Medical College of Wisconsin
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Brachial Plexus Injury Accompanying Glenohumeral Instability Case Report and Literature Review Austin J Orthopade & Rheumatol




Glenohumeral instability is a frequent condition after traumatic shoulder dislocation. Concomitant peripheral nerve injury is common and typically involves the axillary nerve. We present an unusual case of persistent suprascapular and long thoracic nerve injury, with resultant scapulothoracic dyskinesia contributing to glenohumeral instability. The upper extremity neuropraxia was followed with “benign neglect” for spontaneous resolution, prior to the treatment decision of performing anterior capsulorrhaphy alone versus the combined procedure with latissmus dorsi transfer and/or neurosurgical intervention.

Author List

Zumwalt M, Wooldridge AN


Adam Neal Wooldridge MD, MPH Assistant Professor in the Orthopaedic Surgery department at Medical College of Wisconsin

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