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Publications indexed to the term Base Composition

1Genomic analysis of a novel species Halomonas shambharensis isolated from hypersaline lake in Northwest India. (Jadhav K, Kushwaha B, Jadhav I, Shankar P, Geethadevi A, Kumar G, Mittal S, Sharma GP, Parashar M, Parashar D) Mol Biol Rep 2021 Feb;48(2):1045-1053       1 Citation
2Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples. (Bailey MH, Meyerson WU, Dursi LJ, Wang LB, Dong G, Liang WW, Weerasinghe A, Li S, Li Y, Kelso S, MC3 Working Group, PCAWG novel somatic mutation calling methods working group, Saksena G, Ellrott K, Wendl MC, Wheeler DA, Getz G, Simpson JT, Gerstein MB, Ding L, PCAWG Consortium) Nat Commun 2020 Sep 21;11(1):4748       27 Citations
1Defining the Environmental Adaptations of Genus Devosia: Insights into its Expansive Short Peptide Transport System and Positively Selected Genes. (Talwar C, Nagar S, Kumar R, Scaria J, Lal R, Negi RK) Sci Rep 2020 Jan 24;10(1):1151       56 Citations
1Retrotransposons Are the Major Contributors to the Expansion of the Drosophila ananassae Muller F Element. (Leung W, Shaffer CD, Chen EJ, Quisenberry TJ, Ko K, Braverman JM, Giarla TC, Mortimer NT, Reed LK, Smith ST, Robic S, McCartha SR, Perry DR, Prescod LM, Sheppard ZA, Saville KJ, McClish A, Morlock EA, Sochor VR, Stanton B, Veysey-White IC, Revie D, Jimenez LA, Palomino JJ, Patao MD, Patao SM, Himelblau ET, Campbell JD, Hertz AL, McEvilly MF, Wagner AR, Youngblom J, Bedi B, Bettincourt J, Duso E, Her M, Hilton W, House S, Karimi M, Kumimoto K, Lee R, Lopez D, Odisho G, Prasad R, Robbins HL, Sandhu T, Selfridge T, Tsukashima K, Yosif H, Kokan NP, Britt L, Zoellner A, Spana EP, Chlebina BT, Chong I, Friedman H, Mammo DA, Ng CL, Nikam VS, Schwartz NU, Xu TQ, Burg MG, Batten SM, Corbeill LM, Enoch E, Ensign JJ, Franks ME, Haiker B, Ingles JA, Kirkland LD, Lorenz-Guertin JM, Matthews J, Mittig CM, Monsma N, Olson KJ, Perez-Aragon G, Ramic A, Ramirez JR, Scheiber C, Schneider PA, Schultz DE, Simon M, Spencer E, Wernette AC, Wykle ME, Zavala-Arellano E, McDonald MJ, Ostby K, Wendland P, DiAngelo JR, Ceasrine AM, Cox AH, Docherty JEB, Gingras RM, Grieb SM, Pavia MJ, Personius CL, Polak GL, Beach DL, Cerritos HL, Horansky EA, Sharif KA, Moran R, Parrish S, Bickford K, Bland J, Broussard J, Campbell K, Deibel KE, Forka R, Lemke MC, Nelson MB, O'Keeffe C, Ramey SM, Schmidt L, Villegas P, Jones CJ, Christ SL, Mamari S, Rinaldi AS, Stity G, Hark AT, Scheuerman M, Silver Key SC, McRae BD, Haberman AS, Asinof S, Carrington H, Drumm K, Embry T, McGuire R, Miller-Foreman D, Rosen S, Safa N, Schultz D, Segal M, Shevin Y, Svoronos P, Vuong T, Skuse G, Paetkau DW, Bridgman RK, Brown CM, Carroll AR, Gifford FM, Gillespie JB, Herman SE, Holtcamp KL, Host MA, Hussey G, Kramer DM, Lawrence JQ, Martin MM, Niemiec EN, O'Reilly AP, Pahl OA, Quintana G, Rettie EAS, Richardson TL, Rodriguez AE, Rodriguez MO, Schiraldi L, Smith JJ, Sugrue KF, Suriano LJ, Takach KE, Vasquez AM, Velez X, Villafuerte EJ, Vives LT, Zellmer VR, Hauke J, Hauser CR, Barker K, Cannon