Medical College of Wisconsin
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Pain Management in Neurosurgery Anesthesiology Clinics Anesthesiology Clin 39 (2021) 179–194




Interventional anesthetic techniques are an integral component of a biopsychosocial approach and multidisciplinary treatment. Injection techniques are often used to diagnose disorders, decrease the need for surgery, or increase the time to surgery. The role of neural blockade techniques using local anesthetics and steroids in the assessment and treatment of pain continues to be refined. With the current opioid crisis and an aging population with increasing medical comorbidities, there is an emphasis on the use of nonopioid, nonsurgical, and multimodal therapies to treat chronic pain. This article reviews indications, goals, and methods of common injection techniques.

Author List

Yifan Xu MD, PhD, Kimberly M. Mauer MD, Amit Singh DO


Amit Singh DO Assistant Professor in the Anesthesiology department at Medical College of Wisconsin

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