Medical College of Wisconsin
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Theresa L. Kapke MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Anesthesiology
Division of Pediatric Anesthesiology

Children’s Wisconsin - Milwaukee Hospital
8915 W Connell Court
Milwaukee, WI 53226

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Lawton KE, Kapke TL, Gerdes AC. Understanding parental locus of control in Latino parents: Examination of cultural influences and help-seeking intentions for childhood ADHD. Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2016 Apr;22(2):288-98.
2. Haack LM, Kapke TL, Gerdes AC. Rates, Associations, and Predictors of Psychopathology in a Convenience Sample of School-Aged Latino Youth: Identifying Areas for Mental Health Outreach. J Child Fam Stud. 2016 Jul;25(7):2315-2326. PMCID: PMC4917064
3. Kapke TL, Gerdes AC. Latino Family Participation in Youth Mental Health Services: Treatment Retention, Engagement, and Response. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2016 Dec;19(4):329-351.
4. Kapke TL, Grace MA, Gerdes AC, Lawton KE. Latino early adolescent mental health: Examining the impact of family functioning, familism, and global self-worth Journal of Latina/o Psychology. 2017;5(1):27-44.
5. Kapke TL, Gerdes AC, Lawton KE. Global Self-Worth in Latino Youth: The Role of Acculturation and Acculturation Risk Factors Child and Youth Care Forum. 1 June 2017;46(3):307-333.
6. Grace M, Kapke TL, Castro A, Gerdes AC. Incremental Clinical Utility of ADHD Assessment Measures With Latino Families. J Atten Disord. 2020 Dec;24(14):2030-2041.
7. Lawton KE, Gerdes AC, Kapke T. The role of acculturation differences and acculturation conflict in Latino family mental health Journal of Latina/o Psychology. May 2018;6(2):94-114.
8. Gerdes AC, Kapke TL, Grace M, Castro A. Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Outcomes of a Culturally Adapted Evidence-Based Treatment for Latino Youth With ADHD. J Atten Disord. 2021 Feb;25(3):432-447.
9. Kapke TL, Grace MA, Castro A, Gerdes AC. Examining Latino Family Participation in Treatment for Childhood ADHD: The Role of Parental Cultural Factors and Perceptions Child and Family Behavior Therapy. 3 April 2019;41(2):84-109.
10. Gonring K, Dolan B, Kapke TL, Begotka A, Sood M, Silverman AH. Group Treatment of Fecal Incontinence: A Description of an Interdisciplinary Intervention. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019 Sep;69(3):e70-e74.
11. Gerdes AC, Malkoff A, Kapke TL, Grace M. Parental ADHD Knowledge in Latinx Families: Gender Differences and Treatment Effects. J Atten Disord. 2021 Dec;25(14):1955-1961.
12. Malkoff AC, Grace M, Kapke TL, Gerdes AC. Family Functioning in Latinx Families of Children with ADHD: The Role of Parental Gender and Acculturation. J Child Fam Stud. 2020 Apr;29(4):1108-1122. PMCID: PMC7747796
13. Grace M, Kapke TL, Gerdes AC. Teachers’ Impact on Psychosocial Treatment for Latinx Youth with ADHD Child and Family Behavior Therapy. 2021;43(4):225-257.
14. Kapke TL, Karst J, LiaBraaten B, Zhang J, Yan K, Barbeau J, Hainsworth KR. Family Caregiver Acceptability of Assessing Caregiver Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Distress in Pediatric Specialty Care. Children (Basel). 2023 Feb 15;10(2). PMCID: PMC9954957
15. Salley CG, Bakula DM, Driscoll CFB, Flanagan-Priore C, Kapke TL, Moore RM, Parris KR, Sharkey CM. Call to Action: Screening and Addressing Caregiver Mental Health Needs Within All Pediatric Medical Subspecialty Settings as Standard of Care Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 2024.
16. Kapke, T., L., & Anderson Khan, K.. Mental Health Disorders and Pain. In H. N. Turner & M. L. Czarnecki (Eds.), Core Curriculum for Pain Management Nursing, 4th Edition. . .
17. Gerdes, A. C. , Kapk e, T . L. , La wton K. E. , & Grace, M.. Culturally adapting parent training for Latino youth with ADHD: Development and pilot Journal of Latino/a Psychology . .