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Jennifer G. Jetton MD

Chief, Professor

Institution: Medical College of Wisconsin
Department: Pediatrics
Division: Nephrology

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I am willing to collaborate on research projects.
I am willing to mentor a junior faculty member.

Research Areas of Interest

  • Acute Kidney Injury
  • Dialysis
  • Humans
  • Infant, Newborn
  • Infant, Premature
  • Kidney
  • Peritoneal Dialysis
  • Publications (78)

  • Multidisciplinary collaboration to improve neonatal kidney health (Charlton JR, Selewski DT, Harer MW, Askenazi DJ, Starr MC, Guillet R, Tipple TE, Slagle CL, Reidy KJ, Mhana MJ, Menon S, Kent A, Jetton JG, DeFreitas MJ, Ambalavanan N, Abitbol CL) Nature Reviews Nephrology January 2025;21(1):1-2 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85205538429 01/01/2025    
  • Sociodemographic Disparities in Pediatric Acute Kidney Injury-The Right Questions and the Right Definitions. (Sanderson KR, Menon S, Jetton JG) JAMA Netw Open 2024 Oct 01;7(10):e2440907 PMID: 39470643 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85208081934 10/29/2024    
  • COVID-19 disease among children and young adults enrolled in the North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies registry (Twichell S, Ashoor I, Boynton S, Dharnidharka V, Kizilbash S, Erez DL, Smith J, Somers M, Chua A, Hooper D, Barletta GM, Belsha C, Brakeman P, Verghese P, Atkinson M, Warady B, Bartosh S, Swinford R, Zahr R, Blydt-Hansen T, Haddad M, Lee-Son K, Harshman L, Benador N, DeFreitas M, Luckritz K, Fathallah-Shaykh S, Warejko J, Flynn J, Jetton J, Patel H, Czech K, Cramer C, Sharma A, Chen A, Bock M, Moudgil A, Milner R, Nelson R, Richardson K, Del Rio M, Sheth R, Kees-Folts D, Shah S, Dell K, Swartz S, Hunt E, Andreoli S, Nguyen C, Puliyanda D, Laskin B, Araya C, Sutherland S, Woroniecki R, Pinsk M, Rademacher E, Aviles D, Kamal S, Staples A, Lieberman K, Feber J, Al-Akash S, Ramirez J, McKenney D, Constantinescu A, Pena D, Steinke J, Cai Y, Thomas J) Pediatric Nephrology May 2024;39(5):1459-1468 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85179310172 05/01/2024    
  • Acute kidney injury surveillance in the high-risk neonatal population following implementation of creatinine screening protocol (Gingrich AR, Hagenow AM, Steinbach EJ, Klein JM, Jetton JG, Misurac JM) Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics April 2024;113(4):692-699 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85179303306 04/01/2024       1 Citation
  • Pediatric AKI in the real world: changing outcomes through education and advocacy—a report from the 26th Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) consensus conference (Mottes T, Menon S, Conroy A, Jetton J, Dolan K, Arikan AA, Basu RK, Goldstein SL, Symons JM, Alobaidi R, Askenazi DJ, Bagshaw SM, Barhight M, Barreto E, Bayrakci B, Ray ONB, Bjornstad E, Brophy P, Charlton J, Chanchlani R, Conroy A, Deep A, Devarajan P, Fuhrman D, Gist KM, Gorga SM, Greenberg JH, Hasson D, Heydari E, Iyengar A, Krawczeski C, Meigs L, Morgan C, Morgan J, Neumayr T, Ricci Z, Selewski DT, Soranno D, Stanski N, Starr M, Sutherland SM, Symons JM, Tavares M, Vega M, Zappitelli M, Ronco C, Mehta RL, Kellum J, Ostermann M) Pediatric Nephrology March 2024;39(3):1005-1014 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85176012122 03/01/2024       2 Citations
  • Receipt of high-frequency ventilation is associated with acute kidney injury in very preterm neonates (Haynes N, Bell J, Griffin R, Askenazi DJ, Jetton J, Kent AL) Pediatric Nephrology February 2024;39(2):579-587 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85168615471 02/01/2024       1 Citation
  • Acute kidney injury surveillance in the high-risk neonatal population following implementation of creatinine screening protocol. (Gingrich AR, Hagenow AM, Steinbach EJ, Klein JM, Jetton JG, Misurac JM) Acta Paediatr 2024 Apr;113(4):692-699 PMID: 38084834 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85179303306 12/12/2023       1 Citation
  • Fluid and electrolyte management in the neonate and what can go wrong. (Segar JL, Jetton JG) Curr Opin Pediatr 2024 Apr 01;36(2):198-203 PMID: 37962361 PMCID: PMC10932865 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85187024349 11/14/2023       1 Citation
