Medical College of Wisconsin
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Kinematic analysis of upper extremity joint motion in children using posterior walkers. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2004;2004:5100-3



Pubmed ID





This study applies an upper extremity model to analyze motion in 25 children with cerebral palsy using posterior walkers. The study indicates that throughout a gait cycle, the shoulders and wrist are in extension and the elbows are flexed. It also reveals that the elbows are the most asymmetrical joint of the upper extremities during walker-assisted ambulation.

Author List

Baker KM, Lu L, Klein JP, Cao K, Reiners K, Johnson C, Lipsey J, Hassani S, Ackman JD, Schwab JP, Harris GF


Gerald Harris PhD Director in the Orthopaedic Research Engineering Center (OREC) department at Marquette University
Jeffrey P. Schwab MD Adjunct Professor in the Orthopaedic Surgery department at Medical College of Wisconsin