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Publications indexed to the term Organizations

1Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society Consensus Guidelines for Emergency Laparotomy Part 3: Organizational Aspects and General Considerations for Management of the Emergency Laparotomy Patient. (Peden CJ, Aggarwal G, Aitken RJ, Anderson ID, Balfour A, Foss NB, Cooper Z, Dhesi JK, French WB, Grant MC, Hammarqvist F, Hare SP, Havens JM, Holena DN, Hübner M, Johnston C, Kim JS, Lees NP, Ljungqvist O, Lobo DN, Mohseni S, Ordoñez CA, Quiney N, Sharoky C, Urman RD, Wick E, Wu CL, Young-Fadok T, Scott MJ) World J Surg 2023 Aug;47(8):1881-1898       8 Citations
1Academic Global Surgery: Creating Opportunities, Equity, and Diversity. (Vaghaiwalla T, Gyawali S, Jayaram A, Nathani P, Sawhney R, Long K, Dodgion C, Raykar N, Puyana JC, Joshi A, Advocacy Committee of the Association for Academic Global Surgery) Ann Glob Health 2023;89(1):12       10 Citations
3Living the Manatt report: Advancing the future of nursing through joint academic appointments. (Pfister JK, Kuester JC, McDermott K, Talbert L, Schindler CA) J Prof Nurs 2021;37(2):422-425       2 Citations
1The Optimal Distribution of Surgery in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Proposed Matrix for Determining Country-Level Organization of Surgical Services - A Response to the Recent Commentaries. (Iverson KR, Svensson E, Sonderman K, Barthélemy EJ, Citron I, Vaughan KA, Powell BL, Meara JG, Shrime MG) Int J Health Policy Manag 2022 Apr 01;11(4):544-546    
1The legacy of the Home Owners' Loan Corporation and the political ecology of urban trees and air pollution in the United States. (Namin S, Xu W, Zhou Y, Beyer K) Soc Sci Med 2020 Feb;246:112758       95 Citations
1A National Study on the Effects of Concussion in Collegiate Athletes and US Military Service Academy Members: The NCAA-DoD Concussion Assessment, Research and Education (CARE) Consortium Structure and Methods. (Broglio SP, McCrea M, McAllister T, Harezlak J, Katz B, Hack D, Hainline B, CARE Consortium Investigators) Sports Med 2017 Jul;47(7):1437-1451       256 Citations
2Gang masculinity and high-risk sexual behaviours. (Dickson-Gomez J, Quinn K, Broaddus M, Pacella M) Cult Health Sex 2017 Feb;19(2):165-178       20 Citations
2Building a global teledermatology collaboration. (Bobbs M, Bayer M, Frazer T, Humphrey S, Wilson B, Olasz E, Holland K, Kuzminski J) Int J Dermatol 2016 Apr;55(4):446-9       9 Citations
1Relationships between community-based processes for research ethics review and institution-based IRBs: a national study. (Shore N, Drew E, Brazauskas R, Seifer SD) J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics 2011 Jun;6(2):13-21       31 Citations
3Programmes, resources, and needs of HIV-prevention nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Africa, Central/Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. (Kelly JA, Somlai AM, Benotsch EG, Amirkhanian YA, Fernandez MI, Stevenson LY, Sitzler CA, McAuliffe TL, Brown KD, Opgenorth KM) AIDS Care 2006 Jan;18(1):12-21       51 Citations
1HIV prevention programs of nongovernmental organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean: the Global AIDS Intervention Network project. (Fernandez MI, Kelly JA, Stevenson LY, Sitzler CA, Hurtado J, Valdez C, Vallejo F, Somlai AM, Amirkanian YA, Benotsch EG, Brown KD, Opgennorth KM) Rev Panam Salud Publica 2005 Mar;17(3):154-62       12 Citations
4Distance communication transfer of HIV prevention interventions to service providers. (Kelly JA, Somlai AM, Benotsch EG, McAuliffe TL, Amirkhanian YA, Brown KD, Stevenson LY, Fernandez MI, Sitzler C, Gore-Felton C, Pinkerton SD, Weinhardt LS, Opgenorth KM) Science 2004 Sep 24;305(5692):1953-5       25 Citations
1HIV prevention in Africa: programs and populations served by non-governmental organizations. (Benotsch EG, Stevenson LY, Sitzler CA, Kelly JA, Makhaye G, Mathey ED, Somlai AM, Brown KD, Amirkhanian Y, Fernandez MI, Opgenorth KM) J Community Health 2004 Aug;29(4):319-36       20 Citations
2HIV prevention nongovernmental organizations in Central and Eastern Europe: programs, resources and challenges. (Amirkhanian YA, Kelly JA, Benotsch EG, Somlai AM, Brown KD, Fernandez MI, Opgenorth KM) Cent Eur J Public Health 2004 Mar;12(1):12-8       16 Citations
1The international bone marrow transplant registry. (Goldman JM, Horowitz MM) Int J Hematol 2002 Aug;76 Suppl 1:393-7       67 Citations
1Cusp and butterfly catastrophe modeling of two opponent process models: drug addiction and work performance. (Guastello SJ) Behav Sci 1984 Oct;29(4):258-62       23 Citations