  • Fluid assessment, fluid balance, and fluid overload in sick children: a report from the Pediatric Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) conference. (Selewski DT, Barhight MF, Bjornstad EC, Ricci Z, de Sousa Tavares M, Akcan-Arikan A, Goldstein SL, Basu R, Bagshaw SM, Pediatric the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) Consensus Committee Members) Pediatr Nephrol 2024 Mar;39(3):955-979 PMID: 37934274 PMCID: PMC10817849 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85175985669 11/07/2023       10 Citations
  • Programs and processes for advancing pediatric acute kidney support therapy in hospitalized and critically ill children: a report from the 26th Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) consensus conference. (Neumayr TM, Bayrakci B, Chanchlani R, Deep A, Morgan J, Arikan AA, Basu RK, Goldstein SL, Askenazi DJ, ADQI 26 workgroup) Pediatr Nephrol 2024 Mar;39(3):993-1004 PMID: 37930418 PMCID: PMC10817827 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85175867937 11/06/2023       3 Citations
  • Epidemiology of acute kidney injury in children: a report from the 26th Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) consensus conference. (Sutherland SM, Alobaidi R, Gorga SM, Iyengar A, Morgan C, Heydari E, Arikan AAA, Basu RK, Goldstein SL, Zappitelli M, ADQI 26 Workgroup) Pediatr Nephrol 2024 Mar;39(3):919-928 PMID: 37874357 PMCID: PMC10817829 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85174639569 10/24/2023       3 Citations
  • A proposed framework for advancing acute kidney injury risk stratification and diagnosis in children: a report from the 26th Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) conference. (Fuhrman DY, Stanski NL, Krawczeski CD, Greenberg JH, Arikan AAA, Basu RK, Goldstein SL, Gist KM, ADQI 26 workgroup) Pediatr Nephrol 2024 Mar;39(3):929-939 PMID: 37670082 PMCID: PMC10817991 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85169807531 09/06/2023       9 Citations
  • Neonatal nephrotoxic medication exposure and early acute kidney injury: results from the AWAKEN study (Steflik HJ, Charlton JR, Briley M, Selewski DT, Gist KM, Hanna MH, Askenazi D, Griffin R, Sarkar S, Kent A, Fletcher J, Abitbol CL, DeFreitas M, Duara S, Swanson JR, Guillet R, D’Angio C, Mian A, Rademacher E, Mhanna MJ, Raina R, Kumar D, Ambalavanan N, Arikan AA, Rhee CJ, Goldstein SL, Nathan AT, Kupferman JC, Bhutada A, Rastogi S, Bonachea E, Ingraham S, Mahan J, Nada A, Jetton J, Brophy PD, Colaizy TT, Klein JM, Cole FS, Davis TK, Dower J, Milner L, Smith A, Fuloria M, Reidy K, Kaskel FJ, Soranno DE, Gien J, Chishti AS, Hingorani S, Juul S, Starr M, Wong CS, Joseph C, DuPont T, Ohls R, Staples A, Rohatgi S, Sethi SK, Wazir S, Khokhar S, Perazzo S, Ray PE, Revenis M, Mammen C, Synnes A, Wintermark P, Zappitelli M, Woroniecki R, Sridhar S) Journal of Perinatology August 2023;43(8):1029-1037 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85153703180 08/01/2023       5 Citations
  • Gestational age-specific clinical correlates of acute kidney injury in preterm infants with necrotizing enterocolitis. (Garg PM, Pittman IA, Ansari MAY, Yen CW, Riddick R, Jetton JG, South AM, Hillegass WB) Pediatr Res 2023 Dec;94(6):2016-2025 PMID: 37454184 PMCID: PMC10937190 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85164959245 07/16/2023       4 Citations
  • Persistent Increase in Serum Ferritin Levels despite Converting to Permanent Vascular Access in Pediatric Hemodialysis Patients: Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium Study (Onder AM, Ansari MAY, Deng F, Grinsell MM, Patterson L, Jetton J, Fathallah-Shaykh S, Ranch D, Aviles D, Copelovitch L, Ellis E, Chadha V, Elmaghrabi A, Lin JJ, Butani L, Haddad M, Marsenic O, Brakeman P, Quigley R, Shin HS, Garro R, Raina R, Langman CB) Journal of Clinical Medicine July 2023;12(13) SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85165121216 07/01/2023    
  • Avasopasem manganese (GC4419) protects against cisplatin-induced chronic kidney disease: An exploratory analysis of renal metrics from a randomized phase 2b clinical trial in head and neck cancer patients. (Mapuskar KA, Vasquez Martinez G, Pulliam CF, Petronek MS, Steinbach EJ, Monga V, Furqan M, Jetton JG, Saunders DP, Pearce A, Davidson S, Pitre L, Dunlap NE, Fairbanks R, Lee CM, Mott SL, Bodeker KL, Cl H, Buatti JM, Anderson CM, Beardsley RA, Holmlund JT, Zepeda-Orozco D, Spitz DR, Allen BG) Redox Biol 2023 Apr;60:102599 PMID: 36640725 PMCID: PMC9852651 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85146061538 01/15/2023       10 Citations
