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Publications indexed to the term Enteritis

1Dupilumab in adolescent eosinophilic esophagitis: Experience with fibrostenosis and eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease with esophageal involvement. (Becker R, Rigsby M, Suchi M, Lerner DG, Chugh A) J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2024 Jun;78(6):1337-1341    
1Calprotectin in cystic fibrosis. (Rumman N, Sultan M, El-Chammas K, Goh V, Salzman N, Quintero D, Werlin S) BMC Pediatr 2014 May 29;14:133       39 Citations
2Multicenter evaluation of the Verigene Clostridium difficile nucleic acid assay. (Carroll KC, Buchan BW, Tan S, Stamper PD, Riebe KM, Pancholi P, Kelly C, Rao A, Fader R, Cavagnolo R, Watson W, Goering RV, Trevino EA, Weissfeld AS, Ledeboer NA) J Clin Microbiol 2013 Dec;51(12):4120-5       33 Citations
1Treatment of metronidazole-refractory Clostridium difficile enteritis with vancomycin. (Follmar KE, Condron SA, Turner II, Nathan JD, Ludwig KA) Surg Infect (Larchmt) 2008 Apr;9(2):195-200       15 Citations
2Clostridium difficile enteritis: an early postoperative complication in inflammatory bowel disease patients after colectomy. (Lundeen SJ, Otterson MF, Binion DG, Carman ET, Peppard WJ) J Gastrointest Surg 2007 Feb;11(2):138-42       75 Citations
1Regulated production of interferon-inducible T-cell chemoattractants by human intestinal epithelial cells. (Dwinell MB, Lügering N, Eckmann L, Kagnoff MF) Gastroenterology 2001 Jan;120(1):49-59       181 Citations
1Uptake and presentation of antigen to T cells by primary colonic epithelial cells in normal and diseased states. (Telega GW, Baumgart DC, Carding SR) Gastroenterology 2000 Dec;119(6):1548-59       34 Citations
1Impaired activation of cytosolic phospolipase A(2) in inflamed canine colonic circular muscle. (Ali I, Campbell WB, Sarna SK) Gastroenterology 2000 Jul;119(1):62-70       8 Citations
1Use of Dexon Mesh for abdominal partitioning above the peritoneal reflection. (Evans DB, Shumate CR, Ames FC, Rich TA) Dis Colon Rectum 1991 Sep;34(9):833-5       5 Citations