Medical College of Wisconsin
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Stephen Molitor PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatrics Psychology and Developmental Medicine

Children’s Wisconsin - Milwaukee Hospital
8915 W Connell Court
Milwaukee, WI 53226

08/2009 - 05/2013 BS, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
08/2013 - 05/2015 MS, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
05/2015 - 08/2019 PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
07/2018 - 06/2019 Clinical Psychology Internship, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN

07/2019 - 07/2021 Postdoctoral Fellow, Pediatrics, Clinical Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Minnesota Medical School, 2450 Riverside Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55454

09/01/2021 - Present Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Pediatric Psychology and Developmental Medicine, Medial College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

Number Issue DateExpiration

2009 Presidential Scholarship, University of Iowa
2017 Outstanding Child/Adolescent Clinical Student, Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Psychology
2018 Graduate Student Ethics Writing Prize, American Psychological Association, Ethics Committee
2018 Donald J. Kiesler Memorial Research Fellowship Fund, Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Psychology

American Psychological Association, Division 16 (School Psychology)
American Psychological Association, Division 53 (Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology)
Society for Pediatric Liver Transplantation
American Psychological Association, Division 54 (Pediatric Psychology)
Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium

Journal Review
2016 - 2017 Journal of Attention Disorders
2016 - Present Research in Developmental Disabilities
2017 - 2020 Assessment
2017 - 2018 European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
2017 - 2019 British Journal of Educational Psychology
2017 - Present Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (Formerly Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology)
2018 - Present Child Neuropsychology
2020 - Present Behavior Research Methods
2021 - Present Journal of Pediatric Psychology
2022 - Present Development and Psychopathology
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
2016 Journal of Pediatrics
2017 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
2017 Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
2018 ADHD: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders
2019 Ethics and Behavior
2019 Journal of Psychiatric Research

05/2022 - Present Committee Member, Psychology Subcommittee, Society for Pediatric Liver Transplantation
06/2022 - Present Committee Member, Neurocognitive Steering Committee, Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Study

Non-Peer Review
Development of a Psychosocial Needs Assessment for Youth with Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
10/2017 - 05/2018
Direct Funds:

Molitor SJ, Managing Stress Related to PKD: A Family Affair, PKD Connect Conference, Virtual Format, 06/2022
Molitor SJ, Dvorsky MR, Ethical Considerations for Assessing Parent Mental Health during Child Assessment Services, American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, 08/2018
Molitor SJ, Special Populations: Problems in Cognitive & Executive Functioning, North American Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Nashville, TN, 11/2019

Langberg JM, Dvorsky MR, Molitor SJ, & Kipperman KL, The impact of daytime sleepiness and alcohol use on the functioning of college students with ADHD, American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, DC, 08/2014
Dvorsky MR, Langberg JM, Molitor SJ, & Kipperman KL, Are parent ratings a necessary component of best-practice assessment of ADHD in college students?, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 11/2014
Langberg JM, Dvorsky MR, Molitor SJ, Bourchtein E, Eddy LD, & Smith ZR, Refinement, evaluation, and dissemination of the Homework Organization and Planning Skills (HOPS) program, Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR), San Francisco, CA., 06/2016

Medical College of Wisconsin
04/2022 - Present Member, Pediatric Residency Program Mental and Behavioral Health Task Force, Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2022 - Present Psychology Residency Selection Committee, Pediatrics

Resident and Fellow Education
07/2022 - Present Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow Therapy Supervisor

Graduate Student Education
2016 - 2017 Virginia Commonwealth University, Annual Guest Lecture for Tests of Intelligence Course, Topic: Assessment of ADHD
12/03/2021 Children's Wisconsin, CW Psychology Practicums Didactics: "Transplant Psychology"
Resident and Fellow Education
08/2019 - 07/2021 University of Minnesota Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Clinical Psychology Internship Program, Depression, Adjustment Disorder, and Grief in Pediatric Chronic Illness (bi-annual seminar)
08/2019 - 07/2021 University of Minnesota Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Clinical Psychology Internship Program, Assessment of Memory (bi-annual seminar)
08/2019 - 07/2021 University of Minnesota Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Clinical Psychology Internship Program, Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Psychology (bi-annual seminar)
07/2020 - 07/2021 University of Minnesota Medical School, Department of Pediatrics, Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Program, Depression in Pediatric Settings (Monthly Seminar)
Continuing Medical Education
11/17/2021 Children's Wisconsin, Connect with Children's CME Webinar, "Caring for the Caregiver: Supporting Caregiver Well-Being in Pediatric Settings"
Community/Lay Public
2015 - 2016 Virginia Commonwealth University, PSYC 401: Physiological Psychology (Lead Instructor)
2018 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Mental Health Screen Tracking Log Webinar, Topic: Implementing a Tracking System for Mental Health Coordinators

Clinical Programs
06/2022 - Present Multidisciplinary Chronic Kidney Disease Clinic

