Medical College of Wisconsin
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RetCam II Fluorescein Angiography to Guide Treatment and Diagnosis of Coats Disease. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2010 Mar 09:1-3



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Coats disease is a well-described clinical condition featuring peripheral leakage from telangiectatic vasculature, resulting in exudative retinal detachments and exudative deposits. It often affects pediatric patients, requiring examinations and treatments to be performed under anesthesia. It can be difficult to distinguish from retinoblastoma. The RetCam II is a wide-field fundus imaging system that can also obtain intraoperative fluorescein angiography. The case of a 5-year-old girl diagnosed with Coats disease is presented. She presented with an exudative detachment, a submacular nodule, and peripheral telangiectasis. An examination under anesthesia, including angiography, was performed. The angiograph revealed characteristic aneurysms as well as extensive areas of telangiectasis and ischemia not readily visible on examination. The angiogram allowed more diagnostic certainty and guided a more complete treatment than otherwise possible. We propose that fluorescein angiography with the RetCam II system can be a useful tool when examining and treating pediatric patients with Coats disease.

Author List

Koozekanani DD, Connor TB Jr, Wirostko WJ


Thomas B. Connor MD Professor in the Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences department at Medical College of Wisconsin
William Wirostko MD Professor in the Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences department at Medical College of Wisconsin