Medical College of Wisconsin
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Staci A. Young PhD
Sr Associate Dean, Associate Director, Professor
Department of Family Medicine
Division of Research

Hub for Collaborative Medicine
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

08/1993 - 05/1997 B.A., Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
08/1998 - 05/2002 M.S., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
08/2003 - 12/2007 Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI

2008 - 2010 Primary Care Faculty Development Program in Education
2013 - Present Mentor Training for Community Engaged Researchers
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Clinical Translational Science Institute
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

01/2008 - 06/2014 Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
04/2011 - 06/2014 Assistant Professor (secondary appointment), Institute for Health and Society, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2014 - Present Associate Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2014 - Present Associate Professor (secondary appointment), Institute for Health and Society, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
01/2017 - Present Associate Director for Health Equity and Disparities Research, Center for Healthy Communities and Research, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

07/2000 - 2011 Co-Course Director, Promoting Health in Underserved Communities
08/2011 - 05/2014 Course Director, Community Health Improvement VI
01/2012 - 05/2014 Course Director, Community Health Improvement VII
07/2012 - 05/2013 Co-Course Director, Qualitative Research Methods
01/2013 - 05/2013 Co-Course Director, Qualitative Data Analysis
05/2014 - Present Course Director, Health Disparities and Underlying Determinants of Health
Medical College of Wisconsin, PhD program in Public and Community Health
Medical College of Wisconsin, PhD program in Public and Community Health
Medical College of Wisconsin, PhD program in Public and Community Health
Medical College of Wisconsin, PhD program in Public and Community Health
Medical College of Wisconsin, M4 Integrated Selective
Medical College of Wisconsin, PhD program in Public and Community Health

06/2002 - Present Community Involvement Recognition Award, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
05/2003 - Present Special Achievement in Public Health Partnership Award, Wisconsin Public Health Association
01/2005 - Present Community Service Award, Medical Society of Milwaukee County
04/2005 - Present Standing Ovation Award, Medical College of Wisconsin Student Assembly
06/2005 - Present Community Involvement Recognition Award, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2005 - Present Published Paper of the Year, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2006 - Present Community Involvement Recognition Award, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2007 - Present Humanitarian Award, Milwaukee Academy of Medicine
06/2008 - Present Published Paper of the Year, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2009 - Present MCW Outstanding Medical Student Teaching Recognition 2007-2008
02/2009 - Present MCW Black History Month Recognition Award
06/2009 - Present Educational Project of the Year, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
05/2010 - Present Researcher of the Year, Department of Family and Community Medicine
05/2010 - Present Published Paper of the Year, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
12/2010 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin Outstanding Medical Student Teaching Recognition 2009-2010
07/2011 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin Outstanding Faculty Service Award
05/2012 - Present Educational Project of the Year, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2012 - Present Distinguished Edited Book Award, Applied Communication Division of the National Communications Association (for the book Participatory Partnerships for Social Action and Research)
02/2014 - Present Scholar, Public Health Critical Race Praxis Institute, Maryland Center for Health Equity, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
04/2015 - Present Milwaukee Award for Neighborhood Development Innovation (MANDI) - PNC Bank Trailblazer Award and People's Choice Award, awarded for the Sisters Diversion Project
06/2015 - Present Published Paper of the Year, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
12/2015 - Present President's Diversity and Inclusion Award, Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical College of Wisconsin

1998 - Present Community Campus Partnerships for Health
2001 - Present American Sociological Association
2001 - 2012 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
2003 - 2008 Wisconsin Public Health Association
2004 Society for the Study of Social Problems
2006 - 2007 Association of Black Sociologists
2007 - 2008 International Society for Urban Health
2012 - Present American Public Health Association
2013 - 2015 Association for the Sociology of Religion
2013 - 2015 Southern Sociological Society
2014 - 2015 Eastern Sociological Society
2016 - Present Sociologists for Women in Society

Editorial Board
2012 - 2016 Journal of Higher Education, Outreach and Engagement
Journal Review
2003 - Present Community Outreach Partnership Center, Office of University Partnerships, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C.
2008 - 2011 Doctoral Dissertation Review Group, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C.
2009 - Present Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
2011 - Present Association of American Medical College (AAMC) -Central Group of Educational Affairs (CGEA) - Research in Medical Education Abstract - Annual Meeting
2011 - Present Southeast Wisconsin Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 2011-2012 Community Health Grants
2012 - Present MedEdPORTAL, Association of American Medical Colleges
2012 - Present Reviewer, National Science Foundation, Sociology section
2013 - Present Best Evidence in Medical Education
2013 - Present Health Education and Behavior
2013 - Present Progress in Community Health Partnerships
2014 - Present Health Promotion Practice
2016 - Present Reviewer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC), Special Emphasis Panel, Research Grants for Evaluating Practice-based Sexual Violence P
2016 - Present Reviewer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC), Special Emphasis Panel, Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence Related In
2017 - Present Reviewer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC), Special Emphasis Panel, Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence Related In
Community Engaged Medical Education: Systematic Thematic Reviews (CEMESTR) project, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Systematic Reviews
Peer Review