L, Parsamian P, Parsons S, Wichman Z, Bazinet CW, Johnson DE, Bangura A, Black JA, Chevee V, Einsteen SA, Hilton SK, Kollmer M, Nadendla R, Stamm J, Fafara-Thompson AE, Gygi AM, Ogawa EE, Van Camp M, Kocsisova Z, Leatherman JL, Modahl CM, Rubin MR, Apiz-Saab SS, Arias-Mejias SM, Carrion-Ortiz CF, Claudio-Vazquez PN, Espada-Green DM, Feliciano-Camacho M, Gonzalez-Bonilla KM, Taboas-Arroyo M, Vargas-Franco D, Montañez-Gonzalez R, Perez-Otero J, Rivera-Burgos M, Rivera-Rosario FJ, Eisler HL, Alexander J, Begley SK, Gabbard D, Allen RJ, Aung WY, Barshop WD, Boozalis A, Chu VP, Davis JS, Duggal RN, Franklin R, Gavinski K, Gebreyesus H, Gong HZ, Greenstein RA, Guo AD, Hanson C, Homa KE, Hsu SC, Huang Y, Huo L, Jacobs S, Jia S, Jung KL, Wai-Chee Kong S, Kroll MR, Lee BM, Lee PF, Levine KM, Li AS, Liu C, Liu MM, Lousararian AP, Lowery PB, Mallya AP, Marcus JE, Ng PC, Nguyen HP, Patel R, Precht H, Rastogi S, Sarezky JM, Schefkind A, Schultz MB, Shen D, Skorupa T, Spies NC, Stancu G, Vivian Tsang HM, Turski AL, Venkat R, Waldman LE, Wang K, Wang T, Wei JW, Wu DY, Xiong DD, Yu J, Zhou K, McNeil GP, Fernandez RW, Menzies PG, Gu T, Buhler J, Mardis ER, Elgin SCR) G3 (Bethesda) 2017 Aug 07;7(8):2439-2460       14 Citations
1Sphingopyxis flava sp. nov., isolated from a hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH)-contaminated soil. (Verma H, Rani P, Kumar Singh A, Kumar R, Dwivedi V, Negi V, Lal R) Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2015 Oct;65(10):3720-3726       19 Citations
1Comparative genomic analysis of nine Sphingobium strains: insights into their evolution and hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) degradation pathways. (Verma H, Kumar R, Oldach P, Sangwan N, Khurana JP, Gilbert JA, Lal R) BMC Genomics 2014 Nov 23;15(1):1014       64 Citations
1Parapedobacter indicus sp. nov., isolated from hexachlorocyclohexane-contaminated soil. (Kumar R, Dwivedi V, Nayyar N, Verma H, Singh AK, Rani P, Rao DLN, Lal R) Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2015 Jan;65(Pt 1):129-134       23 Citations
1Pontibacter indicus sp. nov., isolated from hexachlorocyclohexane-contaminated soil. (Singh AK, Garg N, Lata P, Kumar R, Negi V, Vikram S, Lal R) Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2014 Jan;64(Pt 1):254-259       32 Citations
1Pontibacter ramchanderi sp. nov., isolated from hexachlorocyclohexane-contaminated pond sediment. (Singh AK, Garg N, Sangwan N, Negi V, Kumar R, Vikram S, Lal R) Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2013 Aug;63(Pt 8):2829-2834       34 Citations
2Genetic mutations in von Willebrand disease identified by DHPLC and DNA sequence analysis. (Kakela JK, Friedman KD, Haberichter SL, Buchholz NP, Christopherson PA, Kroner PA, Gill JC, Montgomery RR, Bellissimo DB) Mol Genet Metab 2006 Mar;87(3):262-71       14 Citations
1Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. (Gibbs RA, Weinstock GM, Metzker ML, Muzny DM, Sodergren EJ, Scherer S, Scott G, Steffen D, Worley KC, Burch PE, Okwuonu G, Hines S, Lewis L, DeRamo C, Delgado O, Dugan-Rocha S, Miner G, Morgan M, Hawes A, Gill R, Celera, Holt RA, Adams MD, Amanatides PG, Baden-Tillson H, Barnstead M, Chin S, Evans CA, Ferriera S, Fosler C, Glodek A, Gu Z, Jennings D, Kraft CL, Nguyen T, Pfannkoch CM, Sitter C, Sutton GG, Venter JC, Woodage T, Smith D, Lee HM, Gustafson E, Cahill P, Kana A, Doucette-Stamm L, Weinstock K, Fechtel K, Weiss RB, Dunn DM, Green ED, Blakesley RW, Bouffard GG, De Jong PJ, Osoegawa K, Zhu B, Marra M, Schein J, Bosdet I, Fjell C, Jones S, Krzywinski M, Mathewson C, Siddiqui A, Wye N, McPherson J, Zhao S, Fraser CM, Shetty J, Shatsman S, Geer K, Chen Y, Abramzon S, Nierman WC, Havlak PH, Chen R, Durbin KJ, Simons R, Ren Y, Song XZ, Li B, Liu Y, Qin X, Cawley S, Worley KC, Cooney AJ, D'Souza LM, Martin K, Wu JQ, Gonzalez-Garay ML, Jackson AR, Kalafus KJ, McLeod MP, Milosavljevic A, Virk D, Volkov A, Wheeler DA, Zhang Z, Bailey JA, Eichler EE, Tuzun E, Birney E, Mongin E, Ureta-Vidal A, Woodwark C, Zdobnov E, Bork P, Suyama M, Torrents D, Alexandersson M, Trask BJ, Young JM, Huang H, Wang H, Xing H, Daniels S, Gietzen D, Schmidt J, Stevens K, Vitt U, Wingrove J, Camara F, Mar Albà M, Abril JF, Guigo R, Smit A, Dubchak I, Rubin EM, Couronne O, Poliakov A, Hübner N, Ganten D, Goesele C, Hummel O, Kreitler T, Lee YA, Monti J, Schulz H, Zimdahl H, Himmelbauer H, Lehrach H, Jacob HJ, Bromberg S, Gullings-Handley J, Jensen-Seaman MI, Kwitek AE, Lazar J, Pasko D, Tonellato PJ, Twigger S, Ponting CP, Duarte JM, Rice S, Goodstadt L, Beatson SA, Emes RD, Winter EE, Webber C, Brandt P, Nyakatura G, Adetobi M, Chiaromonte F, Elnitski L, Eswara P, Hardison RC, Hou M, Kolbe D, Makova K, Miller W, Nekrutenko A, Riemer C, Schwartz S, Taylor J, Yang S, Zhang Y, Lindpaintner K, Andrews TD, Caccamo M, Clamp M, Clarke L, Curwen V, Durbin R, Eyras E, Searle SM, Cooper GM, Batzoglou S, Brudno M, Sidow A, Stone EA, Venter JC, Payseur BA, Bourque G, López-Otín C, Puente XS, Chakrabarti K, Chatterji S, Dewey C, Pachter L, Bray N, Yap VB, Caspi A, Tesler G, Pevzner PA, Haussler D, Roskin KM, Baertsch R, Clawson H, Furey TS, Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D, Kent WJ, Rosenbloom KR, Trumbower H, Weirauch M, Cooper DN, Stenson PD, Ma B, Brent M, Arumugam M, Shteynberg D, Copley RR, Taylor MS, Riethman H, Mudunuri U, Peterson J, Guyer M, Felsenfeld A, Old S, Mockrin S, Collins F, Rat Genome Sequencing Project Consortium) Nature 2004 Apr 01;428(6982):493-521       1748 Citations
1Structure of an RNA internal loop consisting of tandem C-A+ base pairs. (Jang SB, Hung LW, Chi YI, Holbrook EL, Carter RJ, Holbrook SR) Biochemistry 1998 Aug 25;37(34):11726-31       65 Citations
1HIV-1 infection in a man homozygous for CCR5 delta 32. (O'Brien TR, Winkler C, Dean M, Nelson JA, Carrington M, Michael NL, White GC 2nd) Lancet 1997 Apr 26;349(9060):1219       236 Citations
1Species-specific polymorphism in the promoter of the apolipoprotein A-I gene: restoration of human transcriptional efficiency by substitution at positions -189, -144 and -48 bp. (Sorci-Thomas M, Kearns MW) Biochim Biophys Acta 1995 Jun 06;1256(3):387-95       2 Citations