Congenital Left Coronary Atresia: Diagnostic Pearls and Management Challenges in Two Children Presenting with Syncope. CASE (Phila) 2021 Oct;5(5):280-285
10/30/2021Pubmed ID
34712871Pubmed Central ID
• LMCA ostial atresia has variable clinical presentation. • Diagnosis of LMCA ostial atresia is challenging and often requires multiple modalities. • Coronary revascularization is possible for LMCA ostial atresia by varying surgical techniques.
Author List
Sullivan RT, Gerardin JF, Frommelt PC, Gudausky TMAuthors
Peter C. Frommelt MD Adjunct Professor in the Pediatrics department at Medical College of WisconsinJennifer Gerardin MD Associate Professor in the Pediatrics department at Medical College of Wisconsin
Todd M. Gudausky MD Associate Professor in the Pediatrics department at Medical College of Wisconsin