  • Kidney support for babies: building a comprehensive and integrated neonatal kidney support therapy program. (Mohamed TH, Morgan J, Mottes TA, Askenazi D, Jetton JG, Menon S) Pediatr Nephrol 2023 Jul;38(7):2043-2055 PMID: 36227440 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85140053202 10/14/2022       6 Citations
  • Consensus-Based Recommendations on Priority Activities to Address Acute Kidney Injury in Children: A Modified Delphi Consensus Statement. (Goldstein SL, Akcan-Arikan A, Alobaidi R, Askenazi DJ, Bagshaw SM, Barhight M, Barreto E, Bayrakci B, Bignall ONR, Bjornstad E, Brophy PD, Chanchlani R, Charlton JR, Conroy AL, Deep A, Devarajan P, Dolan K, Fuhrman DY, Gist KM, Gorga SM, Greenberg JH, Hasson D, Ulrich EH, Iyengar A, Jetton JG, Krawczeski C, Meigs L, Menon S, Morgan J, Morgan CJ, Mottes T, Neumayr TM, Ricci Z, Selewski D, Soranno DE, Starr M, Stanski NL, Sutherland SM, Symons J, Tavares MS, Vega MW, Zappitelli M, Ronco C, Mehta RL, Kellum J, Ostermann M, Basu RK, Pediatric ADQI Collaborative) JAMA Netw Open 2022 Sep 01;5(9):e2229442 PMID: 36178697 PMCID: PMC9756303 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85139398218 10/01/2022       89 Citations
  • Synergistic association of fluid overload and acute kidney injury on outcomes in pediatric cardiac ECMO: a retrospective analysis of the KIDMO database. (Pettit KA, Selewski DT, Askenazi DJ, Basu RK, Bridges BC, Cooper DS, Fleming GM, Gien J, Gorga SM, Jetton JG, King EC, Steflik HJ, Paden ML, Sahay RD, Zappitelli M, Gist KM) Pediatr Nephrol 2023 Apr;38(4):1343-1353 PMID: 35943578 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85135836768 08/10/2022       8 Citations
  • Documentation of acute kidney injury at discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit and role of nephrology consultation. (Chmielewski J, Chaudhry PM, Harer MW, Menon S, South AM, Chappell A, Griffin R, Askenazi D, Jetton J, Starr MC, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative) J Perinatol 2022 Jul;42(7):930-936 PMID: 35676535 PMCID: PMC9280854 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85133821481 06/09/2022       7 Citations
  • Maternal Hypertension Disorders and Neonatal Acute Kidney Injury: Results from the AWAKEN Study. (DeFreitas MJ, Griffin R, Sanderson K, Nada A, Charlton JR, Jetton JG, Kent AL, Guillet R, Askenazi D, Abitbol CL, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative, University of Alabama, Birmingham, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Canberra Hospital, (currently at the University of Rochester), Children's Hospital of Colorado, (currently Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH); Children's Hospital at Montefiore/Albert Einstein, Children's National Medical Center, Golisano Children's Hospital University of Rochester, (currently Union Hospital, Terre Haute), Maimonides Medical Center, McGill University, Medanta, Medicity The Cradle, Metrohealth Medical Center, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Stonybrook University, Texas Children's Hospital, Tufts Medical Center, University of British Columbia, University of Iowa, Patrick Brophy (currently University of Rochester); University of Kentucky, University of Miami, University of Michigan, (currently Medical University of South Carolina), University of New Mexico, (currently Texas Children's Hospital), (currently University of Utah); University of Virginia, (currently University of Wisconsin), University of Washington) Am J Perinatol 2024 Apr;41(5):649-659 PMID: 35196719 PMCID: PMC10981551 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85129330199 02/24/2022       3 Citations
  • Evaluation and Management of Acute Kidney Injury in Neonates (Jetton JG, Vidal E) Pediatric Nephrology: Eighth Edition 1 January 2022:1593-1616 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85158964958 01/01/2022    
  • Association of early dysnatremia with mortality in the neonatal intensive care unit: results from the AWAKEN study. (Basalely AM, Griffin R, Gist KM, Guillet R, Askenazi DJ, Charlton JR, Selewski DT, Fuloria M, Kaskel FJ, Reidy KJ, AWAKEN Study Group) J Perinatol 2022 Oct;42(10):1353-1360 PMID: 34775486 PMCID: PMC10228559 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85119602103 11/15/2021       5 Citations