Peer Review
Community Based Colorectal Cancer Education for African American Men
Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Racism, Residential Racial Segregation and Breast Cancer Survival Disparities among Black, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic White Women
National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute
Role & Effort:
Direct Funds:
Implementation and Assessment of Standards of Excellence in Wisconsin's Free and Charitable Clinics
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
Saturday Clinic for the Uninsured
Keenan Foundation
Role & Effort:
Project Director
Direct Funds:
Municipal Diversion Policy to Reduce Violence Experienced by Women in Street Prostitution
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
The Tipping Point for Health for Vulnerable Families
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Public and Community Health Nursing Workforce Evaluation
Faye McBeath Foundation (via Northwest Health Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Nurturing Healthy Youth Leaders through Faith Based Partnerships
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Saturday Clinic for the Uninsured
Catholic Community Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Conversations for the Cure
Susan G. Komen Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Community MedShare Prescription Assistance Project
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Around the Corner to Better Health
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Nursing's Voice
Faye McBeath Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Cancer Prevention Initiative in Milwaukee Public Housing Developments
Melitta S. Pick Charitable Trust
Role & Effort:
Co-Project Director
Direct Funds:
Executive Nurse Fellowship for Paula Lucey, RN, MSN
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Role & Effort:
Direct Funds:
Community Cancer Prevention
Coleman Foundation
Role & Effort:
Co-Project Director
Direct Funds:
A Partnership for Cancer Prevention in an Urban Housing Development
Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center
Role & Effort:
Co-Project Director
Direct Funds:
Working Together to Strengthen Milwaukee Public Housing Communities
Housing and Urban Development
Role & Effort:
Project Coordinator
Direct Funds:
Milwaukee County Community Health Access Enhancement and Integration Project
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Role & Effort:
Direct Funds:
Milwaukee County Community Health Access Enhancement and Integration Project
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Role & Effort:
Direct Funds:
Saturday Clinic for the Uninsured
Keenan Foundation
Role & Effort:
Project Director
Direct Funds:
Milwaukee County Community Health Access Enhancement and Integration Project
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Role & Effort:
Direct Funds:
Health Screenings for Milwaukee's Public Housing Community
Association of American Medical Colleges
Role & Effort:
Project Director
Direct Funds:
Working Together to Strengthen Milwaukee Public Housing Communities
Housing and Urban Development New Directions Program
Role & Effort:
Program Coordinator
Direct Funds:
Community Health Advocate Model Program
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Co-Project Director
Direct Funds:
How Safe is the Safety Net?
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Co-Project Director
Direct Funds:
Church Based Health and Wellness Program
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Co-Project Director
Direct Funds:
Saturday Clinic for the Uninsured
Catholic Community Foundation
Role & Effort:
Project Director
Direct Funds:
OSCE to Assess Community Health Competencies
Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Co-Project Director
Direct Funds:
Saturday Clinic for the Uninsured
Keenan Foundation
Role & Effort:
Project Director
Direct Funds:
The Journey of Hope
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Co-Project Director
Direct Funds:
Community-based Chronic Disease Management
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Program Coordinator
Direct Funds:
Integrated Curriculum in Health Policy and Population Health
Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Co-Project Director
Direct Funds:
Helping Women Exit the Violence of Prostitution
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
The Organization of Work among Milwaukee Parish Nurses
Association for the Sociology of Religion
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Youth Violence Prevention Initiative
Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator and Senior Faculty Director
Direct Funds:
A National Evaluation of Leadership Styles and Outcomes in Local Health Departments
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Role & Effort:
Direct Funds:
Team-Based Learning in the M3 Family Medicine Clerkship
MCW Curriculum and Evaluation Committee
Role & Effort:
Co-Project Director
Direct Funds:

