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William Wirostko MD
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Eye Institute
925 N 87 St
Milwaukee, WI 53226

08/1986 - 05/1990 B.A., Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
08/1990 - 05/1994 M.D., University of Virginia, School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA

06/1994 - 06/1995 Intern, Transitional category, Presbyterian / St. Luke’s Hospital, Denver, CO
07/1995 - 06/1998 Resident, Ophthalmology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/1998 - 06/2000 Fellowship, Vitreoretinal surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
09/2000 Post-fellowship training, Ocular oncology, David H. Abramson, MD, Cornell University, New York, NY
05/2001 Post-fellowship training, Ocular oncology John Hungerford, FRCP, FRCS Ophth, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, England
09/2003 - 03/2004 Faculty Leadership Development Program, University Wisconsin Milwaukee / Medical College Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/2000 - 06/2007 Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Section of Vitreoretinal Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2007 - Present Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Section of Vitreoretinal Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin

07/2003 - Present Retina Section Resident Education Facilitator, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2005 - Present Retinoblastoma Support Group, Founder, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2015 - Present Activity Director, Grand Rounds, Ophthalmology, Medical College of Wisconsin
08/2016 - Present Associate Examiner, American Board of Ophthalmology

10/2000 - Present Head, Retinal Service, Zablocki Veterans Administrative Hospital, 5000 W. National Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53295

07/1999 - Present Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/1999 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/1999 - Present Zablocki Veterans Administrative Hospital, 5000 W. National Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53295
01/2001 - 01/2011 St. Joseph’s Hospital, 5000 W. Chambers, Milwaukee, WI 53210

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
National Board of Medical Examiners
American Board of Ophthalmology
Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License

03/1998 Heed Ophthalmic Fellowship Award
2000 “Who’s Who in America” listing
06/2001 Excellence in Clinical Teaching Award, Dept of Ophthalmology, Medical College of Wisconsin
2001 “America’s Top Ophthalmologists” listing
2004 “Best Doctors in America” listing
2005 “Who’s Who in the World” listing
2005 “Who’s Who in Medical Sciences Education” listing
2010 Top Doctors in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Magazine

07/1995 - Present American Medical Association
07/1995 - Present Milwaukee Ophthalmologic Society
10/1995 - Present American Academy of Ophthalmology
04/1996 - Present Assoc. for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
04/2004 - Present International Society of Ocular Oncology
08/2004 - Present American Society of Retina Specialists

Journal Review
09/2002 - Present Retina - the Journal of Retina and Vitreous Disease
10/2003 - Present Ocular Immunology and Inflammation
10/2003 - Present Ophthalmology
03/2004 - 03/2008 Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
12/2004 - Present Archives of Ophthalmology
01/2006 - Present Ophthalmic Surgery, Laser, and Imaging
07/2009 - Present Journal of Pediatric and Ophthalmic Surgery
04/2010 - Present Retinal Physician Magazine

Peer Review
Retinoblastoma Support group
Private funding
Role & Effort:
06/2005 - Present
Direct Funds:
Non-Peer Review
International Classification of Intraocular Retinoblastoma, Hospital of Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
Dept. Ophthalmology, MCW
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator for Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2004 - 03/2006
Alcon RTH258-C001 HAWK
Alcon Phaarmaceuticals, Inc.
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator for Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2013 - Present
Peer Review
The development of cataract after indirect laser therapy for retinopathy of prematurity: An animal model
The Aaberg Retina Research Foundation, Milwaukee, WI
Role & Effort:
Joint collaborator
01/1998 - 01/1999
Direct Funds:
The use of new surgical instrumentation for macular translocation in a cadaver eye model
The Aaberg Retina Research Foundation, Milwaukee, WI
Role & Effort:
Principal investigator
06/1998 - 06/2000
Direct Funds:
The use of new surgical instrumentation for macular translocation in a rabbit and pig model
The Aaberg Retina Research Foundation, Milwaukee, WI
Role & Effort:
Principal investigator
07/1998 - 06/2000
Direct Funds:
Effect of vitrectomy cutter on WBC survival
The Aaberg Retina Research Foundation, Milwaukee, WI
Role & Effort:
Principal investigator
06/2009 - 05/2010
Direct Funds:
Non-Peer Review
The identification of Mycoplasma-like organisms in synovial fluid from patients with rheumatoid arthritis
The Road Back Foundation, Delaware, OH
Role & Effort:
Principal investigator
05/1997 - 2003
Direct Funds:
Minimally classic/occult trial of anti-VEGF antibody RhuFab V2 in the Treatment of neovascular AMD (MARINA study
Bio-therapeutic unit – Genentech, Inc.
Role & Effort:
Sub investigator
06/2003 - 06/2006
OCT findings in cataract surgery patients
Dept. Ophthalmology, MCW
Role & Effort:
Principal investigator
09/2003 - 2006
A six-month phase 3, multicenter, masked, randomized, sham-controlled trial to assess the safety and efficacy of 700ug and 350ug dexamethasone posterior segment drug delivery system in the treatment of patients with macular edema following central retinal or branch retinal vein occlusion
Allergan, Inc.
Role & Effort:
08/2004 - 2008
Harvest of fresh uveal melanoma tissue for DNA, RNA, and protein studies
Dept. Ophthalmology, MCW
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
12/2004 - 2008
Whole Body PET/CT imaging for detection of metastatic choroidal Melanoma
Dept. Radiology
Role & Effort:
12/2004 - 2008