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Molitor, SJ, & Lenoble, J. (in press). Integrating Parent Mental Health Assessment into Pediatric Psychology: Applying an Ethics-Based Model. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology.
2. Kalstabakken AW, Molitor SJ, Gross AC, Georgieff MK, Boys CJ. Predictive Value of Developmental Assessment in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Follow-Up Clinic. J Pediatr Psychol. 2021 Aug 11;46(7):814-823.
3. Molitor SJ, Fox CK, Bensignor MO, Gross AC. Validity of the Adult Eating Behavior Questionnaire for adolescents treated in a weight management clinic. Int J Obes (Lond). 2021 May;45(5):1086-1094.
4. Zendarski N, Breaux R, Eadeh HM, Smith ZR, Molitor SJ, Mulraney M, Bourchtein E, Green CD, Sciberras E. Peer Victimization and Poor Academic Outcomes in Adolescents With ADHD: What Individual Factors Predict Risk? J Atten Disord. 2021 Aug;25(10):1455-1465.
5. Borschuk AP, Molitor S, Everhart RS, Siracusa C, Filigno SS. Executive functioning in pediatric cystic fibrosis: A preliminary study and conceptual model. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2020 Apr;55(4):939-947.
6. Langberg JM, Molitor SJ, Oddo LE, Eadeh HM, Dvorsky MR, Becker SP. Prevalence, Patterns, and Predictors of Sleep Problems and Daytime Sleepiness in Young Adolescents With ADHD. J Atten Disord. 2020 Feb;24(4):509-523.
7. Molitor SJ, Dvorsky MR. Ethical Considerations for Assessing Parent Mental Health during Child Assessment Services. Ethics Behav. 2019;29(2):87-100. PMCID: PMC8220894
8. Everhart RS, Molitor SJ, Wentz D, Schmidt HJ, Schechter MS. Identifying and Integrating Parent Priorities for Psychosocial Support Services in a Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Clinic. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2019 Jun;26(2):235-241.
9. Langberg JM, Breaux RP, Cusick CN, Green CD, Smith ZR, Molitor SJ, Becker SP. Intraindividual variability of sleep/wake patterns in adolescents with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2019 Nov;60(11):1219-1229. PMCID: PMC6800768
10. Breaux RP, Langberg JM, Molitor SJ, Dvorsky MR, Bourchtein E, Smith ZR, Green CD. Predictors and Trajectories of Response to the Homework, Organization, and Planning Skills (HOPS) Intervention for Adolescents With ADHD. Behav Ther. 2019 Jan;50(1):140-154.
11. Breaux RP, Langberg JM, Bourchtein E, Eadeh HM, Molitor SJ, Smith ZR. Brief homework intervention for adolescents with ADHD: Trajectories and predictors of response. Sch Psychol. 2019 Mar;34(2):201-211.
12. Eadeh HM, Langberg JM, Molitor SJ, Behrhorst K, Smith ZR, Evans SW. Factor Structure and Convergent Validity of the Stress Index for Parents of Adolescents (SIPA) in Adolescents With ADHD. Assessment. 2019 Jul;26(5):825-838.
13. Langberg JM, Smith ZR, Dvorsky MR, Molitor SJ, Bourchtein E, Eddy LD, Eadeh HM, Oddo LE. Factor structure and predictive validity of a homework motivation measure for use with middle school students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Sch Psychol Q. 2018 Sep;33(3):390-398.
14. Breaux RP, Langberg JM, McLeod BD, Molitor SJ, Smith ZR, Bourchtein E, Green CD. The importance of therapeutic processes in school-based psychosocial treatment of homework problems in adolescents with ADHD. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2018 May;86(5):427-438.
15. Smith ZR, Becker SP, Garner AA, Rudolph CW, Molitor SJ, Oddo LE, Langberg JM. Evaluating the Structure of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Using Confirmatory Factor Analytic and Bifactor Modeling With Parent and Youth Ratings. Assessment. 2018 Jan;25(1):99-111.
16. Eddy LD, Dvorsky MR, Molitor SJ, Bourchtein E, Smith Z, Oddo LE, Eadeh HM, Langberg JM. Longitudinal Evaluation of the Cognitive-Behavioral Model of ADHD in a Sample of College Students With ADHD. J Atten Disord. 2018 Feb;22(4):323-333.
17. Molitor SJ, Langberg JM. Using task performance to inform treatment planning for youth with ADHD: A systematic review. Clin Psychol Rev. 2017 Dec;58:157-173.
18. Langberg JM, Dvorsky MR, Molitor SJ, Bourchtein E, Eddy LD, Smith ZR, Oddo LE, Eadeh HM. Overcoming the research-to-practice gap: A randomized trial with two brief homework and organization interventions for students with ADHD as implemented by school mental health providers. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2018 Jan;86(1):39-55.