  • Low albumin levels are independently associated with neonatal acute kidney injury: a report from AWAKEN Study Group. (Nada A, Askenazi D, Kupferman JC, Mhanna M, Mahan JD, Boohaker L, Li L, Griffin RL, AWAKEN Collaborative) Pediatr Nephrol 2022 Jul;37(7):1675-1686 PMID: 34657971 PMCID: PMC9986677 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85127362402 10/19/2021       6 Citations
  • Acute Kidney Injury and Fluid Overload in Pediatric Extracorporeal Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study. (Gist KM, Misfeldt A, Sahay RD, Gorga SM, Askenazi DJ, Bridges BC, Paden ML, Zappitelli M, Gien J, Basu RK, Jetton JG, Murphy HJ, King E, Fleming GM, Selewski DT, Cooper DS) ASAIO J 2022 Jul 01;68(7):956-963 PMID: 34643574 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85133144425 10/14/2021       9 Citations
  • Safety, Feasibility, and Impact of Enalapril on Cardiorespiratory Physiology and Health in Preterm Infants with Systemic Hypertension and Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction. (Stanford AH, Reyes M, Rios DR, Giesinger RE, Jetton JG, Bischoff AR, McNamara PJ) J Clin Med 2021 Sep 29;10(19) PMID: 34640535 PMCID: PMC8509219 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85115970525 10/14/2021       9 Citations
  • Advances in Neonatal Acute Kidney Injury. (Starr MC, Charlton JR, Guillet R, Reidy K, Tipple TE, Jetton JG, Kent AL, Abitbol CL, Ambalavanan N, Mhanna MJ, Askenazi DJ, Selewski DT, Harer MW, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative Board) Pediatrics 2021 Nov;148(5) PMID: 34599008 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85118619535 10/03/2021       81 Citations
  • Fluid Balance Management Informs Renal Replacement Therapy Use During Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Survey Report From the Kidney Intervention During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Group. (Gorga SM, Lima L, Askenazi DJ, Bridges BC, Cooper DS, Paden ML, Zappitelli M, Gist KM, Gien J, Jetton JG, Murphy HJ, Fleming GM, Selewski DT, Basu RK) ASAIO J 2022 Mar 01;68(3):407-412 PMID: 34570725 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85125549643 09/28/2021       10 Citations
  • Pediatric Onco-Nephrology: Time to Spread the Word-Part II: Long-Term Kidney Outcomes in Survivors of Childhood Malignancy and Malignancy after Kidney Transplant. (Nada A, Jetton JG) Pediatr Nephrol 2022 Jun;37(6):1285-1300 PMID: 34490519 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85114315773 09/08/2021       10 Citations
  • Diuretic use, acute kidney injury, and premature infants: the call for evidence-based guidelines. (Segar J, Jetton JG) Pediatr Nephrol 2021 Nov 17;36(12):3807-3811 PMID: 34258644 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85110205560 07/15/2021       2 Citations
  • Conversion to permanent vascular access is associated with improved markers of hemodialysis efficacy in children: Pediatric nephrology research consortium study. (Onder AM, Flynn JT, Ansari MAY, Deng F, DeFreitas M, Katsoufis C, Grinsell MM, Patterson L, Jetton J, Fathallah-Shaykh S, Ranch D, Aviles D, Copelovitch L, Ellis E, Chadha V, Elmaghrabi A, Lin JJ, Butani L, Haddad M, Marsenic O, Brakeman P, Quigley R, Shin HS, Garro R, Raina R, Langman CB, Wood E, Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium) Clin Nephrol 2021 Nov;96(5):270-280 PMID: 34190683 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85117682267 07/01/2021       2 Citations
  • Fluid Balance in the Critically Ill Child Section: "How Bad Is Fluid in Neonates?". (Rutledge A, Murphy HJ, Harer MW, Jetton JG) Front Pediatr 2021;9:651458 PMID: 33959572 PMCID: PMC8093499 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85105255365 05/08/2021       6 Citations
  • Relationship of patent ductus arteriosus management with neonatal AKI. (Guillet R, Selewski DT, Griffin R, Rastogi S, Askenazi DJ, D'Angio CT, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative) J Perinatol 2021 Jun;41(6):1441-1447 PMID: 33875795 PMCID: PMC8238821 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85104640687 04/21/2021       10 Citations
  • Neonatal Acute Kidney Injury: Understanding of the Impact on the Smallest Patients. (Kavanaugh KJ, Jetton JG, Kent AL) Crit Care Clin 2021 Apr;37(2):349-363 PMID: 33752860 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85102886744 03/24/2021       5 Citations