YOUNG, S. "Community Advocates in Milwaukee Public Housing", Public Health in Public Housing: Improving Health, Changing Lives - A Strategy Development Workshop, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 05/2004 - Present
YOUNG, S. "Forming and Sustaining Faith-Based Community Partnerships to Improve Health", Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. New Orleans, LA, 01/2012 - Present
YOUNG, S. "Highland Park Community Advocates: Improving Quality of Life in Milwaukee Public Housing", Fortis Insurance Foundation Community Forum. Milwaukee, WI, 08/2000 - Present
YOUNG, S. "Patient Centered Care: Health Issues for Black and African Americans, " University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 10/2006 - Present
YOUNG, S. "Science and Practice of Trauma Informed Care, " SETforth: Hope through Healing. Milwaukee, WI, 05/2012 - Present
YOUNG, S. "Greening Our Food Deserts, " 4th Street Forum. Milwaukee, WI, 05/2012 - Present
YOUNG, S. "Structural Violence and Vulnerable Populations". The Violence Epidemic: Justice, Public Health and Ethics. Milwaukee, WI, 06/2017 - Present

YOUNG, S., Beck, B. "Milwaukee Public Housing Women's Perceptions of Breast Health" International Conference on Urban Health, Toronto
Beck, B., YOUNG, S. "Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Develop and Implement Church-Based Cancer Education Modules" International Conference on Urban Health, Toronto
YOUNG, S. "BRANCH Out: A Faith Based Partnership to Promote Health and Wellness" International Conference on Urban Health
Bates, T., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "Training Family Medicine Residents in Healthy Aging: A Service Learning Experience in the Community", Community Campus Partnerships for Health National Conference
YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "Reaching Out to Urban Uninsured Populations: A Community Based Experience in Undergraduate Medical Education", Community Campus Partnerships for Health National Conference
YOUNG, S., Wolff, M., Bates, T., Beck, B., Newton, G., Maurana, C. "Together We Can: Improving Health in Milwaukee's Public Housing Community", Community Campus Partnerships for Health National Conference
Bates, T., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "Family Medicine Residents Promote Healthy Aging through Community Presentations" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
Bates, T., Cohan, M., YOUNG, S. "Geriatric Education for Medical Students and Residents: Beyond the Clinic and the Classroom" American Geriatrics Society National Conference, Washington
Beversdorf, S., Bates, T., Gass, E., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "Skills for Building Effective Healthy Community-Academic Partnerships" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
Beck, B., Ahmed, S., Bates, T., YOUNG, S., Wolff, M. "Becoming a Community Responsive Physician: An M3 Community Health Curriculum" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
Robertson, R., YOUNG, S., Rohr, C., Baumbach, R. "Rural America to Rural Central America: Cultural and Clinical Resonance" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
YOUNG, S., Ahmed, S., Beck, B., Maurana, C. "Strategies for Implementing Community-Based Participatory Research in U.S. Medical Schools" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
YOUNG, S., Foltz, G., Jeffers, A., Robertson, R. "The HELD Screening Venue: Medical Students in Milwaukee's Public Housing Community" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
Berdan, E., Haw, J., YOUNG, S., Larson, G., Webb, T., Bower, D., Tipnis, S., Leschke, R., Brown, D. Bragg, D, Simpson, D. "Teaching Patient Centered Healthcare as an Approach to Respecting Patient Diversity" Central Group on Education Affairs
YOUNG, S. "Health Care Advocacy for Vulnerable Populations in Milwaukee" Midwest Sociological Society Annual Conference
YOUNG, S., Wynne, N., Greer, Y. "BRANCH Out: A Faith Based Partnership to Promote Health and Wellness" Community Campus Partnerships for Health Annual Conference, Toronto
YOUNG, S., Sanders, J., Keber, J., Le, K. "The HELD Screening Venue: A Free Clinic Outreach Program for Milwaukee's Underserved" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral Education Conference, Portland
YOUNG, S., Sanders, J., Keber, J., Le, K. "The Saturday Clinic for the Uninsured: A Collaborative Partnership to Improve Community Health" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral Education Conference, Portland
"Workshop for Losers: What do we do now that we didn't get the grant?!?", Community Campus Partnerships for Health National Conference
Wolff, M., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "What is the Role of Community-Academic Partnerships in Fostering Community Advocacy and Civic Engagement?" Community Campus Partnerships for Health National Conference
Beversdorf, S., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "Beyond the Rhetoric: Building Meaningful Partnerships with Communities", Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
Beversdorf, S., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "Medical School Based Rural Ambassador Program", Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
YOUNG, S., Beversdorf, S., Maurana, C. "Collaboration and Community: Linking Medical Students and Underrepresented Youth", Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "Medical Student Experiences in Reaching Out to Urban Populations", Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
Wolff, M., Maurana, C., Bates, T., Beck, B., YOUNG, S. "Cancer Prevention in Underserved African American Communities: Implications for Practitioners", Society of Teachers of Family Medicine National Conference
Bower, D., Bedinghaus, J., Havas, N., Papin, K., Diehr, S., YOUNG, S. "Development and Implementation of a Team Based Learning Curriculum" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral Education Conference, Savannah