Wirostko E, Wirostko WJ., Crohn’s disease ocular and orbital inflammation: treatment by rifampin, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute, Annual Alumni Meeting, New York, NY, 06/1997
Wirostko E, Wirostko WJ., Antibiotics in the management of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute, Annual Alumni Meeting, New York, NY, 06/1998
Wirostko WJ., Management and outcome of suprachoroidal hemorrhage, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 02/2000
Wirostko WJ, Management and outcome of suprachoroidal hemorrhage, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, 02/2000
Wirostko WJ, Large cell lymphoma: Diagnostic issue, Advanced Vitreoretinal Technology and Techniques Symposium, Park City, UT, 07/2004
Wirostko WJ, New classification systems for retinoblastoma, Advanced Vitreoretinal Technology and Techniques Symposium, Park City, UT, 07/2004
Wirostko WJ, Genetic screening for retinoblastoma: Where do we stand?, Advanced Vitreoretinal Technology and Techniques Symposium, Park City, UT, 07/2004
Wirostko WJ, Practical approach to fundus changes in patients with leukemia, Wisconsin Academy of Ophthalmology. Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI, 05/2001
Wirostko WJ, Update on treatment for choroidal melanoma, MCW Midwest Vitreoretinal Symposium, Kohler, WI, 07/2003
Wirostko WJ, Vitrectomy and non-laser treatment of diabetic macular edema, MCW Midwest Vitreoretinal Symposium, Kohler, WI, 07/2003
Wirostko WJ, Photodynamic therapy for circumscribed choroidal hemangioma, MCW Midwest Vitreoretinal Symposium, Kohler, WI, 07/2003
Wirostko WJ, Photodynamic therapy of circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas, Wisconsin Eye MD Spring Symposium, Lake Geneva, WI, 05/2004
Wirostko WJ, Large cell lymphoma: Diagnostic issues, Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 09/2004
Wirostko WJ, Update on paraneoplastic retinopathies, Wisconsin Eye MD Spring Symposium, Waukesha, WI, 06/2006
Wirostko WJ, Update on choroidal melanoma, MCW Midwest Vitreoretinal Symposium, Kohler, WI, 09/2006
Wirostko WJ, Paraneoplastic Retinopathies, MCW Midwest Vitreoretinal Symposium, Kohler, WI, 09/2006
Wirostko WJ, Fine needle aspiration biopsy of choroidal melanoma, MCW Midwest Vitreoretinal Symposium, Lake Geneva, WI, 09/2009
Wirostko WJ, Intraocular lymphoma: maximizing your diagnostic technique, MCW Midwest Vitreoretinal Symposium, Lake Geneva, WI, 09/2009
Wirostko WJ (presenter), Mieler WF, Kim JE, Groessl SA, Guse CE, The Ocular Trauma Classification Group. A penetrating ocular trauma scoring system, Medical College of Wisconsin, Annual Residents Day, Milwaukee, WI, 04/1997
Wirostko WJ (presenter), Rao PK, Landon RE, Ophthalmology for the emergency medicine doctor, Sinai Samaritan Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 05/1997
Wirostko WJ (presenter), Mieler WF, Kim JE, . Antibiotics in the management of intraocular foreign bodies, Medical College of Wisconsin, Annual Residents’ Day, Milwaukee, WI, 05/1998
Wirostko WJ, Principles of lasers, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 1999: Lasers in Vitreoretinal Diseases, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/1999
Wirostko WJ, Masquerade syndromes in uveitis, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2000: Uveitis, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2000
Wirostko WJ, Management and outcome of suprachoroidal hemorrhage, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2000
Wirostko WJ, Retinoblastoma and other pediatric retinal diseases, Grand Rounds Presentation, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2000
Wirostko WJ, Pigmented fundus and iris lesion: When to observe, when to treat, Milwaukee Ophthalmologic Society, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2000
Wirostko WJ, Transpupillary thermotherapy, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2001: Age-related macular degeneration, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2001
Wirostko WJ, Choroidal effusions, detachments, and hemorrhages, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2002: Posterior segments complications of anterior segment surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2002
Wirostko WJ, Current state of treatment for choroidal melanoma, 25th Anniversary Eye Institute Symposium, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2002
Wirostko WJ, Update on Toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2003: Practical Approach to Macular Disease, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2003
Wirostko WJ, Ocular Trauma: pearls and pitfalls, Annual meeting of Wisconsin Chapter of American College of Emergency Physicians, Milwaukee, WI, 11/2003
Wirostko WJ, Large cell lymphoma: Diagnostic issues, Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, 11/2004
Wirostko WJ, Retinal complications of LASIK, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2004: Retina update for anterior segment surgeon, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2005
Wirostko WJ, Choroidal melanoma update: 2006, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2006: Retina update, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2006
Wirostko WJ, Update on choroidal melanoma, Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, 07/2006
Wirostko WJ, Choroidal Melanoma: 2007 and beyond, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2007: 25th Anniversary meeting, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2007
Wirostko WJ, Ocular Toxicity of Systemic Chemotherapy, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2008, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2008
Wirostko WJ, Choroidal Melanoma: Radiation Side Effects from Treatment, Resident Grand Rounds, Dept of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 06/2008
Wirostko WJ, Iris Tumors: Pearls for Diagnosis, Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, 06/2008
Wirostko WJ, Retinoblastoma and other pediatric tumors, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2009, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2009
Wirostko WJ, Retinoblastoma Update: 2009, Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, 07/2009
Wirostko WJ, Applications of ultrasound biomicroscopy, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2010, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2010
Wirostko WJ, Applications of ultrasound biomicroscopy, Eye Institute Alumni Fall Symposium, Medical College of Wisconsin, 11/2010
Wirostko WJ, Anti-VEGF therapy in the management of intraocular tumors, Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, 01/2011
Wirostko WJ, Anti-VEGF therapy in the management of intraocular tumors, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2011 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2011
Wirostko WJ, Choroidal melanoma: 2012 Update, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2012 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2012
Wirostko WJ, Management of Retinoblastoma: In a Revolutionary Transition, Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2012
Wirostko WJ, Intra-arterial chemotherapy for retinoblastoma, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2013, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2013
Wirostko WJ, Ophthalmological findings in oncology patients, Eye Instituite Fall Symposium, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2013
Wirostko WJ, New role of intraocular needles and injections for intraocular tumors, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2014, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2014
Wirostko WJ, Subtenon anesthesia for ocular surgery, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2015, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2015
Wirostko WJ, Pigmented sclera lesion, MCW Department of Ophthalmology Fall Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2015
Wirostko WJ, Evaluation and management of coagulopathies asociated with eye disease, Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 11/2015
Wirostko WJ, Update on radiation retinopathy, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2016, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2016