19. Molitor SJ, Langberg JM, Evans SW, Dvorsky MR, Bourchtein E, Eddy LD, Smith ZR, Oddo LE. Evaluating the Factor Validity of the Children's Organizational Skills Scale in Youth with ADHD. School Ment Health. 2017 Jun;9(2):143-156. PMCID: PMC5624737
20. Eadeh HM, Bourchtein E, Langberg JM, Eddy LD, Oddo L, Molitor SJ, Evans SW. Longitudinal Evaluation of the Role of Academic and Social Impairment and Parent-Adolescent Conflict in the Development of Depression in Adolescents with ADHD. J Child Fam Stud. 2017 Sep;26(9):2374-2385. PMCID: PMC5916842
21. Langberg JM, Dvorsky MR, Molitor SJ, Bourchtein E, Eddy LD, Smith Z, Schultz BK, Evans SW. Longitudinal evaluation of the importance of homework assignment completion for the academic performance of middle school students with ADHD. J Sch Psychol. 2016 Apr;55:27-38. PMCID: PMC5134299
22. Dvorsky MR, Langberg JM, Molitor SJ, Bourchtein E. Clinical Utility and Predictive Validity of Parent and College Student Symptom Ratings in Predicting an ADHD Diagnosis. J Clin Psychol. 2016 Apr;72(4):401-18.
23. Molitor SJ, Langberg JM, Evans SW. The written expression abilities of adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Res Dev Disabil. 2016;51-52:49-59. PMCID: PMC5134244
24. Molitor SJ, Langberg JM, Bourchtein E, Eddy LD, Dvorsky MR, Evans SW. Writing abilities longitudinally predict academic outcomes of adolescents with ADHD. Sch Psychol Q. 2016 Sep;31(3):393-404. PMCID: PMC5134247
25. Langberg JM, Dvorsky MR, Becker SP, Molitor SJ. School Maladjustment and External Locus of Control Predict the Daytime Sleepiness of College Students With ADHD. J Atten Disord. 2016 Sep;20(9):792-801.
26. Langberg JM, Dvorsky MR, Kipperman KL, Molitor SJ, Eddy LD. Alcohol use longitudinally predicts adjustment and impairment in college students with ADHD: The role of executive functions. Psychol Addict Behav. 2015 Jun;29(2):444-54.
27. Perone S, Molitor SJ, Buss AT, Spencer JP, Samuelson LK. Enhancing the executive functions of 3-year-olds in the Dimensional Change Card Sort task. Child Dev. 2015;86(3):812-27. PMCID: PMC4646608
28. Evans SW, Langberg JM, Egan T, Molitor SJ. Middle school-based and high school-based interventions for adolescents with ADHD. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2014 Oct;23(4):699-715. PMCID: PMC4167775
29. Langberg JM, Dvorsky MR, Becker SP, Molitor SJ. The impact of daytime sleepiness on the school performance of college students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a prospective longitudinal study. J Sleep Res. 2014 Jun;23(3):318-25.
30. Harshman LA, Ward RC, Matheson MB, Dawson A, Kogon AJ, Lande MB, Molitor SJ, Johnson RJ, Wilson C, Warady BA, Furth SL, Hooper SR. The Impact of Pediatric CKD on Educational and Employment Outcomes. Kidney360. 2023 Oct 01;4(10):1389-1396. PMCID: PMC10615373
31. Molitor SJ, Fidler AL, Sinisterra M, Everhart RS, Delgado S, Fedele DA. Associations between symptoms of ADHD/ODD and health outcomes in youth with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2024 Mar;59(3):809-812.
32. Mai K, Dawson AE, Gu L, LaMotte JE, Molitor S, Zimmerman CT. Common mental health conditions and considerations in pediatric chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol. 2024 Oct;39(10):2887-2897.
33. Fox CK, Molitor SJ, Vock DM, Peterson CB, Crow SJ, Gross AC. Appetitive and psychological phenotypes of pediatric patients with obesity. Pediatr Obes. 2024 Apr;19(4):e13101.
34. Ward RC, Kogon AJ, Matheson MB, Dawson A, Hooper SR, Molitor S, Wong C, Furth SL, Warady BA, Harshman LA. Psychotropic Medication Usage in Pediatric CKD: Reporting from the CKD in Children Cohort. Kidney360. 2024 Jul 01;5(7):967-973. PMCID: PMC11296547
35. Molitor SJ, Aguilera V, Lerret S. Educational Needs of the Adolescent Transplant Recipient: A Developmental Approach to Understanding Transplant. Pediatr Transplant. 2024 Aug;28(5):e14812.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Langberg, JM, Breaux, R, Dvorsky, MR, Molitor, SJ, Smith, ZR, & Bourchtein, E. (2020). The homework, organization, and planning skills (HOPS) intervention. In T. Farmer, M. Conroy, B. Farmer, & K. Sutherland (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Emotional & Behavioral Disabilities: Interdisciplinary Developmental Perspectives on Children and Youth. Routledge
2. Langberg, JM, Dvorsky, MR, & Molitor, SJ (2020). The Homework, Organization, and Planning Skills (HOPS) Intervention. In A. Reschly, S. Christenson, & A. Pohl (Eds.). Student Engagement: Effective Academic, Behavioral, Cognitive, and Affective Interventions at School. New York, NY: Springer.