Polace, K., Corr, J., Hegwood, A., YOUNG, S., Hernandez-Meier, J. "Milwaukee's Collaboratively Run Holton Youth + Family Center: A Community-Academic Approach to Youth Violence Prevention" American Public Health Association Annual Conference, New Orleans
Kennelly, P., YOUNG, S., Thomas, A. "Ripple Effect Milwaukee: Lessons Learned in Violence Reduction Based CBPR" American Public Health Association Annual Conference, New Orleans
YOUNG, S., Cassidy, L., Geraci, J., Hieptas, D., Farahzad, M. "The Sisters Project: A Milwaukee Partnership to Address Prostitution" American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, New Orleans
Halverson, J., Czinner, M., Polace, K., Hernandez-Meier, J., YOUNG, S. "Measuring an Initiative's Impact on Inter-Organizational Collaborative Capacity to Deliver Violence Prevention Activities" Society for the Advancement of Violence and Injury Research, New Orleans
Flores, J., YOUNG, S., Halverson, J., Meurer, J. "Positively Engaging Parents for Youth Violence Prevention" Society for the Advancement of Violence and Injury Research, New Orleans
Cassidy, L, Dellinger, M., Hill, R., YOUNG, S. "Is Leadership Style Associated with Resource Reductions in Local Health Departments?" Public Health Services & Systems Research Keeneland Conference, Lexington
Uyar, D., YOUNG, S. Tyree-Francis, S., Kiepczynski, M. "Teens Advocate for HPV Awareness in Milwaukee: A Youth Led Strategy and Campaign" YTH Live Conference, San Francisco
YOUNG, S. "The Sisters Project: Helping Women Exit the Violence of Prostitution" Black Women's Health Conference, New Orleans
YOUNG, S., Meurer, J., Azam, L., Cui. C., Hill, R. "The influence of patient-provider communication on diabetes care delivery" North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Cancun
Farahzad M., Cassidy L., Seal D., YOUNG, S., Johnson S., Beyer K. "Motherhood and child custody loss among female street sex workers" American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Chicago
Hill, R., YOUNG, S., Cassidy, L. "Perspectives of Local Health Department Executives for Successfully Navigating Economically Challenging Times" American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Chicago
Jackson, T., YOUNG, S., Kusch, J. "A Community's Perspective on Health Disparities in Wisconsin: Implications for Health Equity Programming" American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver
Dobbs, T., Meurer, L., Morzinski, J., Simpson, D., Guilonard, K. YOUNG, S., Klehm, D., Koch, P., Nelson, K. "Safe Transitions for Every Patient (STEP): Service-Learning in Curriculum Development" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Conference, Denver
YOUNG, S. "The Organization of Work among Urban Community-Based Health Professionals" American Sociological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco
Ahmed, S., DeNomie, M., YOUNG, S. "Community Engagement in Research: Strategies to Learn From Challenges" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Conference, Vancouver
Morzinski, J., YOUNG, S., Wells, A. "Partnering With Churches to Promote and Sustain Community Health" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Conference, Vancouver
Meurer LN, YOUNG, S, Meurer JR, Johnson S, Seal DW, Gilbert I. "The Urban and Community Health Pathway: Preparing socially responsive physicians through community-engaged learning" Association of American Medical Colleges/Centers for Disease Control, P
YOUNG, S., Koch, P., Morzinski, J., Simpson, D. "Care Transitions: A Qualitative Analysis of Students' Critical Incidents" Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Conference, New Orleans
Densmore, E., Koch, P., YOUNG, S., Havas, N., Toth, H., Weisgerber, M., Morzinski, J., Marcdante, K., Simpson, D. "Medical Students' Perceived Challenges to Effective Care Transitions" Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Conference, Denver
YOUNG, S., Havas, N., Marcdante, K., Simpson, D. "The Impact of Care Transitions on Patient Outcomes: A Student Perspective of Critical Incidents" Association of American Medical Colleges Annual Conference, Denver
YOUNG, S., Smith, S., Barton, B., Mishefske, S., Meurer, J. "Violence Prevention Initiative: A Public Health Approach to Reducing Violence in Milwaukee" American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Boston
YOUNG, S., Barnett, A. "Around the Corner to Better Health: Cultivating Healthy Corner Stores in Milwaukee" American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Boston
YOUNG, S. "Parish Nursing and Community Health for Vulnerable Populations" Eastern Sociological Association Annual Conference, Baltimore
YOUNG, S. "Parish Nursing and Community Health" Southern Sociological Society Annual Conference, Charlotte
YOUNG, S., Beck, B., Newton, G., Bates, T., Wolff, M. "Partners for Progress: A Partnership to Improve Health in Milwaukee Public Housing", Health Summit 2000
YOUNG, S., Robertson, R. "A Partnership for Care: A Medical Student-Faculty Clinic for the Uninsured", Wisconsin Public Health Association Annual Conference
YOUNG, S., Wolff, M. "Community Health Advocates in Milwaukee Public Housing", Wisconsin Public Health Association Annual Conference
Beversdorf, S., YOUNG, S., Servais, E. "Community-Academic Partnerships for a Healthy Wisconsin", Wisconsin Community Leadership Summit
Beversdorf, S., YOUNG, S., Beck, B. "Skills for Building Effective, Healthy Partnerships", Wisconsin Public Health Association
Tipnis, S., Bower, D., Larson, G., YOUNG, S., Begaz, T., Simpson, D. "Medical Student Reflections on Difficult Patient Encounters: An Analysis of Lessons Learned" Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Conference, Rochester
Meurer, L., YOUNG, S., Bower, D., Meurer, J., Layde, P., Simpson, D., Hargarten, S., Frisch, K., Wells, A. "A Population-based Model for Patient-Centered Care: A Conceptual Framework for Curriculum Redesign" Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Conference, Rochester
Meurer, L., YOUNG, S., Bower, D., Meurer, J., Layde, P., Simpson, D., Hargarten, S., Frisch, K., Wells, A. "Applying a Population-based Model for Patient-Centered Care to Develop Socially Responsive Physicians" Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Conference, Rochester