Hartsell S, Pankuch M, Kapur R, Sweeney PJ, Chang JH, Wirostko WJ, et al, Ciliary body sparing for ocular melanoma with 3D planning (Paper), Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, Essen, Germany, 06/2013
Wirostko E, Kleiman NJ, Wirostko WJ, Identification of Mycoplasma-like organisms in ocular tissue by both PCR and transmission electron microscopy (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 04/1996
Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Mieler WF, Pulido JS, Connor TB, et al., Suprachoroidal hemorrhage: Outcome of surgical management according to hemorrhage severity (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/1997
Mieler WF, Wirostko WJ (presenter), Kim JE, Groessl SA, Guse CE, The Ocular Trauma Classification Group. An open globe trauma scoring system (Paper), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/1997
Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Mieler WF, Pulido JS, Connor TB, et al., Suprachoroidal hemorrhage: Outcome of surgical management according to hemorrhage severity (Poster), Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, San Francisco, California, 10/1997
Levin D, Dev S, Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Mieler WF, Connor TB, Safety of posterior subtenon corticosteroid injection in known steroid responders (Paper), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/1999
Wirostko WJ (presenter), Dev S, Mieler WF, Peripheral combined hamartomas of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium (Paper), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/1999
Rao PK, Mittra RA, Rhee P, Wirostko WJ, Pulido JS, Anterior segment changes in newborn rabbit eyes with a tunica vasculosa lentis after transpupillary argon green and diode red laser (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/1999
Whitaker MD, Dev S, Mieler WF, Wirostko WJ, Pars plana vitrectomy and inferior retinal laser in management of pars planitis (Paper), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/1999
Levin D, Dev S, Han DP, Mieler WF, Connor TB, Wirostko WJ, Posterior subtenon corticosteroid injections in patients with corticosteroid induced intraocular pressure elevation (Poster), Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Orlando, Florida, 1999
Wirostko WJ, Mieler WF, Tayani R, Kim JE, Dev S, Management of vitreous hemorrhage after iodine-125 brachytherapy for uveal melanomas (Poster), Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Orlando, Florida, 1999
Whitaker M, Dev S, Wirostko WJ, Pars plana vitrectomy and inferior retinal laser in the management of pars planitis (Poster), Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Orlando, Florida, 1999
Levin DL, Wirostko WJ, Borrillo JL, Perkins SL, Phillips JR, Han DP, Koenig SB, Kim JE, Vitreoretinal B-scan echographic findings of eyes with infectious keratitis (Paper), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2000
Perkins SL, Kim JE, Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Connor TC, Clinical characteristics of central serous retinopathy in women (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2000
Carnahan MC, Wirostko WJ, Perkins SL, Han DP, Kim JE, Connor TC, Safety of cataract extraction following central retinal vein occlusion (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2000
Borrillo JL, Dev S, Wirostko WJ, Connor TC, Mieler WF, Visual outcomes and complications after anterior chamber intraocular lens placement in diabetic patients (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2000
Kazemi S, Wirostko WJ, Sinha S, Mieler WF, Koenig SB, Sheth BP, Combined pars plana lensectomy-vitrectomy with open-loop anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation for subluxated lenses (Paper), American Ophthalmological Society Annual Meeting, Pebble Beach, CA, 05/2000
Kim JE, Perkins SL, Connor TC, Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Transpupillary thermotherapy of occult subfoveal choroidal neovascularization (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2000
Hong PH, Han DP, Wirostko WJ, Vitrectomy for large vitreous opacity in retinitis pigmentosa: an ultrastructural evaluation (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2000
Carnahan MC, Wirostko WJ, Perkins SL, Kim JE, Connor TC, Han DP, The vitroretinal use of perfluorocarbon liquid in the pediatric population (Poster), Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2001
Perkins SL, Han DP, Schlievert P, Burke JM, Wirostko WJ, Tarasewicz DG, Skumatz CM, The ability of human immune globulin to attenuate the toxic effects of pooled Staphylococcus aureus exotoxins (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2002
Tweari A, Eliott D, Perkins SL, Holtebeck A, Wirostko WJ, Connor T, Visual outcomes and progression of diabetic retinopathy in cataract extraction complicated by retained lens fragments (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2002
