Medical College of Wisconsin
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An Integrative Review of the Use of the Individual and Family Self-Management Theory in Research. ANS Adv Nurs Sci 2023 Oct 13



Pubmed ID





The extent of the application of the Individual and Family Self-Management Theory (IFSMT) in research has yet to be determined. The purpose of this analysis was to review the use of the IFSMT in published research and evaluate posited constructs and relationships. Dimensions and categories of the IFSMT and the interrelationships were generally supported in the 77 articles reviewed. A majority focused on self-management of chronic conditions in the adult population. More research on the strength, direction, and interaction of relationships is needed. Defining and exploring social constructs, including race, ethnicity, and gender, should be prioritized in future IFSMT research.

Author List

Bauer WS, Schiffman RF, Ellis JL, Erickson JM, Polfuss M, Taani MH, Sawin KJ


Jeanne M. Erickson PhD, RN Associate Professor in the College of Nursing department at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Rachel Schiffman BS,MS,PhD Associate Dean for Research in the College of Nursing department at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee