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Publications indexed to the term Community Health Services

1Prevention of Firearm Violence Through Specific Types of Community-based Programming: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Evidence-based Review. (Bonne SL, Violano P, Duncan TK, Pappas PA, Baltazar GA, Dultz LA, Schroeder ME, Capella J, Hirsh M, Conrad-Schnetz K, Rattan R, Como JJ, Jewell S, Crandall ML) Ann Surg 2021 Aug 01;274(2):298-305       16 Citations
1Philadelphia glaucoma detection and treatment project: ocular outcomes and adherence to follow-up at a single health centre. (Adeghate JO, Hark LA, Brown H, Henderer JD, Waisbourd M, Molineaux J, Malik K, Maity A, Chuang D, Donches K, Heres C, Eburuoh R, Schardt M, Yu D, Ramsey F, Myers JS, Katz LJ) Can J Ophthalmol 2019 Dec;54(6):717-722       5 Citations
3Engaging African American Women in Community-Based Health Promotion Programs: Key-Informant Recommendations. (Holt JM, Johnson TS, Zabler B) J Community Health Nurs 2018;35(3):137-147       2 Citations
2Empirically Derived Lessons Learned about What Makes Peer-Led Exercise Groups Flourish. (Fletcher KE, Ertl K, Ruffalo L, Harris L, Whittle J) Prog Community Health Partnersh 2017;11(4):379-386       5 Citations
1Patient attitudes towards community-based tuberculosis DOT and adherence to treatment in an urban setting; Kampala, Uganda. (Hassard S, Ronald A, Angella K) Pan Afr Med J 2017;27:1       11 Citations
1Development of Collaborative Drug Therapy Management and Clinical Pharmacy Services in an Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic. (Tewksbury A, Bozymski KM, Ruekert L, Lum C, Cunningham E, Covington F) J Pharm Pract 2018 Jun;31(3):272-278       13 Citations
1Urban Youth Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Lead Poisoning. (Bogar S, Szabo A, Woodruff S, Johnson S) J Community Health 2017 Dec;42(6):1255-1266       21 Citations
1Implementation of an Adjunct Strategy to Reduce Blood Pressure in Blacks with Uncontrolled Hypertension: a Pilot Project. (Tully M, Kos A, Eastwood D, Kusch J, Kotchen T) Ethn Dis 2015;25(2):168-74       7 Citations
1Community gastroenterologists can learn diminutive colon polyp histology characterization with narrow band imaging by a computer-based teaching module. (Sinh P, Gupta N, Rao DS, Wani S, Sharma P, Bansal A, Allen J, Ketover SR, Rastogi A) Dig Endosc 2015 Mar;27(3):374-80       7 Citations
1Evidence-based characteristics of nurse-managed health centers for quality and outcomes. (Holt J, Zabler B, Baisch MJ) Nurs Outlook 2014;62(6):428-39       16 Citations
1Acceptance and use of health information technology by community-dwelling elders. (Fischer SH, David D, Crotty BH, Dierks M, Safran C) Int J Med Inform 2014 Sep;83(9):624-35       285 Citations
1Assessment of community mobilization and home-based HIV counselling and testing offered by health facilities in rural Uganda. (Shumba CS, Atuhaire L, Memiah P, Atukunda R) Afr J Reprod Health 2013 Dec;17(4 Spec No):171-6       6 Citations
1A comparison of community-based and hospital-based head and neck cancer screening campaigns: identifying high-risk individuals and early disease. (Harris MS, Phillips DR, Sayer JL, Moore MG) JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2013 Jun;139(6):568-73       14 Citations
1Community-based medical school expansion holds potential for addressing physician shortage. (Kerschner JE) WMJ 2012 Feb;111(1):41-2    
1A model to translate evidence-based interventions into community practice. (Layde PM, Christiansen AL, Peterson DJ, Guse CE, Maurana CA, Brandenburg T) Am J Public Health 2012 Apr;102(4):617-24       27 Citations
1Study abroad as a tool for promoting cultural safety in nursing education. (Mkandawire-Valhmu L, Doering J) J Transcult Nurs 2012 Jan;23(1):82-9       35 Citations
