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Electrostriction Effects During Defibrillation American Journal of Undergraduate Research AJUR vol6 no2, p1-17




Background-The electric field applied to the he

art during defibrillation causes mechanical forces

(electrostriction), and as a result the heart deforms. This paper analyses the physical origin of the deformation, and how significant it is.

Methods—We represent the heart as an anisotropic cylinder. This simple geometry allows us to obtain analytical solutions for the potential, current density, charge, stress, and strain.

Results—Charge induced on the heart surface in the presence of the electric field results in forces that deform the heart. In addition, the anisotropy of cardiac tissue creates a charge density throughout the tissue volume, leading to body forces. These two forces cause the tissue to deform in a complicated manner, with the anisotropy suppressing radial displacements in favor of tangential ones. Quantitatively, the deformation of the tissue is small, although it may be significant when using some imaging techniques that require the measurement of small displacements.

Conclusions—The anisotropy of cardiac tissue produces qualitatively new mechanical behavior during a strong, defibrillation-strength electric shock.

Author List

Michelle M. Fritz Department of Physics University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 USA Phil W. Prior and Bradley J. Roth Department of Physics Oakland University Rochester, Michigan 48309 USA


Phillip Prior PhD Assistant Professor in the Radiation Oncology department at Medical College of Wisconsin

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