  • Acute Kidney Injury, Fluid Overload, and Renal Replacement Therapy Differ by Underlying Diagnosis in Neonatal Extracorporeal Support and Impact Mortality Disparately. (Murphy HJ, Gien J, Sahay R, King E, Selewski DT, Bridges BC, Cooper DS, Fleming GM, Paden ML, Zappitelli M, Gist KM, Basu RK, Jetton JG, Askenazi D) Blood Purif 2021;50(6):808-817 PMID: 33461205 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85100007309 01/19/2021       17 Citations
  • Quality improvement goals for pediatric acute kidney injury: pediatric applications of the 22nd Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) conference. (Selewski DT, Askenazi DJ, Kashani K, Basu RK, Gist KM, Harer MW, Jetton JG, Sutherland SM, Zappitelli M, Ronco C, Goldstein SL, Mottes TA) Pediatr Nephrol 2021 Apr;36(4):733-746 PMID: 33433708 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85099405222 01/13/2021       27 Citations
  • Pediatric onco-nephrology: time to spread the word : Part I: early kidney involvement in children with malignancy. (Nada A, Jetton JG) Pediatr Nephrol 2021 Aug;36(8):2227-2255 PMID: 33245421 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85096880326 11/28/2020       5 Citations
  • Correction: Initial experience from a renal genetics clinic demonstrates a distinct role in patient management. (Thomas CP, Freese ME, Ounda A, Jetton JG, Holida M, Noureddine L, Smith RJ) Genet Med 2021 Oct;23(10):2017-2019 PMID: 33024316 PMCID: PMC8486658 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85092084410 10/08/2020       1 Citation
  • Improving the quality of neonatal acute kidney injury care: neonatal-specific response to the 22nd Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) conference. (Harer MW, Selewski DT, Kashani K, Basu RK, Gist KM, Jetton JG, Sutherland SM, Zappitelli M, Goldstein SL, Mottes TA, Askenazi DJ) J Perinatol 2021 Feb;41(2):185-195 PMID: 32892210 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85090306178 09/07/2020       29 Citations
  • Low hemoglobin levels are independently associated with neonatal acute kidney injury: a report from the AWAKEN Study Group. (Nada A, Askenazi D, Boohaker LJ, Li L, Mahan JD, Charlton J, Griffin RL, AWAKEN Study Group) Pediatr Res 2021 Mar;89(4):922-931 PMID: 32526767 PMCID: PMC8730540 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85086338075 06/12/2020       5 Citations
  • Initial experience from a renal genetics clinic demonstrates a distinct role in patient management. (Thomas CP, Freese ME, Ounda A, Jetton JG, Holida M, Noureddine L, Smith RJ) Genet Med 2020 Jun;22(6):1025-1035 PMID: 32203225 PMCID: PMC7272321 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85082659291 03/24/2020       50 Citations
  • Fluid overload and fluid removal in pediatric patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation requiring continuous renal replacement therapy: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. (Gorga SM, Sahay RD, Askenazi DJ, Bridges BC, Cooper DS, Paden ML, Zappitelli M, Gist KM, Gien J, Basu RK, Jetton JG, Murphy HJ, King E, Fleming GM, Selewski DT) Pediatr Nephrol 2020 May;35(5):871-882 PMID: 31953749 PMCID: PMC7517652 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85078321191 01/19/2020       58 Citations
  • Acute Kidney Injury and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Premature Neonates Born Less than 32 Weeks' Gestation. (Starr MC, Boohaker L, Eldredge LC, Menon S, Griffin R, Mayock DE, Li L, Askenazi D, Hingorani S, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative) Am J Perinatol 2020 Feb;37(3):341-348 PMID: 31777046 PMCID: PMC7409513 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85079821127 11/30/2019       43 Citations
  • Incidence and Risk Factors of Early Onset Neonatal AKI. (Charlton JR, Boohaker L, Askenazi D, Brophy PD, D'Angio C, Fuloria M, Gien J, Griffin R, Hingorani S, Ingraham S, Mian A, Ohls RK, Rastogi S, Rhee CJ, Revenis M, Sarkar S, Smith A, Starr M, Kent AL, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative) Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2019 Feb 07;14(2):184-195 PMID: 31738181 PMCID: PMC6390916 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85065245443 11/19/2019       113 Citations
