Human Pelvis Bayesian Injury Probability Curves From Whole Body Lateral Impact Experiments. J Eng Sci Med Diagn Ther 2020 Aug 01;3(3):031002
08/01/2020Pubmed ID
35832784Pubmed Central ID
Injury criteria are used in military, automotive, and aviation environments to advance human safety. While injury risk curves (IRCs) for the human pelvis are published under vertical loading, there is a paucity of analysis that describe IRCs under lateral impact. The objective of the present study is to derive IRCs under this mode. Published data were used from 60 whole-body postmortem human surrogate (PMHS) tests that used repeated testing protocols. In the first analysis, from single impact tests, all injury data points were considered as left censored and noninjury points were considered as right censored, while repeated testing results were treated as interval censored data. In the second analysis, injury data were treated uncensored. Peak force was used as the response variable. Age, total body mass, gender, and body mass index (BMI) were used as covariates in different combinations. Bayesian survival analysis model was used to derive the IRCs. Plus-minus 95% credible intervals (CI) and their normalized CI sizes (NCIS) were obtained. This is the first study to develop IRCs in whole body PMHS tests to describe the human pelvic tolerance under lateral impact using Bayesian models.
Author List
Yoganandan N, DeVogel N, Pintar F, Banerjee AAuthors
Anjishnu Banerjee PhD Associate Professor in the Data Science Institute department at Medical College of WisconsinFrank A. Pintar PhD Chair, Professor in the Biomedical Engineering department at Medical College of Wisconsin
Narayan Yoganandan PhD Professor in the Neurosurgery department at Medical College of Wisconsin