin J, Ginde S, Earing MG. Increased aortic wall stiffness is predictive of aortic dilation in adult patients following coarctation of the aorta repair Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. June 2019;53:15-20.
33. Hill GD, Ghanayem NS, Hraska V, Jacobsen RM, Mitchell ME, Woods RK, Ginde S. Variation in the use of Fontan fenestration in the current surgical era Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. March 2019;52:4-7.
34. Krishna H, Ginde S, Katzmark L, Mitchell M, Woods R, Hraska V, Earing MG. Coronary ostial aneurysms following aortic root replacement in patients with familial aortic aneurysm are common and support the need for long-term surveillance Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. 2019.
35. Ginde S. The Adult Patient with Congenital Heart Disease in the Emergency Department Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. December 2018;19(4):358-366.
36. Jacobsen R, Danduran M, Mussatto K, Hill GD, Ginde S. Can a home-based cardiac physical activity program improve and sustain quality of life and exercise capacity in children with Fontan circulation? Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. September 2018;50:12-16.
37. Kaushal SS, Ginde S, Earing MG, Bartz P, Szabo A, Cohen S. Pregnancy causes a transient decrease in systemic ventricular function in women with pre-existing cardiac disease Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. June 2017;45:69-73.
38. Johnson B, Buelow M, Earing M, Cohen S, Bartz P, Ginde S. Coronary artery disease screening in adults with congenital heart disease prior to cardiac surgery. Congenit Heart Dis. 2019 Nov;14(6):895-900.
39. Goldberg DJ, Zak V, Goldstein BH, Schumacher KR, Rhodes J, Penny DJ, Petit CJ, Ginde S, Menon SC, Kim SH, Kim GB, Nowlen TT, DiMaria MV, Frischhertz BP, Wagner JB, McHugh KE, McCrindle BW, Shillingford AJ, Sabati AA, Yetman AT, John AS, Richmond ME, Files MD, Payne RM, Mackie AS, Davis CK, Shahanavaz S, Hill KD, Garg R, Jacobs JP, Hamstra MS, Woyciechowski S, Rathge KA, McBride MG, Frommelt PC, Russell MW, Urbina EM, Yeager JL, Pemberton VL, Stylianou MP, Pearson GD, Paridon SM, Pediatric Heart Network Investigators. Results of the FUEL Trial. Circulation. 2020 Feb 25;141(8):641-651. PMCID: PMC7042084
40. Riggs KW, Colohan DB, Beacher DR, Alsaied T, Powell S, Moore RA, Ginde S, Tweddell JS. Mid-term Outcomes of the Supported Ross Procedure in Children, Teenagers, and Young Adults. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2020 Autumn;32(3):498-504.
41. Drake M, Ginde S, Cohen S, Bartz P, Sowinski J, Reinhardt E, Saleska T, Earing MG. Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease. Pediatr Cardiol. 2020 Apr;41(4):724-728.
42. Hraska V, Mitchell ME, Woods RK, Hoffman GM, Kindel SJ, Ginde S. Innominate Vein Turn-down Procedure for Failing Fontan Circulation Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery: Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual. 2020.
43. Woods RK, Ginde S. Commentary: Yet another Fontan computational study-but this one has clay. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2020 Jul;160(1):213-214.
44. Handler SS, Ginde S, Bergstrom CP, Woods RK. Tetralogy of fallot with and without pulmonary atresia Critical Heart Disease in Infants and Children. 1 January 2018:705-719.e4.
45. Spearman AD, Ginde S. Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations in children with palliated univentricular CHD: our limited understanding persists. Cardiol Young. 2020 Apr;30(4):597-598.
46. Hraska V, Mitchell ME, Woods RK, Hoffman GM, Kindel SJ, Ginde S. Innominate Vein Turn-down Procedure for Failing Fontan Circulation. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Annu. 2020;23:34-40.
