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The Role of preload and leakage correction in gadolinium-based cerebral blood volume estimation determined by comparison with MION as a criterion standard. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2012 Jun;33(6):1081-7



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2-s2.0-84862514014 (requires institutional sign-in at Scopus site)   100 Citations


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Contrast extravasation in DSC-MRI potentiates inaccurate and imprecise estimates of glioma rCBV. We tested assertions that preload and postprocessing algorithms minimize this error by comparing Gd-rCBV using permutations of these 2 techniques with criterion standard rCBV using MION, an intravascular agent.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We imaged 7 Fisher rats with 9L gliosarcomas, by using 3T gradient-echo DSC-MRI with MION (2.0 mg Fe/kg) and staged injection of Gd-diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid: a 0.1-mmol/kg bolus provided no preload (P-) data and served as preload (P+) for a subsequent 0.2-mmol/kg bolus. We computed MION-rCBV (steady-state ΔR2*, tumor versus normal brain) and Gd-rCBV ΔR2* [t] integration) without (C-) and with (C+) postprocessing correction, thereby testing 4 correction permutations: P-C-, P-C+, P+C-, and P+C+. We tested whether each permutation reduced bias and variance of the Gd/MION rCBV differences by using generalized estimating equations and Fmax statistics (P < .05 significant).

RESULTS: Gd-rCBV progressively better approximated MION-rCBV with increasing leakage correction. There was no statistically significant bias for the mean percentage deviation of Gd-rCBV from MION-rCBV for any correction permutation, but there was significantly reduced variance by using P+C- (22-fold), P-C+ (32-fold), and P+C+ (267-fold) compared with P-C-. P+C+ provided significant additional variance reduction compared with P+C- (12-fold) and P-C+ (8-fold). Linear regression of Gd-rCBV versus MION-rCBV revealed P+C+ to have the closest slope and intercept compared with the ideal, substantially better than P+C-.

CONCLUSIONS: Preload and postprocessing correction significantly reduced the variance of Gd-rCBV estimates, and bias reduction approached significance. Postprocessing correction provide significant benefit beyond preload alone.

Author List

Boxerman JL, Prah DE, Paulson ES, Machan JT, Bedekar D, Schmainda KM


Eric Paulson PhD Chief, Professor in the Radiation Oncology department at Medical College of Wisconsin
Douglas Prah PhD Associate Professor in the Radiation Oncology department at Medical College of Wisconsin
Kathleen M. Schmainda PhD Professor in the Biophysics department at Medical College of Wisconsin

MESH terms used to index this publication - Major topics in bold

Blood Volume
Blood Volume Determination
Brain Neoplasms
Cell Line, Tumor
Contrast Media
Gadolinium DTPA
Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted
Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Rats, Inbred F344
Reproducibility of Results
Sensitivity and Specificity