Kim SH, Kim JE, Connor TB, Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Transpupillary thermotherapy for the treatment of occult subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in age related macular degeneration (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2002
Sramek SJ, Kim JE, Hoitink CE, Wolf WD, Han DP, Connor TB, Wirostko WJ, Photodynamic therapy with verteporfin: Comparison of clinical outcomes with TAP study group (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2002
Wirostko WJ (presenter), Aaberg TM Jr., Kim JE, Chang T, Mieler WF, Stur M, Glaser DA, Martin DF, Photodynamic therapy of circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas (Paper), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2003
Iyer MN, Han DP, Connor TB, Kim JE, Wirostko WJ, Dev S, The role of subconjunctival antibiotics as an adjunct to intravitreal antibiotics in the management of acute postoperative endophthalmitis (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2003
Shah KB, Kim JE, Connor TB, Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Transpupillary thermotherapy plus indocyanine green dye enhancement for the treatment of occult subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2003
Pfaff A, Wirostko WJ, Management of cystoid macular edema resistant to topical medications (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2004
Kim, JE, Zoumalan CI, Han DP, Moon SJ, Wirostko WJ, Connor TB, Shah KB, A comparison between OCT and fluorescein angiography in the detection of pseudophakic cystoid macular edema (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2004
Covert DJ, Han DP, Kim JE, Wirostko WJ, Connor TB, Moon SJ, Hamilton R, Cognitive variables in the fluorescein angiographic interpretation of evolving predominantly classic choroidal neovascular membranes in age-related macular degeneration (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2005
Yang R, Wirostko WJ, Sheth BP, Kim JE, Koenig SB, Quantitative Assessment of Retinal Thickness in Patients Who Have Undergone Cataract Surgery (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2005
Hassemer EL, Schneck K, Talamas E, Koeberl, Wirostko WJ, Sidjanin DJ, A 1-bp deletion in the RDS-peripherin gene in a patient with adult-onset macular dystrophy (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2006
Wirostko WJ, Covert DJ, Han DP, Connor TB, Kim JE, Hammersley J, Lindgren K, Microbiological spectrum of organisms isolated from explanted sclera buckles (Poster), Retina Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 09/2007
Covert DJ, Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Hammersley J, Lindgren KC, Connor TC, Kim JE, Risk Factors for Scleral Buckle Removal: A Matched, Case-Control Study (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 04/2008
Bhatia SK, Covert DJ, Wirostko WJ, Burnes E, Intraocular pressure elevation with radioactive plaque brachytherapy for choroidal melanoma (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 04/2008
Fish R, Wirostko WJ, Intraocular penetration of the Resnick 25 gauge subretinal drainage fluid needle (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2008
Han DP, McAllister JT, Kim JE, Weinberg DV, Wirostko WJ, Combined intravitreal anti-VEGF and verteporfin photodynamic therapy for non-foveal choroidal neovascularization: a possible alternative to macular photocoagulation (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2008
Hammersley J, Covert DJ , Han DP, Wirostko WJ, Lindgren KE, Connor TB, Kim JE, Outcomes and complications of sclera buckle removal (Paper), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2009
Singh GK, Kapur R, Wirostko WJ, Harrington A, Koozekanani D, Effect of different gauge vitrector and cut rate on leukocyte degeneration (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 05/2010
Dubis AM, Hansen SO, Costakos D, Wirostko WJ, Carroll J, Pediatric retinal imaging with SD-OCT (Poster), Fall Meeting, Optical Society of America, San Jose, CA, 10/2011
Karth PA, Chang A, Wirostko WJ, Paired responses to bevacizumab in CSMDE (Paper), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 05/2012
Batson S, Hansen S, Karth P, Cooper T, Scoles D, Weinberg D, Dubra A, Kim J, Carroll J, Wirostko WJ, Assessing photoreceptor structure following macular hole closure (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, WA, 05/2013
Wilk MA, McAllister J, Patitucci T, Dubis A, Stepien K, Wirostko W, Costakos D, Brilliant M, Summer C, Carroll J, Characterizing the spectrum of foveal specialization in albinism using AOSLO and SD-OCT (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, WA, 05/2013
Reichstein DR, Wirostko WJ, Warren CW, Han DP, Anesthesia with Blunt Subtenon Cannula vs. Sharp Retrobulbar Needle for Vitreoretinal Surgery: A Retrospective, Comparative Study (Poster), Annual Spring Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Denver, CO, 05/2015