47. Alsaied T, Allen KY, Anderson JB, Anixt JS, Brown DW, Cetta F, Cordina R, D'udekem Y, Didier M, Ginde S, Di Maria MV, Eversole M, Goldberg D, Goldstein BH, Hoffmann E, Kovacs AH, Lannon C, Lihn S, Lubert AM, Marino BS, Mullen E, Pickles D, Rathod RH, Rychik J, Tweddell JS, Wooton S, Wright G, Younoszai A, Glenn T, Wilmoth A, Schumacher K. The Fontan outcomes network: first steps towards building a lifespan registry for individuals with Fontan circulation in the United States. Cardiol Young. 2020 Aug;30(8):1070-1075.
48. Possner M, Gordon-Walker T, Egbe AC, Poterucha JT, Warnes CA, Connolly HM, Ginde S, Clift P, Kogon B, Book WM, Walker N, Wagenaar LJ, Moe T, Oechslin E, Kay WA, Norris M, Dillman JR, Trout AT, Anwar N, Hoskoppal A, Broering DC, Bzeizi K, Veldtman G. Hepatocellular carcinoma and the Fontan circulation: Clinical presentation and outcomes. Int J Cardiol. 2021 Jan 01;322:142-148.
49. Spearman AD, Ginde S, Goot BH, Schaal AM, Feng M, Pan AY, Frommelt MA, Frommelt PC. Echocardiographic Identification of Pulmonary Artery Flow Reversal: An Indicator of Adverse Outcomes in Single Ventricle Physiology. Pediatr Cardiol. 2020 Dec;41(8):1632-1638.
50. Alsaied T, Allen KY, Anderson JB, Anixt JS, Brown DW, Cetta F, Cordina R, D'udekem Y, Didier M, Ginde S, Di Maria MV, Eversole M, Goldberg D, Goldstein BH, Hoffmann E, Kovacs AH, Lannon C, Lihn S, Lubert AM, Marino BS, Mullen E, Pickles D, Rathod RH, Rychik J, Tweddell JS, Wooton S, Wright G, Younoszai A, Glenn T, Wilmoth A, Schumacher K. The Fontan outcomes network: first steps towards building a lifespan registry for individuals with Fontan circulation in the United States - CORRIGENDUM. Cardiol Young. 2020 Sep;30(9):1381.
51. Kroll KH, Kovach JR, Ginde S, Jacobsen RM, Danduran M, Foster A, Brosig CL. Impact of a paediatric cardiac rehabilitation programme upon patient quality of life. Cardiol Young. 2021 May;31(5):804-811.
52. Bushee C, Ginde S, Earing MG, Buelow M, Reinhardt E, Cohen S. Changes in care patterns associated with a transition program in adolescents with congenital heart disease: A single center study Progress in Pediatric Cardiology. 2021.
53. Beacher D, Frommelt P, Brosig C, Zhang J, Simpson P, Hraska V, Ginde S. Impact of Valve Type (Ross vs. Mechanical) on Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Young Adults with Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement. Pediatr Cardiol. 2021 Jun;42(5):1119-1125.
54. Egbe AC, Miranda WR, Devara J, Shaik L, Iftikhar M, Goda Sakr A, John A, Cedars A, Rodriguez F, Moore JP, Russell M, Grewal J, Ginde S, Lubert AM, Connolly HM. Recurrent sustained atrial arrhythmias and thromboembolism in Fontan patients with total cavopulmonary connection IJC Heart and Vasculature. April 2021;33.
55. Van Galder H, Schaal AM, Feng M, Pan AY, Frommelt MA, Ginde S, Spearman AD. Increases in oxygen saturation following discharge from Fontan palliation - an indicator of resolution of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations? Cardiol Young. 2021 Nov;31(11):1807-1813.
56. Alsaied T, Rathod RH, Aboulhosn JA, Budts W, Anderson JB, Baumgartner H, Brown DW, Cordina R, D'udekem Y, Ginde S, Goldberg DJ, Goldstein BH, Lubert AM, Oechslin E, Opotowsky AR, Rychik J, Schumacher KR, Valente AM, Wright G, Veldtman GR. Reaching consensus for unified medical language in Fontan care ESC Heart Failure. 2021.