YOUNG, S., Begaz, T., Tipnis, S., Bower, D., Larson, G., Webb, T., Simpson, D. "Using Critical Incidents to Identify Difficult Patient Care Encounters: Implications for Teaching Patient Centered Care" Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Conference, Rochester
YOUNG, S., Meurer, L. "Integrating Population Health Concepts into an Evolving Innovative Curriculum" Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Conference, Chicago
Koch, P., YOUNG, S., Simpson, D. "Safe Transitions for Every Patient: It Matters to You" Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine Annual Conference, Milwaukee
DeNomie, M., Barnett, A., YOUNG, S., Gass, E., Sabir, J., Smith, L. "Around the Corner to Better Health" Wisconsin Health Improvement and Research Partnerships Forum, Madison
Simpson, D., Marcdante, K., Morzinski, J., Meurer, L., STEP Collaborative. "Approaching Faculty Development As Service Learning: Step Program" Central Group on Educational Affairs Annual Conference, Chicago
YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "Isaac Coggs Saturday Clinic for the Uninsured", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Education Forum
YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "Urban and Rural Ambassadors: Medical Students in Wisconsin Communities", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Beversdorf, S., Diehr, S., YOUNG, S. "Story Sessions - An Old Way to Learn", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Wolff, M., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "An Evaluation of the Milwaukee County General Assistance Medical Program", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
YOUNG, S., Hunter, P., Wolff, M. Maurana, C. "Isaac Coggs Saturday Clinic: Medical Students Reaching Out to Milwaukee's Uninsured Populations", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
YOUNG, S. "Community Based Medical Education and Research", Apprenticeship in Medicine Program
YOUNG, S. "The Milwaukee County General Assistance Medical Program (GAMP): A Policy Evaluation from the Patient's Perspective"
YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "The Rural and Urban Ambassador Program: Linking Medical Students and Underrepresented Youth"
Beversdorf, S., Bates, T., YOUNG, S., Gass, E., Maurana, C. "Skills for Building Effective Healthy Community-Academic Partnerships", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Beck, B., Bates, T., Beversdorf, S., YOUNG, S., Wolff, M., Ahmed, S. "Becoming a Community Responsive Physician: An M3 Community Health Curriculum", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Spens, R., YOUNG, S., Wolff, M. "Patient Empowerment Strategies for a Safety Net", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
YOUNG, S., Robertson, R., King, A., Grewal, A., Jeffers, A., Foltz, G. "The HELD Screening Venue: Medical Students in Milwaukee Public Housing", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Beck, B., YOUNG, S. "Milwaukee Public Housing Women's Perceptions of Breast Health", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Bower, D., Berdan, E., YOUNG, S., Simpson, D. "Teaching Patient Centered Healthcare as an Approach to Respecting Patient Diversity", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
King, A., Grewal, A., YOUNG, S., Robertson, R. "Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Milwaukee's Public Housing Communities", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Garrett, S., Colletti, P., Tarkington, K., Eubanks, L, YOUNG, S., Morzinski, J. "Journey of HOPE: A Community's Journey toward Improved Health", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
YOUNG, S., Holmquist, M., Ahmed, S. "Addressing Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: Implementation of Church Health Action Teams in African-American Communities", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Bower, D., Wolff, M., YOUNG, S., Gaertner, W., Ambuel, B., Hamberger, K. "Teaching Clinical Communication Skills in a Family Medicine Clerkship: A Competency Based Approach", Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
YOUNG, S., Sberna-Hinojosa, M., Hinojosa, R., Nelson, D. "Use of Food Nutrition Labels Among Racial and Ethnic Populations", The Next Step: Partnering to Enhance Community Wellness, Milwaukee
YOUNG, S. "The Organization of Advocacy Work among Community-Based Case Managers for Vulnerable Populations, " Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference, Milwaukee
Nelson, D., YOUNG, S., Sberna-Hinojosa, M. "Correlates of Racial and Ethnic Differences in Food Nutrition Label Use, " Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Ahmed, S., DeNomie, M., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. "Strategies to Learn from Community-Based Participatory Research Challenges: Prepare, Predict, Preempt, Prevent and Participate, " Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Latteman, L, Meurer, M., Lindsay Heights Neighborhood Health Alliance, YOUNG, S., Franco, Z. "The Lindsay Heights Neighbor to Neighbor Programs: Building a Culture of Community Sufficiency for Health, " Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
Morzinski, J., YOUNG, S., Havas, N., Marcdante, K., Simpson, D. "Care Transition Incidents Evoke Students' Emotion and Intentions to Change, " Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
YOUNG, S., Havas, N., Marcdante, K., Morzinski, J., Simpson, D. "The Impact of Care Transitions on Patient Outcomes, " Department of Family and Community Medicine Annual Research Forum
YOUNG, S., Wynne, N., Patterson, L., and Wolff, M. "Nurturing Healthy Youth Leaders through Faith Based Partnerships, " Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Leading the Way conference, Milwaukee
Meurer, J., Mishefske, S., Polace, K., YOUNG, S., "Violence Prevention Initiative, " Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Leading the Way conference, Milwaukee