Medical College of Wisconsin
02/2004 - 04/2013 Member, Institutional Review Board, Medical College of Wisconsin
08/2005 - 04/2013 Departmental reviewer, eIRB, Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Student Education
03/2002 - Present Bi-monthly Ophthalmology Trauma Lecture for 3rd year medical students
07/2002 - Present Medical Student Clinical Advisor in Ophthalmology
07/2003 - Present Assistant instructor, “Metabolic Diseases and the Eye” (M4 Selective)
09/2007 Ophthalmology Clinical Teacing Session for Sophomore medical students
Resident and Fellow Education
07/2003 - Present Retina Section Resident Education Facilitator
Continuing Medical Education
10/2001 Age-related Macular Degeneration and diabetic retinopathy for the primary care physician
01/2002 Course director. Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2002: Posterior segments complications of anterior segment surgery
02/2004 Course director. Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2004: Retina update for anterior segment surgeon
02/2011 Course Director, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2011: Retina Update
02/2017 Course Director, Mid-Winter Retina Symposium 2017: Retina Update
Community/Lay Public
02/1999 Wirostko WJ. Diabetes and the eye. Milwaukee Association of Surgical Technicians – Ophthalmology Seminar

Resident and Fellow Education
09/2000 - Present Zablocki VA Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, Retina staff attending, Resident Retina clinic
Community/Lay Public
01/1997 Concordia University, Mequon, WI, Sheth BS, Wirostko WJ. Ophthalmology for the nurse practitioner
08/2000 Kiwanis Club, Elm Grove. Milwaukee, WI, Wirostko WJ. Age-related Macular Degeneration
09/22/2004 Waukesha Senior Concerns Consortium, Wirostko WJ. Age-related macular degeneration
10/2005 Living with Age-Related Macular Degeneration Seminar, Milwaukee WI, Wirostko, WJ. Age-related macular degeneration: overview.
09/12/2007 Zablocki VA hospital. Milwaukee, WI, Wirostko, WJ. Diabetic eye changes
10/2007 Living with Age-Related Macular Degeneration Seminar, Milwaukee WI, Wirostko WJ. Age-related macular degeneration: overview.
04/2009 Center for Blind and Visually Impaired Children, Milwaukee, WI, Wirostko WJ. Ocular Gene Therapy
04/2010 Living with Age-Related Macular Degeneration Seminar, Wirostko WJ. Age-related macular degeneration: overview.
04/2016 FMCCP Billing and Coding Seminar, Wirostko WJ. Ophthalmology for Non-Ophthalmologists

