Medical College of Wisconsin
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Mesh term Demyelinating Autoimmune Diseases, CNS

Browse to parent terms:
Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System
Demyelinating Diseases


Conditions characterized by loss or dysfunction of myelin (see MYELIN SHEATH) in the brain, spinal cord, or optic nerves secondary to autoimmune mediated processes. This may take the form of a humoral or cellular immune response directed toward myelin or OLIGODENDROGLIA associated autoantigens.

Browse to child terms:
Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder
Encephalomyelitis, Acute Disseminated
Encephalomyelitis, Autoimmune, Experimental
Leukoencephalitis, Acute Hemorrhagic
Multiple Sclerosis
Myelitis, Transverse
Neuromyelitis Optica

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