Publications indexed to the term Pamphlets
Faculty | Title |
1 | Assessment of Follow-up Care After Emergency Department Presentation for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion: Results From the TRACK-TBI Study. (Seabury SA, Gaudette É, Goldman DP, Markowitz AJ, Brooks J, McCrea MA, Okonkwo DO, Manley GT, TRACK-TBI Investigators, Adeoye O, Badjatia N, Boase K, Bodien Y, Bullock MR, Chesnut R, Corrigan JD, Crawford K, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dikmen S, Duhaime AC, Ellenbogen R, Feeser VR, Ferguson A, Foreman B, Gardner R, Giacino J, Gonzalez L, Gopinath S, Gullapalli R, Hemphill JC, Hotz G, Jain S, Korley F, Kramer J, Kreitzer N, Levin H, Lindsell C, Machamer J, Madden C, Martin A, McAllister T, Merchant R, Mukherjee P, Nelson L, Noel F, Palacios E, Perl D, Puccio A, Rabinowitz M, Robertson C, Rosand J, Sander A, Satris G, Schnyer D, Sherer M, Stein M, Taylor S, Temkin N, Toga A, Valadka A, Vassar M, Vespa P, Wang K, Yue J, Yuh E, Zafonte R) JAMA Netw Open 2018 May 18;1(1):e180210 132 Citations |
1 | Technology-Intensified Diabetes Education Study (TIDES) in African Americans with type 2 diabetes: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (Williams JS, Lynch CP, Knapp RG, Egede LE) Trials 2014 Nov 25;15:460 12 Citations |
1 | Supplemental written information improves prenatal counseling: a randomized trial. (Muthusamy AD, Leuthner S, Gaebler-Uhing C, Hoffmann RG, Li SH, Basir MA) Pediatrics 2012 May;129(5):e1269-74 46 Citations |
2 | Blood center practice and education for blood donors with anemia. (Delaney M, Schellhase KG, Young S, Geiger S, Fink A, Mast AE) Transfusion 2011 May;51(5):929-36 20 Citations |
2 | Community blood donors' knowledge of anemia and design of a literacy-appropriate educational intervention. (Young S, Fink A, Geiger S, Marbella A, Mast AE, Schellhase KG) Transfusion 2010 Jan;50(1):75-9 6 Citations |
1 | A study of the effectiveness of a pain management education booklet for parents of children having cardiac surgery. (Huth MM, Broome ME, Mussatto KA, Morgan SW) Pain Manag Nurs 2003 Mar;4(1):31-9 51 Citations |
1 | Educating patients with limited literacy skills: the effectiveness of printed and videotaped materials about colon cancer. (Meade CD, McKinney WP, Barnas GP) Am J Public Health 1994 Jan;84(1):119-21 182 Citations |