07/2003 - 06/2004 Alex Lee, MD, Ophthalmology Resident, Faculty Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2005 - 06/2008 Douglas Covert, MD, Ophthalmology Resident, Faculty Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2010 - 06/2013 Kweku Grant-Acquah, MD, Ophthalmology Resident, Faculty Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2016 - Present Michael Eddins, MD, Faculty Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Wirostko E, Johnson L, Wirostko W. Chronic leucocytoclastic bacterial vitritis: A lymphocyte transmission electron microscopic study. J Submicrosc Cytol 19:651-656, 1987.
2. Wirostko E, Johnson L, Wirostko W. Mouse interstitial lung disease and pleuritis - Induction by human Mollicute-like organisms. Br J Exp Pathol 69:891-902, 1988.
3. Wirostko E, Johnson L, Wirostko W. Chronic intracellular leucocytoclastic bacterial vitritis- A transmission electron microscopic study of the monocytes. J Submicrosc Cytol Pathol 20:463-470, 1988.
4. Johnson L, Wirostko E, Wirostko W. Mouse lethal cardiovascular disease: Induction by human leukocyte intracellular Mollicutes. Br J Exp Path 69:265-279, 1988.
5. Wirostko E, Johnson L, Wirostko W. Mouse chronic exophthalmic orbital inflammatory disease: Induction by human Mollicute-like organisms. Virchows Arch A 413:349-355, 1988.
6. Wirostko E, Johnson L, Wirostko W. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis inflammatory eye disease. Parasitization of ocular leukocytes by Mollicute-like organisms. J Rheumatol 16:1446-1453, 1989.
7. Johnson L, Wirostko E, Wirostko W. Crohn's disease uveitis. Parasitization of vitreous leukocytes by Mollicute-like organisms. Am J Clin Pathol 91:259-264, 1989.
8. Johnson L, Wirostko E, Wirostko W. Primary biliary cirrhosis in the mouse: Induction by human Mycoplasma-like organisms. Int J Exp Path 71:701-712, 1990.
9. Johnson L, Wirostko E, Wirostko W, Rotterdam H. Mycoplasma-like organism induced murine cardiac microvasculopathy. A transmission electron microscope study. Path Res Pract 189:448-452, 1993.
10. Wirostko WJ, Ruttum MS, Lewandowski MF. Evaluating suspected papilledema with ocular echography. J Ped Ophthalmol Strab 35:290-1, 1998.
11. Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Mieler WF, Pulido JS, Connor TB, et al. Suprachoroidal hemorrhage: Outcome of surgical management according to hemorrhage severity. Ophthalmol 105:2271-5, 1998.
12. Wirostko WJ, Pulido JS, Hendrix LE. Selective thrombolysis of central retinal artery occlusion without long-term systemic heparinization. Surgical Neurology, 50(5):408-10, 1998.
13. Wirostko WJ, Garcia G, Cory S, Harris GJ. Acute dacryocystitis as a presenting sign of pediatric leukemia. Am J Ophthalmol, 127(6):734-6, 1999.
14. Wirostko WJ, Connor TB, Wagner P. Recurrent post-streptococcal uveitis. Arch Ophthalmol, 117:1649-50, 1999.
15. Wirostko WJ, Mieler WF, Law SK, Kalenak JW, Trible JR, et al. Postoperative hypotony and retinal complications following glaucoma valve implantation. International Ophthalmology Clinics, 40:1-12, 2000.
16. Wirostko WJ, Mittra RA, Rao PK, Borrillo JL, Dev S, Mieler WF. A combination light pipe, soft-tipped suction, and infusion cannula instrument for macular translocation. Am J Ophthalmol, 129(4):549-50, 2000.
17. Wirostko WJ, Han DP. Complications of pneumatic retinopexy. Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 11:195-200,2000.
18. Kazemi S, Wirostko WJ, Sinha S, Mieler WF, Koenig SB, Sheth BP. Combined pars plana lensectomy-vitrectomy with open loop anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation for subluxated lenses. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc SVCIII: 247-254, 2000.
19. Hong P, Han DP, Burke J, Wirostko WJ. Pars plana vitrectomy for vitreous opacities in eyes with retinitis pigmentosa. Am J Ophthalmol, 131(1): 133-4, 2001.
20. Wirostko WJ, Han DP. Endophthalmitis: Treatment approach for 2002. Ophthalmic Practice 2002; 20(3):112-116.
21. Levin DS, Han DP, Dev S, Wirostko WJ, Mieler WF, et al. Subtenon's depot corticosteroid injections in patients with a history of corticosteroid-induced intraocular pressure elevation. Am J Ophthalmol 2002; 133:196-202.
22. Wirostko WJ, Kivlin JD. Successful treatment of orthodontic associated endophthalmitis. Amer J Ophthalmol, 2002; 134:449-50.
23. Wirostko WJ, Han DP. Endophthalmitis: Treatment approach for 2003. Clinical and Surgical Ophthalmology 2003; 1/21(11): 456-60.
24. Iyer MN, Han DP, Yun HJ, Eastwood D, Kim, Connor TB, Wirostko WJ, Dev S. Subconjunctival antibiotics for acute postcataract extraction endophthalmitis - is it necessary? Am J Ophthalmol 2004; 137:112-1.
25. Perkins SL, Han DP, Burke J, Schlievert PM,Wirostko WJ, Tarasewicz DG, Skumatz CMB. Intravitreally injected human immune globulin attenuates the effect of staphylococcus aureus culture supernatant in a rabbit model of toxin-mediated endophthalmitis. Arch Ophthalmol 2004; 122:1499-1506.
26. Iyer MN, Wirostko WJ, Kim SH, Simons KB. Staphylococcus hominis endophthalmitis associated with a capsular hypopyon. Amer J Ophthalmol, 2005; 139:930-932.
27. Moon SJ, Wirostko WJ. Photodynamic therapy for extrafoveal choroidal neovascularization associated with choroidal nevus. Retina, 2006; 26:477-479.
