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Publications indexed to the term Blast Injuries

1Penetration Thresholds of Porcine Limbs for Low Sectional Density Projectiles in High-Rate Impact. (LeSueur J, Koser J, Hampton C, Kleinberger M, Pintar FA) Mil Med 2024 Aug 19;189(Suppl 3):517-524       1 Citation
1Pelvis-Sacrum-Lumbar Spine Injury Characteristics From Underbody Blast Loading. (Yoganandan N, Baisden J, Moore J, Pintar F, Vedantam A, Shabani S, Barnes D, Loftis K) Mil Med 2023 Nov 08;188(Suppl 6):393-399    
1Temporal corridors of forces and moments, and injuries to pelvis-lumbar spine in vertical impact simulating underbody blast. (Yoganandan N, Humm J, Baisden J, Moore J, Pintar F, Wassick M, Barnes D, Loftis K) J Biomech 2023 Mar;150:111490       2 Citations
1The Human Lumbar Spine During High-Rate Under Seat Loading: A Combined Metric Injury Criteria. (Ortiz-Paparoni M, Op 't Eynde J, Kait J, Bigler B, Shridharani J, Schmidt A, Cox C, Morino C, Pintar F, Yoganandan N, Moore J, Zhang J, Bass CR) Ann Biomed Eng 2021 Nov;49(11):3018-3030       14 Citations
1Dynamic Response of the Thoracolumbar and Sacral Spine to Simulated Underbody Blast Loading in Whole Body Post Mortem Human Subject Tests. (Sherman D, Somasundaram K, Begeman P, Foley S, Greb J, Bir C, Demetropoulos CK, Cavanaugh JM) Ann Biomed Eng 2021 Nov;49(11):3046-3079       6 Citations
1Evaluating thoracolumbar spine response during simulated underbody blast impact using a total human body finite element model. (Somasundaram K, Zhang L, Sherman D, Begeman P, Lyu D, Cavanaugh JM) J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 2019 Dec;100:103398       20 Citations
3Effects of Mild Blast Traumatic Brain Injury on Cognitive- and Addiction-Related Behaviors. (Muelbl MJ, Slaker ML, Shah AS, Nawarawong NN, Gerndt CH, Budde MD, Stemper BD, Olsen CM) Sci Rep 2018 Jul 02;8(1):9941       29 Citations
3Human Foot-Ankle Injuries and Associated Risk Curves from Under Body Blast Loading Conditions. (Chirvi S, Pintar F, Yoganandan N, Banerjee A, Schlick M, Curry W, Voo L) Stapp Car Crash J 2017 Nov;61:157-173       19 Citations
1The Biological Basis of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy following Blast Injury: A Literature Review. (Aldag M, Armstrong RC, Bandak F, Bellgowan PSF, Bentley T, Biggerstaff S, Caravelli K, Cmarik J, Crowder A, DeGraba TJ, Dittmer TA, Ellenbogen RG, Greene C, Gupta RK, Hicks R, Hoffman S, Latta RC 3rd, Leggieri MJ Jr, Marion D, Mazzoli R, McCrea M, O'Donnell J, Packer M, Petro JB, Rasmussen TE, Sammons-Jackson W, Shoge R, Tepe V, Tremaine LA, Zheng J) J Neurotrauma 2017 Sep;34(S1):S26-S43       22 Citations
2Acute death of astrocytes in blast-exposed rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. (Miller AP, Shah AS, Aperi BV, Kurpad SN, Stemper BD, Glavaski-Joksimovic A) PLoS One 2017;12(3):e0173167       24 Citations
2Dynamic Responses of Intact Post Mortem Human Surrogates from Inferior-to-Superior Loading at the Pelvis. (Yoganandan N, Moore J, Arun MW, Pintar FA) Stapp Car Crash J 2014 Nov;58:123-43       31 Citations
3Cervical spine injury biomechanics: Applications for under body blast loadings in military environments. (Yoganandan N, Stemper BD, Pintar FA, Maiman DJ, McEntire BJ, Chancey VC) Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 2013 Jul;28(6):602-9       31 Citations
2Experimental study of blast-induced traumatic brain injury using a physical head model. (Zhang J, Pintar FA, Yoganandan N, Gennarelli TA, Son SF) Stapp Car Crash J 2009 Nov;53:215-27       25 Citations
1Challenges associated with post-deployment screening for mild traumatic brain injury in military personnel. (Iverson GL, Langlois JA, McCrea MA, Kelly JP) Clin Neuropsychol 2009 Nov;23(8):1299-314       73 Citations
1Cerebrovascular resuscitation after polytrauma and fluid restriction. (Earle SA, de Moya MA, Zuccarelli JE, Norenberg MD, Proctor KG) J Am Coll Surg 2007 Feb;204(2):261-75       20 Citations
1Landmines: not just another travel risk. (Hargarten SW, Cortes LM) J Travel Med 2001;8(5):229-31       2 Citations
1Tire explosion injuries to the upper extremity. (Matloub HS, Prevel CD, Sanger JR, Yousif NJ, Devine CA, Romano J) Ann Plast Surg 1992 Dec;29(6):559-63       8 Citations
1Self-inflicted midline facial gunshot wounds: the case for a combined craniofacial and microvascular team approach. (Denny AD, Sanger JR, Matloub HS, Yousif NJ) Ann Plast Surg 1992 Dec;29(6):564-70       28 Citations