  • Predictors of time to first cannulation for arteriovenous fistula in pediatric hemodialysis patients: Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium study. (Onder AM, Flynn JT, Billings AA, Deng F, DeFreitas M, Katsoufis C, Grinsell MM, Patterson L, Jetton J, Fathallah-Shaykh S, Ranch D, Aviles D, Copelovitch L, Ellis E, Chadha V, Elmaghrabi A, Lin JJ, Butani L, Haddad M, Marsenic O, Brakeman P, Quigley R, Shin HS, Garro R, Liu H, Rahimikollu J, Raina R, Langman CB, Wood E, Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium) Pediatr Nephrol 2020 Feb;35(2):287-295 PMID: 31696356 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85074812620 11/07/2019       7 Citations
  • Nephrotoxic medications and acute kidney injury risk factors in the neonatal intensive care unit: clinical challenges for neonatologists and nephrologists. (Murphy HJ, Thomas B, Van Wyk B, Tierney SB, Selewski DT, Jetton JG) Pediatr Nephrol 2020 Nov;35(11):2077-2088 PMID: 31605211 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85074518686 10/13/2019       35 Citations
  • The impact of fluid balance on outcomes in premature neonates: a report from the AWAKEN study group. (Selewski DT, Gist KM, Nathan AT, Goldstein SL, Boohaker LJ, Akcan-Arikan A, Bonachea EM, Hanna M, Joseph C, Mahan JD, Mammen C, Nada A, Reidy K, Staples A, Wintermark P, Griffin R, Askenazi DJ, Guillet R, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative) Pediatr Res 2020 Feb;87(3):550-557 PMID: 31537009 PMCID: PMC7036003 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85074366989 09/20/2019       51 Citations
  • Pediatric idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis. (Subramani AV, Lockwood GM, Jetton JG, Dhungana N, Sato TS) Radiol Case Rep 2019 Apr;14(4):459-462 PMID: 30740191 PMCID: PMC6357545 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85060736209 02/12/2019       4 Citations
  • Correction to: Predictors of patency for arteriovenous fistulae and grafts in pediatric hemodialysis patients. (Onder AM, Flynn JT, Billings AA, Deng F, DeFreitas M, Katsoufis C, Grinsell MM, Patterson LT, Jetton J, Fathallah-Shaykh S, Ranch D, Aviles D, Copelovitch L, Ellis E, Chadha V, Elmaghrabi A, Lin JJ, Butani L, Haddad M, Couloures OM, Brakeman P, Quigley R, Shin HS, Garro R, Liu H, Rahimikollu J, Raina R, Langman CB, Wood EG, Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium) Pediatr Nephrol 2019 Aug;34(8):1483-1484 PMID: 30684015 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85060696628 01/27/2019    
  • Optimizing the AKI definition during first postnatal week using Assessment of Worldwide Acute Kidney Injury Epidemiology in Neonates (AWAKEN) cohort. (Askenazi D, Abitbol C, Boohaker L, Griffin R, Raina R, Dower J, Davis TK, Ray PE, Perazzo S, DeFreitas M, Milner L, Ambalavanan N, Cole FS, Rademacher E, Zappitelli M, Mhanna M, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative) Pediatr Res 2019 Feb;85(3):329-338 PMID: 30643188 PMCID: PMC6377843 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85059950208 01/16/2019       47 Citations
  • Late onset neonatal acute kidney injury: results from the AWAKEN Study. (Charlton JR, Boohaker L, Askenazi D, Brophy PD, Fuloria M, Gien J, Griffin R, Hingorani S, Ingraham S, Mian A, Ohls RK, Rastogi S, Rhee CJ, Revenis M, Sarkar S, Starr M, Kent AL, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative (NKC)) Pediatr Res 2019 Feb;85(3):339-348 PMID: 30546043 PMCID: PMC6438709 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85060724912 12/14/2018       57 Citations
  • Correction to: Acute kidney injury in neonatal encephalopathy: an evaluation of the AWAKEN database. (Kirkley MJ, Boohaker L, Griffin R, Soranno DE, Gien J, Askenazi D, Gist KM, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative (NKC)) Pediatr Nephrol 2019 Feb;34(2):363 PMID: 30315405 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85055122745 10/14/2018       2 Citations
  • Predictors of patency for arteriovenous fistulae and grafts in pediatric hemodialysis patients. (Onder AM, Flynn JT, Billings AA, Deng F, DeFreitas M, Katsoufis C, Grinsell MM, Patterson LT, Jetton J, Fathallah-Shaykh S, Ranch D, Aviles D, Copelovitch L, Ellis E, Chanda V, Elmaghrabi A, Lin JJ, Butani L, Haddad M, Couloures OM, Brakeman P, Quigley R, Stella Shin H, Garro R, Liu H, Rahimikollu J, Raina R, Langman CB, Wood EG, Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium) Pediatr Nephrol 2019 Feb;34(2):329-339 PMID: 30264215 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85053918126 09/29/2018       14 Citations