57. Alsaied T, Rathod RH, Aboulhosn JA, Budts W, Anderson JB, Baumgartner H, Brown DW, Cordina R, D'udekem Y, Ginde S, Goldberg DJ, Goldstein BH, Lubert AM, Oechslin E, Opotowsky AR, Rychik J, Schumacher KR, Valente AM, Wright G, Veldtman GR. Reaching consensus for unified medical language in Fontan care. ESC Heart Fail. 2021 Oct;8(5):3894-3905. PMCID: PMC8497335
58. Egbe AC, Miranda WR, Devara J, Shaik L, Iftikhar M, Goda Sakr A, John A, Cedars A, Rodriguez F 3rd, Moore JP, Russell M, Grewal J, Ginde S, Lubert AM, Connolly HM, Alliance for Adult Research in Congenital Cardiology (AARCC) investigators. Recurrent sustained atrial arrhythmias and thromboembolism in Fontan patients with total cavopulmonary connection. Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc. 2021 Apr;33:100754. PMCID: PMC7988316
59. Jacobsen RM, Beacher D, Beacher L, Earing MG, Ginde S, Bartz PJ, Cohen S. The Impact of and Barriers to Cardiac Rehabilitation Following Cardiac Surgery in the Adult With Congenital Heart Disease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2022 Mar 01;42(2):115-119.
60. Calley BJ, Zhang L, Pan AY, Ginde S, Kindel SJ, Spearman AD. Respiratory viral infections are prevalent but uncomplicated in single ventricle CHD. Cardiol Young. 2023 Apr;33(4):557-563.
61. Sow M, Ginde S, Bartz P, Cohen S, Gerardin J, Kuhn E, Jaquiss R, Litwin SB, Woods RK, Hraska V, Tweddell JS, Mitchell ME. The Supported vs Unsupported Ross in Pediatric Patients: Neoaortic Root and Ventricular Function. Ann Thorac Surg. 2023 Feb;115(2):453-460.
62. Broberg CS, van Dissel A, Minnier J, Aboulhosn J, Kauling RM, Ginde S, Krieger EV, Rodriguez F, Gupta T, Shah S, John AS, Cotts T, Kay WA, Kuo M, Dwight C, Woods P, Nicolarsen J, Sarubbi B, Fusco F, Antonova P, Fernandes S, Grewal J, Cramer J, Khairy P, Gallego P, O'Donnell C, Hannah J, Dellborg M, Rodriguez-Monserrate CP, Muhll IV, Pylypchuk S, Magalski A, Han F, Lubert AM, Kay J, Yeung E, Roos-Hesselink J, Baker D, Celermajer DS, Burchill LJ, Wilson WM, Wong J, Kutty S, Opotowsky AR. Long-Term Outcomes After Atrial Switch Operation for Transposition of the Great Arteries Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 6 September 2022;80(10):951-963.
63. Broberg CS, van Dissel A, Minnier J, Aboulhosn J, Kauling RM, Ginde S, Krieger EV, Rodriguez F 3rd, Gupta T, Shah S, John AS, Cotts T, Kay WA, Kuo M, Dwight C, Woods P, Nicolarsen J, Sarubbi B, Fusco F, Antonova P, Fernandes S, Grewal J, Cramer J, Khairy P, Gallego P, O'Donnell C, Hannah J, Dellborg M, Rodriguez-Monserrate CP, Muhll IV, Pylypchuk S, Magalski A, Han F, Lubert AM, Kay J, Yeung E, Roos-Hesselink J, Baker D, Celermajer DS, Burchill LJ, Wilson WM, Wong J, Kutty S, Opotowsky AR. Long-Term Outcomes After Atrial Switch Operation for Transposition of the Great Arteries. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2022 Sep 06;80(10):951-963.