1Pediatric emergency mass critical care: the role of community preparedness in conserving critical care resources. (Burkle FM Jr, Williams A, Kissoon N, Task Force for Pediatric Emergency Mass Critical Care) Pediatr Crit Care Med 2011 Nov;12(6 Suppl):S141-51       9 Citations
4The urban and community health pathway: preparing socially responsive physicians through community-engaged learning. (Meurer LN, Young SA, Meurer JR, Johnson SL, Gilbert IA, Diehr S, Urban and Community Health Pathway Planning Council) Am J Prev Med 2011 Oct;41(4 Suppl 3):S228-36       51 Citations
2Engaging community-based veterans' organizations in health promotion programs. (Patterson L, Morzinski J, Ertl K, Wurm C, Hayes A, Whittle J) Fam Community Health 2011;34(4):311-8       8 Citations
1Optimizing community resources to address sudden cardiac death. (Kwon Y, Aufderheide TP) Heart Fail Clin 2011 Apr;7(2):277-86, ix-x    
1Provider perspectives on evidence-based HIV prevention interventions: barriers and facilitators to implementation. (Owczarzak J, Dickson-Gomez J) AIDS Patient Care STDS 2011 Mar;25(3):171-9       28 Citations
1Take Heart America: A comprehensive, community-wide, systems-based approach to the treatment of cardiac arrest. (Lick CJ, Aufderheide TP, Niskanen RA, Steinkamp JE, Davis SP, Nygaard SD, Bemenderfer KK, Gonzales L, Kalla JA, Wald SK, Gillquist DL, Sayre MR, Osaki Holm SY, Oakes DA, Provo TA, Racht EM, Olsen JD, Yannopoulos D, Lurie KG) Crit Care Med 2011 Jan;39(1):26-33    
1Resources and obstacles to developing and implementing a structural intervention to prevent HIV in San Salvador, El Salvador. (Dickson-Gomez J, Corbett AM, Bodnar G, Rodriguez K, Guevara CE) Soc Sci Med 2010 Feb;70(3):351-359       12 Citations
1Standardization of severe sepsis management: a survey of methodologies in academic and community settings. (Nguyen HB, Oh J, Otero RM, Burroughs K, Wittlake WA, Corbett SW) J Emerg Med 2010 Feb;38(2):122-30, quiz 130-2       9 Citations
1Unofficial policy: access to housing, housing information and social services among homeless drug users in Hartford, Connecticut. (Dickson-Gomez J, Convey M, Hilario H, Corbett AM, Weeks M) Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 2007 Mar 07;2:8       35 Citations
1Cost-effectiveness of a community-level HIV risk reduction intervention for women living in low-income housing developments. (Johnson-Masotti AP, Pinkerton SD, Sikkema KJ, Kelly JA, Wagstaff DA) J Prim Prev 2005 Jul;26(4):345-62       10 Citations
1Changing HIV and AIDS-related behavior: promising approaches at the individual, group, and community levels. (Weinhardt LS) Behav Modif 2005 Mar;29(2):219-26       2 Citations
4Distance communication transfer of HIV prevention interventions to service providers. (Kelly JA, Somlai AM, Benotsch EG, McAuliffe TL, Amirkhanian YA, Brown KD, Stevenson LY, Fernandez MI, Sitzler C, Gore-Felton C, Pinkerton SD, Weinhardt LS, Opgenorth KM) Science 2004 Sep 24;305(5692):1953-5       25 Citations
1Patient empowerment strategies for a safety net. (Wolff M, Spens R, Young S, Lucey P, Cooper J, Ahmed S, Maurana C) Nurs Econ 2003;21(5):219-25, 207       4 Citations
1Measuring the performance of screening mammography in community practice with Medicare claims data. (Freeman JL, Goodwin JS, Zhang D, Nattinger AB, Freeman DH Jr) Women Health 2003;37(2):1-15       16 Citations
1Assessing consumers' interest in health care services offered in community pharmacies. (MacKinnon GE 3rd, Mahrous H) J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash) 2002;42(3):512-5       4 Citations
1Involvement of family and community medicine professionals in community projects. (Beck B, Wolff M, Guse CE, Maurana CA) J Fam Pract 2002 Apr;51(4):369       4 Citations