  • The impact of fluid balance on outcomes in critically ill near-term/term neonates: a report from the AWAKEN study group. (Selewski DT, Akcan-Arikan A, Bonachea EM, Gist KM, Goldstein SL, Hanna M, Joseph C, Mahan JD, Nada A, Nathan AT, Reidy K, Staples A, Wintermark P, Boohaker LJ, Griffin R, Askenazi DJ, Guillet R, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative) Pediatr Res 2019 Jan;85(1):79-85 PMID: 30237572 PMCID: PMC6941736 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85056730559 09/22/2018       49 Citations
  • Incidence and outcomes of neonatal acute kidney injury (AWAKEN): a multicentre, multinational, observational cohort study. (Jetton JG, Boohaker LJ, Sethi SK, Wazir S, Rohatgi S, Soranno DE, Chishti AS, Woroniecki R, Mammen C, Swanson JR, Sridhar S, Wong CS, Kupferman JC, Griffin RL, Askenazi DJ, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative (NKC)) Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2017 Nov;1(3):184-194 PMID: 29732396 PMCID: PMC5933049 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85031748194 05/08/2018       493 Citations
  • Vitamin D Toxicity: A 16-Year Retrospective Study at an Academic Medical Center. (Lee JP, Tansey M, Jetton JG, Krasowski MD) Lab Med 2018 Mar 21;49(2):123-129 PMID: 29346630 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85044668661 01/19/2018       27 Citations
  • Vitamin and trace element deficiencies in the pediatric dialysis patient. (Harshman LA, Lee-Son K, Jetton JG) Pediatr Nephrol 2018 Jul;33(7):1133-1143 PMID: 28752387 PMCID: PMC5787050 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85026901424 07/29/2017       21 Citations
  • Immunogenicity of Augmented Compared With Standard Dose Hepatitis B Vaccine in Pediatric Patients on Dialysis: a Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium Study. (Misurac JM, VanDeVoorde RG, Kallash M, Iorember FM, Luckritz KE, Rheault MN, Jetton JG, Turman MA, Kapur G, Twombley KE, Hashmat S, Weaver DJ, Leiser JD, Nailescu C) Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2017 May 08;12(5):772-778 PMID: 28270432 PMCID: PMC5477206 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85021722076 03/09/2017       5 Citations
  • Pathophysiology of Neonatal Acute Kidney Injury (Jetton JG, Selewski DT, Askenazi DJ, Charlton JR) Fetal and Neonatal Physiology, 2-Volume Set 1 January 2017:1668-1676.e3 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85102878045 01/01/2017       1 Citation
  • Pharmacological management of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease in neonates. (Jetton JG, Sorenson M) Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 2017 Apr;22(2):109-115 PMID: 27720664 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84992036710 10/11/2016       7 Citations
  • AKI and Genetics: Evolving Concepts in the Genetics of Acute Kidney Injury: Implications for Pediatric AKI. (Lee-Son K, Jetton JG) J Pediatr Genet 2016 Mar;5(1):61-8 PMID: 27617143 PMCID: PMC4918705 09/13/2016    
  • Assessment of Worldwide Acute Kidney Injury Epidemiology in Neonates: Design of a Retrospective Cohort Study. (Jetton JG, Guillet R, Askenazi DJ, Dill L, Jacobs J, Kent AL, Selewski DT, Abitbol CL, Kaskel FJ, Mhanna MJ, Ambalavanan N, Charlton JR, Neonatal Kidney Collaborative) Front Pediatr 2016;4:68 PMID: 27486571 PMCID: PMC4950470 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85007210766 08/04/2016       102 Citations
  • Implementation of standardized follow-up care significantly reduces peritonitis in children on chronic peritoneal dialysis. (Neu AM, Richardson T, Lawlor J, Stuart J, Newland J, McAfee N, Warady BA, SCOPE Collaborative Participants) Kidney Int 2016 Jun;89(6):1346-54 PMID: 27165827 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84978062878 05/12/2016       52 Citations
  • Neonatal Acute Kidney Injury: The Signal Is Clear. It Is Time to Move the Field Forward. (Jetton JG) Pediatr Crit Care Med 2016 Apr;17(4):376-8 PMID: 27043907 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84962621795 04/05/2016    
  • Neonatal Acute Kidney Injury. (Selewski DT, Charlton JR, Jetton JG, Guillet R, Mhanna MJ, Askenazi DJ, Kent AL) Pediatrics 2015 Aug;136(2):e463-73 PMID: 26169430 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84938838651 07/15/2015       413 Citations