Medical Students
Muma, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Nicole 01/2010 - 05/2011 Advisor
Sater, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Karina 01/2010 - 05/2010 Advisor
Shumway, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Nora 01/2010 - 05/2011 Advisor
Smith, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Amanda 01/2010 - 06/2012 Advisor
Toce, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Michael 01/2010 - 05/2011 Advisor
Dickey, Quality Improvement and Patient, Benjamin 05/2012 - 05/2013 Project Mentor
Safety Pathway
deAngeli, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Katherine 01/2013 - 06/2014 Advisor
Abraham, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Sherry 01/2010 - 06/2012 Advisor
Logan, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Clinton 01/2010 - 06/2012 Advisor
Desai, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Nina 01/2013 - 06/2014 Advisor
Ellsworth, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Allison 09/2013 - 06/2015 Advisor
Akauola, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Shalom 09/2014 - 06/2016 Advisor
Farahzad, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Mina 07/2015 - 06/2016 Advisor
Schwartz, Health Systems Management and Policy, Victoriana 12/2016 Advisor
Romero, Urban & Community Health Pathway, Patricia 01/2010 - 05/2011 Advisor
Graduate Students
PhD Committees
Post Doctoral Fellows
- 01/2010 Zusevics, Kaija 01/2010 - 05/2012 Public and Community Health
- 05/2012 Angove, Rebekah 05/2012 - 05/2014 Public and Community Health
- 05/2013 Quinn, Katherine 05/2013 - 05/2015 Public and Community Health
- 06/2013 Farahzad, Mina 06/2013 - 05/2015 Public and Community Health
- 01/2014 Garcia, Dina 01/2014 - 12/2015 Public and Community Health
- 06/2014 Bogar, Sandra 06/2014 - 12/2016 Public and Community Health
- 06/2015 Byonanebye, Joseph 06/2015 - 05/2017 Public and Community Health
- 08/2016 Olson, Jared 08/2016 - present Public and Community Health
- 08/2016 Halling, Meredith 08/2016 - present Public and Community Health
PhD Students Advised
- 06/2014 Azam, Laila 06/2014 - 12/2016 Public and Community Health

