Medical College of Wisconsin
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Examining the Utility of Resective Epilepsy Surgery in Children With Electrical Status Epilepticus in Sleep: Long Term Clinical and Electrophysiological Outcomes Frontiers in Neurology




Electrical Status Epilepticus in Sleep (ESES) is an epileptic encephalopathy syndrome characterized by infrequent clinical seizures and prominent interictal burden during slow wave sleep associated with cognitive deficits and behavioral dysfunction. Medical treatment with anti-epileptic drugs is often unsuccessful. Resective surgery may be a valuable option in carefully selected patients. This case series aims to describe the indications, long term results and utility of resective surgery for ESES.

Author List

Marashly A, Koop J, Loman M, Lee Y, Lew S


Michelle Loman Moudry PhD Associate Professor in the Neurology department at Medical College of Wisconsin

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