28. Mruthyunjaya P, Wirostko WJ, Chandrashekar R, Stinnett S, Lai JC, Deramo V, Tang J, Dev S, Postel EA, Connor TB, Fekrat S. Central retinal vein occlusion in patients on long-term Coumadin® anticoagulation. Retina, 2006;26:285-291.
29. Kim, JE, Shah K, Han DP, Connor TC, Wirostko WJ. Transpupillary thermotherapy with indocyanine green dye enhancement for the treatment of occult subfoveal choroidal neovascularization from age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers, and Imaging; 2006: 37:272-7.
30. Covert DJ, Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Connor TB, Kim JE, Hammersley J, Lidgren K. Risk Factors for Scleral Buckle Removal. Case-control study. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2008; 106:171-7.
31. Covert DJ, Wirostko WJ, Han DP, Lindgren KE, Hammersley JA, Connor TB, Kim JE. Risk factors for scleral buckle removal. A matched, case-control study. Amer Journal Ophthalmol 2008; 146:434-439.
32. Wirostko WJ, Covert DJ, Han DP, Connor TB, Kim JE, Hammersley J, Lidgren K. Microbiological spectrum of organisms isolated from explanted sclera buckles. Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers Imaging 2009; 40:201-2.
33. George B, Wirostko WJ, Connor TB, Choong NW. Complete and Durable Response of Choroid Metastasis from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with Systemic Bevacizumab and Chemotherapy . Journal of Thoracic Oncology; 2009: 4:661-2.
34. Koenig SB, Fish R, Wirostko WJ. Candida Keratitis Following
35. Descemet's Stripping and Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK). Cornea; 2009: 28:471-3.
36. Covert DJ, Han DP, Kim JE, Connor TB Jr, Wirostko WJ, Moon SJ, Hamilton R. Physician assessment of changing lesion size of predominantly classic choroidal neovascular membranes in age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2009; 40(6):554-60.
37. Han DP, McAllister JT, Weinberg DV, Kim JE, Wirostko WJ. Combined Intravitreal Anti-VEGF and Verteporfin Photodynamic Therapy for Juxtafoveal and Extrafoveal Choroidal Neovascularization: A Possible Alternative to Macular Photocoagulation. EYE; 2010: 24:713-6.
38. Koozekanani D, Connor TC, Wirostko WJ. RetCam II Fluorescein Angiography to Guide Treatment and Diagnosis of Coats Disease. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2010; 9:1-3.
39. Covert DJ, Bhatia S, Wirostko WJ. Intraocular pressure elevation during radioactive plaque brachytherapy for uveal melanoma. Arch Ophthalmol, accepted for publication.
40. Schell JC, Koenig SB, Bastin K, Wirostko WJ. Intracameral bevacizumab administered for non-small cell lung cancer metastasis to iris. Clinics and Practice 2011; 1(2):E39
41. Wirostko WJ, Nordgren RN, Dubis AM. Topographical choroidal thickness changes following PDT for CSC: OCT case report. Journal of Ophthalmology, 2012: 10. 1155/347206.
42. Onken MD, Worley LA, Char DH, Augsburger JJ, Correa ZM, Nudleman E, Aaberg TM, Altaweel MM, Bardenstein DS, Finger PT, Gallie BL, Harocopos GJ, Hovland PG, McGowan HD, Milman T, Mruthyunjaya P, Simpson ER, Smith ME, Wilson DJ, Wirostko WJ, Harbour JW. Collaborative Ocular Oncology Group Report No. 1: Prospective validation of a multi-gene prognostic assay in uveal melanoma. Ophthalmology 2012: 119(8): 1596-603.
43. Dubis, AM, Costakos DM, Subramaniam CD, Godara P, Wirostko WJ, Carroll J. Examination of human foveal anatomy using optical coherence tomography. Arch Ophthalmol: 2012: 130(10): 1291-1300.
44. Han DP, Covert DJ, Wirostko WJ, Hammersley JA, Lindgren KE. Scleral buckle removal in the vitrectomy era: A 20-year clinical experience. Retina 2013; 33(2):387-91.
45. Karth PK, Chang A, Wirostko WJ. Paired Responses to bevacizumab in diabetic macular edema: predictors of response in the fellow eye. Graefe’s Arch Clin Exper Ophthalmology 2014; 252 (2):207-11.
46. Langlo CS, Flatter JA, Dubra A, Wirostko WJ, Carroll J. A lensing effect of inner retinal cysts on images of the photoreceptor mosaic. Retina 2013. 34 (2): 421-2.
47. Carroll J, Dubra A, Connor TB, Wirostko WJ. Outer Retinal Structure Following Closed Globe Blunt Ocular Trauma. Retina 2014. 34(10): 2133-46.
48. LaMattina A, Wirostko WJ, Costakos D. Bilateral acute retinal necrosis with concurrent retinopathy of prematurity in two neonates. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation 2014; 15:1-3.
49. Dubra A, Carroll J, Wirostko WJ, Connor TC. Relationship between foveal cone specialization and pit morphology in albinism. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Science. 2014; 55(7):4186-98.
50. Hansen S, Batson S, Weinlander KM, Cooper RF, Scoles DH, Karth PA, Weinberg DV, Dubra A, Kim JE, Carroll J, Wirostko WJ. Assessing photoreceptor structure after macular hole closure. Retinal cases & Brief Reports 2015: 9:15-20.
51. Randerson EL, Davis D, Higgins B, Kim JE, Han DP, Connor TB, Wirostko WJ, Carroll J. Assessing photoreceptor structure in macular hole using split-detector adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy. European Ophthalmic Review 2015: 9(1): 59-63.
52. Reichstein DR, Warren CL, Han DP, Wirostko WJ. Local Anesthesia with blunt Sub-Tenon's Cannula versus sharp retrobulbar needle for vitreoretinal surgery: a retrospective, comparative study. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina 2016 Jan 1;47(1):55-59.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Wirostko WJ. Ophthalmology. In:Blackborne LH, Minasi J, Newburg D, Tribble CG.(eds). Surgical Recall. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1994, 167-9.
2. Wirostko WJ, Pulido JS. Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. In:Yanoff M, Duker JS.(eds). Ophthalmology. London:Mosby-Times Mirror International Publishers, 1999. 8: 30.1-30.4.
3. Wirostko WJ, McCabe CM, Mieler WF. Intraocular Foreign Bodies. In: Albert DM, Jakobiec FA.(eds). Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co, 2000. Vol 6: 5241-5250.
4. King L, Joshi JS, Wirostko WJ, Mieler WF. Surgery of Epiretinal Membranes. In: Quiroz-Mercado H, Alfaro DV, Liggett PE, Tano Y, De Juan E.(eds). Macular Surgery. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 2000, 166-178.
5. Wirostko WJ, Pulido JS. Syphilis. In: Gold DH, Weingeist TA.(eds). Color Atlas of the Eye in Systemic Disease. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2001, 219-223.
6. Wirostko WJ, Mieler WF, McCabe CM. Removal of Intraocular Foreign Bodies. In: Peyman GA, Meffert S, Chou F, Conway M.(eds). Atlas of Vitreoretinal Surgery. London: Martin Dunitz, 2001, 443-456.
7. Wirostko WJ, Pulido JS. Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. In:Yanoff M, Duker JS.(eds). Ophthalmology. Second edition. London:Mosby-Times Mirror International Publishers, 2004, 938-41.
8. McCabe CM, Mieler WF, Postel EA, Wirostko WJ, Rao PK. Intraocular Foreign Bodies. In: American Academy of Ophthalmology Monograph: Ocular Trauma. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology, in press.
9. Wirostko WJ, Jager RD, Singh R, Kiernan D, Mieler WF. Intraocular Foreign Bodies. In: Boyd S, Sternberg P, Recchia FM (eds). Modern Management of Ocular Trauma. Vol 3. Panama: Highlights of Ophthalmology International, 2006, pp 87-102.
10. Wirostko WJ, Bhatia, S., Mieler WF, McCabe CM. Removal of Intraocular Foreign Bodies. In: Peyman GA, Meffert S, Conway M.(eds). Second edition. Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques. London: Martin Dunitz, 2006, pp 492-504.
11. Lemley CJ, Wirostko WJ, McCabe CM, Mieler WF. Intraocular Foreign Bodies. In: Albert DM, Jakobiec FA.(eds). Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co, 2007.
12. Wirostko WJ, Pulido JS. Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. In:Yanoff M, Duker JS.(eds). Ophthalmology. Third edition. London:Mosby-Times Mirror International Publishers, 2008.
13. Wirostko WJ, Schell Jonathon. Various entries. In: Schmidt-Erfurth, U (ed). Encyclopedia of Ophthalmology. Heidelberg:Springer, in press.
14. Pulido JS, Wirostko WJ. Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. In:Yanoff M, Duker JS.(eds). Ophthalmology. Fourth edition. London:Mosby-Times Mirror International Publishers, 2013.
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Johnson L, Wirostko E, Wirostko WJ, Wirostko BM. Mycoplasma-like organisms in Hodgkin's disease.(letter) Lancet 347:901-2, 1996.
2. Wirostko E, Wirostko WJ, Wirostko BM. Mycoplasma and oncogenesis.(letter) Lancet 347:1555-6, 1996.
3. Wirostko WJ, Wirostko E, Wirostko BM. Orbital pseudotumor treated with systemic corticosteroids.(letter) Ophthalmol 103(10):1519-1520, 1996.
4. Wirostko WJ, Wirostko E. Scleritis-associated uveitis.(letter) Ophthalmol 104(8):1207-8, 1997.
5. Wirostko E, Wirostko WJ, Wirostko BM. Age-related macular degeneration is an inflammatory disease possibly treatable with minocycline. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 2004; 82(2):243-4.
6. Wirostko BM, Wirostko WJ. The possible role of systemic azithromycin for idiopathic iridocyclitis. Acta Ophthalmologica 2010; 88:98-9.
Non-Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Wirostko WJ. Genetic screening for retinoblastoma: Where do we stand? Retinal Physician 2004; supp:10-S.
2. Wirostko WJ. Fine needle biopsy of choroidal melanoma. Is it worth the risk? AAO Current Insight; January 2008.
3. Mieler WF, Wirostko WJ, Kim JE, Groessl SA, Guse CE, The Ocular Trauma Classification Group. An open globe trauma scoring system. Arch Ophthalmol, submitted for publication.
4. Schwiesow TK, Wirostko WJ, Mieler WF, Rao NA, Drouihet JH. Medulloepithelioma presenting as a cystic pars plana lesion in a 28-year-old female. Arch Ophthalmol, submitted for publication.
5. Carnahan M, Wirostko WJ, Mieler WF. Vascularized epiretinal membrane as a sign of Von Hippel Lindau Syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol, submitted for publication.
6. Buddi R, Wirostko WJ, Mieler WF, Dev S, Elliott D. Peripheral combined hamartoma of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium. Amer J Ophthalmol, submitted for publication.
7. Perkins SL, Holtebeck AC, Connor TB, Wirostko WJ, Tewari A, Eliot D. Ocular outcomes in diabetics following cataract extraction complicated by retained lens fragments. In preparation.
8. Lynch M, Schneck K, Wirostko WJ, Priester WB, Sievers RE, Sharp J, Iannaccone A, Sidjanin D .Mutations in the RDS Gene in Adult-Onset Macular Diseases. Submitted for publication.
9. Costakos D, Wirostko WJ. Acute Retinal necrosis in premature infants. Submitted for publication. AAPOS.