64. Segar DE, Pan AY, McLennan DI, Kindel SJ, Handler SS, Ginde S, Woods RK, Goot BH, Spearman AD. Clinical Variables Associated with Pre-Fontan Aortopulmonary Collateral Burden. Pediatr Cardiol. 2023 Jan;44(1):228-236. PMCID: PMC10155213
65. Spearman AD, Ginde S. Pulmonary Vascular Sequelae of Palliated Single Ventricle Circulation: Arteriovenous Malformations and Aortopulmonary Collaterals. J Cardiovasc Dev Dis. 2022 Sep 17;9(9). PMCID: PMC9501802
66. Gumm A, Ginde S, Hoffman G, Liegl M, Mack C, Simpson P, Vo N, Telega G, Vitola B, Chugh A. Does High-Intensity Exercise Cause Acute Liver Injury in Patients with Fontan Circulation? A Prospective Pilot Study. Pediatr Cardiol. 2024 Oct;45(7):1503-1514.
67. Sweeney D, Cohen S, Ginde S, Gerardin J, Bartz P, Buelow M. Delivery Outcomes in Non-Tertiary Referral Centers for Women with Congenital Heart Disease Congenital Heart Disease. 2023;18(3):315-323.
68. Goldberg DJ, Hu C, Lubert AM, Rathod RH, Penny DJ, Petit CJ, Schumacher KR, Ginde S, Williams RV, Yoon JK, Kim GB, Nowlen TT, DiMaria MV, Frischhertz BP, Wagner JB, McHugh KE, McCrindle BW, Cartoski MJ, Detterich JA, Yetman AT, John AS, Richmond ME, Yung D, Payne RM, Mackie AS, Davis CK, Shahanavaz S, Hill KD, Almaguer M, Zak V, McBride MG, Goldstein BH, Pearson GD, Paridon SM, Pediatric Heart Network Investigators. The Fontan Udenafil Exercise Longitudinal Trial: Subgroup Analysis. Pediatr Cardiol. 2023 Dec;44(8):1691-1701.
69. van Dissel AC, Opotowsky AR, Burchill LJ, Aboulhosn J, Grewal J, Lubert AM, Antonova P, Shah S, Cotts T, John AS, Kay WA, DeZorzi C, Magalski A, Han F, Baker D, Kay J, Yeung E, Vonder Muhll I, Pylypchuk S, Kuo MC, Nicolarsen J, Sarubbi B, Fusco F, Jameson SM, Cramer J, Gupta T, Gallego P, O'Donnell C, Hannah J, Dellborg M, Kauling RM, Ginde S, Krieger EV, Rodriguez F, Dehghani P, Kutty S, Wong J, Wilson WM, Rodriguez-Monserrate CP, Roos-Hesselink J, Celermajer DS, Khairy P, Broberg CS. End-stage heart failure in congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries: a multicentre study. Eur Heart J. 2023 Sep 07;44(34):3278-3291. PMCID: PMC10482567
70. Kim YY, Lluri G, Haeffele C, Daugherty T, Krasuski RA, Serfas JD, de Freitas RA, Porlier A, Lubert AM, Wu FM, Valente AM, Krieger EV, Buber J, Rodriguez FH 3rd, Gaignard S, Saraf A, Hindes M, Earing MG, Lewis MJ, Rosenbaum MS, Zaidi AN, Hopkins K, Bradley EA, Cedars AM, Ko JL, Franklin WJ, Frederickson A, Ginde S, Grewal J, Nyman A, Min J, Schluger C, Rand E, Rosenthal BE, Hilscher M, Rychik J, Hoteit MA. Hepatocellular carcinoma in survivors after Fontan operation: a case-control study. Eur Heart J. 2024 Apr 21;45(16):1477-1480. PMCID: PMC11491280
71. Hill GD, Wu DTY, Ferguson ME, Flores S, Ginde S, Hill KD, Johansen M, Newburger JW, Gao Z, Cnota JF. Preoperative Hemodynamics Impact the Benefit of Fenestration on Fontan Postoperative Length of Stay JACC: Advances. March 2024;3(3).