  • Peritoneal dialysis in an extremely low-birth-weight infant with acute kidney injury. (Harshman LA, Muff-Luett M, Neuberger ML, Dagle JM, Shilyansky J, Nester CM, Brophy PD, Jetton JG) Clin Kidney J 2014 Dec;7(6):582-5 PMID: 25859376 PMCID: PMC4389134 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84986910380 04/11/2015       35 Citations
  • Acute kidney injury in the neonate. (Jetton JG, Askenazi DJ) Clin Perinatol 2014 Sep;41(3):487-502 PMID: 25155722 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84906934407 08/27/2014       127 Citations
  • Acute kidney injury in the newborn (Jetton JG, Askenazi D) Kidney and Urinary Tract Diseases in the Newborn 1 January 2014:287-306 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84955734457 01/01/2014       2 Citations
  • Update on acute kidney injury in the neonate. (Jetton JG, Askenazi DJ) Curr Opin Pediatr 2012 Apr;24(2):191-6 PMID: 22227783 PMCID: PMC5545784 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84859104454 01/10/2012       238 Citations
  • Pre-emptive eculizumab and plasmapheresis for renal transplant in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. (Nester C, Stewart Z, Myers D, Jetton J, Nair R, Reed A, Thomas C, Smith R, Brophy P) Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2011 Jun;6(6):1488-94 PMID: 21617085 PMCID: PMC3109948 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-79958202220 05/28/2011       104 Citations
  • Family study of girls with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (Faraone SV, Biederman J, Mick E, Williamson S, Wilens T, Spencer T, Weber W, Jetton J, Kraus I, Pert J, Zallen B) Am J Psychiatry 2000 Jul;157(7):1077-83 PMID: 10873914 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0033942967 06/30/2000       133 Citations
  • Sleep disturbances associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: The impact of psychiatric comorbidity and pharmacotherapy (Mick E, Biederman J, Jetton J, Faraone SV) Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2000;10(3):223-231 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0033775498 01/01/2000       126 Citations
  • Clinical correlates of ADHD in females: findings from a large group of girls ascertained from pediatric and psychiatric referral sources. (Biederman J, Faraone SV, Mick E, Williamson S, Wilens TE, Spencer TJ, Weber W, Jetton J, Kraus I, Pert J, Zallen B) J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1999 Aug;38(8):966-75 PMID: 10434488 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-13044274178 08/06/1999       303 Citations
  • The naturalistic course of pharmacologic treatment of children with maniclike symptoms: a systematic chart review. (Biederman J, Mick E, Bostic JQ, Prince J, Daly J, Wilens TE, Spencer T, Garcia-Jetton J, Russell R, Wozniak J, Faraone SV) J Clin Psychiatry 1998 Nov;59(11):628-37; quiz 638 PMID: 9862614 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0031762565 12/23/1998       94 Citations
  • Adolescent outcome of boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and social disability: results from a 4-year longitudinal follow-up study. (Greene RW, Biederman J, Faraone SV, Sienna M, Garcia-Jetton J) J Consult Clin Psychol 1997 Oct;65(5):758-767 PMID: 9337495 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0030779858 10/24/1997       174 Citations
  • Attention deficit disorder and conduct disorder: longitudinal evidence for a familial subtype. (Faraone SV, Biederman J, Jetton JG, Tsuang MT) Psychol Med 1997 Mar;27(2):291-300 PMID: 9089822 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0030975321 03/01/1997       128 Citations
  • Is ADHD a risk factor for psychoactive substance use disorders? Findings from a four-year prospective follow-up study. (Biederman J, Wilens T, Mick E, Faraone SV, Weber W, Curtis S, Thornell A, Pfister K, Jetton JG, Soriano J) J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1997 Jan;36(1):21-9 PMID: 9000777 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0031021116 01/01/1997       408 Citations
  • Is childhood oppositional defiant disorder a precursor to adolescent conduct disorder? Findings from a four-year follow-up study of children with ADHD. (Biederman J, Faraone SV, Milberger S, Jetton JG, Chen L, Mick E, Greene RW, Russell RL) J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1996 Sep;35(9):1193-204 PMID: 8824063 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-0029787999 09/01/1996       215 Citations
  • Last update: 12/12/2024