Educational Programs
07/2000 - 2013 Becoming a Community Responsive Physician, Family and Community Medicine M3 Clerkship
01/2006 - 2012 Patient-Centered Care M3 Intersession
04/2010 - 2013 Safe Transitions for Every Patient (STEP) M3 Intersession
• ½ day session required for all M3 students
• ½ day session required for all M3 students
• Educational product resulting from Faculty Development in Primary Care

08/1998 - 08/2000 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Urban Studies Student Admissions Committee
08/2004 - 05/2007 Hillside Healthcare International Board of Directors
04/2008 - 04/2009 Dominican High School, Academics Committee Chair
08/2009 - 06/2014 Dominican High School Board of Directors
03/2010 - 04/2011 City on a Hill Board of Directors
01/2013 - Present Co-Chair, City on a Hill Advisory Committee

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Maurana, C., YOUNG, S., Basarich, J. (2000). Medical Students as Ambassadors to Wisconsin Communities, Academic Medicine, 75(5): 534.
2. Wolff, M., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. (2000). Using Community Health Advocates to Address Cancer Prevention in Underserved Communities, Health Education and Behavior, 27(5).
3. Beck, B., Beversdorf, S., Newton, G., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. (2000). Funding Setbacks: Partnership Strategies for Success, Journal of Urban and Metropolitan Universities,11(2): 11-19.
4. Wolff, M., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. (2001). A Senior Elective: Promoting Health in Underserved Communities, Family Medicine, 33(10): 732-733.
5. Wolff, M., YOUNG, S., Maurana, C. (2001). Community Advocates in Public Housing, American Journal of Public Health, 91: 1972-1973.
6. YOUNG, S., Bates, T., Wolff, M., Maurana, C. (2002). Service-Learning in Healthy Aging for Medical Students and Family Medicine Residents, Education for Health, 15(3): 353 - 361.
7. Wolff, M., Spens, R., YOUNG, S., Lucey, P., Cooper, J. (2003). Patient Empowerment Strategies for a Safety Net, Nursing Economics, 21(5): 219-225
8. Wolff, M., Bates, T., Beck, B. YOUNG, S., Ahmed, S., Maurana, C. (2003). Cancer Prevention in Underserved African American Communities: Barriers and Effective Strategies, Wisconsin Medical Journal, 102(5): 36-40.
9. Wolff, M., YOUNG, S., Murphy, M., Holifield, J., Aitch, C., Maurana, C. (2004). Leadership in a Public Housing Community, Journal of Health Communication, 9(2): 119-126.
10. Beck B., Wolff M., Bates T., Beversdorf S., YOUNG S., Ahmed S. Development, Implementation and Evaluation of an M3 Community Health Curriculum. Med Educ Online [serial online] 2004; 9:4. Available from:
11. Wolff, M., Beck, B., YOUNG, S., Bates, T., Ahmed, S. (2004). A Health Advocate Program: Evaluation by Stakeholders. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 9(2): 2-21.
12. YOUNG, S., Wolff, M., Lucey, P., Maurana, C. (2004). The Milwaukee General Assistance Medical Program; Patient Perspectives on Primary Care in an Urban Safety Net. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 103(7): 56-60.
13. Beck, B., Wolff, M., YOUNG, S., Ahmed, S. (2005). Engaging academic physicians in a community-academic partnership: Lessons learned. Scholarship in Action: Applied Research and Community Change. Available from
14. Beck, B., YOUNG, S., Ahmed, S., Wolff, M. (2007). Development of a church-based cancer education curriculum using CBPR. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 18(1): 29 - 34.
15. Bower, D., YOUNG, S., Larson, G., Simpson, D., Tipnis, S., Begaz, T., Webb, T. (2009). Characteristics of patient encounters that challenge medical students' provision of patient-centered care. Academic Medicine, 84(10): S74-S78.
16. YOUNG, S. (2009). Professional relationships and power dynamics between urban community-based nurses and social work case managers: Advocacy in action. Professional Case Management, 14(6): 312-320.
17. YOUNG, S., Fink, A., Geiger, S., Marbella, A., Mast, A., Schellhase, K. (2010). Community blood donors' knowledge of anemia and design of a literacy-appropriate educational intervention. Transfusion, 50(1): 75-79.
