Medical College of Wisconsin
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Faculty who have authored publications indexed to the term Aortic Rupture

G Hossein Almassi MDProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Agrahara G. Bharatkumar MDAssociate ProfessorRadiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Sweeta D. Gandhi MDAssociate ProfessorAnesthesiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Qirat Jawed MDAssistant ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Takushi Kohmoto MD, PhDProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Frank A. Pintar PhDChair, ProfessorBiomedical EngineeringMedical College of Wisconsin
Jorge Saucedo MDChief, ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Stefano Schena MD, PhDAssociate ProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Brian Stemper PhDProfessorBiomedical EngineeringMedical College of Wisconsin
Narayan Yoganandan PhDProfessorNeurosurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin