Medical College of Wisconsin
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The role of addictive behaviors in childhood obesity Yardley, H.L., Smith, J., Mingione, C. et al. The Role of Addictive Behaviors in Childhood Obesity. Curr Addict Rep 1, 96–101 (2014).




Overweight and obesity have risen substantially in the last few decades. Recently, food addiction has gained attention as a possible explanation for this increase. The purpose of this paper is to review the evidence for food addiction and its role in the rise of overweight and obesity in youth. Diagnostic symptoms, prevalence, and neurobiology of food addiction are reviewed. An overview of treatment options for youth is provided. Additional research on the nature of food addiction in youth as well as continued investigation of factors related to the rise in obesity is warranted.


Jacquelyn Smith PhD Assistant Professor in the Pediatrics department at Medical College of Wisconsin

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