1A community-based obesity prevention program for minority children: rationale and study design for Hip-Hop to Health Jr. (Fitzgibbon ML, Stolley MR, Dyer AR, VanHorn L, KauferChristoffel K) Prev Med 2002 Feb;34(2):289-97       111 Citations
1Community advocates in public housing. (Wolff M, Young S, Maurana CA) Am J Public Health 2001 Dec;91(12):1972-3       4 Citations
1Project UJIMA: working together to make things right. (Marcelle DR, Melzer-Lange MD) WMJ 2001;100(2):22-5       37 Citations
1Bridging research and practice: community-researcher partnerships for replicating effective interventions. (Rotheram-Borus MJ, Rebchook GM, Kelly JA, Adams J, Neumann MS) AIDS Educ Prev 2000;12(5 Suppl):49-61       34 Citations
1From science to application: the development of an intervention package. (Kegeles SM, Rebchook GM, Hays RB, Terry MA, O'Donnell L, Leonard NR, Kelly JA, Neumann MS) AIDS Educ Prev 2000;12(5 Suppl):62-74       41 Citations
1Orientation and training: preparing agency administrators and staff to replicate an HIV prevention intervention. (Adams J, Terry MA, Rebchook GM, O'Donnell L, Kelly JA, Leonard NR, Neumann MS) AIDS Educ Prev 2000;12(5 Suppl):75-86       18 Citations
1Transfer of research-based HIV prevention interventions to community service providers: fidelity and adaptation. (Kelly JA, Heckman TG, Stevenson LY, Williams PN, Ertl T, Hays RB, Leonard NR, O'Donnell L, Terry MA, Sogolow ED, Neumann MS) AIDS Educ Prev 2000;12(5 Suppl):87-98       136 Citations
1Future directions and emerging issues in technology transfer between HIV prevention researchers and community-based service providers. (Kelly JA, Sogolow ED, Neumann MS) AIDS Educ Prev 2000;12(5 Suppl):126-41       37 Citations
1The role of technical assistance in the replication of effective HIV interventions. (O'Donnell L, Scattergood P, Adler M, Doval AS, Barker M, Kelly JA, Kegeles SM, Rebchook GM, Adams J, Terry MA, Neumann MS) AIDS Educ Prev 2000;12(5 Suppl):99-111       33 Citations
1Reaching out to the underserved: a successful volunteer program. (Ahmed SM, Maurana CA) Am J Public Health 2000 Mar;90(3):439-40       10 Citations
1A single-visit cervical carcinoma prevention program offered at an inner city church: A pilot project. (Holschneider CH, Felix JC, Satmary W, Johnson MT, Sandweiss LM, Montz FJ) Cancer 1999 Dec 15;86(12):2659-67       31 Citations
2Current HIV prevention activities for women and gay men among 77 ASOs. (Somlai AM, Kelly JA, Otto-Salaj L, McAuliffe TL, Hackl K, DiFranceisco W, Amick B, Heckman TG, Holtgrave DR, Rompa DJ) J Public Health Manag Pract 1999 Sep;5(5):23-33       25 Citations
1Validity of drug use reporting in a high-risk community sample: a comparison of cocaine and heroin survey reports with hair tests. (Fendrich M, Johnson TP, Sudman S, Wislar JS, Spiehler V) Am J Epidemiol 1999 May 15;149(10):955-62       134 Citations
1Community-level interventions are needed to prevent new HIV infections. (Kelly JA) Am J Public Health 1999 Mar;89(3):299-301       73 Citations
1Patterns, predictors and gender differences in HIV risk among severely mentally ill men and women. (Otto-Salaj LL, Heckman TG, Stevenson LY, Kelly JA) Community Ment Health J 1998 Apr;34(2):175-90       73 Citations
1A successful academic-community partnership to improve the public's health. (Maurana CA, Goldenberg K) Acad Med 1996 May;71(5):425-31       47 Citations
1Sexually transmitted disease prevention approaches that work. Interventions to reduce risk behavior among individuals, groups, and communities. (Kelly JA) Sex Transm Dis 1994;21(2 Suppl):S73-5       16 Citations
1Injury control. A crucial aspect of emergency medicine. (Hargarten SW, Karlson T) Emerg Med Clin North Am 1993 Feb;11(1):255-62       19 Citations
1Some lessons learned about risk reduction after ten years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. (Kelly JA, Murphy DA) AIDS Care 1991;3(3):251-7       14 Citations