72. Hill GD, Wu DTY, Ferguson ME, Flores S, Ginde S, Hill KD, Johansen M, Newburger JW, Gao Z, Cnota JF. Preoperative Hemodynamics Impact the Benefit of Fenestration on Fontan Postoperative Length of Stay. JACC Adv. 2024 Mar;3(3). PMCID: PMC11008224
73. Bernstein D, Ginde S, Earing MG. Congenital Heart Disease in Adults Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics: Volume 1-2. 1 January 2024:2835-2843.e1.
74. Misra A, Rodriguez-Monserrate CP, Gauvreau K, Dellborg M, Fusco F, Gupta T, Kay J, Kutty S, Kauling RM, Nicolarsen J, Roos-Hesselink J, John AS, Wong J, Burchill LJ, Krieger EV, Lubert AM, Gallego P, Kuo M, Aboulhosn J, Cramer J, Antonova P, Baker D, Dehghani P, Opotowsky AR, van Dissel A, Grewal J, Yeung E, Fernandes S, Ginde S, Khairy P, Han F, Muhll IV, Wilson WM, Kay WA, Pylypchuk S, Sarubbi B, O'Donnell C, Rodriguez F, Jayadeva PS, Celermajer DS, Shah S, Cotts T, DeZorzi C, Magalski A, Valente AM, Broberg CS. Propensity Score Analysis of Possible Medication Effects on Outcomes in Patients With Systemic Right Ventricles JACC: Advances. January 2025;4(1).
75. Aldweib N, Deghani P, Broberg CS, van Dissel A, Altibi A, Wong J, Baker D, Gindi S, Khairy P, Opotowsky AR, Shah S, Magalski A, Cramer J, Kauling RM, Dellborg M, Krieger EV, Yeung E, Roos-Hesselink J, Aboulhosn J, Nicolarsen J, Masha L, Gallego P, Celermajer DS, Kay J, Vonder Muhll I, Jameson SM, O'Donnell C, Fusco F, John AS, Macon C, Antonova P, Cotts T, Sarubbi B, Rodriguez F 3rd, DeZorzi C, Jayadeva PS, Kuo M, Kutty S, Gupta T, Burchill LJ, Rodriguez Monserrate CP, Lubert AM, Grewal J, Pylypchuk S, Belkin MN, Wilson WM. Prognostic Significance of Hemodynamics in Patients With Transposition of the Great Arteries and Systemic Right Ventricle. Circ Heart Fail. 2024 Sep;17(9):e011882. PMCID: PMC11408092
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Ginde S, Woods RK, Foerster SR, Berger S. Atrial Septal Defects. In: Modie DD, ed. Congenital Heart Disease. Cardiotext Publishing, 2013.
2. Ginde S, Earing MG. Congenital Heart Disease in Adults. In Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 20th Edition. Edited by: Robert M. Kliegman, Bonita F. Stanton, Joseph St. Geme, Nina Schor. Published by: Elsevier Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 2014 and 2019.
3. Ginde S, Zangwill SD: Infiltrative Heart Disease and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy. In Cardiomyopathy Color Atlas of Cardiovascular Disease. Jaypee Medical Publishers, Editor Glenn Levine, 2014.
4. Ginde S, Frommelt PC: Echocardiography. In The Single Ventricle: From Fetus to Adult; First Edition; Edited by: Mark A Fogel. Published by: Wiley Health Sciences, Oxford, UK, in press (expected 2017).
5. Handler S, Ginde S, Bergstrom CP, Woods RK: Tetralogy of Fallot with and without Pulmonary Atresia. In Ungerleider: Critical Heart Disease in Infants and Children, Third Edition. Edited by: David G. Nichols, Duke E. Cameron. Published by: Elsevier, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 2018.