18. Delaney, M., Schellhase, K., YOUNG, S., Geiger, S., Fink, A., and Mast, A. (2011). Blood center practice and education for blood donors with anemia, Transfusion, 51(5): 929-936.
19. Meurer, L., YOUNG, S., Meurer, J., Johnson, S., Gilbert, I., Diehr, S. (2011). The urban and community health pathway: Preparing socially responsive physicians through community engaged learning. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 41(4S3): S228-S236.
20. YOUNG, S., Acord, L., Schuler, S., Hansen, J. (2014). Addressing the community/public health nursing shortage through a multi-faceted regional approach. Public Health Nursing, 31(6): 566-573.
21. Koch, P., Simpson, D., Toth, H., Marcdante, K., Densmore, E., YOUNG, S., Morzinski, J., Havas, N. (2014). Clinical clerkship students' perceptions of (un)Safe transitions for every patient (STEP). Academic Medicine, 89(3): 477-481.
22. YOUNG, S., Patterson, L., Wolff, M., Greer, Y., Wynne, N. (2014). Empowerment, leadership, and sustainability in a faith-based partnership to improve health. Journal of Religion and Health. doi: 10.1007/s10943-014-9911-6.
23. Uyar, D., YOUNG, S., Tyree-Francis, S., Kiepczynski, M. (2015). Utilization of peer teen advocates to increase awareness of human papillomavirus and vaccination among urban youth. International Public Health Journal, 7(1): 57-64.
24. Thongpriwan, V., Leuck, S., Powell, R., YOUNG, S., Schuler, S., Hughes, R. (2015). Undergraduate nursing students' attitudes toward mental health nursing. Nurse Education Today, 35(8): 948-953.
25. Quinn, K., YOUNG, S., Thomas, D., Baldwin, B., Paul, M. (2015). The role of supportive housing for HIV-positive mothers and their children. Journal of Social Services Research, doi: 10.1080/01488376.2015.1057357.
26. Halverson, J., Czinner, M., Thomas, L., Johnson, T., Hernandez-Meier, J., YOUNG, S. (2015). Measuring an initiative's impact on inter-organisational collaborative capacity to deliver violence prevention activities. Injury Prevention, 21(suppl 2): A16.
27. YOUNG, S. (2015). Urban parish nurses: A qualitative analysis of the organization of work in community-based practices. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 6(2): 19-26. doi: 10.5430/jnep.v6n2p19.
28. YOUNG, S., Azam, L., Meurer, J., Hill, R., Chen, C. (2016). The influence of patient and provider communication on diabetes care delivery. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 39(3): 272-278.
29. Quinn, K., Dickson-Gomez, J., YOUNG, S. (2016). The influence of pastors' ideologies of homosexuality on HIV prevention in the Black Church. Journal of Religion and Health. DOI 10.1007/s10943-016-0243-6.
30. Morzinski, J., Toth, H., Simpson, D; YOUNG, S., Marcdante K. (2016). Students' critical incidents point the way to safer patient care transitions. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 115(2), 81-84.
31. YOUNG, S., DeNomie, M., Sabir, J., Gass, E., Tobin, J. (2017). Around the corner to better health: A Milwaukee corner store initiative. American Journal of Health Promotion. DOI: 10.1177/0890117117736970
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Ahmed, S., DeNomie, M., YOUNG, S., and Maurana, C. (2011). Strategies for Learning Participation in Community-Based Participatory Research Challenges: Prepare, Predict, Preempt, and Prevent Common Challenges While Ensuring Successful Participation. Participatory Partnerships for Social Action and Research. Kendall Hunt Publishing.
Peer Reviewed Educational Products
1. Bower, D., Webb, T., Larson, G., Tipnis, S., YOUNG, S., Berdan, E., Simpson, D. (2007). "Patient Centered Care Workshop: Providing Quality Healthcare to a Diverse Population."
2. Association of American Medical Colleges: MedEdPORTAL; Available from:
3. Koch, P, Havas, N, Densmore, E, YOUNG, S., Currey, L, Marcdante, K, Simpson, D. (2011). "Safe Transitions for Every Patient." Association of American Medical Colleges: MedEdPORTAL; Available from:
4. *YOUNG, S., Zikos A, Morzinski J, Meurer L. (2012). Safe Transitions for Every Patient (STEP): A Resource Guide for Community Preceptors. Association of American Medical Colleges: MedEdPORTAL; Available from: